Computing and Maths Programme Area

CAM Computing Committee

Minutes of an extraordinary meeting on 19th January 2004

Time: 1400

Venue: BT1.05

Present: Jim Briggs (Chair), Steve Broadbent, Cheryl Johnson, Ed Kopinski, Robert Topp, Alison White

In attendance: Julian Lintell-Smith (ISO Systems & LAN Technical Support Manager)

Apologies: Dean Ledger, Mike McCabe, Gary Bown, Andrew Little

Agenda Notes Action Status

Computing Developmental Engagement

The meeting discussed the IT Support issues raised in the report of the Computing Developmental Engagement, and the memo by Peter Hicks and Frank Margrave proposing a way forward.

Brainstorming came up with a list of ideas and suggestions.

JSB agreed to forward the list as the Committee's response to Peter and Frank's memo and to put the ideas forward to the Faculty for consideration.

JSB Done

Last updated by Dr Jim Briggs of the School of Computing at the University of Portsmouth.