University of Portsmouth

RAE analysis

UoA CS Structure and policy (RA5a analysis)


Open University_25 3a [22D]

University ethos - excellence in research is central to our mission as one of the world's leading distance educators. This is enshrined in the charter of the OU, and we see research as part of the lifeblood of the university, and as contributing crucially to its teaching. Research is built into the infrastructure: employment contracts, funding, workplans, criteria for appraisal and promotion, hiring.

Openness through diversity and continuity – we promote innovation and interdisciplinarity, and our research groups reflect key themes that are broadly conceived for diversity and breadth:

· looking for structure in software in order to manage its development and evolution,
· making explicit the foundational conceptual structures of our discipline,
· viewing computing as much as a human and social process as a technical process,
· transferring knowledge and understanding from research to teaching.

Interaction between and within our groups, and with groups outside our discipline, sparks ideas and brings in knowledge and practices that inform our own discipline. Out of this dialectic springs the innovation and originality of which we are proud.

Participation in the international discourse - we are helping to shape the sub-domains in which we research, exploiting the normal channels of dissemination with a strong emphasis on international participation. Our teaching has an outreach that is far wider than that of the normal educational establishment, and we are aware of this responsibility. We have forged and are forging strong international collaborations with companies and universities around the world – for example Nuseibeh in requirements engineering with NASA in US, Petre in CS education with Uppsala in Sweden and Monash in Australia and University of Texas in Austin in the US, Hall in software localisation with India’s National Centre for Software Technology in Bombay and the Indian Statistical Institute in Calcutta, Garagnani in AI planning with Berkeley in the US.

Our staffing policy is and has been to appoint staff who are research active or have the potential to be so, as is seen in the number of recent appointees included in this submission. We have recently appointed two new chairs with strong research profiles, Nuseibeh from January 2001 and De Roeck who joins us in May 2001. We build group excellence on individual excellence.

Highlights since the last RAE

As a distance education and research institution, we are particularly sensitive to technological developments in mass communication and computing, as we exploit them for our educational business. The very processes of producing educational materials have strong resonances in software engineering. Areas like mobile computing and electronic commerce have relevance both for our research and our teaching and build on existing themes of structuring software to serve human needs. Our work on usability and cross-cultural computing gives us a framework for identifying opportunity and questioning utility. The use of computer mediated communication to tutor students remotely has led us into groupware and CSCW. Software componentry helps us organise our educational materials for reuse. All these synergies make our teaching form a laboratory to make our research into fundamental technological issues well grounded in application.

Highlights of these past four years include:

· We have advanced methods for requirements validation
· We have situated the engineering of software in a much wider social context than had been done previously
· We have produced the definitive research text on software internationalisation and have strengthened the group in this area.
· We have developed novel methods of interaction and its evaluation, embracing mobile devices and e-commerce.
· We have established an internationally leading position in computing education, setting the agenda for research that is appropriately informed by research methodologies.
· Using our knowledge of software technology and CS Education acquired through research, we collaborated with Adele Goldberg to extend her Smalltalk-based LearningWorks and produced an award winning course teaching computing through objects.

Bournemouth University_25 2 [6E]


Empirical Software Engineering Research Group (ESERG)
Systems Engineering University Research Centre (SE-URC)
Dr Michelle Cartwright (MHC) Professor Dan Diaper (DD)
Dr Martin Lefley (ML) Professor Paul Light (PL)
Dr Keith Phalp (KP)
Professor Martin Shepperd (MJS)

The Computing group forms the largest academic grouping within the School of Design, Engineering & Computing. It comprises 2 professors, 2 visiting professors, 1 reader, 5 principal lecturers (or other senior academics) and approximately 18 other lecturers. They are supported by 3 post-doctoral research fellows, 2 research assistants and 6 demonstrators. The group is akin to a department within a faculty. The School also includes applied psychologists, electronic engineers, design specialists and materials scientists, a mix that provides good opportunities for multi-disciplinary collaboration since research activities can, and do, straddle boundaries. For example, regular joint seminars between the Computing and Electronics academic groups explore topics such as genetic algorithms and pattern recognition.

Research Structures
Following the 1996 Research Assessment Exercise, the University identified a number of University Research Centres (URCs), which served as a means of ensuring focus for future research and investment. A competitive bidding process was established in order to obtain funds allocated through the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic). Two such URCs were established in Computing.

Presently, the main research group (and URC) within the Computing academic group is the Empirical Software Engineering Research Group (ESERG). As the name implies, the group is concerned with empirically based research, principally assessing software engineering technologies, for instance object-oriented development methods and developing prediction systems for defects and project costs. The group comprises the following named researchers: Prof. Shepperd and Drs Cartwright, Lefley and Phalp. These staff are supported by two full-time research students and two post-doctoral research fellows. In addition, the group seeks to involve other members of staff in a range of research activities such as the joint supervision of PhD students. For example, Prof. Shepperd and Dr Hole jointly supervise a PhD investigating specification languages for complex user interfaces, and Prof. Shepperd and Dr McKearney are both involved in a BT-funded project to look at the application of approximate reasoning techniques for data analysis.

Until recently the other major group was the Systems Engineering University Research Centre (SE-URC) with Profs. Diaper and Light. SE-URC was a cross-disciplinary group looking at complex systems with a particular emphasis on people and software systems. Research topics included computer systems in an educational context (PL) and the usability of web-based systems (DD). Owing to the recent departure of Prof. Paul Light the SE-URC has been discontinued, however, given the increasingly empirical flavour of Prof. Diaper's work (e.g. Diaper and Waeland, 2000 entitled "World Wide Web Working Whilst Ignoring Graphics") stronger links are being forged with ESERG.

Mechanisms and Environment
The research administration and management is mainly conducted at the School level.

The School Research Committee meets twice termly and is open to all members of staff involved in research. Its remit is to:
• manage and monitor research students
• vet documents prior to submission to the University Research Degrees Committee
• advise the School Executive on matters relating to research
• promulgate research matters to the School.

It is chaired by one of the professors who acts as Head of Research for the School.

The Computing academic group runs a programme of seminars (open to all members of the university and public) on Wednesday afternoons. We invite a mixture of external and internal speakers. The seminars are also publicised at a number of local software development organisations and, depending upon the topic, attract a significant industrial audience. Recent speakers have come from Southampton, Keele, Brighton, Sussex, Imperial College and BT. The group also hosts evening meetings for the local BCS chapter. This includes the popular annual "Research Pot Pourri" meeting which comprises a number of short talks describing ongoing research at the university.

The School also organises a range of events, which include a number of Research Fairs to showcase our work to colleagues within the university, to the local community and to industry. In addition, school research days are arranged, typically twice yearly, when more senior research staff meet to discuss matters of direction and strategy.

Research groups also organise their own events. The Empirical Software Engineering Research Group holds weekly meetings, led by different members of the group, to undertake a variety of focussed tasks, such as mock paper review exercises or evaluation of a proposed experimental design. This is followed by a social activity.

Prof. Kitchenham (one of the visiting professors) runs a surgery for research students and junior researchers (typically twice yearly).

PhD students and their supervisors are required to jointly complete an annual monitoring form. Any problems are raised at the School Research Committee. Where progress is unsatisfactory the School Research Committee will advise upon what action to take.

Staffing Policy
The School has always recognised the importance of supporting staff development and assisting more junior academics as they embark upon a research career. Unfortunately, there have been occasions when — largely due to increasing student numbers and the recent difficulties in recruiting suitable staff — this aspiration has not been achieved to the extent we would wish. We believe this situation is common to many institutions.

Nevertheless, the School strongly supports attendance at conferences including international events even for junior members of staff who may not have access to travel grants and the like. A total of approximately £10000 from School funds was spent, excluding travel elements within research grants, in the year 2000 on conference attendance.

Another means of supporting more junior researchers has been the funding of bursaries for PhD students from other income generation activities such as contract research, teaching company schemes and short courses. Again this helps researchers who have yet to generate research income. Presently 7 students are supported in this way within the Computing academic group.

In 1999/2000 three one-term sabbaticals were awarded to lecturers in the Computing group, determined following a competition from which senior researchers were excluded, in order to favour less experienced researchers. It is part of the University long term research plan to extend this scheme.

Career progression is available, for example, from research assistant to post doctoral research fellow. Two of our three present research fellows were former PhD students. We find this route useful as it allows young researchers the opportunity of consolidating and extending their PhD work which otherwise can be difficult if they move straight into a lectureship, where, frequently, the challenges of teaching become the main focus. We have also recently appointed a post-doctoral researcher (Dr Cartwright) as a lecturer with a contract limiting teaching duties to 50% of normal in order to provide better opportunities for her to develop her research work.

The university also has a promotion process for lecturers via readerships and chairs. There is an annual opportunity to apply for such positions, which are awarded on merit rather than by quota. It is university practice to include external members on the panels to review such applications.

We have also appointed two visiting professors to support our research activities (Dr David Griffiths (BT) and Prof. Barbara Kitchenham (Keele)). Both professors visit regularly to present seminars and to meet researcher staff.

Supervisors — particularly staff new to supervision — are encouraged to attend relevant courses including external courses. Research training is available for new PhD students. Students are also encouraged to attend relevant conferences even when not presenting. In 2000 approximately £4000 was spent on conference attendance for research students.

University of Brighton_25 4 [5E]

Research in Computer Science at the University of Brighton is carried out in the Information Technology Research Institute (ITRI), a dedicated research school within the Faculty of Information Technology (related research in the Faculty is being submitted under Applied Mathematics). At the last RAE, the ITRI submitted under two sub-areas: Language Engineering and Computer Supported Collaborative Work.

The ITRI operates on a five year rolling plan that is formally reviewed every three years. In 1997 we decided to re-orient our research programme to focus exclusively on Language Engineering. Our work now centres on building computational theories and models of natural language processing and applying them to various language technologies.

A special emphasis of our research programme is on multilinguality, especially in the areas of natural language generation, lexical representation and corpus analysis. While these have been productive areas of research for some time, developments in other areas of Computer Science (e.g., artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, the WWW) have provided new frameworks and imperatives for progress. We apply our theoretical work in areas such as tools to support the authoring of multilingual and multimedia documents, and the automatic construction of dictionaries and thesauri from large bodies of available on-line texts.

The key developments in ITRI since the last RAE have been the following:

· We have developed a method for editing knowledge bases that does not require expertise in knowledge representation and does not rely on graphical tools. With this method (which we call WYSIWYM), the knowledge base is coupled to one or more Natural Language Generation (NLG) systems through an interface that produces a feedback text (in a kind of hypertext style) in any of a number of selected natural languages. The user builds the knowledge base by performing standard editing actions like cut and paste on the feedback text. WYSIWYM-editing thus allows the user to view the development of the knowledge base as the unfolding of a text describing its current state. In principle, this can be applied to any domain that requires building knowledge bases. Our experiments with it have so far focused on automatic document generation; in this application it provides the generation of multiple-language versions of a text without the need for translation, since the source is not another natural language text but a knowledge base that describes its meaning. We have also used it as a method for querying knowledge bases. Current domains include software documentation, pharmaceutical leaflets and explanations of legal reasoning; current languages are English, French, Italian, Dutch, German and Portuguese. (Power, Piwek, Scott, van Deemter)

· We are developing a reference architecture for NLG systems, which will provide for the first time opportunities for the sharing of modules and resources between researchers in the field, and for evaluating NLG systems and theories. (Cahill, Evans, Paiva, Scott)

· We have developed an approach to language engineering that takes documents (complete with layout and illustrations) to be the primary focus of study rather than purely linguistic texts and we have exploited developments in constraint programming languages to control interactions between language and layout. (Bouayad-Agha, Power, Scott, van Deemter)

· We have developed and coordinated an open competitive framework (SENSEVAL) for the evaluation of computational techniques for the linguistic issue of word sense disambiguation. The first competition was held in 1998, with 25 research groups from 9 countries participating; the second will take place in Toulouse in July 2001, where over 40 groups will be participating. (Kilgarriff, Tugwell)

The work of the group is project-based, primarily through funding from the EPSRC and the EU. Over the reporting period, this has involved thirteen research grants: seven from the EPSRC, five from the European Commission, and one from the US Office of Naval Research, valued at a total of £3.6 million (with £2 million going to the University of Brighton). A new EU project started on 1 January 2001, and two others are scheduled to start in April and September 2001.

Since the Institute is funded almost exclusively from research grants, most of our staff are on fixed-term contracts from research councils. As a result, some highly experienced researchers are not eligible for inclusion in the RA2.

As is evident from our submitted publications, much of our work is of a collaborative nature. There is a high degree of collaboration between researchers in the Institute, and we are also engaged in a number of collaborations with researchers in other schools within the University (in particular, Hartley and Salkie, being submitted under European Studies) and at other institutions, both nationally and internationally. Our policy towards external collaboration is to be selective, collaborating only when it allows us to (a) apply our theories and tools to languages for which we have no current expertise, and (b) extend the applicability of our tools and frameworks to a wide class of theories and computational models. For example:

· Our work on multilingual natural language processing has been recently applied to three Eastern European languages, through the involvement of Eva Hajicova (Charles University, Czech Republic).

· In developing the reference architecture for natural language generation, we are collaborating closely with Chris Mellish (University of Edinburgh), who leads the NLG activities at the only other major site of work in this area within the UK, thus ensuring that the new architecture will be applicable to a wide range of current systems.

· We believe that computational approaches to lexicography can benefit from the skills and insights of professional lexicographers. To this end, we are now working closely with Sue Atkins, one of the leading UK lexicographers (previously with OUP and Collins), in developing our WASPS Workbench for lexicographers.

· Before joining ITRI, some members of our group worked with Gerald Gazdar (University of Sussex) on the development of the lexical representation language DATR. We are using and further developing DATR in some of our projects, and much of this work has naturally involved close collaboration with Gazdar.

The research activities of ITRI are supported by a weekly seminar series that attracts participation from other universities. Our speakers regularly include national and international leaders in the field, in addition to local researchers. We also often host visiting researchers on sabbatical from other universities, who work closely with us during their stay here. The most recent example is Kathy McKeown, Head of Computer Science at Columbia University in New York, who spent part of 2000 at the ITRI working with us on the relationship between our work on generating text layout and the work of her group on generating speech intonation.

We have strong links with colleagues at the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences (COGS) at the University of Sussex: they are regular attendees, both as speakers and audience, at our weekly seminars; it is not unusual for us to present joint papers at conferences; we have jointly supervised PhD students; and we are currently preparing a joint grant proposal to the EPSRC, linking their work on parsing to ours on generation. ITRI and COGS also run a joint annual series of Distinguished Lectures in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences. The two most recent speakers have been Pat Hayes (then at University of Illinois) and Geoff Nunberg (Stanford University and Xerox PARC).

ITRI has a deliberate policy to have a relatively small number of PhD students, while striving to recruit a high calibre of students, and to train them to be professional researchers. Our policy is to attach students to ongoing projects, and they thus work within a team of experienced researchers. Their PhD project is regularly monitored through formal annual meetings and their academic training is complemented by training in oral presentations, writing papers and time management through the University’s Certificate in Research Methodology that is compulsory for all research students in the University. Our students have a good publication record, and regularly present their work at international conferences (e.g., ACL, ANLP, EACL, COLING, INLG); last year they organised a doctoral consortium meeting for students in computational linguistics across the UK, as part of the ‘Computational Linguistics in the UK’ (CLUK) series.

Since the last RAE, the implementation of our research strategy has led to a number of successful bids for funding, a strengthening of our research base and the career development of our staff, and the generation of a number of exciting intellectual ideas. For example, in 1997 alone we attracted seven major grants — a significant achievement for such a small group. Much of this success came from the solid foundation on which our proposals were built (i.e., our existing work) and the ability successfully to combine apparently disparate areas of our work (e.g., knowledge editing and natural language generation; knowledge editing and human-computer dialogue; knowledge editing and reasoning). The ability to demonstrate the potential use of our theoretical work by embedding it in the framework of possible applications has also led to a better appreciation of our work within the language industries. We have been successful in retaining our senior staff and maintaining a continuity of focus for our research programme. Our research students are part of the international network of their topic of study, and when they finish their PhDs they take positions in prestigious groups in academia or in the computing industry.

London Guildhall University_25 3b [2F]

Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics (CISM) at London Guildhall University (LGU) is again returning UoA’s 23 and 25. LGU was one of the first Universities to publicly identify a funding deficit in its current account. Rigorous action was required to implement a financial recovery plan in which CISM played a key role. In the last RAE this UoA was not funded at all by HEFCE. The audit period overlapped with the acute phase of the University’s financial recovery plan, with consequent staffing levels, teaching loads and special projects involving some of our key research staff (see RA6). There have been 2 important foci for improving research within CISM: recruitment of staff with research potential and promotion of collaboration with external research teams. Although 8 new research active staff have been recruited since 1996 (Dr. Browne, Dr. Choudhury, Dr. Kazemian, J. Cai, Illingworth, Dr. Hargy, Page and Rees) the performance of most is not yet strong enough to included in this submission. Account is taken of the needs of newly appointed staff to support initial research, those of established researchers, and provision for currently inactive researchers to resume research.
There is a clear procedure governing the distribution of resources, incorporating mechanisms for feedback to unsuccessful applicants. Resources and policy within CISM are controlled by the HoD, advised by the Departmental Research Committee (DRC), which approves the establishment of research groups, scrutinises bids for internal and external funding, and the enrolment and registration of students. Individuals or groups can make applications (containing a project description and anticipated outputs) to the DRC, for relief from teaching or other resources. Each individual and group is required to produce an annual report detailing activities, funding and progress. If targets have been met resources may continue to be allocated. If not they may be withdrawn. In addition, researchers can annually apply for funding (to be used to ‘buy out’ teaching time or for other resources) from central University funds, where the accountability of researchers is monitored by their preparation of a formal report to the University Research Committee outlining whether their targets have been met. The time required for supervision of research students is recognised in the allocation of teaching load, and resources (including space and access to computers) available to each student are allocated by formal contract before they begin their studies.
The DRC itself makes an annual report to the University Research Committee, outlining progress within the department. CISM has pioneered for the University the concept of Teaching Research Studentships (TRS), whereby students receive the equivalent of a current PhD grant, have their fees paid and are required to undertake up to 6 hours of teaching weekly (typically laboratory supervision). Both our F/T students are funded this way. Currently there are 5 students [2 F/T and 3 P/T, including 1 writing up] and 4 staff registered for PhD (J. Cai and Illingworth registered with other institutions, Page and Rees with our University). Since 1996 there were 2 PhD completions, Smith in 1996 and Hemard in 1998. Five staff are involved in research degree supervision (Bielkowicz, Browne, F. Cai, Dixon and Martin). Supervisors and students receive documents outlining their rights and responsibilities, ensuring compliance with codes of good practice. At each supervision meeting documentation is completed evaluating current and outlining future short and long-time goals. All students must attend a research skills training course, containing elements on oral and written communication, use of library resources, data gathering and analysis, preparation of thesis and oral examination. Staff intending to become supervisors are required to attend a University-run course involving a series of seminars and attachment to existing supervision teams. Each supervisor and student are required to produce an annual report detailing activities and progress. Our intention is to stimulate a culture where all F/T students complete in 3-4 years and P/T within 6 years.
Three research groups provide a focus for research activities, each has a head and a number of staff and students.
Databases: F. Cai is head, joined by Choudhury. F. Cai’s research involves the study of Web-based information systems, including examining the changing roles, functions and problems of current database systems (including parallel systems). This involves investigating information retrieval and data mining on the Internet and proposing techniques/frameworks for integrating database technology, fast information retrieval and data mining. Goals include the extraction of useful knowledge from large data repositories with enhanced effectiveness and efficiency. Choudhury’s research involves object-based modelling of information systems. Currently there are 2 PhD students in this group. Karadurak is supervised by Martin and has been researching tools and techniques to support OO design and implementation of prototypical interfaces to physical artefacts. Initially funded by a TRS, she is now registered P/T whilst writing-up. Yu was sponsored by the Chinese government in 1998/99 and self-funded in 1999/2000. His work is supervised by F. Cai and Dr. McCann of City University, on the context of databases used in conjunction with Web-based information systems and the exploration of the changing roles and functions of these systems in the Internet environment.
Information in systems: This group is looking at system development methodologies, database heterogeneity, and a framework for datamining of financial data. Dixon is head of this group, which has Bielkowicz and Page as staff members. Dixon is an external research Visitor to the Information Technology Department at CLRC's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL). There he participates in collaborative research with Dr. Read and Prof. Jeffery into advanced database issues. Dixon has been provided with onsite office facilities at RAL and with Healy has access to computing and data mining facilities there. This research has resulted in publication (2 papers) of the results of a European Copernicus Project concerned with exchange between medical centres of patient records, also 2 papers have been presented at the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (the forum for informatics collaboration between leading research laboratories in Europe); see RA2 for details. Fundamental to the approach taken to heterogeneity is that local systems will continue to evolve in time, and the negotiation of record exchange needs to be dynamically tuneable. Structural and semantic heterogeneity are key barriers to system interoperation, and Dixon's research is aimed at tackling these issues which are relevant for GRIDs. Dixon is building a Data Cleaning Workbench to clean and structure data before data mining. Page is pursuing a PhD supervised by Dixon with the Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) consortium as a collaborating partner (through J. Kirk). The title 'A General Approach to Managing Dynamic Inconsistency within the DSDM Framework', is concerned with anticipating and adapting to potential problems within this framework. Page is a member of two DSDM Consortium Task Groups (Requirements Elicitation and UML within the DSDM framework) - each aims to generate a white paper. There is currently 1 F/T PhD student (Healy), funded by a CISM TRS; supervised by Dixon with RAL as a collaborating partner. He is working on the volatility of pricing in financial options markets to discover whether data mining techniques applied to implied volatility models can reveal patterns which are more useful for improved risk management than option price time series data and extensions to Black-Scholes models (our Economics Department is providing advice). This work benefits from Dixon's substantial computer modelling experience (prior to working in the software industry he was awarded SERC grants GR/b/55985 and GR/b/46822 and has a cumulative publication record of some 70 papers). Bielkowicz's research involves the identification of different classes of information systems and relating the applicability of OO concepts to their modelling and implementation. Thein-Than is a self-funded P/T student supervised by Bielkowicz, studying the applicability of component based methodologies to heterogeneous systems.
Intelligent systems: The focus of this group is the theoretical analysis and practical application of intelligent systems (including neural networks (NNs) and fuzzy logic (FL)). Browne is head of this group, of which Kazemian, Rees and Hargy are members. Browne’s interests include both theoretical research, contributing to the debate between symbolic and connectionist AI (as in RA2), and the practical application of NNs to a variety of fields. He recently wrote an application to the BBSRC/EPSRC joint programme in bioinformatics, and in August 1999 successfully obtained £173,000 for a project entitled ‘Biological data mining: A comparison of neural network and symbolic techniques’ (ref.322/BIO12005). This is a 3-year joint project with the Centre for Molecular Design at Portsmouth University, with £113,000 to be used to fund a post-doctoral researcher (based at Portsmouth) and a £62,000 software donation to Browne from Integral Solutions Ltd. (now SPSS). The aim is to construct novel algorithms for the extraction of decision trees from NNs trained to model biological data, and compare their performance with widely used symbolic data mining techniques. Browne spends 1 day per week at Portsmouth to supervise the researcher based there. Another research project Browne is involved in (carried out with the Department of Pathology, Institute of Ophthalmology, UCL) is investigating whether NNs are useful tools for individually tailoring chemotherapy, using the data from newly developed cellular chemosensitivity assays (based on bioluminescence). Kazemian’s research is in the field of FL, involving rule-based Self-Organising Fuzzy (SOF) PID controllers, which have applications to many ill-defined or imprecise industrial processes. Presently he is studying the application of a fuzzy controller to Bluetooth for video transmission. Rees is currently being supervised by Browne on using support vector machines for modelling sediment deposition in the Medway Estuary. He is working with a multidisciplinary research team including the Universities of Greenwich and Littoral Côte D'Opale, together with the Medway Ports Authority and Compass Hydrographic Services Ltd. Hargy has aligned his research (geoinformatics) with the intelligent systems group. He is currently investigating the use of ensembles of NNs for the interpolation of weather data in Ireland, and is also responsible for organising CISM's research seminar programme. The 1 F/T PhD student (Yang) in this group works with Browne in London to ‘piggy back’ research on the work being done with Portsmouth University, which recognises the importance of collaborative research between the 2 institutions and has provided funding of £2,500 toward equipment and £2,000 pa for 3 years toward supporting the student (so generating £4,500 in the audit period, the rest being provided from CISM’s funds as a TRS). She is studying ensembles of neural networks for modelling bioinformatic data.
Self evaluation: In our 1996 submission, we stated that CISM intended to increase the number of submitted research active staff from 8 to 10. There has been no funding from HEFCE for research so all plans were re-evaluated in light of the University’s financial strategy, recovery plan, and the consequent expenditure and staffing constraints (see RA6). CISM has now established a strong financial basis. The new strategy has been to develop the research skills of a few existing staff and new appointments by providing remission from teaching, and to focus research on fewer areas. As evidence of the success of this strategy it can be seen that, although we have only submitted 2 staff, the average number of papers published has increased from 3 to 4 per active researcher, and the increase in quality can be seen by the higher proportion of papers published in internationally refereed journals. We have also made progress in attracting external resources to fund research, from zero in 1996 to £66,500 currently. In 1996 we wished to increase the number of research students from 2 (1 F/T, 1 P/T) to 4, we have exceeded this target, as we now have 7 (2 F/T, 5 P/T including 2 staff and 1 writing-up). Our intention to encourage students to submit their work for publication has seen Karadurak publish 3 papers and Yu co-author 2 papers with F. Cai. Future plans include maintaining a staffing policy that attempts to replace staff leaving with those displaying skills that fit into the groups outlined above (including the recruitment of a Professor of Computer Science to guide and manage the research strategy), and the identification and nurturing of the talents of our younger staff displaying research potential. Research active staff individual plans are:
Browne: In response to the White Paper ‘Realising Our Potential’, the priorities of the Technology Foresight Programme, BBSRC/EPSRC bioinformatics programme and EPSRC life sciences interface strategies outlining bioinformatics as an area of growing importance, Browne will continue to focus his research in bioinformatics for the next 5 years. A recent application of his on using ensembles of NNs to detect errors in genomic sequence data to the BBSRC/EPSRC joint programme was not funded, but he intends to re-structure it and submit it to the Wellcome Trust. As well as continuing his work with Portsmouth on knowledge extraction from NNs, the intention is that toward the end of the 3-year project the work of the postdoctoral researcher at Portsmouth and PhD student Yang at LGU will coalesce to produce a decision tree extraction algorithm applicable to ensembles of NNs. Additionally, Browne will investigate the relationship between representation and extrapolation in feed-forward neural networks, and intends to make a grant application to the EPSRC on a ‘blue skies’ project in this area.
Dixon: Following a) LGU's encouragement and support of its researchers in its Business School, b) the EPSRC's identification of financial engineering as a key discipline for reducing risk in financial markets (via its Quant and Mammon review) and c) the Office of Science and Technology Informatics Committees GRIDs Report, Dixon has identified financial engineering, structural and semantic heterogeneity, data preparation and data mining as his core research themes for the next 5 years. He intends to a) Complete a Data Cleaning Workbench prototype which allows for audit and variation of cleaning actions, b) Develop a Computational Framework for applying Knowledge Discovery techniques to option market/underlying asset data and for placing confidence statistics on the findings c) Automate the resolution of semantic heterogeneity in data preparation for data mining d) Define and build a demonstrator for a variant of a RAD methodology applied to the iterative processes of cleaning, enriching, and integrating data for knowledge discovery and e) develop domain expertise relevant to the development of KDD in the fields of i) financial markets by collaboration with the Masters Course with colleagues in the Economics Department and their relevant contacts ii) student progression by collaboration with LGU's Planning and resources Unit, and if possible iii) medical record systems.
Others: Kazemian will make a grant application to the EPSRC's 'fast track' (for lecturers within 2 years of appointment). Additionally, we intend to appoint another TRS to work with Kazemian on using FL with the ‘Bluetooth’ wireless communication system. Members of staff who have had their time available for research curtailed by the special projects outlined in RA6 (F. Cai, Bielkowicz) will be assisted in their duties by the administrative staff that we have recently appointed, so we intend that at least 4 members of staff will be submitted as research active in the next RAE. It is anticipated that once J. Cai and Illingworth finish their PhD's, they will align their research with one of the existing groups.
Conclusions: Since the last RAE our collaboration with external institutions has increased and work with a major software supplier (SPSS) may enable commercial utilisation of outcomes in the future. Another strategy is to increase the proportion of research students funded externally by submitting more successful grant applications. This will be done by making researchers in the UoA more aware of potential funding streams, so that they can use this intelligence to target their research. The financial position of LGU is improving and our SSR decreasing, so we look forward to the future with optimism.

Coventry University_25 2 [9E]

In the period following the outcome of RAE 96, a major restructuring of research in computer science took place. At both institutional and school levels it was recognised that a drastic change in research activity and ethos had to be brought about if the subject area were to succeed in its endeavours to carry out high-quality research. The implementation of this reorganisation programme, together with the continuing policy for improvement, has led to the appointment of a research Professor directly responsible for overseeing the activity within the unit, and the creation of two distinctly active and coherent research groups.

There are presently 9 Category A research-active staff selected, all of whom, but one, are qualified to PhD level. Fifteen additional staff (14.3 fte) are also research-active but have not been included in this submission since most are at the start of their academic career (7 currently registered for part-time PhD). Together they have generated a large number of public outputs over the review period, including 155 refereed papers (excluding authored/edited books or chapters in books). The high esteem of staff as researchers is signalled by their activity on international research funding committees, the chairing of major international conference sessions, invitations to plenary talks, or as invited speakers at important international meetings and research centres. The figures shown on RA4 are a reflection of monies spent during the period 1996-2000, however by the census date research was supported by £545,139 of external funding, including £290,903 from the EU, £209,090 from OST research councils and £30,900 from NHS and charitable trusts. On 1 December 2000 there were 21.85 fte research students enrolled in the subject area. The level of research student throughput and completion rate since 1996 is higher, in comparison with the 1996 exercise, with 7 students having been awarded doctorates or masters degrees (5 and 2, respectively) (RA3a refers).

Research takes place primarily on a group basis with members of staff and research students working together in well-defined sub-areas of research activity. These major groups are the Biomedical Computing Research Group (BIOCORE) and the Data and Knowledge Engineering Research Group (DKERG). DKERG is led by a senior researcher and Principal Lecturer and is in receipt of sizeable external research funding. BIOCORE is led by the research Professor and additionally attracts international recognition for the quality of its interdisciplinary research. Both groups consist mainly of newly-appointed members of staff some of whom, whilst still at the start of their research careers, are nevertheless eagerly enthusiastic in building their research reputation, seeking external funding and producing high-quality research output. The following represents a brief description of these two research groups and their constitution in terms of research-active staff.

Research Group
Research Students (fte)
Main sources of external funding
Prof RNG Naguib Dr D Petrovic
Dr SA Amin Dr A Todman
Dr MO Odetayo
Nuffield Foundation
Other Charities
Dr AE James Mr RA Gatward
Dr K-M Chao Dr RN Newman

BIOCORE was formally established in 1998. Its activity focuses on the development and application of intelligent computing methods (e.g., artificial neural networks, evolutionary computation, fuzzy logic and heuristics) for the analysis, interpretation, prediction, as well as for the design of biological, clinical, molecular and health-related investigations. The group undertakes highly innovative and interdisciplinary research in collaboration with major regional, national and international institutions (details in RA6). Its main aims are to:
· promote the development of advanced analytical and software tools and databases in the field of biomedical computing;
· impart and promote the use of intelligent biomedical computing techniques to hospitals and primary care units on both the regional and national fronts;
· assist clinicians and medical experts in providing optimum curative and rehabilitative regimes to their patients;
· enhance the quality of life, through the above, of patients, the ageing population and those afflicted with terminal diseases (e.g., cancer).

During the period 1996-2000, academic staff attached to BIOCORE published in excess (including those currently in press) of 40 peer-reviewed journal papers and 50 refereed papers in major national and international conferences. This is in addition to a number of edited books, book chapters, official reports, internal reports and other presentations. Moreover, staff enjoy a diverse array of esteem indicators (RA6 refers). The group is particularly renowned for its activities in the field of intelligent computing in clinical oncology where major collaborative work focuses on the development of intelligent prognostic classification techniques, the identification of prominent markers and the provision of accurate clinical decision support and patient management strategies.

Specifically, this research involves the development of either stand-alone neural structures or hybrid neuro-fuzzy frameworks for the analysis and stratification of important pathological prognostic markers leading to the accurate prognosis and clinical management of cancer disease patients (Naguib outputs 1,3; Odetayo outputs 3,4). In particular, the study published in the British Journal of Cancer (Naguib output 3), which combines the analysis of both conventional and experimental prostate cancer prognostic markers, demonstrates the impact of this work on the clinical and oncological research communities. Further work on genetic algorithms (Odetayo output 1), Holland-based classifiers (Odetayo output 2), and fuzzy models and modelling of uncertainty (Petrovic outputs 1-4) are currently being applied to studies in breast, bladder, prostate and ovarian cancers.

Another aspect of prognostic analysis, also applied to cancer research, is that based on image cytometric and molecular analysis of tissue samples in relation to breast cancer aspirate cells (Naguib output 4), and on image processing algorithms for the quantitative measurement and feature extraction of cancerous colonic mucosa (Naguib output 2). Further work on image processing has centred on the development of robust parallel image processing paradigms based on systolic array and parallel virtual machine implementations (Amin outputs 1-3) and on cell segmentation and low level vision mechanisms (Todman outputs 1-4) which are currently being applied to studies in human form perception leading to the development of orientational coherence metrics for the histopathological identification and classification of colonic and pancreatic cancers.

Epidemiology related research follows two strands. The first relates to the analysis of the prevalent NHS breast screening procedures and on the performance of the invitation process over the first ten years of the screening programme. Novel approaches leading to the optimisation of currently used formulae for uptake and coverage have been suggested and are the subject of a substantial report to the National Cancer Intelligence Unit (not included in this return). The second strand investigates design considerations for the implementation of a dynamic relational database schema to hold dental epidemiological data (Amin output 4). This work aims at investigating dentition development in school children aged 4 to 16 by applying fuzzy SQL logic to the data sets, and is considered to be the first such investigation of its kind.

Successful work in the areas of artificial neural network applications in clinical oncological studies and on breast screening performance analysis have attracted wide national and significant international media coverage on numerous occasions (detailed in RA6).

DKERG focuses its activities on various aspects of data and knowledge engineering. Generally the work of the group is generic and could be applied to various application domains. The aims of DKERG are to:
· develop effective and efficient methods of representing and accessing data and knowledge to meet the needs of modern enterprises and services;
· promulgate and promote such methods;
· support the application of such methods in enterprises and services.

A major research activity focuses on combining object-oriented and knowledge paradigms for conceptual modelling (Gatward output 1) and also in the application of the linguistic theory of functional grammar to conceptual modelling (Gatward outputs 3,4). Results demonstrate the methodology of using functional grammar as a basis of a canonical model for database integration (Gatward output 2). An object-oriented extension of a conceptual modelling language, based on functional grammar, has been produced which has benefits for modellers with respect to enabling capture of both complex structures and a particularly rich set of knowledge-based constraints (James outputs 1,4).

The work on multiple knowledge sources (Chao output 1) has led to further research on knowledge representation for agent technology which deals with automated acquisition models incorporating ontologies to enable knowledge sharing and reuse among the agents (Chao output 2). The introduction of agent technology to version control and knowledge management has had significant impact on complex engineering designs, such as offshore oil platforms (Chao outputs 3,4).

Further important areas of research relate to the modelling of concurrent processes for industrial design systems (Newman output 2) and the design of hypermedia documentation for safety critical systems (Newman outputs 1,3,4). Both these areas have contributed to the automotive design industry, where real improvements in the productivity and quality of the early 'creative' processes have been attained, and to the aviation industry where safety critical software engineering techniques provide a means of designing and validating the quality of such systems, and also yield design process improvements in the maintenance activities supported by hypermedia documentation.

Whilst a number of the projects in DKERG have adopted engineering design as an example application domain, others address different areas. Two such projects are concerned with the development of electronic patient records (James output 2) and the modelling of workflows for collaborative work in healthcare telematic applications (James output 3). These particular projects, due to their medical association, are being carried out in collaboration with BIOCORE. They also reflect the continuing trend of blending existing expertise in the two groups in order to offer computational solutions to biomedical applications problems.

While data and knowledge modelling is central to the work of DKERG, the scope of the group also incorporates two additional sub-areas which relate to its core work. The first sub-area concerns the implementation of information systems and technology in enterprise. This deals with the development of a framework for knowledge management and representation in business, and the development of methods for improving information systems deployment in underdeveloped nations. The second sub-area concerns the development of internet-based learning environments. Here, research includes the development of training frameworks for SMEs and the application of software development life cycle to the development of on-line learning materials. The example publications returned in this review relate to the core work of DKERG rather than these latter two sub-areas.

The level of research activity in the Computer Science subject area, in general, has increased significantly beyond the levels documented in the 1996 RAE. The principal changes include an:

· appointment to a Chair of Biomedical Computing which is also a full time research appointment;
· additional 17 new staff (10 with PhDs);
· increase in the overall number of research-active staff in post on ‘census day’ to 23.3 (although 9 are being returned for the purposes of this exercise);
· increase in the number of research students from 5.5 fte (1996) to 21.85 fte (2000)
(a number of research-active staff in BIOCORE and DKERG are also involved in the supervision of students in other Schools and Centres within the University, namely the School of Art and Design, the School of Health and Social Sciences and the Control Theory and Applications Centre, effectively bringing the total number of research student fte supervision to 22.75);
· increase in the research throughput from 2 masters awarded in the previous period of assessment (1992-1995) to 5 doctorates and 2 masters (1 Master of Philosophy and 1 Master by Research) during the current period (1996-2000);
· increase in income from OST research councils from £19,639 to £209,090;
· increase in total external research grant awards from £83,669 to £545,139;
· increase in the total number of peer-reviewed articles (journal papers, conference papers, authored/edited research books and chapters in books) from 38 to 166 (150 published during the census period and 16 in press);
· increased involvement of staff in the direction, management and quality assessment of research at national and international levels (RA6 refers).

The increases outlined above reflect the regeneration of quality research at Coventry. In most of the defined sub-areas of activity, national (DKERG) and international (BIOCORE) levels of excellence in research have been attained. These are further evidenced by the esteem indicators outlined in RA6.

Institutional support for research in computer science
The current research performance in computer science has been achieved against a background of strong support at University and School levels. Mechanisms for promoting, managing and monitoring research at these levels are as follows:

At University level, support for research is emphasised in the University’s Mission Statement and through the recent findings of the Research Task Force commissioned by the University and charged with looking into the mechanisms for enhancing research (Prof RNG Naguib was a member of this five-person task force). Research policy is determined by Academic Board with advice from the University's Research Committee, which is chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor responsible for research. A University Research Degrees Committee approves research degrees procedures. University support for research is maintained through a number of mechanisms with, for example, no limit on the number of professorships and readerships conferred, subject to rigorous internal and external assessment, and the provision of advice on funding through a European and External Funding Office. The University also operates a research initiative scheme which places particular emphasis on both pump-priming new areas of research and on promoting young researchers.

At School level, research support is the responsibility of the School Research Committee and Research Degrees Committee, both chaired by the School Dean. School support for research is provided, for example, by: the appointment of lectureships in strong research areas; the funding and support of research students; the general improvement of research infrastructure in terms of research laboratories equipment; the provision of personal computing facilities for both staff and research students; and the appointment of a Senior Clerical Officer with direct responsibility for administering research degrees programmes. Each member of staff supported for research is required to produce an annual report indicating achievements and future plans. Based on these individual reports, each research group is required to prepare an annual report for consideration by the School Research Committee; funding continuity is based on this reporting process and on the identification of future research direction. A programme of research seminars, integrated within the School's Research Seminar Programme, is now in place with one research-active member of staff responsible for its running and for inviting external speakers to address the subject area's research community on regular intervals.

The present level of high quality research in computer science at Coventry University reflects the strong support for research which has been reinforced and maintained since 1996. The aim has consistently been to expand research activity and, in so doing, to develop high quality research with a strong profile. To this end objectives have been set. They are to:

· emphasise the importance of research qualifications and credentials in the appointment of staff;
· develop research groups providing a strong identity of specialist research at Coventry;
· reward exceptional achievement whilst supporting research for all lecturing staff;
· support a strong research interest in young and newly-appointed staff;
· provide courses in the supervision of research students for inexperienced staff;
· continuously improve the infrastructure to support research activity;
· develop a large and committed group of well trained research students;
· develop thereby a strong research culture in the subject area.

To satisfy these objectives, four specific policies were adopted in 1996. These policies were to:

(i) place research groups on a more formal basis. To this end the School Research Committee has to approve the formation of such groups based on evidence of quality and quantity of research activity. BIOCORE and DKERG fulfil those requirements.
(ii) reduce significantly teaching loads for research-active staff. Lecturing staff have been given more time for research through the appointment of six fixed-term tutorial assistants who are also enrolled on higher degrees research programmes.
(iii) ensure that all new, younger lecturing staff become actively involved in research. This has been achieved by giving them fewer subject area responsibilities during their first two years, by preferentially supporting them through the provision of institutional support and ‘pump-priming’ research studentships, and with funding for conferences and exploratory collaborative meetings.
(iv) increase substantially the number of PhD students and to develop a high level of research training. The increase in PhD students has been achieved through both institutional support and by using external income.

The present staffing structure of the subject area is that of a significantly more vigorous research-active unit than in 1996, the research-active staff consisting of 1 professor, 9 principal lecturers, 10 senior lecturers and 4 lecturers. Seventeen new staff have been appointed since 1996, and young lecturing staff are strongly supported in research (see above) following an initial research induction process. Furthermore, an annual appraisal scheme is designed to identify their research needs.

The success of these policies can be judged by the growth in the number of publications, level of research grant income and research student numbers referred to above and in RA3a and RA3b. It is also evident in the internal promotion of four members of staff to principal lectureships - based on their research performance, as well as teaching - since 1996, and in the overall increase in the number of research active staff to 23.3.

Research students are central to the subject area’s success. Research space is continuously being expanded in order to accommodate the increasing research student population enjoyed by the two research groups. Their involvement in the subject area’s research culture is enhanced by involving them in the delivery of research seminars and encouraging them to present their work at major international conferences. They are supervised by at least two members of the subject area staff and all are involved in some teaching thus enabling them to further develop their academic careers. In terms of staffing, and as part of the major policy for expanding the research base, the policy of appointing fixed-term tutorial assistants, who are also registered for part-time research degrees, has enabled the recruitment of high calibre graduates keen on conducting research and on pursuing an academic career. Additionally, 7 full-time members of staff are registered for part-time MPhil/PhD degrees.

University of Greenwich_25 4 [27D]

This entry represents the profile of a world class team of research academics and their students in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), with a specific interest in the development of software technologies and their application in the modelling and simulation of engineering processes. The research activities of this team have had a significant impact upon its international academic and industrial user communities, in Europe, USA, and Australasia as well as in the UK.
The university is structured as a set of academic schools and research departments. The School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences (CMS) has about 1800 students with 250 on MSc and PhD programmes. The school’s research is essentially multi-disciplinary. As such, in this RAE the school’s staff are represented in entries to a number of panels. However, the majority of the school’s research is reflected through two RAE entries; a small one into Statistics and OR plus the current entry which comprises an interdisciplinary mix of Computer Scientists, Computational Mathematicians, Computational Engineers and Scientists. This team was conceived with the intent of developing and exploiting advanced computer technologies in the solution of important practical engineering problems. To this end the team is structured into subgroups specialising in the underwriting application domains (computational modelling and fire safety engineering), and those specialising in computer technologies (parallel computing and computer science), with some ~30 research active staff supported by 15+ PDRAs and ~50+ research students. These subgroups provide focus for researchers, but they are symbiotic in their operation, the computer technology groups supporting the application groups on all projects. For example, the Computer Science group has provided two artificial intelligence components for the SMARTFIRE project in the fire safety domain, and the Parallel Computing group has developed parallelisation techniques contributing to the PHYSICA computational modelling software. The cohesive nature of the team as a whole is perceived as a strength in our approach to problem solving, and is deliberately reinforced by joint membership of subgroups (involving some ~35% of staff), and cross team authorship of published articles submitted (~40%). The team’s infrastructure has recently been enhanced by CMS’s move into the fully refurbished campus at the Greenwich World Heritage site; the team is located in the historic buildings designed by Wren in the late 1600’s, but just refurbished with 21st century facilities and interior.
Through the development of novel techniques and unique software tools the CSE team has addressed some of the most intellectually challenging problems in their sphere of interest. In many instances, the research output from this team defines the state-of-the-art globally (see below for examples). Each group within the team enjoys an international reputation; these claims are not made lightly or without careful consideration. However, the work of this team does not map neatly onto the RAE panels. Although all its research is based upon the development and exploitation of computer software technologies, most of this is primarily targeted at the development of computational techniques and tools to facilitate the computational modelling and/or analysis of complex engineering processes. As such, the publications in the CM and FSE groups would benefit from being seen by the Mechanical Engineering (notably by panel members with expertise on computational methods in engineering, manufacturing and process engineering) and Civil Engineering panels (particularly by the panel members with expertise in computational mechanics).
The team has forged strong links with academia, industry and government departments in the UK, but most notably throughout Europe, the US and Australasia. Its applications are in the aerospace, automotive, manufacturing and energy industry sectors as well as suppliers of high performance computer (HPC) systems, in both Silicon Valley and Japan. Our simulation based research activities are entirely synergistic with Foresight's objectives with regard to wealth creation and quality of life.
Following a rapid expansion between 1992 and 1996, the team has consolidated its position by retaining its more experienced RA’s in academic positions, and has at the same time diversified its research programme. Although the size of the team has largely stabilised, its total output has since continued to grow and its international profile strengthened. The table below summarises the research output over the three most recent consecutive evaluation periods:
88-92 92-96 %change 96-00 %change
Total external income (£M) 1.41 1.91 +35 6.2 +225
Papers published 139 282 +102 475 +68
PhD (equiv) grads 5 19 +280 29 +52
Team size 13 26 +100 27 +4
The most striking difference between the 92-96 and 96-00 periods is in the percentage income growth of over 300%. This income is mainly from highly competitive EPSRC, JREI and EC grants, evidence of the high regard and confidence placed in the team in the UK and Europe. Additionally, research income from US industry and government organisations (including NASA), as well as substantial collaboration with Australian companies, shows true international recognition.
The number of PhD graduations has also increased by ~50%. PhD students are each supported by two supervisors (frequently from separate groups); a post-graduate supervisor for the host school is responsible for keeping track of their progress and providing pastoral care. Most students attend aspects of the CMS school’s MSc programme in preparation for their PhD studies – incidentally, this programme has just been made an EPSRC-MTP award for some ~£0.5m to develop a suite of e-based remote learning packages for CSE. A series of internal post-graduate seminars enables students to develop their presentational skills in front of their peers and supervisors. A parallel programme of External Speakers enhances awareness of relevant research beyond the university; this programme has featured many major figures from the international CSE community (see PhD students also expect to attend at least one international conference during their studies, as well as various national meetings, such as organised by ACME, for example. The University has a well developed procedure for registering and monitoring approved PhD research programmes (including all aspects of the supervisory support, infrastructure requirements, etc.) which is managed through its Research Degrees Committee, and chaired by the Pro Vice Chancellor responsible for Research.
Staffing policy
There is a strong commitment to the support and development of young staff and those new to research. Examples here include Dr Kate Finney who, returned after a family break and having completed a PhD on formal methods, has joined the Fire Safety Engineering group, and Dr Alison Williams who comes from a PhD at Aberystwyth to extend her experience from non-Newtonian fluids to multi-physics simulation. Experienced staff have come to support initiatives in parallel computing and financial modelling (Prof Parrott), magneto-hydrodynamics simulation (Dr Bojarevics) and in multi-scale modelling (Drs Lu and Rafii-Tabar). Over 50% of the team are under 40 and ~50% have gained their PhD’s since 1990. Naturally, over the RAE period a number of staff have moved into academic and industrial research careers elsewhere in the UK, Europe, Japan and the USA, notably R-Tabar (Tohoku U.), Taylor (Brunel U.) and Wheeler(National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA).
The research programme relies on extensive high performance computing hardware and software to underwrite its operation. Aside from excellent collaborative links with major supercomputer centres around the world (including Stuttgart, NASA, and the USAF), the team has some 60+ workstations and high grade PC’s for the research staff and students, plus a series of major parallel computing resources acquired over a 10+ year period. The current HPC system involves 20 processor Compaq Alphas and was funded primarily by a 1997 JREI award. Indeed, the team have just been awarded a further JREI grant to purchase a state of the art parallel cluster (EPSRC GR/R05536). Collaborative arrangements with Computer aided engineering (CAE) software suppliers ensures that the team has leading edge AI, visualisation, geometric modelling, mesh generation, and analysis (CFD, FEA) tools available.
Research Strategy
1. Computational Modelling
Headed by Profs Cross and Pericleous this group is concerned with the development of new numerical algorithms, procedures and software tools for the simulation of complex industrial engineering processes based upon continuum physics phenomena. Core members of the group include Drs Bailey, Bojarevics, Djambazov, Lai, Leboucher, Lu, McManus, Patel, Williams and Prof Parrott. Drs Rafii-Tabar, Taylor and Wheeler have recently left and replaced by young researchers who have yet to establish themselves.
For well over a decade, the main research theme of this group, has been the simulation of complex engineering processes that feature the close coupling of a range of continuum phenomena and length scales – multi-physics simulation. From the software perspective, we perceived, some years ago, that an object-oriented modular ‘plug-and-play’ toolkit was required which enabled a range of phenomena models and their interactions. From our extensive experience of CFD simulation, it was our view that the partial differential equations describing non-linear phenomena are best solved by finite volume methods. But, to describe complex geometries, unstructured meshes typical of finite element methods are required. In the space of ten years, the group has developed appropriate finite-volume methods on unstructured meshes (FV-UM) addressing a range of such phenomena (fluid flow, heat transfer, combustion, phase change, electromagnetics, solid mechanics, acoustics) and their interactions. These methods have been embedded into a multi-physics software simulation environment, PHYSICA ( With this system, the analysis of complex 3D geometries is possible, in scalar or in parallel, on HPC systems. The strategies developed by the Parallel Computing Group, and OO software engineering techniques explored with the Computer Science group have been instrumental in PHYSICA’s development. Not yet commercial, PHYSICA has about 60 installations world-wide at present.

We believe that PHYSICA is presently the most advanced parallel multi-physics simulation toolkit in the world – the development and evaluation of PHYSICA are the most significant outputs from this group over the period. Other significant key achievements (frequently in the context of PHYSICA and its prototypes) over the current period include:
A computational model of shape-casting that predicts macro-defects through the interactions of the component continuum physics (free surface flow, heat transfer, solidification/melting phase change, and non-linear solid mechanics) [EPSRC GR/K42370]
Fully coupled models of aero-acoustic behaviour (involving fluid flow, sound generation and propagation) with aerospace applications [EPSRC GR/M60804]
Computational models of welding processes: interactions of fluid flow, heat transfer, phase change, electromagnetics and prediction of component distortion [Brite-Euram D-SIGN]
Computational models of electromagnetic induction melting for Titanium, involving fluid flow, heat transfer, melting, in a dynamically distorting free surface envelope (EPSRC GR/L97483, GR/N14136, US Industry)
Computational models of granular flow where, depending on local conditions, the material behaves either as a fluid or solid [EPSRC/IMI GR/M1507] as well as erosion modelling [EPSRC GR/M04980]
Models of metal processes, e.g. continuous casting for steel and DC casting of aluminium, that involve fluid flow, heat transfer, reactions, phase change, solid mechanics [French and US industry]
Fully coupled dynamic fluid structure interaction in the simulation of aircraft flutter and other flow induced vibrations [USAF]
Electronics processing, involving solder mechanics and new processes involving lead-free solder [EPSRC GR/M09292, GR/N14095, NIST(USA), British Council (Hong-Kong)]
Developing thermal stress modules and life prediction models for use in a commercial Electronics packaging code (Flotherm) in a succession of TCD schemes (TCS 2341, 2976).
Models of the complete Aluminium electrolysis cell and stability analysis in the face of magneto-hydrodynamic interactions. [EC Copernicus – ALEL project]
Simulations of electromagnetic fields, heat and mass transfer in microwave heating, freeze drying of foods and related processes
Simulation of copper extraction procedures using the leaching process [US Industry] and iron ore smelting using the HIsmelt process [Australian Industry]
Domain decomposition in heterogeneous models [British Council, EPSRC, LMS]
2. Parallel Computing
Core members of this group are Profs Cross and Parrott, Drs Johnson, Ierotheou, Leggett, Lai, McManus and Walshaw. The key objectives of this group are to develop techniques and tools to support the parallelisation of computational mechanics software. This work has divided between the issues surrounding legacy code parallelisation (a major issue for many organisations that previously exploited CRAY vector systems, such as, NASA, US-DoD centres, etc.) and novel techniques. Key achievements through the late 1990’s include:
Continuing on the development of whole program (inter-procedural dependence) analysis of Fortran application codes from the early 1990’s, these techniques define the state-of-the-art in parallel compiler technology. They enable comprehensive dependence graphs of Fortran software to be defined and form the basis on which accurate and efficient parallel code can be generated.
The development of a thin message passing layer (CAPLib), that maps onto libraries such as PVM, MPI and shmem has been designed and implemented to meet the needs of Computational Mechanics software to enable a single generic parallel version to be created. This allows maintenance of the software on current and future HPC systems.
The development of an environment (CAPTools), that enables the semi-automatic parallelisation of Fortran application codes. CAPTools uses the dependence analyser and message passing library CAPLib to help create parallel code that will execute effectively on distributed memory parallel platforms. More recently, the tools capability has been extended to allow the generation of OpenMP directives for shared memory platforms. CAPTools has been evaluated extensively and enhanced to enable the rapid parallelisation of large industry codes with 100K+ lines of Fortran source. This work is done in collaboration with many industries including NASA (who have provided $+0.5m), US-DoD and SGI, as well as EPSRC and the EU. CAPTools has been beta-licensed to some 50+ user sites world-wide and plans are already underway for commercialisation. Current work is targeted at the generation of efficient hybrid, message passing-OpenMP directive, parallel code to enable execution on the future generation parallel platforms.
The development of an interoperable suite of parallel support tools including CAPTools, VAMPIR, DIMEMAS, AIMS in the context of EC and NASA funded projects, respectively.
The development of tools for partitioning of unstructured meshes and dynamic load balancing of computational mechanics codes. The JOSTLE toolkit runs scalably in parallel and maps partitions onto processor topologies so as to retain nearest neighbour connectivity to minimise inter-processor communications. JOSTLE has been licensed by over 100 users worldwide. These tools have also underwritten the development of parallelisation strategies for codes with one or more of multi-block, multi-dimensional partitioning of single block, unstructured meshes and heterogeneous loads (caused by contact or multi-physics procedures, for example) through the EC-DRAMA programme. All these strategies are being embedded into CAPTools and evaluated on full-scale application codes developed by our international collaborators
Multi-physics simulation is at the limit of engineering computations and requires significant computational resources in terms of both machine cycles and memory. Hence, the parallelisation of the multi-physics code, PHYSICA, so that it runs essentially in parallel with high scalable efficiencies on a variety of HPC hardware and is naturally extensible to represent a wide range of computational models is another key development. Strategies developed for the generic parallelisation of heterogeneous unstructured mesh codes using a distributed memory, message passing, SPMD model have been developed and engineered into PHYSICA. Technologies crucial to the success of this effort are CAPLib to provide a portable and highly efficient communication harness and parallel JOSTLE to allow fully distributed data partitioning/load balancing.
The BSP paradigm has been both exploited and assessed through the parallelisation of electromagnetic and financial computation codes. This work has involved both the analysis of numerical approximations used in these computations together with the development and implementation of parallel algorithms. The issue of accuracy versus computational cost has been addressed both by careful consideration of the potential for parallel performance (making use of the BSP cost model) and the optimal choice of approximation and numerical solution procedures (e.g. a variational formulation of scattering cross-section integrals).
The development of domain decomposition based techniques for inverse analysis
3. Computer Science
This group is headed by Professor Knight and includes Drs Nissan, Petridis, McKenzie, Soper, and Finney. The development strategy has aimed at the evolution of internationally recognised academic research related to applications. The direction of the research has aimed to combine work on theoretical underpinnings with real software applications. To this end there has been close collaboration with other groups both in this team and elsewhere. The Computer Science group has proved to be an integrating agent for the whole Greenwich team, and has collaborated on projects with all of the other groups.
The main field of the group is artificial intelligence, and in this field, theoretical work on temporal reasoning, case based reasoning, genetic algorithms, and heuristic search techniques has gone hand in hand with practical industrially based projects. Case based reasoning (CBR) has been applied in two major projects, resulting in production software:- IDA, a materials selection system produced for Alcatel systems, and SMARTFIRE, a fire modelling system supported by EC, EPSRC and UK Home Office as well as industry; we believe this work defines the leading edge of CBR ‘practical’ applications. Heuristic search and data mining techniques have also been applied in SMARTFIRE for the automatic dynamic control of the solution process. FUELCON is a software system resulting from an international collaboration between the Universities of Greenwich and Ben Gurion (Israel), together with expert users from Siemens AG, and British Energy PLC. The system combines several innovative AI components to provide a solution to the critical problem of optimization of fuel loading patterns in nuclear generating plants. These components include interactive knowledge discovery, hybrid symbolic and non-symbolic neural features and a genetic algorithm. FUELCON’s genetic algorithm approach to optimization, FUELGEN, is a continuing collaboration with British Energy. A first production system dealing with a single loading phase is currently operational, and work is continuing on the problems of multi-phase optimization. Genetic algorithms have also been applied in the development of mesh partitioning techniques in collaboration with the Parallel Computing group. Theoretical work on temporal reasoning has advanced the new temporal theory developed by the group during the previous RAE period in several ways. Applications of the temporal logic have been developed in terms of a logic based process controller, which has been incorporated into the work on dynamic control of the SMARTFIRE software (developed with the FSEG below). It has also formed the basis of an application in a computational approach to legal evidence, as a temporal consistency checker. A new impetus to the group's activity has focused on artificial intelligence applications in the law. These include temporal representations, and integrated AI architectures in the support of legal evidence discovery and organisation (a new field). Our initiative here was recognised to be seminal, and editorial initiatives on behalf of international journals enabled us to commission specific conceptual components from leading international scholars in AI and legal domains. This international collaboration, conceived and co-ordinated at Greenwich, resulted in a broad architecture which is expected to the form the basis of substantial future collaborative research.

The group has also aimed to develop individual research in a range of other areas, including:- an assessment of formal methods in a practical programming context, an investigation of network performance problems by simulation (e.g. congestion control in ATM Networks, performance problems with multimedia traffic), and developing enhanced image processing techniques in the context of satellite technology (with applications to pollution control and other measures to protect bio-diversity in Africa).
4. Fire Safety Engineering Simulation
The Fire Safety Engineering Group (FSEG), founded by Prof Galea in 1986, initially focused on the development of CFD based fire simulation techniques. Over the years the research interests of the group have expanded to include the computer modelling and simulation of evacuation, combustion, fire/smoke spread, structural response to fire and its extinguishment. Application areas include the built environment, aerospace, marine and rail transport. FSEG is one of Europe's leading centres of excellence and one of the largest in the world dedicated to, the mathematical modelling and simulation of fire and related phenomena. Aside from Prof Galea, key members of the group are Drs Patel, Lawrence, Ewer, Jia, and Gwynne, with contributions by Prof Knight, Drs Petridis, Finney and Bailey. Key developments of the group during this RAE period include:
a) Research into the simulation of human behaviour during evacuation situations. This work funded by a combination of the EPSRC (GRK38250) and various industrial and government groups such as UK CAA, NHS, Ove Arup, RINA, Airbus, Boeing, Daimler-Chrysler, etc has lead to the development of the EXODUS suite of evacuation models. This is arguably the most sophisticated evacuation simulation tool in the world with users in 17 countries. Current research in evacuation and behaviour modelling includes the development of communication behaviour, reaction to signage, group behaviour and reaction to smoke. The modelling techniques are currently being extended to include adaptive routines and game theory. In the past 4 years FSEG projects in evacuation include design, safety and/or certification advice to Airbus for the A3XX super jumbo and A340-600 aircraft, the Millennium Dome, Ascot Race Course and Bombardier Canada. These developments are of such importance to Airbus that they have seconded a senior engineer to FSEG for 12 months.
b) Research into fire development and combustion. This work, funded by a combination of EPSRC (GR/L56749/0) and various industrial and government groups such as EU under FWkV, Rockwool, UK Home Office, LPC, etc has lead to the development of the SMARTFIRE fire field simulation tool in collaboration with the Computing Science group above. This is one of the most innovative CFD based fire field models available, currently with users in 9 countries. This software system uniquely combines developments in a number of research areas, including expert systems for intelligent automatic mesh generation, group solvers to reduce the computational overheads in the solution of the CFD equations, pattern recognition and data mining techniques for the automatic dynamic control of the solution process, combustion modelling for the prediction of solid fuel combustion, the on-set of flash-over and backdraft conditions.
c) Other research projects include: water mist modelling funded by the EU-FWkIV, the development of the AASK relational database containing data relating to human factors in aircraft evacuation situations funded by EPSRC (GRK38250) and CAA, virtual reality tools for fire and evacuation applications, dynamic response of structures to the impact of fire for composite steel members,
d) FSEG expertise in fire/evacuation modelling and human behaviour is sought by national and international standards bodies such as the BSI (UK), Human Behaviour Task Group of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (USA) and ISO (International). Lord Cullen, as chairman of the Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry, called Prof Galea as a neutral expert witness, which involved him in an extensive assessment of the evidence supplied by the investigation team.
e) Since 1997, the group have run two short course programmes aimed at those members of the fire safety engineering community interested in improving their understanding of fire and evacuation analysis techniques; over 130+ have attended these courses from 18 countries.
Uptake by beneficiaries
The key practical outputs from team’s research are software tools. The team takes a professional approach to the development and maintenance of its software tools. The school’s MSc in Software Technology has provided an opportunity to provide exposure to state-of-the-art software design, implementation, testing and maintenance strategies for the team’s research staff. Altogether there are 8 major research-led software tools developed by the team: PHYSICA, CAPTools, CAPlib, JOSTLE, FUELGEN, IDA, Smartfire, Exodus. These tools together have well over 300 international user sites, which are a mixture of research intensive universities (e.g. Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, UCSD, Caltech), industry (e.g. Rio Tinto, Airbus, SGI, Compaq) and government labs (e.g. NASA, Argonne, Sandia, Los Alamos), who not only are provided with continuing technical support, but in many cases both continue to stimulate and contribute to further research. R&D teams are associated with each software tool, who continue to support the technology, and to expand its capability as new research comes to fruition.
Reflection and projection
The 1996 RAE entry by this team (to Mechanical Engineering) set the following suite of objectives:
Enhancement and exploitation of the multi-physics tools in a parallel environment plus their application to a wide range of engineering processes which feature interacting continuum phenomena – achieved in its entirety
Developing techniques for effective coupling across length scales – achieved in part; good progress made in leaching, granular flow and crack propagation, for example
Develop techniques and tools to automate the process of parallelising a wide range of application codes to give scalable parallel performance – substantially achieved
Extending the evacuation models using game theory and neural nets plus the development of an integrated environment for fire simulation – substantially achieved
The development and implementation of case based reasoning systems and temporal database systems for engineering applications – achieved
All the key research issues identified in 1996 as significant have been thoroughly addressed through externally funded research programmes and much progress has been made in each case. These programme themes are now mature; they are well supported by external sponsors and we expect to see them grow even further in the next few years:
Having produced a parallel multi-physics simulation environment we expect to improve its physical functionality, effect its implementation in a GRID environment, and apply it to the modelling and analysis of ever more complex engineering processes that require substantial levels of computing power, notably multi-scale phenomena
Improving the parallelisation tools to cope with mixed shared-distributed memory systems (typified by mixed use of MPI-OpenMP) and the load balancing tools to deal with ever more complex load balancing problems, especially in a GRID computing context
Having identified a need for graph based retrieval, we expect to extend it to case based retrieval, extending work on existing competence models to objects with no embedding n dimensional vector space, which will include instance based data mining techniques based on graph based metrics.
The development of a complete temporal theory of actions and change based on the new reified temporal logic, and implement a system in the context of fact investigation and legal evidence.
Extend the CFD fire safety simulation tools to include a variety of combustion models (e.g. toxic product development) and dynamic control of flame spread and evacuation model.
Evacuation models to include a variety of new features such as human factors (e.g. physical fatigue, family group dynamics) and extensions to other systems such as the marine environment and non-emergency people movement in large spaces (e.g. airport terminals).
Self Assessment
This entry represents the work of four strong interacting and interdependent groups that have significant international collaborations and mutually support each other’s programmes. Through ‘international’:- archival journal publications, collaborations, leading participation at conferences, etc, editorial activities, sources of external income and exploitation of the team’s software tools by leading industrial, academic and government research organisations, the team overall provides compelling evidence of a major international research profile and impact, largely in the context of computational science and engineering.

University of Hertfordshire_25 4 [34.2C]

Overview of the Structure of this Submission
Computer Science research at the University of Hertfordshire is carried out within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences (formed in 1997 via a merger of Engineering with Information Sciences), and is managed by Martin Loomes (Professor of Computer Science) under the aegis of the Science and Technology Research Centre (STRC). The STRC represents a broadening of the Engineering Research and Development Centre referred to in the 96 submission, and has as its mission the support of high quality research and the facilitation of multidisciplinary research activities. Academic staff are resident in conventional departments (primarily Computer Science), but the STRC provides the infrastructure for research activity within the Computer Science RAE Unit, including administrative support, financial management and planning, and purpose-built, high quality, laboratories incorporating accommodation for research staff and students.

