CAM Computing Committee - Operational Sub-committee

Notes from meeting 11th January 2005

Venue: BT1.08 at 1100

Present: Jim Briggs (Chair), Steve Broadbent, Alex Counsell, Alison White, Ed Kopinski

Apologies: Les Black

Previous meeting's notes

Agenda Notes Action Status

Actions carried forward

Actions completed are noted in the minutes of the previous meeting.    

Outstanding requests/orders: software


Outstanding requests/orders: hardware




Major projects


Operational issues


Any other business


Lion Gate labs roof

AC reported that the roof could now be renewed without having to clear the lab. He will agree details with Estates.    

Mouse buttons

SB reported that a fix for the mouse button problem had been identified. It involved resetting users' settings on login. It was agreed to implement this for all CAM students. SB Solved.

Research PCs

SB reported that some new machines had been purchased by CT that had not been set up correctly for the network (nor, presumably, electrically tested). EK to contact HoDs regarding departmental purchases. EK Still to do, but procedure being drafted. Will include delivery to Faculty Stores in order to get electrical testing done.

Visual Studio

SB reported a problem that if a VS6 project was read into VS.NET (or vice versa), the project would be trashed. This means it is undesirable to have both installed on the same machines (which would in any case take up 15GB of space). This was making timetabling difficult.

It was agreed that we should support only VS.NET from next academic year. SB to consult further (including with timetablers).

SB Sorted provided that users click on the NAL icon, rather than the project file.

Date of next meeting

Tuesday 15th February at 1000 in BT1.08 (JSB's office)