Computing Research, Consultancy and External Activities Committee

MINUTES of a meeting on 30 March 2004

2.00pm in the Staff Room at Burnaby Terrace (BT0.23)


Jim Briggs


Penny Ross, Jenny Jerrams-Smith, John Rosbottom, Roger Beresford (left at 2.50pm), Tony Kalus, Alex Gegov


Jane Chandler, Steve Hand, Tom Addis, Max Bramer, Frank Stowell, George Allan, Richard Healey


Trisha Kelly taking minutes




Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes of the meeting on 20 November 2003 were approved.



JSB welcomed Penny to her first meeting as student representative.


Matters arising from previous minutes




To be re-visited at a later date.



JSB reported that Nicola Hay from Art, Design and Media was being employed on a casual basis to design a layout for the website – it would include research groups home pages, projects and publications in a standard format and each group could then input further information.


Links with Geography

RH is arranging a meeting in May to discuss possible collaboration.  An email has been sent to ISCA and this should also go to CSSE and CT.


Computing Research, Consultancy and External Activities Strategy

As University strategy is being updated at present it was decided to keep this item on hold.  A draft University document had been seen by JSB who will circulate it to this committee.


External review of our research activities

The working party has still not met and this item is therefore to be carried forward.


Ethical issues in research using human subjects

It was thought that more information was required about what the University and other Faculties have in place.  RB to pass information he has to JR.  Anything decided should be documented and formal to help protect against complaints and comply with data protection.  It was agreed that RB would join the working party which will be proactive and will make recommendations to the next meeting of this committee.



RAE status

JSB reported on recent announcements concerning the next Research Assessment Exercise.


IT facilities and support for research

JSB raised the matter of IT support for research. It was noted that this was one of the issues being raised in the more general discussion of the relationships between CAM and ISO.


Matters from other committees



Faculty Research Committee



Faculty Research Degrees Committee

PgCert Research Methods: Mechanical and Design Engineering due to start this next academic year with all departments doing own training.


University Research Committee



University Research Degrees Committee



Research group reports

Each group reported on recent developments.


Research student progress

Student rep left the meeting and progress of students was reported.


Any Other Business

None.  Meeting ended 3.30pm.


Date of next meeting

Middle Summer term - to be decided


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