This submission is structured into three sub-areas: "Algorithms", "Neural Computation", and "System Engineering". This division into sub-areas is stable, and maps directly onto the three major laboratory areas within the STRC dedicated to Computer Science Research. Individual projects are assigned to a Laboratory, but frequently draw upon members of staff associated with other sub-areas, or from other disciplines. The chosen sub-areas are broadly identifiable with the groupings used in both 1992 and 1996, although some minor changes have occurred. In particular, in 96 work on instruction scheduling and neural networks both focused on architectural issues, and were submitted within the same sub-area. As signalled then, activities in neural computation have increased substantially, accompanied by a shift in focus towards biologically and psychologically plausible systems, thus warranting a sub-area in their own right. At the same time, scheduling has grown as an activity within the Algorithms Laboratory, and instruction scheduling has been subsumed under this sub-area.

As in previous submissions, we have not retained interdisciplinary research groups within a single RAE unit, but have returned staff to their "home" discipline units. In general, we have chosen to cite only publications that contribute to the development of knowledge within Computer Science per se. The exceptions are Bolouri’s paper in Science [Bolouri(2)] and Peters’ paper in the BPS Journal of Developmental Psychology [Peters(1)] which are included because they indicate points of departure for major areas of current work, and also demonstrate how ideas initially developed within Computer Science are starting to influence research within other disciplines. We believe that the Computer Science panel will be able to make valid judgements of these isolated examples, and would not require them to be referred to other panels.

This decision to disaggregate multidisciplinary research across units has not caused problems in selecting appropriate publications, but it has created minor difficulties in fully describing our "culture and ethos" in concrete terms. Work in Cognitive Science has been split between Computer Science and Psychology, so neither submission reflects the full range of expertise available. The HCI and Cognitive Modelling activities of Susan Morley, Helen Petrie and Richard Young, amongst others, make important contributions to the culture of the System Engineering laboratory, and the Psychologists have requested that these be referred across to the Computer Science panel. In contrast, while some algorithms research within the STRC has been returned to General Engineering (computational fluid dynamics) or Physics (laser and optical technologies), this is generally of an applied nature, so cross-referral has not been requested. We have decided not to include research into educational technology as this is typically generic, contributing to the development of HE pedagogy in general rather than the development of our discipline of Computer Science per se.

Research Strategy (including elements of self-assessment)
Our primary objective identified in 96 was "to enter the next millennium with a stable, yet dynamic and growing, research activity which is of international excellence in all three sub-areas", and the period from 1996 to 2001 has been one of sustained development in Computer Science at Hertfordshire. The RAE ratings of 4 obtained in 92 and 96 resulted in substantial increases in general funds which, having never been institutionalised, were made directly available to us to support development and growth in both activities and infrastructure. This privileged position has been fully exploited, resulting in growth from 13.8 fte in 1992, to 19.2 fte in 1996 and 34.2 fte in 2001, an increase by a factor of 2.5 in nine years. In achieving this growth we have prioritised improvements to quality over increases in volume, and have managed this by explicit strategy of building only upon existing areas of strength. Retaining a laboratory structure based upon theoretical considerations rather than more transient application areas has promoted the development of strength in depth, rather than dispersing activity across a broad front where track record is difficult to sustain. One side-effect of this has been a decision not to chase transient or peripheral "initiatives" to achieve faster growth at the expense of sustainable quality. The extent to which excellence has been achieved is evidenced by the submitted publications. We have elected to return papers with multiple authors under only one author to allow a wider range of outputs to be included.

Although areas of existing strength determine the theoretical focus of our research, many individual projects are deliberately carried out at the interface between theory and practice in a particular application domain. Thus the ways in which theories are developed, tested and applied are largely determined in collaboration with industry, service providers and other similar agencies. We consider this dialogue vital to our long-term development. Similarly, our research plans reflect changes in regional circumstances (such as the influx of biotechnology companies to replace the traditional defence and aerospace industries), the national agenda (such as the Foresight recommendations in ICM and Health Care, and the EPSRC moves towards the life sciences interface and technology convergence), and the imperative for Computer Science research to embrace global cooperation, rather than remain narrowly competitive and risk becoming marginalised.

A significant change during this period has been a shift in staffing policy. This was predicted in our 96 submission, and supported by feedback from that panel. Prior to 96, our emphasis was on developing in-house expertise, ensuring that core strengths were developed with little diversification in order to achieve a stable base upon which to build. Since 1996, this internal staff-development plan has been complemented by a recruitment strategy that has attracted experienced researchers, at various levels of seniority, active in areas closely associated with ongoing activities.

Research degree activity was an area singled out in feedback from the 96 exercise as one of particular strength at Hertfordshire. We have continued to build upon this by retaining our policy of recruiting only well-qualified students to areas where they will be properly supported, enhancing the generic training provision for all students, and implementing a training and accreditation policy for supervisors. The obvious problems of attracting good students to a semi-rural area with very high costs of living and excellent high-tech job opportunities have constrained expansion, although growth is broadly in line with the increase in research activity, allowing for the inevitable time delay from recruitment to completion. We have not included in our numbers fractional FTEs for students supervised at other institutions (currently 15 students are being supervised with 22 research degrees awarded in the period), preferring to regard this as part and parcel of the good working relationships we enjoy with our collaborators.

Research funding is treated internally solely as a mechanism for enabling work, and not as an end in its own right. The funds attracted have been more than adequate for supporting our planned growth and developments in quality, and we have deliberately avoided taking on work that would divert us from our strategic plan. Funding for some transatlantic activities are administered through US partner institutions, as this allows us to access sources otherwise unavailable to us (see below).

Each of the three sub-areas is now discussed in turn, including a synopsis of current areas of strength and brief plans for the next five years. Finally, we present a major aspect of our development plans which transcends the current laboratory structure.

The Laboratory for Algorithms is founded on the work of the Hatfield Numerical Optimisation Centre, an international centre of excellence that has been established for more than 20 years, undertaking research into high performance algorithms running on state of the art architectures. This research centres on the analysis and transformation of algorithmic forms, in particular, the constraints which led to specific classes of problem being traditionally viewed as "hard" are re-assessed in the light of modern computer science. The impact of these investigations ranges from improvements in resource use through to radically new ways of formulating algorithms [Nehaniv(1), Albrecht(2), Christianson(1)]. This requires both technical expertise (in-house and via excellent networking with other centres) and also experience of solving real problems for clients in the relevant application domains. Application specific research within the STRC has been returned to the General Engineering and Physics units of assessment, but is relevant as it ensures the algorithms research is informed by engagement with problems rising externally to computer science. A few papers of an applied nature have been included here to illustrate this point (e.g.[Dixon(2), Bartholomew-Biggs(3)]).

One major cluster of activity centres upon algorithms associated with Automatic Differentiation (AD) techniques. This is an area where Hatfield has sustained a position of international leadership for over twenty years [Bartholomew-Biggs(2)], and it continues to be one of our research flagships. The deployment of AD in turn motivates the design and investigation (from the point of view of complexity, information and resource requirements) of new parallelisable non-linear optimisation algorithms, including interior-point methods, constrained global optimisation [Bartholomew-Biggs(3)], and embedded equation-solution [Bartholomew-Biggs(4)]. Activity in this area also includes the incorporation of AD-enabling Computer Science artifacts (such as the adjoint stack machine) into state-of-the-art scientific compilers (such as the NAG Fortran products) and the consequent investigation of the changing information requirements for the corresponding internal compiler algorithms [Dixon(3)].

Attention is currently focused upon information requirements for optimal control-flow and resource scheduling. This requires new representations for analysing both static and dynamic instruction control flow, which in turn produces new requirements for graph-manipulation algorithms and for the exploitation of latent parallelism [Christianson(4)]. Our intention is to develop parallelisable implementations which are ultimately capable of following several program traces concurrently, and reversibly. Application areas with which we are engaged in this work include Boundary Element transformations (previous work on the parallel Laplace transform BEM [Davies(2,4)] is now being applied to the Black-Scholes equation to perform financial modelling), inverse problems such as light-scattering (which in turn has application to imaging problems, including radiation treatment planning, where we have a collaborative project with McGill in Canada), optimal control (AD-enabled incorporation of higher-order derivatives into a Pontryagin/Pantoja approach [Christianson(1)] allows a new, self-stabilising reformulation of the indirect algorithm) and, more recently, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) (a number of optimisation and inverse problems associated with airofoil design benefit from accurate grid-sensitivities). CFD represents a relatively new application area for AD, and imposes substantially different requirements upon the computing environment from those of established application areas such as meteorology [Mushtaq(3,4)]. We are pleased to be at the forefront in opening up this area, and intend extending this to microfluidics, another area of strength within the STRC submitted under Physics, in the near future. Our long-term aim is to enable validated scientific computing, where algorithms produce not simply a numerical result, but a reproducible construction of a formal proof that the result is correct to a specified level of accuracy.

Work on scheduling also finds application in the projects associated with the Hatfield Superscalar Architecture (HSA) enterprise [Steven(1)]. HSA has grown out of a succession of Multiple Instruction
Issue architecture projects at Hatfield, which stretch back over fifteen years and aim to achieve an eventual order-of-magnitude speedup over baseline scalar effective issue rates. Simulations of HSA are used as test beds for various scheduling algorithms, and provide a point of contact with embedded systems applications. The HSA projects also create an idyllic environment for the investigation of instruction dependency and resource requirements for large-scale benchmarks in a compiler/instruction scheduling context, loops of arbitrary complexity, multiple levels of cache, adaptive prediction, and the need to schedule multiple threads of execution in parallel across functional units which are shared between pipelines [Egan(1), Shafarenko(2),Steven(3)]. As with the work on AD, exploitation of the as-yet imperfectly understood interplay between static and dynamic scheduling techniques is of particular importance for the future: at present, optimisations for one frequently have the unintended effect of inhibiting the other [Steven(2), Findlay(2)]. Future work will further investigate the potential for static scheduling to improve out-of-order issue rates, and the associated information requirements for the instruction set.

Analysis of genetic algorithms is another area of interest [Nehaniv(3)]. For example, by considering genetic algorithms as inhomogeneous Markov chains over distributions of possible populations, we have calculated eigenvalues of the mutation operator, described invariant Hardy-Weinberg spaces for crossover, and studied the interplay between these operators and various types of fitness selection, thus allowing us to characterise the asymptotic behaviour of GAs. Current work is focusing upon the evolvability properties of natural and artificial genetic systems, their theoretical analysis, and application in both evolutionary computation and computational biology [Nehaniv(2)]. The theme of evolutionary systems is one which draws together all three laboratories, and this collaborative area of work is identified as a key area of growth. Related algorithmic research concerns aspects of stochastic local search algorithms. Current areas of theoretical work focus on convergence properties and time complexity analysis, using an underlying framework closely related to the theory of Markov Chains and algorithmic paradigms such as simulated annealing [Albrecht(1,3,4)]. The results have already been applied to diverse problems drawn from scheduling, pattern recognition and algorithmic learning theory, and we are currently developing the techniques for application to medical image analysis, in collaboration with the Systems Engineering Laboratory [Loomes(1)].

Finite automata networks, generalisations of cellular automata, are also being studied algebraically within the laboratory [Nehaniv(1)]. Major recent results include characterisations of complete systems of automata for various "products" of automata, and several new techniques for obtaining Krohn-Rhodes decompositions of automata in feedback-free cascades of permutation and identity-reset automata. Various applications are being explored, including effective decidability procedures for the complexity of star-free languages and relations with temporal logics and specifications. Future directions include application to dynamic reconfiguration of computational load in networks and grids, and to various areas of artificial intelligence.

A final thread continues the work on network architecture and protocol design and analysis [Sotudeh(2,3,4),Senior(1,2)], established at Hatfield over twenty years ago, and subsequently (following Jean Bacon's migration there) the basis for a longstanding link with the University of Cambridge. Recent work is motivated by problems of integrity in wide-open heterogenous distributed systems spanning mutually mistrusting domains, and involves careful modelling of the interfaces between the network and the operating system, the hardware and the application context [Malcolm(1,4)]. Future work, in collaboration with the Systems Engineering Laboratory, will include the development of models of trust, delegation and autonomy for mobile agents.

Neural Computing research since 96 has continued to focus on evolutive systems, and, as predicted, has grown significantly during the period. The focus on evolution and neural system design has naturally led to close collaborations with both psychologists and biologists, anticipating the interaction between the IT and life sciences research communities recently promoted within the UK. These collaborations have, in turn, led to new and innovative areas of research not adequately captured by the term "neural computing", and involving significant inputs from the Algorithms and System Engineering Laboratories. These are discussed later in the RA5.

Mature work within the laboratory can be clustered under four related strands. First, activities relating to fundamental issues in the theory of neural network design [Pan(1), Rust(3), Davey(2)] and to theoretical properties of neural computing systems [Davey(1), Hunt(3), Adams(3)]. Our evolutionary approaches to neural network design are illustrated both in the biologically plausible models described under the third strand [George(4),Rust(4)], and in the development of a novel stochastic, evolutionary, competitive architecture which allows the growth of tree-structured neural networks controlled by input data, and permits internal parameter inheritance [Adams(1,4), Davey(1)]. Other projects include the development of high capacity associative memory models [Hunt(2)], and time-series prediction using dynamic systems theory to inform initial network configurations [Frank(2)]. Future work is focused primarily on broadening the scope of these ideas through application to real, large scale problems, for example, the exploitation of the neural tree model as a visualisation tool in data mining, and consolidating the consequent revisions to theoretical understanding.

The second strand concerns modelling of psychological phenomena. Children’s early learning and problem solving performance, for example, has been modelled using a novel architecture based on a process of reward-driven self supervision [Peters(1,3,4)]. Similarly initial language acquisition (using Spanish as a vehicle, in collaboration with Madrid University) has been modelled [Davey(4)]. Cognitive dysfunction has been modelled, including simple phenomena associated with Alzheimer’s Disease [Frank(4)], and attractor networks are being investigated as a way of constructing neurobiologically plausible models [Frank(3)]. Future directions here include developing psychologically plausible networks to model integration of motor and visual knowledge, language acquisition for compound words, visual categorisation cued by colour, and problems of semantic access. Another area of future work draws upon the first two strands, bringing evolvable neural networks and cognitive modelling together to assist in the creation of a cognitive robotic platform, in conjunction with the Systems Engineering Laboratory.

Links with neurobiology are also present in the third strand, where biological processes are modelled at molecular, cellular and population levels in order to produce a methodology for automatic construction of neural systems with specific functionality. The process of neural outgrowth in biological neural systems [George(1)], and the resulting selection and pruning processes [George(3)], have been modelled, giving rise to self-organising, evolving, biologically-plausible neural systems for use in computational neuroscience, for instance, visual processing tasks which demonstrate biological synergies with the human visual system [Pan(3), Rust(4)]. Self-organising models of molecular processes involved in embryonic development are currently being exploited to artificially grow neurons and networks with biologically plausible 3D morphologies [Rust(1,3)], and a discrete model of Morris-Lecar active membrane dynamics has been implemented to enable high-speed evaluation of the effects of neurite morphology on neuron physiology [Rust(2)].

The final strand is the use of neural networks to solve practical problems, typically motivated by external clients and collaborators. A microelectronic realisation of a neural network system for vision has been produced [Bolouri(1)] and a telecommunication video compression algorithm developed [Pan(2)]. Vision systems have also been developed for medical imaging and for the detection and tracking of humans within a visual field where they may be partially occluded [Davey(3), George(1,2)]. Several applications have been developed for Nortel (patents are mentioned in RA6), including the identification of software cloning in legacy code and the detection of fraudulent uses of mobile telephones by analysis of patterns of use. Predicting future work here is problematic, as the activity is largely opportunistic, driven by problems arising from outside the laboratory. One area of current interest arising within the STRC is the use of a variety of architectures developed to support time-series prediction [Frank(2)] in solving problems from environmental science and water engineering, such as predicting scouring at culverts under various water flow conditions.

The System Engineering Laboratory is primarily concerned with interactions between people and systems at all stages of development and operation, including subsequent maintenance and system evolution. This work is underpinned by a close, longstanding collaboration with colleagues in psychology, who participate in the work of the laboratory. The primary methodology adopted is one of empirical investigations into the application of tools and techniques to a variety of domains. It was stated in 96 that there would be an emphasis placed upon "distributed, multi-media systems" and, whilst this did occur [Britton(1,3),Hewitt(1)], attention rapidly switched to a subset of the theoretically based generic issues underpinning systems of this type, and in a broadening of the concept of "multimedia" to include aspects of robotics and cybernetics (see below). There are three main areas of current interest within the laboratory.

First, the recognition that system designers are people, and that an improved understanding of the human factors involved in the development process can lead to improvements in both process and products. Some projects in this area concentrate on the process itself, such as the empirical studies of software quality measurement and improvement technologies [Hall(1-4)], our involvement with the FEAST project at Imperial College [Wernick(1,2,3)] and ways of achieving re-use of requirement specifications and designs [Lam(1-4), Britton(3), Jones(4), Hewitt(4), Robinson(3), Veneziano(2), Loomes(3,4)]. Other projects focus attention on artifacts produced during the design process and their properties, such as the empirical studies of notations and their support for different modes of reasoning [Britton(1), Robinson(1), Loomes(2)].

The second area has evolved from traditional HCI, and focuses upon the ways in which user interaction with systems can be modelled and improved [Jones(3), Shankararaman(1), Veneziano(3,4), Ariyaeeinia(1)]. A traditional area of strength at Hertfordshire is the use of technology to assist those with disability [Lee(1,2,4)]. Emphasis is placed upon the use of speech and language technology for improving interaction [Hewitt(2)], and also for enabling the recognition of individuals’ voices for purposes of security and adaption [Hewitt(3), Ariyaeeinia(2-4)]. This work is complemented by that of the sensory disability unit submitted to Psychology, and hence the enterprise is substantially larger than can be appreciated from this submission alone.

The final area relates to embedding human attributes in computer-based systems: in particular, agents capable of demonstrating intelligent reasoning and social interactions. Some of this work builds upon conventional approaches for problems such as medical diagnosis and patient care [Ambrosiadou(1-4), Shankararaman(2,3), Loomes(1)]. Other projects are seeking to develop more novel approaches, such as incorporating elements of imitation, emotional behavior or social cognition within robotic or software agents [Dautenhahn(1,2), Robinson(2,4), Canamero(2,3,4), Veneziano(1)].

We do not plan any major changes of direction in this sub-area for the next five years. Work on empirical studies of designers and their use of notations will continue to grow in line with the national agenda for "putting people back in the loop", as will the traditional aspects of HCI with its focus on end-users. The area targeted for significant development is the work on adaptive, social agents. The capabilities added by the recent moves of Dr Dautenhahn and Dr Canamero to Hertfordshire are complemented by the work of Dr Nehaniv on algorithms which is moving in this direction, and also by that of the Neural Computing Laboratory on biological and psychological plausibility. Typical areas that are currently being addressed within the Laboratory are 1) investigating the roles of embodiment and the dynamics of interaction in designing interactive, socially intelligent agents, 2) modelling architectures, designs and scenarios that address the emotional and narrative nature of animal and human minds and 3) modelling mechanisms that support social learning (such as imitation) and social understanding (such as empathy) among agents, particularly in scenarios involving human interaction. Application to health and disability related problems, such as autism therapy, are already underway and are expected to grow. Researchers in the Laboratory have strong links with centres for similar work in both Europe and the USA (see RA6), and opportunities for globalisation similar to that achieved with Caltech (see below) are being explored.

A further area of activity, which does not fit naturally within any single laboratory, is what might loosely be termed "biologically-inspired research". This area is now well-established at Hertfordshire, and has been selected as a major area of growth. Roots of this enterprise have grown concurrently in all three laboratories. Arising from Neural Computing, for example, our expertise in modelling, pattern recognition, and prediction, combined with our studies of the molecular biology of neural development, evolution, and physiology, places us in a unique position to contribute to the development of computational methods in molecular biology. Our collaborative link with the Division of Biology at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), which started in Computational Neuroscience in 1996, has rapidly developed into large scale, multi-national projects with two aims: (1) modelling and understanding of specific molecular processes and systems, and (2) developing computational modelling and analysis tools for molecular biology. Within the Algorithms Laboratory, recent work includes the algebraic modelling of biological complexity and evolutionary systems developed in collaboration with the University of California at Berkeley Maths Department and the Biology Department at Yale. In Systems Engineering, biologically inspired models are being exploited to deepen understanding of agent-based systems and evolutionary product design, in collaboration with the MIT AI and Media Laboratories.

This thread of work has grown rapidly in the last 2 years. Some seminal work has already been published [Bolouri(2,4), Nehaniv(2)] but significant achievements in the recent past are presented here as evidence of esteem and potential for growth. Funding from the US National Institutes of Health ($200K), the Japanese Science and Technology Corporation to enable participation in the ERATO project ($134K), the BBSRC (£144K) and the Royal Society/Wolfson Foundation (£146K) for biocomputing laboratory refurbishment have laid the foundations for a substantial programme of work and demonstrate the commitment of the life-sciences community in the UK, Japan and the USA to support the enterprise. Further funding is managed by Hertfordshire staff at Caltech, opening up opportunities not available to UK institutions alone. Currently 3 members of UH research staff are seconded to Caltech on a long term basis and 8 other UH researchers (academic staff plus students) regularly travel to Caltech for periods ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months and have 3 offices as well as a house and an apartment at Caltech for this purpose. The group based at Hertfordshire has dedicated, high-speed ISDN teleconferencing with Caltech and Tokyo, and a number of researchers at Caltech work under the supervision of UH staff on joint projects. Office and laboratory accommodation is permanently available for visiting researchers from Caltech at Hertfordshire. Further evidence of the standing of this research is presented in the RA6. We believe that this form of global collaboration represents an important way forward for Computer Science at Hertfordshire, and intend developing a number of other existing collaborations in similar ways (see RA6).

Our strategic plan within Computer Science at Hertfordshire is to continue the policy of developing strength in depth, building upon existing areas and diversifying only in a carefully controlled fashion, and eventually achieving international excellence in all aspects of our portfolio. We will continue to grow research activity through our staff development procedures and by attracting active researchers in relevant areas as vacancies arise, our goal being to exceed 80% participation within 5 years.

University of Huddersfield_25 3a [8E]

The mechanisms and practices for the promotion, management and monitoring of research at Huddersfield occur at School and University levels. The University's Strategic Plan emphasises its commitment to research and identifies specific targets for publications, research grants and PhD awards. The University Research Committee (URC), which comprises representatives from all Schools and senior university officers, oversees the policies and strategies for research as well as the regulations for research awards. Each School has a five year research plan, approved by the school board and the URC, which outlines the school’s policy and strategy and has specified targets which are reviewed annually. Over 90% of the HEFCE research funds allocated to the University of Huddersfield is distributed to the Schools to support directly our research effort. In addition, the University funds a Research Office which provides administrative support for the management of research funding, gives guidance on grant applications and oversees the regulatory framework for research awards. It also advises on good supervisory practice. The University provides research funds of about £0.5m each year which are bid for competitively on a project basis.
The School of Computing and Mathematics occupies the whole of a 6-floor former textile mill, converted at a cost of £5.4m in 1995. It is well known for the quality of its higher education, being judged number 4 in a Guardian League Table (9.11.99) of the top 50 UK university departments offering Information Technology and Computer Science.
The main aim of the School’s research strategy concerns our research groups: that they should attain international recognition, and in doing so become self-sustaining and establish a permanent position in their research area. More generally, we wish to promote scholarship among all academic staff, and here members of successful research groups have a leading role to play in their academic departments, to invigorate staff, inform teaching and provide assistance in subject development. Our strategy was changed following RAE'96 to one that is more selective and concentrates research resources into areas of greatest potential. We feel that this strategy has been successful in the computer science area, in that the three research groups described below (Artform, CONNECT and ITRG) have established an international reputation. This is evidenced by the strength and range of our external collaboration, peer esteem factors showing our growing impact on academia, and our RA2 contributions. These groups are continuing to expand with five EPSRC responsive mode grants with RAE-entered staff as principal investigators starting since January '00, another EPSRC MathFIT project about to start, and an additional three internal research studentships awarded by the University in March '01.
The School Research Committee monitors research activity in the School, implements its strategy through a Research Executive (consisting of senior research staff and research group leaders), and produces an annual report. The School places great importance on encouraging research in all its subject areas and has implemented the following policies:
· sabbaticals are potentially available to all full time lecturers. These are awarded on the basis of submitted research plans which promise to benefit the individual and the School.
· research activity is a fundamental factor in the recruitment and promotion of staff
· current HEFC NFF is managed by the Research Executive, and has been used to support staff study leave, research assistants and students, and specialised research equipment
· new lecturing staff are entitled to a light initial teaching load to develop their research
· the duties of lecturers are skewed depending on their research output
· in addition to NFF, the School supports research with 1.5 FTE administrative staff and a £20,000 per annum budget for international conference travel and research student equipment.

Research students undertake a formal training programme. Before a student can register, the School's Research Degrees Committee must be satisfied that the student's experience, supervisory team, project and the facilities available are all satisfactory. To enhance and control the quality of research, there is a University Guide for the Supervision of Research Students. Short courses on good supervisory practice are also organised. Progress of each research student is carefully monitored by the supervisory team and the Research Degrees Committee. Research supervisors are required to complete an annual monitoring form on the progress of the research and the research student which is then reviewed by the University Research Office. Research students produce an annual report and give regular oral presentations of their work to their peers and academic staff. They also complete annual monitoring forms on their perception of progress. Most students initially register for a MPhil/PhD and transfer to PhD. A report must be submitted and satisfactorilly assessed via two independent referees before transfer is approved. The School’s research students are particularly well supported with individual workstations, their own internal research resource web site, and a status in the School similar to members of academic staff.
The nature of the research undertaken here is to be understood in the context of the institution's background and culture, which aims to foster interdisciplinary and collaborative research relevant to the needs of industry and commerce. This is in line with demand from staff and students, with Government policy, and with the rationale behind RAE'96 non-formula funding (NFF) from which we have benefitted. Staff within the School belong to a wide range of subject areas, including Library and Information Management, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Information Systems and Business Studies, as well as Computer Science. Hence, much of the research we do is interdisciplinary and we would like to flag up parts of this submission to be considered by other panels:
· all of the CONNECT group's research is relevant to the Applied Mathematics panel
· some of ITRG's output is relevant to the Education panel: RA2 contributions [Ward-1, Ward-2, Ward-3, Marsden-3].
NB: Below we describe our research achievements citing RA2 contributions in square brackets.

Grouping 1: Artform

This group's research areas are AI Planning and Formal Approaches to Knowledge Engineering. It contains RA2 staff Prof Lee McCluskey, Dr Diane Kitchin and Dr Hugh Osborne. Artform has the support of two research staff (Mrs Margaret West and Mr Weihong Zhao) and six research students. Past research staff in the '96-'00 period include Kitchin herself, as well as Dr Chris Bryant (currently at University of York), and Dr Julie Porteous (currently at University of Durham).
· Our development of a rigorous method for the engineering of AI planning domains [Kitchin-1, McCluskey-1] resulted in a novel object-centred modelling language [Kitchin-2]. The language, called OCLh, is being used as the basis of Planform (, a collaborative EPSRC responsive mode grant of £289,340 (GR/M67421) split between 3 Universities, with duration '00-'02. Planform is almost certainly the largest and most ambitious EPSRC project in AI Planning in the UK. McCluskey is Planform's overall manager, other principal investigators being Drs Maria Fox and Derek Long of the Univ. of Durham's Planning Group, and Prof Ruth Aylett of the Univ. of Salford's Centre for Virtual Environments. Other collaborators are the UK National Air Traffic Service's Department of Operational and Scientific Analysis (NATS Ltd), and CogSys Ltd of Manchester. The project aims to deliver a tools environment for the rigorous construction of AI planners, with the potential for real application. Already we have developed a new theoretically clean OCLh HTN algorithm [McCluskey-2], as well as foundations and tools for OCLh's environment [Kitchin-3, Kitchin-4].
· PLANET is the EU-funded Network of Excellence in AI Planning, currently having 66 member institutions throughout Europe. Working with leading European researchers, and in his capacity as a member of the PLANET Network Executive, McCluskey has been the main author and editor of PLANET's Research Road Map ( in knowledge engineering for AI planning.
· McCluskey's applied research in knowledge engineering in air traffic control started when he led the FAROAS development project (with over £240,000 of direct funding from NATS Ltd over the period '92-'94) which produced a formal requirements specification of air traffic separation criteria (called the CPS) as a direct output. Following on in '96-'98 he led the IMPRESS research project, an EPSRC responsive mode grant of £154,626 (GR/K73152) with additional backing from NATS Ltd valued at c.£100,000. This project enhanced the CPS's validation environment [McCluskey-3] and succeeded in applying theory refinement techniques to help maintain the CPS [McCluskey-4], gaining grades alpha3/good in peer evaluation. This appears to be the first application of automated theory refinement to the maintenance and revision of a realistic formal specification, and is detailed in a paper by McCluskey and West in the The Automated Software Engineering (AUSE) Journal, Special Issue on Inductiove Programming, Vol 8, No 2, April '01. These projects also have been recorded in the Formal Methods Europe database ( Further direct funding from NATS Ltd of £10,500 (leading to the award of a Huddersfield PhD to Dr Blaga Iordanova) produced a prototype application of AI planning to aircraft conflict resolution.
· Osborne has developed a structured and flexible design methodology for retrieval in Case Based Reasoning (CBR) systems using techniques from formal specification [Osborne-1, Osborne-4]. He has used the technique to derive LINDA specifications of parallel CBR systems [Osborne-2, Osborne-3]. Osborne has recently won an EPSRC responsive mode grant of £50,207 (GR/N01729/01) to research into a similar approach in the specification and validation of machine architectures.

Future Plans:
McCluskey was a co-author of the successful PLANET2 proposal which has led to the award of 500,000 ECU funded under the "New Methods of Work and E-commerce" part of Key Action II of the EC IST's '00 programme. It extends PLANET's funding to the period '01-'03, and, together with the continuation of Planform, will keep Artform at the centre of European AI Planning research.
In theory refinement, McCluskey, West and a student funded via an EPSRC Quota Grant are continuing the work of IMPRESS by applying machine learning techniques to the repair of planning domain models.
In November '00 Dr Barbara Smith, leader of Leeds University's Constraint Programming and Operational Research Group, accepted an offer of Professor of Computer Science in the School and will start in April '01. Her recent work in constraint programming with the international APES group, of which Huddersfield is now a member (see will considerably strengthen and complement our existing expertise in Artform. Smith has recently won an EPSRC responsive mode grant of £58,000 (GR/R29673) to start at Huddersfield in Summer '01. This is a linked Mathfit grant with Dr Ian Gent, Dr Steve Linton and Prof Ursula Martin at St Andrews University and will form part of Smith's continuing collaborative research in constraint programming.

Grouping 2. CONNECT

Connect, The Centre for Numerical and Neural Computing was founded in '94 with the appointment of Prof John Mason. Since then his assistant Dr Iain Anderson has been appointed Senior Lecturer and is the second member of the group. Their research is situated on the boundary between Computing and Applied Mathematics, and they are supported by two research staff (Dr David Turner and Mr Colin Ross) and four research students. In '00, Alistair Forbes of National Physical Laboratory (NPL) joined CONNECT as a Visiting Professor, with special expertise in metrology - his appointment reflects and encourages the strong links between Huddersfield and NPL in this area, and he has already worked with several former CONNECT CASE research students at NPL (including Anderson, Turner, and Ross). Key achievements since '96 have been in solving linear and non-linear approximation problems using splines, Chebyshev polynomials, radial basis functions (RBFs) and support vector machines (SVMs), with applications in numerical analysis, metrology (the science of measurement), data fusion and neural networks. Six major achievements follow.
· First, with importance throughout numerical analysis, Anderson has developed a novel robust algorithm for accurate floating point addition [Anderson-1].
· Second, Mason (with Prof Venturino of Politecnico Torino) has used 4 kinds of Chebyshev polynomials to generalise the class of popular Clenshaw-Curtis integration formulae and error estimates, yielding at least 15 possible formulae including 9 Gauss quadrature methods [Mason-2]. They have also developed 3 new, efficient Chebyshev polynomial orthogonalisation methods for singular integral equations (this work was published in the Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd UK Conference on Boundary Integral Equations, '97/'98).
· Third, Anderson, Mason and Dongdong Lei (Huddersfield CASE Student with NPL) have developed a new algorithm for best approximation in the L1 (least first power) norm, which is more reliable than available L1 algorithms, since it controls pivoting and decomposes the basis matrix.
· Fourth, Anderson has developed a piecewise decomposition method for multivariate L2 (least squares) data approximation, incorporating a novel spline algorithm for iteratively generating best global approximations from local fits to subsets of data [Anderson-2, Anderson-3]. New parallel spline algorithms based on partitioning for piecewise approximation to scattered multivariate data were also developed by Anderson, Mason and Dr Colin Pink (former Huddersfield CASE student with NAG Ltd). This work was published in the Proceedings of Domain Decomposition, Bergen '96.
· Fifth, Mason and Dr Steve Langdell (former Huddersfield CASE student with Hydraulics Research Ltd, now statistician at NAG Ltd) have implemented rigorous statistical procedures which use RBFs in neural networks for choosing network structures and error estimates. They have applied their novel technique to the prediction of flow levels in sewerage networks [Mason-3, Mason-4]. New fast RBF algorithms have also been developed by Mason and Mr Andrew Crampton (Huddersfield CASE student with NAG Ltd) for fitting data measured on a family of curves, as in aerial and ocean surveying.
· Sixth, CONNECT are the leading UK University Group in the Mathematics for Metrology research area, working closely with Prof Maurice Cox and Prof Forbes. Anderson has won an EPSRC Responsive Mode Grant of £59,275 (GR/R14422) for new work in this area. Anderson, Mason, Turner and colleagues have developed several new algorithms for the non-linear problems of measuring orthogonal distances and comparing measured data with given curve and surface templates as used in dental and medical metrology (published in [Anderson-4] and 3 papers in Proceedings of Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology (AMCTM), Lisbon, '00). Ross, Mason and Anderson have developed new algorithms for data fusion by a mixture of L1, L2 and L_infinity (minimax) norms (published in the Proceedings of Curves and Surfaces, St Malo '99).

Future Plans:
CONNECT and NPL are making cooperative bids for funding of projects under DTI's Software Support for Metrology 2nd Programme ('01-'04). In the Public Version of the Recommended Programme (Nov '00) it is recommended that two projects in "extension of empirical methods" and "promoting best practice in discrete modelling" should be single tendered to NPL with Huddersfield (and NAG Ltd in the former case), and funding support in the region of £80,000 at Huddersfield is being sought for specific tasks in numerical analysis, splines and discrete modelling. These grants will allow Huddersfield to offer post doctoral and lecturing positions to its high quality research students. A UK Network in Mathematics for Metrology is planned, with the aim of making collaborative research grant bids in this important area.
In '02 Anderson and Lei will build on their success in developing robust and efficient algorithms for best approximation in the L1 (least first power) norm by applying similar techniques to the L_infinity (minimax) norm. Such algorithms have applications in quality control and testing for fitness of purpose; an important and neglected area of metrology.
In '01 Anderson will be editor-in-chief of the proceedings for the Algorithms for Approximation IV symosium. Mason and Anderson will be responsible for editing two special issues of the journal "Advances in Computional Mathematics", one on metrology and the other on numerical linear algebra.

Grouping 3. The Interactive Technology Research Group (ITRG)

ITRG contains RA2 staff Dr Janet Finlay, Dr Phil Marsden and Dr Robert Ward, plus two part-time research assistants (Ms Denise Bell and Ms Amanda Tinker) and 4 full time research students, contributing research output to computer science, education and design technology. It continues the long tradition of HCI research in the School which includes such past events as the hosting of HCI'95 within the School's premises. The group has also recently appointed a Visiting Professor in Interactive Design, Dr David Embrey (Managing Director of Human Reliability Associates Ltd, Wigan), to help the dissemination of research findings to industry and to complement the group's leading role in dissemination of knowledge to the academic research community via BCS Specialist Groups. In the last 2 years the group has established a fully operational usability laboratory to enable advanced HCI/Multimedia research. In this RAE period, Finlay, Marsden and Ward plus new member Mr J V H Bonner (see RA6) have attracted funding of over £450,000 from EPSRC and British Library sources. The group's current activities are focused in 4 areas:
· Affective Computing: Marsden has produced an influential critique of the design of computer products for the naive user [Marsden-1, Marsden-2]. Ward has developed a working framework for evaluating the significance of affect in interactive systems and electronic information sources [Ward-4]. From this, Marsden and Ward have been awarded an EPSRC responsive mode grant of £51,357 (GR/N00586) to investigate psychophysiological indicators of usability problems.
· Usable Learning Technology and Interactive Environment Design: Marsden provided an exemplar study of lesson sharing between schools in the secondary education sector using video-conferencing technology [Marsden-3]. This forms part of an EU ACTS programme in collaboration with a number of industrial partners including Nokia, Cable and Wireless, Telecom Finland, as well as academic partners from the Universities of Salford and Linkoping. Ward has developed a novel computer-assisted learning paradigm for collaborative, case-based learning in which learners collaborate around and away from the computer [Ward-1, Ward-2]. In the area of computer-assisted language learning, Ward has also applied the principles of first-language acquisition in the design of environments in which language learners hold written conversations with natural-language understanding software [Ward-3]. Ward was also academic supervisor for a £121,140 teaching company scheme with Caltell Communications Ltd which addressed effective design and delivery of web-based materials.
· User modelling and evaluation: Finlay has developed new approaches to modelling user behaviour, using machine learning [Finlay-1] and neural networks [Finlay-3] rather than the more traditional knowledge based approaches. With Dr Steve Pollitt (category B staff), Finlay was co- investigator on the "HiBrowse" project with British Library funding of £93,280 (RDD/G/282, '95-'97), applying usability inspection methods to the design of view-based database access mechanisms [Finlay-2]. The School was lead partner in this collaborative project with University of Leeds Medical Library.

· Healthcare: Marsden has delivered a development methodology for formalising operating procedures in healthcare [Marsden-4], and completed an EPSRC funded project of £49,431 (GR/L60548, '97-'99) aimed at exploring user-centred design issues in a medical domain. The work resulted in the development of a patient centred front end interface engine that could be 'plugged in' to a GPs workstation to provide a decision aiding function for the management of cardiovascular risk in patients with diabetes.

Future Plans:
The successful conclusion of Marsden's Healthcare work has led to the award of a second EPSRC responsive mode grant worth £40,048 (GR/M84251) to help develop an effective electronic prescription processing application for the National Health Services. This and his previous EPSRC project involve collaboration with research teams from the Institute of Information Technology at Salford University and the Department of Endocrinology at the University of Manchester.
Finlay has been shortlisted for an ESRC-DTI PACCIT proposal investigating the use of patterns for the design of mobile devices, for which a full application is being prepared.
Supported by their EPSRC award in Affective Computing, Marsden and Ward plan to develop innovative and novel approaches to usability engineering (Huddersfield is one of two centres nationally with significant research in this area, the other being University College London). The BCS HCI Executive have invited Marsden and Ward to host a Psychophysiological Indicators of Usability Workshop at Huddersfield, to run late '01. A further workshop on Affective Computing is planned to run early ‘02.

Kingston University_25 3b [8D]


During the period of this assessment, research in computer science at Kingston has significantly improved as demonstrated by:
· a consolidation of research activity in one key area (digital imaging) in which we have been able both to develop a critical mass with new recruits and also to establish niche sub-themes in which our work is now being recognized internationally
· a notable increase in the output of publications and peer reviewed journal publications in particular (total of 188 papers published by submitted research active staff)
· the development of a substantial number of international collaborations
· a significant expansion in the diversity of sources of research funding (EPSRC, European Commission, Nuffield Foundation, Wellcome Trust, Teaching Company Directorate, British Council, UK industry, overseas industry)
· a significant increase in the level of external activities, collaborations, and participation in peer review bodies at national and international levels demonstrating scientific esteem
· a significant boost in the number of full time research students (against the general trend in the UK in computer science)
· a considerable increase in take-up of results by industry and in medical practice

Research Environment and Culture

Since RAE 1996, Computer Science at Kingston has undergone major restructuring to maximize opportunities for research at an international level and to expand interdisciplinary research collaboration. Following the appointment of a new Head of School (WILKINSON) who joined the university from the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, a deliberate policy has been pursued of building critical mass and excellence in one area of Computer Science, namely digital imaging. As a result of success in obtaining external funding (not all of which can be returned in this submission as "research income"), we have been able to build a Digital Imaging Research Centre, which focuses on three main application sub themes: visual surveillance, medical imaging, and remote sensing. These are all highly topical applications in which we have established a significant level of expertise concerned with image understanding using advanced techniques, such as multi-agent approaches and neural networks in dynamic scene analysis. Alongside the creation and development of the Digital Imaging Research Centre, research activity in Information Systems, which formed a significant component of our 1996 submission for Unit of Assessment 25, has been re-organized under the umbrella of a new Centre for Applied Research in Information Systems (CARIS). This Centre has been re-oriented towards Unit 61 (Library and Information Management) and is thus not part of this submission.

The research culture, both within the university and within the Computer Science Unit, has significantly developed during the course of this assessment period. At university level, measures to improve the research culture have included the appointment of a Pro Vice Chancellor for research, the creation of a Graduate School in a new building with a support infrastructure for research students, the establishment of an investment fund for research (supporting sabbaticals, studentships etc.), and support for training events for staff (e.g. on European research bidding processes) and for research students. Within the Computer Science Unit, we deliberately took the decision to build strength in one main area (i.e. digital imaging) by recruiting new staff, with appropriate research expertise. As a result of this process, the majority of staff returned as research active in this submission have joined the university in the period of this assessment, and most of these have taken up their first academic staff appointments.

Besides developing a strong group of research active academic staff in one area, we have also developed an appropriate critical mass of full time research students to work with them. The information in form RA3a demonstrates a significant upward step change in the number of full time research students, which took place in 1999. This step change occurred as a result of a notable increase in our external funding, which has enabled us to offer more full time studentships. A significant part of the additional funding, which we have used to support these studentships, has arisen through industrial sponsorships and training collaborations (with major UK and international companies such as Ericsson, Fujitsu, and ABN AMRO Bank who have awarded funding of over £150k in total). Much of this additional non-core funding does not count as research income in the RAE definition, but it has been particularly helpful in increasing our level of studentships and research equipment and infrastructure. Some of the industrial collaborations, which have generated this additional funding, have been established by non-research active staff, who have thereby helped to support the research efforts of the Unit. During the period of assessment we have also taken steps to improve the training given to the PhD students and contract researchers with central university support (e.g. courses on research methodology, thesis preparation, research career planning).

The creation of a Research Centre with eight contributing academic staff and (currently) eight full time PhD students has led to a significant growth in the research culture within the Unit. Regular research seminars are held with both internal and external speakers. The researchers working in the different application sub themes have been able to share knowledge and techniques and thereby make advances that would otherwise not have occurred. For example, interaction between staff and research students working in the visual surveillance area and those working in the remote sensing area have led to some useful developments in structural analysis of satellite imagery in urban environment monitoring. The fruits of this interaction are demonstrated by the fact that some of the publications by staff working in the visual surveillance sub theme have been in journals concerned with environmental monitoring (e.g. JONES, output 1). The benefits of this interaction between the different application themes is also evident in the context of a 249kEuro European Commission funded project "MAVIRIC" which the Unit coordinated. This activity was concerned with the exploitation of machine vision techniques in remote sensing. The aim of MAVIRIC was to bring together workers from two quite different areas of imaging research to tackle the problems associated with the structural interpretation of imagery from the new generation of very high resolution imaging remote sensing satellites, such as IKONOS-2. As part of this activity, the Unit organized an international workshop at Kingston in 1998, which brought together 38 machine vision experts and remote sensing experts from around the world.

Specific steps have also been taken to enhance the international dimension of the research culture in the Unit. Two new Visiting Professors from overseas were appointed in the digital imaging area. These are: Prof. J. Benediktsson from the Engineering Research Institute at the University of Iceland (who is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing and one of the pioneers of neural computation in remote sensing image analysis) and also Prof. I. Kanellopoulos, who is a group leader at the European Commission’s Space Applications Institute, in the area of remote sensing. The Visiting Professors make regular visits each year and give support to PhD students, besides giving seminars on their own work. Funds have been used to support stipends for short term visiting research students from France and Italy during the period of this RAE. Support has also been given from non-core funds to enable academic staff make overseas visits to develop new international research collaborations.

Research Structure

The research in the Computer Science Unit of Assessment has been focussed principally on digital imaging during the period of assessment and has covered three different application sub themes as indicated above. Although the different sub themes are concerned with quite different types of applications, the underlying problems in image analysis terms have much in common. They are mostly concerned with the automatic understanding and classification of complex dynamic sequences of scenes, e.g. as obtained from video "footage" from urban security cameras, medical X ray videography systems, or multisensor multitemporal remote sensing satellite data sets. By creating a Digital Imaging Research Centre to embrace all of the application sub themes, a structure has been created which allows cross-fertilization of ideas. The Centre has thus distinguished itself as a major centre of expertise in dynamic scene analysis techniques, which we expect to apply to an increasing range of problems in the future. The Centre has a management team of senior staff (1 professor, 2 readers) who play an active role in developing the more junior academic staff.


Over the assessment period, the research activity in visual surveillance has been concerned primarily with the development of practical intelligent assistants for security control-rooms, and also with the design of distributed architectures for large automated surveillance systems. In a series of industrial collaborations, JONES has focused largely on the problem of using model based vision in the context of increasing the effectiveness of security staff. This is being done by developing robust control-room technologies, such as the automated tracking of people or vehicle targets using mobile security cameras, vehicle classification, and the intelligent storage and query of large security image databases. His main outputs in this RAE period have been principally concerned with stereoscopic matching and motion segmentation (e.g. JONES, output 2). REMAGNINO, one of our newer members of staff who has a background in intelligent agents and behavioural analysis, has underpinned this work by developing unique distributed artificial intelligent computing and network architectures for such applications. His papers, listed in RA2, primarily relate to agent-based systems. COLBERT, a human-computer interaction specialist, who joined the Centre from the Ergonomics & HCI Unit at UCL, has contributed to the visual surveillance work in the design of effective graphical user interfaces for operational systems. GIACCONE (who joined the permanent academic staff in 1999 after completing his PhD studies with the Centre) has specialized in post-production analysis, feature extraction and motion estimation in video data streams. Besides being applied in the automated surveillance work, GIACCONE’s developments have been exploited in the film post-production industry e.g. for special effects.

The future work in visual surveillance is expected to (a) continue with the refinement of end-user aspects of security applications and (b) focus additionally on two new areas: the networking and communications aspects of remote intelligent video surveillance systems and the analysis of long sequences of dynamic imagery. The first of these areas has recently won support from EPSRC for a three-year project to analyze the impact of intelligent agent-based cameras on traffic management on ATM and wireless networks (grant GR/N17706 Traffic Optimization on an Intelligent Video Surveillance Network). Most of the work on this project will take place in the next RAE period. The second area of activity is developing through a new collaboration with South Bank University, Octagon CSI (sports television production company) and Fulham Football Club, aimed at improving the analysis and understanding of dynamic team behaviour in football matches. A start-up company is being established to take forward and market our developments in this area.


This is our newest area of research activity in digital imaging which has been created entirely by staff recruited during the second half of this RAE assessment period. The activity of this sub theme has concentrated primarily on two distinct areas: ophthalmology and non-invasive diagnosis based on dynamic image analysis (which relates to some of the techniques developed in the activities in visual surveillance described above). Much of the research undertaken on these topics has been developed in collaboration with major teaching hospitals, is relatively new, and is expected to continue into the next RAE period.

BARMAN has applied image analysis techniques to conditions such as cataract and posterior capsule opacification in an attempt to provide clinicians with a quantitative measurement of visual performance (BARMAN, outputs 3 and 4). Together with a PhD student, BARMAN is also developing a telemedicine system for remote diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity – a condition affecting pre-term infants. BARMAN has excellent external collaborations with Kings College London, Imperial College (with whom she is preparing a proposal for a major clinical trial), Moorfields Eye Hospital, and the University of Torun, Poland. Her work received a citation in a British Medical Journal review of significant developments in ophthalmology in 2000.

WERTHEIM and HOPPE have developed image-processing techniques for a number of medical diagnosis applications. These include: the measurement of mandibular asymmetry from X-ray images in order to aid assessment of treatment, the analysis of infrared images in order to non-invasively assess wounds (WERTHEIM, output 3) and the analysis of cell movement e.g. in cancer research (HOPPE, outputs 3 and 4). In a new collaboration, the dynamic analysis of video sequences of baby movement is being evaluated as a determinant of abnormality in infants. WERTHEIM also succeeded in obtaining a research bursary for a project on blood cell imaging from the Wellcome Trust. He has a number of external collaborations. In the UK he has been invited by St. George’s Hospital Medical School to co-supervise a research project at the hospital on visualization and characterization of stem cells. He has also collaborated with the Imperial College School of Medicine and Great Ormond Street Hospital on imaging and electrophysiology studies associated with a suspected infant metabolic disorder.

Remote Sensing [WILKINSON, JONES]

Work in this sub theme has focused on advanced techniques for the operational analysis of large volumes of image data from the latest generation of remote sensing satellites. WILKINSON’s work has focused particularly on "complex" image classification problems (multisensor, multitemporal and multiresolution), which need to be solved in the context of environmental mapping from space. He has pioneered the development of neural network methods for dealing with large numbers of image classes and for handling fuzzy and mixed classes required in mapping landscapes from space (WILKINSON’s outputs 2 and 3). He has also worked on the problem of extracting sub-pixel information e.g. for water channel monitoring in environmentally sensitive wetlands (WILKINSON’s output 1). JONES, whose background is in computer vision and (land based) visual surveillance, has successfully transferred structural methods from the computer vision domain and applied them in satellite remote sensing. This pioneering application of machine vision techniques to the analysis of the new generation of high-resolution satellite imagery is a feature of the group’s work which is highly distinctive.

Staffing Policy

Our priority during this reporting period has been to invest resources in creating a group of high quality researchers in one focused area of Computer Science research. To this end we have pursued a vigorous recruitment policy targeting comparatively young staff whose research can contribute to digital imaging. This has resulted in the creation of a research centre with a significant and growing international reputation, in which the majority of research active staff have joined Kingston since 1996.

This policy has enabled us to form an integrated, energetic and innovative team of researchers in which group interaction as well as individual effort promotes high quality research. The Digital Imaging Research Centre has adopted practices designed to integrate new staff into a strongly supportive environment. All developing research staff are attached to senior researchers who act as mentors, advising on research plans, helping in the drafting of publications, identifying funding sources, and advising on IPR and exploitation issues.

A regular series of research training events, including bid preparation workshops and proposal evaluation sessions, has been used to provide support for less experienced staff in making funding applications. Additional resources have been provided to new staff to help pump prime some of their research activities by using industrial income, obtained in some cases by non research-active staff. This policy of investment in the development of less experienced researchers and in providing some initial resourcing for their research work is expected to lead to considerable growth in external funding; indeed a number of significant new grants have already been obtained (to a value of approximately £250,000) and will run during the next assessment period.

Self Assessment

Since the last Research Assessment Exercise, we have concentrated on developing excellence in one area, which has enabled us to create a Research Centre with its own distinctive identity. We believe that the quality of the outputs, the research culture and the reputation of the Centre have developed to a very pleasing level. Almost 70% of our publications put forward for assessment on this occasion are in peer-reviewed academic journals (most of them journals of international standing in their respective areas). The remainder were presented at major international peer reviewed conferences (the vast majority IEEE or ACM sponsored). Besides the 32 publications returned, a further 156 papers have been published by the eight research active staff in our submission making a total of 188, during the period of this assessment.

Staff submitted have achieved peer recognition both nationally and internationally, as indicated by invitations to participate in organizing committees of conferences, international technical committees and advisory boards, to referee papers for international journals, to participate in editorial boards of international journals and to contribute by invitation to special issues of journals. Recognition at a very high international level has also been evident from invitations to assist overseas governments and the European Commission on evaluation and planning of R&D activities, from the award of a paper prize from a German academic body, and through funding of research by an Australian company. Further details of these are given in RA6.

The number of full time PhD students significantly increased during the period of this assessment. We also adopted relatively recently a broad policy of progressively reducing the number of part time PhD students, and giving priority to the recruitment of full time research students using both grant awards and industrial support. We believe this policy will further enhance our future research performance. The trend in full time and part time research student numbers arising from this policy is evident in RA3a.

Grants with a total value of over £300k are currently running in the Unit of Assessment, and funding bids totalling well over £500k have recently been submitted. We are optimistic that we shall be able to significantly increase research income, continue to expand our activities in the imaging area, and boost the number of full time studentships in the next RAE period.

Liverpool John Moores University_25 3a [10B]

The School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences has a well established and thriving research community. The number of research active staff and students has seen a large increase over the last four years. This increase has also been paralleled in external funding from the EPSRC, EU and Industry. Research active staff contributes to leading journals, conferences; national and international learned societies and committees. The School has been identified by the University as an area of strategic importance. For instance, the UoA has received all the RAE income since 1996 without central University top slice. In addition, a number of new posts have been targeted for Computer Science in the University’s strategic development plan. The goals identified in the 1996 RAE have all been clearly achieved.

1996 Aims
2000 Achievements
Doubling of research active staff
This has been achieved, despite current sector difficulties in recruiting & retaining Computer Science specialists
Integration and recruitment of new academics
4 members of RAE2000 are new academics
Further recruitment of experienced personnel
A professor and two lecturers have been appointed.
Grow postgraduate student body
An increase from 14 in 1996 to 40 in 2000
Increase in PhD awards
An increase from no awards in 1996 to 18 Research degrees awards during 1996-2000.
Increase in external (peer reviewed) research income
A four fold increase has been achieved (see research groups section). Award of an EPSRC Doctoral Training Account sufficient for 2 PhD studentships.
Increase in publication quality & quantity
Quality of publications – majority of international excellence - see RA2. Average pubs. number is 10 per active staff.
Increase in external activities
We have seen a major expansion of colleagues’ participation in external collaboration, sponsorship by industry, chairing of international conferences, membership of learned societies, EPSRC College, etc. (see RA6).

5.1 Research Structure and Staffing Policy
Central to the School’s research strategy is the nurturing, focused expansion research activities along identified areas of potential growth aligned with various Foresight recommendations, and sustainable support in terms of staffing and research facilities. In particular, this strategy has been concentrated on academic staff and research student appointments, the development of a research support programme and the provision of an appropriate physical environment. Research within the School is managed by the School Research Co-ordinator who is a member, ex officio, of the School Management team and the University Research Strategy and Funding Committee.
Research Support The School has invested over ~ £600K in the last 4 years to enhance and support research. One outcome of this is that we have two new research laboratories equipped with 10 Unix workstations and a high speed ATM network, plus a specialised laboratory for multimedia research with 20 workstations. The University library is well resourced and takes over 60 international journals in areas cognate to this UoA. The School encourages academic and industrial visitors (highlighted under collaboration). Research active staff are recognised by reducing their teaching and administrative loads. In particular, the workload of new/young staff is managed to enable them to develop a research profile through a mentoring system. Examples of further support include:
· Conference attendance: all research students and research active staff are given support to attend national and international research gatherings including; conferences and workshops. such as the USA and Europe. The overall cost has been estimated to be £40K (over 4 years)
· Pump priming: the School has also benefited from a number of University funded initiatives this include financial support for research fellowships/assistants (4) and visiting fellows (2).
· Visiting Researchers: the hosting of three researchers from USA, Spain and France for 12, 6, and 3 months respectively.
· Technical Support: the School has an administrator with responsibility for research support as well as two technicians.
Staffing Policy applies to both existing and new staff. Existing staff have been encouraged to take an active part in research through a number of mechanisms, for example, the School staff appraisal scheme, contribution to our internal seminar programme, participation at recognised refereed conferences and, where appropriate, research studentships. A twin track approach is taken for the recruitment of research active staff at both junior and very senior positions in strategic areas. The former include: Dr R.Pereira (Computer Networks, January 97), Dr. R. Askwith (Network security - July 1999), Dr. M. Hanneghan (Soft. Eng. Sept. 97), Mr. A. El Rhallibi (Applied AI) (Sept 99), and Mr. T. Berry (Sept 2000). The latter include: P. Lisboa (Professor of Artificial Intelligence - April 1996), A. Taleb-Bendiab (Professor of Computing – Jan 2000).
Research Students The deliberate policy to increase research effort and students has been achieved firstly by a more positive and systematic targeting of University research funding and secondly through an annual School budget allocation for 3 bursaries. This is improved further by the allocation, to the School, of an EPSRC Doctoral Training Account. Postgraduate students and supervisors are explicitly recognised and supported within the school and university organisational structures through the University’s Graduate School and a Department Graduate committee. The former organises compulsory training for both students and new supervisors that includes research methods training, presentation skills and supervision. In addition, all students benefit from specially equipped offices and laboratories. The resulting effort is a supportive and thriving postgraduate research community.

5.2 Research Groups
The research effort is conducted through two main research groups, Distributed Multimedia Systems Engineering and Applied Artificial Intelligence.

Distributed Multimedia Systems Engineering The Group was formed in 1992. The group has continued to expand through the twin track approach of developing young researchers, both School trained and recruited from outside, and the recruitment of senior staff. The former includes: Drs Pereira, Hanneghan, Asquith, and Berry. The latter include Prof. Taleb-Bendiab. During this period of assessment the academic staff associated with this area include 7 academics and 26 researchers: (2 professors, 1 principal lecturer, 4 lecturers, 5 RAs and 21 RS).
The papers we have submitted in RA2 have been selected to highlight: Quality, the group’s coherence and integration, and sub-areas of research strength. The first criterion can be seen from the fact that the papers have been published in journals and conferences of international standing. The second is shown by the inclusion of papers which have been jointly authored (a different criterion would have resulted in a different set of papers of comparable quality) and jointly funded projects involving new academic staff (Pereira, Askwith, Taleb-Bendiab) as highlighted later. Thirdly, the papers fall broadly in the three sub-areas of research strength: networking (fixed and mobile), security, and distributed applications oriented software.
The group’s research activities focus on the engineering problems of designing, developing and supporting distributed system architectures that are capable of supporting the demanding requirements of multimedia data and mobile applications. In particular, the group is working towards the development of integrated distributed systems that include advances in Middleware, High Speed Networks, Security and the provision of distributed applications and support services. The main areas of applications include e-business and networked groups and appliances.
The networking subarea (Askwith, Merabti, Pereira) addresses the challenges of providing network infrastructure that exhibit QoS characteristics. In particular we address the future Internet architectures of Differential Services. Our publications highlight a new Shared Link Bandwidth mechanism and new traffic models capable of delivering differential services, including video on demand applications and Voice over IP. This work currently receives funding from the EPSRC, Industry and the DTI. Further recognition is highlighted by Merabti’s membership of the Editorial Board of Computer Communications, an international journal.
Security subarea (Askwith, Merabti, Shi). This increasingly important research area builds on our long-standing work on the Composition of Secure Systems (Shi 97) to develop highly innovative algorithms and mechanisms for networked systems. The publications, in RA2, and our work, focus on flexible and secure approaches to supporting e-commerce applications through mechanisms that guarantee fair and secure exchange of contracts and non-repudiation of receipts (Shi 97, 99, Merabti 2000) and the building of a Network Privacy Architecture (Askwith,97, 98, 2000). The latter effort makes us one of the few groups around the world addressing this topic. The other groups are teams at the Naval Postgraduate School, USA and IBM Zurich Labs. The output detailed in RA2 are in major journals such The Computer Journal and Computer Communications. The work has received industrial funding and a number of other proposals are under consideration by funding bodies.
Distributed applications and support services (Merabti, Taleb-Bendiab, 1 vacancy). This is a new and developing area of research that has been strengthened by the appointment of Prof. Taleb-Bendiab from January 2000. This addition provides us with the vertical integration path needed to build and design holistic distributed systems and applications. The research effort concentrates on using software engineering techniques such as reflective middleware to build support for distributed applications in telematics systems and services. The work has evolved from building distributed systems support in engineering design (Taleb-Bendiab 97) to addressing re-configuration problems in software systems evolution. (Taleb97, 98). The latter effort is in collaboration with Prof. Sommerville (Lancaster University) and is currently being supported by the EPSRC. This work is seamlessly integrated with our effort in trying to understand and build a world of Networked Appliances that is lead by Prof. Merabti and which is receiving some recognition through his membership of the steering committee of the IEEE Networked Appliances series of workshops and his election as programme chair for the 5th IEEE Workshop to be held in Liverpool in 2002. This is a niche area for LJMU and makes one of the few groups in the world to address this increasingly important research area.
The integration and development of new and young researchers has been further strengthened by our successful organisation of a series of research symposiums, at Liverpool John Moores University, for the training of UK PhD students in the important and converging areas of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting. This event is supported by the EPSRC, through the provision of bursaries and attendance at the event, by an eminent steering group from Academia and Industry including: Dr C. Allison, St Andrews; Prof. D. Bull, Bristol; Prof. D. Hutchison, Lancaster, Prof. D. De Roure, Southampton; Dr M. Fisher, BT Labs., Dr N. Lodge, ITC, Dr H. Oliver, HP Labs; T. Trew, Philips Labs. The first event has had an attendance of over 100 research students from around the UK and the 2nd event is scheduled for June 2001.
The group’s reputation and the quality of its output have resulted in funding support from the EPSRC, DTI and Industry. For this period of assessment, the following major projects, many in collaboration with external collaborators from industry and academia, have received support:

Network Management
M. Merabti
£120K 96 - 00
A.Taleb-Bendiab, I.Sommerville Lancaster U.
£104K 98 - 01
A. Taleb-Bendiab
£72K 98 - 00.
Multimedia Networking
R. Pereira & M. Merabti
£60K 99 - 02
VoIP Network Management
M. Merabti & R. Pereira
£120K 00 - 04
Telecom., Net. & Broadcasting
M. Merabti
£5K 06/00
E-Commerce Technology Support
M. Merabti, M. Hanneghan
£120K 00 - 02
Telecom., Net., & Broadcasting
M. Merabti
£5k 03/01

Further proposals under consideration by funding bodies include:
EPSRC, Network Security for Programmable Networks, Q. Shi & M. Merabti (LJMU) and Prof. S. Barton & Dr N. Zhang (Manchester Uni.), £240K
EPSRC/DTI - Link Programme on Intelligent Networked Vehicle, A Taleb-Bendiab, M. Merabti, Q. Shi & industrial consortium, £300K, in 2nd phase of evaluation.
EU - ERDF, E-Commerce Centre, M. Merabti, A. Taleb-Bendiab, and Q, Shi, £790K in the 2nd phase of evaluation. The project includes a number of industrial collaborators.

Applied Artificial Intelligence The group covers research in Planning, Scheduling, Transport Logistics and Constraint Based Reasoning, and Neural Networks as applied to Manufacture, Control and Medical Applications. The work of the group centres on the application of AI based technologies to industrially and commercially relevant problems and in particular manufacturing. There are 5 academic staff working in this area (3 professors, 2 lecturer posts, 4 Ras, and 9 RS).
The AAI Group has been strengthened by the appointment of Prof. Lisboa and the integration of Prof. Williams (Engineering) whose interests in Neural Networks and industrial computing complements the rest of the group. In addition, Dr Akomode, joined the group as a new academic in replacement of Dr P Smeaton who has retired. Again, our policy of recruiting young staff sees the addition of Mr. El-Rhallibi, who we expect to submit as a research active member of staff in the future.
The scheduling and planning subgroup (Kelleher, Akomode, and El-Rhallibi) work on planning logistics and scheduling in manufacture has grown out of the earlier work on fundamental properties of RMS and constraint based reasoning. The work has been published in well known and respected journal and conferences (Akomode 97, 98, Kelleher 96, 00). The work has received significant grant funding including a large 4th Framework grant on rescheduling in conjunction with Pirelli (Milan) and Iberia Airlines (Spain). Further funding from the EU, in Cooperation with a large shipping Company (VoPak (NL)), addresses flexible logistics management.
The research grouping on in neural networks (Prof Lisboa and Prof Williams) investigate Neural techniques and applications in Control (Lisboa, 98, 00, Williams, 96, 99) and is at the forefront of two specialist areas of clinical decision support, namely the characterisation of high-dimensional noisy spectral sources and the derivation of prognostic indices for censored data. This research is carried out with leading international research groups in the field, namely the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona for clinical grading of brain tumours with Magnetic Resonance Spectra acquired in vivo, and Christie Hospital, in Manchester, for breast cancer post-surgery survival analysis, with support from the Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori in Milan, who developed some of the early theoretical work.
A new strand of research has been introduced by extending neural network and graphical methods from medical research onto the important business area of data visualisation of information for the segmentation of the electronic commerce market. This research is already transferred to Unilever Research Laboratories as part of a long-standing industrial collaboration further cementing the group’s position in developing new methodology targeted to direct practical value. The standing of the research group has resulted in consultancy work both from industry and from national organisations such as the Health and Safety Executive leading to membership of the executive committee of the Royal Academy of Engineering’s UK Focus for Biomedical Engineering.
The change in personnel of the group has been well managed. In the period of assessment the group has received the following grants:

EU Framework 4 TRUTH project G. Kelleher £220K 95- 98
EU Framework 5 PISCES project G. Kelleher £180K 97- 00
Unilever Dynamic Control P. Lisboa £60K 97- 98
DTI/Industry Shipping Management G. Kelleher, industry Part. £80K 97- 99
Unilever Neural Net. in E-Commerce P. Lisboa £80K 00- 01
BNFL Intelligent Control D. Williams £100K 96-99

Manchester Metropolitan University_25 3a [10D]

1 Introduction:

Research at MMU, returned under UoA25 (Computer Science), involves two major research groups in the broad area of artificial intelligence:

o CARD (Centre for Agents Research & Development); and
o Intelligent Systems Group.

The UoA is vibrant, highly focused and has delivered:

o 104 major international journal and conference papers;
o 8 PhD awards
o 6 RSs
o Total Research Council grants £0.75M;
o 8 OST grants;

The groups pursue research of international and national importance as evidenced by the award and continued growth in the numbers of Research Council and high profile industrial grants and contracts and the substantial number of publications at the most prestigious international conferences in the field, a substantial proportion of which are by invitation. The UoA is characterised by relatively young dynamic staff with complementary interests and a vision for building upon the international profile of the unit. There is a strong on-going commitment to collaboration with external expert scientists and research groups (e.g. Moscow State; Trento; Padua; Naples; Amsterdam; Utrecht; Saarbrucken; Murdoch, Perth; New South Wales; Vilnius, Lithuania; Ukraine; Warsaw; Malaga; Universidad Nacional del Sur Bahia Blanca, Argentina; King’s; Edinburgh; Leeds; Manchester; UMIST) that enables the groups to maintain an effective and influential international and national role within the research community. Members of this international network of collaborators have been attracted to take up research posts within the groups at MMU or have held visiting appointments funded by the EPSRC during the review period (e.g. Pliuskevicius; Arranz).

