School of Computing

IT Committee

Notes from meeting 8th November 2006

Venue: BK1.07 at 1000

Present: Jim Briggs (Chair), Les Black, Mo Adda, Alison White

Apologies: Stuart Graves

Agenda Notes Action Status




Actions carried forward

Actions completed are noted in the minutes of the previous meeting.    

Software in Mercantile House labs

LB is updating the IS web pages that document the facilities available in each location (for Faculty of Technology)



Lion Gate labs

Concern was also expressed about the environment and security of LG0.7. It is usually warm in there, and it is impossible for anyone to open the windows without standing on desks. There is furniture stored in there. The carpet is dirty. There is no whiteboard in LG0.7a. There is a considerable security risk because the room is often unoccupied, has easy access through the fire escape to the car park, and there are question marks about how quickly there would be a security response if the alarm was set off. The Committee took the view that CCTV was necessary for security reasons.

JB had raised it as a matter of urgency at FITC. No action yet from FITC.

JB -> FITC Ongoing

Lectern PCs

It was noted that staff need to check that the NAL objects for software they need in lectures are available on the lectern PCs in question. Generally, this will be the case - LB to identify exceptions. LB Sorted except that Oracle will not be available.

Printers in BK

The A3 printer in BK1.08 is scheduled for repair - John Moss in IS is awaiting delivery of replacement print heads.

A need for A4 duplex printing in BK (particularly upstairs) was noted. JB agreed to review printer policy.

JB Ongoing

Move of projector from BT1.05 to BK0.11

SG noted that IS did not have a responsibility for AV equipment, other than the software on the attached PC. As a favour, he had attempted to facilitate the transfer of the ceiling projector from BT1.05 to BK0.11 but had had to give up when the keys to unlock it could not be traced.

JB had raised it with FITC and SG had agreed to take it on..

JB -> FITC -> SG Ongoing

Research student PCs

It was noted that some of the research students who had finished their 3 years of normal registration were still in possession of both a PC and a laptop. MA agreed to chase them to ensure that at least one machine was returned immediately and that a date in the near future for the return of the other was agreed.

Partially completed. JB to talk to Ajit.

JB Ongoing

Outstanding requests/orders



Nothing to discuss    

Major projects

Nothing to discuss    

Operational issues


XP rollout

JB agreed to remind staff to arrange authorisation for admin rights to their PC. JB Done


JB agreed to remind staff to be responsible for backing up their storage (other than the N drive). JB Done
LB agreed to find out what IS would charge for additional N drive quota LB Free for up to 4GB

Mouse back buttons

It was noted that the fix to disable mouse back buttons that had been adopted in MH labs needed to be applied in LG labs. AW Done

Tiger down time

AW reported that Tiger would be down on the afternoon of Friday 10th November for scheduled maintenance. This affected some classes. JB agreed to take this up with SG JB Done

Any other business


Date of next meeting

Wednesday 6th December at 1000 in BK1.07    

Last updated by Dr Jim Briggs of the School of Computing at the University of Portsmouth.