Jim's copyright policy on football material

I produce or have produced a number of American Football publications and I am happy to provide copies of them online for people to use fairly.

The situation is as follows:

The text of the following publications (in various editions) was produced on behalf of BAFRA and copyright is vested in them:

However, the copyright in electronic (including but not limited to HTML, PDF and Postscript) representations of these documents is mine.

You can use my documents freely for private reference or study. You may NOT (without explicit permission):

  1. Post any of the files on any server
  2. Download any files except for the purpose of private reference or study
  3. Print out or otherwise reproduce on paper more than one copy of any file

If you want to ask permission for any other use, please email me. I'll try and be as helpful as I can provided I think your proposed use is fair.

I am quite happy for people to make links to my pages provided the spirit of this policy is maintained and readers are made aware of this policy.

Jim Briggs.

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