The University has a positive philosophy concerning the encouragement and development of research activity, the need to maximise research experience, and the provision of an environment conducive to research. This support, both at the managerial level and financially, has played a key role in the development and expansion of research throughout Computer Science over the last five years. The University has identified Computer Science as a key long-term research area and has initiated a £9M building project to enhance the infrastructure support for Computing and IT. Since 1996, the University has invested a further £1M in its centres of excellence in Computer Science through the appointment of senior research fellows, research fellows and research students together with their attendant support costs.

The overall strategy has been, and continues to be, to develop and sustain high quality research at the international level. It was originally envisaged that the research groups declared in the 1996 RAE submission would be developed further in this one. However, the success of the UoA has led to a high turnover in staff (also contributed to by the high staff mobility in this discipline) with many of the 1996 staff taking up promoted posts at other universities. Nonetheless, the combination of an active research enhancement policy within a positive research culture has enabled the UoA to continue to flourish with, for example, the Intelligent Systems Group securing its standing at the international and national levels. By continuing support for research active staff, we have successfully developed a large proportion of staff new to the UoA .

2 Research Management:

The UoA Management Committee oversees strategic planning and progress monitoring. Committee membership comprises senior research staff, Head of Department, Dean of Faculty and the University Director of Research Development. Day to day running is managed by Research Group Leaders (RGL) and the UoA Coordinator. The role of Research Group Leaders includes: driving the production of innovative research outputs of international standing; providing support to staff and students by setting up and managing external collaborations with research groups of international standing; organising training and development programmes; promoting the acquisition of relevant research skills.

The Faculty Research Degrees Committee (FRDC) and Faculty Graduate School are jointly responsible for QA monitoring and deliver appropriate supporting programmes for the training of supervisory staff and postgraduates. Young staff supervising PhD students are mentored by experienced staff. Mentoring also assists postdoctoral research staff to make the transition from supporting to independent researcher status.

During their PhD programme, students are encouraged to publish chapters of their theses as research papers, or to present data to international and national conferences (e.g. 4th International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (IEEE); European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI); 9th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems) gaining experience of the peer review process and to network with key figures in the field. The University, FRDC and Department also ensure that postgraduate students have appropriate equipment, technology, technical support and skills to conduct their work. All registered research students and academic staff at MMU have access and full borrowing rights to the enormous resource base of the libraries of all four universities in Greater Manchester via the Consortium of Academic Libraries in Manchester scheme (CALIM).

Research seminars involving internal and external international and national speakers are held at research group, departmental and UoA level. Regular Research Colloquia are held at which oral and poster papers are contributed by post graduate, post doctoral and research staff. These scientific exchanges bring additional dynamism and vitality to the research culture. The UoA will continue to contribute to the setting of the international research agenda by continuing to co-ordinate international workshops and meetings at MMU and externally through the membership of individual members of the UoA on the international scientific advisory committees of the most prominent conferences in the discipline {eg International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications}.

3 Research Groups

3.1 Centre for Agent Research and Development (CARD) Professor M Fisher, Dr C Dixon, Dr U Hustadt, Dr C Ghidini, Dr A Degtiarev, Dr V Sazanov and Dr N Zhang. 6 Research Students with 5 PhD completions. Total Research Income £466K from 5 grants - primarily EPSRC. Main publications: 17 major international journals, 4 edited books, 4 book chapters and 44 major international conference proceedings (

3.1.1 Background Since the last RAE, the work of the Logic and Computation Group has evolved and expanded, and MMU has become identified as an international centre of excellence for research in logic and agents, particularly automated-reasoning, executable logics and formal methods for agent-based systems. In recognition of these developments, and with a view to future growth and exploitation, the Centre for Agent Research and Development (CARD) was formed. The purpose of this expansion was to broaden the range of research activities that could be supported, to encourage further collaboration, and to exploit the novel research being carried out. Since April 1996, CARD has attracted significant EPSRC funding, having already completed EPSRC projects valued at over £250k and currently holding grants worth over £300K, in addition to industrial funding from, for example, HP Laboratories (Bristol) and EU funding as part of, for example, the European Network of Excellence on Agent-Based Systems (AgentLink). The research activities of CARD cover a broad range from theoretical and logical aspects of agents and reasoning through to more practical applications and development of agent-based systems. The key achievements and deliverables for which CARD is internationally recognised are outlined in 3.1.3. and 3.1.4 below.

3.1.2 Objective
To undertake and apply high quality research into all aspects of agent-based systems, including analysis, foundations, development and programming languages, and to promote collaborative research between CARD and other groups internationally, nationally and within MMU.

3.1.3 Achievements and Deliverables include:
o Logic and Reasoning: Instrumental in developing and defining research into reasoning techniques for decidable fragments of first-order logics (Degtiarev, Hustadt), resolution methods for modal, temporal and fixpoint logics (Dixon, Fisher, Hustadt), reasoning in expressive description logics (Hustadt) and the ability to reason with contexts (Ghidini) and with equality (Degtiarev). Application of varieties of logics in formal methods for agent-based systems has shown the need for effective techniques for handling combinations of logics and work within CARD has led to important results in this area (Dixon, Fisher, Ghidini, Hustadt). Research has involved close collaboration with, for example, Max Planck Institute for Informatics (Saarbrucken), Microsoft Research (Seattle), Murdoch University (Perth Australia), Uppsala University, University of Edinburgh and University of Manchester with key publications in Theoretical Computer Science, J. Symbolic Computation, J. Applied Non-Classical Logics, J. Logic and Computation, J. Automated Reasoning, J. Logic Programming, Annals of Mathematics and AI, LICS, CADE and IJCAI since April 1996.
o Developing Rational Agents: The specification, verification and implementation of an individual agent involves methods derived from many different areas. Once autonomous, rational agents are considered, such an undertaking becomes significantly more complex. CARD’s work concerns the application of the fundamental techniques described above to, for example, the specification and verification of agents defined in expressive agent theories, such as the KARO framework from Utrecht (Dixon, Fisher, Hustadt) and temporal epistemic logics (Dixon, Fisher). In allowing an agent to represent, and reason about, the environment in which it is situated, techniques for logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning are also required (Ghidini, Hustadt). In addition to the formal specification and verification of individual rational agents, CARD is renowned for its work on executable temporal and modal logics (Fisher), and the development of high-level programming languages for rational agents (Fisher, Ghidini). Research into rational agents has involved close collaboration with the Free University of Amsterdam (VUA), University of Amsterdam (UVA), University of Naples and has resulted in key publications in J. Logic and Computation, J. Applied Non-Classical Logics, CADE and IJCAI since 1996.

o Organising Multi-Agent Systems: While the concepts involved in the representation and implementation of multi-agent systems are clearly related to those concerning individual agents, techniques for analysing and refining the interaction between, and organization of, such agents are also required. CARD has considered high-level programming languages for developing dynamic agent groups, teams and organizations (Fisher), the production of secure transactions between agents (Zhang) and specification and verification methods for multi-agent systems (Dixon, Fisher, Hustadt). Key aspects of multi-agent activity concern negotiation between agents, coordination of agent activities and distributed problem-solving amongst agents. CARD has been instrumental in providing a novel logical characterization of these concepts and a corresponding approach to their implementation (Fisher). Research in multi-agent systems has involved close collaboration with Utrecht University, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Liverpool with key publications in J. Cooperative Information Systems, J. Systems and Software, J. Symbolic Computation, Computer Security Applications Conference and Int. Conference on Multi-Agent Systems since 1996.
o Distributed Information Management: The work of CARD in this area covers the formalisation and implementation of www-like databases (Sazanov), the characterization and analysis of information agents (Ghidini) and organizational techniques for agents in this domain (Fisher). Clearly, agent-based information management is a significant application area and CARD has been involved in the application of the techniques developed to electronic commerce (Ghidini, Zhang), information integration (Ghidini) and distributed problem-solving (Fisher), In addition, this work has led to fundamental results in areas as diverse as hyperset theory (Sazanov) and ontologies (Ghidini). Research into distributed information management has involved close collaboration with IRST (Trento), University of Pereslavl-Zalessky and Liverpool John Moores with key publications in Theoretical Computer Science, J. Experimental and Theoretical AI, KR, and Computer Security Applications Conference, since April 1996.

Members of CARD are known for their research across a range of agent-based systems but are internationally recognized for fundamental breakthroughs in the following areas:
· reasoning with equality and E-unification (Degtiarev);
· resolution in temporal and modal logics (Dixon);
· formal methods and programming languages for agent-based systems (Fisher);
· reasoning with, and applying, multi-context systems (Ghidini);
· resolution in modal logics and decidable classes of first-order logic (Hustadt);
· bounded hyperset theory and database semantics (Sazanov);
· specification and application of secure transactions between agents (Zhang).

3.2 The Intelligent Systems Group Dr Z Bandar, Dr D McLean and Dr S Meziani. Currently 2 PDRAs and 4 Research Students with 3 PhD completions. Total Research Income £265K from 3 grants - primarily TCSs. Main publications: 39 major international journal and conference proceedings (

3.2.1 Background The Intelligent Systems Group has established international recognition for the strength of its research in the areas of Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic and Conversational Agents. The research is relevant to many of the fields in which people aspire to apply computer technology. More specifically the group is working on a natural interaction with the World Wide Web, construction of Psychological Profiles, crime prevention and environmental issues. The group collaborates with other well established researchers such as Professor Donald Michie (Edinburgh University), Professor Claude Sammut (University of New South Wales), Professor Ivan Robertson (UMIST) and Professor Tom Boyle (UNL). The group has contributed many publications to high quality journals and conference proceedings.

3.2.2 Objectives
· To advance the theory and art of AI paradigms.
· To apply AI techniques and algorithms to enhance Conversational Agents.
· To produce AI solutions and software models for real world problems and transfer them to industry.

3.2.3 Achievements and Deliverables
· Development of new Neural Networks training algorithms for a more efficient partitioning of the input space leading to improvements in the generalisation of performance (McLean, Bandar). These include techniques which evolve a suitable network architecture during the learning phase. The range of algorithms also includes techniques that can be applied to enhance both supervised and unsupervised learning and clustering paradigms (McLean, Meziani) to improve the neural network’s generalisation in continuous data domains.
· Introduction of novel fuzzy techniques to enhance decision trees (Bandar, Meziani). This has resulted in improved classification accuracy, more compact trees and more transparent models. This has been achieved through the use of Fuzzy Logic to relax the sharp decision boundaries inherent in such trees.
· The application of Neural Networks in a prototype system to detect fraud in telecommunications systems (Bandar). This project was supported by the Department of Trade and Industry though the Teaching Company Scheme. Software has been produced which demonstrates successful recognition of an important category of fraud.
· The establishment of a Centre for Conversational Agents Research (Bandar, McLean). This centre has been established in collaboration with two well-established scientists in the field, namely Professor Donald Michie of Edinburgh University and Professor Claude Sammut of the University of New South Wales. The aim of the centre, based in MMU, is to conduct advanced research in the field and to transfer the results to Industry. The Centre has established a limited company for this purpose.
· The establishment of a Centre for Psychological Profiling Research (Bandar, McLean). This centre is involved in developing AI techniques for constructing psychological profiles. Results to date have shown that the techniques devised are superior in terms of accuracy, speed and cost-effectiveness to those used conventionally. The centre currently collaborates with a number of other institutions including Professor Ivan Robertson of UMIST and Professor Tom Boyle of UNL. The commercial importance of this work is exemplified by a patent application. An element of this was the subject of a successful application under the Teaching Company Scheme.
· The group is also involved in a number of other collaborations with various departments in the University. These include a group in the Department of Engineering and Technology developing an intelligent software model to predict and prevent rail carriage derailment (Bandar, McLean, Meziani) and another in the Department of Environment and Geographical Sciences (Bandar) producing an intelligent software model to reduce aircraft fuel consumption.

3.2.4 Future plans – (i) to capitalise upon the Intelligent Systems Group’s position within the AI community by establishing two centres of research excellence. (ii) To build upon our strong position in Conversational Agents research in collaboration with Professors Michie and Sammut. This will entail enhancement of the already powerful scripting language and associated engine to add adaptivity and the capability for experiential learning. The research objective of the centre is to produce an agent which will pass the Turing test of intelligence and move beyond this to engage in discussion. (iii) To capitalise on the remarkable results achieved in using AI paradigms for Psychological Profiling for which a Patent application has been filed. The centre intends to realise the potential for applying the techniques that have been developed across a wide range of applications. We anticipate that this will have a significant impact on both AI and Psychology and will initiate further fundamental research in both of these disciplines. The group will actively pursue funding opportunities, for example EPSRC, to support the theoretical elements of these activities.

4 Staffing Policy

The Department has established an effective long term recruitment policy to expand all groups within the UoA. It recruits new staff having either existing substantial research records or with the potential to generate high quality research in the future. Two new permanent members of academic staff will be joining the Intelligent Systems Group in April/May 2001. Dr F Li joins the UoA from Salford University. His interests are in artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic and natural speech processing. Currently working as a Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam, Dr R Saatchi works in the area of digital signal processing and artificial intelligence. Both are very well published in IEEE, IEE and AI conference proceedings and journals with excellent track records in external income generation. They will further strengthen the existing strong team in Intelligent Systems.
The Department has a well defined policy for developing and supporting research which is built around providing research active members of staff with reduced teaching and administrative loads together with support and training for those whose research capability is still under development. New members of staff are given a relatively light teaching load for that reason. The Department also supports new research initiatives through pump priming and it provides financial support for staff who make a case for extending the UoA research base beyond the existing subject boundaries covered by the main research groups.

Towards the end of the present review period (Jan 01) all submitted members of the CARD sub-group left MMU to take up new academic staff appointments at the University of Liverpool. Whilst such a loss is regrettable it exemplifies the fact that the UoA has offered a vibrant and stimulating environment for developing research groups over the last ten years with several previous post holders developing their research portfolios at MMU and then transferring elsewhere to take up professorial appointments (Wooldridge, Liverpool, Boyle, NLU) and Senior Lectureships (Manchester, UMIST). The Department and UoA expects an on-going element of staff turnover for these reasons. It is a measurable indicator of the quality of the research environment that has been established at MMU which has proved a fertile breeding ground for influential and high quality Computer Science researchers. The vacancies created by the departure of members of the CARD group are in the process of being filled with appointments at the chair level and up to six additional research lectureships, supported by four senior research fellowship posts.

Middlesex University_25 3a [21.1E]

The School of Computing Science has grown from 28 to 73 academic staff over the past 5 years, expanding both research activity and teaching provision. The research culture is dynamic and has evolved substantially since the last RAE. The School has moved from having an established research group in Human–Computer Interaction (HCI), a smaller databases and telematics group and various independent researchers, to having 7 research groups: HCI, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information Systems Engineering (ISE), Vision and Image Processing (VIP), Communications and Networking, Digital Creativity, and Computers and Society. For this research assessment exercise, the HCI, AI and ISE groups are being submitted. Over the next period, the School will maintain a balance between support for these flourishing groups and the development of the others.
The School executive consists of the Dean (Revell), Director of Research (Blandford), Director of Curriculum and Director of Resources. Other senior staff include 3 research professors (Thimbleby, Woodman and Thomas, who has a fractional appointment combined with industrial consultancy) and 3 readers. We are in the process of appointing further chairs and readers; the first such appointment is Colin Tully as a Chair in ISE. Administrative support for research is provided by the School Research Office, including the Research Administrator and PAs for research professors. A School Research Committee meets twice per semester to formulate research policy and make decisions concerning research leave for staff, internal grants, etc.
We have appointed a total of 11 Visiting Professors, 8 from overseas (den Biggelaar, CIBIT, Utrecht; Greenberg, University of Calgary; Hanson, UK; de Kare-Silver, UK; Koehler, University of Florida; Ladkin, University of Bielefeld; Ichiraku, Musashi University, Tokyo; Pullinger, UK; Reed, La Trobe University; Tjoa, University of Technology, Vienna; Witten, University of Waikato). UK-based visiting professors all take specific responsibilities within the School: Hanson works with staff on TCS projects; Pullinger supervises a student and contributes to work on digital libraries; de Kare-Silver is working with staff on establishing a regional centre for e-commerce technology transfer between industry and academia. Overseas visiting professors typically spend one week in the School each year and give seminars etc when here. In addition, Witten has made substantial contributions to our work on digital libraries and Reed to our work on component based development. Funding for visits by visiting professors is provided by the School. University funding has also enabled us to support extended visits from overseas collaborators: in 2000, Laird (Michigan) worked with the AI group for a week on cognitive modelling; Bainbridge (Waikato) worked with the HCI group for two months on digital libraries; and Wong (Otago) worked with the HCI group for five months on ambulance dispatch.
The School runs a programme of weekly research seminars; this has included presentations by national and international visitors as well as members of the School. These seminars are run at School level, and are supplemented by less formal interactions (reading groups, work in progress seminars, etc) organised by the various research groups. Research days are organised 3 or 4 times a year; recent events have included ones on personal technologies, neural networks and usability of digital libraries, and one devoted to presentations by research students. In addition, monthly research workshops cover a range of research skills for research students and staff.
Of the 47 academic appointments made since Jan. 1996, 23% are new academics (i.e. completed PhDs since 1996) with excellent research potential. Some established academics have been appointed from outside, notably in the ISE area. Strategic appointments for research purposes have been made; in particular, Woodman was appointed to lead developments in ISE, and Thomas and Tully to develop stronger research-based industrial links.
The School funds PhD studentships. When recruiting research students, the first considerations are quality of applicant and existence of a well-qualified supervisor; subsidiary aims are ensuring that there are student members of all research groups and that as many research active staff as possible have students. Being a young School, we have only 5 PhD completions; a further 5 students are in the final stages of writing up. Research students and RAs are all active members of research groups, and contribute to research in the School – for example, giving seminars and helping to organise research events.
For teaching reasons, the School is based on 3 campuses: Hendon, Bounds Green and Trent Park. At Bounds Green there are two dedicated research laboratories, including a research library. Until recently, all RAs and students were based at Bounds Green. We are working towards a situation where research assistants and students have dedicated facilities on each campus. We follow a rotation pattern for School committee meetings, and seminars take place on all campuses to facilitate inter-group interactions. The School pays transport costs (including taxis) for staff travelling between sites. In practice, staff respond to the perceived challenges of inter-campus working by making real efforts to overcome them, resulting in rich research communications within and across groups. Many external speakers have commented explicitly on the quality and liveliness of discussion around seminars.

Research Strategy
The School was formed in 1994; the overall research strategy since then has been targeted at establishing a strong research culture in a period of rapid growth. In the early years, the top priority was to recruit dynamic staff with research achievements and potential who would form a core for research activity, with less concern for specific research areas. The next phase was to encourage the formation of research alliances; this was achieved through judicious location of staff and by creating particular opportunities. For example, digital libraries was selected and pursued as one unifying theme; this work was pump-primed by externally refereed University NFFR funding of over £200K. The research alliances established in this phase formed the core of the research groups. The current priority is to develop the leadership of the groups; this is being done through a combined strategy of actively recruiting research leaders for the groups and also identifying and nurturing potential leaders from within the groups. In the future, recognising the many demands on staff resources and that some excellent teachers have no research aspirations, our target is that 40% of staff should achieve a level of research that equates to national or international excellence, a further 40% to research activity at a lower level, and the remainder should engage primarily in scholarship that supports their teaching. Resources will be selectively but fairly targeted to achieve this profile, in a flexible way such that motivated individuals can adjust the balance of their individual research–teaching portfolios.
The School has an open and inclusive policy for research activity and scholarship. Research groups provide a focus for common interests, but are not exclusive, and cross-group alliances are encouraged where this enhances quality. This has enabled individuals with particular domain independent skills, e.g. Duncker, to work constructively with different groups. We work to the strengths of staff, encouraging all to work in areas that excite them and to which they are well suited.
To facilitate cross-group interactions, we are gradually evolving a matrix structure whereby themes become shared across groups. This has been most evident in the case of digital libraries, which originated in the HCI group, but is being taken up by members of the AI and ISE groups; medical informatics is also providing a cross-group theme, based in the Vision and Image Processing group but extending across all groups; a third planned theme is the study of system failures, which will be based in the ISE group with contributions from others such as the HCI group.
The School research strategy has 3 mutually supportive components: (1) recognising research productivity through resourcing and workload management; (2) developing less experienced researchers; and (3) encouraging collaborative research:
1) We have developed a research leave scheme to allow time for staff to develop proposals or to progress personal research; research leave can take the form most useful to the individual concerned, ranging from a day per week to an extended block of time (e.g. a semester). Thimbleby has been awarded a two year sabbatical (2000–02), and many staff have had shorter research breaks. In addition, a workload model is used to ensure that staff with research responsibilities (such as managing projects or supervising research students) have appropriate time allowances for fulfilling those responsibilities effectively. As well as time, staff are given the material resources needed to conduct research. Internal seed-funding grants (up to £5,000) are made to staff completing proposals. There is an annual budget of £25,000 to fund conference travel for staff presenting papers, with a policy that staff should publish in higher quality fora as their research develops. Other staff development needs are funded as appropriate (current investment is around £80,000 per annum).
2) We support and encourage young researchers, and commit substantial resources, particularly the time of senior staff, to research mentoring. The success of this strategy is shown by having 9 EPSRC Fast Stream grants awarded to members of the School within this RAE period. These grants are helping provide the resources and intellectual excitement that ensure research flourishes. We are beginning to see the results of Fast Stream grants in the form of high quality outputs and proposals for follow-on work, and this will grow in the next review period. One follow-through project has already been awarded (to Theng); other proposals are in preparation and under review.

3) To encourage collaboration and increase synergy within the groups, we are applying the matrix structure of groups and themes described above at a more local level, such that different members within a group bring their various theoretical perspectives to work on the same problem. For example, the AI group is using Categorisation as a focus for comparing different approaches.
As anticipated in 1996, the School has grown and has been developing the research skills of staff. The research areas within the School have expanded, and are flourishing. OST research income has increased substantially: from the £0.5M awarded, but not yet received, at the time of the 1996 RAE, to over £1.5M awarded. Six substantial funded projects (described below, under HCI and ISE) have been successfully completed. A further 11 are ongoing, and two have been announced but not yet started. EPSRC income for the rest of this financial year (Jan-Aug) is expected to be over £100,000 and EU income about £50,000. The income from TCS will be about £40,000 during the current financial year.
Following University restructuring (1997), the networking and telematics work referred to in the 1996 plans was transferred to the Lee Valley Technopark, as it moved from research towards technology transfer, and a new Communications and Networking group joined from the School of Electronic Engineering. Three School funded research fellows were appointed as planned. One of these (Duncker) has since been appointed as a lecturer.

Human–Computer Interaction: Main achievements
The HCI research group has particular strengths in 3 main areas: Formalisms for Interaction, Personal Technologies and Digital Libraries. The work of the group has been influenced by various government initiatives – for example, the 1993 Follett report on digital libraries and the 1995 Foresight report, which includes usability and personal technologies in 3 of the top 6 topics. Two recent successful grant applications have been in response to particular initiatives: the Multimedia and Networking Applications and Distributed Information Management programmes of EPSRC.
The main focus of the Formalisms for Interaction group is the use of formal and semi-formal modelling in interaction design – investigating how soft aspects of design can be described in ways that are precise and rigorous enough to support design practice. This involves the integration of methods from psychology and formal methods to reason about interaction design. Blandford [2] has investigated a trade-off between rigour of formalisation and scope of techniques. Conversely, Blandford [3] demonstrated an approach to integrating insights from different modelling techniques by passing results from one technique to another, to build up a rich understanding of a design problem that represents multiple perspectives. Fields [3] built on this work, using Modal Action Logic to compare design options proposed by Blandford [3]; this work illustrates a role for formal notations in analysing usability features. Butterworth [3] presented a formal framework that supports reasoning about the use of a system, in such a way that an analyst could assess whether modifications to an interface specification were likely to yield required improvements in use. A Resource Model (RM) that supports reasoning about function allocation and distributed cognition has been developed by Fields [1,2,4] with colleagues at York. RM makes ideas from distributed cognition more directly applicable to HCI, and therefore offers an applicable framework for considering how people and technology work together. The RM consists of a typology of information resources and strategies that users employ in deciding how to act. It has been used successfully for: generating design ideas; understanding differences between different designs; and reasoning about team working with multiple resources.
Programmable User Modelling (PUM) also represents soft aspects rigorously. PUM was originally developed to support cognitive modelling for evaluating interactive systems. Blandford [1,4], Butterworth [1,2,4] and team extended the PUM scheme to support formal reasoning and proofs about interaction and to facilitate rapid uptake of modelling in real-life development. A formal model of rational interactive behaviour was presented, and used to support reasoning about users’ knowledge needs for interactive systems. Both formal proof and simulation approaches have been tested. Building on results of the PUMA project and Curzon's previous work on formal verification, a prototype verification methodology has been developed that provides formal verification support to eliminate a variety of classes of user errors from interactive systems (Curzon & Blandford, in press). The methodology, based on a generic user model in higher-order logic, has been shown to detect post-completion errors, communication goal based errors and some delay errors. Curzon's previous work, listed under HCI to reflect his current affiliation rather than history, demonstrated how interactive proof could be used in the verification of ATM communication chips, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the approach as compared with automated tools [Curzon 2,3]. With his PhD student, Xiong, he demonstrated how the linkage of interactive (e.g. HOL) and automatic (e.g. MDG) verification systems could be formally justified [Curzon 1,4].
The Digital Library group addresses computer science, HCI and cultural issues in the design and use of digital library systems and tools. This builds on earlier work on hypermedia authoring.
Authoring tools have been developed to support the production, maintenance and evaluation of hypermedia. For example, Gentler [Thimbleby 3] particularly addresses issues of maintaining consistency raised by collaborative authoring. The work involved a close relationship with the Royal Society of Arts, who used products from the project to develop their Web site; the quality of this work led to consultancy with EPSRC and the Arts and Humanities Research Board. The group also designed and implemented the Royal Academy’s web site using its tools, and ran the site until 1999. Theng [1] analysed the nature of tasks people engage in while navigating hypertexts, and used that analysis to inform the design of HyperAT, a hypertext authoring tool to help authors manage the structure of hypertext documents and automate aspects of usability evaluation [Theng 3].
Configuration tools have been developed for digital libraries, particularly for distributed collection management across multiple platforms; these have been adopted by Waikato. Group members have been investigating the design of digital libraries for and by children. A questionnaire study with adult users established users’ views on desirable features of the digital library [Duncker 2]; when extended to elicit views from children, the work resulted in a set of design guidelines for digital libraries for children [Theng 4]. Cultural aspects of digital library design have been investigated [Duncker 3], including the use of metaphors and choice of colours in interface design.
The Personal Technologies group is concerned with the use of computer technologies in mobile systems and personal contexts. Studies have addressed both social and technical aspects.
From a social perspective, Thomas [2] and Blandford (in press) have studied the use of electronic and paper personal information management tools. This work has identified many of the issues that account for low take-up of electronic tools, including mismatches between user tasks and those supported by the current generation of electronic tools.
From a technical perspective, Jones [1,2,4], Thimbleby and others have developed tools to enable materials created for conventional displays to be used effectively on much smaller screens such as handhelds; following a tutorial at Web9, this has been taken up by Terry Winograd’s group at Stanford. Algorithms such as hashing have been used to improve user interface effectiveness [Jones 3]. After review by EPSRC and the Ergonomics Society, this work was selected for exhibition at the London Science Museum. Thimbleby, Cairns and Jones (in press) have developed quantitative models to predict user costs – principally the time to achieve goals for given user knowledge. The value of these models has been demonstrated by applying them to various interface designs for pervasive technologies like video recorders and mobile telephones. Thimbleby [4], starting from the premise that design is (or should be) an ethical activity, has proposed a set of design probes that support thinking about design requirements for hand-held devices. He has also presented mathematical analyses of various classes of devices, whereby particular usability features can be measured; for example, Thimbleby [2] analyses a particular pocket calculator, and demonstrates how this style of analysis can expose unreliable and inscrutable design features that undermine usability. One area of concern for mobile systems is the proliferation of malicious code. Cairns [2] and Thimbleby have developed a formal model for viruses and Trojan horses that gives clarity to our understanding of the way defences can be mounted against them. Further work is ongoing.

Human–Computer Interaction: Current work and Future strategy
The HCI group is maintaining a strong research profile on formal methods for HCI, bridging computer and cognitive science, and extending that to accommodate social and organisational factors. We plan to expand work in digital libraries and personal technologies, using these applications as case studies for developing and testing new HCI theories, as well as extending into newly emerging areas as appropriate. Existing external links, covering industrial, public sector and overseas organisations, will be maintained, and new links will be developed to ensure ongoing relevance of the work of the group.

The Formalisms for Interaction group are expanding their existing projects to increase their applicability and develop and apply modelling techniques using a variety of case studies.
Fields and Blandford are working with Wong (Otago) on testing modelling techniques, including those developed by the group, in ambulance control; data collection, from both users and developers, and analysis are ongoing. One technique being tested on the ambulance control data is Ontological Sketch Modelling, which is under development by Blandford and Green (Leeds). Further work on this will also be conducted under EPSRC grant GR/N39108, in collaboration with the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. Curzon and Blandford are further extending their methodology for detecting user errors in design to allow a greater range of errors to be detected and also applying it to more substantial case studies. Curzon is combining this work with his continuing investigations on integrating verification systems, using interactive systems as case studies.
Thimbleby has analysed and simulated a wide variety of devices over the last decade: he is now integrating this work, refining its theoretical base and making it more accessible by converting it to a process algebra Java-based tool to combine specification, analysis, manual generation and animation of complex user interfaces. The use of Java will facilitate access by making the tool platform-independent and Internet ready; it will also exploit earlier work by Thimbleby [1] and Cairns [1] on Java that exposed weaknesses in the language and identified how to overcome them. Thimbleby and Cairns are also extending their work on mathematical modelling of interactive phenomena; one strand of their current work involves mathematical modelling of user interface patterns, which supports abstract reasoning about, for example, the relationship between patterns and interface consistency. In addition, Cairns is starting a project (EPSRC grant GR/N29280) on the visualisation of mathematical proofs, which will apply related mathematical techniques.
Blandford and Thimbleby have a project (EPSRC GR/M81748) on interaction modelling for the design of digital libraries. This is extending and testing an Interaction Framework (IF) that defines requirements on the interaction between users and computers in an interactive system. The aims of the work are to achieve a better understanding of the design of digital libraries from a usability perspective and to further develop and test IF. This incorporates work by Hyde (Blandford's PhD student) on modelling multimodal interactions.
The Digital Library group is also starting to apply earlier work to significant case studies. Parallel work to that of Blandford and Thimbleby is formalising the social and organisational factors that determine acceptance and usability of digital resources in the hospital setting, in collaboration with the Whittington Hospital. Theng's work with children's digital libraries is continuing with evaluation at St. Albans School, and the development of a generic evaluation tool; arrangements are being made to test the results with other groups of children, both in the UK and overseas. Dynamic techniques (e.g. for author submission to a library) have been developed, and are currently being tested.
The work of Theng and Blandford on usability of digital libraries provided the foundations for a further EPSRC project (GR/N37858) to develop a suite of tools, in collaboration with BT, to support design for usability of digital libraries. Existing evaluation techniques will be adapted and extended to better suit this demanding (distributed information management) application area. This project also involves Fields and Butterworth, who have been studying the design and use of the BT digital library. With a research student (Gwynn), Duncker is extending her work on cultural aspects of digital libraries; in particular, she is engaged in a detailed study of library usage by Maoris (as an example of a non-Western cultural group). She has identified many barriers to their use of libraries, which need to be taken into account when making digital resources available to such user communities.
The Personal Technologies group are integrating their existing work, and extending it to emergent technologies. Fields, Thimbleby and Jones (in Waikato) are following up their work on navigation and search techniques for small screen devices with studies that investigate alternative display structures to support information retrieval from the internet using handheld computers such as WAP phones. Thomas is continuing work on personal technologies and interactive TV (iTV), including an EPSRC Network grant (GR/N39166) with Thimbleby. This will engage with industry partners in this fast-paced technology area to exchange information and insights on both technical developments and user interaction issues. Work is also progressing on establishing a Personal Systems Network with leaders in the field of interaction design for handheld appliances (both academic and industrial). This work is distinctive in bringing a user perspective to fast-changing areas of technology development.

Artificial Intelligence: Main Achievements
This group, formed about 18 months ago, has achieved notable results applying both symbolic and sub-symbolic AI techniques to address important practical problems. The group’s two main themes are neural networks and natural language understanding.
In neural networks, one focus has been on modelling and prediction. The main application areas have been medical informatics and semi-conductor manufacture. Wu [4] applied the growing cell structures (GCS) neural network to the prediction of coronary heart disease based on short-term electrocardiogram measurements. Binary encoding of Poincare plot encoded data was found to produce good results when applied to a trial group. Bavan [1] applied a content associative memory model to recognise protein sequences based on protein fragments; this model permits multiple associations and outputs (unlike traditional neural nets), and was shown to have a higher saturation point and be more efficient than existing techniques. Meng [1,2,3,4] has applied neural networks to modelling and prediction of semiconductor manufacturing processes. She developed a static neural model of a reactive etching system. This model was shown to predict the behaviour of the actual system more accurately than statistical models. A dynamic model formed the basis of a hybrid neural network regulator, combining a neural emulator with a neural controller. This has been shown to provide accurate control of the reactive ion etching process under various operating conditions.
Neural networks have also been applied to natural language understanding. At the lowest level, Mitchell [1,4] and Bavan have developed a neural network for sequence recognition which has been applied to multiple word retrieval problems. Mitchell [2] found that retraining was faster than other systems when incrementing the training set . The ability of the system to retrieve multiple target sequences from a single input sequence resulted in a solution to the variable binding problem.
At a higher level of natural language understanding, Wu [1,2,3] developed a novel Symbolic / Connectionist System to assist in word sense disambiguation. It integrated a knowledge-based system with standard neural network algorithms. On trial, it correctly disambiguated 95% of test sentences. Huyck [3,4] has developed a parsing system, Plink, that is capable of parsing non-grammatical sentences (unlike related systems) and performs well on the Penn Tree Bank's parsing metric. Huyck also developed a biologically plausible neural system, CANT, that simulates Hebb's cell assemblies (CAs) – that is, reverberating circuits of neurons. CANT has captured many of the physical properties that CAs must have [Huyck 1,2].
Mitchell [3] has applied genetic algorithms to solve travelling salesman problems; he developed a temporal chromosome that could incorporate parallel message passing. This representation avoids the repair procedures that plague other evolutionary approaches to this problem. Such a representation creates a wider gap between phenotype and genotype, improving the scope for gene crossover, mutation and reproduction. This also leads to a generic chromosome representation that can be used to solve many graph problems; developments are ongoing.

Artificial Intelligence: Current work and Future Strategy
The ongoing work of the AI group is aimed at bringing greater cohesion and collaboration within the group whilst maintaining the diversity of interests and strengths. The main themes of natural language understanding and neural networks will be continued. Categorisation is being used as a new focus for joint work because it allows the group to employ a variety of techniques while creating an opportunity for the cross-fertilisation of ideas. Initial work has begun on categorising yeasts. Symbolic, Neural Network and Genetic algorithms are being developed by different members of the group to categorise this one data set. This will make it possible to compare and contrast alternative AI techniques drawing on the diverse backgrounds of the group members.
Work on neural networks is being targeted at new application areas: in particular, digital libraries. Wu is developing neural networks for analysing large collections of documents as would be found in a digital library. Her most recent work on GCS for text clustering uses a novel combination of a self-organising, growing neural network and pruning algorithms. She has already published work in this area and is developing applications for the on-line analysis of web-pages. Meng is continuing her work on neural network techniques for optimisation and control: in particular, extending them to cater for increasingly complex dynamic processes. Bavan is extending previous work on protein alignment, and also on models of workflow in business.

The natural language understanding work is also continuing. Mitchell is improving his neural models to apply to higher-level natural language structures, building on Wu’s and Huyck’s work. Huyck is extending Plink to a new domain, Process Modelling, with Abeysinghe (ISE group). The Plink system is being improved by using machine learning techniques to generate parsing preferences based on semantics. Huyck’s work on cell assemblies continues, soon to be supported by EPSRC grant GR/R13975, increasing the density of assemblies in a single network. A doctoral student (Bowles) has some promising early results on measures for detecting cell assemblies. A long term aim is to apply this work to natural language understanding.

Information Systems Engineering: Main achievements
The Information Systems Engineering group combines interests in both information systems and software engineering, and focuses on two main areas of work. The first addresses the interlocking domains of processes, methods and technologies used in the development, acquisition, operation and support of software-based systems. The second area addresses products, specifically models and software artefacts for use in applications such as business and medicine.
Work on processes, methods and technologies studies systems and practice within the social, organisational and technical context. It investigates what influences the performance of practitioner groups, and how their performance influences that of the enterprise. Woodman's work [1,2] on software process improvement and quality assurance has produced novel analyses of how social and cultural facets of organisations impact software development. In addition, it has described how software engineering communities are formed from constituencies across the profession, in organisations and within projects, and has demonstrated how established social sciences may be used in exact research into technical processes. Duncker [4] has used similar methods to develop a principled account of how the participation of end-users, or lack of it, affects software development. Work by Galal [1,2] adapted the grounded theory method from the social sciences into the GSEM (Grounded Systems Engineering Methodology), to support requirements engineering and systems design, situated in a rich human context. Requirements elicited using GSEM are fully traceable within the application domain, and hence verifiable by end-users. End-user computing (EUC) is another aspect of the ISE group's work. Lawrence [1,2,3] has developed a practical, survey-based instrument which enables organisations to profile business users in terms of their potential for effective end-user-led IS development and to model EUC effectiveness factors. A series of surveys confirmed that the levels of role power and freedom and of tool suitability are highly significant indicators of effective end-user IS development. Jenkins [1,3,4] has continued earlier work on resource estimation in software project management by refining these models, to the extent that they are the basis of commercial project management tools developed by Volmac. In object technology, Woodman [3,4] has shown how objects packaged as components can be used in building customisable environments, and has also contributed to the prediction of the performance of object-oriented databases. The programming environment and tools his team produced have been used by about 20,000 students worldwide. Also in the area of database technology, research by Revell [1,3,4] and others has considered the design of temporal object databases, resulting in the development of a temporal querying algebra. The FIBEX data extractor [Revell 2] generates index files from semi-structured document files, such as those typically used in digital libraries. Abeysinghe [2] has worked on improving the accessibility of formal notations, especially CSP.
The second area of work relates to IS products, through which computing contributes to other domains. Abeysinghe [1,3,4] has applied her approach to enable business professionals, especially in the construction industry, to model processes. Hanson [1,2,3,4] has applied a range of software development methods to deliver products that support the work of companies in novel chemical synthesis, e-publishing, banking, printing, packaging and pensions organisations. The work of Evans is also oriented to products that contribute to other domains, in his case medicine. In collaboration with Winter (Institute of Child Health), he has addressed problems relating to the delivery of clinical and genetic information from databases over the Internet. Evans' team have developed two major software systems relating to dysmorphology using Internet technologies. Two journal papers describe the theories behind the development of these systems [1,2]. The systems produced [3,4] are being used by clinicians. Information is now accessible globally and presented in a form that is tailored to the needs of specialist users in dysmorphology and genetics. Information on cases and syndromes is keeping pace with the literature and consequently supporting diagnoses more efficiently than is possible with standalone databases. Successful diagnosis can aid the counselling given to parents, such as the risk of recurrence and the prognosis for an affected infant.

Information Systems Engineering: current work and future strategy
As the ISE group further establishes itself and newly-arrived members become integrated, some reorientation of work is taking place. For example, the recently started OOSPICE project, funded through EU Framework 5, is investigating the impact of object-oriented and component-based development (CBD) on the SPICE approach to software process improvement and capability assessment. The project aims to produce a metamodel of CBD and a revised reference model for the emerging ISO SPICE standard. Through OOSPICE, Jenkins and Woodman are now concentrating their work on processes and object/component technology, and new members of the ISE group are using it for investigating process improvement in failure-prone development and rapid production of e-business systems. The theme of e-business is also evident in other developments spearheaded by the group. Woodman is working with several companies to establish an e-business centre to focus research and to accelerate technology transfer and support businesses in North London. This work is being extended to an international project for on-line and mobile support for enterprise development.
Group members are also establishing a centre for studying systems failures; preliminary funding of £10,000 has just been obtained from industry to support this work. A core resource will be an established repository on failures. Within this context, new members of the group are extending their work on software quality and the impact of organisational practices.
Abeysinghe is continuing to develop her work combining semi-formal and formal models for use in business. With a recently won EPSRC grant (GR/N02368), she is collaborating with Huyck of the AI group to introduce Natural Language Processing to allow her models to be used by end-users. Lawrence is carrying out further evaluation of his instrument to model EUC success factors in a large UK organisation (finance sector) within a study of EUC management and support. Future work will identify detailed features needed for effective EUC support, and will lead to the development of prototype EUC tool software.
Research into tools and technologies is to be further directed towards the areas of database technology applications. Hanson is extending his work on knowledge management to support corporate activities [Hanson 4], through a follow-up TCS project. Evans is extending the systems reported above, and conducting rigorous testing on them. He is collaborating on a new MRC Co-operative Group Grant on bioinformatics as the partnership’s computer scientist.

Self assessment
Given our rapid expansion in total staff, our supportive research strategy has been remarkably successful. The University has provided helpful flexible funding to Computing, in particular under the HEFCE NFFR scheme, for instance allowing us to invite and support high quality visiting academics. Objectively, the increase in publications per capita, the number and value of external grants awarded and the range of external partners are evidence of the major improvements in both quality and quantity of research since the last RAE.
We can identify two areas of weakness. Firstly, whilst we have successfully recruited high quality RAs and research students from overseas, we have had difficulty recruiting students who satisfy EPSRC funding criteria, and have been unable to use our quota studentships. We are addressing this through more focused recruitment; as part of this, we are developing an advanced Masters course to tie in to our research programme. Secondly, TCS projects have not been well integrated with other research activity; we are actively addressing this at present, by requiring TCS associates to attend research workshops and by allocating each a research active member of staff as a supervisor.
Apart from these two aspects, a strong and supportive research culture is developing. Individuals are working to their strengths, and forming creative research networks with both colleagues across the University and external partners. The strategy of developing themes within and across research groups is reaping benefits: drawing young staff, those whose research activity was previously low, and those with backgrounds in non-computing science areas into productive collaborations. The ongoing progress of our new staff such as Butterworth, Mitchell and Theng, who made the transition within the assessment period from students to productive researchers, or of Cairns who made the transition from industry, are good examples of our capacity to develop young researchers.

The initiative in digital libraries has been very successful, with a strong research team now established in that area. Because of its compound growth, few of the outputs listed in RA2 reflect our full activity in this area: many more outputs are pending. We are publishing in every major digital library conference. External organisations (e.g. BT, California Digital Library and UN) have sought our advice on usability of digital libraries. We are currently negotiating our contributions to a world wide digital library with the United Nations, a large scale project which obviously raises enormous research issues.
Most importantly, staff remain excited and motivated by their research, and are consequently delivering quality research results that achieve an overall balance between theory and application. In summary, the changes in culture and productivity over the current RAE period have been enormous; in the next review period we expect to continue to make advances, but at a slower rate as we consolidate on the achievements of the current period.

De Montfort University_25 4 [8.5C]

The key objectives set out in our last submission have been accomplished.

· We have raised the quality of publications to high international standard. Our research results have appeared in various leading journals/conferences of international excellence, e.g. Acta Informatica, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, ICALP, Journal of Artificial Life, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, LICS, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics and Neural Processing Letters.

· Commercial exploitation and patency serve as evidence of the impact of our research findings. The
majority of our staff have received national and international recognition through their invited
participation on Research Councils and at all levels of key International conferences, see RA6a&d.

· We have increased the number of successful research degrees. A total of 15 Ph.D. and 3 M.Phil. degrees have been awarded.

· We have secured 18 research contracts from the Research Councils and industry, with a total value of over £1.2M; 65% from Research Councils and 35% from industry. From the Research Councils, grants varied from those under Responsive mode to Managed Programmes, as well as ROPA awards. Industrial funds were obtained from, e.g. DERA, BT and Rockwell-Collins (UK) Ltd. In addition three Teaching Companies (with a total value of £200K) have been successfully established.

We have consolidated and improved our research activities, focussing on our strengths both at national and
international levels. These accomplishments were realised by adopting the following.

1. Integrating the already existing small, but related, research groups to form two major research groups, each
with well focussed objectives and research themes; to encourage inter-disciplinary research, we have
deliberately drawn no sharp boundaries between the themes. These groups are the Software Technology
Research Laboratory (STRL) and Centre for Computational Intelligence (CCI). Their research themes and
technical achievements are detailed in RA5c. Combining the number of research fellows, research
assistants, research students and permanent staff in the groups, we have a research population of over 50. In
addition, the groups are supported by a team of 6 research technicians and 4 administrative assistants.
The STRL has expanded to occupy two large well equipped laboratories within the University's Science
and Engineering Research Centre (SERCentre). Similarly the CCI has moved into new accommodation
including a well equipped laboratory.
2. We have strengthened our strategic research policies, notably:
· a monitoring procedure which reports regularly on research progress of each group against well
defined and tangible targets (publications, graduate students and research contracts);
· the research-leave scheme was further encouraged and has benefited 4 members of staff, see RA6b.
· International dimensions to research and research collaboration are actively encouraged, see RA6a.
3. We have increased the critical mass of graduate students; currently, there are 36 registered students.
4. We have recruited four research staff to build on current areas of research. Central to our recruitment
strategy is that the research activities of newly recruited staff must complement current research groups or show strong potential to form new research groups, see RA5c for our planned next phase of expansion.

University of Northumbria at Newcastle_25 2 [5F]

Research Structure and Environment:
UoA25 (Computing) is based in the School of Computing and Mathematics. The 1996 RAE was focussed upon two major research areas: Real-time Systems, and Applied Image Analysis. The former is now the larger High Integrity Embedded Systems group (HIES) and has built on its previous reputation. The latter has achieved great success as the Institute for Image Data Research (IIDR). During the period a new group for User-centred systems (UCS) was formed. A significant growth and restructuring is currently in progress, with a Director of Research Strategy (Prof. Elsom-Cook), plans for more readers and Professors of Research, a major increase in research involved staff, and 2 new specialist research groups.

HIES (4 staff) is focused on the development of methods and tools for engineering embedded and real-time systems. It is particularly concerned with problems that require high integrity solutions. This involves the integration of such diverse subjects as: software design methodologies, real-time operating system design and implementation, formal methods, modelling, reusable components, distributed control systems, safety analysis and standards. This work is directly applicable to the needs of a number of industrial sectors, including the manufacturing, medical, transport and chemical industries. It has also been identified as a high priority by the EPSRC Control and Instrumentation Programme, several sector panels of the UK Technology Foresight Programme and the European Commission Open Microprocessor Systems Initiative. IIDR (11 staff) is now a multi-disciplinary Centre of Excellence aimed at investigating the role of electronic images in human communication. It is very successful in research, publication and income generation. Strong links and collaborations are maintained by members of this UoA but the work is more closely associated with UoA61. Mention is included here to show that this area from the previous RAE has not disappeared, but changed location. UCS is diverse, encompassing many aspects of systems design and development which are related to the user.

Staffing policy:

Active researchers received significant remissions on their teaching loads (up to 9 hours per week) in this period. This has been effective in allowing members of the HIES group to make contributions of International standing. In future, remission policy is changing to be more inclusive, allowing small periods of remission (linked with Staff Development in Research) for those individuals who currently have little experience, but wish to become involved. A significant staff development programme, including M.Res degrees and PhD opportunities, is now in place. When recruiting new staff a research background is highly desirable, and an interest in developing a research profile is normally expected. This has led to a significant increase in research-involved staff in the last 12 months.

Research achievements 1996-2000

HIES: concerned with theory, components, methods and tools for cost-effective construction of highly dependable embedded systems. A crucial aspect of embedded system dependability is the ability to react to stimuli from the environment in a timely way. Consequently, an important research theme has been the development and application of formal methods to ensure that a system will satisfy its temporal requirements under all workloads. A distinguishing feature of this work is its emphasis on modelling and analysis of system implementation - a key determinant of real-time performance. The research comprises four strands: 1) Model checking applied to single-processor and distributed control systems (projects AORTA and CANDLE); 2) the application of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components in the development of fault-tolerant systems (project GUARDS); 3) the specification and development of verified micro-kernels for distributed control applications (project Flame) and 4) Response-time analysis of distributed pre-emptively-scheduled systems (project Xrta). Initial work in this RAE period was directed at single processor embedded systems. This resulted in development of AORTA - a formally defined language and set of tools which can be used to implement embedded systems of moderate complexity, and to demonstrate that they comply with their temporal requirements. Work of D.Kendall is aimed at extending the scope of application of these techniques to distributed embedded systems, in which several microprocessors co-operate to maintain control. Such systems are inherently more complex and pose significant challenges in analysis and development. This has produced the CANDLE language and development environment. Control processes in a CANDLE system communicate using the industry standard CAN communication protocol. Our work is the first to demonstrate a practical method for the application of model checking to the validation of real-time properties of broadcasting control systems. A general result arising from this work is an efficient data structure for the storage of the large state spaces generated during automated analysis. Dr L. Beus-Dukic has focused on COTS real-time operating systems and their properties. This stems from her work on the EC funded project GUARDS (Generic Upgradable Architectures for Real-Time Dependable Systems) at the University of York. The project aim was to develop a generic fault-tolerant architecture based on COTS components for embedded computer systems in the nuclear submarine, railway and space domains. Dr Beus-Dukic was specifically involved in evaluation of COTS real-time operating systems which were selected by industrial partners. A. Robson’s research is focused on real-time nano-kernels and their application in formally specified and designed systems, in particular, to exploit the CANDLE methodology. Deployment of more rigorous software engineering methods in industry will only be possible with deep support for advanced techniques. Real-time systems software that is both compatible with formal methods of design and model checking, and that has itself been submitted to a formal approach is vital. Dr W. Henderson’s work concerns the application and further development of scheduling theory for the analysis of distributed control systems. Particular achievements include 1) the extension of response-time analysis to yield accurate minimal system response times (in addition to maximal response times); this is a novel result which increases the overall accuracy of distributed system analysis; 2) the definition of system transformations to reduce the pessimism inherent in distributed scheduling models and 3) the examination of clock period variation in periodic distributed hard real-time systems.

UCS: Personnel have changed significantly: 3 key members leaving for research posts elsewhere. Only Prof. Elsom-Cook is included in this submission. His work has focused on developing a theoretical base for multimedia. The listed book presents a theoretical framework which encompasses the idea of multimedia as formal communication, integrating aspects of Information Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics and Semiotics into a conceptual model of modalities, channels of communication and languages of interpretation.

University of North London_25 3b [11E]

Structure and Environment of Staffing Policy

The School of Informatics and Multimedia Technology has gone through an important period of change leading to the development of a research culture based on three main research groups. In 1998 the name of the School was changed from School of Computing to the School of Informatics and Multimedia Technology (SIMT). This signalled a strategic repositioning of the School to align itself with significant developments in the subject base and stimulated the recruitment of staff in the newer areas of multimedia technology. As the School has continued to expand this development has been paralleled by the recruitment of strong research staff from traditional areas of Computing and Software Engineering.

Research in the School is organized around three major research groups: the Learning Technology Research Institute (LTRI), the Knowledge Management Research Group (KMG) and the Communications and Software Systems Engineering Research Centre (CSSERC). The Web pages for these groups may be accessed at

Learning Technology Research Institute (LTRI)

The strategic changes in the School led to the development of a clear agenda in the areas of multimedia and learning technology. This attracted a number of new staff in these areas. The AIM (Adaptive Interactive Multimedia) research group was set up in June 1999 to foster research in artificial intelligence, multimedia, and particularly in their application to ICT based learning. Within a year a successful bid had been made to the university for £500,000 to develop the ‘Learning Technology Research Institute’ (LTRI). This was launched, with Prof. Tom Boyle from SIMT as Director, in September 2000. There are five strong research staff from SIMT in the Institute. Two of these staff, Oriogun and Chalk, have research interests strongly focused on developing learning technology in relation to Computing as a subject. Both Oriogun and Chalk are submitted to UoA 25. The research interests of this group are, of necessity, interdisciplinary. Three other staff (Boyle, Cook and Khan) have been submitted to the Education UoA. Boyle, the LTRI Director, holds the position of Assistant Director of the LTSN (Learning and Teaching Support network) national Subject Centre for the Information and Computing Sciences.

The Institute conducts theoretical and applied research into the use of information and communication technology to promote, transform and augment learning. Chalk's research is into the use of WebWorlds in Computer Science and Software Engineering education. He has published in the main ITiCSE and national Subject Centre conference in this area. Using studies of students' collaborative and tool-based learning patterns, he is identifying improvements in the instructional design of virtual learning environments. Chalk has been the principal organiser of the JICC (Java in the Computing Curriculum) conference series. Oriogun's research is primarily in the area of software engineering, with a particular emphasis on the pedagogy of the teaching and learning of software engineering. He has developed the Negotiated Incremental Model (NIM), and he has written a number of journal and international conference papers on the proposed model. He is currently collaborating with staff from the School of Architecture and Construction at UNITEC (University of Technology) in New Zealand in providing a multimedia virtual learning environment for remote learning. Oriogun is also a member of the CSSERC research group.

The research areas in the Institute also include the development of multimedia learning architectures, the use of dialogue analysis and modelling techniques to inform the design of artificial intelligence based pedagogical agents, simulation and model based learning, and web based collaborative learning. The LTRI external projects include the Framework 4 'Exe-Extranet' project with partners in Barcelona and Bologna, the 'Screen-to-Screen' TCS scheme, and the EU Adapt 'TISCAM' project to create a virtual university.

The Knowledge Management Research Group

The Knowledge Management Research Group (KMG) is involved in research covering several aspects of Information and Knowledge Management. The main aim of the group is to develop semantic models for document management and content-based indexing and retrieval and also to develop intelligent systems for hand writing and speech recognition.

Nine members of staff led by Dr. Marir (Marir, Yip, Wang, Dang, Whitrow [submitted to RAE 2001] and Tang, Xue, Saunders and Siva) are research active in this group, as are six doctoral students (Houam, Mimouni, O'Tuathail, Wang Pen, Ho and Zerzour). The group focuses on four main research areas:
· multimedia documents management (Marir, Yip, Wang and Wilson).
· content based indexing and retrieval of both Internet documents (Marir, Jim, Tang, Naila and Haouem) and surveillance video images (Marir, Yip, Xue and Zerzour).
· optimization of interactive Web data access in terms of performance stability and scalability (Dang, Marir) and
· hand writing and Speech Recognition (Marir, Whitrow and O'Tuathail).

Prof. Yip and Marir have been involved into three UK and EU funded research projects at the IT Institute and Department of Surveying (University of Salford) leading to a 4 and a 5* respectively in the last RAE. The Knowledge Management Research Group is collaborating with the Digital Imaging Research Centre at the University of Kingston on a £25K funded project (won by Marir when he was at the University of Kingston) to develop an intelligent object database for visual surveillance. Marir, through the KMG Group, is organizing the 4th Workshop on Knowledge Management, to be held at the University of North London in June 2001. The KMG group is collaborating with Dr Anthony Hunter (the Intelligent Systems Group at the Department of Computer Science, University College London and also Dr S M Rüger (Multimedia Knowledge Management Group) at the Department of Computing, Imperial College for EPSRC proposals on the Internet document retrieval and intelligent database for video surveillance.

Yip’s research is on the integration and application of information systems technology to improve quality in organizations. He has carried out research in information systems across a range of industries, e.g. chemical and process industry, textiles, the construction industry, and environmental management. Dr. Wang's research interest is in high-capacity digital media and content-based retrieval of Internet documents. Dr. Dang's research interest is in technologies and methodologies for Information Systems Development, in particular object-oriented modeling and the formal foundations of object oriented analysis. Dr. Whitrow (CSSERC and KMG) has spent some years researching pattern recognition paying particular attention to problems associated with handwriting recognition. A software system architecture involving recognition at the pixel, lexical, syntactic and semantic levels has been constructed. To date Whitrow has successfully supervised 16 Phd’s to completion in the area and published over 60 papers. Dr. Xue's research focuses on the Information retrieval, indexing and coding, especially on geo-referenced information indexing, coding and retrieval. He has published more than 30 referenced papers in GIS.

Communications and Software Systems Engineering Research Centre (CSSERC)

The CSSERC conducts theoretical and applied research into the use of methods and tools for design and development of the communications systems and software systems. Eleven members of staff led by Prof. Pakstas (Pakstas, Galal, Jayaram, Lee, Whitrow [submitted to RAE 2001] and Mikusauskas, Novakovic, Oriogun, Siva, Stephenson, Gilbert) and four Visiting Professors (Cogan, Gelman, Jajszczyk, Shagaev) are research active in this group, and six self sponsored doctoral students (Berki, Georgiadou, Ndeta, Sfakianakis, Siakas, Sizya). The group is focusing on the following research areas:

· Communications Software Engineering including methods and tools for the development of distributed software configurations, network simulation tools, and multimedia Web-applications (Pakstas, Gilbert, Lee, Siva, Stephenson, Gelman, Sfakianakis)
· System Architectures for Critical Applications including novel approaches to improve aviation safety, software architectures for third generation mobile clinical information systems, new router architectures supporting and optimizing network Quality-of-Service mechanisms as well as special cases of intra-/extranets, network security and data encryption (Pakstas, Jayaram, Novakovic, Jajszczyk, Shagaev, Sizya)
· Software System Engineering including system design and software quality issues, organizational issues, system architectonics, workflow models, and complex image processing software systems (Galal, Mikusauskas, Oriogun, Whitrow, Cogan, Berki, Georgiadou, Ndeta, Siakas)

The specific CSSERC’s staff research activities are in the following areas. Pakstas’s research covers methods and tools for the development of distributed software configurations, intra-extranets and communications architecture for enhancing aviation safety. Dr. Galal’s research includes software engineering, requirements engineering and information management. During the last years he has focused on layered software architecture and architectonics as well as applying it to the design of the information systems. Dr. Jayaram’ s main research areas are in electronic commerce and distributed real-time systems. His research covers intelligent support for service transactions and integrating business and security processes. He also has research interests in software architectures for third generation mobile clinical information systems. Dr. Lee’s research interests are on applications of computer graphics and 3D animation as communication media. Prior to joining UNL, while working at Osaka University she was involved in several national and international research projects in the area of computer graphics. Dr. Mikusauskas’s main expertise is in the areas of computer communications, CAD systems as well as software systems design and project management. He participated in EU-funded projects involving development of the Web-based information systems. Siva’s expertise includes design and development of Web-based multimedia systems with a primary research focus on the usability of the user interfaces, especially colour schemes. Stephenson’s research interest include distributed computer systems, routing algorithms as well as development of the network simulation tools.

CSSERC’s Visiting Professors are leading international researchers in their areas:

· Prof. Cogan, Head of Laboratory at the Institute for Automation and Control Processes, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok. His areas of research are software quality and quality assessment models (i.e., Boehm's, McCall's and ISO/IEC 9126's), software process and process assessment models (CMM and IS0/IEC 15504), and quality management systems standards (ISO 9001 and ISO 9000-3).
· Prof. Gelman, Chief Scientist, Panasonic Information and Networking Technologies Laboratory, Princeton, USA. He is currently Vice President of the IEEE Communications Society. He is the editor, Networks and Services area, of the Journal for Communications and Networks and also serves on the Steering Committee for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. He is past Chair of the IEEE COMSOC Technical Committee on Multimedia Communications.
· Prof. Jajszczyk, Dept. of Telecommunications, AGH University of Technology, Krakow, Poland. He focuses on research in Communications networks (including IP networking and network management) and telecommunications switching (including ATM, IP and photonic switching). He is also past Editor-in-chief of the IEEE Communications Magazine.
· Prof. Shagaev, Head of Fault Tolerant Computing Branch, Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. He specializes in Fault Tolerant Computing Theory

SIMT Staff with Multidiscipline Interests

Some of the SIMT staff are active in more than one research groups in the School or Faculty and because of that are presented here, in a special section. They include:

· Novakovic’s (CSSERC and the STORM research group in Mathematics) research is in the area of applying combinatorics methods to the design of data encryption mechanisms. In her work.

· Dr. Gilbert’s (CSSERC and LTRI) research is in the area of the development of flexible learning environments using wireless communications tools which facilitate interaction between tutor and students in the class.

· Jones's research is in the areas of software engineering and the development of frameworks for the implementation of intelligent technology-enhanced learning systems.

Nottingham Trent University_25 3a [7E]

Research in the Computing Department has developed significantly during this RAE period, with improvements in both the quality and quantity of research outputs:

87 publications (8 in refereed journals)
225 publications (75 in refereed journals)
11 staff with four or more publications
22 staff with four or more publications
4 staff with one or more journal publications
21 staff with one or more journal publications
1 staff with four or more journal publications
9 staff with four or more journal publications
14 PhD completions
29 PhD and 3 MPhil completions

This increase in our peer-reviewed research activity and student supervision has been coupled with increased national and international recognition of our work as reflected by the invitations to deliver keynote addresses, editorial activity, and participation in various international research forums — see RA6a. During the RAE period, academic members of the Department were involved in research collaborations with groups in Argentina, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Switzerland and USA.

The Department has chosen to submit as research-active only those academics who can demonstrate both international recognition and a minimum of four journal publications in the assessment period. This has led to a reduction in the number of staff nominated as research-active, instead of the planned increase. Nevertheless, the Department is proud to have achieved its aim of broadening its research culture and increasing its research output across the whole Department (see RA6c). The record number of 29 PhD successes in the last five years illustrates the mature research culture that permeates the Department.

Research activity in the Department has continued to progress in three complementary and mutually-supportive research groups, as described in RAE’96:
• Intelligent Simulation and Modelling – previously referred to as Real-Time Telemetry Systems;
• Intelligent Recognition and Interactive Systems (IRIS) – this group has evolved from the Handwriting Recognition Group to include our rapidly-growing research into interactive systems;
• Real-Time Machine Control (RTMC).

Prof. Hopgood joined as Head of Department on 1/1/2001. His interests in intelligent systems and their practical applications complement all three research groups. In the first instance, he plans to develop his research within the IRIS Group, while promoting Intelligent Systems as the integrative theme of the Department (RA5c).

Strategic planning and monitoring of research in the Computing Department is managed through the Departmental Research Committee, whose main objectives are to sustain and develop the quality and profile of departmental research, provide cross-fertilisation of ideas, promote team strength, implement research supervision standards and facilitate research development of individual staff, e.g. through mentoring and sabbaticals. The committee promotes dissemination of research results (see, publication of working papers and the presentation of research seminars. Our seminars are open to all, thereby maximising awareness of the Department’s research. All these activities serve to open our research to peers’ scrutiny and promote a research ethos. They are part of our continued commitment to encouraging all staff to be research-active and providing the best environment for the development of research excellence.

The selection of the application areas for the Unit’s research was influenced by the Government priorities for addressing urban sustainability (urban transport – GR/K16593, GR/G32468), environment (water distribution systems – GR/N16369), wealth creation (spin-off companies: Pacer Systems Ltd., Axiomatic Technology Ltd., IC-Routing Ltd.) and quality of life issues (Virtual Reality Systems for the disabled; EC – 982111UK8).

As well as its own network of computers dedicated to research, the Department has access to a £1.2m Faculty Research Institute that provides additional computing facilities and a suitable environment for both individual and group work. A new virtual reality simulation facility has been established with the help of EC funding (EC-982111UK8). Our strong industrial links offer the opportunity of access to external resources such as on-line access to real-time traffic control computers at the Nottingham Traffic Control Centre, equipment and instrumentation through our spin-off companies, and test data sets provided by NSK-RHP and Rolls-Royce.

Intelligent Simulation and Modelling Group
The work of the Intelligent Simulation and Modelling group is focused on processing uncertain and multi-resolution data and the development of parallel and distributed processing algorithms. This focus matches the current national and international definitions of the Simulation and Modelling field, which indeed were shaped through active contributions from our staff. The group has a strong base of nine academic staff, of whom Dr Al-Dabass, Prof. Bargiela, Dr Claramunt and Prof. Evans are named in RA2. The work has been supported by EPSRC (GR/K16593, GR/N16396, GR/N10813, GR/R10707, GR/R32468) and industry.

An efficient analogue neural network for processing uncertain data has been developed in collaboration with the Artificial Brain Systems Laboratory, Japan [see AB-1 in RA2]. A generalised neural classification and clustering technique, that builds on our neural confidence limits analysis methodology (work reported in three journal papers), has been developed and validated as an abstraction-forming and decision-support tool [AB-2]. A fault-tolerant framework for the implementation of a decision-support system has been developed [AB-3]. An important theoretical result of global convergence criterion for fine-grained genetic optimisation has been achieved [AB-4]. The objective of developing a Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) fault-tolerant system has not been pursued because of the changing emphasis in the computing and telecommunications industry. Instead, research into fault-tolerant mobile simulation environments has been carried out in collaboration with British Telecom (STRF00/31) and Psion Industrial (GD/EG97-10), leading to four research publications.

A novel hierarchical approach to fuzzy possibilistic reasoning was developed and shown to have excellent properties in recognising 2-D patterns [DA-1, DA-2]. A self-organising/self-adaptive architecture for artificial neural nets was devised and shown through simulation to be effective in classifying multi-dimensional patterns [DA-3]. Examination of levels of parallelism in processing neural net algorithms [DA-4] led to the conceptual design and simulation of an efficient parallel-processing architecture.

Basic research on the representation of spatio-temporal processes within GISs has been accomplished. Current extensions of this research include the development of the approach for the representation of composite processes, the database modelling of spatio-temporal processes, and the application of the framework to socio-economical studies and traffic systems [CC-4, CC-2]. Significant research contributions include the integration of graphs within spatial databases [CC-3] and the modelling and simulation of urban structures within GISs [CC-1].

