Web programming

Units WEB1P and WEB2P

Coursework details and marking scheme

Draft requirements specification (5%)

Mark Criteria
5 Excellently presented + full specification + credible to implement
4 Meets two of the above, but sub-standard in the third
3 A basic requirements specification
2 Shows evidence of meeting the criteria of a requirements specification
1 A reasonable attempt but not reaching the above standard
0 Nothing sensible submitted

Draft user interface specification (5%)

Mark Criteria
5 Excellently presented + full specification + credible to implement
4 Meets two of the above, but sub-standard in the third
3 A basic user interface specification
2 Shows evidence of meeting the criteria of a user interface specification
1 A reasonable attempt but not reaching the above standard
0 Nothing sensible submitted

Intermediate demonstration (10%)

Submit your web application in the specified format.

  1. Brief description of problem being solved (1 marks)
  2. Explain planned solution (2 marks)
  3. Demonstrate working components and their interaction (5 marks broken down as follows)
    1. Web interface
      1. Working Forms (1 mark)
      2. Working JSP (1 mark)
      3. MVC pattern being used (1 mark)
    2. Interaction with remote service(s)
      1. Composed request sent (1 mark)
      2. Response received (1 mark)
  4. Outline steps to complete artefact (2 marks)

Final demonstration (40%)

Submit your web application in the specified format.

Marked according to the marking scheme specified here.

Coursework report (40%)

Technical and project management aspects described

20 marks

Quality of reflection 20 marks

Requirements for the coursework report

The coursework report should be no longer then 1500 words in length (approx six A4 pages).

The coursework report should normally be written in the third person and contain the following:


Something that describes what your coursework is about.


A brief description of the aims and objectives of the coursework. Possibly, explain why this particular coursework project was of interest and chosen.


Briefly describe the key components. Include at least one diagram showing the flow of information between the components that make up the artefact. It is most important to highlight and justify your design choices.

Implementation and testing

Describe your experiences implementing the artefact. Here you should briefly, discuss your choice of development tools, highlight areas of development that were particularly tricky, and explain how you overcame problems. You should also outline how you tested the components that make up your artefact.


Summarise what you have undertaken in the coursework. In particular highlight the good and bad design and technology decisions that you made. Conclude by briefly discussing an alternative approach that could have potentially been taken with the benefit of hindsight.


Cite about four or five key sources of information (e.g. books, papers or URLs) that were most useful for the coursework.


Last updated by Prof Jim Briggs of the School of Computing at the University of Portsmouth

The web programming units include some material that was formerly part of the WPRMP, WECPP, WPSSM and WEMAM units.