Enterprise web programming

Modules ENTWA (Level 6) and APSW (Level 7)

Submission instructions

Mandatory application format

See Web applications - specification for details of:

Submiting via an online project repository

Provided that Jim Briggs knows:

  1. the name of your GitHub/Kenai/Java.Net project
  2. the path to your project

and he can access it, there is nothing further you need to do other than to ensure that Jim has access. Jim will download the version of your project as it was stored in the repository at the submission deadline.

If you suspect this won't work, the failsafe procedure is to submit it to a Moodle dropbox as specified below.

Submitting to a Moodle dropbox

  1. Zip up your NetBeans project into a single file.
  2. Submit it to the appropriate Moodle dropbox for that coursework assignment.
  3. If there is no appropriate Moodle dropbox, email it to Jim Briggs.

What if the ZIP file is too big?

  1. If your ZIP file is too big to email or submit to the dropbox, reduce it in size by carrying out the following steps until it is small enough to send:
    1. Delete the .war file from the /dist directory
    2. Delete all files from the /build directory

Submitting via Google Drive

  1. As a last resort, upload your file to an online file sharing service (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox or YouSendIt) and email me or submit to the dropbox the URL it gives you.

Last updated by Prof Jim Briggs of the School of Computing at the University of Portsmouth

The enterprise web programming modules include some material that was formerly part of the WEB1P and WEB2P units.