The design of VLSI processor arrays for neural network applications for pattern classification [DJE-1] and the solution of large sets of finite element equations by parallel and genetic algorithms [DJE-2] have been applied to non-invasive neuroscience applications on human brain modelling by magnetic resonance imaging. This work has been funded by the EPSRC (GR/N10813). The design of parallel asynchronous algorithms for a Beowulf PC cluster, supported by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, is given in [DJE-3 and DJE-4].

Intelligent Recognition and Interactive Systems (IRIS) Group
This group comprises eight academic staff, of whom Prof. Hopgood and Dr Brown are named in this submission. The group’s research falls into two distinct but closely related areas, i.e. intelligent recognition and interactive systems. Our intelligent recognition research is focused on handwritten, naturalistic, gesture and natural language interactions with computers. Despite the departure of three active researchers (Prof. Whitrow, Dr Palmer-Brown and Dr Rose), Dr Sherkat took over leadership of this research and has published two papers in refereed journals and 21 at conferences during this period. His work is has been supported externally, notably cursive handwriting in facsimile images funded by GCHQ Cheltenham (F11C1/74650/C).

In contrast, our research in interactive systems has seen dramatic expansion. Dr Brown joined the University in 1998 and rapidly created a thriving area of research into interactive multimedia systems for socially-excluded people. Multimedia-based training tutors are being designed to develop skills related to work, travel, numeracy and literacy in users having learning or physical disabilities. This initiative, known as Greenhat Interactive, has attracted funding from the EU Adapt Fund (982111UK8), European Social Fund (001075WM3), ESRC (R000223018), New Opportunities Fund (E/CLL/2000/ 36), National Lotteries Charitable Board (MC022476), and DETR Invest to Save (RE245).

Methodologies for the evaluation of virtual learning environments have been developed [DJB-1, DJB-2] and an assessment of whether constructivist developmental theories provide a suitable conceptual design framework for virtual training environments has been made [DJB-3]. An important result of the ESRC-funded work was the new strategy for embedding intelligent virtual tutors within the scripting of virtual learning environments [DJB-4].

These research projects have led to a series of multimedia-based learning systems that are now in use by socially-excluded people. They are available either via Ecotech, auditors for the Adapt project, or by download from the Greenhat Educational Server within the Department of Computing. The software produced for the Enter 2000 conference, i.e. virtual reality-based travel training, was showcased at the Millennium Dome. A major research outcome has been the development of the Greenhat Design Guidelines, one of the first international standards for the production of multimedia-based training packages aimed at promoting social inclusion. These were first presented at Enter 2000, and are in press in the forthcoming special edition of Disability and Rehabilitation, for which Dr Brown is the guest editor.

Real-Time Machine Control (RTMC) Group
The RTMC Group applies leading-edge technology to industrially-relevant problems. Its research focuses on computer science problems associated with the generation of motion for CNC machines. Specific research interests include the generation of smooth continuous path motion, parameterised interpolation of 3D functions, instrumentation of motion, and the description of shape. The group comprises four academic staff, of whom Prof. Thomas is named in this submission. The work has attracted a broad range of national and international industrial collaboration. The spin-out companies Pacer Systems Ltd., Axiomatic Technology Ltd. and IC-Routing Ltd. have moved into profit and now support the Group financially.

Work in the area of instrumentation has led to the development of the patented incremental motion encoder (IME) [PDT-2] which has received industrial support from Heidenhain GmbH and Hewlett Packard. The multinational bearing manufacturer NSK-RHP is currently applying the techniques at the Ruddington Research Laboratories. Recent work on 3D shape description has led to improved techniques for triangulation of point cloud surfaces and segmentation of the surfaces based on curvature estimates. This work is supported through collaboration with the Forschungszentrum in Karlsruhe. It builds on our track record in scanning and image processing [PDT-1], the mathematics of shape description, particularly the fairing of non-uniformly parameterised curves [PDT-3], and engineering drawing interpretation [PDT-4].

Staffing Policy
The Department is committed to the development of high quality teaching and research. Undergraduate student numbers have been deliberately reduced by over 30% during this RAE period by raised admission requirements. This has had the dual benefits of an enhanced academic ethos and creating more time for staff to devote to research. All academic staff are now guaranteed two days per week free from teaching commitments, to encourage research.

The University provides training to help staff develop their research potential, such as workshops on research supervision and writing grant applications. Within the Department, senior researchers encourage and mentor less-experienced staff. All staff are encouraged to participate in research seminars, which are conducted in a constructive and supportive atmosphere. The University appraisal system provides for performance review and agreement of objectives, together with the identification of any staff development needs. Internally-funded research studentships (10 in the current period – see RA3b) are used to encourage younger members of staff to become involved in research supervision. Where appropriate, members of staff are encouraged to register for research degrees – two staff members are registered externally; Dr Peytchev and Dr Stout completed their PhDs while in post during the current period. Such systems have successfully created a research culture, demonstrated by the substantial increase in research activity shown in the table on page 1 of RA5a.

The increasing development of research-based modules in courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level has benefited both staff and students. Most final year modules on our fully-accredited BSc programme have emerged from departmental research — recent examples include Multimedia Systems, CAL, Graphics for VR and Natural Language Processing. Similarly, our research in simulation, modelling and visualisation is also central to a combined maths/computer science degree currently under development. Many student projects on taught courses are based on current research, notably our industrially-sponsored MSc Real-Time Computing Applications.

The University has recently appointed Prof. Hopgood as Head of Department with the principal remit of developing research. There have also been seven permanent lecturer/senior lecturer appointments during the last five years, all of which took into account the potential contribution of the candidates to the departmental research profile. The Department was successful in attracting high quality staff in the early stages of their academic careers. Prof. Hopgood and two of the other new appointees (Dr Brown and Dr Claramunt) are explicitly included in this RAE submission. The others are developing rapidly and their research outputs are expected to reach the standards that we have set ourselves for submission in the next round.

The Department supports staff in a range of activities that encourage their involvement with peers on the national and international scene. Such activities include organisation of conferences, involvement with professional bodies, industrial secondments, collaborative arrangements with other institutions and visiting professorships. We continue to encourage staff to work with industrial partners on the application of research outcomes.

Oxford Brookes University_25 3b [11D]

The work described in this Unit of Assessment has been undertaken by staff in the computing research groups within the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. The work of the mathematicians within the School is being returned under UoA 23 – Applied Mathematics. There are two research groups in Computing: Distributed Systems Research Group (DSRG) and Intelligent Systems Research Group (ISRG). Key activities are network performance engineering (results on acceptance control mechanisms for use in Class Based Queuing), formal methods (induction techniques for finite state model checking, syndetic modelling), distributed cooperative visualization, web accessibility (Zajicek's work won a medal in the BCS IT Awards 1998), intelligent agents, intelligent medical informatics (support for diabetes treatment), neurocomputing, uncertain reasoning (logic of probability and algorithms for Dempster-Shafer Theory) and requirements engineering (axiomatic theory of software testing).

Research Organisation and Infrastructure

The University's Strategic Plan gives very high priority to the enhancement of research activity and has appointed a Pro Vice-Chancellor to promote policies that encourage the pursuit of research excellence. Research is managed through the University's Research and Consultancy Committee and the Research Degrees Committee. Both committees are supported by the University Research Centre that also offers a comprehensive series of domain-independent training seminars for research students and new supervisors. Domain specific training is provided within the School. Professor Pidcock (returned in UoA 23) represents the School in the University research committees; and chairs the School Research and Consultancy Committee and the School Research Degrees Committee. A Postgraduate Research Tutor is responsible for the welfare and administration of research students and for the monitoring of their progress. Since research students form a major part of the School's research effort, fostering a strong research culture amongst the students is a priority. Each student is supported by a team of at least two supervisors (which may include staff from both parts of the School) and students are asked to give papers to the School's Research Colloquium on a regular basis. Career development assistance is also offered in the form of a wide range of teaching opportunities.

Distributed Systems Research Group (Head Professor Duce)

Network performance engineering: Dr Ball

Contributions: This work, which is grounded in analytical queuing theory and simulation, has made a number of significant contributions to the subject of resource control in multiservice networks. The group's work has placed great importance on the support of continuous media and has not treated this as a simple delay sensitive version of "normal" computer data. One of the major outputs of this work has been a comparative evaluation of Sorted Priority Algorithms and Class Based Queuing (CBQ) [Ball 1,4]. The results have provided the answers to a number of very important questions regarding the effectiveness of each in meeting the needs of various types of traffic.
Another major contribution has been the development of a Measurement Base Flow Acceptance Control Mechanism for use with CBQ in packet switched networks [Ball 1]. This mechanism is primarily intended for providing guaranteed services to continuous media traffic and can work with either individual or aggregated flows.
A solution to the problem of mapping IPv6 flows onto ATM cell streams has been developed. Although based on the QoS requirements of continuous media traffic, it could be used for data traffic with minor modification. Finally, the research into reactive congestion control for adaptive continuous media has identified the requirements for this type of media, and has clearly shown that existing methods used for computer data are generally unsuitable for this purpose.

Formal methods: Dr Reed, Professor Duce, Dr Simpson, Professor Cooper (Visiting Professor)

Contributions: Reed's work on formal methods for the design and analysis of networks naturally divides into deterministic parallel computing and non-deterministic parallel computing. In the field of deterministic parallel computing, a ground-breaking paper illustrated that a formally developed model of bulk synchronous computing could produce scalable parallel programs for diverse parallel architectures [Reed 1]. The strength of this work is that it demonstrated that an abstract elegant model could accurately predict behaviour of a single source code across different parallel platforms.
The objective of the work in non-deterministic concurrent systems is to scale up formal methods for application to industrial-sized applications. A significant contribution was the development of induction techniques for the finite-state model checker CSP/FDR which allows modelling and analysis of certain arbitrary-sized network protocols. Such techniques can be used to reveal undesirable behaviour such as potential deadlock for network protocols [Reed 2,4].
This work suggests another approach for making formal methods more effective for large applications: a mixed paradigm which plays to the strengths and overcomes limitations of individual tools and techniques. An in-depth study identifying advantages and disadvantages of certain existing formal methods for routing protocols [Reed 3] has revealed advantages and disadvantages for large-scale use not previously recognised in existing formal techniques.
Duce is developing an approach to describing and reasoning about the conjoint behaviour of user and system models, called Syndetic Modelling, in collaboration with Dr Duke (Bath), and two psychologists, Dr Barnard (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge) and Dr May (Sheffield) [Duce 2,4]. The work started by applying formal mathematical modelling techniques of the kind found to be effective for modelling the computer side of interactive systems to describing Barnard's Interacting Cognitive Subsystems model of human cognition. The work so far has resulted in an approach to reasoning about the deployment of cognitive resources during an interactive task.
Duce also contributes to standardization activities, including PREMO (ISO/IEC), where his work concerns the use of formal techniques to support the development of standards [Duce 3].
Simpson in [1], together with colleagues from the University of Oxford, described how the formal description technique Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), together with the refinement checker Failures Divergences Refinement (FDR), can been applied to the analysis of safety invariants for geographic databases associated with Solid State Interlocking railway signalling systems. A technique for modelling such databases, and their safety invariants, in terms of sequences of events, and a refinement-based method for reducing the complexity of the verification of geographic data were developed. It was established that a task normally carried out manually at enormous cost, in time and manpower, could be reduced to a series of automated checks.
In [Simpson 2] it was shown that the concept of non-interference, which is normally associated with theories of security, may also be used to reason about safety properties. A technique for modelling safety properties in terms of communicating processes and a practical theory for reasoning about the protection of systems from failures were presented.
In [Simpson 3], it was shown how a combination of Z and CSP may be used to aid in the development of appropriate policies for the secure integration of untrusted code in an otherwise trusted environment. The Z notation was used to describe how desirable security requirements may be expressed and combined, and CSP was used to analyse the possible behaviour of combinations of such requirements. In addition, it was shown how the notions of determinism and refinement may be used to verify that combinations of security requirements behave as desired.
In [Simpson 4], the language of CSP was applied to the analysis of a transport layer protocol used in the implementation of the Bulk Synchronous Parallel model (BSP). The protocol was modelled using CSP and verified using the refinement checker FDR2, establishing not only that the protocol is free from the potential for both deadlock and livelock, but also that it is fault-tolerant.

Distributed cooperative visualisation: Professor Duce, Professor Cooper (Visiting Professor)

Contributions: This work started in January 1996 at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL). The initial idea was to use computer supported cooperative working (CSCW) techniques to enhance the research capabilities of a geographically distributed group of scientists by providing support for multi-party interactive sessions in which users may communicate with each other directly using real-time audio video conferencing tools, and participate in interactive visualization and display of data sets. The work built upon an existing CSCW framework (the MERCI toolset) and a commercial visualization system (AVS/Express). A key feature was that the system should be available from the desktop as an extension to the normal working environment. [Duce 1] presents a reference model for distributed cooperative visualization. The prototype explored the limits of the normal Internet for supporting this kind of application and revealed the need for multiservice networks to support applications of this type. There is synergy here with the network performance engineering activity.
The visualization work is being progressed in the Visual Beans project, a joint project between RAL and the University of Lancaster (Professor Blair) funded by EPSRC, which is looking at the integration of distributed cooperative visualization and component technologies. Duce is the Principal Investigator and Professor Cooper (RAL/Oxford Brookes) the co-investigator for the RAL component of the project. The objectives include developing strategies for the adaptation of such systems in dynamically evolving heterogeneous environments (taking into account network resources, end system resources, the possibility of component migration, and potentially different styles of visualization), and validation through a series of application scenarios.

Duce contributes to the development of a standard for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and is editor of the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) standard with ISO/IEC. The SVG work started with the submission of a proposal to W3C with Professor Hopgood (now Oxford Brookes University) which aimed to provide an XML-based language for describing schematic diagrams of the kind common in the scientific and technical literature. SVG provides a suitable target language into which this Web Schematics language can be translated.

Intelligent Systems Research Group (Head Mr Nealon)

Intelligent agent technology: Ms Greenwood, Mr Nealon, Dr Zhu

Contributions: The focus is the investigation of frameworks that support agent-oriented computing particularly in distributed environments. There are already available frameworks for mobile agents that support sending a segment of code to remote machines to execute, however these frameworks do not provide support for co-operation between mobile agents and services in remote machines. An architecture, VISITOR, to support mobile agent computing has been developed which supports flexible communication and co-operation between mobile agents and local agents, where the latter provide services through an agent broker [Greenwood 2,3]. A later development (carried out in collaboration with BT at Martlesham Laboratories, who partly funded the project) was the use of this architecture to support a system delivering a virtual call centre on the Web.
Work has been undertaken on the novel application of mobile agents to the area of software testing [Greenwood 4]. More recently Zhu and Greenwood have been developing approaches to agent–oriented quality management of distributed hypermedia and cooperative information systems. Work has continued in the medical informatics area investigating the use of an intelligent multi-agent approach to building an interface to medical databases. This research is carried out in conjunction with Nealon and his work on the diabetes treatment advisor [Greenwood 1].

Intelligent medical informatics: Mr Nealon, Ms Greenwood

Contributions: The work in intelligent medical informatics (undertaken in close collaboration with Professor R Holman of the Diabetes Research Laboratories (DRL) and Head of the Diabetes Trials Unit (DTU) at the Nuffield Department of Medicine, Oxford University) has made a major contribution to the treatment of insulin dependent (Type 1) diabetes. Initially the researchers at Oxford Brookes developed prototype software for an early handheld computer, operated through a touch sensitive screen, which was used to validate in a small clinical trial a new approach to the optimisation of insulin treatment, proposed by the collaborating physicians. This approach is much simpler for the diabetic user and more robust than that employed by the only previous insulin dosage advice computer system, developed in the United States, which required detailed information in absolute and quantitative terms, without the possibility of missed data entries, at each insulin dosage event. The new approach, in addition to blood glucose levels, required only relative qualitative data on health and food intake, and could continue to operate with sparse data, while providing excellent advice and data visualisation to the patient. The successful validation of this approach enabled the researchers to develop an intelligent patient advice system and a clinic-based data collection and patient system configuration program. These systems underwent a very successful full hospital clinical trial, directed by the DTU at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford [Nealon 2]. Later, the software was ported to newly available handheld hardware. Despite the success of the clinical trial this approach remained one of several approaches. A later study (published in the Lancet and British Medical Journal) unambiguously placed this approach to insulin treatment optimisation at the forefront of diabetes treatment worldwide.

Neurocomputing: Dr Crook

Contributions: Work on neurocomputing began with an investigation of biologically plausible neural networks (with CH Dobbyn, now at the Open University and the collaboration continues). A dynamic neural network architecture called DENN was developed which was capable of perception switching in a visual field. Another area of investigation involves the development of tools for explaining the output of trained neural networks. The knowledge stored in neural networks is distributed across the network weights, which makes it difficult to explain or justify network output. Several methods of extracting rules from trained networks were developed, including the use of input parameter influences [Crook 3].
In 1997 Crook began research on the utility of chaos in neural networks as a means of storing and retrieving memories [Crook 4]. The presence of chaos offers enormous advantages to the developer over other non-chaotic dynamics: chaotic systems are considerably easier to control than other linear or non-linear systems, requiring only small appropriately timed signals to stabilise the Unstable Periodic Orbits (UPOs) which are embedded in the chaotic attractor, and chaotic attractors have an infinite number of UPOs embedded within them. If each UPO was used to represent a unique dynamic memory state, then there is a theoretically infinite capacity for memory storage. UPOs are trajectories in state space and some trajectory classification methods have been investigated [Crook 2]. A novel architecture has been developed for a chaotic neural network which incorporates a neural implementation of the delayed feedback method for controlling chaos. New methods for learning and adaptation have been developed and applied to this architecture.

Speech: Mrs Zajicek

Contributions: The focus of the speech group has been on techniques that enable blind and visually impaired users to scan Web pages and sites in an equivalent way to sighted people when searching for information. The group has developed a Web browser, called BrookesTalk, which can be used as a speech only browser or with a combination of speech and visual output. BrookesTalk was awarded a medal for innovation in the British Computer Society IT awards in 1998. The work was carried out in collaboration with the Royal National Institute for the Blind. BrookesTalk uses synthesized speech output and features include document summaries and page abstracts [Zajicek 1,2,3].
Funding has been obtained from the Spanish Association for the Blind to work with linguists at the University of Barcelona to build a Spanish version of BrookesTalk and from the Microsoft Active Accessibility awards initiative to integrate BrookesTalk with Internet Explorer.
Zajicek collaborates with the School of Health Care to explore how to support older people (where loss of short term memory, sight and hearing are all factors) in using the Web [Zajicek 4]. A first prototype, BrookesExplained, supporting Universal Access principles, has been built and tested.

Uncertain reasoning: Dr Wilson

Contributions: Wilson has developed a detailed analysis of the problem of computing Dempster-Shafer belief and related problems, looking at both exact and Monte-Carlo algorithms, applied both to product sets and the standard case of a listed frame of discernment. With S Moral (University of Granada, Spain), he developed Monte-Carlo algorithms for computing, up to (any) given accuracy, Dempster-Shafer belief in the standard case which are almost linear in the size of the frame of discernment (whereas the exact problem is known to be #P complete) [Wilson 1]. He contributed a chapter on Algorithms for Dempster-Shafer Theory to the Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems which incorporates a significant body of original work [Wilson 4].
Wilson has developed a simple theory of infinitesimals, leading to a nice system of infinitesimal probability [Wilson 2]. This can be used in the semantics of a number of theories of belief revision, default and non-monotonic reasoning, and also as an extension of Bayesian networks. A logic of probability has been constructed that allows ordinary statements of probability to be mixed with statements of infinitesimal probability, which allow default-type reasoning. This expressive logic has a very simple proof theory that is complete for finite sets of statements [Wilson 3].
He has also shown (with Mengin, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) how the general computational scheme known sometimes as "Local Computation" (which was developed in the sphere of uncertain reasoning) can be applied to theorem proving in many classical and non-classical logics used in Artificial Intelligence.

Requirements engineering and software testing: Dr Zhu

Contributions: Zhu is developing an axiomatic theory of software testing. A set of axioms has been proposed and successfully used to assess one of the most complicated classes of test criteria, the control flow test adequacy criteria. Software testing has been investigated from the measurement perspective by application of the mathematical theory of measurement. Its measurement theory properties (such as characteristics of admissible transformations, scale type and irregularity) and the logic properties (such as the relationship with Weyuker's axioms, completeness and consistency of the axiom system) have been proved. Given that the nature of software testing is inductive inference, the axiom systems were interpreted by inductive inference, resulting in new expressions of the relationship between software testing and software quality [Zhu 1,2].
Zhu is collaborating with Prof Xudong He of Florida International University, USA, on a project funded by the National Science Foundation of USA for the testing of concurrent systems. A theory of behaviour observation in software testing is being developed. It has been discovered that the observable phenomena of the dynamic behaviour of a software system constitutes a complete partially ordered CPO set. Test adequacy criteria can then be defined as predicates on the CPO set. A wide range of well-defined testing methods has been studied and a set of axioms to characterize their fundamental properties has been proposed [Zhu 1]. The observation schemes of well-defined testing methods have also been found to have common structures. The power of the theory has been clearly demonstrated in its application to testing high-level Petri nets, and new approaches have been developed [Zhu 3].

Zhu has also developed a software system, NDRASS, to support automated requirements analysis [Zhu 4].

Staff Movements and Staffing Policy

At the time of the 1996 RAE, 11 staff were returned as research-active. The submission was organised under three headings: distributed systems, intelligent systems and software engineering. The distributed systems and intelligent systems groups were well-established, software engineering was newly created. The software engineering work has now been absorbed into the other two groups.
Since the last RAE there has been significant staff turnover. Professor Tagg, head of the Distributed Systems Research Group, left in August 1998, although he maintains a Visiting Professorship in the School and contributes to the leadership and teaching of the MSc programme in High Speed Networks and Distributed Systems. Duce (ex Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) was appointed to a Chair in Computing from February 2000. Nealon continues to lead the Intelligent Systems Research Group. Since the 1996 RAE, Nealon has been appointed Head of School, which carries a considerable administrative workload. Staff who have left the School in recent years have achieved excellent career moves.
Research achievement and potential are key criteria in making new appointments. Research active staff are supported by competitive promotion to senior posts. Reed was recently promoted to Reader and new posts at senior level are now built into the staffing plan. Success in research is also rewarded by the allocation of relief from teaching duties (provided by the School Staff Development Fund) and studentships (allocated to staff on a competitive basis).
The School has one Senior Research Fellow (Wilson) and over the period of the assessment a number of postdoctoral visiting researchers have contributed to the research work.

University of Plymouth_25 5 [7E]

Organisation: Since the 1996 RAE, research in the School of Computing has focussed into five research groups: the Centre for Neural and Adaptive Systems (CNAS); the Plymouth Engineering Design Centre (PEDC); the Human Centred Design research group; the Science, Technology and Art research group; and the Manufacturing and Business Systems research group. Whereas in the 1996 RAE, all the research active staff in these groups were submitted to the Computer Science UoA 25, the decision was taken in 1998 to submit only the staff in the first three groups to this UoA in 2001, the other two groups submitting to Art and Design (UoA 64) and Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering (UoA 30) respectively. Following the departure from the University in December 2000 of Dr Ian Parmee (leader of the PEDC since 1995) in order to set up his own consultancy company, the decision was taken to absorb the work of the PEDC in evolutionary/ adaptive computing for industrial applications into the Centre for Neural and Adaptive Systems. The research programme of the PEDC, one of the six original EPSRC-designated Engineering Design Centres set up, with substantial EPSRC funding, in 1991 (PI: Prof Mike Denham), has been very successful over the last ten years. However, it was already diversifying significantly, to cover neural as well as evolutionary computing, and to apply its work to industrial applications in general, rather than just engineering design. It was decided therefore that integration of the PEDC (one postdoc, three research students) with the CNAS would further strengthen its research. For ease of presentation however, the past and current work of the PEDC is described separately in the RA5 and RA6 text which follows.
Investment and staffing: In response to the outcome of the 1996 RAE, and the approval by the University of a School Research Strategy in 1997, a substantial amount of resources has been invested in research in the School since that date. All of the HEFCE research income (~£190K pa), has been returned to the School and has almost exclusively been used, together with a further amount of competitively (within the University) awarded HEFCE research funding, to support three senior research fellows, two in the CNAS and one in the PEDC (now part of the CNAS). One of the former (Roman Borisyuk) has been subsequently promoted to Professor in August 1999. In addition the Faculty of Technology has made a dedicated investment of £250K from its internal funds for two further senior appointments in the CNAS, in recognition of its developing research strengths. Prof Jochen Braun was appointed to one of these posts in June 2000, from Prof Christof Koch's world-renowned vision research group at the California Institute of Technology. A further appointment at Professor / Reader level in the area of auditory perception is still outstanding and we are currently searching for a person of similar international standing to Prof Braun to appoint to this post. We are also currently searching for a new lecturer in the CNAS, and the post is presently (March 2001) under offer to a young researcher who completed his PhD with Prof von der Malsberg at Bochum in the area of integration of visual cues, and is currently a postdoc with Prof Dana Ballard at Univ of Rochester, NY. Two further lectureship appointments in the CNAS research area have also been approved for 2001 as a result of a planned expansion of undergraduate teaching in the School of Computing in the area of neuromorphic information systems. The current establishment of research active permanent academic staff in the "flagged" Adaptive and Neural Systems research area in the 1996 RAE (ie CNAS and PEDC) will thus have increased from six in 1996, to ten in 2001 (of which six are currently in post and returned in this submission), including two new Professors. In addition there are currently within the CNAS two additional academic staff who contribute to the research but who are not returned as research active in this submission, and four postdoc research fellows and ten research students.
Physical environment: The CNAS currently occupies 240 m2 of self-contained, dedicated office and laboratory space on the main Plymouth campus. It also shares a further adjacent 120 m2 of refurbished (Jan 2001) office and laboratory space, and a seminar room, which was created by the University for the newly established Plymouth Institute of Neuroscience, of which the CNAS forms a major part. Refurbishment of the new office/ laboratory space was funded by a prestigious Royal Society - Wolfson Foundation Laboratory Refurbishment grant of £238K to the CNAS (PI: Jochen Braun) in December 2000. The former PEDC, now a component of the CNAS, currently occupies 160 m2 of dedicated office and laboratory space in a modern office block adjacent to the main campus. This building also houses the Teaching Company Centre, the Department for Business Development and the Manufacturing and Business Systems research group, with which this component of the CNAS has close links in respect of its industrial applications research.
Interdisciplinarity: The research in both the CNAS and the HCD group are necessarily highly interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in nature. In particular, there is a strong relationship with Cognitive Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology in the CNAS work, and with Psychology, and to a lesser extent Social Science, in the HCD work.

Sheffield Hallam University_25 3b [11E]

Research Culture, Organisation and Achievements
Academic Computing at Sheffield Hallam University resides in the School of Computing and Management Sciences. The majority of the staff are primarily involved in teaching and course management. The School’s long-term strategy is to continue to increase its computing research capability through recruitment as well as encouraging existing staff towards research. Currently, the school selectively invests in 22 academic staff to carry out computing research by releasing each one for between 25% to 50% of their teaching and administration duties.

Our overall aim is to develop research knowledge, and expertise, so as to apply them to niche application areas in collaboration with industrial partners to increase our national visibility and contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life and wealth creation.

Research is promoted and managed by a committee consisting of Prof. Jawed Siddiqi and the following people who are organised into the four major research areas:
· Dr. Innes Ritchie (formerly Jelly) leads the Distributed and Networked Systems area;
· Dr. Chris Roast leads the Human Factors area;
· Dr. Marcos Rodrigues and Dr. Henry Nyongesa lead the Intelligent Systems area;
· Prof. Jawed Siddiqi and Ian Morrey lead the Requirements Engineering area.

The leadership promotes a research culture by the personal mentoring of newly recruited staff as well as directing them to attend targeted training on research supervision, writing papers, and submitting research proposals. There is a lively weekly seminar programme that has attracted international speakers: Prof. Alan Davis, formerly at University of Colorado Springs and now CEO of Omni-vista, and Prof. Ian Gorton of CSRIO and University of Sydney; senior industrialists such as Rich Gold of Rank Xerox Europarc, Stephen Gold, Senior Director of Oracle, and Julie Scattergood, Director of ERP at Rolls Royce, have provided an applications focus. Our extensive involvement in national (e.g. BCS HCI) and international conferences (e.g. IEEE ICRE) and specialist symposia (e.g. IEEE PDSE) supports our aim of disseminating our research, but also provides opportunities for staff participation in organising and running conferences.

The management of our research students and research assistants’ experience is an important aspect of our culture. The School has a post-graduate research tutor responsible for managing a programme of training, development, mentoring, monitoring and assessment of research students. Over the five-year period there have been about 12 full-time research students in each year and about 8 part-time; there have been 9 Ph.D. completions in total. Currently, 8 full-time and 7 part-time research students, funded through a mixture of full-cost fees, industry and university sponsorship, are registered for higher degrees. We also have three DTI (Teaching Company Scheme) funded research and development associates who are also registered for higher degrees.

In the 1996 submission we identified three areas of research: Distributed Systems, Requirements Engineering and Telematics & Information Systems. The last area was weak and unfocused. Following the disappointing outcome of the 1996 exercise a strategic decision was taken to focus and strengthen the research. Since then the work in the Telematics theme has addressed strategic issues related to electronic learning, and therefore the researchers have been submitted in the Education UoA. Growing research in Information Systems is part of our longer-term strategy and we have recruited five enthusiastic researchers and Dr. Martin D. Beer, an experienced researcher, to lead them. He has experience of obtaining European and EPSRC research funding. Distributed Systems and Requirements Engineering have continued to develop and are now producing high quality research.

Previously we had 14 named researchers. Currently there are 22 staff actively researching but we have chosen to be more selective to strengthen quality. Of the 11 currently being submitted, 6 were submitted previously, four have been recruited over this period, and one has been re-engaged. There is a significant increase in research capability resulting in notable increases in the quality of outputs submitted. All the papers are in refereed journals and conferences. In 1996, refereed journal contributions were less than 10%, whereas in the current submission they represent two-thirds of the outputs in national and international journals.

Our aim has been to create a culture that generates research outputs - the significant majority of which have national visibility and some of which have international visibility. The following represent the highlights of our achievements. Siddiqi and Morrey’s research in analysing requirements through specification execution has established a degree of maturity as is evidenced in the publications in the archival journal Annals of Software Engineering. The two special issues in which our papers appeared had contributions from leading figures such as David Parnas, Watts Humphrey, Michael Jackson and Ian Sommerville. The work has also been extended through the collaborative work of Roast and Siddiqi to requirements for interaction using formal analysis, and has been disseminated in refereed international journals. Ritchie’s PARSE project has achieved the development of a research community and agenda in the design of distributed and parallel software in collaboration with University of Naples, University of Sheffield and the University of New South Wales. It has been funded by grants from the Italian and Australian Governments and has been responsible for over 100 publications as well as several Ph.D. theses.

Roast’s research in formal modelling in Human Computer Interaction, through collaboration with Siddiqi, has become a primary theme in the area of Human Factors, and has led to a significant number of joint publications in special issues of international journals for which they have also on a number of occasions been Guest Editors. The research in Requirements Engineering and Human Factors has combined successfully to obtain DTI Teaching Company Scheme collaborative research grants. To add to our strengths of carrying our skills into the outside world through partnership with industry, in 1999 we appointed two strongly applications-oriented researchers in the area of Intelligent Systems. Both have research contributions in international research journals and have been successful in obtaining research funding. Nyongesa has an established record in intelligent systems and has obtained research funding from DERA and BT. Rodrigues is an established researcher in computer vision and pattern recognition. He was the principal investigator of an EPSRC funded grant (No GR/L19508) to the value of £75,759 between '96 and '99. He was also a co-investigator for a MedLINK/EPSRC (No M2) to the value of £359,917.

The staff development policy for building research capability has been a combination of selectively nurturing and rewarding existing staff as well recruiting new staff. In 1996, both Siddiqi and Ritchie were promoted for their contribution to research, respectively to Professor and Reader. The significant contribution made by Roast has been recognised, and in 1999 he was promoted to Reader. Since 1996 we have recruited 14 research oriented academic staff to enrich the current establishment. In Requirements Engineering, Mr. Paul Parry complemented our existing strengths. In the area of Human Factors we have recruited Dr. Andrew Dearden, Dr Babak Khazaei and Ms. Julie Wilkinson. In Distributed Systems we have recruited Mr. Chris Bates, Dr. Rebecca Strachan and one of our existing staff, Dr. Samir Al-Khayatt has shifted focus from course management to research. To strengthen our research leadership we have appointed two new readers in the Intelligent Systems area: Dr. Henry Nyongesa and Dr. Marcos Rodrigues. In addition we have recruited Dr Yonghuai Liu and re-engaged an existing member of staff, Dr David Cooper. The remaining four are in Information Systems. Ian Morrey, one of our Principal Lecturers involved in research, decided to shift emphasis from course management to post-graduate research tutor. Our future strategy is to continue to increase capability through targeted recruitment.

Research Groups and Activities
Distributed Systems and Networking Group
The Distributed Systems and Networking Group is undertaking theoretical and applied research in the field of design methods, formal verification and performance engineering of distributed systems. It includes four members of academic staff, Ritchie, (formerly Jelly), who is a Reader, Bates, Al-Khayatt, and Strachan, and a part-time Ph.D. student. The named researchers are Ritchie and Bates. The techniques evolved are validated through the use of case studies and industrial implementations.

The PARSE project has focused on the development of an Architectural Description Language for the design and evaluation of concurrent systems. Its advantage over standard approaches such as UML is the rich provision of representations for specifying concurrent behaviour and distribution strategies. The hierarchical graphical and textual representations are amenable to formal verification using Petri-nets and pi-calculus, thus providing developers with tools for the design and verification of distributed software systems [Gorton et al 1996]. PARSE design methods have been used in industry to enhance conventional object oriented approaches [Crookell and Jelly 1996], and have been extended into different domains including hardware/software co-design. The Co-PARSE methodology provides enhanced temporal specification methods and tools for development of embedded systems [Cai et al 2000]. Within the PARSE project, collaboration with University of Naples, University of Sheffield and the University of New South Wales has been funded by grants from the Italian and Australian Governments and has been responsible for over 100 publications (including several Ph.D. theses). One of the main achievements of the work has been the development of a research community and agenda in the area of the design of distributed and parallel software [Gorton and Jelly 1997]. In the field of database performance evaluation, the group has identified the fundamental flaws with the data structures in synthetic data used in standard benchmarks, and defined how semantically meaningful data could be specified for benchmarking and systems tuning purposes [Bates, Jelly and Kerridge 1996]. Joint work with the University of Sheffield, NTSC and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences led to the development of the principle of semantic computability which provides the basis for the specification of synthetic but realistic data for performance evaluation, and provides validation of the results of performance testing procedures [Bates et al 1996]. A Data Generation Language was proposed and developed by Bates into a full toolset: the Data Generation Language System generates user-specified, realistic synthetic data, while maintaining a semantically valid profile, for benchmarking, system configuration and demonstration purposes [Bates and Ritchie 2000].

Recent research within the group is bringing its expertise in architectural modelling and performance engineering to the design of web based systems. This is focused on transport and delivery mechanisms for XML based documents within the domain of e-learning (based on IMS standards) and financial services (based round post-trading information requirements). In collaboration with Roast, Ritchie has been active in promoting research into the impact of software architectures and usability with respect to web content delivery. They have co-ordinated the Waiting for the Web mini-track (HICSS 2001) and the proceedings include a joint position paper setting out a research agenda to investigate the impact of temporal characteristics of web systems. This research is now underway within the context of the Multimedia On-line Environment Project (funded by ERDF, GRNo. - US/23/TY & US/24/TY). Research into the performance of platforms and networks has resulted in new methods for dynamic load balancing within multiprocessor and clustered computer systems, developed within a completed Ph.D. project at the University of Szeged and supervised by Dr. Ritchie. The thesis is entitled "Framework Applications for Parallel Computers", and authored by Lajos Schrettner. In 2000, Al-Khayatt obtained funding for two JISC projects for work into deployment of secure networked systems. Strachan collaborates with the University of Sheffield and Leeds Metropolitan Universities in two separate projects on aspects of network performance modelling.

Human Factors Group
This team consists of five academic staff, one research assistant and three part-time post graduate students. The named researchers are Roast, Dearden and Bissett. Khazaei and Wilkinson have recently joined the group. This research area concerns the human context of system use that determines the success or otherwise of many technologies. The team's overall research objective is to understand and develop effective tools for the analysis, design and evaluation of information artefacts. Specific themes include: the modelling of interaction for analysis and evaluation; the exploration of effective use and combination of tools and notations; the analysis and design of usability requirements elicitation processes.

The primary contribution of the group is the development and application of formal interaction models in order to clarify and motivate interaction design. Roast has applied formal modelling techniques to an informal analytic and evaluative framework, termed 'cognitive dimensions'. As it stands this framework has been used within language, tool and interface design, however its application has been limited by its lack of formal rigour. In order to address this problem, the group has developed a formal theory of specific cognitive dimensions. This modelling of an analytic framework provides a valuable underpinning that has enabled the dimensions to be precisely explored. At present, work has focused upon validating the formal theory and employing it to analyse dimensional dependencies. The formal theory has been applied to a variety of notation and tool design problems, including the analysis of document mark-up, programming paradigms, specification tools, and recently, visual languages [Roast 97, Siddiqi & Roast 97, Roast (EHCI) 98]. The work is focused upon developing collaborative links with framework users and tool support for the development and explanation of the theory. Collaborative links concerned with progressing this work exist with Cambridge University, University of Hertfordshire and Microsoft. Roast has also developed speculative interaction models of effective use in the context of significant system delays, identifying a relationship between user-orientated timing requirements and architectural design characteristics [Roast (IwC) 1998].

Complementing such modelling approaches, Dearden's modelling work has adopted an application-orientated focus. Its aim is to apply analytic techniques to recognised interaction design issues in order to clarify recurrent design trade-offs and indicate possible resolutions. This approach has yielded a higher degree of model utility within a specified application scope [Dearden & Harrison 97, Dearden & Harrison 97]. Dearden’s work has also focused upon pragmatic aspects of organising the design and development of interactive systems. It aims to enable effective incorporation of human-factors concerns in the early stages of systems development by developing methods and representations that are compatible with existing systems engineering and systems design practice. Issues underpinning and influencing the effective inclusion of human factors concerns within large-scale interactive system design has led to the development and adaptation of a new method for negotiating and specifying requirements for automated systems [Dearden Harrison and Wright 2000, Wright, Dearden and Fields 2000]. Developed in collaboration with the University of York, the method is currently being used by BAE Systems and evaluated by DERA.

Bissett’s work has focused on wider scale issues that influence the use of information technology. It has included the empirical analysis of organisational processes, such as the adoption of quality standards and processes [Bissett and Siddiqi 96; Siddiqi and Bissett 97] and ethical issues within the use of technology [ Bissett 97]. Recent work by Bissett in collaboration with the University of Sheffield has explored some human dimensions of computer virus creation and infection [Bissett and Shipton 2000].

Intelligent Systems Research Group
The Intelligent Systems research group presently comprises 4 full-time academics and 8 research students. Named research staff are Nyongesa, Rodrigues and Cooper. Liu is a recently recruited young researcher. The group is undertaking theoretical and applied research focused in soft computing technologies, computer vision and pattern recognition. It has made a significant academic contribution to basic research through the analysis of rigid body transformations in the context of machine vision and also to industrial applications including intelligent decision support, adaptive modelling and control, image processing and analysis.

Nyongesa’s research on soft computing technologies has focused on an investigation of algorithms and the development of new architectures for intelligent systems, especially those relying on the use of neural, fuzzy techniques and evolutionary learning [Linkens and Nyongesa 1996a, Nyongesa 1997]. The application of these architectures and algorithms has been verified on different processes, especially industrial and bio-medical control [Linkens and Nyongesa 1996b, Nyongesa 1998]. More recently, efforts have focused on the wider bio-medical application of such systems. Specifically, in collaboration with the Department of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering at University of Sheffield the group is investigating the abstraction of formal models of clinical conditions from the large amounts of physiological data. The research is currently investigating the detection of episodes of hypoglycaemia in diabetic patients from an analysis of ECG data. This work is supported by a University research grant. Other research activities are in digital image analysis, especially for automatic inspection and defect detection in manufacturing processes, and research into autonomous agents technology, especially for intelligent decision support, and automatic information retrieval and information exchange.

Rodrigues, who has a substantial history of research in computer vision and pattern recognition, together with Liu, a promising young researcher, are pursuing a rigorous line of investigation into 2D and 3D rigid body transformations in computer vision. Their work has extended previous research on the "screw motion theory", an established concept in Mechanics and Kinematics, by investigating geometric properties of correspondence and reflected correspondence vectors from a computer vision perspective [Rodrigues 99, & 00]. The work resulted in a new theoretical framework to analyse rigid body transformations through the formalisation of geometric constraints in 2D and 3D. The new sets of geometric constraints have been demonstrated in image registration and calibration tasks by applying them to existing algorithms and effectively devising a large number of new algorithms. The method is significantly different from epipolar, perspective, and projective geometries and represents a common underlying approach to the analysis of 2D-2D, 3D-2D, and 3D-3D transformations. The University has recognised the strategic importance of the method and is investing £113,482 from its Strategic Development Fund to develop and integrate the method into commercial applications such as 3D portable laser scanners.

Research in pattern recognition is focused towards applications. One multidisciplinary project has been awarded 750,000 Euros (CRAFT-1999-70561) by the European Union to investigate pattern recognition techniques applied to data obtained through dielectrophoresis, in the study of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The main line of investigation being pursued concerns statistical pattern recognition comprising linear and non-linear discriminant analysis. Collaborators in this project include the Universities of York, Bremen, and Madrid, together with 3 industrial partners in the UK, Germany, and Sweden. Another project on pattern recognition funded to the value of £34,665 by Rustek Ltd (a UK based company) and the University focuses on motion analysis aimed at developing pattern recognition techniques for bacteria identification and counting in water samples through the acquisition and analysis of laser scattered spectral data. Due to the nature of the signal, the main line of investigation involves Fourier analysis and power spectral density analysis. Although laser scattering is a well known optical technique, its application to investigate motion patterns, size, weight, and geometry of particles in suspension represents a novel approach requiring basic research on mathematical modelling and numerical analysis. This project is of great interest to public health concerns and the water industry. Collaborators in this project are the University of York, Moscow State University, and Rustek Ltd.

Rodrigues and Cooper are also collaborating with the University of York and Cell Analysis Ltd, a UK based company, investigating single cell behaviour through advanced pattern recognition techniques using dielectrophoresis, electrorotation and laser-trap forces to study apoptosis or programmed cell death, a cell phenomenon whose understanding has important implications to a large number of clinical and public health applications. This is an area of research with strong potential for spin-off developments into environmental and medical applications in the longer term.

Requirements Engineering Group
The RE Group consists of five academic staff and a research assistant. Named academic members of staff are Morrey, Ozcan and Siddiqi. Parry, a former Ph.D. student in the team, has recently joined. The group have also had four Ph.D. students working in the area - two have completed and the other two are in the process of writing up their theses. In collaboration with Nottingham Trent University and Siemens Limited, the team has continued to develop three projects to provide requirements engineering methods and tools to model and analyse requirements using formal specifications. We advocate two complementary approaches to reasoning about requirements, based on specification execution and on formal reasoning.

The REALiZE project led by Morrey and Siddiqi has delivered a systematic process and toolset that supports the construction and animation of formal specifications. Buckberry’s Ph.D. work has resulted in TranZit, an editor for constructing, type-checking and syntax-analysing Z specifications. It also incorporates a transformation engine that automatically transforms a Z specification into an executable prototype. Hibberd’s Ph.D. work has resulted in ZAL, a LISP-based language and environment for investigating the behaviour of an executable version of the specification. ZAL employs a "generate and test" approach based on eager evaluation requiring candidate solutions to be countably finite [Morrey and Siddiqi et al. 98]. We are currently investigating extending the system to handle countably infinite sets, modelled by an enumeration algorithm that requires lazy evaluation.

The REALiZE method and toolset presents the user with a realistic alternative to proof, in which practitioners with possibly limited mathematical capability can investigate the consequences of their designs by seeking experimental confirmation of expected behaviour to yield a set of quality requirements [Siddiqi and Morrey et al. 97]. Using the REALiZE package has also had a motivating effect on students' interest in formal specification; they are able to see the immediate consequences of their design decisions, and can thus better appreciate the advantages of a formal approach [Siddiqi, Morrey et al. 98].

In contrast to our above approach of producing a 'throwaway' prototype, Ozcan's Ph.D. work has been extended to produce a process and tool for intertwining algebraic specifications and modular implementation components that supports the development of high quality evolutionary prototypes [Ozcan and Siddiqi 96]. The tool has also been used to support the teaching of software prototyping [Ozcan 1996]. It has been used in the context of a user-oriented process involving scenarios to demonstrate its effectiveness for user validation [Ozcan 98]. Parry's work has extended the REALiZE toolset by developing ViZ, an object based system for visualising executions. ViZ employs user oriented scenarios as visual representations of the specification being executed, through a graphical dynamic animation tool facilitating flexible and customisable user validation [Ozcan and Parry et al. 98].

Roast, from our Human Factors Group, and Siddiqi have collaborated to extend our work on modelling and reasoning to non-functional requirements by employing a conceptual abstraction framework called 'templates' in a novel manner to both formally specify and analyse interaction behavioural requirements. The effectiveness in making explicit, through formal proof, implicit assumptions about usability properties of an artefact has been demonstrated in [Roast and Siddiqi 97, IEE]. The use of templates in modelling to combine both functional and user requirements enables the use of formal analysis to determine the required specification constraints for output correctness. Output correctness formally contrasts a system provided view with a user expected view. For generic directory visualisation we have demonstrated that such modelling can enable detailed examination of properties normally well outside those captured in system modelling of functional requirements [Roast and Siddiqi 97 IWC]. Contrasting these two perspectives has enabled us to provide a discussion of their merits and limitations as well as assess them for design quality [Roast and Siddiqi 99]

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Overall Research Strategy

The past five years have witnessed a growth and diversification of research within the School of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics. As a consequence, the School is making two submissions to this RAE: one under Computer Science and the other under Library and Information Management. An aim of the School, as stated in the 1996 RAE submission, was to increase the percentage of research active staff. This has been achieved, with 32 out of 57 members of staff being submitted within these two units of assessment.
The School research strategy for Computer Science has been to support two research groups: Systems and Software Engineering (SSE), also submitted in 1996, and Intelligent Systems (IS), a new group. To this end, the School embarked on a programme of key appointments and of measures to strengthen its research culture.
Key appointments in SSE were Abdallah, Bowen and Nissanke. Abdallah and Bowen came to join Josephs, with whom they had worked in the 1980's and early 1990's as members of the Programming Research Group, University of Oxford, under the direction of Sir Tony Hoare. Moreover, prior to their move to South Bank, Abdallah, Bowen and Nissanke worked together as a group at the University of Reading for more than five years. Bowen and Josephs now jointly manage the SSE research group.
Key appointments in IS were Fogarty and Hashim, each bringing to the School many years of experience in building and maintaining successful research groups. Hashim took on the role of Head of School, leaving management of the IS research group to Fogarty.
Since the last RAE, the School has taken a number of measures to strengthen its research culture:
1. A Research Committee was formed. Currently, Fogarty chairs the committee, which meets on a regular basis.
2. A School-wide research seminar series was instituted, aimed at all academic staff and postgraduate students. Research seminars in SSE have also been taking place since 1996. Researchers in IS initially met together for private discussion, but opened this out into a seminar series in 2001.
3. A School-wide PhD forum complemented the University's mechanism of team supervision of postgraduate research students.
4. The School continued to encourage contributions to its Technical Report series, with over 30 reports published during 2000 alone.
5. £50,000 p.a. were allocated to enable staff to present at conferences at home and abroad.
6. Junior academic members of staff were encouraged to become more actively involved in research by offering them two-hours per week relief from teaching.
7. Timetables were organised to provide staff with clear days on which to concentrate on their research.
8. PhD studentships were awarded, funded by the School.
9. The School sought to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with suitable organisations worldwide that would like to send here high-calibre students for postgraduate research training. Such an agreement was reached with the United Nations University International Institute for Software Technology (UNU/IIST), Macau, and further agreements are planned.

The University has also taken appropriate measures in support of research:
10. It subscribed to the full on-line libraries of the IEEE/IEE, the ACM, Elsevier Science, etc.
11. The University has made funds readily available for staff development related to research.
12. It has expanded its own provision of training courses (e.g. in presenting at conferences and in PhD supervision).
13. HEFCE funds that were awarded as a result of our 1996 RAE rating were released to the School and used for the recruitment of research assistants.
14. PhD studentships were allocated to the School, funded by the University and under the Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme.

The School continues to encourage its research-active staff to teach modules both at undergraduate and at postgraduate levels in the areas of their research expertise. Expansion of the School's taught Master's provision in these areas is under active consideration.

Key Research Related Achievements, Current Research Activities and Future Research Strategy

Systems and Software Engineering:

A.E. Abdallah, J.P. Bowen, M.B. Josephs, N. Nissanke, T.P. Plaks, and R.W. Whitty.

Research in SSE, managed by Bowen and Josephs, spans both hardware and software. The main interests of this research group are: asynchronous circuit design; the development of computer-aided engineering tools; semantics of hardware description languages (HDL's) and hardware compilation; parallel algorithms and their mapping to hardware; the application of formal methods (specifically the Z notation and CSP); safety-critical and real-time systems (especially in conjunction with formal methods); software property measurement; software testing and fault tolerance.
Josephs has been involved in research co-ordination (leading to technology transfer) of asynchronous circuit design, especially in its application to low-power, low-noise digital CMOS circuits. He chairs the European Working Group on Asynchronous Circuit Design (ACiD-WG). ACiD-WG facilitated the first commercial exploitation of asynchronous circuit technology (by Philips Semiconductors in 1998). Europe's other two microelectronics giants, STMicroelectronics and Infineon Technologies (formerly Siemens Microelectronics), recently became active members of the Working Group, and ARM Ltd. and Cadence Design Systems became affiliates.
The research group has particularly close links with Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in the area of asynchronous circuits, as evidenced by:
· four joint journal publications (e.g. [Jos-3]) and a joint patent application (PH-NL 000667 EPP);
· two PhD students seconded to Philips Research on three-month contracts, one of whom was employed there as a Research Scientist upon completing his doctorate;
· a track record of solving design problems proposed by Philips Research (e.g. [Jos-1,Jos-4]) concerned with their hardware-compilation approach.

In the UK, Josephs works closely with Prof. S.B. Furber and Prof. A.V. Yakovlev of the Universities of Manchester and of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Josephs and Dr. J.T. Yantchev (of the University of Adelaide, Australia) had proposed a low-latency arbiter circuit, which was subsequently optimised for CMOS technology [Jos-2]. Their design was of particular interest to Furber and Yakovlev, e.g. low-latency arbitration is of critical importance to Manchester's MARBLE bus for use in Systems-On-Chip.
A strategic research direction for Josephs is in the development of computer-aided engineering tools and their application to real-world design problems. There are two approaches currently being pursued by Josephs, assisted by his two post-doctoral researchers:

1. A user-friendly, semantically clean HDL and automated tool-support, that can be incorporated into a design flow for asynchronous circuits and systems. The language is tailored to the specification of delay-insensitive (DI) interfaces and is underpinned by a theory of DI processes (a variant of CSP, originally developed in collaboration with Dr. J.T. Udding of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and subsequently the subject of two PhD theses in his group). Recent work by Josephs in this area has been funded with a research grant from the EPSRC and has been presented at Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2000. A research assistant has implemented a tool (di2pn) that translates DI specifications into Petri nets, that optimises those nets, and that can be used as a front-end to the Petrify asynchronous logic synthesis tool, developed by Prof. J. Cortadella of the Technical University of Barcelona, Spain. di2pn has been applied to Manchester's micropipeline latch control circuits.
2. A method and tool for the implementation of self-timed finite-state machines. The method is based on the use of an array of "D-elements" to implement a machine's state-vector. A highly optimised (and apparently inexplicable) stack implementation (by Prof. A.J. Martin of Caltech, USA, and Dr. S.M. Burns of Intel Strategic CAD Labs., USA) could have been routinely designed using it. The method compares most favourably with the more standard one that uses "C-elements", as has been adopted by Theseus Logic, Inc., USA, a company that is involved in the commercial exploitation of asynchronous circuit design. The method was illustrated at PATMOS '98. A research assistant is currently developing a tool to support it.

On the theory side, Bowen and Josephs are pursuing research into the semantics of HDL's and also have a common research interest in hardware compilation. Bowen collaborates with Prof. He Jifeng of UNU/IIST, Macau, where he was a Visiting Research Fellow in 1999. Joint work on a novel provably correct hardware compilation scheme, presented at an ESPRIT ProCoS-US funded workshop at Cornell University, USA, in 1997, is about to be published in a journal. Bowen also collaborated with Dr. P. Breuer of Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, and with researchers at the Florida Atlantic University, USA, with NATO travel sponsorship. This resulted in papers on industrial use of formal methods (at COMPSAC'97) and reasoning about VHDL using denotational semantics (at DATE'99).
More recent work in collaboration with UNU/IIST (following on from ESPRIT funding) has so far resulted in a tractable formalisation [Bow-3,Bow-4] of a significant subset of Verilog. In particular, Bowen encoded an operational semantics of Verilog as a logic program. The resulting animation tool can be used to explore the impact of changes to semantic clauses and to exhaustively simulate (small) nondeterministic Verilog descriptions. Bowen has recently taken on a PhD student (previously a lecturer in Shanghai, China) to continue this research into the semantics of Verilog.
Plaks, Abdallah and Josephs share a common research interest in parallel algorithms and their mapping to hardware, e.g., [Pla-1,Pla-2,Pla-3,Pla-4,Abd-1,Abd-3,Abd-4,Jos-4]. Plaks has been investigating the mapping of algorithms to regular (systolic) arrays. While at Chalmers University, Sweden, he developed the Iso-plane method [Pla-1,Pla-2] for manipulating the polytope model of an algorithm. (The method enables space-time trade-offs to be explored when reconfiguring algorithms for implementation in FPGA technology, for example.) This work was of particular interest to Prof. G.M. Megson (of the University of Reading) who obtained EPSRC support to fund its further development (e.g. [Pla-4]) and co-authored with Plaks four refereed conference papers in 1999-2000. Plaks has applied his work to a variety of problems, including template matching, string matching and matrix inversion, resulting in a journal article [Pla-3] and further refereed conference papers.

Abdallah integrates functional programming (and sometimes Z) with CSP in his approach to the derivation of parallel algorithms, based on transformation, refinement and design patterns. Five refereed conference papers, co-authored by Dr. T.A. Theoharis of the University of Athens, Greece, have shown how the approach can be applied in a variety of domains, including relational databases, computer graphics, and DNA matching. They have started to target the Handel-C language and FPGA technology, and have had an initial meeting with Prof. I. Page (Imperial College and co-founder of Celoxica) over future collaboration. Abdallah also supervises a PhD student in this area.
Besides their derivation, Abdallah (like Bowen) is also interested in the animation of parallel programs. The original version of Abdallah's VisualNets tool, which he had implemented in C++, was presented at Euro-Par'98. Recently, the tool has been re-implemented, partly in Java and partly in Haskell, by a PhD student [Abd-2], and will be of particular interest to users of CSP because of its support for visualisation, animation and performance prediction of networks.
Abdallah also collaborates with Dr. J. Barros and Prof. J. Oliviera of De Minho University, Portugal, on the application of transformational methods to the systematic development of correct prototypes from formal specifications. Abdallah supervised to successful completion a PhD student in this area.
Bowen and Nissanke have researched into and promoted the technology transfer of formal methods, especially in their application to safety-critical and real-time systems. Bowen was an early practitioner of the Z notation and, in 1996, published a book based on his original case studies. He chairs the Z User Group that organises regular international conferences and, until 1997, chaired the European Working Group on Provably Correct Systems (ProCoS-WG) of 25 academic and industrial partners. (ProCoS-WG was the inspiration behind the article [Bow-1].) Bowen has collaborated with Prof. M. Hinchey of the University of Queensland, Australia, authoring with him the book "High-Integrity Specification and Design" and editing with him the book "Industrial-Strength Formal Methods in Practice,“ both published by Springer-Verlag in 1999. Since 1994, Bowen has maintained the most widely used and referenced on-line repository of formal methods information in the world, the Virtual Library formal methods pages, recently moved from Oxford University to South Bank University (see under
Bowen also collaborated [Bow-2] on an initiative led by Prof. H. Habrias of the University of Nantes, France, to investigate the process of producing a formal specification. A second PhD student for Bowen has extensive experience of the nuclear power industry and is working on formal methods for the assessment of safety-critical systems. A third PhD student is combining the use of formal methods and the Unified Modeling Language.
Nissanke has himself authored a research-oriented book on real-time systems, Prentice Hall Series in Computer Science, 1997, along with two textbooks on formal methods. His EPSRC ROPA project, "A Safety Executive for Soft Industrial Processes", conducted in collaboration with Prof. L. Pyle of the University of Reading, explored the development of a generic system for monitoring safety issues and taking appropriate recovery measures in real-time. This has led to research into the meaning of safety and how to aid design that relies on generic approaches. With a PhD student, he has published refereed conference papers on the modelling in Timed CSP of possible failure modes and recovery measures. With another PhD student, he has published refereed conference papers, e.g., [Nis-2], on Safecharts, a formal visual framework based on Statecharts that aids the design of safety-critical systems in a generic manner. A new direction in Nissanke's research into safety-critical systems concerns human factors contributing to failure and organisational maturity of safety-management infrastructure. Nissanke has also supervised to successful completion a PhD student in the area of boundary models for representation and manipulation of assembly tasks [Nis-1,Nis-3].
In order to address Quality of Service issues in real-time communications over large networks, such as the Internet, in a rigorous manner, Nissanke has been working on the development of a novel approach to probabilistic scheduling. This work will enable a) probabilistic analysis of real-time communications, and b) routing and scheduling real-time communications using statistical performance measures. Underlying this work are two probabilistic algorithms for 1) fixed-priority uni-processor static scheduling and 2) multi-processor dynamic scheduling. Nissanke collaborates with Prof. F. Cottet of the Laboratory of Applied Computer Science, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique et d'Aerotechnique, Poitiers, France, in applying this approach to jitter control in real-time systems. He has also taken on a PhD student to work in this area.
Whitty also has considerable research experience in safety-critical systems, including a project funded under the DTI/EPSRC special programme on safety-critical systems. The project, "Product Monitoring for Integrity and Safety Enhancement", in collaboration with Philips Medical Systems-Radiotherapy, investigated the role of software property measurement in the safety-critical domain [Whi-4] and developed some new methods for analysing software control flow [Whi-1]. Further research into software measurement included the development (by a PhD student and a research assistant) of two tools for use in software maintenance. This work was partially supported by BT Laboratories, Martlesham.
A second EPSRC project, "Modelling the Propagation of Faults in Computer Software", investigated how faults can interact and mask each other [Whi-3]. This work has also been reported at the workshop, Mutation 2000, in San Jose, USA, and the research assistant (formerly Whitty's PhD student) has been invited to contribute a chapter to a planned Handbook on Software Mutation Testing to be edited by E. Wong of Telcordia and published by Academic Press. Whitty's work on software testing and fault tolerance led to an invitation to spend the academic year 1996-97 on sabbatical at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France, where he worked on measures of testability. The sabbatical was partially funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, Whitty being the first recipient of an award under their Engineering Foresight Award scheme. On his return from France, Whitty supervised to successful completion a PhD student in this area, but decided to change the direction of his own research and is now associated with the IS research group.

Intelligent Systems

T.C. Fogarty, A. Hashim, J.A. Long, R.S. Neville, J.M. Selig, and R.W. Whitty.

This group is interested in the research, development and application of systems for classification and control, including evolutionary algorithms, neuro-fuzzy systems and mathematical models. The group is able to benefit from Hashim's expertise in the area, e.g., [Has-1,Has-4], though Hashim is also active in Information Theory, e.g., [Has-2], and Distance Learning, e.g., [Has-3]. Whitty and a PhD student are looking at how artificial-life simulations can inform research into human memory: the work is based on the Sante Fe Institute's SWARM environment. Neville participated fully in the research activities of the School during 1999-2000 and made progress on his research into Artificial Neural Networks [Nev-1,Nev-2].
Research in IS is now managed by Fogarty. He previously led the Evolutionary Algorithms Research Group at Napier University for four years and was instrumental in building the Intelligent Computer Systems Centre at the University of the West of England (UWE) ten years before that. His expertise is in the research and development of genetic algorithms and classifier systems and their application to control problems. In this RAE period Fogarty supervised seven PhD students at UWE and Napier to successful completion, edited seven books, authored 5 book chapters, 4 journal articles and 24 refereed conference papers, and contributed 10 conference presentations. Since joining the School, Fogarty has taken on two research assistants to work on evolutionary algorithms. He has also taken on one writer to do the marketing of EvoNet (see below) over the next three years. He continues to supervise three PhD students at Napier and, so far, has one PhD student at South Bank.
One research collaboration showed that new paradigms gleaned from nature, such as symbiosis and the adaptation of evolutionary operators, can be used to improve the performance of the genetic algorithm [Fog-3]. Another collaborative project demonstrated that the application of the genetic algorithm to fuzzy rule based control (eg, of traffic on a packet switched network) can out-perform traditional techniques on benchmark problems [Fog-1, Fog-2]. A third collaboration resulted in three statistical measures that can be used to determine the structure of the search landscape during a run of the genetic algorithm [Fog-4]. These measures will be used in future for the on-line adaptation of genetic algorithm operators to the structure of the landscape being searched. Current research is on the interaction between members of a population and speciation amongst them to improve the performance of the genetic algorithm on larger problems than they have so far been successful. Work on the use of evolving populations to model social and economic phenomenon is being done in co-operation with five other leading European research groups in evolutionary computation in the Distributed Resource Evolutionary Algorithm Machine (DREAM) long term research project as part of the EU IST Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) initiative on Universal Information Ecosystems.

Over the past few years Fogarty has either led or been a partner in three major European research co-ordination, training and technology transfer projects in the area of Evolutionary Computation:

· He initiated and co-ordinated the European Network of Excellence in Evolutionary Computing (EvoNet), from 1996 to 2000. Its membership includes not only the main academic players in the field of evolutionary computing, but also about 50 companies doing business in that field. EvoNet has now received a further three years of funding from the IST FET initiative to market evolutionary computing to European users in particular and to society in general.
· He has participated, as one of just three European academic partners, in the, mainly industrial, BRITE EURAM project INGENET. This is a thematic network that carries out benchmark and comparison studies on the use of genetic algorithms for industrial problems mainly in aircraft design, but also in the design of communication and energy conservation systems.
· As a member of the four person executive of CoIL, he has led EvoNet in participating in this FP5 FET funded project, which is a cluster of networks of excellence covering machine learning, neural networks, fuzzy systems and evolutionary computing.

Long has supervised 3 PhD students to successful completion since 1996, and has recently taken on 4 new PhD students. He is also extremely active in the technology transfer of research being undertaken within the IS group, supervising Teaching Company Scheme projects, based at the following companies:
· Accurate Business Solutions (data mining to support data warehousing consultancy)
· Finsoft (parallel, distributed computing for financial calculations)
· DPR Consulting (AI techniques for financial computation)
· MediaTel (Internet based contracting and financial negotiations)
· New Information Paradigms (integration of knowledge management systems and WAP devices)

Long also has an on-going relationship with HSBC, Decision Support Group, on debit-card fraud detection. Initially, HSBC supplied Long with a 'small' sample of transactions: there were 25 information fields and 5 million transactions in the sample. Drawing on the work (subsequently published) of a PhD student on feature-selection for large data sets, the data table was trimmed down to 5 key fields. Another of Long's PhD students, researching high-performance decision-tree architectures [Lon-4], was able to develop an SQL-based system that performed well in detecting fraud in the sample data. (It detected £1 million in fraudulent usage that was apparently missed by HSBC.) HSBC will be delivering a much larger data set to enable a proper evaluation of the system.
Selig's research can be summarised as the application of modern ideas from geometry to problems in robotics. In 1996 Selig published a research monograph [Sel-1] which was well received by the robotics community. As a result he organised a one day workshop at the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation held in Leuven, Belgium, inviting eminent speakers from Harvard, NYU and Charles University, Prague. The talks given at this workshop were edited into a book [Sel-4].
Selig, in collaboration with Dr. R. McAree of the University of Oxford, was able to show how to derive equations of motion for complex robots such as walking machines and parallel manipulators. This was published in two parts in the Journal of Robotic Systems, the first part being [Sel-3]. Selig has also used Clifford algebra as a way of representing points, lines and planes [Sel-2] and hence performing geometric computations. This work has applications in computer vision and in graphics, as well as in robotics. During 1999, Selig was visited by Dr. X. Ding of the Robotics Research Institute, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, to work on compliance in robots. This collaboration has so far resulted in a refereed conference paper, with several journal articles currently being under review.

Summary and Self-assessment

Since the arrival of Hashim as new Head of School, and the coincident arrival of HEFCE QR funding following the 1996 RAE, the School has acquired a lasting research culture that impacts upon all staff and students. Both of the research groups being returned have a significant number of new personnel, all of whom have undertaken research of international interest. This submission conveys the vitality of the two groups and the contribution that they make to the international research community of Computer Scientists. The School aims to continue to support these two groups and to expand their provision of postgraduate and postdoctoral research training in Computer Science.

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Research in Computer Science at Sunderland is organised in four groups, each led by one or more professors. The groups are Intelligent Systems, in which high quality work has been sustained over many years; Human Computer Systems, which has been newly formed since 1996, and in which there is growing strength; Decision Support Systems and Software Engineering, both of which have achieved steady progress over the period.

Sunderland's Computer Science submission in the 1996 RAE consisted of 24 staff working in Knowledge Engineering, Decision Support Systems, Software Engineering, and Information Systems. Since 1996 major developments have taken place in Electronic Commerce, Digital Media and Human Computer Systems. Work submitted in Knowledge Engineering is now split between Intelligent Systems and Human Computer Systems. Information Systems work is now split between Software Engineering and Human Computer Systems.

In July 1996 the then School of Computing and Information Systems moved into a new purpose-built building of exceptional architectural merit on a riverside site. This located all Computer Science work in a single building and helped the development, for example, of our usability laboratory. The building has also facilitated the informal contact between staff so important in a growing research culture.

