CAM Computer Committee - Operational Sub-committee

Notes from meeting 5th November 2003

Venue: BT1.08

Present: Jim Briggs (Chair), Steve Broadbent, Ed Kopinski, Alison White

Apologies: Les Black, Dean Ledger

Previous meeting's notes

Agenda Notes Action Status

Actions carried forward

Actions completed are noted in the minutes of the previous meeting.    
  SB raised an issue concerning memory on 92 machines older that run Oracle 9i client. This needs 512MB of memory and the machines have 256MB. JSB to discuss with Angela Fletcher how pressing the need is. No problems from Angela's point of view. Action closed.

Outstanding requests/orders: software


Adobe After Effects 6.0

Gary Bown has requested 11 copies for M2.4 JSB to discuss further with Gary Used for putting credits on videos. Ordered 11 copies of the "standard" version.

Outstanding requests/orders: hardware




Lab information on the web

Do we have Anglesea info yet?

Server info (see here)

SB to sort out Anglesea

EK to sort out servers

SB to complete Anglesea info by 9th January.

Staff who make changes to a server to inform JSB who is keeping the server info page.

Major projects


Operational problems


Any other business


CSSE laptops

AW noted that CSSE had purchased a number of laptops and tablet PCs which would need to be configured.    


JSB requested an investigation into whether NetBeans (a Java IDE) could be installed in all labs. If successful, it would replace Visual Cafe in M4-2 and Anglesea and allow an old Java SDK to be removed. SB to investigate Not network aware - installation always on C: drive. Mike Reid investigating.


JSB had received a request from a project student for this, but nobody knew anything about it.    

Date of next meeting

Friday 28th November at 1430 in BT1.08 (JSB's office)