We have met our aims of increasing the volume and quality of our research and its outputs. For example in the 1996 submission there were a total of 15 journal articles for the whole period. In calendar year 2000 alone there were 15 journal papers published in Computer Science. We also met our target of obtaining more research council funds: we have been awarded four EPSRC grants, a JREI grant and a British Academy Fellowship. For the first time a member of the Sunderland Computer Science staff has sat on the EPSRC College of Referees. Twenty four staff were submitted from a total of fifty one in 1996 compared to thirty three and a half from fifty five and half in 2001. Clearly this represents a large and active research community, but its growth has not been without problems. For example, it has taken longer to develop staff with practitioner backgrounds to the requisite standard for submission than was anticipated. Furthermore, the position has not been helped by three research active members of staff leaving in the run up to the RAE.

Several new staff appointments have been made. These include two new Research Chairs: Gilbert Cockton and Stefan Wermter, two Lectureships with permanently reduced teaching loads: Sharon McDonald and Andrew Hunter; a Principal Lecturer (Chris Bowerman) with primary responsibility for research student matters; two permanent Research Administrators and a Research Technician. John Tait, John MacIntyre and Helen Edwards have become Professors. The appointments of John MacIntyre and Helen Edwards were particularly satisfying as they are both former doctoral students at Sunderland.

A move has been made from heavy reliance on European funding (around 80% in 1994/5) to a more balanced portfolio, in particular including significant EPSRC projects (£25,000 in 1994/5 to £135,000 in 1999/2000). In 1996 it was intended to create an additional Chair in Information Systems, and to move to a formally supported focus in Information Systems and Telematics. The Chair was in the event offered to Gilbert Cockton in Human Computer Systems. This has led to a reinvigorated Human Computer Systems area, with work in some areas of Information Systems now being undertaken within the reconstituted Software Engineering Group.

A new move since 1996 has been to establish two Centres: Centre for Adaptive Systems (CAS) in 1997 and Centre for Electronic Commerce (CEC) in 1998. The Digital Media Network, a cluster of regional companies, has also been formed, facilitated by a large project team within the Human Computer Systems group. The project team has developed a regional strategy for the digital media sector and currently has obtained almost £500,000 of external support (primarily from the European Regional Development Fund).


Our four research groups are all different in form, size and mode of operation. However they are formally constituted, with an official chair who acts as the major link between the members of the group and the management of the School for research matters.
3.1 Intelligent Systems (

Research in Intelligent Systems, chaired by Stefan Wermter since 1998, focuses on building computational intelligent systems. Intelligent systems research staff includes five professors, approximately ten other academic staff and 25 PhD researchers.

3.1.1 The Centre for Adaptive Systems (

The Centre for Adaptive Systems (CAS), led by John MacIntyre and Andrew Hunter, develops and applies adaptive computing and intelligent systems. Techniques used include neural networks, genetic algorithms, neuro-fuzzy systems, case-based reasoning, Bayesian analysis and expert systems. Much of the work is applied to real problems in industry and commerce; application areas include condition monitoring and fault diagnosis, intelligent control systems, data fusion, image processing, medical data analysis, intelligent tutoring systems, data mining and commercial data analysis.

The DTI recognises CAS as a "Centre of Excellence" in the application of intelligent computing and adaptive systems to industrial problems. Raj Rao, a world expert in condition monitoring is a Visiting Professor to the Centre, and the COMADEM conference was held in Sunderland in 1999.

SUGAL (Sunderland Genetic Algorithm system) has been developed by Andrew Hunter and has more than 2000 users around the world. Andrew Hunter also collaborates with Lee Kennedy (a joint appointment as Professor at the University and Consultant Physician at the City Hospitals) in the health area, for instance on the automated diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy.

Recently a JREI grant was awarded to improve laboratory facilities for machine health monitoring. The Centre is also actively working with Cees van Leuwen (recently appointed Professor of Psychology) in the area of cognitive neuroscience.

3.1.2 Hybrid Intelligent Systems (

Stefan Wermter leads the Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS) group which focuses on building hybrid computational systems for intelligent behaviour. Methods include hybrid neural networks, neuroscience-inspired computing, knowledge-based techniques, machine learning techniques, and neuro-fuzzy architectures. Applications include learning text categorization, speech/language integration, data mining, information extraction, learning internet agents, and hybrid techniques for medical diagnosis. The group has published about 30 articles in journals, books and international conferences since 1998.

Stefan Wermter is the principal investigator of the EPSRC network on Emergent Computational Neural Architectures based on Neuroscience, in collaboration with Professor Willshaw (Edinburgh) and Professor Austin (York). This network has organised large workshops in USA, Scotland and England. A 600-page book resulting from the project will be published in April 2001 and another on Hybrid Neural Systems has been published in 2000 with Professor Sun (Missouri, USA).

3.1.3 Natural Language Engineering

The Natural Language Engineering group is led by John Tait. Branimir Boguraev, a Principal Scientist of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center is a Visiting Professor with the group. Recently the group was strengthened by the recruitment of Michael Oakes from the University of Sheffield.

Major current strands of work include text simplification, interactive document authoring, word sense disambiguation and natural language supported information retrieval. Support has been obtained from the EPSRC and EU Framework IV. The group is also a member of ELSNET, the European Network of Excellence in Language and Speech and (led by Chris Bowerman) was a partner in a SOCRATES Speech and Languages technology network which has developed training and supporting technology for speech and language processing.

3.2 Human Computer Systems

Research in Human Computer Systems (HCS) is led by Gilbert Cockton. The group has two professors and three other members of academic staff.

The work of Eamon Doherty (awarded a PhD in March 2001) on interfaces for severely physically disabled people, has received international recognition. Three submitted papers in the RAE (with Chris Bloor and Gilbert Cockton) arise from this work, and, remarkably, Eamon was granted an audience with the Pope as a result of it.

Usability work (led by Gilbert Cockton, and formerly Darren Lavery, who joined Microsoft in 2000) focuses on development of the SUPEX method for reliable extraction of usability problems from test data, and on Grounded Design approaches to system design, specification, architecture and evaluation. Digital Media work focuses on learning and navigation in hypermedia. Work on CAL focuses on telematics for distance learning (Chris Bowerman). Work in HCS is transferred to regional industry via the Digital Media Network, a clustering project that seeks to improve the capabilities of multimedia firms in North East England. Work on Accessibility addresses physical and cognitive impairment, covering dyslexics, aphasics (John Tait, mentioned under Intelligent Systems), traumatic brain injury, deaf and blind users (Chris Bloor); and gender issues in computer use (mainly Sharon McDonald).

Experimental work is facilitated by a purpose-built usability laboratory (part funded by HEFCE RRL programme).

The University Information Services have a research group led by Prof. Andrew McDonald which collaborates with members of the School (mainly John Tait) on projects in the fields of intelligent information systems and virtual libraries. The group has undertaken two EU projects (VERITY and CHILIAS) under the EU Libraries programme and has held two British Library research awards (the Digital Librarian and Supporting Lifelong Learning).

The group hosted HCI 2000 which was highly successful.

3.3 Decision Support Systems

Research in the field of Decision Support Systems is led by Professors Alfredo Moscardini and Eric Fletcher supported by a Reader (Malcolm Farrow) and a recently appointed Lecturer (Mohammed Loutfi). Stafford Beer, the world's leading cybernetician, is a Visiting Professor in the group. Decision Support Systems in the School has three principal foci: Soft Operational research, Simulation and Bayesian analysis. The work has involved extensive collaboration with businesses and manufacturing companies throughout Europe.

The group hold a NATO Science for Peace project with Professor Mileskina of the University of St Petersburg Institute of Physics to produce a detector of radiation using the Cold Cathode technique. The University of Sunderland supplies expertise in Genetic Algorithms.

Malcolm Farrow’s work on Bayesian analysis has been applied to sales forecasting for many related products and medical experiments with many variables. It underpins work in the Intelligent Systems, Human Computer Systems and Software Engineering groups. Farrow works closely with Professor Michael Goldstein of Durham University.

In addition there is a growing interest in image analysis and retrieval which brings together Eric Fletcher and members of the Human Computer Systems and Intelligent Systems groups, in particular Sharon McDonald, Andrew Hunter and John Tait.

3.4 Software Engineering

The group concentrates on areas that ensure Computer Based Information Systems are engineered professionally and that they exhibit quality attributes. There are currently two professors and about nine other members of academic staff in the group.

3.4.1 Methods and CASE

The most significant activity during this RAE period has been the RAMESES (Risk Assessment Method: Evaluation Strategy for Existing Systems) project, which developed a risk assessment method for SMEs to use when considering business process or IT systems change. It was the first computing EPSRC award in the School, and has led to further activities including work with the Omani government. Other significant activities include MEA (Method Engineering Activity, Colin Hardy) and MEWSIC (Method Engineering with Stakeholder Input and Collaboration, Helen Edwards and Barrie Thompson).

Simon Stobart has produced a novel CASE tool which generates software through the use of templates. Work led by Norman Parrington has produced the LOCANA and (with Ian Ferguson, now Strathclyde) MOOSE and metaMOOSE which is a novel metaCASE tool. Work continues to formalise the metaMOOSE environment.

3.4.2 Metrics, Testing and Formalisms

John Moses has developed a novel approach for ‘measuring’ system complexity using statistical prediction systems, subjective software attributes and software development effort using Bayesian inference. He is currently conducting a pilot study with EDS. Simon Stobart and Norman Parrington have developed rigorous testing strategies for use with OO systems.

3.4.3 Professionalism, Ethics, Pedagogy and Software Quality

Fundamental to the group’s views about software engineering is that it must be seen as a truly professional discipline operating at a global level. Helen Edwards and Barrie Thompson have published extensively on professional and pedagogical issues associated with software engineering including articles in the Computer Science Education journal and the Journal of Systems and Software.

3.4.4 Centre for Electronic Commerce

The Director of the Centre is Andrew Slade. The Centre, which attracts major EU support, researches the technical and human system needs for large scale electronic commerce solutions to problems especially in public organisations and small businesses. Barrie Thompson has been working with the Centre on ethical issues and on trust and quality in e-commerce systems. Albert Bokma is also working within the Centre, mainly on Knowledge Management.

4 Research Environment

Considerable efforts have been devoted to the development of an active and stimulating research culture in Computer Science at Sunderland in recent years. This has been achieved by a combination of the adoption of ideas from imported senior staff (e.g. Gilbert Cockton, Stefan Wermter), the development and growth of our home grown talent (e.g. John MacIntyre, Helen Edwards) and extensive management support both institutionally and within the School of Computing Engineering and Technology. Furthermore, substantial support was forthcoming for HEFCE bids which have allowed the development of a Usability Laboratory and the Digital Media Laboratory. We have developed fruitful synergies between our research and taught programmes, for example in Software Engineering and in Human Computer Interaction where a spiral syllabus has been adopted.

Staff in Computer Science at Sunderland plan and monitor their research in a systematic manner. The institution has provided significant financial backing for these plans and in turn this has made it possible to provide sabbaticals (an average of two per year since 1997), teaching relief and travel funds to support both research active staff and to allow research inactive staff to start new lines of research. A system of administrative and technical support has also been developed.

4.1 Seminars and Meetings

Currently there are two main seminar series operating within the School. The Intelligent Systems group hold a fortnightly "brown bag lunch„ at which our own research students and staff plus invited visitors present their current work in an informal atmosphere. Typically attendance is around 20, but can be over 30 for popular topics. There is a more substantial quarterly distinguished speaker series at which leading national speakers have spoken (including Michael Jackson, Peter Johnson, Yorick Wilks, Peter Henderson, Jim Austin, Steve Benford, Alan Bundy, Wendy Hall and David Duce).

The Human Computer Systems Group hold periodic meetings at which members present their work. Recently the Software Engineering Group have started to hold regular weekly informal lunchtime meetings to give colleagues an opportunity to discuss their work and to encourage the development of a group identity. The Decision Support Systems group organises meetings on a more flexible basis: for example occasional Socratic Dialogues have been held with Prof. Stafford Beer.

4.2 Research Students

The number of students registered for a higher degree has risen to a total of over 70 (including overseas students). This contrasts with 52 registrations in 1996, when there was also a noticably longer average registration period. About one third of research degree registrations are part-time.

Each research degree candidate is required to take part in a formal monitoring procedure with annual review points, and the submission of a detailed annual report. At the annual review the student is required to present his/her work to a small group of staff, who then offer advice and criticism regarding the future directions of the work.

Completion rates in Computer Science at Sunderland have been of great concern in recent years. However, it does appear that the annual monitoring procedure (introduced in mid-1990’s but made progressively more formal) is starting to bear fruit, with a dramatic increase in students submitting their PhD within 4 years full time or the equivalent for other modes and degrees. The figures have improved from only two PhDs reported for the last year for the 1996 RAE to a total of 14 PhDs and four MPhils (only one of which had been previously registered for PhD) in the year to December 2000, an improvement which we expect to be sustained in the longer term. For example, two more PhDs and two more MPhils were submitted in January 2001.

Staffing Policy

The School has a policy of recruiting staff who are either research active or who have substantial industrial experience and the potential to become research active. This has been in place for many years and is now rigidly adhered to. At present only a few staff from industrial backgrounds (e.g. Tait, Hunter, Erwin) have attained levels of achievement high enough to be included in the RAE. Others are developing publication and research track records, often based on their experience as practioners (See RA6c).

Non-research-active staff can be given timetable relief to initiate new, specified research activities. Where appropriate they are encouraged to register for part-time PhDs. Alternatively they may be encouraged to contribute to research projects led by other members of staff or to contribute to research student supervision and monitoring in areas related to their technical expertise.

A small number of posts (two research professors and two research lecturers) with particular responsibility for developing research, rather than teaching, have been created. The filling of these posts (especially the professorships) has allowed the research culture in Sunderland to blossom in ways which would not have been otherwise attainable. The two Professors (Gilbert Cockton and Stefan Wermter) have brought to Sunderland a real understanding of quality at the highest level and how to achieve it. Their expertise has helped a number of longer established staff to significantly improve their publication and funding records.

Improvement in the quantity and quality of research among all staff have been supported by: targeted timetable relief with clear objectives; clear targets through the appraisal process; paper writing and research proposal development workshops; and the mentoring of less-experienced researchers by those who have greater experience in publishing.

Research Student supervision, the management of research projects and to an extent publication activity is considered an equal status activity with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and is fully accounted for in the timetable.

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Computer Science resides within the School of Computing and Mathematics and is the dominant component of the School (approximately 90% of the academic establishment). The key elements of the School’s research strategy are
§ the School’s research is to be mainly applied in nature but with elements of fundamental research
§ the School’s research is to underpin its teaching programmes
§ to formally recognise groupings of research staff in specific domains
§ for research to be interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary whenever possible
§ for School funded activities to be focussed on members of staff at the start of their research active careers.
These elements came out of a major review of the School’s research policy in 1999 following a University wide review of research completed in 1998. The School’s revised research policy identified nineteen specific issues to be addressed, along with time scales for each issue, which fell into one of three areas; namely, culture/environment, funding and roles/responsibilities. A few of the specific issues identified are outlined below.
Key elements of the research strategy outlined in 1996 remain; for example, clearly identified groupings, research to be mainly applied in nature. What has changed are some of the groupings, the University environment (e.g. the introduction of University sabbaticals), a more explicit strategy in detailing how the policy is to be implemented and physical changes to ensure research active staff and students are housed together to help a research culture flourish.
The revised policy covers both RAE categorised research and research that falls outside the RAE exercise. A major outcome of the research review was the allocation of over 500 square metres of contiguous space in one building for the School’s research active staff, students, equipment and meeting room. This space houses the research activities described in this RAE submission as well as the externally funded TLTP/FDTL projects, work on learning technologies and related research activities which are outside the scope of this unit of assessment.
The School has continued to focus its research on coherent groups based on School priorities and staff interests. The ability to map the groups neatly onto RAE units of assessments and criteria has not been a factor in deciding School policy or the groupings. Combined with the clear identification of staff who are research active, as opposed to scholarly active, has significantly reduced the number of staff submitted in this UoA compared to 1996. This reduction in the number of staff submitted does not indicate a reduction in the overall number of staff undertaking research in computing within the School. The number of active research staff has not changed significantly since 1996. Areas of School research not included cover animation, teaching and learning environments, special needs computing, interactive multimedia and individual research. As well as reducing the numbers of staff submitted, this continued focussing on priorities and needs, as opposed to RAE UoA and criteria, has also had an impact on the external income and the number of research students returned in this submission.
Changes in the School’s academic profile, including major developments in visualisation and virtual environments, have been reflected in the change in groupings of research staff within the School. In particular, the previous groupings of Modelling and Simulation and Visualisation and Interactive Systems have been replaced by Virtual Environments and Interactive Systems. This change has been helped by the impact of the JREI funding which encouraged interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work between the Schools of Computing and Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Sciences and Health. The success of the developments in the area of virtual environments has been recognised by the University as a major growth area and the University funded a Chair in this area in 1998. The University has committed to support this area in both funding for teaching and research.
The increase in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research has been encouraged by both the JREI and the University establishing a research fund specifically to support cross-School research activities. The following projects have all benefited from this support: -
§ computing and physiotherapy in the 3-D reconstruction of scoliotic body shape,
§ computing and psychology in the experimental content evaluation of virtual environments,
§ computing and virtual reality modelling of the built environment and
§ computing with social sciences to assess how virtual environments may be used to help people with dementia.
University and School semester sabbaticals (on average three per year) have been targeted at junior staff who have shown promise and wish to consolidate their research.
As part of the University’s revised policy on research, all members of staff wishing to supervise research students must attend the University’s Research Supervisors’ training course. This is part of a programme of events introduced to offer improved support for research students. Staff are always invited to provide a self assessment of their research activities via the personal development and review process that operates across the University.
In addition to the staff returned in this unit of assessment, the overall research culture and environment within the School is enhanced by groups working in areas outside this submission and colleagues undertaking individual research. For example, one member of staff (Dr McElhone) is working closely with York University on safety critical systems while another (Dr B Oates) is working with Salford University on information systems theory.
Research Groupings
The School’s research groupings are now centred on Formal Methods, Virtual Environments and Interactive Systems and Medical Informatics. Cross-references to RA2 outputs are given in the form [SED-1] indicating the first output for S E Dunne, for example.
Formal Methods – S E Dunne (SED) and W J Stoddart (WJS)
The Formal Methods group has interests in model-based formal specification languages, integrated formal methods, general correctness and object technology. Particular areas of work are
FM1 Extending B-GSL to allow concurrent components to be introduced during development (SED, WJS)
By adding predicate transformer rules for weakest liberal pre-conditions the group has extended the semantics of B-GSL from total to General Correctness semantics. The practical aim of this exercise is to simplify proof obligations associated with the introduction of concurrency during refinement. [SED-2]
FM2 Recasting Hoare and He's Predicative Program Model in the Context of General Correctness (SED)
By reformulating Hoare and He's Unifying Theory in terms of General Correctness we have been able to express their healthiness conditions for a program entirely algebraically in terms of zero and unit laws.
FM3 Integrated Formal Methods (WJS)
We have developed two approaches to combining state based and behavioural views of event based system models. These are ZCCS, a variant of CCS which has Z as its value passing calculus, and the "Event Calculus", a graphical notation based on state machines which communicate via shared events, and which can be translated into Z or B. The state machine approach allows desirable system properties, such as freedom from deadlock, to be expressed in a system invariant which gives rise to proof obligations in the style of the B method. [WJS-1, WJS-2, WJS-3]
FM4 Execution Architecture for an Abstract Command Language (WJS)
We have described an efficient virtual machine architecture which supports abstract programming concepts such as non-deterministic choice. It also supports the introduction of concurrency during refinement, as mentioned in FM1 above. As part of this work, we have reported a variant of the probabilistic choice defined by Caroll Morgan in his formalism pGSL. It differs from Morgan's probabilistic choice in complying with the predicate transformer rules of non-deterministic choice - this allows probabilistic choice to be combined with backtracking. We have shown that, like pGSL, our variant satisfies the important property of "sub-linearity", from which other properties such as monotonicity and scaling may be derived.
FM5 Case Studies (SED, WJS)
Several case studies have been published based on the above techniques, including a distributed seat booking system with timeouts, an invoicing system, a gas burner control system with timing constraints, and a hybrid system with environmental components that evolve in continuous time. [WJS-1, WJS-4]
FM6 Specification Languages: Z and B (SED, WJS)
In addition to our use of these notations in FM1 to FM5 we have investigated i) problems relating to undefined terms with reference to underlying denotational semantics, proof theory and historic approaches such as that of Russell in Principia Mathematica, and ii) different uses of the concept of a state-invariant. [SED-1, SED-3, SED-4]
Virtual Environments and Interactive Systems – Professor P G Barker (PGB), Professor M O Cavazza (MOC), P C Fencott (PCF), Dr W Tang (WT) and Dr A Wani (AW)
The Virtual Environments and Interactive Systems group has strong interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary links with researchers from other Schools within the University as well as other national and international groups. Professor Phil Barker leads the long established Interactive Systems component of the group and Professor Marc Cavazza leads the Virtual Environment component of the group. Professors Barker and Cavazza have extensive experience of national and European research projects.
Members of the group have been involved with external exchanges with overseas universities in America, Europe and Japan as well as being invited speakers at international conferences.

A significant part of the group’s research deals with the notion of Virtual Actors. This includes several aspects, from motion control [MOC-4] and behavioural animation [MOC-1] to conversational characters [MOC-3] or "talking heads". Most of this research is interdisciplinary and involves the combination of Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Usability, and Human Factors.
VI1 Language-enabled Agents
There is a strong relationship between the development of intelligent agents and their ability to communicate with the user using natural language. On one hand, the execution of complex tasks is best controlled using high-level concepts rather than direct control. On the other hand, while understanding natural language brings incomparable benefits in terms of user-friendliness, language-enabled agents should also be able to generate low-level behaviours [MOC-3].
VI1.1 Conversational Characters (MOC)
There is a growing interest in conversational characters as interface agents and intelligent assistants, both in traditional interfaces and 3-D environments. Most of our research in this area has taken place through an Interactive TV project.
The "Virtual Interactive Presenter" (VIP) is an EPSRC/DTI LINK broadcast project in Interactive Television involving Cambridge University Engineering Department (Speech Recognition), the BBC (on-line programme guide), Sony Network Solutions Europe (software architecture) and Advance Multimedia Communications plc (character modelling and animation, user interface, database). The goal of VIP is to develop a conversational character serving as an interface to an Electronic Programme Guide. The School is in charge of the overall project co-ordination as well as developing the Natural Language Processing (NLP) modules (Human-Computer Dialogue).
The project has resulted in the development of a fully implemented prototype, integrating speaker-independent speech recognition, human-computer dialogue and real-time animation of the character. The underlying dialogue technology is based on the identification of speech acts from the comparison of the semantic contents of successive user utterances. This approach has been presented in specialised workshops and conferences in Human-Computer Dialogue.
VI1.2 Natural Language Instructions (MOC)
This research investigates the use of natural language to control the high-level behaviour of embodied agents in virtual environments. Apart from addressing some fundamental issues in the integration of NLP and computer graphics, this research has applications in computer animation, computer games, simulation and interactive storytelling. This research has been conducted through the development of various prototypes and subsequent experimentation. The following results have been obtained [MOC-3]
§ the processing of instructions referring to spatial tasks requiring the ability to parse a sub-language including spatial expressions. We have implemented this feature through Tree-Adjoining Grammars.
§ the integration of NLP and graphics poses specific problems, for instance, in the case of reference resolution. A model of deferred reference resolution has been proposed. Also, when controlling an animation system, there is a need to generate low-level commands from the semantic content of the sentence. We have developed a technique using a pivot language (structured command language) interpreted by the animation system.
§ there are specific real-time issues concerning most interactive 3-D applications. We have optimised the NLP steps so that the parser can run in real-time (< 100 ms to parse a 15-word utterance, speech recognition excluded).
VI2 Agent Behaviour and Avatar Control
It is possible to classify artificial actors depending on their level of autonomy, from Avatars, which are direct embodiments of the user, to autonomous actors that exhibit intelligent unsupervised behaviour. Both user control and autonomy require specific techniques [MOC-2].
VI2.1 Path Planning (MOC)
Path planning for virtual actors in virtual environments is a key technique for autonomous spatial behaviour. There are several techniques for path planning, though recently attention has focussed on search-based path planning, where search algorithms are applied to discretised geometric environments. We have extended these techniques to
§ the co-ordination of small group of agents, through the notion of synchronised path-planning through non-admissible heuristic search
§ the use of semantic information in the search algorithm, in addition to simple distance (geometric) heuristics
VI2.2 Behaviour-based Animation (WT)
This work studies and develops techniques in the area of behavioural control and animation for interactive three dimensional computer virtual environments. Two major areas of investigation are artificial sensing techniques [WT-4] for acquiring information from the environment and the knowledge processing techniques for decision-making.
A simple, yet effective, synthetic vision technique for autonomous object’s vision in the virtual environment has been developed and two primary test bed systems that implement the vision technique have been developed.
Current work involves
§ the investigation and implementation of non-deterministic behaviour modelling techniques [WT-1]
§ the implementation of advanced motion control techniques to control an object’s motion in the virtual environment [WT-2, WT-3]
§ the investigation of advanced computer graphics techniques to simulate the changes of the virtual environment in real time so that the object’s behaviour would change accordingly
§ 3-D computer graphics modelling techniques incorporating real-time rendering techniques.
VI2.3 Motion Control of Avatars (WT, MOC)
Physical control of an avatar is the best known modality of user control and is currently used in animation, virtual reality and computer games. Physical control can be based on motion capture using various sensors. In this case, inverse kinematics can be used to minimise the number of sensors. However, there exist limitations in the real-time integration of motion equations, which limit the recognition of fast gestures. We have proposed an inverse kinematics techniques implementing a fast Lagrange-like integration method that can cope with faster gestures than traditional methods [MOC-4, WT-2, WT-3].
VI3 Intelligent Virtual Environments
Virtual environments are essentially spatial structures in which users navigate, and interact physically with their constituent objects. As such, they come with little semantics attached. Intelligent virtual environments investigate various forms of high-level behaviour and abstract representation in virtual environments.
VI3.1 Action Recognition (MOC, WT)
While emphasis in virtual environments is mostly on objects, there is little work dedicated to action representation and formalisms. The automatic recognition of actions is nevertheless required for scene interpretation and adaptive response to the user behaviour. Action recognition in virtual reality is similar to scene recognition in computer vision. It should however be facilitated by the direct availability of low-level events in the graphic database.
We have produced an action recognition technique base on the parsing of low-level events through cascaded Finite-State Transition Network (FSTN) [MOC-1]. The procedure by which actions to be recognised are described by FSTN is a form of under-specified action representation derived from a plan-like decomposition of an action. Several applications have been proposed in conjunction with geometrical path planning or in virtual theatre.
VI3.2 Virtual Environments and AI Techniques (AW)
Research has been undertaken in basic AI techniques and their use in various applications including developing synergistic and distributed synergistic neural network models. A new inductive learning algorithm called SAFARI has been developed.
We have applied intelligent techniques in optimal multi-resolution model building [AW-3] with further research plans to develop optimal intelligent virtual environments for virtual reality and computer entertainment applications.
Intelligent techniques have been applied in various pattern recognition tasks [AW-1, AW-2] with further research plans to apply hybrid intelligent techniques in pattern recognition tasks and intelligent virtual environments.
A new algorithm in the area of machine learning has been developed with further research plans to develop appropriate knowledge representation techniques to support multi-strategy task adaptive inferencing [AW-4]. The outcome of this research will be used to extend further intelligent virtual environments.
VI3.3 Virtual Environment Theory (PCF)
The virtual environment theory team is a multidisciplinary team of academics with specialisms in virtual environments and computer science, psychology and HCI, and aesthetics of interactive digital media. The team developed out of an earlier grouping, which undertook research into methods integration for software engineering [PCF-4]. The team is developing perceptual modelling techniques for virtual environment content [PCF-2] and conducts experiments to ascertain the correlation of user behaviour with the predictions of the models. This research allows for the comparative content analysis of a wide range of diverse virtual environments [PCF-3], which in turn is leading on to the development of design methods for virtual environments which focus on both the engineering and the aesthetic aspects of virtual environment design [PCF-1].
VI4 Interactive Systems
Our European collaborative work on the application of neural networks to pattern recognition resulted in the award of an MPhil (1996) while our work on Distributed Performance Support Systems concluded in 1998 with the award of a PhD (1998). Our research into Hypermedia Electronic Books [PGB-2] has also finished culminating in the award of a PhD (1998). Related to this was our investigation into various cognitive and usability issues of Hypermedia Authoring Tools. This work successfully concluded with the award of a PhD (1998).

VI4.1 Completed Projects (PGB)
Our work on digital libraries, online learning, icons and mental models continued throughout this period. Papers were presented at various international conferences and, perhaps, most importantly our new book on "Iconic Communication" was published in 2000.
During this period work has been undertaken on behalf of the Open University, Strathclyde University, University of the West of England, De Montfort University, the Institute of Learning and Teaching and SEDA (Staff and Educational Development Association).
VI4.2 International Projects (PGB)
We are currently working on four international projects. Three of these involve PhD students who are registered at the University of Teesside. An Australian Project involves an investigation of the creation of models and methodologies to support the development of interactive multimedia learning products. Our American project is studying the efficacy of different modes of electronic course delivery for distance learners who are resident in the state of Nevada. Our Lebanese project is exploring the role and potential of a virtual university system for the delivery of electronic courses within Lebanon. Our project with the University of Barcelona [PG-1, PG-2, PG-4] is exploring the issues involved in collaborative distance authoring of hypermedia materials for delivery to distance learners via the Internet.
Some of our current UK projects include work on European Patents (HCI issues), an evaluation of computer conferencing techniques, icon research and the development of multimedia patient education systems.
VI4.3 Future Work (PGB)
A book on "Web-Based Teaching and Learning" is planned, as is a book that looks at "Applications of Iconic Communication". New methods for the support of online learning and electronic course delivery, especially with respect to the incorporation of digital library facilities, continue to be explored. We are particularly interested in automatic portfolio management and assessment techniques.
Medical Informatics – Dr J J Longstaff (JJL) and Dr D S Simpson (DSS)
The group’s research activities are in close collaboration with clinicians in both the primary (General Practice) and the secondary (NHS Trusts) healthcare sector, healthcare authorities as well as medical physicists. The group has long established links with the NHS Information Authority (NHSIA) and its predecessors. One Visiting Professor and two Visiting Fellows from the local NHS Trusts are associated with the group.
MI1 Electronic Patient Record and the Electronic Health Record (JJL, DSS)
A major strand of the work over the last few years has been concerned with the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) and the Electronic Health Record (EHR). In particular, we have developed a model of confidentiality for the medical record. This model and our work on the requirements of a multimedia medical record has been the subject of lengthy discussion with various parties including the NHSIA and its predecessors. It was pleasing to see a number of the items worked on with the NHSIA appear in the Government’s Information for Health - An Information Strategy for the Modern NHS 1998–2005 when it was published in 1998.
The group is a partner of one of four winning bids to pilot examples of pan-community EHRs as part of the NHSIA’s Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme (ERDIP) following the release of the Government’s Information for Health strategy. A key component of this project is based on the confidentiality model of the EHR developed by the group. The model is a development of earlier database research with which members of the group have been involved for many years.
Alongside the pan-community EHR project, work started in late 2000 on an externally funded project on direct booking in conjunction with a local NHS Trust. This multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary project involves research into the integration of data from both primary and secondary care systems across the NHSnet, the capturing of endoscopy data from the operating theatre via a spoken dialogue system and access controls to the data to ensure confidentiality. The first stage of this project, the work concerning the spoken dialogue system (see MI2 below) has started evaluation trials in a local NHS Trust. [JJL-1, JJL-2, JJL-3, JJL-4]
MI2 Spoken Dialogue Systems (DSS)
We have developed a spoken dialogue system for the hands free recording of endoscopic information. The language processor uses a lexicon and a domain-specific semantic grammar. The grammar rules are expressed in the style of a Definitive Clause Grammar which specify rules of semantic transformation as well as syntax. Domain item knowledge is structured into a slot-filler notation while domain anatomy knowledge is structured into a hierarchical model of anatomical features.
Early results have been very encouraging and this work has already been extended to demonstrate voice control of a surgical robot manufactured by Armstrong Healthcare Ltd. Discussions are being held with Armstrong Healthcare and clinical interests to extend this work further into a general spoken dialogue system for the operating theatre (e.g. lights, table, robots, etc.). [DSS-2, DSS-3]
MI3 Bone Mineral Densitometry Reference Ranges (DSS)
A major piece of research completed by the group since the last RAE has been the development of a proposed methodology for the construction of national bone densitometry reference ranges. The methodology developed was used to construct national bone densitometry reference ranges utilising a study of 1,372 Caucasian women involving data collected from leading hospitals in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds. [DSS-1, DSS-4]
MI4 3-D reconstruction of Scoliotic Body Shape (DSS)
An exploratory piece of collaborative work started in 1998 with two junior members of staff (one in the School of Computing and Mathematics and one within the School of Health) and a consultant colleague to investigate the 3-D reconstruction of scoliotic body shape. This early work has shown sufficient promise to obtain funding (£60K) from HEFCE in 2000 for the purchase of a 3-D scanner to develop this work further.
MI5 Workshops and Meetings (JJL, DSS)
The group holds regular monthly meeting involving academics, clinicians and healthcare workers at which research topics of mutual interest are discussed. An annual Innovations in Healthcare Computing workshop is held which attracts between sixty and seventy delegates. A part-time MSc in Medical Informatics, developed by the group, is delivered jointly by the School and clinical colleagues.
The work described in this UoA is embedded within a much larger research base and culture within the School and benefits from strong support from the University’s most senior management. The focus of the School’s research has evolved since 1996 and has benefited significantly from the University and School review undertaken 1998/99. It is expected that the groupings described here will continue to develop at an increasing rate over the next few years with a potential for one or two new groupings forming over the next five years. Of the existing groups, the Formal Methods group and the Virtual Environments and Interactive Systems group both have a strong international dimension. The Medical Informatics group has a strong national and collaborative Government agency element, with its work presented at an international level.

University of West of England, Bristol_25 3a [18.3C]

Staff entered are in bold, other UWE researchers are underlined.


This submission is based on the emergence of a strong and growing interdisciplinary grouping of researchers in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. This grouping exceeded the research objectives set out in the 1996 submission and continues to build on an international reputation for computer science research. The staff in this submission are attached to the following research centres: The Centre for Complex Co-operative Systems, the Intelligent Computer Systems Centre and the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory.

In the RAE96 submission we presented our plans for research development and highlighted the need to consolidate achievements and encourage the creation of new multi-disciplinary centres of excellence and to build our international research base and establish research reputations at the international level. Since then the University has achieved significantly in these areas. In the period since the last RAE submission researchers in this submission have a combined income of £2.8m (£153k per FTE), achieved 14 PhD completions and developed a number of major international research collaborations.

Headline indicators of success include:
· The Centre for Complex Co-operative Systems is recognised as an Associate Institute of CERN (the first ‘new’ UK University to be so) and runs the largest UK Flagship Teaching Company Scheme with Motorola.

· The Intelligent Computer Systems Centre’s traffic management work has been adopted by Swedish and UK government agencies (Gottenburg, Sweden and Highways Agency in the UK) and has received significant EU funding in the period.

· The Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab has significant collaborations with Caltech and NASA Jet Propulsion Lab and received DARPA/ONR and EPSRC funding.

Achievements since 1996 demonstrate considerable gain in research quality, especially at an international level, and development of a strong research training environment for new researchers.

1.1 Centre for Complex Co-operative Systems (Baker, Barry, Chevenier, Estrella, Kovacs, Le Goff, McClatchey, Sa, Solomonides, Varga, Yang)

This was established in 1997 by McClatchey and has since grown to six members of staff, a Visiting Professor, a Visiting Fellow, three Research Fellows and nine PhD students. The CICERO project investigated the provision of a generic ‘software bus’ together with an object-oriented database in which the description of complex control systems could be captured. CICERO was funded by CERN and industrial companies from Finland, Portugal, Sweden and Belgium and involved collaboration over two years with the Universities of Helsinki, Technical University of Budapest and Madrid. In 1996/97 CICERO was completed and transferred to industry for exploitation and is now being implemented by the SpaceBel company in Belgium for industrial control systems. The expertise gained in CICERO allowed two main research themes to be developed: distributed object and process management and intelligent data-mining.

Research collaboration with CERN continued with the CRISTAL project (1997 to date) which aims to deliver distributed workflow and data management infrastructures and support technologies, and interdisciplinary research into very large scale data and process management techniques for high energy physicists and engineers. Researchers at UWE were funded by agencies such as the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering. As a consequence of the success of CRISTAL, UWE was admitted as the first Computer Science Associate Institute at CERN and McClatchey was invited to work at CERN as a Scientific Associate. The research collaboration with CERN led to the appointment of Le Goff as a Visiting Professor and of Varga as a Visiting Fellow at UWE. In addition to income recorded in RA4, £63k was received from CERN in open competition throughout its Member States (total income in the period from CERN was £171k).

A feasibility study of the industrial applications of CRISTAL was conducted with a group of manufacturing SMEs in France (sponsored by an economic development agency, Thesame AG Annecy) and a new project started with a European Bioinformatics consortium in Portugal. UWE has invested £344K in research infrastructure to support new interdisciplinary research in bioinformatics with the Centre for Research in Biomedicine (UoA 11).

CRISTAL led to a number of associated projects. Firstly the DIAMOND project (1999) between UWE and KFKI (Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics) and SzTAKI (Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). This project is funded by the British Council and the OMFB under the British-Hungarian Science and Technology Support Programme. This project investigates distributed information integration for scientific applications. Secondly the WISDOM project (1999) between UWE, CERN and the National Centre for Computing in Pakistan to study the use of XML in large-scale data migration. Thirdly a new project into the semantic integration of complex heterogeneous databases distributed across a so-called Computational Grid. This will provide discipline-independent data access tools. UWE staff are currently assisting CERN to facilitate the construction of a Grid Test-Bed to provide access to large distributed data repositories for European scientists and engineers.

Baker developed an initial Teaching Company Scheme (TCS) with Motorola European Cellular Infrastructure Division, Swindon. He won an EPSRC CASE studentship for this work and he was also awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowship. This work led to the establishment of the UK’s largest Flagship TCS, MAST (Mobile Application of Software Technologies). MAST was started in 1998 with 14 Associates and will run for five years funded at £1.5M by Motorola and the TCD. In addition, data-mining was examined in a further TCS established by Barry with the Database Group in Bristol between 1997 and 1999.

1.2 Intelligent Computer Systems Centre (Bull, Jukes, Parmee, J Smith, R Smith)

The Intelligent Computer Systems Centre was established with the objective of transferring advanced technology into industry by collaborative research projects. The centre has five members of staff, one post-doctoral researcher and five PhD students.

Fundamental research in the Centre focuses on applying and extending evolutionary computing techniques. Bull is researching into multi-agent systems (co-evolutionary computation) and co-operative multi-agent systems. There is also work undertaken by J Smith in developing mathematical models of different ‘replacement strategies’ used to manage the working memory of evolutionary computing algorithms. Initially for stationary problems, this is now being extended to non-stationary or ‘dynamic’ optimisation and noisy problem domains. Other research has focused on test landscape design and analysis, reinforcement learning control and self-adaptation of search parameters. R Smith is researching into emergent behaviour in evolving autonomous distributed agents.

The Centre is conducting a number of collaborative projects with industry in the area of distributed systems. The EU Framework IV ESPRIT trial application project TRENDS (Traffic Engineering Network Data System) delivered a real-time road traffic information service across the Internet for Gothenburg, Sweden in 1997. The Highways Agency was invited to participate as an observer in the final project reviews and this resulted in the award of the Travel Information Highway (TIH) project which started in October 1998. This project developed a CORBA based architecture, which aims to deliver a near real-time source of data about the state of the English motorway network across the Internet. The TIH forms the information dissemination route for the Traffic Control Centre (TCC) initiative from the Highways Agency; a major PFI project over the next 10 years designed to give England a strategic road management system for the first time. The TIH project is generating further research opportunities in line with the Government white paper on developing an Integrated Transport Policy.

As a further development of the relationship with APM Ltd (now Citrix UK), the Intelligent Computer Systems Centre was successful in winning the ESPRIT project FollowMe. Building on distributed object experience gained in TRENDS and basic research, Centre staff developed a software package for the deployment of mobile personal agents. The FollowMe project focused on the development of an agent scripting language based on JavaScript and XML. The centre is actively pursuing routes to develop this technology further particularly in the transport field as a consequence of expertise and reputation gained in the TIH project.

Bull conducted research into evolutionary computing and multi-agent systems which have been developed with ETRA (Spain), through an ESPRIT project VINTAGE. The Intelligent Computer Systems Centre aims to build a framework in which a set of distributed co-operative rule based agents can evolve to learn novel control strategies. The applications areas are Urban Traffic Control and real time scheduling. The Intelligent Computer Systems Centre contributes to the EU ESPRIT Network of Excellence in Evolutionary Computing project (EvoNet) as a main academic node in the network. R Smith is a member of the Management Board and J Smith is a member of the Dynamic Optimisation Working Group. The Centre has continued to develop expertise in applying machine learning based classifier systems in the steel industry through a European Coal and Steel Confederation (ECSC) funded project developing classifiers for detecting faults in rolled steels.

There have been recent developments in smaller applied projects directly funded by UK industry. In a project with BAe Sowerby, The Intelligent Computer Systems Centre is examining Evolved Emergent Multi-Agent Behaviour and in conjunction with BT, a project called, Co-evolution in a Framework of Producers/Consumers. A recent project funded by DERA is a demonstration of Evolutionary Computation Applied to Synthetic Environments for UAV Combat Scenarios. Bull currently has an EPSRC project, in collaboration with the Centre for Transport Studies at UCL, which draws on experience from the VINTAGE project to develop Adaptive Rule-based Controllers for Road Traffic Junction Signals. He also has a project with LloydsTSB examining the use of a particular evolutionary computing technique for Data Mining and with BT examining Evolutionary Computing Techniques for Collective Agents and Robotic Systems.

Parmee was formerly Director of the Engineering Design Centre at Plymouth University. His work centres on whole system design, problem decomposition, constrained and multi-objective optimisation in collaboration with BAe Systems, Rolls Royce, Lafarge Braas and British Energy. As further evidence of collaborative research the Intelligent Computer Systems Centre and the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory are working on a project in Evolutionary Collective Robotics and with Solomonides in Consolidating Medical Informatics (CoMed) based on the results of a number of smaller UK based projects and potential developments with the Centre for Complex Co-operative Systems.

1.3 Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory (Adamatzky, Carse, Holland, Melhuish, McFarland, Pipe, Winfield, Zhu)

The Lab is led by Winfield (Director) and Melhuish (Projects Director). McFarland moved from Oxford University to join the Lab, in September 2000, as Professor of Biological Robotics. Additional research staff include Senior Research Fellow Adamatzky, two Research Associates, two full-time and one part-time laboratory technicians, eight PhD and two MPhil students. One PhD student holds an EPSRC industrial CASE award and another holds an EPSRC quota studentship. The Lab also has a number of part-time MPhil and PhD students, one of whom is employed at BAe Sowerby Research Centre and holds a Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Fellowship. The Lab's physical resources include a 144m2 mobile robotics arena for conducting large-scale experiments in collective robotics, believed to be the largest in the UK, and incorporates a ceiling mounted downward looking camera together with a stop-frame vision system for recording experimental runs. The Lab is also equipped with ISDN video conferencing equipment for live link-up with international collaborators.

The Lab has a particularly strong thread of research in the field of collective robotics, with an emphasis on minimalist approaches and de-centralised control (as exemplified by the PhD completion of Melhuish, 1999 Strategies for Collective Minimalist Mobile Robots). This work has been funded from a variety of external agencies including UK industry, EPSRC, US DARPA/ONR and recently DERA. Hewlett-Packard Laboratories funded an investigation into Swarm-based Telecommunications Routing; a project that explored strategies modelled on short-lived chemical markers used by social insects for dynamic routing in networks. A project with the Royal Mail, An Investigation of Intelligent Systems for the Portering of Mail, looked at co-operating robots for moving mail through automated sorting offices and successfully demonstrated a full-size proof-of-concept prototype. BAe Sowerby Research Centre funded the development of a Multi-robot system for Studying Collective Behaviours which pioneered the application of wireless local area network technology in distributed mobile robotics. The establishment of a successful research collaboration with the Center for Neuromorphic Systems Engineering, at the California Institute of Technology led directly to the development of a collective robotics laboratory at Caltech modelled on the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab at UWE. The Caltech Lab is equipped with UWE-designed wireless networked mobile robots (the LinuxBots). DARPA and the US Office of Naval Research (ONR) funded an investigation into robotic Plume Tracing and Odor Localization. The aim of this project is to develop and contrast single and multi-robot strategies for robotic tracking to the source of a chemical plume. Researchers at Imperial College have now also adopted the LinuxBot as an experimental platform, and further development on the LinuxBot has led to a recent patent filing (the µLinuxBot, 1999). A recent DERA award: Governing Exploration of the potential of Minimalist Autonomous Marine Sensors extends the minimalist approach to submersible robotics.

The collective robotics research has received recent awards of BAe Sowerby funding for The Flying Flock Project: Emergent Control of Groups of Miniature Flying Robots (the aim of which is to demonstrate for the first time autonomous flocking in three dimensions) and EPSRC Industrial CASE award for The Application of Helium-filled Blimp technology and Collective Robotics to Advanced Electronic Display and Messaging Systems. The Lab has an interest in all aspects of robotic autonomy, including energetic autonomy, i.e. the possibility of robots that can actively forage for energy. This interest led to an EPSRC ROPA award for an investigation into A Multi-robot System with Energetic and Computational Autonomy: a project that is generating very considerable media interest.

The Lab has had a strong parallel thread of work in adaptive or learning control in mobile robotics, including Artificial Evolution of Fuzzy and Temporal Rule Based Systems (Carse, PhD 1997), Reinforcement Learning and Knowledge Transformation in Mobile Robots (Pipe, PhD 1997) and An Evolutionary Computing Approach to Motor Learning with an Application to Robot Manipulators (Sullivan, PhD 2000). Work in the development of artificial neural network based control systems with theoretically guaranteed stability has extended earlier work in multi-axis manipulators, to systems with closed kinematic chains in Stable Adaptive Neural Control of Systems with Closed Kinematic Chains Applied to Biologically-Inspired Walking Robots (Randall, PhD 1999). This work resulted in membership of the EU Brite-Euram thematic network on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR) and collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. The appointment of Zhu, and award of EPSRC Design Procedure for Neural Network Enhanced Non-Linear Control System, has strengthened the Lab’s work in neural control. A strong thread of work in Cellular Automata and Excitable Media, and a collaboration with UWE’s Chemical and Physical Sciences department, has resulted in the recent award of an EPSRC grant for the Control of Robot Navigation by Active Non-Linear Media (£181,404). A project which aims to demonstrate for the first time the use of a chemical excitable medium for massively parallel computation to solve a complex robot navigation problem.

University of Westminster_25 3a [10.55F]

Research structure and environment
In 1997, the University's move to a devolved campus-based management structure created two geographically distinct schools out of the departments of the School of Computer Science and Information Systems Engineering, which was submitted in RAE 1996. One school is located on the newly-formed campus at Harrow and the other at the existing Cavendish Campus. This restructuring has enabled the Schools substantially to improve the resources and research environment in line with the University's research strategy. The Schools have a departmental structure that essentially serves their teaching function, while research groups operate across Departmental and School boundaries. The prioritisation of research within the Computer Science Schools is further guided by the University’s research strategy developing two of the key academic areas presented in the University’s strategic plan, the Information Society and Industrial Systems. It also reflects national priorities emphasised in Foresight and the recent white paper entitled Science and Innovation: Excellence and Opportunity.
The University of Westminster has adopted the Graduate School model of research support encouraged by the Research Councils. The Graduate School is the key body responsible for policy and strategy generation, and quality assurance (including regulation) of research students and their supervision. It comprises separate Graduate Centres that operate at School level and through which University policies and practices are administered. Graduate Centres administer centrally allocated resources at their disposal to support staff development activities relating to research. The views, needs and concerns of research students are formally represented at University level at the Graduate School through the Research Students Committee, on which each Graduate Centre is represented by elected students.
In the case of Computer Science, the two Graduate Centres have the additional responsibility for maintaining a coherent research strategy across the two Schools, and thus take a pro-active role in the coordination and development of research within and between the various disciplines represented, which are: computer science; electronic engineering; and mathematics. This is achieved through dissemination activities, support for external liaison, acquisition and management of external research funding and the provision of weekly seminar series across the two Schools.
Research within the Schools has evolved historically through research groups, typically of three or more academic staff who are focused around a coherent research theme, funded research activities, and a number of research students. Within the computer science discipline there are currently three significant research groups: the Formal Methods Group; the Machine Vision Group; and the Parallel, Distributed and High-Performance Computing Group. The other major research groups within the Schools are submitting under UoA 23 (Centre for Techno-Mathematics and Scientific Computing Laboratory which was flagged for its achievement in UoA25 in 1996), UoA 24 (Health and Social Care Modelling Group) and UoA 29 (Digital Signal Processing and VLSI Systems Group and RF, Microwave and Wireless Communication Systems Group). We invite the panel to consult our submissions in these units to obtain a complete picture of the research culture of the Schools. School support for research is provided in the form of physical resources (e.g. dedicated research laboratories and related infrastructure), and financial resources to implement the staffing policy (see below). Resource allocation is managed by the Heads of School, the Chairs of Departments, and the Directors of the Graduate Centres. The University provides generic support for administration of research (via the Academic Registrar’s Department) and research grant and intellectual property procurement and management (via the Industrial Research Support Unit).

Staffing Policy
Following the 1996 RAE outcome, research has been given the highest priority in the Computer Science Schools, and all newly appointed academic staff are expected to have a strong research track record. Fixed-term contract research staff are recruited to support priority research areas, generally within research groups, and typically to reinforce external grant-based and contract research programmes. The University has recently established Researcher C (or Senior Research Fellow) contracts to permit the appointment of senior research staff to permanent research fellow status. The University subscribes to the national Research Careers Initiative. Technical and administrative staff time is allocated to support research activities.
Research groups have been institutionally supported through non-formula funding (NFF) and the appointment of new research active staff. To foster research leadership, the University has established two new Professorships and four new Readerships since 1996.
The Schools also encourage and support staff to develop their research activities (for example, through conference attendance and assistance with the preparation of research proposals) by application of their own or other University funds. In addition, selected staff are encouraged to become research active.
Research Strategy
Following the result of the 1996 RAE, the Schools’ research strategy was completely revised to focus research activity on the groups described in the current RAE submissions. Furthermore, the new strategy aims to improve the quality and increase the quantity (both volume and range) of all of the research activities in the two Schools. Specific elements of the strategy have been aimed at increasing the quality of research publications, the number of research students, an improvement in submission rates, the value of research grants and the number of staff with PhD qualifications. The strategy is ongoing with the aim of increasing the proportion of staff that is research active. Research active staff are allocated remission from teaching duties and granted periods of sabbatical leave against monitored research objectives. Research output is reviewed annually, and teaching remission adjusted accordingly. Allocation of support for conference participation is also selective and based on the quality of the conference and the research paper submission. Encouragement of the research group culture is achieved by prioritising financial and infrastructural support for the successful groups and their plans as described in the current RAE document. The Graduate Centres also selectively support the development of new research areas based on agreed output criteria. For example, the University Research Development Fund is available to both new and established groups and is peer-reviewed at both School and University level. A key element of the research culture development has been the emphasis on developing relationships with industry and, most importantly, engaging in peer group collaboration with high-profile groups at both national and international level.
The University and the Schools are committed to the recruitment and retention of high-quality research active staff. Of the 15 RAS submitted to the 1996 RAE, 7 are being resubmitted to UoA 25 in 2001. Research has benefited from the recruitment of new and young staff with strong research potential (Bolotov, Kodogiannis, Lancaster), targeted at reinforcing existing research strengths. Additionally one previously non-active research member of staff is being submitted (Barker), a result of the Schools’ strategy to develop existing staff.
Funding for the research strategy has been made available from NFF and other institutional monies, predominantly in support of institutional PhD studentships and assistantships (9 since 1996), but also for high-quality research space and equipment including a 32-node cluster, and specialist tracking and virtual reality hardware. This has also supported the emergence of new areas of activity such as multi-agent systems, mobile communications and the computational grid. The success of these policies, together with financial and practical support for staff to gain PhDs, is further evidenced by the achievement of PhD awards for 6 staff members.
The Schools have benefited from the new policies, regulations and procedures introduced by the University’s Graduate School, and we are confident that this, coupled with specific training in supervision for research active staff, will have a very positive effect upon future PhD completion rates. Seminar series organised by the two Graduate Centres and the IEE (hosted at the University) have created an important new forum for the debate and exchange of research ideas.
Over the last five years links with industry have been given a high priority, reflected in the 5 Teaching Company Schemes (TCS) that have been in operation during this time. Industrial collaborations have been created and strengthened with partners including IBM Corp., MPI SoftTech Inc., Hi-Grade Computer Plc and Silicon Graphics Inc. Some of these partnerships have resulted in the establishment of the Centre of Computer Networks Engineering and the award from the DfEE (Department for Education and Employment) in establishing the Advanced IT Centre of Excellence, as well as providing several new industrially sponsored studentships. As a result of all these activities, we can provide state of the art research equipment, industrial placement for our research students, academic consultancy and a platform for future Teaching Company Schemes.
National and international involvement in activities such as the Global Grid Forum, the International Java Grande Forum, AgentLink, UKMAS and PARKBENCH, are encouraged and supported, and demonstrate the steps that have been taken since 1996 to integrate the fabric of the Schools with the wider research communities.
Formal Methods Group

Barker, Bolotov and d’Inverno

The group’s work spans several areas, but focuses on the development and application of logics and formal specification techniques in a number of areas. d’Inverno has produced the first complete and formal model of the most significant (implemented) agent architecture (dMARS), as well as contributing models of related systems and architectures (e.g. AgentSpeak(L) (d’Inverno 1), Agentis (d’Inverno 4), 3APL, Social Dependence Networks) within a coherent agent framework. Bolotov has developed a clausal resolution method for the branching time logic CTL, and applied it to multi-agent systems (Bolotov 1,2). In the area of database security, Barker has constructed new formal models of temporal authorisation and introduced a new theory of protected deductive databases (Barker 3).
In the area of application of formal methods, the Group’s work has been directed at the development of theoretical frameworks for representing and reasoning about aspects of emergent areas of computer science including hypertext, design methodologies for parallel systems (d'Inverno 3) database systems, and agent-based computing. The most significant of these areas is agent-based computing, with key results from both d’Inverno and Bolotov, and database systems with work from Barker.
d’Inverno’s work here has been concerned with the construction of formal models of implemented agent systems in order to provide a more rigorous theoretical basis for their use and further development. Collaborations with the Universities of Southampton, Warwick, and Melbourne, and the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute have all contributed to some important and seminal publications. Specifically, the work resulted in the first formal model of the distributed multi-agent reasoning system (dMARS). This work has also sought to provide a more rigorous conceptual foundation for basic notions underlying intelligent agents and multi-agents systems as a whole, and to enable sound analyses of different system configurations to be made. In particular some important complexity results (d’Inverno 2) have been produced, and a significant contribution to agent-based software engineering in constructing theoretical agent models using formal specification techniques from software engineering. Collaborations resulting in formal publications here include the Universities of London, Southampton, Utrecht and Warwick.
In related research, Bolotov has been concerned with applying the resolution-based technique to verify formal specification of complex dynamic systems. He has applied the clausal resolution technique to a temporal logic of `Possible-Belief’ for deliberative agent systems, combining temporal or dynamic logics and modal logics used for specifying complex properties of multi-agent systems. A resolution based proof method for the branching-time temporal logic
CTL, combined with the modal logic KD45 has also been developed in collaboration with Liverpool and Manchester Metropolitan Universities (Bolotov 2). In the development of the techniques themselves, the clausal resolution method mentioned has been introduced and justified for the branching time logic CTL (Bolotov 1,4). Viewing this work as developing clausal resolution for branching-time logic as research in the area of automatic theorem proving, an algorithmic definition of the resolution method has been defined with termination, soundness and completeness properties justified (Bolotov 3). This is the first clausal resolution based technique that has been developed for these logics and is especially important as there is a clear lack of efficient deductive methods developed for branching time logics.
Barker’s work has focussed on the application of formal methods to database systems. In particular, clausal form logic has been used to build executable specifications that consider database integrity issues including the representation and proof of schedule properties, the specification of an expert system for compiling constraints into relational databases, and the specification of a temporal authorisation model for discretionary access control. In addition, a new theory of protected deductive databases has been developed. This work has been done as part of informal collaborations with Imperial College London.
The research potential of the Formal Methods Group has become much stronger with the recent appointment of Bolotov and the recent research activity of Barker, to complement d’Inverno’s previously existing strength in this area. Other staff in the Group who are not submitted in RA1 are developing their research profiles in collaboration with d’Inverno in particular, and current strategy points to their inclusion in future research assessments. Whilst the group is relatively young, its involvement in high-profile research collaborations, organisiation (such as chairing of UKMAS 2000, the 3rd UK Workshop in multi-agent systems sponsored by EPSRC, Hewlett Packard Laboratories and the Foundation for Physical Agents) and European Activities (such as membership of the EU Agentlink II network of excellence), have ensured that it is now ideally situated to expand into the emerging area of agent-based systems. In addition, efforts are already underway to bring in research funding for projects and staff (particularly in the areas of logics and applications of formal methods to multi-agent systems and the development of methodologies), with plans including the leveraging of existing collaborations (including joint grant proposals) with the Universities of Liverpool, Southampton, Edinburgh and Moscow State.

Machine Vision Group
Jamal-Aldin, Kodogiannis, Konstantinou and Psarrou

The Machine Vision Group has evolved from the Centre of Artificial Intelligence (RAE 1996) and currently comprises a team of three research active staff and five PhD students. The research of the Group focuses on three main areas: a) the study of statistical and probabilistic learning methodologies and their application in visual perception of human identities and behaviours, b) the content-based search of image and video databases and c) research on mechatronics including industrial and commercial applications on robotics, power, biomedical and financial engineering. The Group benefits from close links with the Vision groups at the Universities of Sussex and Queen Mary, London. The collaboration with Queen Mary on learned temporal models and multi-view face recognition has been funded through the University’s allocation of NFF money. In addition, the Group has received funding from the HISTORIA project, funded under the LIBRARIES initiative, and two Teaching Company Schemes (TCSs).

The collaborative work with Queen Mary, London has won the Best Scientific Paper Award in the 1999 British Machine Vision Conference (Psarrou 2) and has also led to the co-authorship of a research monograph (Psarrou 1). Issues raised in the book include the work of the Group reported in RAE 1996 on the recognition of human faces through learned temporal face signatures using recurrent neural networks and the collaborative work with Queen Mary on multi-view face models and learned behaviours.
The HISTORIA project multimedia database and search engine have been installed at the Marciana Library in Venice. In addition, a TCS has resulted in the development of new handwriting recognition algorithms for PDAs (a joint project with EDEN Ltd and Hitachi). The success of these projects has attracted a grant from SGI and an award from DfEE in support of the establishment of an Advanced IT Centre of Excellence at the Harrow Campus. The Centre focuses on the support of R&D in Interactive Multimedia and broadband E-Commerce applications. The Group is co-located with the Centre, and benefits from its advanced imaging facilities.
Based on our work in motion-based recognition (RAE 1996), one of the main areas of research of the Group is the visual perception of moving objects, especially the understanding of human activities based on learned temporal models of human identities and gestures. Current activities include modelling the underlying spatio-temporal structures of dynamic visual phenomenon through the use of Hidden Markov Models and the propagation of conditional density distributions (Psarrou 4). This work is currently being extended with the incorporation of automatic segmentation of gestures through multi-scale processing, automatic clustering and incremental learning. The work on "temporal face signatures" has been extended through the development of multi-view models of human identities using Kernel PCA (Psarrou 2,3).
In the area of content-based search and indexing of image databases, spatio-temporal models are used in the recognition of activities in digital video (Konstantinou 3). Part of the work in this area was funded under the DG XIII HISTORIA project, which focused on the AI-based search of digitised Venetian manuscripts in images of coats of arms (Konstantinou 1,2). Related work is currently being undertaken in the computational identification of inks and their application in the dating of medieval manuscripts (Konstantinou 4).
Kodogiannis is a new staff member whose participation considerably strengthens the neural network expertise within the group with his contribution in the area of mechatronics. In particular, evaluation of long-range model predictive control schemes has been performed using a remotely operated vehicle which was part of a MAST I EU project (Kodogiannis 1,2). More recently, a new type of adaptive neural controller for an autonomous unmanned sub-sea vehicle has been developed using the Lyapunov stability theory. Hence a stable on-line adaptive law has been derived. The current work in neural and fuzzy systems includes applications which range from ‘soft’ regulatory control in consumer products to accurate modelling of non-linear systems. Kodogiannis has successfully developed and tested under real conditions improved AI models for short-term electric load forecasting for the Greek Power Corporation (Kodogiannis 3,4). Furthermore, advanced forecasting systems based on hybrid neuro-fuzzy systems are under development and will be targeted at financial applications. Perception-based neural network models and algorithms have also been tested on adaptive image restoration.

Over the last five years the Group has been successful in establishing a strong research foundation with a growing number of PhD students and international contacts principally by the exposure of its work at international conferences and through its project partners. Furthermore, the work on the computational analysis of inks has resulted in another European project award for 3 years in the restoration of works of art (diARTgnosis - Culture 2000 program Nov. 2000). Over the next five years the group intends to further research into learned temporal models of human actions and identities and their applications in the area of visually mediated human-machine interaction. In addition, we plan to expand our content-based search in networked databases and in new areas such as the generation of avatars and augmented virtual reality. These activities will be supported by the expansion of the current team with more full time research-active staff and by developing the potential of targeted non-active research staff within the Schools. Finally, we expect that the current effort in attracting funding for the work on the use of temporal models and neural networks in robotics and biomedical applications will be successful and result in the expansion of the current activities.
Parallel, Distributed and High-Performance Computing Group
Getov, Hockney, Justo, Kacsuk, Kalantery, Lancaster, Mintchev, Winter and Zemerly
The main aim of the Group is to improve the performance and efficiency of multiprocessor and networked computer architectures, by developing specific methods, tools and environments for the design, performance evaluation, and performance optimisation of distributed computers and applications. The Group was one of the first in the country to address performance modelling of transputer arrays, and has now broadened this approach to cover a range of issues in parallel and distributed software engineering. In recent years, key members of the Group have addressed issues high on the agendas of EPSRC, EC, and Foresight, such as high-performance graphical environments and tools, performance visualization, simulation of novel parallel architectures, performance evaluation and analysis, high-performance Java and multi-language distributed programming.
In addition to the members listed above, the Group comprises 2 post-doctoral researchers, 5 post-graduate students and frequent visitors from internationally recognised research centres in Europe, USA, and other countries. Academic research collaborations include joint research projects and publications with University of Southampton, University of California San Diego, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NPAC - Syracuse University, IBM T J Watson Research Center, San Diego Supercomputer Center, Emory University, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA), Autonomous University of Barcelona, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, New University of Lisbon, and many others.
The Group has developed a number of innovative software systems including the JCI (Java-to-C Interfaces) toolset that has been installed and is currently used at more than 25 institutions around the world (Getov 4). In addition, patent rights have been granted in the USA and the UK for two novel computing architectures in the distributed systems architecture area: a general-purpose parallel computing architecture known as the virtual von Neumann machine and a special purpose parallel simulation engine known as Tentative Time Warp Machine (Kalantery 1). A key contribution in the area of performance evaluation is highlighted in the monograph: The Science of Computer Benchmarking, by Roger Hockney. The Group has won several major research grants from EPSRC, EC, DTI, and the British Council.
In the field of High Performance Java Computing the Group has, since the beginning of 1997, produced strong results in developing a toolset for automatically binding existing native libraries to Java. With the aid of the JCI generator, the abundance of legacy C and Fortran scientific libraries can more easily be made available to Java programmers (Getov 1). The results of the work on Java wrappers of some legacy parallel libraries such as MPI and ScaLAPACK as well as more recent research in the area of seamless virtual programming environments with Java has been disseminated widely in the form of publications, installations and experiments with the group’s bindings on platforms ranging from clusters of workstations to IBM SP2 and SP3, SGI Origin-2000, Fujitsu AP3000, and Hitachi SR2201 supercomputers. The Group’s JavaMPI binding to existing MPI libraries has been used as one of the predecessors of a standard message-passing application programming interface for Java within the International Java Grande Forum (Getov 2). The design issues of an efficient reference implementation of the draft standard specification of this interface are now the subject of particular interest. An
EPSRC grant was awarded for the development of a portable high-performance FFT kernel, in collaboration with the University of California, San Diego and IBM's TJ Watson Research Centre. In order to expand industrial collaboration, a Teaching Company Scheme in the area of high performance integrated messaging systems was also funded by DTI/EPSRC.
Support of a general class of distributed programs for clusters through novel tools culminated in a simulation-based development environment known as EDPEPPS (Environment for Performance-oriented Design of Portable Parallel Software) (Winter 1, 2, 4). This project was supported by EPSRC and EC grant funding, and also backed by several industrial partners, including Parsys and Parsytec. Developed at Westminster, EDPEPPS was part of an international collaboration known as SEPP (Software Engineering for Parallel Processing) that specified the first comprehensive architecture for distributed system toolset environments, and delivered a completely integrated toolset implementation. The project attracted a regular flow of visiting researchers to the University from across Europe. A new tool based on EDPEPPS principles is being developed to support the rapid prototyping of digital TV applications. GRADE (Graphical Application Development Environment), a graphical parallel program design and performance visualisation environment (Kacsuk 1-4), was also part of the SEPP tool collaboration. A version of GRADE is currently being developed for computational grids. A related project in the distributed systems tools field developed the principles of a virtually transparent software monitor (Winter 3).
The Virtual von Neumann and Tentative Time Warp architectures are based on the use of virtual time in the automatic co-ordination of parallel interactions (Kalantery 2, 3). A prototype implementation of the von Neumann machine called SPIDER has been developed and provides the core software system for a high-performance urban traffic simulator in HIPERTRANS, an EC Framework IV funded collaborative RTD project coordinated and led by our Group. The Framework V funded successor to HIPERTRANS, OSSA, is defining and implementing a standard systems architecture for distributed high-performance urban road traffic simulation. These projects involve major European companies including Simulog (France), Peek Traffic (UK), W S Atkins (UK), Electronic Trafic S.A. (Spain), and PTV (Germany), as well as academic collaborators mentioned above.
The Group is developing architectural description languages (ADLs) for specifying reconfigurable distributed systems in collaboration with major industrial partners such as Panasonic UK and British Telecom (Justo 1-4). Two new ADLs called C++CL and ZCL have been developed. Local collaboration with the University’s Dept of Electronics (submitted to UoA 29) has resulted in the joint securing of the CAST project (Configurable radio with Advanced Software Technology), an EC Framework V research grant. In this case, the ADLs developed are being applied to the intelligent and adaptable configuration of the physical layer in wireless communication that means an integrated seamless network connectivity and access to broadband wireless multimedia communications and services. The Group intends to build and expand its research activities. It will continue to develop basic research in high-performance Java, high-performance parallel kernels, open distributed simulation architectures, reconfigurable distributed architectures, and systems and tools development. A technical focus for several strands of the group’s work will undoubtedly be the computational grid. The group has constructed its own cluster, which is shortly to be connected to collaborating centres in Europe. It is planned to orient much of the Group’s tools and systems research around the paradigm of the computational grid. The Group will continue to engage in interdisciplinary collaborative projects, extending its work in software radio applications, and high-performance simulation of urban traffic systems. The group will continue to develop its international collaborations, from which new collaborative projects are expected to develop. In the same context, attracting industrial interest in the work of the group will also remain a high priority – for example, a joint venture is being created with one of the most successful British companies (Hi-Grade) who are investing in a new Computer Network Engineering centre. Finally, the Group will continue its policy of seeking out and recruiting first rate research and academic staff from across Europe.

University of Wolverhampton_25 2 [8.7F]

The School of Computing and Information Technology (SCIT) is a multidisciplinary academic unit within the University of Wolverhampton with 51 academic staff in Computing and related areas. The School places great emphasis on its research role in leading the Computing profession in Wolverhampton, the Black Country and Shropshire, and promotes research collaboration between the academic staff and Computing practitioners in the region. Staff of the School are well networked regionally, nationally and internationally, as indicated by membership of the British Computer Society regional and national committees, and by membership of conference committees and editorial boards.

In 1997/98, three umbrella research groups were formally established within the School to reflect its strengths and to target its resources at those areas: Multimedia and Intelligent Systems Technology (MIST) led by Professor N Gough, Information Society led by Professor M Jackson, and Teaching and Learning led by Professor R Moreton. Each research group has a mission statement that clearly identifies the area of Computing in which it undertakes its research. The formation of the research groups has brought a cohesion to the research efforts and allowed the School to formulate significant bids for research funding. The research groups are subject-oriented groups, directed by a Professor with specialist knowledge in the area. Each of the Professors was elected to the newly established University Professoriate. The research groups are not intended to be mutually exclusive, and several researchers are member of more than one group. The groups, including student representation, hold regular planning meetings addressing issues such as research student progress, resourcing, proposals for research bids, research staff development, etc.

Research (including research student progress) is managed through the School Research Committee (SRC), whose membership is drawn from the three research groups and whose Chair is a member of the School's Executive. The SRC also coordinates the School's bi-weekly research seminar programmes, which provide a valuable forum for the exchange of ideas.

The School has invested in the research infrastructure to improve the amount and quality of equipment, facilities and accommodation. In 1997, as a result of a move to new, refurbished premises, dedicated office space was allocated to researchers in one wing of the building.

These School-based changes have taken place in the context of the University-wide re-organisation and re-direction of research following institutional review at all levels, including Board of Governors. The revamped research strategy (1997) defined research as part of the University's core activities, identified links with teaching and provided a strategy for overcoming potential obstacles to research progress. In practice, the revised research environment is supported by both a new Vice Chancellor and a new Dean of Research.

The Research Groups

Of the three research groups, output from only two - MIST and IS - has been submitted under UoA 25. The output from the Teaching and Learning Group, with its focus on pedagogy, appears elsewhere.

The Information Society research group is developing in two areas. A sub-group under Prof. Moreton is concerned with the methodological and ethical issues of information systems development. Other staff submitted to the RAE in this group are Dr M Chester and Dr J Davies. Four PhD students are associated with this group, two of whom are writing up their theses. This sub-group has as its main goal the evaluation of process, productivity and ethics in systems development. A second sub-group, under Prof. M Jackson, is known as SEED (Search Engine Evaluation and Design), which has as its main goal the construction of a next generation Web search engine. Progress so far has included the production of an automatic Web page classifier (reported at two WWW conferences and at the ACM digital libraries conference), a web page indexer built in persistent Java (reported at an OOPSLa workshop) and the design of a result visualisation technique (published at DEXA 2000 and WISE 2000). Four PhD students are associated with this group (three of whom are writing up their theses). SEED has recently (October 2000) attracted EU funding for its Webocracy project to evaluate the potential of the internet and WWW for supporting local democracy.

It is suggested that, from the Information Society Group, the work of Prof. Moreton, Dr Chester and Dr Davies should be evaluated by the Information Systems Sub-Panel.

The MIST research group, led by Prof. N Gough currently has eight PhD students, four of whom are writing up their PhD theses. Two of these are employed as Research Assistants and there is one additional vacant studentship. The group is carrying out research that involves applying AI and simulation tools in vision, multimedia and computer games. A notable achievement with potential applications in several areas was the implementation of a genetic algorithm on an Intel chip. In the vision area, a project carried out by Prof. Gough and Dr Mehdi in collaboration with Molynx plc developed the successful product SensUS for intelligent building surveillance. This was featured on Tomorrow's World and won prizes at the International Fire and Security Exhibition and Conference (IFSEC) and at IT European Awards. The experience gained has been applied recently by M Allen and Dr I Coulson to, for example, the problem of finding more efficient ways of scanning moving images in transmitted scenes. In the multimedia area W Dixon (Research Assistant) developed a multimedia interface for using AI tools and, with the support of Cincinnati Milacron, applied this to modelling of CNC machines. Based on extensive simulation experience gained in the area of autonomous vehicles and agents, the group has also developed expertise in the area of computer games: Prof. Gough and Dr Mehdi are collaborating with two major games companies (Infogrames Studios Ltd and Codemasters) on research to create the next generation of computer games involving intelligent games characters. Dr Griffiths (Research Fellow) recently left to take up a post with Codemasters. The MIST group also has a sub-group led by Dr A Sloane known CoNTACT that promotes research in communications, Networks, Telematics and Cooperative Technology. This has played an important role in European developments involving new home information system, electronic commerce, Internet broadcasting and network infrastructures. In future, the MIST group as a whole will focus on software development for intelligent multimedia systems with particular emphasis on computer games, vision processing and video camera applications.

In order to maintain the highest quality in the research projects within the school, all PhD students are equipped with suitable research methodology skills and knowledge through a programme of training provided under the supervision of academic staff who are experienced researchers. Each student is required to attend an appropriate programme of related studies, either specifically undertaken in support of the research or as an integrated programme of study, on which the candidate's performance is formally assessed, as approved by the School and University Research Committee. All research students are supervised by a team of staff to ensure continuity of supervision, extended discipline input and staff development. Since 1998, the University has operated a staff development programme for all new PhD supervisors, from which the School has benefited as part of its policy to bring younger members of staff into PhD supervision teams. These initiatives form key elements of the School's attempt to maintain an acceptable completion rate for post-graduate students. The procedures for monitoring the performance of MPhil/PhD students have been increasingly regulated and implemented by the School Research Committee (SRC). Decisions on student registration, transfer, suspension, extension and regular annual monitoring are taken at the SRC and reported to the University Research Committee. Currently, two students have submitted their theses and are revising them following the viva. Seven other students are writing up their PhDs in 2000/2001.

Funding for attendance at national, European and international research conferences has been provided to research and academic staff with papers accepted for presentation. The criterion for approval of funding is that a rigorous refereeing process was undertaken in the paper selection. During the present assessment period, each of the research groups has benefited from interacting with other researchers working at other national, European and international institutes.

Internal and External Collaboration

Prof. Moreton is actively collaborating in his research programme with Prof. Dr. H-D Knöll, of the University of Applied Sciences, Lüneburg who is also a Visiting Professor at Wolverhampton. Prof. Knöll is a long-time collaborator with the School and is a member of the supervision team of four current part-time research students. Six papers have been generated from this collaboration including: Pahnke C., Knöll H-D. and Moreton R., 'Managing Groupware Development Projects', Proceedings ETCE2000: Computers in Engineering Symposium, ER-10181, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000, ISBN 0-7918-1987-6 and Husein, T., Moreton, R., Sloane, A. and Knöll, H. D., 'A Process Improvement Framework for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises Taking in to Consideration Electronic Communication Technologies', in Information Systems - The Next Generation, Proceedings UKAIS'99, pp 416-428, York, 7-9 April 1999, McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-709538-8. Prof. Moreton has recently initiated a research project with colleagues at the University of Northern Illinois, USA in which outcomes from a UK project are to be validated in the US.

The SEED group collaborates with Glasgow University and Sun Microsystems, trialling Glasgow's persistent Java language PJama. Sun have donated a workstation worth £17,000 to assist in this effort. The SEED group is also working closely with the Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia and the University of Essen, Germany for its FP5 bid. Additionally a two-year collaboration with the Department of Computer Science at Napier University has enabled groups of students from the two departments to present their research work to each other at a week-long annual research seminar.

Dr Jenny Davies has close research links with Prof. Simon Rogerson of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility at De Montfort University, as indicated by the 4 papers submitted under her name for this submission.

Staffing Policy

The School has developed a staffing policy that aims to increase the number of staff directly involved in research activities and to establish a research career structure. This influences the recruitment of new staff with the capability to carry out research and helps to encourage younger members of staff to pursue their research interests. Hence, policies for promoting research have been built into the School’s annual staff appraisal system: staff are encouraged to bid for research allowances and funding for the forthcoming academic year. In 1999/00, 17 members of staff were formally allocated remission against their teaching timetable on the basis of their research activities and outcomes. Additionally funding was allocated for six members of staff to pursue PhD programmes, and two members of staff to pursue Masters degrees.

The School recognises that it has a high average age for the staff submitted for the RAE. There is a commitment to recruiting new blood academics who will contribute to the School’s research profile. However, as detailed in the next section, in the current buoyant market for Computing staff, our efforts to retain younger, emerging researchers are under continual review as such staff take advantage of opportunities elsewhere. In 1996, the School had 2 professors and eight staff with PhDs, currently this has risen to 3 professors and 12 staff with PhDs. Two members of staff left the School soon after obtaining their PhDs and two research students who were offered academic posts on completion of their PhDs accepted appointments at other Universities. A post-graduate research fellow left to take up a post with a commercial company which wished to exploit his research project. A key plank of the School’s staff retention policy is its ability to fund attendance at national and international conferences, as individuals are thus able to maintain and enhance the relevance of their academic and research interests. A second significant development has been the introduction of a University policy to offer sabbatical leave bursaries based on central funds to provide the necessary time for academic staff to complete their PhDs. The bursaries are competitively allocated on a University-wide basis. One member of staff has recently submitted his thesis as a result of this scheme. Two members of staff have been successful in their sabbatical applications for 2000/01. (It should be noted that one member of staff has obtained a PhD in each of the last 3 years.) The overall staffing policy during the present assessment period has successfully created a strong research culture within the School and led to the development of two productive research groups whose research output constitutes the current submission to UoA25. The future staffing policy aims at strengthening and broadening the collaboration between the research groups through new appointees with additional research profiles and complementary research experience.

Impact of staff departures

Since 1998, four younger members of staff and two researchers have moved to posts elsewhere. Whilst each of these people has been replaced, their successors (including three recent graduates and a post-graduate student) are still in the early stages of their research careers, although they undoubtedly have strong potential for the future. During 1998: Dr M Stephens, upon completing his PhD moved to a commercial organisation. Work following on from his PhD entitled 'An Investigation into the Planning, Organisation and Control of Rapid Software Development and Prototyping' contributed to Prof. Moreton’s sub-group. Currently, he and Prof. Moreton are working on a research project based in his current organisation (EDS). Mr J Wallis, who initially contributed strongly to Prof. Jackson's group and was working with Prof. Moreton also moved to a commercial organisation. The paper Moreton R. and Wallis J., 'Information Management and The World Wide Web: Reflections on the Experience of Managing a Large Institutional Website', Proceedings ETCE2000: Computers in Engineering Symposium, ER-10184, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000, ISBN 0-7918-1987-6 was the result of collaboration between the two Information Society sub-groups. During 1999 Dr D Lawrence upon completing his PhD moved to Middlesex University. Dr Lawrence is the joint author of one of Dr Sloane’s submitted papers and would have contributed other papers which he developed with other members of the School: for instance, Sloane A, Lawrence D and Harris A 'Video conferencing on the Internet: bridging the communications gap', presented at DSI 99 Athens. Two research students who successfully completed their PhDs were offered academic posts but declined for personal reasons. Dr Rahanu’s work 'The Development of a Case Based Reasoner to facilitate the understanding of the Ethical and Professional Issues involved with failed Information Systems Projects' supports the research activities of Dr J Davies. Dr Wang left to take up a post-doctoral research fellowship at the University of Surrey in an area of vision closely related to that carried out by the MIST group. During 2000 the post-doctoral research fellow Dr I Griffiths left to join the games company Codemasters, but he maintains strong links with the MIST group and is a member of the supervising team for a PhD in the application of AI in games development. This collaboration is expected to lead to funding for additional research studentships in the near future.

Thus, although several active research staff left during the assessment period they have retained strong collaborative links with the School.

University of Glamorgan_25 4 [33.2D]

The Computer Science Research Centre (CSRC) is a well established, coherent and increasingly substantial body of researchers committed to advancing knowledge in computer science and its inter-disciplinary applications. The University’s research strategy envisages a concentration upon ‘strategic’ and ‘applied’ research, in line with its mission, and actively promotes inter-disciplinary research. The strategy supports a highly selective development of research strengths and, following the 3a outcome in 1996, there has been strong central encouragement of the CSRC.

The CSRC already enjoys a vibrant research culture. Since 1996 our aim has been to greatly strengthen our national and international reputation for applied computing research so as to become a leading centre for inter-disciplinary research in the UK. New research areas have been developed in data compression, computer modelling and the application of meta-heuristic algorithms to radio frequency assignment and automated software testing. The CSRC’s research is divided into four sub-areas: Information Systems, Digital Imaging, Applications of Adaptive Algorithms and Computer Modelling. Substantial numbers of papers have been published in each sub-area in international journals and conferences and they have been cited widely.

The quality of our research has been recognised both nationally and internationally by the award of prizes, the number of collaborations with prestigious international universities and Research Institutes and the appointments of researchers to Journal Editorships and Editorial Panels.

The Development of Inter-disciplinary Research since 1996
We have enhanced both the quantity and quality of our research and the current submission covers the work of more than twice as many researchers as in 1996. Research output quality has been further improved, and is now concentrated in peer reviewed journals at the international and national level. There has been a fivefold increase in the number of higher degrees awarded; about 60% of our Doctoral graduates have taken up lectureships and post-Doctoral fellowships in Universities and the remainder have joined industry and research institutes across Europe. The six-fold increase in external income achieved the goal set in 1996. We were awarded two British Computer Society Medals in successive years (1996 and 1997) – a unique achievement for a British University.

Research in Glamorgan is organised by means of Research Units which are specialist groupings of researchers and which form the main thrust for advancing the University’s research culture. CSRC comprises Research Units from a wide range of disciplines reflecting its longstanding track-record in inter-disciplinary research with mathematics, medicine and sociology; important and exciting innovations since 1996 have been the development of inter-disciplinary links with electrical engineering and chemical physics. Our research has contributed, for example, to advances in radio frequency propagation and to our knowledge of the molecular structure of organic molecules as well as to Computer Science.

In 1996, our aims included the retention of new PhDs as post-Doctoral Assistants alongside new blood appointments. The successful implementation of that policy has contributed to the strength of this submission.

There has been a significant uptake of our research by industry and commerce. The Kane-Thompson Centre (KTC) for studies in information systems and information technology was established, as planned, with funding from the ERDF (£115k). One of the key aims of the KTC has been to build more effective links between IS academics and IS practitioners. The KTC has promoted this by providing IS/IT forums and seminars, briefing papers and work on research projects for its members. This activity is planned to continue in the future as the Glamorgan Information Systems Centre. An outstanding success for the University is that we have the largest number of Teaching Company Schemes of any University, demonstrating our commitment to technology transfer. Our research has been commercialised in spin-out companies and licensing agreements. The radio-frequency assignment work has expanded substantially with the production of software tools and fundamental models of radiowave propagation. This research is being exploited by the Swedish company, ComOpt, and by BAE SYSTEMS. Active participation in the National Radio Propagation Programme (NRPP) has ensured that the results of the research are widely disseminated to both users and service providers of mobile, internet and radio-communication services. As a result more efficient utilisation of the radio spectrum has been achieved. The MAPLEX automated cartography software was marketed by the spin-out company, HollyBush Software, which was sold to Environmental System Research Institute, California (ESRI), one of the 50 largest software companies in the world. A spin-out company to market a miniature version of the MAVIS wound measurement instrument is being developed with Scientific Generics (Cambridge). MAVIS is in use in several UK, Scandinavian, American and German hospitals and research institutes. We have developed and currently maintain the GNU Modula-2 compiler. Our Centre for Electronic Product Engineering is recognised as a Centre of Expertise by the WDA and has played a key role in transferring electronic and computing technology to Welsh industry. It was involved in projects totalling £2.2M in value over the RAE period; funding was provided mainly by the DTI and Europe and is in addition to the income quoted in RA4.

The research of each sub-area will now be described.

1. Information Systems (IS)
The bulk of the IS research is in Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The GIS group was established some 20 years ago and has developed highly successful lines of research as well as introducing new areas of activity and new collaborations. Notable progress was made in the areas of terrain modelling for visualisation (National Windpower £18k: Kidner), radio wave propagation and compression techniques for spatial data. We have pioneered the application of triangulated spatial data models for multi-scale databases and map generalisation and provided the first examples of dynamic graphical conflict resolution using various optimisation techniques. Our work on qualitative spatial reasoning has led to a general formalism for data integration and the handling of imprecise knowledge, and the development of a model for spatio-temporal reasoning to support enquiries on pattern and causality. The research was supported by two NERC grants (£130k: C.B.Jones). The Maplex software project was awarded a BCS Medal in 1997. Two new professorial appointments (Higgs and Taylor) have already resulted in additional active project collaborators within the UK (Leeds and Newcastle Universities), Europe and the USA (Nevada University).

In a wider context, the discipline of Information Systems (IS) has focussed on the study of the application of information technology in organisations and society. Beynon-Davies and Blyth’s research covers the areas of strategic data planning, data management for healthcare, IS failure, the application of ethnography within IS development, IS security, responsibility modelling, and IS Evaluation.

In 1995 the ESRC awarded a grant (£62k: Beynon-Davies, Tudhope with the Open University) for an ethnographic study of prototyping practice in information systems development which has resulted in a significant number of publications for this RAE period. Blyth has been funded on a BT fellowship (£6k) and obtained £100k from DERA for four information security projects.

The Hypermedia group was awarded EPSRC funding (£121k in 2000: Tudhope and Cunliffe) to investigate the use of semantic structure and similarity measures for navigation and making queries in hypermedia systems. The project is in collaboration with the National Science Museum, the Museum Documentation Association (MDA), JP Getty Trust and the Canadian Heritage Information Network. This research has also contributed to the cultural heritage application domain through numerous publications including guidelines for MDA thesaurus construction projects. The group’s collaborative work with GIS inspired a workshop at the British Museum on GIS for museums, a session on geographic access to cultural heritage at ICHIM'97 and a research visit to FORTH in Heraklion. The unit has collaborated with related applied projects, such as the JISC DNER project on networked educational use of video (£328k for a consortium led by Glamorgan’s Library) which shares an emphasis on metadata for multimedia resource discovery and the EC funded Graduate Teleworking Initiative to enable multimedia graduates to set up their own businesses. Recent staff appointments have opened up other research areas, such as educational hypermedia authoring tools.

In 1997, the New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia moved to Glamorgan (Tudhope editor and Cunliffe associate editor). Founded in 1989, its editorial board spans the leading international centres for hypermedia research. Glamorgan editorial strategy has implemented quality reviews of key research strands, including multimedia evaluation, adaptive hypermedia and open hypermedia systems.

2. Digital Imaging
Research in Digital Imaging has expanded since 1996 to include the analysis of medical infrared images (B.F.Jones and Plassmann) and the compression of both video (Jiang, Feng and Reddy) and terrain elevation data (Smith and Kidner).

A substantial innovation has been the rapid increase in the volume of work in the area of data compression. Jiang’s work centres on low bit-rate image/video compression and lossless/near lossless high bit-rate data compression. His achievements have been (a) the world’s first parallel design of arithmetic coding; (b) image indexing in the compressed data domain rather than in the original pixel domain, from which he pioneered a new area of research on image processing directly on libraries of compressed images and videos; this will have a significant impact on future digital media computing; (c) a new efficient parallel DCT algorithm, which is an important element in most of image/video compression such as JPEG, MPEG and H.263 international standards; (d) a high performance, low cost, near lossless image compression algorithm with automatic rate control. Part of the work is funded by the Information and Library Commission (£92k).

The Medical Imaging group specialises in the analysis of skin images both in the visible for the measurement and assessment of chronic leg wounds and in the infrared for physiological assessments. B.F.Jones, Plassmann and R.J.Williams collaborate with a network of clinicians and at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Bath and the Wound Healing Research Unit, University of Wales College of Medicine. B.F.Jones and Plassmann have developed an instrument, MAVIS, that allows clinicians to monitor the slow progress of healing by measuring the dimensions of wounds using structured light techniques. The MAVIS project was awarded a BCS medal in 1996. R.J.Williams has obtained support from EPSRC (£51k) and Smith and Nephew plc (£85k) to measure sub-bandage pressures to promote more effective wound healing.

Plassmann has developed a software package BTHERM which captures and analyses infrared images of the skin. B.F.Jones, Plassmann and Ring have presented a series of papers at the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conferences. They are members of an international network of specialists in infrared imaging in medicine and collaborate with researchers in the USA (Falls Church, New York, Washington, DC), Poland (Lodz), Austria (Vienna) as well as the UK. The National Technology Transfer Center, Washington, DC, funded the production of an archive of the pioneering work in thermal imaging in medicine and the Glamorgan web site is the international resource for this information.

3. Applications of adaptive algorithms.
Research has thrived in applying Adaptive Algorithms (mainly genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and artificial neural networks) to an increasing range of domains.

Since 1996, Radio Frequency Assignment has been a major research area. It encompasses the development of both meta-heuristic algorithms for frequency assignment and techniques for evaluating the algorithms and the assignments obtained using them. The Universities of Glamorgan (Smith) and Cardiff (S. Hurley) collaborate in this work, with three externally funded research fellows based at Glamorgan and Cardiff. Two other research fellows have worked at Glamorgan between 1996 and 2000 and a research student has joined the group at Glamorgan.

As a result of this increased level of activity, the group has developed a reputation internationally and nationally as the leading group working in algorithms in this area. Of particular note is the recognition of the package FASoft of meta-heuristic algorithms (developed by Glamorgan and Cardiff) as the leading software package for frequency assignment. FASoft has been used by the group to solve the standard benchmark problems for mobile telephone networks, which had remained unsolved for nearly 25 years.

The group has received funding (with Cardiff) for four projects from the UK Radiocommunications Agency. As a result of this work Glamorgan was selected by BAE SYSTEMS and DERA Malvern to research frequency assignment algorithms suitable for a new communication system under development for the British Army. DERA at Defford have agreed to fund a research student to extend the work to satellite systems.

Additionally, Glamorgan was selected by ComOpt AB, a Swedish company supplying software to some 20 international mobile telephone companies, to research improved techniques for frequency assignment. The group also received research grant funding from EPSRC for a research fellow for two years. This joint project was administered by Glamorgan and provided funding for a research fellow for Glamorgan/ Cardiff and a research fellow for Royal Holloway, University of London. The final report on this project for the Glamorgan/Cardiff contribution was rated as alpha 4 and assessed as having made a "very significant contribution to the field", with management and use of resources classed as "excellent". An EPSRC ROPA project on frequency hopping has started recently.

Eyres and B.F.Jones have pioneered the use of meta-heuristic algorithms for the automation of software test data generation (evolutionary testing). Genetic algorithms have been used to derive tests automatically to cover the functionality and structure of software, to seek specific faults and to determine extreme execution times. The techniques for the last were developed through funding from the Correct Systems group of Daimler Chrysler who use these techniques routinely in their Berlin Laboratories to test real-time control systems. B.F.Jones is a member of the steering group of an EPSRC funded network (SEMINAL) of university and industrial research groups to develop and promote the use of meta-heuristic algorithms in software engineering.

Morris has applied neural networks to the identification and classification of the biological specimens. The biological domain poses particular problems for automated identification and classification in that in addition to the natural variation between samples, samples may also be damaged leading to missing or erroneous parameters. Radial Basis Function neural networks have been used to identify marine phytoplankton from flow cytometry data. Solutions have been developed for dealing with missing data, rejection of unknown species and estimation of populations from mixed samples. This work has been funded by the EU and NERC and has resulted in a system that is undergoing field trials. The work in this area has been supported by collaboration with University of Cardiff, Plymouth Marine Laboratories, University of Exeter and also European partners.

Wilcox has developed neural networks for use in instrumentation and control systems for wastewater treatment and combustion processes. Recently completed projects include one study funded by the European Union and one by a UK charity. One of these projects has resulted in the development of a control system for wastewater treatment using a sensor previously developed in the University. The research in this area has attracted international recognition. Other areas of applied research into neural networks include the reduction of gaseous pollution - work that has attracted considerable external funding from the European Union and British industries as well as the prediction of cutting tool wear in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University.

J.A.Ware has enhanced existing neural network techniques to problems in industry, the health sector, and commerce. Since 1997, he has collaborated with the University of Wales Hospital, Heraklion University, Crete, and researchers in Romania to enhance magnetic resonance imaging systems. The purpose of this research was to interpret medical images for earlier diagnosis and treatment. Another project involved the comparative study of residential valuation techniques and the development of a house price modelling system. The work was in collaboration with the Halifax Building Society and partially funded by an ESRC ROPA award. A third project was the optimisation of work roll profiles in hot strip steel mills. The results obtained from this work gave significant commercial benefits and consequently Metrology Systems Wales have agreed to fund a further PhD studentship. This new studentship will enable the prototype already developed to be progressed to the stage where it will be integrated into the actual environment of a hot roll mill.

4. Computer Modelling
There has been a substantial increase in our research into the use of numerical methods to model the performance of a variety of systems.

Ryley, Perkins and Smith analysed the susceptibility to error of magnetic and optical storage devices when operating in hostile environments. Data compression techniques that are robust in the presence of uncorrected errors have been developed and have generated international interest.

Rees and Evans have developed a GUI-based tool that allows system testing, analysis and modelling to be conducted within a single integrated environment and have evolved computer algorithms that enable the design of multisine test signals for testing both linear and Volterra non-linear systems. The group collaborates with Rolls Royce plc, the University of Sheffield and the University of Birmingham. Significant progress has been achieved in devising efficient methods for the estimation of parametric and non-parametric models, enabling accurate computer models to cover the turbine operating range. The conclusions from this joint programme recommended that the frequency-domain estimation techniques demonstrated by the University of Glamorgan should replace the existing ‘wobble test’ techniques used by Rolls Royce.

George and B.F.Jones have collaborated since 1996 on the computation of molecular structures that have helped in the interpretation of experimental infrared spectra. A successful application was made for EPSRC support via a consortium, including George, leading to an award of £563,165 from Nov 1996 to Nov 2002 to use High Performance Computing facilities at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory for these computations. The Glamorgan contribution centred on "Ab Initio Studies of Hydrogen Bonding". The strategic importance of this work is the improvement in the analysis and control of many industrial and biological processes including those associated with genetics and reproduction when understood at the molecular level. A paper describing the work has been accepted and is scheduled for publication in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in December, 2001.

Research in both GIS and Radio Frequency Assignment has been complemented by models and measurements of radiowave propagation. The future of computer communications and networks is wireless, and radio links will be needed to provide the high capacity networks required by multimedia and internet services where combinations of fixed and mobile, terrestrial and satellite, point-to-point and broadcast systems are used to provide connectivity. The increase in the deployment and geographical density of radio services results in higher risks of radio interference. Our radio network systems planning tools must be underpinned by radio propagation models, whose accuracy and performance can be established using a combination of analytical methods, simulations and experimental measurements. Hammoudeh has modelled mobile radio propagation in the millimetre band using ray tracing algorithms. Otung has simulated fluctuations in satellite beacon propagation. Al-Nuaimi’s work has provided valuable insight into the complex processes involved in the interaction between radio propagation modes and the physical environment, especially in urban centres.

Al-Nuaimi’s work in mobile radio, millimetre wave systems and satellite communications has been funded by the Radiocommunications Agency (RA) of the DTI, BT and the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), and EPSRC. He has collaborated with the University of Eindhoven (Netherlands), the Polytechnic Universities of Madrid and Vigo (Spain), RA, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and DERA.

Staffing policy
Several new blood appointments have been made including three Professors of international standing. Jiang was appointed as Professor of Data Compression; he has published more than 70 refereed research papers since 1996 in international conferences and journals. The appointments of Higgs and Taylor to Chairs in GIS have broadened and strengthened the work in that area. Feng has joined Jiang’s group from Hong Kong Baptist University.

Fundamental to our strategy for promoting a culture of research in Computer Science is the support and encouragement given to young researchers. Four full-time post-Doctoral Research Assistants (Perkins, Plassmann, Cunliffe and J.M.Ware) were promoted to Lectureships, and El Geresy, Allen, T.D.Jones, Angel and Edirisinghe were appointed as post-Doctoral Research Assistants on the award of their Doctorates. They are developing their own independent lines of research which will be supported by the provision of equipment and Research Studentships. The CSRC has a broad age profile with young researchers in their late twenties working alongside those who have achieved eminence in their field, including three with a DSc. This blend of youth and experience ensures the future vitality of our computer science research.
The successful progression of our young researchers is the result of our thorough Research Methodology training programme for Research Students and of the careful monitoring of their progress. B.F.Jones co-ordinates the administration of research, including the implementation of the QAA Code of Practice for assuring quality in the provision of post-graduate research programmes. Every candidate for a research studentship is interviewed by at least two experienced researchers and offers are made for students to take on clearly defined research projects. A Director of Studies and a second supervisor are allocated to each student; the supervision team must have experience in successful supervisions and often includes advisors with specialist experience – an important provision given the inter-disciplinary nature of much of our work. Each student is interviewed annually by two experienced, independent researchers to monitor progress and to resolve any issue raised by the student. A Counsellor has been appointed to act as a mentor to individual Research Students and a Forum established to discuss general issues. Students regularly report progress in their projects at CSRC research seminars. These seminars provide an opportunity for internal and external speakers to address the school on current research issues.

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Our research is organised in two loosely coupled, umbrella groups.

· Intelligent Systems, led by Susan Craw, delivers advanced knowledge engineering tools. They are applied to real problems in industry, particularly pharmaceuticals and oil-related engineering. Genetic algorithms are also explored, both formally, and practically for prediction in oil exploration, and planning in medical and agricultural domains.

The Knowledge Based Systems group from RAE96 is at the centre of this larger grouping but its emphasis on knowledge has widened to incorporate intelligence more generally, and now also includes GAs. The RAE96 Formal Methods work also appears here since it concentrates on the formal understanding of GAs.

Interactive Systems, led by David Harper, creates novel web services and advanced web-based systems. A major focus is customizable and adaptive information services and environments, which leverage expertise in information retrieval, advanced text processing and highly interactive interfaces.

This group has evolved from the Information Retrieval group in RAE96. The emphasis has moved to web-based sources for retrieval and exploits powerful user interfaces for specialised applications including medical information systems and virtual environments.

Our research has matured since 1996. Annual external funding of £30K in RAE96 has grown steadily to £130K, with both groups benefitting from EPSRC and TCS awards. A regular pattern of PhD registrations and completions, together with a small EPSRC quota, is evidence of a small but thriving body of research students. Our researchers also achieved increasing prominence:

· Craw and Harper's established international reputations are evidenced by significant EPSRC and industrial funding, quality publications spanning their research activity, sabbatical visits to world-class groups, and increasing prominence in the organisation of major conferences;

· Goker, McCall, Richardson and Teahan are becoming internationally known with EPSRC, SHEFC and Nuffield funding, invited papers and increasing roles in conference management;

· Compatangelo and Noble have a secure publishing record and are recognised as promising new researchers by EPSRC, Nuffield and Royal Society grants; and

· Arana, Boswell, Brown and Elder demonstrate national excellence by regularly publishing in well-known journals and established conferences.

Intelligent Systems Group

The Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) subgroup focuses on knowledge engineering tools for the development and maintenance of Knowledge Based Systems.

Knowledge representation and reasoning research develops models of physical [Ara3] and medical [Ara1] systems, and business environments [Com3]. Arana's knowledge analysis methodology concentrates on the capture and normalisation of re-design knowledge thus enabling the efficient re-use of past experience [Ara2]. Her reasoning system uses constraint satisfaction techniques in order to support the redesign of manufacturing articles [Ara3]. Compatangelo's work focuses on the conceptual design of computer-based systems, information systems and enterprise models. A description logics representation captures the conceptual schema, an associated methodology assists the building of a knowledge base, and a knowledge management tool realises the approach [Com1,Com2]. His approach will be further developed in a new EPSRC-funded project.

Craw and Boswell's knowledge refinement research applies machine learning in automated knowledge engineering tools that assist the development and maintenance of KBS. The approach of their EPSRC project is distinctive in providing a generic framework from which to assemble refinement tools for specific KBSs [Cra1,Cra2,Bos4]. In addition to the standard use of refinement tools for debugging, Craw and Boswell were first to recognise the importance of refinement for the task of KBS maintenance [Bos1], now recognised to be substantial. More recently, Craw's attention is turning to automated knowledge engineering for case-based reasoning (CBR) systems. This EPSRC project focuses on acquiring and refining the retrieval and adaptation knowledge used by CBR [Cra3], rather than simply relying on acquiring new case knowledge. Papers on adaptation are accepted for IJCAI 2001 and ICCBR 2001.

The KBS research is well-supported by EPSRC funding and links with industry. We seek further research funding to build novel tools that ease the development of complex knowledge-based software. Existing tools are ready to be deployed by knowledge engineers developing applications [Ara4], and software houses specialising in knowledge management [Bos2].

The Computational Intelligence subgroup tackles real-life complex optimisation problems not amenable to traditional analytical techniques.

McCall's Oncology Workbench (described later under Medical Informatics) optimises cancer chemotherapy treatments [McC2, McC3] where the Genetic Algorithm (GA) fitness comes from mathematical models of tumours developed by one of our mathematicians. The TAIGA project spans the divide between GA theory and applications, blending McCall's background in mathematics and experience of GA applications with Brown's expertise in formal methods and functional programming. It provides a generic library that is used for the rapid development of GAs, and as a tool to support a better understanding of GA theory. This library has been used to develop a GA for analysing well-log data [Bro2], and to gain a better understanding of GA implementations [Bro1]. Other GA projects include Elder's work on multi-objective land-use planning [Eld1].

We are keen to convert internal pump-priming funding for our GA work into external sponsorship exploiting the uptake of our multi-disciplinary work with the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute [Eld4] and an expert geologist in the oil industry [Bro2].

Interactive Systems Group

The Information Retrieval subgroup targets the effective delivery and presentation of information, by developing highly interactive and customizable web retrieval services for end-users.

Harper's emphasis is on IR systems that provide powerful and effective user interaction. Fireworks is an architecture for implementing extensible information-seeking environments [Har2], from which SketchTrieve, a highly innovative search environment for end-users, was developed [Har1]; SketchTrieve features as an exemplar in Hearst's chapter of a recent major IR textbook. The EPIC image retrieval system implements a novel spatial indexing and retrieval model [Har3].

The spiralling usage of the Web has focussed attention on personalised, intelligent, adaptive information retrieval systems. The large scale challenge of Web-based retrieval is tackled by Harper's new "mediated access" approach for structuring and searching the Web. This research was funded by Ubilab IT Research Laboratory, Union Bank of Switzerland (as was Fireworks), and the resulting WebCluster system has been integrated within Ubilab's Informia.

Goker's Context Learner for Okapi [Gok2] highlighted the need for user-adaptive IR systems, a popular topic of recent specialised workshops [Gok4]. Her newly started EPSRC project is analysing real-life Web user queries to detect relevant patterns for exploitation by incremental learning algorithms [Gok1]. Access to Reuters' intranet user data under a collaborative agreement enhances this research.

Teahan applies text compression in a novel form of text mining where compression rates inform the matching between text sources. His models achieve state-of-the-art performance in language and dialect identification [Tea3], Chinese word segmentation [Tea1], and produce an estimate of the entropy of English that is closest to Shannon's (1951) famous human-based estimate [Tea4]. Recent joint work with Harper applies text mining to choose the best compression model for a document, and has appeared in Proc. IEEE Data Compression 2001.

Richardson's research is concerned with the effective delivery of Web-based material and communications via digital networks. Novel algorithms have improved the quality of coded video under poor network transmission conditions [Ric1,Ric2]. Work on resource-efficient software video coding [Ric3] led to the development of a successful commercial CODEC and Richardson's position as director of a video communications software company.

The IR subgroup has been supported largely by industrial funding, and recently by EPSRC. We seek EPSRC and EU grants to extend our research in web-based searching using collaborative, intelligent agents, and to apply language modelling to various IR processes.

The Medical Informatics subgroup provides novel means of interaction with medical information.

Practising oncologists have found McCall's Oncology Workbench easy to use as a decision support system for designing, evaluating and optimising novel chemotherapeutic treatments [McC1]. The industrial relevance of the Oncology Workbench is demonstrated by funding from EPSRC JREI, SGI and the cancer charity Tenovus Scotland, and venture capital for commercial exploitation is now being sought. The role of the Oncology Workbench for computer assisted learning (CAL) is being exploited in a SHEFC funded project to develop a Web-based CAL Authoring Mini-Engine collaboratively with Glasgow College of Art and Aberdeen University's MediCAL. Richardson's work in optimising video compression has been applied to telemedicine and the delivery of CAL systems [Ric4]; this also led to SHEFC-funded work with Aberdeen University's MediCAL and CLUES units.

Noble's research in virtual sculpting provides a novel form of interactive system and the models it uses has potential for medical systems; work at the Gait Analysis Lab explores body modelling applications. With his virtual sculpting tool, a user sculpts a flexible object as if it were real. The sculpted effect is realistic, but furthermore, the shape remains sensible during the animation [Nob1]. A new way of sculpting NURBS surfaces uses a Free-Form Deformation mesh [Nob2].

The medical informatics group intends to combine its modelling and visualisation skills with new skills in communications technologies to make further advances in telemedicine and CAL.

Research Ethos

A regular programme of weekly seminars provides a forum for invited external speakers. In addition, the various subgroups hold regular focus meetings which target specific research topics, balancing reviews of key papers with brainstorming sessions on particular challenges. We also hold an annual two day Research Retreat at a local country house. These retreats resulted in new research alliances, a focussing of research strategy, and dissemination of useful research practice and software tools. These also provide an informal forum to promote new research projects.

All research-active staff benefit from a research allowance that offers a partial buy-out from teaching and administration. The regular research allowance is 10%; an enhanced allowance of 20% is awarded to new staff and very active researchers. Activity is reviewed each year and the allowance adjusted. Additional allowances of 10% are given for PhD supervision and the management of projects. Annual staff appraisals explore the personal plans and aspirations of all staff, together with infrastructure needs and staff development requests.

We are particularly supportive of new staff. The enhanced research allowance is awarded without penalty for the first 2 years. Departmental pump-priming funding is earmarked for research projects for new staff; these are awarded on a competitive basis. Within the first 2 years of appointment we aim to give each new research-active staff member a PhD student or RA/RF. We provide appropriate assistance with supervision and all new staff are assigned a mentor.

We target university and departmental research funding at individuals. Our researchers were very successful in the last two competitive rounds for the University's Research Development Grant: pump-priming funding for 3 projects (£96K) and partial buyouts for 5 research-active staff (£42K). We devote approximately £60K p.a. of departmental RAE research funding as pump-priming for RA/RF projects with new staff, and to finance sabbaticals for research leaders. This is in addition to a quota of internally funded PhD studentships.

We value our contract researchers and research students, providing them with the same research environment and support as research-active staff. All conference costs are automatically covered when actively contributing to a conference. Offices are organised according to themes to provide a self-supporting environment and infrastructure for research staff and students. A weekly social event encourages informal discussions between research groups.

Research students are well supported by 2+ supervisors and benefit from a 2-day induction course, research methods and career planning workshops, and an active research student association. Their progress is effectively monitored by an initial proposal, a full proposal to achieve the MPhil/PhD transfer, and annual reports documenting progress towards objectives. Industrial relevance is recognised by encouraging proposals to include a collaborating body; this has led to further collaboration and funded projects. The quality of our PhD output is evidenced by 2 recent graduates as staff members in 5-rated departments (Dundee & Glasgow).

Research Management

We apply a light approach. Our research is managed by 3 coordinators: Craw (research) develops strategy and advises young researchers; Harper (research students) manages PhD recruitment and monitors progress; McCall (industry) promotes our research with a view to building strong industrial links. All researchers are represented on the School Research Committee, and at University level, Craw and Harper represent us on the Research and Research Degrees Committees respectively. Our Dean is the Assistant Principal responsible for research and the Research Office provides administrative services.

Staffing policy

Our staffing structure allows a proportional quota of senior lecturers, with research promotions to reader and professor at discretionary grades. Our research gains are recognised in promotions: Craw to Reader and then Professor; Arana, Brown and McCall to Senior Lecturer. Harper was a Professor throughout. Our relatively short history of research results in only some lecturing appointments targetting research active staff; we have no teaching assistant post. Recent appointments sought candidates whose research fits existing groups. The School is currently seeking several new research-active staff and a new Head.

Most contract researchers are postdoctoral RFs. Postgraduate RAs are encouraged to register for a PhD, and upgraded to RF on completion. We occasionally appoint short-term Research Associates for externally funded MSc projects and school-funded or Nuffield (2000) summer undergraduate research projects.

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The School of Information and Communications Technology was formed in August 2000 from the Department of Computing and Information Systems and the Department of Electronic Engineering and Physics. The staff grouping corresponding to that submitted in the 1996 RAE to UoA 25 is split in this submission between UoA 25 and UoA 61: the comparable number of staff entered has risen from 9 to 16.

The University has encouraged the formation of research groups which has resulted in the researchers in UoA 25 forming one large unit: the Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit. The work included under this heading covers intelligent and interactive systems, artificial neural networks, artificial life, evolutionary computation and complexity, and statistical signal processing. Current work corresponding to the two other topics from the 1996 submission (Organisational Information Systems, and Environments for Collaborative Work) is submitted in UoA 61. The UoA 25 section of the School includes 8 academic staff including two new staff.

The University’s Research Board organises seminars and training intended to help new researchers. New staff undertake an induction programme and are given a mentor and a reduced loading of non-research duties to encourage their research.

The Head of School coordinates research activity in the School, with the assistance of a research committee comprising all active researchers in the School. Matters such as the above policy and the prioritisation of bids for School and University funding are discussed and decided by this committee. The School encourages all staff to participate in research, and provides funding for attendance at conferences to present academic papers. For academic posts, it is regarded as essential to have research expertise, some University-level teaching experience, and a good fit with the School’s subject areas. All recent appointees have a significant record of accomplishment in research and thus contribute to the School’s current research foci. For internal promotion, the candidate’s research accomplishment represents one of the main criteria, and it is rare for promotions to take place without it. Studentships are funded at University and School level as an addition to the studentships supported by EPSRC and other external sources.

The School currently has 14 full-time research students in this UoA, including five self-funding international students attracted by the School’s research in this UoA. (A sixth such student has just completed.) It is noteworthy that 5 PhD awards were made in 2000.

Research seminars related to UoA 25 work have been held in semester time, on a fortnightly basis since 1996, weekly since 1999. In addition to encouraging participation in appropriate conferences, the School supports students’ attendance at summer schools. In 1998, 4 research students attended a summer school on Bayesian methods in Cambridge, and in 1999, 3 research students attended a summer school on an Introduction to Neural Methods at the Gatsby Institute, University of London.

The University and School actively encourage collaboration with other research institutions and participation in project consortia, through provision of travel expenses and relief from other duties. The School currently has two visiting professors (from Hong Kong University and from Université de Caen) each of whom have visited for several weeks to date to give seminars and meet individually with research staff and students. The School has a strategy in place for increasing the number of externally funded projects, by using applications for such funding as a criterion for University funding.

The School hosted an international conference in 2000: the Second International Computer Science Conventions Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (EIS2000), chaired by Fyfe. Paisley staff are often invited to join the programme and scientific committees of international conferences and journals (see RA6). Invitations were accepted to send visiting professors or researcher fellows to several national and international researcher centres including

· the Salk Institute, San Diego (including a visit of 3 months)
· the Riken Institute, Tokyo (including a visit of 6 months),
· the Helsinki University of Technology (including a visit of 6 months),
· the Chinese University of Hong Kong (including a visit of 3 months)
· the University of Vigo, Spain

Interdisciplinary research is also encouraged. A current project uses statistical signal processing to investigate the depth of anaesthesia of medical patients and a second project is studying artificial life methods in econometrics. Since RAE 1996 the group has had a presence in Adaptive Speech Enhancement and in Digital Signal Processing applied to Hearing Aid research. These areas of research are aligned with Foresight objectives in the "IT & Electronics" and "Communications" programmes, and specifically relate to Communication with Machines (speech and language), and improving "Quality of Life" for various population groups.

The School publishes its own research journal, Computing and Information Systems (ISSN 1352-9404), of which three issues have appeared per year since 1994, and an occasional series of Technical Reports, which started in 1998. These publications act as vehicles for first publication and for publishing experimental results that do not fit into journal articles because of space constraints. These are published electronically, see, and are available through subscription agencies: direct sales include subscriptions in Mexico, Sri Lanka and Germany. In 2000 an extra issue of Computing and Information Systems (Vol 7 no 3) was published for articles from the Université de Caen. The remaining 3 issues in vol. 7 contained 15 articles contributed by authors from 8 countries and including 8 articles in the Computational Intelligence field. A further 3 articles in Computational Intelligence appeared in the first issue of vol. 8 (2001).

8 Computing and Information Systems Technical Reports (ISSN 1461-6122) appeared in 2000. The full list is included here to indicate the content: see the URL above. This series is frequently used as a preprint medium.

M. A. Girolami: Kernel Based Clustering and Visualisation in Feature Space (January 2000) (18 pp). This paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (No 1 ranked journal in Computer Science: Theory & Methods).
R. Rosipal, M. A. Girolami, L. J. Trejo: Kernel PCA for Feature Extraction and De-Noising in Non-linear Regression (February 2000) (17 pp). This paper is to appear in Neural Computing and Applications (a Springer-Verlag journal).
A. Vinokourov, M. A. Girolami: A Probabilistic Hierarchical Clustering Method for Organising Collections of Text Documents (March 2000) (15 pp)
A. Kabán, M. A. Girolami: A Combined Latent Class and Trait Model for the Analysis and Visualization of Discrete Data (April 2000) (31 pp). This paper is to appear in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (No 4 ranked journal in Engineering: Electrical and Electronic).
Pei-Ling Lai: Neural Implementations of Canonical Correlation Analysis (June 2000) (Thesis: 124 pp).
Mark Girolami: A Variational Method for Learning Sparse and Overcomplete Representations (July 2000) (17 pp). This paper is to appear in Neural Computation (No 1 ranked journal in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence).
Daniel Jack Livingstone: Neutral Evolution and Linguistic Diversity (August 2000) (11 pp).
Ata Kabán, Mark Girolami: Unsupervised Topic Separation and Keyword Identification in Document Collections: A Projection Approach (August 2000) (24 pp).
Dymitr Ruta, Bogdan Gabrys: A theoretical analysis of the limits of majority voting errors for multiple classifier systems (December 2000) (20 pp).
Roman Rosipal, Leonard J. Trejo, and Andrzej Cichocki: Kernel Principal Component Regression with EM Approach to Nonlinear Principal Components Extraction (December 2000) (42 pp).

Externally Funded Projects

The following grants have been gained since 1996:

1. Campbell was awarded an EPSRC Cross-band grant (GR/L51652) for £111K for 1998-2001.
2. Campbell has received travel grants totalling £4000 from sources including the Royal Academy of Engineering (twice), and the Royal Society.
3. Campbell was awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship 1996-1998.
4. Girolami was awarded £32k by the British Library (2000-2002) for a research project "An Investigation into Potential Improvements of Dynamic Online Information Access by Employing Novel Computational Intelligence Techniques“ (RE/092). The output of this research has attracted further private funding from a well-established company in database and information retrieval technology. Productisation and commercialisation of some information filtering models and currently underway; further applications to EPSRC are also under consideration.
5. Girolami’s studentship "Investigating interference cancellation in speaker dependent biometrics“ was funded by NCR Ltd (to 1997).
6. Girolami has established a consortium of companies including NTL and Memex to extend this work in the domain of fraud detection and analysis. The resulting proposal has been shortlisted by DTI/EPSRC.
7. PowerGen Plc awarded Girolami three years partial funding of a PhD student whose thesis title is "Discrimination of novel and novel complex normal behaviour in large rotodynamic machines“. POWERGEN, Computer Science Research Centre, Project, Intelligent Screening of Data from Large Roto-Dynamic Machines: Non-linear Regression Employing Latent Variables. ERCOS funded project in collaboration with Dr. Ian Mayes. June 1999. A further fully-funded studentship began in February 2001 on a similar topic.
8. Fyfe is Scientific Collaborator on a NASA Project "Precision Mining of Large Spectral Data Volumes for Rapid Identification of Planetary Resources“ and will visit Rice University for 1 week in 2001 on this project.
9. Gabrys gained an award of £2200 from The Nuffield Foundation for a project entitled: "Development of Hyperbox Fuzzy Sets Based Pattern Recognition Techniques Involving Missing Data, Data Fusion and Hierarchical Systems".

Development of Research

Much of the growth of the group has been due to the increase in membership of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) section: in 1995, it consisted of one person, Fyfe, whose PhD, completed in 1995, provided the inspiration for three of the subsequent PhDs at the University. Fyfe’s PhD thesis is mainly an analytical investigation into ANNs that perform the statistical technique of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). However, a final chapter, mirrored in a well-cited paper by Fyfe and Baddeley (1995), extends this network so that it is capable of performing Exploratory Projection Pursuit (EPP). This idea was enthusiastically developed by Girolami in his PhD (supervised by Fyfe at the University of Paisley) when he applied the technique to Independent Component Analysis (ICA), the extraction of independent source signals from a linear mixture of such sources.

Girolami completed his PhD in 2 years and 4 months, in 1997. In 1998 he published frequently cited papers that provided a generalisation of the ICA algorithm of A. J. Bell and T. Sejnowski (1995), and published further papers jointly with them and T.W. Lee in 1999 and 2000. These results have wide application but their first use was to remove interference from ocular and muscular signals in electroencephalographs so successfully that he became a visiting researcher at the Salk Institute, and he and Fyfe both became visiting researchers at the Riken Institute. Co-authors S. I. Amari and A. Cichocki are directors of research at Riken, and a student of Girolami (Rosipal) was one of only 2 UK PhD students selected in 2000 for Riken’s BSI summer intern programme to work in Amari’s laboratory. An extension of this work to nonlinear component analysis, by Rosipal and Girolami has now (2001) been published in Neural Computation (MIT Press).

A second modification to the PCA networks in Fyfe’s thesis is to apply a rectification to the weights in the ANN. Fyfe showed analytically that under certain assumptions about the source distributions, this led to extraction of independent sources. Charles (again supervised by Fyfe at the University of Paisley and funded by the University) developed this idea and linked the resulting networks to the statistical technique of Factor Analysis. Charles now supervises two research students, both funded by the University, who are again extending this work using wavelet bases on video data.

A new area of research was developed in Pei-Ling Lai’s PhD which investigated Canonical Correlation Neural Networks which extract the joint correlations (sometimes even mutual information) between pairs of data streams. Lai was a self-funded student supervised by Fyfe. Her PhD was completed in 2 years 8 months, and Zhenkun Gou, another self-funding student supervised by Fyfe, is currently extending the work.

Fyfe also developed research into modifying Hebbian learning itself by considering the noise distribution of the data set. MacDonald is currently completing the writing up of his PhD dissertation in which he has applied this concept to EPP networks. MacDonald has been much in demand at ANN conferences that have sessions on remote sensing and we anticipate that he will complete his PhD by the summer. It is worth noting that McGlinchey, McKay and MacDonald were all undergraduate students of Fyfe and all enjoyed final year Honours projects with him. McGlinchey’s PhD was funded by EPSRC, while the other two students had their PhD projects funded either by the University or the School.

A final area of research has been in the use of ANN’s for prediction: Shang-Jen Chuang, a self-funded student from Taiwan, is currently waiting to make his oral defence of his dissertation and Ying Han, a self-funded student from China, has begun to extend this work; she already has 4 papers published, one of which is taken directly from her Master’s dissertation at the University of Paisley.

Another area of research has been based on Evolutionary Computation: Livingstone is currently completing a PhD thesis on "The evolution of communication". His paper on modelling language was one of 20 selected from over 70 submitted for inclusion in the volume. Outputs 3 and 4 have led respectively to invitations to join the language evolution group at the University of Edinburgh, and an invited contribution to a book in press. Mr Wang, a self-funded student from Taiwan, is currently writing a PhD dissertation on "The evolution of cooperation“. Fyfe and collaborators with financial backgrounds have written several well-received papers on Genetic Programming for financial prediction.

The research direction that Girolami has been developing for the last 18 months is based on the theoretical foundation of probabilistic modelling and inference. This has grown from his PhD research where the blind separation of sources can be viewed as an inference problem in the case of missing data. This work, represented in Technical Reports 4 and 6 referred to above, has informed the submission of a joint EPSRC bid with F. Crestani (Strathclyde University) and opened a number of areas of new research investigation in the areas of Machine Learning and Information Retrieval. One software company is investing in the further development of various modeling approaches by Girolami for visualisation of dynamic data streams. Girolami has also been invited to contribute a chapter to book edited by Stephen Roberts (Oxford University) and Richard Everson (Exeter University), published by Cambridge University Press.

Campbell uses adaptive sub-band processing techniques to tackle the problems of noise reduction in speech enhancement schemes, which has benefited from substantive collaboration with the MRC Institutes of Hearing Research at the Royal Infirmary (Glasgow) and at Nottingham University. All four of his submitted papers arose from invitations to expand contributions to refereed conferences. Shields, co-author of one of them now works for Epson.

In the last 4 years Charles has produced 24 refereed publications and he completed his PhD at the University of Paisley in 2.5 years. Of these 4 papers have appeared in refereed international journals, 5 are book chapters, and 7 papers are in the top two European conferences (ICANN and ESANN). He has initiated and convenes the Vision Research Group and his major field is the application of Factor Analysis neural networks to this area.

An expanded version of Gabrys’s paper "Agglomerative Learning for General Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Networks“ from the IEEE NNSP’2000 Workshop has been selected for submission to the Journal of VLSI Processing Systems. Gabrys’ work provided an inspiration for Dymitr Ruta’s PhD project concerning multiple classifier systems. Ruta, who started his research in autumn 1999, has made an excellent progress which resulted in submission/publication of 4 papers (including 1 journal submission) covering subjects of various combination methods, diversity measures, application of evolutionary algorithms for classifier selection and theoretical analysis of majority vote limits. Interesting results of combining classifiers and Gabrys’ interest and expertise in combining evidence (data fusion) have prompted a joint research grant proposal, strongly supported by Lufthansa Systems Berlin, concerning the combination of predictors/forecasts. Gabrys joined the University in 1999: his ongoing research included modelling and processing of uncertain data and information, pattern based diagnostic analysis and background in control theory and mathematical modelling and simulation. The integration of Gabrys’ research into the group at Paisley has led to the joint supervision of two PhD projects concerning: a) the diagnostic analysis of roto-dynamic machines together with Prof. Girolami (co-sponsored by POWERGEN Plc) and b) a combination of supervised and unsupervised approaches in pattern recognition problems together with Charles. Gabrys has been invited to give seminars at UMIST: "Fuzzy neural networks for clustering and classification and their use in a diagnostic system for leakage detection and location in water distribution systems" and at Strathclyde "Neuro Fuzzy Approach to Diagnostic Analysis".

Lees’ research is into case-based reasoning (CBR), and, in particular, its application to science and engineering. This work has formed the basis of two successful PhD projects, supervised by Lees; CBR, supported by quality function deployment, as a means of providing quality advice in software development; and the integration of CBR and artifical neural networks to improve forecasting in physical oceanography (collaborative with the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, NERC). Collaborative work with the University of Strathclyde has focused on the application of hybrid CBR in civil engineering design. In a current PhD project, supervised by Lees, on-going work, involving consultation with Strathclyde Police and the Scottish Police College, centres on the application of CBR methodology to crime analysis. A workshop on Hybrid CBR Systems was organised by Lees at the International Conference on CBR (Munich, Aug 1999). Lees has organised workshops on agents and CSCW at D-CSCW 98 (German conf. on CSCW), D-CSCW 2000, and Agents-2000. The last of these has been selected for publication as a special issue of Int. J. Cooperative Information Systems (May 2001), and Lees has been invited to run a further workshop at Agents-2001 together with Y. Ye (IBM, New York).

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Research Structure and Environment.

Since 1996 the Department of Computing's research strategy has focused on three themes: CSCW & Distributed Applications, Artificial Intelligence & Computer-Human Interaction (AICHI) and Software Engineering, with a strong emphasis on the needs of industry and commerce. The university did not submit under UoA 25 in 1996 as the work in this area was in its infancy. Since 1996 the Department has made steady progress and 30% of staff are being returned as research active in 2001, while contributions by a further 30% are noted in form RA6. Research funding has been obtained from the CEC and other sources, and we have a realistic expectations of research income of £45K p.a. per research-active member of staff over the coming quinquennium. Auditable Research income returned for 1996-2000 is of the order of £85K – this understates actual research income by approximately 40% (see Additional Remarks). While the Department recognises that the quantity of its research activity is modest, the quality of its outputs has been steadily improving.

Since restructuring in 1997-98, the Department has benefited from a revised university resource allocation model and research leadership is now provided by two Professors, a Reader and a Senior Lecturer in AI. In addition the department has successfully bid for university-funded research studentships that are administered through Faculties and also has one EPSRC-funded research student.

Research policy and strategy is formed by the Department’s Research Committee, elected by and responsible to the Departmental Board. The Reader in Computing is the Department’s research contact to disseminate information to and from its researchers, and represents the Department on the Faculty of Science and Technology’s Research Committee which provides an opportunity to influence the broader environment of university research policy.

All first-year research students take the Department’s MSc module in research methods and project management. Thereafter students develop through a graded sequence of activities that fosters their ability to write technical journal articles and present at international conferences. Part of this development is writing departmental technical reports and submitting work for critical appraisal at conference Doctoral Programmes.

Research progress is managed carefully. All research students register for an MPhil and are assigned a research panel consisting of a Director of Studies, a second supervisor and an independent panel chair. Funding is also available to support consultation with external advisors where appropriate. Weekly supervision meetings are held with at least one of the supervisors. In addition to weekly supervision meetings, every 6 months the panel interviews the research student to review progress, and reports to the Research Committee. Typically the student will be rcommended to transfer from MPhil to PhD registration status after 12 months full time or 24 months part-time. Final authority for research student registration and progress lies with the University Research Committee (URC). Students and supervisors also submit an annual progress report to the URC.

To exchange research ideas, each research group meets weekly in a lively informal forum. This is backed up by a regular Departmental seminar series, drawing participants and speakers from near and far. Also included in the series have been videoconferenced seminars with the universities of London (UCL), Abersytwyth, Essex, and Illinois. Opportunities for contact with other research communities include participation in the GIST group at Glasgow University, working contacts with the Opera group at Cambridge University, and research students visiting the universities of Essen and Ilmenau to undertake short-term assignments under our collaborative project PATRICIA.

The library is well-funded in Computing, Information Systems and cognate areas. 46 mainstream Computing journals are funded from the departmental library allocation, and many other ACM and IEEE Transactions are supplied from other funds. In recent years it has always been possible to subscribe to additional journals requested by Computing researchers, and since reading-list provision is separately funded virtually the whole departmental book fund allocation of £12,000 is available to support research and scholarly activity. Specialist library support is available to Computing researchers.

Staffing policy

All academic staff undertake a balance of duties such as teaching, research, administration and income generation. However research active staff are restricted to 100 hours teaching per semester. New staff are encouraged to undertake research, and their teaching load is reduced in their first year. Evidence of research potential and fit with established research groupings are significant factors in staff selection.

The Department plans to recruit a small number of Research Fellows to develop new lines of investigation, to provide additional developmental support to research students and to further enhance the Department’s research culture, and also to host further internationally renowned visiting professors. Funding for the above is actively being pursued with foundations and with potential sponsors.

Mapping of Research Active Staff to Major Themes (Guidance 3.18.10)

While there is fruitful exchange amongst the groups, staff can be identified with themes as follows: CSCW & Distributed Applications: Newman, Haag; AICHI: Lowe, Moffat, Tianfield; Software Engineering: Mannion, Gray.

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SHEFC policy and its effect on this submission: In December 2000 the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council indicated that it would be more selective than HEFCE in the allocation of RAE-based funding after 2001, in order to maintain funding for 5/5*-rated departments. Consequently Napier University has restricted the number of staff included in its RAE submissions to those with demonstrable international achievement. Ten research active staff with national track records have thus been excluded from this submission.


In 1996 Napier University undertook a major strategic investment in computing research, appointing three professors of international standing (Benyon, Fogarty, Kerridge). A strong research culture has been established throughout the School: research income has shown a steady growth and now averages some £600,000 p.a.; the research student population has been built up to 25.5 FTE; there are eight research assistants/fellows; there are four EU-funded and four research council funded projects; and five TCS programmes.

Institutional support for the School of Computing has been excellent. When Prof. Fogarty left early in 2000, we were able to replace him with Prof. Peter Ross from Edinburgh University. Also in 2000 the Information Management group (led by Prof. Davenport) joined the School of Computing from the Business School in order to build upon synergies in the areas of information communities and social informatics and Kennedy was promoted from Reader to Professor. With five professors the School is now well placed to maintain and develop the research culture and research outputs over the next four years.

The Work of the School

This submission concentrates on the activities of the three core ‘Computer Science’ research groups; Evolutionary Computation, Database and Object Systems and Human-Computer Interaction. Work in the areas of social informatics and information communities as well as the work of the International Teledemocracy Centre (a new interdisciplinary research centre based in the School) is returned under Unit of Assessment 61. Of course members of these two communities work closely with each other on areas such as ethnographic approaches to analysis and design (e.g. [AC4] — references in square brackets refer to publications listed in RA2). Several PhD students are supervised jointly and work on research contracts may cross the rather arbitrary boundary imposed by the RAE’s units of assessment. Such collaborations contribute significantly to the overall vitality of the research culture in the School as a whole. When appropriate, reference is made to individuals or projects in Unit of Assessment 61 as ‘(UoA61)’.

The Evolutionary Computation research group has established itself as a key European centre in the area, partly supported by key appointments such as Hart and Ross. The Database and Object Systems group continues to excel, particularly in transport informatics and in bioinformatics where the BBSRC/EPSRC joint panel is supporting Prof. Kennedy’s work for a second three-year period. The Human-Computer Interaction group contributes original work of impact to issues of HCI theory, design practice and assistive technologies.

Evolutionary Computation

The Evolutionary Computing group is very well known for its work on evolutionary timetabling and scheduling. Ross and Paechter were founders of the PATAT series of international conferences (Edinburgh, Toronto, Konstanz) on the theory and practice of timetabling, with proceedings all published by Springer-Verlag; Ross co-chaired the first of these. [BP2,BP3] describe a genetic algorithm that is used to timetable all of Napier University's classes, and which has led the way to the development of many related systems abroad. Ross has developed large-scale evolutionary exam timetabling systems [PR2], and one of the products of this has been the GATT system which has been widely used internationally by universities, notably by Harvard University for their MBA exams.

Work on evolutionary scheduling has produced a whole series of "current best" results on benchmark problems through a range of novel techniques, from operator targeting to the idea of using genetic algorithms to combine choices of the heuristics to use at different stages in constructing high-quality solutions. This latter idea, now termed `hyper-heuristics', has been used very successfully for a large real-world scheduling problem [EH2], for large exam timetabling [PR2] and dynamic scheduling problems [EH4] and has generated a great deal of interest. It is now being explored further in a major EPSRC grant (GR/N36660), together with colleagues at the University of Nottingham (GR/N36837).

However, the group's research ranges much more widely than timetabling and scheduling. It has, for example, explored and developed adaptive techniques in evolutionary computing such as self-adapting weights [BP4] and mutation strategies [PR1, BP3], and adaptive data selection ideas in genetic programming; discovered unusual phase-transition phenomena in families of graph-colouring problems, that apply to a much wider class of search methods than evolutionary ones; developed novel forms of artificial immune systems for fast scheduling [EH1,EH3]; developed novel ideas in the evolution of hardware configuration; and developed novel GA visualisation tools and techniques. Paechter leads the EC-funded DREAM project, involving seven European partners, that is developing systems to support highly-distributed and scaleable models of large-scale evolutionary computation. The group is a very active member of the EC-funded Metaheuristics project, also involving five other European partners, that is conducting a range of comparative studies of meta-heuristic techniques including genetic algorithms. The group has also been very successful in using classifer systems to model the trading behaviour of groups of stock market traders; as yet, this is still one of only very few practical applications of classifer systems.

The group is committed to working with others and to exploring evolutionary concepts. It co-ordinated the EC-funded Network of Excellence in Evolutionary Computing (EvoNet), it hosted a range of European workshops on evolutionary computing topics and it remains the administrative hub of EvoNet II. The immediate plans for the group are to build upon their current successes, exploring new forms of evolutionary algorithms and applying these to real-world problems. The group is also at the negotiating stage of a further EC research project that will use evolutionary techniques to explore some novel ideas in the `Neuroinformatics for Living Artefacts' FET area.

Database and Object Systems

The Database and Object Systems Group is involved in the development and application of novel database technology, object databases and modelling. Much of the research in this area is of a multi-disciplinary nature; particularly in transport informatics and bioinformatics. Napier, Glasgow and Manchester universities collaborated on an EPSRC funded project (GR/L02778) to investigate systematic generic support for user interfaces to databases. This work led Prof. Kennedy to a subsequent collaboration with taxonomists at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. This work has been addressing problems in botanical taxonomy, where multiple overlapping classification hierarchies for organisms create unique database problems [JBK4]. These problems occur at both the storage and at the user interface levels and are generalisable to any classification scheme that has to deal with multiple overlapping hierarchies. The work is having a major impact in database areas where issues such as ontologies and classification are critical. A relational structure cannot support the required performance, so a new, extended, object-oriented model is proposed. The ‘Prometheus’ model [JBK3], [JBK4] was developed through a BBSRC/EPSRC grant (1995-9 [95/BIF10516]). The novel database model and query language that have been built are illustrated in [JBK4]. The research continues to receive support from the BBSRC/EPSRC Bioinformatics initiative through a follow-on grant (2001-4 [00/BIF14353]) and has resulted in Prof. Kennedy being invited to the Media Lab Bioinformatics meeting in Heidelberg.

The taxonomic work has also resulted in highly original work on visualisations of multiple hierarchies. The example used in [JBK3] was so well received at AVI 2000 that the keynote speaker, George Robertson, asked to use the example. The work has thrown up some very interesting, previously ignored issues in visualisation concerning whether to base the representation on the underlying (graph-based) data model or on the (set-based) user’s model of the data. Working with Prof. Benyon in the HCI group, this work has been generalised to a novel methodology described in [JBK2] and has been further supported with a studentship from the bioinformatics panel.

Prof. Kerridge’s work is primarily based in transport informatics. Previous work on parallel database machines [JMK1], [JMK2] (funded by EPSRC GR/J98882) has developed into research into a novel approach for agent-based modelling. Research currently focussed on pedestrian modelling is concerned with the development of an agent-based model of pedestrian movement, [JMK3], [JMK4], that simulates the behaviour of individuals as they negotiate a virtual walking environment. [JMK4] won the best paper award at the Architecture, Languages and Techniques conference where it was first presented and the work has subsequently been supported by EPSRC (PEDFLOW project (EPSRC GR/M59792/01). Related work is concerned with Infra red detection of pedestrians in the urban environment. An EPSRC LINK future integrated transport programme is funding this activity. In line with RAE 1996 plans, Prof. Kerridge has contributed to the multi-disciplinary Transport Research Institute within the University [JMK3], [JMK4], [EPSRC GR/M59792/01].

The Database and Object Systems group has successfully completed the work that was underway in 1996 on model-based approaches to user interfaces to databases and has now focused onto the current strengths; visualisation and other novel user interfaces to databases and (object-based) modelling work both with respect to novel database architectures and to agent movement (PEDFLOW and work on the movement of right whales). The group seeks to enhance the understanding of Database and Object Systems, particularly where there are many overlapping hierarchical structures to be accommodated, and the interaction with those systems through advanced visualisations of data. Over the coming period the group expects to continue to research in these broad areas and to apply this to the area of bioinformatics and transport telematics.

Human-Computer Interaction

Research in the Human-Computer Interaction Group is a broad mix of theory, technology and practice that reflects the dynamic nature of the discipline. The variety of interests apparent in the group may be brought together under the overall research area of ‘human-computer co-operative systems’. HCI is increasingly concerned with how networks of computers (or other information artefacts), people and artificial agents engage in meaningful and effective activities. Prof. Benyon’s original work on the ERMIA design and evaluation technique [DB4] has led to a number of developments including the practical book Conceptual Modeling for User interface Design by Benyon, D., Green, T. and Bental, D. (published by Springer in 1999). Most significantly, however, it has led to the novel conceptualisation of HCI as ‘navigation of information space’ ([DB3], [DB2]). This view of HCI was further developed through an EU funded long-term research project called PERSONA (Personal and Social Navigation of Information Space, Esprit LTR 25637) in collaboration with the Swedish Institute of Computer Science. The original ideas were first presented in [DB3] and were developed through the project. [DB2] is the first book to be published about ‘Social Navigation’ (i.e. enabling people to be aware of other people in order to help them find their way through large information spaces) and has effectively defined the area.

Prof. Benyon has also pursued a novel theoretical view of HCI based on experientialism [DB1]. The potential impact of putting this work alongside the navigation work is significant in terms of providing interfaces that naturally afford certain information-based activities; a line of enquiry being pursued with P. Turner (UoA61).

Smyth’s work is concerned with the process of design and the impact that computer aided design (CAD, but ‘drafting’ is more accurate than ‘design’) tools have on the activities of designers. Much of his work is aimed at supporting design exploration. A rigorous and detailed study of existing tool usage by designers, and what the tools did or did not provide [MS3], led to the development of a tool based on shape grammars that allowed designers to explore alternatives [MS1]. The original contribution of this work was the ‘loose fit rules’ that allow irregularity and creativity in designs. This work was also presented as the keynote paper at the SKCF’99 The 2nd International Workshop on Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation, Iwate, Japan, by the co-author. This work extends out into areas of identity, ubiquity and mobility; key issues for the next period of HCI research. Smyth continues to maintain close links with his colleagues at Loughborough University where the wide ranging work reported in [MS4] was undertaken.

Rehabilitation, or assistive technologies, remains another key area in the School’s research. Crerar’s paper in Brain and Language [AC4] describes the development of her award-winning work on aphasia and the development of a ‘microworld’ to help sufferers from this disorder to overcome agrammatism. This work, originally funded by the Scottish Office and Health Department grant k/MRS/50/C1320, has led to Crerar being invited to two highly regarded international symposia to present her work (5th Symposium on Logopedics, Madrid 1997 and the American Neurological Society in Toronto, 1998). The work has continued during the assessment period through the development of a novel multimedia development of the software [AC3]. The work on rehabilitation technologies has led to some important developments of HCI and ‘inclusive design’. The invited book chapter, [AC2], expands the notion of ‘usability’ into a three step approach to ‘design for all’. Prof. Benyon also works in this area, participating in the EPSRC EQUAL programme committee and the EU ERCIM ‘user interfaces for all’ working group.

Over the coming period Smyth sees his work generalising into tangible technologies – for designers and for others – and identity technologies involving mobile and wearable devices. Prof. Benyon’s theoretical work will form the basis of a novel approach to designing for environments characterised by distributed, embedded computing devices such as the home. ‘Smart’ homes for disabled and elderly people is a project currently under consideration by the PACCIT LINK programme which combines Crerar’s interests.

Multi-disciplinary and Interdisciplinary work

Across the three research areas, a common approach is that we seek to advance knowledge of theory and to apply this in areas (such as assistive technologies) to improve competitiveness and the quality of life. This involves drawing upon and contributing to a wide range of disciplines including psychology, social theories, computer science and the various application areas such as biology and transport. Members of both the HCI group and the Database and Object Systems group work closely with members of the School submitted under UoA61; for example in supervision of PhD students and TCS associates. Professors Kennedy, Benyon and Davenport (UoA61) are co-investigators on an EU 5th Framework project currently in the final stages of negotiation that combines work on visualisation, HCI and social informatics and all were involved in meetings with staff from Indiana University who were visiting Prof. Davenport. Members of the Evolutionary Computation and Database groups work on applications of evolutionary computing to transport informatics. The University’s Transport Research Institute (TRI) and the International Teledemocracy Centre (ITC) both provide an important focus for interdisciplinary work. The work of the ITC is described in the UoA61 submission. Prof. Kerridge is on the board of TRI and Prof. Benyon is on the board of ITC.

The multi-disciplinary area is one that is expected to grow considerably over the next few years. Closer links are expected between the HCI group and the ‘information communities’ interests of colleagues in UoA61 where applications of activity theory and other contextual approaches to requirements analysis and design are being explored in areas such as hospitals. Collaboration with Macaulay (UoA61) on soundscapes is likely to develop as are closer links between Prof. Davenport (UoA61) and Prof. Kennedy on a novel software system for forming partnerships. Promising work – though looking further ahead – is possible between members of the evolutionary computation group, a nascent networks group and the HCI group on adaptive agents at both network and interface levels.

Organisation of Research

Napier University provides excellent infrastructure support for research, including library access, financial, personnel and research offices. The University’s Research Committee formulates overall research policy and makes recommendations regarding research matters to Academic Board. In line with the University’s overall management philosophy much of the quality assurance is undertaken at Faculty level, where a research committee meets regularly to monitor research students, approve research degrees and procedures, and formulate policy. The Faculty Research Committee also reviews and approves the plans and strategy of the School’s research committee.

Much of the day-to-day management of research is carried out through the research groups. Each has its own meeting series, contributes to the School’s seminar programme and decides on appropriate methods for encouraging and developing research activity. A conference and travel budget is available to each group to allocate as appropriate. Because of the close working relationship between the research groups, and the physical co-location of research degree students, there is a healthy interchange of ideas between them. Research groups report to the School’s Research Committee.

The School Research Committee has representatives of each of the research groups along with elected representatives from the main research constituencies; research students, contract research staff, academics and professors. It is this committee which formulates the School’s policy on research, manages this and provides the interface to Faculty and University research committees. The School Research Committee is also charged with monitoring the research degrees programme. This committee is chaired by a Research Director who is a member of the School Management Team, thus ensuring that research activity is undertaken in the context of the many competing objectives within which a modern university department has to function. Although competition for resources (whether financial, staff or estates) is quite fierce, the research committee has been effective in ring-fencing a significant proportion of resources for research; something that has contributed significantly to the quality of research activity. Through the overheads recovered from external grants and contracts, the increase in external income has enabled research activity to be increased despite the real fall in SHEFC income. The principal use of financial resources during the assessment period has been to support the research degrees programme, with a small amount of money going to support conference travel for new, active researchers.

The School is rightly proud of its research degrees programme which evolved into its current form in 1998 and has been adopted widely across the University. The programme provides a firm but flexible structure for research degrees with fixed registration and reporting dates, clear and concise documentation. Each student is allocated to a thesis panel consisting of a Director of Studies, Second Supervisor and Thesis Panel Chair. The supervisory team must have at least two successful research degree completions and the panel chair comes from a research group other than where the main work is being undertaken. This facilitates the spread of good practice. As a result of this, the completion rate for PhDs has been significantly improved in the last year; a trend which continues in 2001.

The research degrees programme has benefited greatly from the collaborative nature of the EU funded research projects. The School has had visiting students from the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, the University of Aarhus and Bang & Olufsen and Napier students have been able to undertake reciprocal visits for periods up to three months. Such exchanges contribute significantly to the experiences of research students.

The School has in place an effective and transparent method of research resource allocation. The staffing resource model is very clear about the allocations for research degree supervision, work on externally funded projects and other scholarly activities. A ‘contract’ for individuals to pursue research is reviewed annually as part of the staff development process. Individuals are classified as one of (a) those undertaking active research and mentoring of more junior researchers, (b) research active staff who are still developing a track record and (c) researchers embarking on a research career. An appropriate resource allowance is allocated based on this classification and an agreement based on agreed outputs is established in line with the overall research policy. All new staff are expected to be research active and staff are encouraged to obtain a PhD if they do not have one. A mentoring scheme is in place to support new staff and those at the early stages of their research career; a scheme which has already resulted in one ‘fast track’ EPSRC grant.

Research in the School contributes significantly to Government foresight priorities (in such areas as e-commerce, ageing population and information and communication media) and to European priorities for improving the quality of life. The mixture of research council and EU funding for research balances the need for pure and applied research. The School demonstrates its committment to effective dissemination and transfer of the research into the economy through TCS and LINK programmes, and to the development of understanding through the research degrees programme.

The Future

The School of Computing has made significant progress over the assessment period. The promised investment in PhD bursaries took place and has been maintained and plans to attract research income and research degree students that were set in 1996 have been exceeded. Members of the School regularly publish in international journals and conferences and each of the research groups can demonstrate significant impact on the international scene through conference organisation, participation and other measures of external recognition (see RA6). The School is now well established in its chosen key areas of computing and has clear plans for future development. A vigorous and vital research culture has been established which is feeding the other activities of academics such as teaching and technology transfer. Fourteen members of the School have been submitted to the RAE through Unit of Assessment 25 or 61.

Whilst planning is vital to success, so is the willingness to re-align when necessary. Prof. Beddie took up a position with the Scottish parliament in 1998 and Prof. Kerridge took over as Head of School. Prof. Kennedy’s work has focused more keenly on the specifics of database models structures and interfaces to support her bioinformatics work where it is having a major impact on the discipline. The research in general database and object systems envisaged in 1996 has taken place and the key member of staff involved has, within the last six months, moved to apply this research in an industrial context. With Prof. Benyon’s arrival there was a shift in emphasis towards a contextual approach to usability, and this rendered the usability laboratory unnecessary and Prof. Kerridge’s focus on modelling for transport has superceded his research on parallel and distributed systems.

The main growth area in research has been more on the requirements and design side of computing, social informatics and information communities that has led to the submission of six people to UoA61. Although some of this was due to the interests of new appointments, to a large extent this was due to Prof. Benyon’s and Prof. Davenport’s (UoA61) international collaborations with partners across Europe through the ‘connected communities’ theme of the EU’s 4th Framework Long Term Research programme.

Our aim for 2001 – 2005 is to build on the well established groups that have developed since the last assessment. In particular, an active research degrees programme will continue to be supported, financed from recovered overheads, TCS money and a certain amount of the RAE income. The activity of a healthy research degrees programme has succeeded in spreading the research culture widely through the School and it has been excellent at encouraging interdisciplinary research and nascent research areas. In addition to the research degrees programme, a key strategic aim is to invest in more staff time for research and more administrative and technical infrastructure. This will be achieved by continuing to attract external funding. The School is poised to move to new office and laboratory accommodation, refurbished at a cost of £5.3 million, with some £750,000 specifically earmarked for research staff and research students.

In terms of impact on the discipline, and of research within the School, the expectation is that both the engineering and design sides of computing will develop. On the engineering side, developments in wireless technologies and the increasingly embedded nature of computing will lead to the ‘disappearing internet’. One approach to dealing with the issues that arise from this is to develop mobile agents that can be sent out to undertake specific tasks. The agent-based approach promises to have a resonance elsewhere where Prof. Benyon has long been interested in interface agents (and, indeed, was chair of the ACM’s conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, in 2000). Prof. Kerridge has been applying the approach to pedestrian modelling (and has recently been appointed to the US Transport Research Board’s Artificial Intelligence Committee). Prof. Kennedy will continue her bioinformatics work which in turn will encourage further developments in visualisation and in object databases. On the requirements and design side we expect to see development in social informatics and information communities. A new degree in Information Systems is planned which will enable and encourage growth in the Social Informatics group. The existence of the International Teledemocracy Centre (ITC) in the School is expected to provide many benefits. The ITC provides an excellent focus for much of the School’s research work; people interacting with technologies, issues of enfranchisement and the social impact of technologies, database, knowledge management and data mining issues.

The overall strategy for the School of Computing is to grow steadily from the position of strength that it has established during the assessment period. Specific targets and performance indicators have been set that include: measured growth in external research funding to an average of £1,000,000 p.a.; a research student population of some thirty FTE with ten completions per year; six TCS or LINK programmes active at any one time and 50% of staff active in research at a national or international level.

The University has a research policy that encourages research in all areas and excellence in some. Its investment in five professors in the School of Computing, and in new estate, demonstrates its commitment in this area. The published outputs described in RA2 include considerable material of international standing. The research income, research degrees activity and overall research culture in the School demonstrate real vitality. RA6 provides significant evidence of international esteem. The School can demonstrate a significant impact on the discipline in areas such as evolutionary algorithms and their application to scheduling, novel database structures, visualisations and human-computer interaction. Our intention is to continue this quality of research, spreading it wider throughout the School and discipline.

University of Bath_25 4 [16.25A]

Overview Computer Science is part of the Department of Mathematical Sciences which includes three other RAE Units: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics. It is to become a separate department of Computer Science in August 2001. It aims at high quality research over a broad front building upon interactions between the units and a vibrant, supportive atmosphere facilitating both research and related activities. Computer Science comprises 15 full-time category A active research staff, 1 (0.25 FTE) category A active research staff, 1 category A* active research staff and 1 category B active research staff, all of whom are returned under RA1. All staff in the Unit are returned and all are research active. Computer Science is international in profile and committed to the study and development of theoretical and applied ideas in computation, computing systems, systems design and human aspects of computing, drawing upon areas of mathematics, engineering and psychology. Its research involves industrial and real world applications in areas that include healthcare, air-traffic systems, e-commerce, animation and music. Interdisciplinary research with other departments internal and external to the university is flourishing.
Fields of Study The unit is research active across a broad but strategic spectrum of computer science. Research is grouped together in teams, each of which acts as a focus for a particular research theme. There is a strong culture of collaboration and cross-fertilisation within the unit. The three themes are A. Computational Algebra and Geometry; B. Systems and Software Engineering and C. Human Computer Interaction and Multimedia.
Promoting and sustaining research Collaborations between individual and mutually supportive team activities contribute to the coherence of the Unit. There is a regular seminar programme with external speakers on many topics in all areas of computer science. There are also regular seminars organised by the individual research teams. Workshops and research meetings are regularly held and there is a steady flow of external visitors to the Unit. The Department has four computer officers dedicated to upgrading and maintaining the research network infrastructure. Department research funds are available to both staff and research students, to support conference travel, research visits and visitors, and for the preparation of external funding applications. Research is supported by the University: the departmental research committee promotes awareness of funding and collaborative research opportunities; the faculty Research and Business Development Office provides targeted information on funding opportunities and advice on grant proposals; the University Grants and Contracts Support Unit assists in the costing and administrative aspects of proposal writing and the management of research grants. All research areas in the Unit have the latest network cabling and connection points and have been fully refurbished. These laboratories incorporate a sound-deadened area for auditory and music research.

University of Birmingham_25 5 [22.13B]

Over the 1996-2000 Assessment Period the School’s research has centred on the themes represented by the following groupings, with considerable cross-boundary overlap (shown by names in italics):

Grouping Research-Active Academic Staff
(M) Mathematical Foundations of CS Jung, Escardo, de Paiva, Ritter, Schalk
(P) Programming Languages Reddy, Ritter, Thielecke
(D) Modelling and Analysis of Systems Kwiatkowska, Ryan, Theodoropoulos
(A) Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Science Barnden, Sloman, Yao, Kerber, Ryan, Bullinaria, Edmondson, Hancox, Lee, Peterson, Poli, Rowe, Wyatt
(E) Evolutionary Computation Yao, Poli, Sloman, Bullinaria, Miller, Rowe
(I) Image Understanding and Computer Vision Claridge, Poli, Sloman

The scope of work can be briefly summarised as follows. (M): computational calculi, logics, and semantic spaces, and the relationship between them. (P): the semantics and formal methods for state manipulation, dynamic data structures, memory usage in implementations, control operations and other computational effects found in programming languages. (D): the theoretical foundations of languages for the modelling and specification of systems, with particular emphasis on distributed systems with randomness, as well as methods and software tools for their analysis. (A): foundational work on representations, reasoning, natural language, learning and multi-agent methods, as well as development of tools and working systems; most of the work potentially illuminates human as well as artificial cognition. (E): the foundations and applications of evolutionary computation in several different forms. (I): image interpretation drawing on physics of image formation, perception and evolutionary computation, especially in medical imaging; and theoretical analysis of architectural requirements for vision.

The School’s strategy is to conduct research which stays focused on important, long-term, fundamental challenges of CS and its applications. The (M), (P) and (D) groupings are geared towards provision of principled, sound and exact accounts of computation, languages and systems and the clean design of languages and systems. The (A) grouping works on some of the fundamental problems which need to be overcome to make AI usable in realistic contexts, not just in idealised environments. Novel computing methodologies developed in (E) avoid human preconceptions about problem solving and system design. Grouping (I) works at the interface between Computing and the Sciences, effecting cross-fertilisation of ideas and realisation of methodologies.

In the sequel, Part 1 details key research achievements and future plans of the groupings. General research culture, management and strategy are discussed in Part 2. Citations to RA2 papers are shown thus: [Jung 2] or Jung [2], for paper 2 of Jung. Other papers are also alluded to, by conference or journal name and year. RF/RA/RS stand for research fellow/associate/student (in RAE terminology RA = Research Assitant without PhD, RF = Postdoctoral Research Assistant).

RA5a Part 1: Research Achievements of Groupings during Assessment Period
(M) Mathematical Foundations of
Computer Science
There is strong collaboration with groupings (P) and (D), as well as other national and international centres of excellence in this area, with support from UK and EU grants.

Domain Theory. A denotational semantics maps programming constructs into a mathematical universe of semantic spaces. Members of the group have contributed substantially to the understanding and the structural analysis of such universes: Jung, Kegelmann (RS) and Moshier (USA) have developed a sequent calculus which provides a purely logical analysis (via cut-elimination) of domain-theoretic constructions [Jung 3]. This, and Escardo’s localic investigations, have led to the affirmation of stably compact spaces and closed relations as central to denotational models. Huth (was RF), Jung and Keimel (Darmstadt) have exhibited a natural instance of the linear type discipline in Domain Theory which does not refer to the lift-monad [Jung 2]. Jung and Tix (Darmstadt) have written a comprehensive account of the order-theoretic properties of the probabilistic powerdomain [Jung 1]. Schalk’s work with Hyland (Cambridge) has led to a more structural understanding of game models [Schalk 1]. Future work will exploit the novel relational universe to address issues in denotational semantics, especially of exact numerical computation.

Exact numerical computation. This research is based on a rigorous mathematical model of the real numbers which avoids the round-off errors inherent in the traditional floating-point representation. Escardo [1,2] extended PCF with real numbers. The work has laid foundations for further work in many places (Imperial, St Andrews, Paris). Escardo [1] established the fundamental properties of adequacy and universality for higher-order exact real number computation. Integration, as an important example of a higher-order operation is studied in [Escardo 2]. With Hofmann (Edinburgh) and Streicher (Darmstadt) he discovered the inherent parallelism of basic functions in this approach. Konecny (RS) with Jung characterised precisely those real-valued functions which are computable by a resource restricted device. Future work will concentrate on the impact of representation on the efficiency of real-number algorithms. The collaboration with St Andrews on the integration of exact numerical computation into computer algebra systems will continue.

Computational Logic. Apart from domain logics mentioned above, the emphasis has been on linear logic and linear lambda calculi. De Paiva, Ritter and Ghani (RF) designed the first explicit substitution calculus for linear logic and proved important meta-theoretic properties [Ritter 1], using categorical semantics to clarify subtle interactions between explicit substitutions and linearity. De Paiva, Ritter, Maietti (RF) and Maneggia (RS) gave a systematic account of the relationships between various linear lambda-calculi and their models. De Paiva, Ritter and Ghani applied techniques from linear logic to modal logic and obtained a novel characterisation of computation in stages (ICALP’98). Ritter solved the long-standing termination problem for calculi with explicit substitution [Ritter 3]. Ritter and Pym (Queen Mary) showed how intuitionistic proof search can be seen as a special case of their counterparts in classical logic [Ritter 2, 4]. Future work will concentrate on the semantic characterisation of proof search, automatic program optimisation of staged computation, and modal logic for knowledge representation. A new collaboration with Bono (Turin) will study languages combining functional and object-oriented features.

(P) Programming Languages
This work grew out of the recent appointment of Reddy, Thielecke and Fuhrmann (RF). Its focus is on the semantics and formal methods for state-manipulation, dynamic data structures, memory usage in implementations, control operations and other computational effects found in programming languages. Reddy produced a novel semantic model for Algol-like Languages [Reddy 1], solving the long-standing problem of modelling locality of local variable declarations and providing the first known successful modelling of irreversibility of state change posed by Strachey in 1973. His model for an interference-controlled fragment of Algol (SCI) and for full Idealized Algol [Reddy 2], was proved fully abstract up to second order and led to further development of the game semantics of Abramsky and McCusker. The model for SCI in [Reddy 1] inspired O'Hearn et al. (QMW) to revisit an earlier model which was discovered to be doubly closed [MFPS 95] leading to further development of the Logic of Bunched Implications. Reddy also applied his theory to the semantics and formal methods for object-oriented programming [Reddy 4], and is establishing relationships with techniques of program refinement [FOSSACS 00].

Thielecke analysed control operations, i.e. first-class continuations, from an abstract, categorical perspective on their essential structure [MFPS 97]. Much of this structure was generalized to call-by-value languages with effects (such as Standard ML) [TACS 97; Thielecke 4], and studied in depth by Fuhrmann (RF) [MFPS 99]. The categorical structure thus unearthed was applied to the study of expressiveness of control operations [HOSC 98; Thielecke 1,2,3], showing that exceptions and the call-with-current-continuation operation are of incomparable expressive power, a surprising fact refuting several informal claims made in the previous literature.

Within the EPSRC-project XSLAM, Ritter applied the calculus of linear explicit substitutions [Ritter 2, see also (M) above] to the implementation of functional languages. He developed a calculus which models memory usage for functional languages incorporating all higher-order functions.

Future research will include further work on the hard, but practically important, problems in analysing programming techniques based on effects. Bridges are being built between the "Semantics school“ and the program refinement techniques of the "Programming Methodology school“, cf. Reddy’s collaboration with researchers in USA and Brazil. In collaboration with O'Hearn, the Logic of Bunched Implications is being applied to reasoning about dynamic data structures with the intention to transfer this to program refinement. Reddy will also pursue connections between event/game-based models for state and parametricity-based explicit state models of O'Hearn et al. Work will continue on analysing effects in call-by-value languages using proof-theoretic and categorical techniques. Linear and nonlinear use of continuations will provide a framework to study the semantics of control operations. The categorical structure previously developed will be used to analyse the newer models for call-by-value languages such as the games models.
(D) Modelling and Analysis of Systems

Verification by model checking. This concerns foundations of model checking and application to industrially-relevant problems. Kwiatkowska with Baier (Bonn) formulated an analogue of the Chang, Manna & Pnueli syntactic and semantic hierarchy of properties for partial order temporal logic [Kwiatkowska 2]. With support from EU and BT, Ryan addressed the ‘feature interaction’ problem in telecommunication systems. He and Plath (RS) [in Sci.Comp.Prog.‘01]. proposed a rigorous treatment for feature description and automatic interaction detection and extended several model-checking tools (SMV, SPIN and FDR). Their FDR-based tool won the two-feature stream of the international Feature Interaction Contest. Future work will improve scalability and efficiency (new EPSRC project GR/R02214 with continuing support from BT) and extend to new application areas.

Probabilistic model checking. This aims to provide theoretical foundations, algorithms and software tools for automatic verification of probabilistic systems. Such tools can enhance the design process through early error detection, prediction of failure and performance, and provision of diagnostic information. Jointly with Ryan, RFs (Norman and Huth, now at KSU), RSs (Norman, Parker), an EPSRC Visiting Fellow (Segala from Bologna) and collaborators (some in Bonn, CMU, UC Berkeley), Kwiatkowska has contributed to all areas of the field (EPSRC grant GR/M04617 and British Council/DAAD grant). Definitive compositional metric-space and domain-theoretic semantic models for probabilistic process algebra CCS [Kwiatkowska 3] and CSP were formulated. Probabilistic logics were developed alongside algorithms for automatic verification of probabilistic systems against specifications expressed in such logics [LICS'97], including a symbolic model checking algorithm [Ryan 4] and another under the assumption of fairness [Kwiatkowska 1]. PRISM (, the first fully-fledged probabilistic symbolic model checking tool implementing these algorithms, is nearing release [TACAS’00, CAV’01]. It can efficiently build and analyse three types of probabilistic models (DTMCs, CTMCs and MDPs) of substantial size against specifications such as "the chance of X occurring is at least 98%“ or "the chance of Y occurring is at most 1%“. Future work includes optimisation e.g. using parallelisation (building on Theodoropoulos' work), using data abstraction for very large or infinite state systems, and deployment in industry.

Verification of Quality of Service. This pioneering work, begun in 1999, is concerned with algorithms and tools for automated verification of dependability and quality of service properties of distributed systems, for example, soft deadlines ("the chance of a packet being delivered within 15ms is at least 82%“). With support from EPSRC (GR/N22960), Kwiatkowska with Norman (RF), Sproston (RS/RF) and Segala (Visiting Fellow) proposed the modelling formalism of probabilistic timed automata, and the first region-based and symbolic algorithms for their automatic verification [Theor.Comp.Sci, in press]. They then solved an open problem by formulating a method for automatic verification of continuous probabilistic timed automata [Kwiatkowska 4]. Future work will improve the efficiency of the methods, integrate them with verification tools, and develop case studies.

Distributed simulation: Simulation is an alternative to exhaustive analysis, and enables partial analysis of systems for which model checking is impractical. Theodoropoulos with Logan (now in Nottingham) developed a novel generic distributed simulation framework which enables the efficient dynamic partition of system state and dynamic load balancing [Theorodopoulos 4; Proc. IEEE, to appear]. In collaboration with colleagues from Manchester he advanced the field of modelling and distributed discrete-event simulation of asynchronous hardware [Theorodopoulos 3, J. Parall. & Distr. Comp. and Concurr.-Practice& Experience, to appear], overcoming problems with using relatively abstract tools such as Occam and CSP, developing novel synchronisation protocols and proposing a generic modelling and simulation framework. His work on the instruction and trace-driven simulation of large MIMD machines and multithreaded microprocessors led to the development of novel simulation techniques and synchronisation protocols [Theodoropoulos 1,2]. Future work will concentrate on further development of the proposed simulation frameworks addressing challenging optimisation, causality, and load management problems.

(A) Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
Proof planning.
This is a technique for guiding the search for proofs in automated reasoning, and for explaining their structure. It emulates human reasoning by first outlining an abstract plan. Kerber with Jamnik & Benzmuller (RFs) have extended proof planning systems to include practical, automated learning of new proof methods (re-usable strategies) from a few examples [Kerber 3,4]. They also approach concurrent and distributed agent-based proof search in a novel way, employing cooperating heterogeneous reasoners. Jamnik and Kerber have mechanized informal human mathematical reasoning, making major advances in the automation of the use of diagrams [J.Logic,Language&Infor, '99; book in press, CSLI Press Stanford]. Future work topics include: the relationship between analogy and the formation of new methods; learning of the primitive vocabulary for the formation of complex methods (open problem); and application of the techniques in an educational environment.

Logic and reasoning. The thrust here is to provide correct and efficient logical accounts of various aspects of human reasoning. Counterfactual reasoning and the logic of belief update were considered to be only informally connected. Ryan & Schobbens (Namur) showed a precise relationship between these topics [Ryan 1], leading to an automatic cross-migration of results. Ryan, Andreka (Budapest) & Schobbens also definitively answered the question of how logic formulae expressing default information can be combined with and without priorities, and provided a thorough exploration of the properties of the combination [Ryan in J. Logic & Computation, in press]. Through applying the ideas of model checking to reasoning about knowledge in multi-agent systems, Ryan & Lomuscio (RS) showed how informational interactions among the agents can be captured as computations involving finite automata [Ryan 2,3]. Current work develops the idea that role-fulfilment in agent systems can be formalised using abstraction. Future work will use this idea to make model checking multi-agent systems more efficient.

Reasoning about beliefs and mental states. Reasoning about people’s mental states is crucial for the long-term applicability of AI, e.g. in natural language processing and legal reasoning, but the field has made little headway with handling various sub-problems, notably the role of uncertainty. Barnden implemented ATT-Meta, a system that reasons about other agents’ beliefs and, uniquely, handles (qualitative) uncertainty and resolution of reasoning conflicts within and across all levels of belief nesting (Barnden [1,3] and in AI & Law, in press; The work addresses various neglected but important issues such as a potential combinatorial explosion of reasoning goals. Peterson [2,3] established by theory and psychological experiment a link between counterfactual reasoning and simulative reasoning about beliefs, and related experiments [Peterson 4] threw light on the nature of autism. Future work will include further refinement of ATT-Meta’s conflict-resolution techniques; heuristic streamlining of its handling of nesting; extension to non-belief mental states; and application studies.

Computational linguistics / natural language understanding. Handling figurative language effectively and flexibly is important for the long-term future of automated natural-language processing. ATT-Meta (above) performs reasoning needed in metaphor understanding (Barnden [1-3]; EPSRC: GR/M64208). Key achievements include: understanding rich, creative extensions of familiar metaphorical modes of expression (this fills a major gap in the field); casting metaphorical reasoning as a type of simulative belief reasoning; greatly transcending reasoning limitations of other computational approaches to metaphor; embedding metaphor understanding in a general, implemented uncertain-reasoning framework; and handling metaphorical language about mental states, almost entirely ignored in other AI work on mental states. This research stresses discourse coherence as a guide to understanding. Smith & Hancox [Hancox 2; and in AI Review, in press] showed in computational detail how coherence considerations can influence understanding. This and other language-pragmatics research [Lee 1-3] has been complemented by work on syntax, speech, and gesture (Hancox [3,4], Edmondson [2,3], [Edmondson ICSLP'96 Workshop on Integration of Gesture in Language & Speech; Gestures: Meaning & Use'00]). Bullinaria [1] achieved new successes in accurate connectionist modelling of human reading, spelling and past-tense acquisition. Future research will include: setting ATT-Meta’s metaphor approach in a broader pragmatic-processing framework; expanding the handling of time and causation (central to much metaphor); and continued research on handling metaphor combinations [Lee & Barnden in Metaphor and Symbol’01).

Cognitive architectures. In the Cognition and Affect project (funded by Leverhulme, DERA, Sony) Sloman, with Logan and Scheutz (RFs) and in collaboration with Poli, has pursued multidisciplinary exploration of evolvable architectures capable of integrating and explaining many aspects of human functioning, including emotions [Sloman 1-4]. A novel planner combining abstraction and soft constraints was developed by Logan & Sloman as part of the proposed human-like architecture. More generally, CogAff, a general schema for agent architectures, provides a principled new framework for classifying agent architectures in terms of components and their modes of interaction. The unusually general and flexible agent toolkit, SimAgent, [CACM’99], is now freely available ( Future work will refine and extend the general CogAff framework, and the human-like special case, attempting to integrate components normally studied in isolation in AI [Sloman 3], and will seek to combine the framework with ATT-Meta.

Learning and Neural Networks. This research is grouping (A)’s main overlap with (E): therefore see also first subsection of (E) below. Wyatt has developed new variable resolution methods in reinforcement learning (REL) [ICML-2000], extending existing techniques [e.g. by Munos] to environments where no model is known in advance. Wyatt and Hartley (RS) have explained clearly why classic learning classifier systems do not work [LNAI 1813] and have shown how more advanced classifier systems can model human performance on classification tasks [Wyatt 3]. Wyatt’s methods for near optimal exploration in REL outperform other leading methods [Wyatt 4]. REL techniques applied in an innovative way to robot control resulted in statistically significant improvements [SAB-2000; Wyatt 1,2]. Yao and Liu (RS) developed a novel algorithm for neural network ensemble learning that exploits negative correlation and generalises better than existing algorithms [Yao 3]. Future work will include exploiting various learning strategies (hidden Markov modelling, reinforcement learning, neural networks, graphical models and evolutionary signal processing) for robot navigation tasks.

(E) Evolutionary Computation
The School has one of the strongest groupings of permanent staff focused on this area in the world.

Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks. (This is also an aspect of (A).) Yao developed EPNet, a system for evolving compact generalising neural networks, using novel mutation operators and behavioural evolution [Yao 2]. An ensemble approach to evolving NNs has been proposed [Yao 1]. Poli introduced an efficient dual representation for evolving NNs [Poli 2] and discovered novel NN learning rules using Genetic Programming (GP). Bullinaria identified mechanisms by which evolution shapes neural structures in the brain [Neural Network World’00] and clarified what is required of a NN model to be biologically plausible [Bullinaria 2]. Rowe produced a novel method for evolving recurrent NNs [Artificial Life’96]. Future work includes further development of efficient techniques for NN training and NN-ensemble evolution.

Theory of Evolutionary Computation. Rowe (with Vose, Colorado) helped develop the stochastic dynamical systems theory of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) [Rowe 1]. He generalised this work to arbitrary search spaces, relating the action of genetic operators to the search space structure. This work accounted for finite population effects that are often counter-intuitive [Rowe 2]. Yao with He (RF) proved for the first time conditions under which an EA does or does not take at least exponential time to reach a global optimum. Poli gave GP a sound theoretical basis (see below). Future work includes analysis of average time complexity of EAs on various problems, generalised schema theorems and dynamical system models for finite populations.

Co-evolution. Sloman [4] presented a new way of looking at interacting trajectories of different co-evolving entities in design space and niche space, in the evolution of human-like architectures. Yao and Darwen (Australia) produced a novel approach to automatic modularisation of a learning system through co-evolution [IEEE Trans EC, ‘97; ‘00]. Future work includes development of new distance metrics for co-evolutionary systems and automatic design of modular systems.

Evolvable Hardware (EHW). EAs can serve as knowledge discovery engines. Miller demonstrated a saving of up to 23% on the number of gates in common circuits such as digital multipliers, and showed how new design principles could be extracted [Miller 1,2]. He also identified key features of EHW fitness landscapes [Miller 3] and produced novel ideas in logic synthesis [Miller 4]. Yao & Schnier (RF) developed new EAs for discovery of novel designs, leading to a patent application with Marconi. Future work includes co-evolving designs and specifications, and evolution of fault-tolerant systems.

Genetic Programming (GP). GP is for evolving tree-like structures such as computer programs. Poli provided solid theoretical foundations for GP, including several new exact schema theorems [Poli 1-4]. These results generalise and refine existing GA theory and explain the mechanics of evolution acting on variable size and shape structures. Poli also made technological advances such as sub-machine-code GP, parallel distributed GP, and sub-symbolic representations for GP. Miller developed a new form of GP, Cartesian GP, that has representational redundancy and neutrality which is important for evolving efficient designs.

Other Evolutionary Computation Techniques. (See also (I).) Yao with students invented a Cauchy mutation operator which outperforms existing mutations on many problems [Yao 4]. They also invented the stochastic ranking method for effectively handling constraints [IEEE Trans EC’00]. Rowe constructed prognostic models for cancer patients using EAs, improving on doctors' current best practice [AI in Medicine’98]. Miller effectively minimised Reed-Muller canonical expansions using EAs [Int. J. Electronics'96].

In its future work in general, the (E) grouping will continue to study fundamental theory while maintaining relevance to real-world applications.

(I) Image Understanding and Computer Vision
Image interpretation based on the physics of image formation
. Going beyond traditional interpretation techniques that analyse the image itself, Claridge and Cotton (RS) developed a new, generic, approach, which draws on fundamental understanding of image formation, and successfully applied it to the analysis of skin lesions. Theoretical papers [Claridge 2,4] received prizes. Impressive clinical results in melanoma diagnosis (EPSRC GR/M53035) brought invitations to collaborate from leading dermatologists in Europe and Australia. A commercial clinical device based on this work ( is rapidly being taken up in Europe and beyond. Claridge and Preece (RF) have recently shown that the method can be extended to other tissues and begun work with ophthalmoscopic images. An exciting prospect for future work is to deduce, in real time, the structure of certain materials and tissues from their images. A recently awarded Leverhulme grant (F/00094/M) will support cross-disciplinary theoretical work and development of practical methodologies, including evolutionary methods. Commercial exploitation will be sought.

Vision modelling. Drawing on psychophysical models of visual perception, Claridge developed a family of new image analysis algorithms yielding results consistent with perception. An algorithm based on the "irradiance effect“ predicts well the perceived edge location in translucent objects (e.g. lesions in x-ray images), where derivative-based methods fail [Claridge 3]. Studies of the neuropsychological basis of closure, a perceptual phenomenon associated with surface emergence, led to a novel method for segmentation of poorly defined cellular structures in biological and industrial images [Inf Sci’00]. Claridge’s and Billups’ (RS) principled solution to an often neglected problem of parametrisation of computational models of vision [Claridge 1] contributed to an international interdisciplinary study with Humphreys (Birmingham), Stiehl (Hamburg), Mingolla (Boston) & Peterhans (Zurich) [Image & Vision Computing’96]. Future work will continue to study and exploit perceptual models in a similar way, in collaboration with colleagues in Psychology and Medicine and drawing on evolutionary techniques.

Architectural requirements for visual systems. Sloman has been exploring requirements for a variety of aspects of human and animal vision within the CogAff architecture framework (see also A). His theory depicts a visual system as three architectural layers which evolved at different times and perform different sorts of tasks with different perceptual requirements. By viewing the components of the visual system and the components of the central layers as a sort of "ecosystem“ in which the parts co-evolved he has obtained new insights, including generalising Gibson’s notion of "affordance“ and also explaining and generalising ideas in neuropsychology on alternative visual pathways [Sloman 3]. Architectural requirements for visual systems will continue to be developed and implemented.

Evolutionary Image and Signal Processing. Poli has been exploring alternative ways of designing image and signal analysis algorithms through the use of evolutionary techniques. He became one of the first researchers ever to successfully evolve image analysis algorithms using genetic programming (GP) [Image & Vision Computing’99]. The strength of GP techniques will be exploited to evolve new image analysis operators and their sequences; to evolve image-exploring feature-seeking agents; and to develop new classes of image filters whose design is not constrained by tradition and preconceptions. Access to the new technology, as an everyday software tool for image analysis system designers, will be ensured by making it efficient and reliable.

RA5a Part 2: Growth, Staffing Policy, Research Culture and Research Strategy
In 1996-2000 the School earned 10 major EPSRC research grants (including a £100K JREI grant with Biosciences and Medicine) and one ESRC grant jointly with Psychology, totalling £1.37M, and another 16 major research grants from other agencies, totalling £1.55M. This more than trebled the level of funding during the previous RAE period (£909K). The School has joint projects with BT, Marconi, Rover, Sharp and Sony etc., and has effected technology transfer notably in skin imaging. Among the major awards is a £601K EU ERDF grant for a Centre in Advanced Telematics to support technology transfer to regional SMEs (1999). In 2001 the School won a related HEFCE grant for a 3-year HEROBaC fellow. Since 1996, 20 RFs and 14 RAs have worked in the School, and there are 3 RF vacancies.

Appointments of 10 permanent research-active staff since the RAE’96 census date have strengthened existing groupings and led to the creation of grouping (P) and other new research. Three other such appointments are in process. Staff added within the last two years account for one third of the School’s research-active FTEs, providing a fertile ground for future developments and staff/student attraction. Staff retention has been excellent during the assessment period with only one permanent staff (de Paiva) moving elsewhere, and this only for family reasons. Several staff have been promoted because of research excellence since 1996: Claridge, Kerber, Kwiatkowska, Poli, Ryan.

Academic-staff appointment procedures require applicants to interact with the School at large and to show understanding of connections of their work to other research and to broad issues, possession of long-term vision, and ability to function in a highly interactive and intellectually broad environment. Newly appointed staff are encouraged to establish themselves as independent researchers: they are assigned a personal mentor, given a reduced teaching load, treated immediately as full members of the School research community, and invited to take part in strategic discussions. The School has used quality rather than research area as the main criterion in appointments, subject to applicants having a focus on deep, important and long-term scientific problems. These policies are consonant with there being no top-down management of research by the School; instead, groupings are self-forming and self-directed, and staff are encouraged to strive for individual international prominence. Since 1994, the approach has led to the establishment of the highly successful (P), (D) and (E) and new AI research, and to the School’s current flourishing research culture.

The School is active in research interchange, internally, nationally and internationally. The weekly Departmental Seminar covers all parts of CS and neighbouring disciplines, and regularly attracts audiences from across the campus. The School also currently runs two focused, weekly research seminars: in Theory, and in Evolutionary Computation and Neural Networks. These and other, more informal, seminars bring in School members outside their own specialised remits. The School has attracted distinguished speakers (many from abroad) (see RA6 for some) through these mechanisms, together with the Guest scheme (below) and funding-council visitor schemes. School members have organized major conferences etc. in Birmingham (AISB’00, ESSLLI’00, APPSEM’96, PSSL’98, MathFIT’97) and elsewhere (see RA6). RAs, RFs and RSs are fully involved in such activities.

RSs report every 6-months to their thesis groups (3+ staff each, from different areas), which are fora for intensive research discussions, and their progress is reviewed by the Research Standards Monitoring Group (chair: Hancox). This has led to a steady improvement in completion rates: 91% over the last 4 years. Theory students benefit from a 3-term training by the Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of CS (founder: Jung with Nottingham and Leicester). RSs are funded to present their work at conferences. The School awards 6+ new research studentships per year, to the most promising applicants, irrespective of area or supervisor. The School was accepting 7/year around 1996 and has more recently been accepting 15/year; 36 were awarded PhDs in 1996-2000.

Research support in the School is organized by a central committee (chair: Claridge) that includes RS and RF representation. On the basis of individual merit and independently of applicant status or rank, it supports research travel, pump-priming of research (which helped create laboratories for Robotics and Medical Image Analysis), up to six Guest Fellowships or Professorships per year, and School-organized workshops and conferences.

The School’s research culture and themes are eminently well-suited to interdisciplinarity, as is evident above, especially in the case of groupings (A), (E) and (I). Specific interdisciplinary collaborations have included: Barnden under ESRC grant with E. Robinson (Psychology, Birmingham), on mental-state reasoning; Claridge variously, as noted under (I) above and in RA6; Peterson with D.Bowler (Psychology, City U.) on autism, and with Education (Birmingham) under funding by the Shirley Foundation; Edmondson with M. Tatham (Essex) on syllable phonetics; Poli with T. Bao (Biosciences, Alberta) & J. Nelson (Biology, Duke U.) on modularity within the genome; Poli with K. Harris & R. Royston (Chemistry, Birmingham) on determination of crystal structure. However, much of the School’s other research is intrinsically interdisciplinary in scope as well.

In summary: Over the last 10 years, and especially in the last 4 or 5, the School has grown into a major research centre, with international recognition in each of its main fields of activity (RA6). The School has a collaborative, interactive research culture that promotes cross-boundary communication between groupings. Individuals are exposed in formal and informal settings to a wide range of ideas in CS, AI and neighbouring disciplines, and are often stimulated into new research endeavours after coming here (e.g. Poli, Ryan, Sloman, Theodoropoulos). The School will continue to foster an innovative, open atmosphere, promoting current groupings but also exploiting serendipitous triggers for new research.

University of Bradford_25 4 [20.15E]

Evolution of Structure and Interdisciplinary Aspects of Submission
Consonant with the rapid rates of growth and change in the areas of computing, networks and telecommunications, Bradford University has developed an innovative strategy to address the accelerating convergence of these fields and to be able to respond creatively to new needs and opportunities. Thus, for RAE 96, CS functions were concentrated in the Department of Computing, while computer applications and telecommunications functions were in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. In 1999, a start was made in combining these into a single synergistic unit, the School of Informatics, which integrates four Computer Science and Computer Applications Departments. This submission covers the work of the entire School, plus a majority of the work of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (ET), currently in the School of Engineering.
Distributed within these departments, four research groups have been consolidated, as follows:
§ PME: Performance Modelling and Engineering Group (leader Prof. D.D. Kouvatsos)
§ DVE: Distributed Virtual Environments Group (leader Prof. R.A. Earnshaw)
§ TS Telecommunications Systems Group (leader Prof. J.G. Gardiner)
§ IIS: Intelligent Information Systems Group (leader Prof. I.S. Torsun (deceased 11/00); acting leader: Dr. D. Rigas)
The Department of Computing has a core expertise in Performance Modelling and Engineering, with strong links to telecommunications research. The other group based in the department is in Intelligent Information Systems, integrating artificial intelligence, neural networks and information management (subsuming RAE96 groups in AI & Logic, Formal Methods and Database Technology). Telecommunications research is shared between the School of Informatics and the ET Department. Two professors have recently transferred form ET to Informatics, cementing the synergy and integration of these functions, in line with the rapid convergence that is visible in the outside world. Initiatives are in train to develop and improve this process further. In view of the close synergy that already exists, it has been decided that all of these functions will be presented as a single submission to UoA 25: this should be recognised as a coherent interdisciplinary submission and assessed as such, with appropriate cross-referrals to UoA 29.
The objective of the new Schools structure at Bradford (replacing broader faculties in late 1999) is that the member departments will become increasingly closely integrated so that departmental boundaries will become minimal or even disappear. The result is that it is an intrinsic part of the strategy that, while Computer Science per se is a staple part of the overall structure, the traditional boundaries between this and units specialising in telecommunications, computer applications and digital content generation are becoming much less significant. The inter-school telecommunications activities are coupled via an umbrella organisation, the Telecommunications Research Centre.
Following the formation of the School of Informatics in late 1999, it appointed a Director of Research (Prof. Excell) in 2000 and he chairs the school research committee, comprising all of the professors and a few other key individuals. This committee meets approximately bi-monthly and formulates overall policy for the development of research. This is then forwarded to the School Board for approval. The Director sits on the University’s Research Implementation and Strategy Committee.
The Informatics and ET group as a whole has been greatly assisted in its work by the enthusiastic support of Professor Charles Sandbank, Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor in Information Systems Design. He was appointed in 1997 as a result of a competitive bid to the RAE’s Visiting Professors in Design scheme.
[code used below: leader, principal members + associate members].

Performance Modelling and Engineering Group (PME) [leader: Prof. D.D. Kouvatsos, with Prof. Woodward, Prof. Graves-Morris, Drs Al-Begain, Awan, Csenki + Rodriguez, Sheriff, Shepherd]
This group has continued research towards the creation of novel analytical, numerical and simulation techniques and related algorithms for the modelling and performance/reliability evaluation and prediction of computer systems and high-speed telecommunication networks. It has pioneered cost-effective methodologies for the exact and approximate analysis of general Queueing Network Models (QNMs), based on the information theoretic principles of maximum entropy and minimum relative entropy, queueing theoretic concepts, Markov and semi-Markov processes, advanced numerical methods and batch-renewal traffic processes. New and more powerful exact and approximate quantitative results have been derived for various types of arbitrary QNMs with finite capacity and, thus, blocking schemes, general service times, multiple job classes and mixed (priority/non-priority) scheduling disciplines. These solutions have been implemented via station-by-station system decomposition and multilevel hierarchical aggregation algorithms which employ closed-form probability distributions for the queue length and response time for single or multiple queueing stations within tandem, split and merged configurations. Batch renewal processes were used for the modelling, characterisation, call admission control and management of traffic at the edges and the interior of the network. Extensions have also been made to analyse QNMs under various buffer management schemes leading to new congestion control mechanisms with space priorities. The new methodologies offer simple and practical means for performance evaluation and prediction of computer communication systems including multiservice integrated terrestrial and mobile networks based on Internet Protocols (IP) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks. The group is an internationally recognised research centre of systems performance modelling and evaluation, hosting the largest IFIP working conferences in the world on ATM & IP Networks (1996-1998, 2000), attracting in total over 500 international experts from industry and academia as well as research students worldwide (organised by the group and chaired by Prof. Kouvatsos).
The work of the group (1996-99) on the Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Broadband Integrated Services Digital Networks (B-ISDNs) attracted - jointly with Imperial College - substantial EPSRC funding (£284K) with Prof. Kouvatsos as principal investigator. The final report was graded Alpha 4 (May 2000) - very significant contribution to the field. Earlier EPSRC funded work of the group on ATM Networks Performance was awarded Alpha 5 (Jan 1996). Another EPSRC funded project (£140K) on the performance evaluation of mobile video systems is currently ongoing (1998-2001) with Prof. Woodward the principal investigator. Current work of the group focuses on fundamental research into Internet traffic characterisation, call admission control and performance modelling and prediction. The work includes an investigation into the analysis of complex continuous and discrete time QNMs (Prof. Kouvatsos, Prof. Woodward, Dr. Awan) and its innovative applications into traffic control and its effects on the Quality-of-Service (QoS) as well as call admission control, handover and capacity management of second and third generation mobile systems and wireless ATM networks (Dr Al-Begain).
Two other members of the group (Prof. P. Graves-Morris and Dr. A. Csenki) are mathematics specialists, carrying, out research into high speed computation and probabilistic modelling and giving support to the many numerical and stochastic aspects of work in the systems performance/reliability analysis field. Strategic appointments associated with the group have recently included two professors (one pending), one senior lecturer and a first-appointment lecturer (Dr Awan).

Telecommunications Systems Group (TS) [leader: Prof. J.G. Gardiner, with Prof. Excell, Drs Abd-Alhameed, McEwan, Shepherd, Sheriff, Rodriguez + Profs Kouvatsos, Woodward, Dr Al-Begain]
The telecommunications hardware and systems expertise has a major international reputation and this is now strongly linked to the networking and telecommunications systems expertise in the PME group, emphasising the dominance of the computer-communications convergence issue at the present time. An umbrella organisation, the Telecommunications Research Centre (TRC) co-ordinates collaboration between the TS and PME groups.
At RAE 96, telecommunications research was submitted to UoA 29. However, the TRC was established in 1997, under the Directorship of Prof. Barton (significantly, now with the CS Dept. at Manchester). This subsumed the former Telecommunications, Materials and Devices groups, while the former UoA29 Imaging group became the nucleus of the DVE group (see below). The creation of the TRC was driven by the accolade of an invitation to participate in the Virtual Centre of Excellence in Mobile and Personal Communications (, a collaboration of leading universities (Bradford, Bristol, Edinburgh, King’s, Royal Holloway, Southampton, Strathclyde, Surrey) with industry.
The key areas of specialism in the group are mobile and personal communications (Prof. Gardiner), antennas and applied electromagnetics (Prof. Excell and Dr Abd-Alhameed), satellite-mobile communication systems (Dr Sheriff), cryptography and computer security (Dr Shepherd) and electronic devices (Dr Rodriguez). Dr Abd-Alhameed is a first-appointment lecturer.
Research in mobile and personal communications has been strongly supported by projects funded by the Virtual Centre of Excellence. Noteworthy among these have been developments in application-specific integrated circuit realisations of future terminal functions and several studies of the characteristics of the mobile channel. A large ‘LINK’ grant was also won by Prof. Gardiner to support work in the area of integrated radio and optical communications.

The antennas and applied electromagnetics sub-group has established an international reputation in computational electromagnetics, especially as applied to coupling between mobile telephones and the human body. This work has flourished through the 1990s, with particularly fruitful links established with the University of Rome (La Sapienza): two collaborative projects have been undertaken with this group (one with large EU funding) and bids for two more are with the EU and two with the Dept. of Health. The laboratory facilities include a large anechoic chamber, an artificial human head and substantial computer power. Several patents for novel antenna designs have also been filed and venture capital for exploitation of the intellectual property (£3.5m) is being negotiated.
The satellite-mobile communications work also involves major collaborations with Europe, including large industrial groups, and several large EU grants have been won, the managing partner being Bradford in one case. Details: ABATE (£54K,1996-98) - 9xEU orgs plus JPL (USA); SINUS (£174K, 1996-99) - 10xEU orgs; SUMO (£113K, 1998-2000) - 8xEU orgs; SUITED (£130K, 2000-2002) - 13xEU orgs.
The cryptography and computer security sub-group (Shepherd) has applied both simulation and analytical techniques to study the distortion generated by the bulk-FFT demultiplexer. More recently the design and development of cryptographic and security techniques for wireless high speed networks have been investigated. The group has attracted a substantial amount of research funding.
Work in electronic devices has focused on the characterisation of active devices for microwave circuits: this has received substantial industrial support. Recently, an innovative design for a microwave active inductor has been devised and industrial exploitation paths for this are being developed.

Distributed Virtual Environments Group (DVE) [leader: Prof. R.A. Earnshaw, with Drs Palmer, Wan, Zharkova + Prof. Excell]
This group has grown out of the Imaging group submitted to UoA 29 at RAE 96, also subsuming the RAE96 UoA 25 groups in graphics, image processing, and music technology.
At the last RAE there were three sub-groups: i). visualisation and 3D imaging over ATM networks; ii). multimedia assets in industrial design; iii). photonics and image processing. The first two aspects have been continued and combined into one area of distributed virtual environments and computer graphics, and this has been expanded to include computer animation and modelling. This has enabled us to attract substantial funding from HEFCE/JREI, EPSRC, EC, industry, and the DTI.
Prof. Earnshaw leads the sub-groups on distributed virtual environments and computer graphics, and computer animation and modelling. These include research in visualisation, virtual studios, multimedia, and distributed virtual environments. Prof. Cavazza was, and Drs Palmer and Wan are, the most active co-workers. Prof. Green led the sub-group on photonics and image processing, the photonics work being considered part of the TS research group: Prof. Excell has taken over the telecommunications aspects, but his work in bioelectromagnetics also involves 3D imaging and graphics.
The research in digital media and content generation is underpinned by the close working relationship with the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television (a division of the National Science Museum), located close to the campus. This relationship operates through the Electronic Imaging & Media Communications Department, an innovation unique to Bradford, which works to bridge the ‘two cultures’ between digital technology and artistic aspects of content. This department has strong computer-science leadership in Prof. Earnshaw (also Dean of the School of Informatics). Staff in the Museum collaborate with the DVE Group in European research projects. The work of the DVE Group with national and international collaborators is combined under the heading of the ‘Institute for Digital Media’.
The group received acknowledgement of its expertise by its inclusion in the Virtual Centre of Excellence (VCE) in Digital Broadcasting and Multimedia Technology, with the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Essex, Surrey, Imperial College, and University College London. The group was successful in its JREI bid for £350K for a Silicon Graphics Onyx supercomputer in 1996 for research in computer animation. This provided international-class power for compute-intensive tasks underpinning several large projects.
The group was successful in the following bids: i). Digital VCE for a joint research project with UCL on Virtual Theatre Rehearsal (£440K); ii). EU for collaborative project VPARK - Virtual Entertainment Park (994KEuro: 25% to Bradford; other partners: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; University of Geneva; Integrated Information Systems; UK National Museum of Photography, Film & Television); iii). DTI/EPSRC LINK Broadcast Technology initiative for project VIP - Virtual Interactive Presenter (£752K total - £539K to Univ. and local SME partner).
The image processing specialists have been investigating compression of multiple image data sets, particularly related to the areas of multimedia, network communications and the Internet. An astronomical imaging thread exists within this group and the key member is Dr Zharkova, who has a major international reputation in solar image processing.

Intelligent Information Systems Group (IIS) [leader: Prof. I.S. Torsun (deceased 11/00); acting leader: Dr D. Rigas, with Drs Muyeba, Ridley, Wang + Shepherd]
This group is concerned with executional models for intelligent systems, including computational models and algorithms. The scope includes: deductive databases, modal and temporal logic, neural networks, non-monotonic reasoning, and reasoning with uncertainty. The term ‘Intelligent Information Systems’ has been adopted in its wider sense because it incorporates Information Sciences with Artificial Intelligence (Dr Wang), User Interfaces and Multi-Modal communication (Dr Rigas), Formal Methods, Databases and Data mining (Dr Ridley). For instance, some of the group’s detailed objectives include investigation of Artificial Intelligence techniques and paradigms, multimedia information processing for information systems, data mining techniques to support data repository needs of information systems, investigation of the effective use of formal methods and techniques in the design of information systems. Until his recent death, the leader was Professor I.S. Torsun, whose sub-group’s recent research has been in neural networks, for the development of a spatial-temporal network which can dynamically analyse data patterns using time series. Recruitment of a new leader at professorial level is in progress; in the interregnum, a new Senior Lecturer, Dr. D. Rigas, has been appointed to be the acting leader.
There are plans to build upon the existing research by applying intelligent control systems and multimedia interfaces to solve industrial problems. The areas cover scheduling, planning, simulation, and control of production systems, intelligent control systems, discrete event systems, neural networks and fuzzy logic. It is also planned to build upon the multimedia and interfaces expertise for the support and operation of these systems. Current work involves stochastic process algebra to analyse functional and performance characteristics. The integration of object-oriented methods and standards with formal notations is also being investigated, and a framework for the analysis of OOP languages has been developed (Dr Muyeba). Research has also been undertaken in software development of general user interfaces, auditory interfaces and multimedia systems. Audio-visual communication metaphors have been employed to assist in the development of software for visually impaired users: this is also of benefit to industrial software developers and designers (Dr Rigas).

University of Bristol_25 5 [29A]

Computer Science at Bristol has expanded rapidly over the last five years with major new appointments and initiatives. Total research staff has doubled. Extensive relationships have been formed with the growing cluster of high technology industries in the region which includes micro-electronics, computing and communications as well as digital media and games production. This has led to the recent approval of a £7.6 million grant for the establishment of a University Technology Centre in Communications, Computing and Content.

Key points are

§ An interdisciplinary Quantum Computing Research group has been established with members in the Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics departments.
§ A Cryptography and Information Security group has been established.
§ A Mobile and Wearable Computing Group has received support from EPSRC until 2006 as part of the Equator IRC.
§ Major grants from the Technology Foresight Challenge, the DTI Link programmes and Industry have been used to set up a programme of research in digital content creation, including the Bristol Creative Technology Network.
§ A Media Computing Laboratory has been installed with support from Industry and JREI. It includes immersive VR facilities, an Image Server and a Motion Platform.
§ An Information Appliances Laboratory has been set up with support from Hewlett Packard and EPSRC, carrying out research on media appliances and mobile computers.
§ Our new Machine Learning and Data Mining group extends our previous activity in Artificial Intelligence with new appointments and major projects in Inductive Logic Programming, Machine Learning and Data Mining.
§ Our interdisciplinary Safety Systems Research Centre has attracted further industrial sponsorship. It is hosted by the CS department, which contributes research in System Design and Verification.

There have been several changes since the 1996 Research Assessment and research now falls into the following areas:

§ Cryptography and Information Security: This follows the appointment of Dr Nigel Smart and Dr Steven Galbraith, and has close relationships with Quantum Computing, Mobile computing and Architecture.
§ Digital Media: This area has grown substantially with several new industrial projects and the creation of the Bristol Creative Technology Network.
§ Quantum Computing: Bristol's recently formed group carries out research in quantum computing and quantum informatics, especially quantum algorithms.
§ Languages and Architecture: As much of our interest focuses on the relationship between architecture and programming languages, these two areas have been brought together.
§ Machine Learning and Data Mining: This group brings together interests in fuzzy logic and reasoning, computational intelligence, inductive logic, machine learning and data mining. It also includes research on inductive logic programming.
§ Mobile and Wearable computing: Originating in our Computer Architecture group, this new group is expanding following the establishment of the Equator IRC.
§ System Design and Verification: This brings together previous interests in system design, software testing and formal verification; it has been strengthened with the appointment of Professor Dhiraj Pradhan.

Each research group is coordinated by a group leader, who arranges regular meetings to review progress, discuss research priorities and potential future projects. The group leader is also responsible for encouraging young researchers within the group, providing advice and assistance on matters such as the preparation of research proposals, and the selection of journals and conferences for publication of results.

Three University Research Centres support interdisciplinary work with other departments in the University.

§ The Quantum Computing Research Centre includes Prof. Sandu Popescu in Physics, Dr Noah Linden in Mathematics and Prof. Richard Jozsa in Computer Science. It has visiting staff from Hewlett Packard.
§ The Safety Systems Research Centre continues to receive strong industrial support and covers many aspects of research in safe and reliable computer systems. The System Verification group in Computer Science is a key component of this.
§ The Advanced Computing Research Centre enables staff and research students from several departments to meet regularly and has originated many collaborative projects.

Digital Media research involving industrial partners is supported by the Bristol Creative Technology Network which was created by the department and connects to 15 Bristol media companies (including the BBC, Aardman, 4:2:2 and BFV) via a dedicated 155 Mbit network.


The Department has aimed to recruit staff to strengthen its existing groups whilst also looking for opportunities to expand its research programme into significant new areas. It has also placed major emphasis on the development of its teaching programmes with the aim of encouraging students to take up research positions.

The research and recruitment strategy take into account major trends in the subject both from an academic and industrial viewpoint. The activities of each group involve visiting industrial staff. At present there are 20 of these drawn from companies including British Aerospace, Hewlett Packard, STMicroelectronics and Infineon Technologies.

Senior appointments since 1996 include Prof Richard Jozsa (Quantum Computing), Dr Nigel Smart (Cryptography) and Prof Dhiraj Pradhan (System design and test,Fault tolerant computing). Promotions include Dr Alan Chalmers (Digital Media), Dr John Gallagher (Language and Architecture), Dr Peter Flach, Dr Trevor Martin, Dr Christophe Giraud-Carrier (Machine Learning) Dr Henk Muller (Mobile Computing).

The department has appointed several new staff. Nathan Sidwell joined from STMicroelectronics, bringing expertise in microprocessor architecture. Five promising young staff (Kerstin Eder, Steven Galbraith, Tim Kovacs, Jonathan Lawry, Jonathan Rossiter) have been appointed and are rapidly developing new research programmes.

David May and Nathan Sidwell joined the University from STMicroelectronics and both have continuing involvement with industry. Research and development covered in patents has been carried forward in the recently introduced Hitachi/STmicroelectronics SH5/ST50 microprocessor. David May's transputer processor design has become one of the world's leading 32-bit embedded processors, with annual sales of over 50 million units.

University of Cambridge_25 5* [34.33B]

Structure. The Computer Laboratory is the academic department of computer science at the University of Cambridge. It has a full undergraduate and postgraduate education programme, the latter being an essential part of the Laboratory's research activity. Currently it has 30 permanent members of academic staff (including 6 Professors and 5 Readers), 5 research fellows (including 2 Royal Society URFs and 1 EPSRC Avdanced Fellow), 18 research assistants, and 83 research students. The Laboratory's research groups are intellectual rather than managerial structures, focussed around regular seminars and group meetings and driven to a large extent by the research interests of individual members of staff. The groups try to maintain as inclusive an atmosphere as possible and people frequently contribute to the activities of more than one group. The Laboratory also contains a multidisciplinary Centre for Communications Systems Research (CCSR). The Laboratory has a strong ethos of practice influencing theory and vice versa. This results in many interconnections between our research groups and between them and industrial collaborators. For example, work in the Security Group is applied to the robust design of communications by the Systems group; formal systems developed by the Theory, Semantics and Programming Group underlie the verification tools developed by the Automated Reasoning group and these in turn are applied in verifying architectures of interest to the Systems and Graphics & HCI Groups.

Environment. The Laboratory is currently sited centrally, in increasingly over-crowded accommodation spread over three adjacent buildings. Technical and administrative support is supplied by 7 computer officers, 1 technician, and 7 assistant staff. During the last couple of years lack of space for new research staff has made it difficult to fully realize the potential for expansion of research activity that undoubtedly exists within the Laboratory. However, in the Autumn of 2001 the Laboratory will move into purpose-built accommodation of 10,000sqm gross on the west side of the city. The new building is funded by a donation from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (£12.9M), by HEFCE Project Capital Allocation (£4.5M) and the University (£3M). This will allow expansion of staff numbers by some 60% over the next 10 to 15 years. Our strategy for the next five years is as follows.

Research Strategy. The Computer Laboratory aims to carry out world-class research across a broad spectrum of computer science. Although the subject is rapidly evolving, a number of core themes recur: systems, communications and security engineering; mathematical foundations; and the interplay between humans and computers. We will strive to preserve a mix of these themes in our research activities. We believe it is very important to do so, to ensure that the themes are not divorced and condemned to lead separate, incomplete lives. For example, there is continual evidence that the most relevant mathematical theories of computation arise in response to engineering experiment.
Systems, communications and security engineering. The advent of global computing and the junction between computing and communication presents many opportunities that we plan to exploit during the next five years. The existing strengths of the Systems Research Group in this area will be augmented during 2001 by the appointment of a Marconi Professor of Communications Systems. This Chair is funded from a £28M donation by Marconi to Cambridge University that will also provide significant research income for the Computer Laboratory over the next six years. Marconi have also set up a research laboratory in Cambridge, whose first director, McAuley, has close ties with the Computer Laboratory, having been a Lecturer here in the 90s. This will eventually move to a new building next to the new Computer Laboratory building. It is likely that some space in both new buildings will be occupied by researchers from the Department of Engineering's Division of Information Engineering, enhancing and extending existing research collaborations with our Systems and our Natural Language research groups and with CCSR. Our research groups also plan to make use of the forthcoming Cambridge Open Mobile System, a pair of test networks for research into next-generation mobile services being provided by Vodafone and covering the city of Cambridge. Our RAE’96 plans to expand research on Security were hampered by the departure of Needham to become the first Managing Director of Microsoft's Cambridge Research Laboratory (whose new building is also sited next to the Computer Laboratory’s new building). We have just appointed a new Lecturer (Kuhn) in security and will seek to strengthen the Security Research Group during the coming phase of expansion. (Needham's departure also had a positive aspect for us: Security is one of several areas where we are building strong research collaborations with the Microsoft Research Laboratory.)
Mathematical foundations. The Theory, Semantics and Programming Group has grown during the last six years to become the second largest in the Laboratory after Systems. The recent appointment of Winskel to a Chair makes it well placed to contribute to theoretical aspects of global computing, mobility and security. We also plan to exploit Winskel's connections to build up a collaboration with the Basic Research in Computer Science (BRICS) Institute in Aarhus (Winskel was its first Director), based around the exchange of graduate students.
Human-Computer Interplay. New developments in computing and communications present both new ways of engaging with technology and new social phenomena mediated by technology. There is a strategic role for humanities, arts and social science perspectives within technology research. Crucible is a nascent research institute within the University of Cambridge whose purpose is to encourage such interdisciplinary research. It is co-directed by Blackwell (who was appointed to a Lectureship in the Computer Laboratory in October 2000) and Good in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences; Good is also a director of the newly formed Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI). The Laboratory's Graphics and Human/Computer Interaction Group will expoit the opportunities provided by CMI and by Crucible to expand its activites in interdisciplinary research into human-computer interaction.

Research groups. For each of our research groups, we describe research-related achievements during the assessment period, current activities and future plans. Much of the work reflects EPSRC priorities (which also take into account Foresight recommendations) for IT and Computer Science. Thus "novel technologies and new ideas" occur throughout; there is a "holistic approach to architectures of large scale systems" in much of the work of the Systems Research Group; and "computing-communications convergence" is particularly evident in that group's work and in the work of the Theory, Semantics and Programming Group towards formal models. (In what follows, a reference like [Anon-n] refers to Anon's nth publication listed in RA2.)

A. Automated Reasoning Group. (Gordon, Paulson, Norrish, Slind, 5 research assistants, 5 research students.) This group pioneered the application of Higher Order Logic (HOL) to the verification of computer hardware; as a result, Higher Order Logic is now a standard formalism for verifying digital designs. The group has traditionally built its own tools: Gordon's HOL System is primarily used for hardware verification, while Paulson's generic Isabelle System supports a variety of logics. These proof assistants are two of the most used worldwide. Major releases of these tools (Hol98 and Isabelle99) were produced during the assessment period. Work with the HOL tool has concentrated on linking the theorem prover to other design tools, including industrial CAD and CASE tools. This has included work combining theorem proving and proof planning [Gordon-2, Slind-2], and contributions to the core proof engine of the toolkit produced by the Prosper ESPRIT project [Gordon-3, Gordon-4]. Other notable achievements are a mechanised semantics of the C language [Norrish-1], the exploration of functional programming in a theorem prover [Slind-1, Slind-3, Slind-4] and the work by Gordon's PhD student John Harrison on floating point verification, for which he won a BCS Distinguished Dissertation prize. Paulson's Isabelle System has been used for both theoretical and practical investigations. Theoretical work includes mechanising parts of set theory [Paulson-1], abstract algebra [Paulson-2], and the use by Paulson's PhD student Jacques Fleuriot of non-standard analysis for mechanising analysis, for which he too won a BCS Distinguished Dissertation prize. Practical work with Isabelle has concentrated on the verification of cryptographic protocols: several industrial-grade protocols, including Kerberos, have been analysed to a level of detail unmatched by other methods, often uncovering design defects [Paulson-3]. Isabelle has also been used to develop a verification environment for concurrent programs, using the UNITY calculus [Paulson-4].
Current projects include work on the theory and implementation of a platform for combining deductive theorem proving and model checking; and on automating compositional proofs about parallel programs. The group is investigating automatic creation of multiple views of logic specifications for execution, interactive deduction, and automatic formal verification. It also plans to study mechanically verifying real world e-commerce cryptographic protocols in collaboration with the Security Group. A long-term aim is to provide a flexible core proof engine that can be embedded in other CAD/CASE systems to provide a programmable platform for formal verification.

B. Computer Vision and Neural Computing Group. (Clocksin, Daugman, 1 research assistant, 3 research students.) The group does work on machine vision, wavelet representations, analysis of optic flow, demodulation codes, and neural stochasticity. Having developed inspection techniques based on optical flow since 1978, Clocksin has recently led a team applying optical flow to the analysis and inspection of aluminium alloy and carbon-fibre composite materials [Clocksin-3]. New algorithms are able to detect kink band formation in composites under compression well before the macroscopic evidence appears; furthermore, new algorithms for in-situ inspection of metal alloy under axial tension are able to map plastic strain to new levels of accuracy. Clocksin has also developed new techniques for genetic screening, based on colour image processing, which have enormous implications for the automated screening of conditions such as Down's syndrome and Patau syndrome.

Daugman combines computer vision and statistical pattern recognition with computational neuroscience [Daugman-1], focussing on issues of statistical independence, predictive coding, and demodulation [Daugman-4]. One of his contributions has been the construction of multi-dimensional wavelet representations that allow complex variable analysis to accomplish useful tasks in visual processing. One example, in work funded by British Telecom, is the representation of human faces and other patterns in terms of complex wavelet phasor products [Daugman-2]. Other work funded by The Gatsby Foundation on "Biological Computation" illustrated how neurobiological coding principles could be applied in computer vision tasks [Daugman-1]. A central focus of current research is the notion of a "signal-to-symbol converter" that bridges the gap between the outcomes of signal processing (e.g. feature extraction) and the symbolic or logical operations that underlie data abstraction, integration of evidence, decision-making, and classification. A recent application of this work has been iris recognition [Daugman-3], real-time algorithms for determining personal identity with very high confidence by mathematical analysis of the random patterns that are visible in the iris of a person's eye from some distance. This work received a British Computer Society IT Award in 1997 and a UK Design Council "Millennium Product" Award in 1998; the algorithms have been licensed internationally and the software was used in the Millennium Dome. Future work will aim to build more bridges between the apparent neural strategies of coding and analysis, and computational problems in signal processing, vision, and inference.

C. Natural Language Group. (Briscoe, Copestake, Sparck Jones, 6 research students.) The group's recent and current work on language and information processing addresses a range of fundamental tasks (such as acquiring, representing and deploying linguistic information [Briscoe-1,2,3, Pulman-1,2, Copestake-1,3]), as well as several distinct application areas (such as information retrieval [Sparck Jones-2,4] and language generation for the disabled [Copestake-2]). It involves both text and speech (for example in text summarisation, speech prosthesis, and broadcast news retrieval); and it addresses both immediate practicalities (such as efficient syntactic parsing and system evaluation [Sparck Jones-1]) and fundamental theoretical issues (such as the nature of language learning and language evolution [Briscoe-4], and forms of extended discourse representation). The group produces work at the leading edge of current research in language and information processing. For example, Sparck Jones has had two very successful collaborations with the Engineering Department on spoken document retrieval that produced innovative applications work and high performance in international (US DARPA/NIST) evaluation programmes; and her work on steering committees for major DARPA/NIST evaluation programmes provides international leadership in designing evaluations for language and speech systems. Briscoe led an influential European collaboration on multilingual corpus analysis [Briscoe-1], building tools for practical applications in large-scale text processing and lexicon construction. He and Copestake developed (with others) a declarative approach to default unification which is increasingly being utilised in constraint-based grammars [Briscoe-3, Copestake-3].
The composition of the group changed in October 2000 when Pulman left to take up a chair in Oxford and Copestake joined the group from Stanford's Center for the Study of Language and Information. Copestake brings to the group her work on open source technology for parsing and generation [Copestake-4], used by many groups worldwide for teaching, research and applications including a major German spoken dialogue translation project and a commercial system for automatic response to email. Future work of the group will include: a joint project with Sussex on very high performance statistical parsing that exploits sophisticated machine learning and delivers a practical applications tool; theoretical research on language learning and development and on syntactic and semantic processing, combining symbolic and statistical strategies; development of a language generator to complement current analysers and allow more comprehensive applications systems; development of large lexical resources for language processing, such as lexicons with predicate subcategorisation and argument structure and lexicons of idioms and other multiword expressions; research on the recognition and application of large-scale discourse structure, both to support sentence processing and information extraction and summarisation; practically-motivated work on extracting and summarising information from bulk data streams, including, as far as possible, participating in likely international evaluation programmes. The emphasis in all this work will be on robust, multipurpose language processors and on relating symbolic and statistical information in their operation and application.
D. Graphics and Human/Computer Interaction ("Rainbow Group"). (Blackwell, Dodgson, Robinson, 2 research assistants, 11 research students.) The Rainbow Group was founded in the 1960s, originally to investigate the use of computer graphics systems for electronic computer-aided design. Out of this fusion of subjects has grown a dynamic research group whose interests span display systems, computer graphics, image processing [Dodgson-2] and human-computer interaction; it also collaborates closely with the Systems Group on innovative computer architectures. In the area of displays, under the leadership of Dodgson, an autostereo display has been built which allows one to see a 3D picture without the need for special glasses or other headgear; new rendering and compression algorithms for 3D imagery have been designed, a prototype 3D camera system built, and analysis of the display system undertaken [Dodgson-1,3,4]. The development of autostereo display hardware has been passed to a spin-off company (ASD Systems Ltd), while software issues remain a research focus of the group. Dodgson and Robinson have also supervised work on modelling, animation and applications [Robinson-3]. Work on human-computer interaction has included the use of video as part of the user interface [Robinson-1, Robinson-2]. A DigitalDesk has been built (with industrial sponsorship) with projection television for output and cameras which track hand movements plus a stylus for input; this provides a new experimental infrastructure for computer supported co-operative work. In addition, Blackwell has studied the cognitive factors that are involved in the design and use of visual programming languages, graphical user interfaces and other classes of diagrammatic notation [Blackwell-2,3,4].
Work continues on autostereoscopic image compression and on new paradigms for visual interaction, both projects sponsored by EPSRC. A joint EPSRC-funded project with the Engineering Department studies computer assistance for motion-impaired users [Robinson-4]. Other current projects are: shared media spaces (Racal Research) and multi-resolution geometric modelling (EU). Future plans include work on: creative media and technology; multi-resolution modeling and interaction with curves and surfaces. The group will collaborate in Crucible, an interdisciplinary centre for creative design research (Cambridge-MIT Institute and BT) and in the University Technology Centre of Usability Studies (PO).

E. Security Group. (Anderson, Kuhn, 9 research students.) Beginning with Needham's pioneering work, the Laboratory's research on computer security has traditionally emphasised the application of formal logic to the verification of authentication protocols. Although Needham left to found Microsoft Research Ltd at the end of 1998, work on logical analysis of protocols continues with Paulson's work in the Automated Reasoning Group. However, as envisaged in our RAE’96 submission, the main focus of the Security Group has been on combining fundamental research into the mathematical and engineering aspects of security with more application-specific concerns. Anderson's paper on the "Eternity Service“ [Anderson-1] was the seminal paper in the rapidly growing new field of peer-to-peer networking, and inspired the development of systems such as freenet and mojonation. The paper on "The Risks of Key Recovery“ [Anderson-2] has become the most widely cited work on key escrow; of the eleven distinguished cryptographers who were organised to author it, Anderson was the only non-American. His work with Bezuidenhoudt [Anderson-3] made an important contribution to the electrification of two million homes in South Africa. He was also one of the inventors, with Biham and Knudsen, of the Serpent encryption algorithm [Anderson-4], which was one of the finalists in the US government's competition to find an Advanced Encryption Standard, and came second in terms of votes. The group was strengthened in 2001 by the appointment of Kuhn (formerly a PhD student of Anderson) as a Lecturer. Kuhn’s work with Anderson on the tamper resistance of smartcards was both prizewinning and widely cited [Kuhn-1]. His work on secure microcontrollers resulted in a new kind of attack, the cipher instruction search attack [Kuhn-3], and further work with Koemmerling on smartcards yielded a further prizewinning paper [Kuhn-4]. His work with Anderson on the Soft Tempest protection technology drew very wide interest and is included in PGP [Kuhn-2].
Current work includes a tamper laboratory pushing forward the work on Tempest and tamper resistance, with £20K per annum of direct industry funding. Its most recent achievement is the discovery by Anderson of a new class of attacks on cryptoprocessors, and a spectacular extension of these attacks by a research student of Paulson's, Mike Bond. The Systems Group (Moore) and Security Group (Anderson) have initiated the G3card project, an EU-funded project to develop the next generation of smartcard CPUs using self-timed dual-rail logic. Anderson's main focus will continue to be on why various security systems fail, while Kuhn plans to focus on methods for the distributed storage of data in peer-to-peer networks.

F. Systems Research Group. (Bacon, Gibbens, Greaves, Hand, Harris, Leslie, Moody, Moore, Pratt, 5 research assistants, 28 research students.) The work of this group ranges over innovative computer architectures, operating systems, networking technologies, and middleware and multimedia support.

Computer architectures. Work on this topic is carried out in collaboration with the Graphics and Human/Computer Interaction Group. Moore and Robinson have investigated self-timed circuit design. They produced the design of a new architecture based on rotary pipelines for super-scalar processors that lends itself to asynchronous implementation [Moore-2], a new storage element (the reset-enable-data or RED flip-flop) to improve data path performance in asynchronous circuits, a design methodology for the control circuits in an asynchronous system and an approach to rapid prototyping of self-timed circuits [Moore-3]. The group continues to investigate self-timed microcontrollers as a vehicle for improving and benchmarking self-timed design techniques, sponsored by EPSRC, Cambridge Consultants Ltd and AT&T Laboratories. These microcontrollers will have data-driven power consumption and will consequently be particularly efficient at low duty cycles [Moore-4]. Using their foundation in self-timed processor design, the group will explore other low-power computer design issues. Other current projects are: FPGA design (Altera), third generation smartcards (EU), and multi-threaded processors (EPSRC) [Moore-1]. Future plans include work on globally asynchronous, locally synchronous system design.
Operating systems. Work on the Nemesis operating system [Leslie-1, Hand-1], a vertically structured operating system designed to support predictable and configurable quality of service for applications, has continued through a large ESPRIT LTR project. This has led to a publicly available distribution of the operating system [Hand-2]. Many of the Nemesis ideas are being carried forward in other projects. We are investigating server-less storage systems in which clients have direct access to a shared pool of network-attached disks. A key tenet of this work is that clients receive predictable application performance through provision of quality of service guarantees. Ideas from Nemesis are also being exploited in the XenoServer project [Pratt-1] which aims to build a viable platform to support public-access wide-area computing by enabling applications to execute components closer to the data and services with which they need to interact, avoiding long interaction latencies, bandwidth bottlenecks or high network link charges. XenoServers may be deployed at strategic network locations in order to host untrusted application code, in return for the application's "sponsor“ paying for all resources used or reserved [Pratt-3]. Such a system would enable network users such as content providers to distribute components of their applications in a manner that is both efficient and economical. A further development from this work has been the design and implementation of an extensible virtual machine supporting application-specific control of the programming language's runtime environment [Harris-3].
Networking technologies. Source modelling is now of limited value with the rapid turnover and evolution of new network applications; by the time one has developed a model of an application, the application has changed. Leslie and Crosby investigated techniques based on on-line traffic measurement. These take results from large deviation theory, but rather than extracting a large deviation bound from a model, they extract it directly from measurement. Work on resource management in networks is now focussed on automated dynamic negotiation and pricing of service level agreements between carriers. We believe this could result in more efficient use of existing bandwidth, and enable ISPs to make quality of service versus price tradeoffs as to how traffic is routed to and from them. Gibbens, in joint work with Kelly in the Statistical Laboratory, has shown how mathematical and economic approaches to congestion control can be applied to existing and proposed developments in packet networks such as IP networks [Gibbens-2]. He has also helped to produced a teletraffic analysis of the consequences of the IETF DiffServ proposals [Gibbens-3] that forms the basis for further work in the areas of resource pricing for distributed control in packet networks and for the teletraffic analysis of enterprise IP networks. Leslie leads a team investigating network programmability, specifically looking at the provision of dynamic virtual networks that have dedicated resource assigned to them and that can have different network control systems, despite running on the same physical network [Leslie-2]. By allowing differentiated control on a single infrastructure, one encourages innovation in network control systems and services [Pratt-4]. This work has led to patent applications and is being pursued by a start-up company. Work on Internet topics includes semantic analysis of network traffic in which non-intrusive monitors perform application-level analysis of network traffic in real time in order to gain detailed high level information without vast storage requirements. This will provide an accurate understanding of an application's behaviour and performance. Other work includes the investigation of carrying IP over a global circuit switched core based on DWDM. The circuit switched core is to be reconfigured dynamically according to network traffic patterns, with the aim of approaching the bandwidth efficiency and user-convenience of datagram networks, while avoiding the need for packet switching in the network core. In the area of home networking, the Warren project [Greaves-2], explored the use of low cost ATM hardware for domestic networks. Work in this area has continued with the development of the "HAN“ local area network. This a system that aims to achieve high bandwidths over existing phone line wiring using a novel technique whereby network nodes dynamically reconfigure their receivers depending on with which other nodes they are communicating. Another extension of this work, Auto HAN, is examining higher-level issues such as application organisation and security, and is investigating ease of "programmability of the home“ through the use of intuitive Lego™ style tangible interfaces.
Middleware and multimedia support. Large scale distributed applications must be built above middleware platforms that support heterogeneous hardware and software environments, with the possibility of mobile, wireless applications and disconnected working. Their ubiquitous nature makes new demands on privacy and security, since one application may span many administrative domains which wish to restrict mutual trust, such as in a nationwide electronic health record service. Bacon and Moody pioneered event-driven middleware through the Cambridge Event Architecture (CEA). Their "publish, register, notify“ event paradigm employs source-side (scalable) filtering of parametrised events and includes event mediators and composite event detection servers [Bacon-2,3, Moody-4]. Events are a means by which disparate components may be composed to form new systems; a component may offer to carry out an action if another component supplies a trigger. An aspiration is to achieve "global computing“ by federating event systems, requiring that the event services span administrative domains. Closely integrated with CEA is Oasis, an open architecture for secure, interworking services. Oasis implements role-based access control as encryption-protected certificates [Bacon-1,3,4, Moody-1,4]. It uses event channels to span services which have issued role membership certificates and this spanning structure functions as a dynamic proof tree that the certificates remain valid. Violation of role entry conditions are signalled as events which leads to selective and immediate revocation of certificates. Current work is on engineering large-scale systems [Bacon 4].
The group is currently beginning to explore how to automate the process from policy expression (law) via mathematical logic to implementation (in large scale distributed systems) with initial reference to access control policy. This will involve collaboration with the Natural Language Group in order to capture access control logic from policy expressed in pseudo-natural language. Another current interest is information retrieval systems; after over thirty years of research into such systems, recently techniques have been developed to allow access to multimedia documents, including text, graphics, audio and video. However, many of the systems which handle media other than text are bespoke designs. Research led by Bacon and Moody is investigating methods of constructing information retrieval (IR) applications which can exploit multimedia data in a uniform manner; just as databases are implemented within a DBMS, so it is hoped that IR applications may be designed under Cobra [Moody-2,3], which extends the ODMG Object Model to support generalised keywords.

G. Theory, Semantics and Programming Group. (Bierman, Dawar, Fiore, Milner, Mycroft, Norman, Pitts, Sewell, Winskel, 3 research assistants, 15 research students.) This group seeks a mathematical and logical understanding of computational behaviour, both of traditional programs and of interactive systems such as the internet. It applies this understanding to the study of computational complexity and to produce semantically-motivated programming language designs, compilers, interpreters, virtual machines, program analysis, program transformations and optimisations. The group expanded in October 2000 with the arrival of Winskel as a professor, Bierman as a lecturer and Fiore as an EPSRC Advanced Fellow.
Semantics of computation and interaction. Pitts produced new tools for reasoning about both the denotational and the operational semantics of programming languages that led to powerful methods for proving properties of programs involving recursion, polymorphism and user-declared data types [Pitts-1,3, Bierman-2]; this work has contributed much to the current emphasis on operationally-based techniques in world-wide research into higher-order, typed programming languages. Milner's pi-calculus [Milner-3], which is a starting-point for much of the group's work on concurrent systems with scope mobility, has been highly influential in world-wide research into interactive computation, giving rise to a large number of related calculi for communication, mobility and security. Milner launched an ambitious programme to describe common features of all such calculi through his graph-based notion of "action calculus“ [Milner-1]. Gardner and Milner have developed the theory further, clarifying its algebraic and type-theoretic properties [Gardner-1, Milner-2]. A current initiative is to develop a uniform theory of behavioural equivalence for these calculi [Milner-4, Sewell-2]; here category-theoretic methods have proved useful and the group plans to exploit Winskel's expertise in categorical semantics of concurrency theory [Winskel-1, Winskel-3]. Theoretical work on categories of models for concurrency and bisimulation from open maps yields an innovative domain theory that is leading to highly expressive metalanguages for interactive computation [Fiore-2, Winskel-2]. A current challenge is to provide these languages with operational semantics, and so move towards powerful new programming languages for interaction, combining aspects from traditional process calculi and dataflow. Winskel’s current work with his PhD student Crazzolara is showing how independence models such as event structures and Petri nets provide the mathematical underpinnings for local reasoning of the kind used in analysing cryptoprotocols. A theory of secure encapsulation for partially-trusted software components has been developed, together with type-theoretic enforcement mechanisms, using another extension of the pi-calculus [Sewell-4].

Computational complexity. Dawar's development of finite variable logic to characterise problems in computational complexity theory [Dawar-1] has led to the proposal of a research programme on the model theory of finite variable logic [Dawar-2]. This has been taken up at Freiburg (Grohe), Chicago (Baldwin), Uppsala (Djordjevic) and Oxford (Barker). Dawar has subsequently extended his methods to relativised complexity classes [Dawar-3] and to extensions of the finite variable logics [Dawar-4].
Programming languages. The above mathematical and logical developments are being applied by the group in collaboration with the Systems Research, Security, and Automated Reasoning Groups. For example, an extended pi-calculus, Nomadic Pict, has been developed by Sewell in collaboration with Pierce at U. Pennsylvania for study of distributed mobile communication infrastructures; Sewell and PhD students Wojciechowski and Unyapoth have implemented a corresponding programming language and used it for many algorithm prototyping experiments. Further experimental implementation of languages for distributed computation is planned, funded by EPSRC. Mycroft,together with his PhD student Sharp, has produced a strict, first-order functional language which is syntactically restricted in a way that permits storage to be statically allocated to fixed locations and in which evaluation of independent subexpressions happens in parallel [Mycroft-4]. The motivation is hardware description and synthesis and an optimising compiler is being developed for translating programs in the new language to silicon. Mycroft was a leader of the EU ESPRIT LOMAPS project, which brought together various aspects of program analysis that had previously developed in isolation [Mycroft-2]. A long-term goal is a suite of tools based upon such analysis applied to industrially relevant languages. As part of an ongoing study of programming language features, he has studied the integration of programming paradigms [Mycroft-1]. He has also devised a system which decompiles (reverse engineers) C programs from target machine code by type-inference techniques [Mycroft-3]. Pitts and his PhD student Gabbay have introduced new set-theoretic methods for reasoning about syntactical structures involving variable-binding, based on name-permutation [Pitts-2]. This has led to useful extensions to the ML programming language (which underlies many theorem-proving systems including the ones used by the Automated Reasoning Group) for computing modulo renaming of bound variables [Pitts-4]; these extensions to existing functional programming will be developed in an EPSRC project involving collaboration with Gordon in the Automated Reasoning Group and with Peyton Jones at Microsoft Research Ltd.

H. Centre for Communications Systems Research (CCSR). (Lee, 2 research assistants.) After a two-year start-up period, our RAE’96 plans for a multidisciplinary centre for communications systems research were realised in June 1997, under the Direction of Stewart Lee, a University Research Professor, formerly a Professor at the University of Toronto. The founding departments all have active research interests in communications systems; they are the Department of Applied Economics, the Computer Laboratory, the Department of Engineering and the Statistical Laboratory. The Centre is supported entirely by industry; its current industrial sponsors are Alcatel Bell, the BBC, Bristol-Myers Squibb, HP, Hitachi, ITT, Marconi, Micromuse, Microsoft, Nortel, and Sun. Almost all of these support co-operative research programs, and the others supply equipment or philanthropy. The total support arranged to date is over £1.75M and at present some nine postdoctoral researchers are sponsored, including two in the Computer Laboratory. The current research programs are as follows: Business Model of Internet Services (Alcatel Bell); Network Security (Hitachi); Diverse Services Universal Networks (Hitachi); Network Management Architectures (Micromuse); Interactive Participatory Media (Microsoft); Bioinformatics and Genomics (Bristol-Myers Squibb). Being a non-profit research institute supported entirely by industry, CCSR fosters strong links between academic research and industrial take-up. In choosing timely research topics, it has the same opportunist strategy as the Computer Laboratory and will evolve in cooperation with it.

Staffing Policy. The success and vitality of our research depends crucially upon the recruitment of outstanding staff and giving them the opportunity to determine their own programmes of work. We have been successful in recruiting promising young researchers to ensure the continued vitality of our research groups: since the RAE’96 we have appointed two Professors (both in their 40s) and ten Lecturers (seven of whom are under 35). The research programmes of our permanent staff are often undertaken without immediate prospect of results applicable in the short term; they may equally be prompted by national need and by the prospect of improving human prosperity. We try to promote excellence in research whether undertaken for practical purpose or from the need to know, believing that in either case it is excellence that leads to wealth creation and greater quality of human life. Our track record in this respect is evidenced by the award of the highest ratings in previous Research Assessment Exercises, and by continuing success in collaboration with industry (see RA6a). When recruiting staff, we try to ensure that that each research group has sufficient critical mass to be able to exploit opportunities effectively. In addition to a system of regular Appraisals, junior members of staff and graduate research workers are mentored by senior colleagues. There is an expectation that staff will generate their own research funding and there is a natural progression from co-investigator to principal investigator on grant applications that is fostered by our organisation into research groups. Permanent staff are encouraged to take paid study leave at the rate of one term in every seven. We have a large, active, high-quality body of PhD students (with 83 PhDs awarded during the assessment period), many of whom go on to research fellowships or staff positions in universities and industrial research laboratories in the UK and abroad. During 2000, the arrangements for PhD supervision were reviewed, resulting in the introduction of a system of second supervisors and of a review of progress at the end of 24 months (augmenting the existing review and registration process that prospective PhD students have to undertake after 12 months).

City University_25 4 [24.3B]

Research in Computer Science at City has significantly improved according to key indicators since the 1996 RAE:
· Increased research income: in the period 1996-2000 we received over £3.5million external research income and won £5.5million of new research grants, of which £3.6million is from the EPSRC. At the census date 12 of the 26 submitted staff hold external research grants;
· Quality of research publications: of the submitted 102 research outputs, 11% are in discipline-leading international journals (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IEEE Software, Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety, ACM Transactions on CHI), and another 45% are in journals of international repute (e.g. Communications of the ACM, Intl Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Journal of Documentation, Knowledge Engineering Review, Evolutionary Computation, etc).

Significant improvements have also been made to our research structure. It now has an excellent blend of experienced and energetic research-active staff at all levels that provide the foundations for its continuing international and national research excellence.

Our computing research is in 2 strategic areas:
· Software Systems Engineering, with 18 academic staff (16.3 FTEs) in 3 research groups;
· Distributed And Intelligent Systems, with 8 academic staff (8 FTEs) in 1 research group.
Strategic Areas and
Research Groups
Number of Current
Academic Staff
Number of New
Research Grants
Won by Current
Academic Staff
Total Value of New
Research Income

A. Systems Dependability
B. Requirements Engineering
C. Designing Interactive Systems

D. Distributed And Intelligent Systems





These 4 groups are the basis for our international research reputation. They are the result of changes since 1996 to focus and strengthen our research. During this period 15 new research-active academic staff (median age at 31/12/00, 40 years old) have been recruited to replace 18 Category-B academic staff (median age at 31/12/00, 51.5 years old). The success of this reorganisation is evident in the reported growth in the quantity and quality of our research output and external funding.

City has one of the largest and strongest software engineering research teams in the UK with 18 academic staff members (16.3 FTEs), 12 research staff and 14 PhD students at the census date. In the 1996-2000 period it has attracted nearly £4.5m of new external research funding, including over £3m funding from EPSRC, £600,000 from the European Commission, £580,000 from Scottish Nuclear/British Energy, and £160,000 from DERA. It is a member of DIRC, the IRC on dependability of computer-based systems. It is also the UK’s most prolific contributor to the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, the most prestigious academic software engineering journal. In the 1996-2000 period, staff at City published 10 papers in the journal, a total that accounts for over one-third of all publications from UK universities. In a recent independent assessment of systems and software engineering scholars and institutions (Glass 2000), City was ranked 15th in the world for research publications, and 2nd in the UK.

Research in this area aims to improve the specification, design, implementation and maintenance of complex software-intensive systems through the innovation of new software engineering theories, processes, techniques and tools. Research is divided into 3 groups of international stature (defined as A, B and C) that are aligned to current research funding and publication opportunities:
SYSTEMS DEPENDABILITY: tightly-focused work on the achievement and evaluation of dependability of computer-based systems. The leader is Professor Bev Littlewood;
REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING: multi-disciplinary research to innovate more effective requirements engineering processes, techniques and tools. The leader is Dr Neil Maiden;
DESIGNING INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS: research into the cognitive, social and creative aspects of interactive system design with particular focus on multi-media systems and the impact of culture. The leader is Dr Helen Sharp.
These 3 groups provide a unique basis for scaleable, multi-disciplinary research that takes into account humans, organisations and cultures in the development of software systems. For example, the computer, cognitive and management science research undertaken by the Designing Interactive Systems group increasingly has the potential to inform our research into Systems Dependability and Requirements Engineering, as exemplified by current cross-group research outputs [14] and [37]. It is this combination of multi-disciplinary research and relevance to large-scale computer-based systems that uniquely identifies software systems engineering research at City.

This research group, based in the internationally-recognised Centre for Software Reliability, is led by Professor Bev Littlewood [staff reference number 8]. Other academic staff are Professor Lorenzo Strigini [20], Professor Robin Bloomfield [2], Professor Peter Bishop [1], Dr Peter Popov [14] and Peter Mellor [11]. Research staff are Dr Eugenio Alberdi, Dr Diana Bosio, Claude Gierl, Dr Mourad Oussalah, Dr Andrey Povyakalo and David Wright. There are currently 2 PhD students. The aim of this research is to provide better means for achieving and assessing dependability (particularly reliability and safety) in computer-based systems. Our approach is mainly via the use of powerful probabilistic tools to model the human, computer and organisational components of such systems, and their interactions. Many of the results from our work have had important industrial implications, particularly in safety-critical industries such as nuclear.

Successes: in the 1996-2000 period research into systems dependability has won new research funding of £3million, about £2.1million of which comes from EPSRC. EPSRC-funded grants include DIRC (Dependability IRC: 00-06, Principal Investigator Littlewood, £1.2million), PETERS (97-00, Littlewood, £176,000), DISCS (97-00, Strigini, £150,000), ROPA (00-03, Littlewood, £160,000), DOTS (00-03, Strigini, £240,000) and IMPRESS (97-00, Fenton, £220,000). Other grants won include SERENE (EU ESPRIT, 96-99, Fenton, 265,000 euros), TRACS (DERA, 96-99, Fenton, £160,000) and the 2 DISPO projects (97-00, Littlewood/Strigini, £240,000; 00-03, Littlewood/Strigini, £330,000) funded under the national Nuclear Safety Research Programme (managed by British Energy). Fenton moved to QMW in March 2000, taking with him the tail-end of the IMPRESS and TRACS projects. Most notable in the reporting period is our membership of the successful DIRC IRC consortium. This promises exciting collaborations with scientists from other disciplines, as well as distinguished fellow computer scientists from other sites. In the reporting period academic staff have published widely in leading international journals and conferences. In the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, staff had more publications (8) than any other UK research group (5 are from current staff [staff reference number 8: research outputs 1 & 3, 14:1, 20:1, 20:2]), and Littlewood and Strigini won a best paper award at ICSE'97 [8:2]. Following the departure of Fenton to QMW, we appointed Bloomfield and Bishop to a joint (80%/20%) chair in the Centre. Their company, Adelard, will be joining the Centre for Software Reliability in contiguous office accommodation on our site: we anticipate that this will provide splendid opportunities for multi-disciplinary research collaboration, and joint activities in other areas.

Current research: the Centre for Software Reliability continues to be particularly focused on research on the assessment and prediction of dependability. Most notable in the reporting period has been our success in addressing issues concerning diversity. Our work on design diversity for software fault tolerance has profound industrial implications - as shown by the award of two successive three-year research contracts by British Energy to study the use of diversity in critical nuclear protection systems. We have recently shown that the key mathematical formalisms we have developed to represent and quantify diversity have a very wide applicability. We have shown, for example, how they can be used to optimise the application of different software fault-finding procedures. Other promising areas include the use of diversity in arguments for safety cases.

Another current research area is in quantitative measurement of dependability using evidence of many disparate types - necessary, for example, when claims for high dependability need to be made for critical systems. There has been a great deal of interest in Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) as a promising formalism here, but we believe that they cannot be trusted for assessing the most critical systems until serious problems concerning elicitation and validation have been solved. We are working on some novel mathematical approaches to address these difficulties.

Future research: Our research agenda for the next few years will be highly influenced by our participation in the DIRC project. Whilst our concerns will remain centred around issues of assessment and prediction, our work will take a broader perspective. Thus our interest will extend beyond computer systems (i.e. mainly software) to take account of humans and organisations. We have already successfully collaborated with psychologists in a study of human diversity in software fault removal and as part of the OLOS European research network on dependability of human-machine systems; we expect these collaborations and others with sociologists and economists, to form a larger part of our activities. In addition to this intellectual broadening of interests, we plan to widen the sectors addressed by our work beyond the safety-critical industries: examples will include banking and insurance. EPSRC has recognised the importance of truly inter-disciplinary research in computing with its competition for IRCs. The central role of the DIRC project over the next 6 years means that our research both meets and will drive UK research policies in systems dependability.

Policy influences: Littlewood is a member of the national Nuclear Safety Advisory Committee. He chaired a NuSAC Working Party on safety-critical computing in the nuclear industry (Bloomfield was a member) reporting to the Health and Safety Commission; this report has had significant influence on the direction of the national nuclear safety research programme. Bloomfield is also a member of the CAA Air Traffic System Safety Requirements Consultative Group and EPSRC’s Peer Review College. The Centre has also been a member of the BCS Safety-Critical Systems Task Force since 1991.

The leader of this research group is Dr Neil Maiden [9] and academic staff are Professor Bernie Cohen [3], Dr George Spanoudakis [18], Dr Bill Karakostas [26], Dr Andrea Zisman [25], Dr Ross Paterson [13] and Dr David Till [21]. Research staff are Hyoseob Kim, Xiaohong Zhu, Alistair Mavin, Pete Pavan and Dr Brian Gault. There are 6 PhD students. Our internationally-recognised research aims to understand the ever-increasing importance of requirements in the wider systems engineering process, and to improve systems engineering processes by making them more requirements-oriented. It is characterised by the innovation of powerful computational requirements engineering solutions that are underpinned by multi-disciplinary theories from the computing, social and cognitive sciences, and by the large-scale evaluation of our solutions through collaboration with companies such as BAE SYSTEMS and Daimler-Chrysler.

Successes: In the 1996-2000 period this research has won 8 new external grants worth a total of over £1million, including over £700,000 from EPSRC. EPSRC-funded grants include SIMP (00-03, Maiden, £312,000), CORK (99-01, Maiden/Sutcliffe, £130,585), ISRE (99-02, Maiden/Sutcliffe, £168,337), IMOOSD (99-00, Spanoudakis, £50,000) and Handling-Inconsistencies (00-01, Zisman, £58,000). We have also won 3 EU-funded grants: BANKSEC (00-02, Maiden/Karakostas, 158,000 euros), CREWS (96-99, Maiden/Sutcliffe, 252,000 euros), and INBANKSS (00-02, Karakostas, 111,500 euros). Sutcliffe has moved to UMIST with CORK and some funding for ISRE. We have also received an additional £30,000 industrial funding for requirements engineering research and services from BAE SYSTEMS and Daimler-Chrysler. Departed staff (Jenkins, Finkelstein) brought in a further £310,000 of external research income over the same period. Current staff have published 25 journal papers including 2 papers in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering [9:2, 9:3], 2 in IEEE Software [9:1, 16:1], 1 in Communications of the ACM, and in 4 IEEE International Symposia and Conferences on Requirements Engineering [not reported]. Galliers [6] and Morris [12] from the Designing Interactive Systems group have also published research outputs on requirements engineering [6:2, 12:1].

Current research: We continue to investigate new theories of concurrent software systems engineering, in particular for modelling and analysing the complex relationships between system requirements, architectures and implementations. Research in SIMP, BANKSEC and ISRE (the research assistant is still managed at City by Maiden) applies novel scenario-driven approaches to investigate the complex causal dependencies between system requirements, architectures and components that inform decision-making about complex requirement-architecture-design trade-offs. SIMP investigates design-requirement compliance using computational scenarios of system environments, ISRE applies virtual reality prototypes to explore dependencies in prototype designs, and BANKSEC proposes new requirements engineering processes to select between, configure and integrate together software components. Results have profound industrial implications for new concurrent systems engineering processes for organisations such as BAE SYSTEMS.

Research in IMOOSD and Handling-Inconsistencies also addresses concurrent specification of large-scale systems by applying formal modelling and analysis techniques to detect inconsistencies and conflicts in specifications of complex enterprises, services and systems. The IMOOSD project detects and manages overlaps and inconsistencies between partial software artefacts constructed in the course of developing large software systems, and Handling-Inconsistencies applies similar techniques to handle inconsistencies in distributed software and requirements engineering documents. Both have considerable practical benefits for industrial system specification activities. There is also related individual research (Paterson) into program semantics, structures and domain-specific embedded languages.

Future research: We will continue our both basic and applied research into concurrent systems requirements engineering. We have submitted new proposals to EPSRC and EU Framework 5 programme to progress our theories of complex dependencies between system requirements, architectures and components. The ISRE and SIMP projects and our industrial contracts will attempt to scale current research results to large-scale systems engineering (e.g. a submarine with BAE SYSTEMS) that demands multi-disciplinary research, in keeping with EPSRC’s strategic research direction into large-scale system integration. To this end we have just been awarded a further 90,000 euros to scale and disseminate requirements best practice in Europe (IMPRESSION, 01-03, Karakostas). We will also continue development of new, quicker requirements engineering methods for e-business and internet-based software systems in the BANKSEC and INBANKSS projects.

Policy influences: Results from the SIMP project, part of EPSRC’s Systems Integration Initiative, are influencing UK defence engineering best practice in BAE SYSTEMS. Maiden influences UK requirements engineering practice as co-founder of the successful BCS Requirements Engineering Specialist Group.

This research is led by Dr Helen Sharp [16] and includes Dr Julia Galliers [6], Stephanie Wilson [24], Dr Steven Morris [12], Dr Maggie Cooper [4], researcher Dr Paola Amaldi and 6 PhD students. The aim of this theoretical and empirical research is to improve the user-centred design of socio-technical systems in which people are a significant element. We undertake both basic and applied computer science, cognitive science and management science research to inform user-centred design. The group is currently restructuring after the departure of Professor Sutcliffe to UMIST. In spite of these changes it has still succeeded at publishing at an international level.

Successes: In the period current staff in this research group have won research council income over £300,000, including the EPSRC-funded FAÇADE (94-97, Sharp, £225,000) and ESRC-funded MIND (96-98, Sharp, £80,000) projects. Further income won by other staff includes £10,000 from BAE SYSTEMS to improve the usability of virtual environments and 100,000 euros to develop novel user-centred design processes for Eurocontrol’s air traffic management systems. Departed staff (Sutcliffe, Dowell, Bolger) earned a further £500,000 of external research income. Current staff have publications in leading international journals such as the ACM Transactions on CHI [6:1], IEEE Software [16:1] and leading conferences such as CHI [24:2] and the UK HCI conference [24:3].

Current research: Our current research investigates user-centred design, multimedia systems development, and the impact of culture on the development of socio-technical systems. We are developing new theories, methods and techniques to improve the design of complex interactive systems, with particular emphasis on supporting creative, open-ended design processes. We are also evaluating analytic evaluation methods for interactive instructional multimedia. The aim of this work is to produce methods that are tailored to evaluate educational multimedia through the empirical evaluation of innovative educational multimedia environments for use by professional software engineers. We are also investigating the impact of culture on the design of socio-technical systems. Case studies research is exploring the impact of multi-disciplinary software development teams. SAP-supported research is applying social and management science theories to understand the impact of corporate and national culture on the design and implementation of Europe-wide enterprise systems [6:4].

Future research: We will continue to research new multi-disciplinary, user-centred design processes, integrate them with requirements engineering processes (see 2.2) to deliver more complete development processes, and evaluate them through large-scale empirical studies such as at Eurocontrol. We will also integrate different strands of multi-disciplinary research to investigate the impact of corporate and national culture on global systems development through 2 research proposals already submitted to the EU Framework 5 programme. We also aim to integrate our current research in creative software design with research into computational creativity in the Distributed and Intelligent Systems strategic research area.

Policy influences: Our research with Eurocontrol is driving more user-centred development of future air traffic management systems in Europe.

Distributed and Intelligent Systems is our other strategic area of research. The one research group, defined as ‘D’, is led jointly by Drs Julie McCann [10], Geraint Wiggins [23] and David Gilbert [7]. Other academic staff are Dr Geoff Dowling [5], Dr Peter Smith [17], Dr Michael Schroeder [15], Dr Kostas Stathis [19] and Dr Andrew Tuson [22]. There is also David Meredith, an EPSRC-funded research fellow. Research staff include Oliver Sand, Juris Viksna, Gawesh Jawaheer, Linxue Sun and Bjorn Martensson, and there are 17 research students, plus a further 7 research students supervised by Wiggins at the University of Edinburgh. Academic staff are members of EVONET, Compulog, and AGENT-LINK I and II, the EU networks of excellence in evolutionary computation, computational logic and agent-based systems respectively. The research emphasis is upon the principled design and investigation of distributed and intelligent systems technologies, shaping them to the demands of problems in business, engineering, bio-informatics and the creative industries.

: In the 1996-2000 period current staff have attracted over £1.1million of external research funding, including over £600,000 from the EPSRC. The EPSRC awards are GR/M65007 (99-02, Wiggins, £205,000), PATIA GR/N38008 (00-02, McCann, £130,000), KENDRA GR/K91163 (97-99, McCann, £117,000), GR/M88433 (99-00, Schroeder, £50,000), GR/L99029 (98-99, Wiggins, £52,000), and GR/N06229 (99-00, Wiggins, £17,000). We have also been awarded one Joint EPSRC/BBSRC grant called TOPS (00-02, Gilbert, £97,096), one EPSRC/DERA Joint Grants Scheme GR/M77888 (99-02, Tuson, £50,000), a grant directly-funded by DERA (99-00, Tuson, £20,000), Wellcome Trust income (00-03, Gilbert, £46,000) and one DTI Teaching Company Scheme award (00-02, Smith, £70,000). Fellowship and studentship income includes 2 EPSRC CASE studentship awards (99-02, Schroeder, £52,000), (00-03, Tuson, £45,000), 2 EU Marie Curie Fellowships (96-98, Gilbert, £152,000), an EPSRC Visiting Research Fellowship to the EBI (1998, Gilbert, £11,000) and one Leverhulme Fellowship at UCL (00-01, Gilbert, £16,800). Industry funding includes £50,000 per annum from SUPANET (2000-present) to carry out ISP performance tests and benchmarking, and £15,000 from GenRad. Departed Category B staff (Long) brought in a further £70,000 of external research income over the same period. Current staff have published 28 publications in internationally recognised computing and multi-disciplinary journals, including in the Journal of Automated Reasoning [15:3], Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence [15:4], Journal of Documentation [10:2], Evolutionary Computation [17:1, 22:1] and the Journal of New Music Research [23:1].

Our research has led to high-profile successes. McCann has produced a high-performance operating system, GO!, that allows the use of fine-grained components and continues to break international benchmark record speeds. Kaffe, a Java virtual machine, developed at City was commercialised and awarded the Java World Best Virtual Machine prize in 1998. Exploitation of KENDRA’s distributed architecture for Internet content delivery has evolved into an industry forum to focus on webcasting standards, video-on-demand architectures and trails. Finally, parts of the Revise and Space Explorer projects are being aimed at commercialisation by BioLogyx (Schroeder is a Director), which was the joint winner of the 2000 Cambridge University Entrepreneurs Competition.

Current research: our staff work together on 3 overlapping research themes – distributed intelligent technologies, creativity and the creative industries, and bio-informatics. McCann leads the research into distributed intelligent technologies that underpins the other 2 research themes. The funded research continues on high-performance systems architectures in the PATIA project and its exploitation through the industrial partnership of ‘h2g2’ and the Kendra Initiative. In multi-agent systems we continue to develop logical theories of agent interaction, logic-based multi-agent programming languages, argumentation systems for negotiating agents, agent visualisation, and diagnosis and belief revision systems. We have also developed a game-theoretic methodology for building interacting agents, and worked on an EU-funded practical multi-agent system for community knowledge. We are also researching methods to prevent non-functional code in genetic programming, and are developing modular neural network architectures (entities) that scale up to problems of high dimensionality. We are producing a rigorous knowledge-based design methodology to address the current ad hoc design approach of heuristic optimisers such as tabu search and evolutionary algorithms. We have also developed logic programming solutions to knowledge-based front ends, intelligent globalisation and localisation of interactive systems.

Our bio-informatics research, undertaken by Gilbert with Schroeder, applies our logic programming research in new and challenging domains. We have produced efficient pattern matching and discovery algorithms for topological representations of protein structure, now the basis for a system for fast protein structure comparison hosted at the European Bio-informatics Institute (EBI), and are applying functional programming techniques developed by Paterson in our Software Systems Engineering research area. Research into creativity and the creative industries is a recent addition led by Wiggins with McCann, Smith and Tuson. The focus has been on musical creativity, producing significant results in compositional technique, musical structure induction, creative musical performance, and education for musical creativity funded by the 3 EPSRC grants. A patent application related to this work is currently being developed.

Future research: future research will continue on all 3 themes. On distributed intelligent technologies, McCann’s Go! System is being exploited in Nexwave’s embedded systems, and work continues with Informix to exploit fine-grained component technology in database systems. The PATIA project takes the adaptivity in the Kendra project further by developing distributed adaptive web services that adjust to not only user preferences, but also current and predicted future system performance. We aim to extend our principled optimiser design research to complex representations such as annotated graphs. In the bio-informatics theme, we will extend our collaboration on pattern matching algorithms with the EBI to deal with more demanding problems and to develop specialised graph databases for biological data. In parallel we are beginning to undertake the basic research to integrate bio-informatics data using intelligent conflict resolution techniques. New research in TOPS, funded by the Research Council’s Joint Bioinformatics Initiative, will investigate patterns, functions and structures in protein topological databases with the University of Leeds. Research into creativity and the creative industries will include stylometric analysis of text and music, development of models of memory-based creativity, physical modelling of musical performance (with University of Edinburgh and Paxman Musical Instruments Ltd), auditory scene analysis for robotics and music (with Edinburgh), and sub-symbolic methods for performance simulation. At the same time results from Kendra will be applied to streamlining media and XML models for the creative industries.

Policy influences: Wiggins is chair of both SSAISB, the UK learned society for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, and InterAction UK, the nascent network for creative digital media practitioners. In these capacities he represents the views of the specialist sectors to Government to develop policy. He sat on 2 Technology Foresight Task Groups (Education and Community Groups for the ITEC panel), and sits on the EPSRC policy committee planning music research strategy. Wiggins and Gilbert are members of the EPSRC college of peers.

Our 4 Computing research groups also undertake collaborative research across the 2 strategic research areas, the 3 UoAs covered by City’s School of Informatics, and with other UoAs at City.

Within the Computing UoA: As well as the reported multi-disciplinary research in the ongoing DIRC and SIMP projects and the completed OLOS European research network, current cross-group research includes investigations into the impact of culture on global systems development, studies of pattern matching theories and technologies in software engineering, bio-informatics and music technologies, and creativity in multi-media software design. The teaching company scheme in the Distributed and Intelligent Systems group applies BBN technologies to financial systems.

Within School UoAs: Research in the School of Informatics reports to 2 other panels - Library and Information Management (61) and Measurement and Information in Medicine (Other Studies and Professions Allied to Medicine - 11D). Our 4 research groups undertake extensive collaborative research across the panels. McCann in the Distributed and Intelligent Systems group collaborated with Professor Steve Robertson in UoA 61 and Microsoft to develop PLIERS, an effective parallel system for information retrieval based on the successful Okapi information retrieval system, as reported in publication [30]. The University’s strategic research direction in health informatics means that the Designing Interactive Systems group is collaborating with the Centre for Measurement and Information in Medicine to design new interactive portable medical devices.

With other City UoAs: In the DIRC project we collaborate with Professor Martin Newby from Statistics and Dr Peter Ayton from Psychology to research risk assessment for systems that involve people as well as software. We also collaborate with City’s Business School – in the EPSRC CORK project we collaborated with Professor Holtham on the impact of software on organisational change, and with Dr Reavill on the impact of corporate culture on software systems. We work with Professor Martin in the Department of Mathematics on the development of topological algorithms for the analysis of enterprise models. Dr Lai in the School of Engineering collaborates with researchers in the Distributed and Intelligent Systems area on the application of artificial intelligence to engineering problems, and Dr Glass in Statistics collaborates with Tuson on the development of local search algorithms. Wiggins is preparing joint research proposals with our Department of Music, and has submitted funding to EPSRC for a joint Computing/Music Masters Degree course with a strong research element. In the future, the extension of systems dependability work to applications such as insurance will lead to research links with our Department of Actuarial Science.

Computing at City takes place in an excellent research culture. All academic staff are appointed into one primary research group, and less experienced staff are allocated a mentor, usually a Professor or Reader. Teaching load is limited to 2 modules per year to attract and retain research-active staff. Promotions are based on research success – good publications and external research grant success is a necessary requirement for promotion to Senior Lecturer. Sabbaticals are encouraged – staff receive 1 sabbatical year for every 7 at City, and 2 of our 30 academic staff have been on sabbatical during any one year of the last 5 years. This strategy has been successful – we have only lost 3 academic staff [31, 38, 42] to rival institutions in the 18 months before the census date.

The School’s Research Committee meets regularly to manage research policies, progress and culture, and to advise on research initiatives. The Committee is advised by the School’s long-standing External Advisory Board, which includes Dr Martyn Thomas, a member of the 1996 RAE Computer Science panel. The committee also encourages conference attendance. It has a generous policy on research grant overhead, and also funds conference travel for academic staff without research grants. To promote high-quality doctoral research, the Committee has funded 22 research studentships that are equivalent in value to EPSRC studentships in the current period, in addition to its continuing EPSRC quota studentship awards. The Research Student Committee reports to the Research Committee and meets regularly to manage research student policies and progress. The Committee is made up of research tutors and student representatives from the research groups. It implements rigorous progress monitoring procedures. Each new research student is assigned a first and second supervisor. At the end of each year of study both supervisors report on student progress, and the student provides feedback to the senior research tutor on the quality of supervision received. In addition, all students are required to present research results on an annual basis to a School audience. The committee also makes £300 per annum available to each student for conference travel.

Both the School and research groups run seminar series tailored to the demands of specific audiences. High-profile speakers have included Professors Michael Jackson and Ben Shneiderman. The groups also run internal seminars to disseminate breaking research results and to explore opportunities for multi-disciplinary research by inviting speakers from other Schools.

City University’s Research Strategy starts from the premise that research lies at the heart of University activity‚ and aims to develop and enhance research that has acknowledged standards of excellence. A number of actions, led by a Pro Vice Chancellor for Research, are set out which ensure that the University continues to provide a supportive environment for research. These include the return of a high proportion of research overheads to Departments and Centres, an enhanced pump priming fund for research initiatives, and the creation of new University Research Fellowships which have been awarded on the basis of university wide open competition. All academic staff have access to the internet including email, the world wide web and the Athens service from their desk.

Computer science research in City’s School of Informatics is based in 3 departments – the Department of Computing (DOC), Centre for Software Reliability (CSR) and Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design (CHCID): Centres are departments that do not administer student courses. Each Department has a Head who reports to the Dean of the School of Informatics. DOC is the largest department with 20 academic staff, led by Morris. CSR has 6 academic staff (5 FTEs) led by Littlewood. CHCID also has 5 academic staff led by Maiden. The 3 departments house the 4 research groups. Systems Dependability is based in CSR, Distributed And Intelligent Systems is based in DOC, and Requirements Engineering and Designing Interactive Systems are based in CHCID but involve staff from DOC. This enables effective allocation of administrative support to all of the research groups. A technical support group (6 full-time staff) provides general and specialised computer support to the groups. Research groups are co-located to maximise interaction and encourage a strong research culture, and research students in each group are located in larger offices to encourage support and cross-fertilisation of ideas.

An internal assessment of our Computing research identifies research at levels of international and national excellence in each of our 4 research groups:
· Systems Dependability, based in the world-leading Centre for Software Reliability, was recognised as internationally excellent in the 1992 and 1996 RAEs; we have since strengthened its staff, increased its research income (£3.1million) and improved its research outputs – 16 of the 24 submitted outputs have been published in discipline-leading international journals and conferences;
· Requirements Engineering, based mainly in the internationally-known Centre for HCI Design, has increased its research grant income (£1million) and achieved notable publications success - 10 of the 24 submitted research outputs are in discipline-leading international journals and conferences, and another 8 in international and national journals and conferences;
· Designing Interactive Systems, also based in the Centre for HCI Design, achieves national and international excellence in its publications – 8 of the 14 submitted research outputs are in international and national journals and conferences, and 3 have been published in discipline-leading international journals and conferences;
· Distributed and Intelligent Systems has significantly increased its grant income (£1.1million) and achieved international publications success - 7 of the 32 submitted outputs have been published in discipline-leading international journals and conferences, and another 21 outputs in international and national journals and conferences.
Overall 36 of the 102 submitted research outputs are published in discipline-leading international journals and conferences and another 40 are published in international and national journals and conferences. External research income has risen to £5.5million.

Glass R.L., 2000, ‘An assessment of systems and software engineering scholars and institutions (1995-1999), The Journal of Systems and Software 54 (2000), 77-82.

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Department size: Since 1995 the Computer Science Department has doubled in size. It now has 14 category A research active staff. This followed a strategic decision by the University to support a research-led expansion. Our research income has grown commensurately to £531K in 1999/2000 (total £2.144 million since 1996). We have established three new research areas, to add to the existing two, and all are undertaking research at international levels of quality, in terms of results achieved. The full time staff include three Professors and two Readers. All postgraduate students belong to a research group, and our PhD programme is expanding as our new staff pass probation.

Recruitment Policy: The Department has undertaken substantial recruitment of academic staff over the past four years taking great care to maintain the standards of excellence. There are only three members of staff over 50, with no retirements scheduled during the next five years. We have chosen to recruit promising researchers at the lecturer level, and this has been very successful. During the past five years, five academic staff members have been appointed through internal promotion, and we have an unusually youthful age distribution; we also have one of the highest female:male academic staff ratios in the UK (6F:10M). Prof. Luo was promoted to lead the new Computer Aided Reasoning Group, joined by Dr Callaghan in 1999 and Dr McKinna (see section 6c). Prof. Munro continues to lead the Reverse Engineering and Software Visualisation Group, also including Dr Robson, and joined by Dr Burd in 1999. A major development has been the establishment of the Distributed Systems Engineering Group, led by Dr Boldyreff (Reader) and Dr Xu (who joined in 1998), supported by Dr Thomas (1998) and Dr Bradley (1997). Our AI group has changed direction since 1996; the previous strength was in Natural Language Engineering, and this group (of 4 academic staff) left to set up a very successful local spin-off company (3F Ltd.). Dr Fox has been appointed Reader to lead the Planning group, supported by Dr Long. New recruits in Planning include Dr Porteous (joined 1999) and Dr Coddington (2000). Prof. Bennett continues to lead the Transformation and Evolution Group, which forms part of the inter-university Pennine Group (see below).

Strengths: Our fundamental strategy is strongly consistent with the planning statements made in 1992 and 1996, but extended in the light of our expansion. We have five tightly focused and distinctive research groups each led by a senior academic; all academic staff, RAs and postgraduates belong to such a group. We place importance on peer judged funding to resource research, balanced between EPSRC and EU, and supported by transparent internal and university mechanisms to reward individual research groups. Collaboration with industry is seen as extremely important, and we have been awarded substantial funding, including several continuation contracts. Our research results have many highlights, and we give key examples: (1) the STAN system from our Planning Group excelled at both the 1998 and 2000 international competition for planning systems, with the possibility of part of this technology being flown on a NASA unmanned Mission; (2) we have formalised our reverse engineering language meta-WSL and toolset leading to a successful family of commercial reverse engineering systems (meta-FERMAT, with Dr Ward, SML Ltd.); (3) the Computer Assisted Reasoning Group is at the forefront of the international development of expressive type theories with coercive sub-typing and has produced the leading proof system Plastic; (4) we have produced a new ‘staged’ model of software maintenance, with Rajlich (Wayne State); (5) with colleagues in the ‘Pennine’ group (Durham, Keele and UMIST), we have established a radical new interdisciplinary service-based architecture for ultra-rapid software evolution; (6) our highly innovative and pioneering results on program structure visualisation using VR are attracting international interest.

Research Management and staff development: We maintain a very co-operative and collaborative research culture, and morale is very high. The key management strategy is the establishment of research groups to coordinate activity and foster collaboration, and provide the mechanism for more junior appointments to work with and learn from senior colleagues. Each has a distinctive role and approach, in international terms (for example, we were the first Department world wide to set up a research centre in software maintenance, and this research is continued through our leading reverse engineering, visualisation and evolution work). Our aim is to be research leaders in our fields in international terms, and all five groups can demonstrate such results in the period 1996 - 2001. In addition, we also have strong cross-group themes (for example, Bennett and Xu on reliable flexible architectures, Fox and Bradley on real time constraints for planners, and Munro and Bennett on transformations for program slicing); and strong inter University links (e.g. the Pennine group has been funded as a unit for 5 years, and continues close collaboration on service-based software architectures).

The Research Committee develops and monitors the department’s research strategy. The department ranks applications for research leave (notionally one term in seven but awarded on merit). Research is supported by excellent library and IT facilities (departmental and central). This takes place within a research-led University, where central mechanisms for resource allocation are used to promote and stimulate research.
The research groups play a key role in supporting new staff members and integrating them into the department’s cooperative research culture. Great care is taken with all appointments, and with training; mentoring is a key activity for new academic and RA staff, and includes advising on research opportunities and funding, publication strategy, help on identifying training needs, and career development. The University has established a centre for Teaching, Learning and Research in HE that has University-wide responsibility for academic staff development programmes. Its comprehensive range includes workshops on supervising research students, making research grant applications, career planning for contract research staff and writing up research for publication. We welcome research visitors from other Universities and industry; recent visitors have been from Finland, US, Italy, China, Japan, France, Germany and Spain. We have also had visitors from industry, both in and outside of the UK (e.g. BT). Active international collaborations are an integral part of the work of all groups (e.g., the Reasoning Group is co-ordinating the EU project on Computer Assisted Reasoning, with 34 sites across Europe). All postgraduates are members of the University’s Graduate School, which runs an extensive induction and training programme, tailored to research students in the Faculty of Science. The School provides an overarching structure for the monitoring of postgraduate student progress. In addition, all full time research students are members of one of the University’s Colleges or Societies which play a leading role in pastoral support.

University of East Anglia_25 4 [32B]

Overview and strategy

The 1996 submission described plans to re-orient research towards new approaches to collecting, managing, interpreting and presenting information to humans, developing a culture in which research groups working on base technologies collaborate to solve real world problems and transfer the solutions to external organisations. Vigorous pursuit of these plans has transformed the School, which is now reporting 32 (24.7 in 1996) category A staff. Research income during the period was £4.5M (£1.6M in 1996), with announced research funding rising to over £2M p.a. (£320K p.a. in 1996). Research facilities have continued to improve with the School’s physical expansion, culminating in the opening of four new research laboratories: the Wolfson Human-Computer Interface laboratory, the Royal Society Wolfson Bioinformatics laboratory, the Computational Colour laboratory and the Virtual Environments laboratory. Virtually all the output reported is in international journals or international conferences. There is significant use of our research output by external bodies. Further signs of external valuation of our work include two Royal Television Society technology awards for Simon the Signer; and the BCS gold medal award for work with TESSA, the post office counter aid for the hard of hearing.

The School’s success in research parallels that of the whole University, which has won seven JIF grants (one involving our own School). This success, together with anticipation of early retirements and application of rigorous research management policies, has enabled us to make a number of strong appointments. Finlayson, Hordley and Zwiggelaar (Sept. 2001) join the Computer Vision group to work on Computational Colour and Medical Imaging; Breen, Milner (both ex BT) and Mandic (ex Imperial College) strengthen the Signal Processing group. Hayward (returned under UOA14), a joint appointment with the Schools of Biological and Chemical Sciences, supports the new Bioinformatics laboratory. Janacek and Bagnall, a joint appointment with the School of Mathematics, support the statistical foundations of Data Mining. Kruse supports compression and MPEG aspects of applied multimedia.

We are increasingly attracted by the vision of Ambient Intelligence as currently being developed by Europe’s Information Society Technology's Industrial Advisory Group (ISTAG). Sleep has contributed to this design effort under a CEC contract. We interpret the vision as posing the question "Why isn't normal life the starting point for access to services?" From this perspective, realising Ambient Intelligence begins by studying normal life, and finding acceptable ways of using the technology to enhance it. An increasing amount of our work is already being made useful to others by following this simple rule: for example, TESSA and SIMON help those with hearing impairment work in what is for them a more natural language, and assessment technology has been introduced in a way which introduces minimal changes for candidates and centres. In future we will explore the directions indicated by the vision in a more coherent manner, using the Applied Media Engineering group as a central arena for exploiting technology.

Institutional Context

The School of Information Systems is one of five science Schools at UEA, the others being the Schools of Biological Sciences (5), Chemical Sciences (3a), Environmental Sciences (5*), Mathematics (Pure (5) and Applied (4)). A new medical school is being established. Science activity is coordinated through the Science Group (created in 1998), which comprises the Dean of each School and a Pro Vice-Chancellor for Science. A University-wide Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research augments this Group structure. A Science Group Research Committee monitors research within the School. This new management structure allows for far greater integration, particularly at the interfaces of the different disciplines within the Science Group. This is evidenced by the substantial number of joint appointments across the Schools in the last 5 years, and through the competitive funding of studentships aimed at promoting interdisciplinary research. A single office now deals with an increasing number of common activities.

The health of the Science Schools at UEA has increased following a move to a transparent, cost-based system in which 93% of overheads and QR income come directly to the School. Although some of this must pay for space and service charges levied by the Centre, the transparency has encouraged individual researchers to seek external funds in the knowledge that they would have considerable control over the spend. Our success in research, and our continuing upward trend in student recruitment, has ensured that we continue to balance our books. It is on this sound financial platform that our future research strategy is based and from which we will tackle future challenges with increasing optimism.

RA2 flags

The panel may wish to seek the advice of the Electronics panel on some of the output from the Signal Processing group.

Research Staff Development Policy

Each research group is led by a senior member of academic staff who manages several research contracts. The group leader acts as the channel between a group member (staff or student) and the official structure. Internal resources, ranging from group contracts and grants through general funds available at the School and University level, are used to promote promising individual researchers, and all researchers are entitled to study leave on a 1 semester in 7 basis. Procedures to assist younger research staff include a reduced teaching load (typically 50% during the first year rising to a full load in year four) and the appointment of a senior academic staff member as mentor, usually one of the research group leaders. Younger staff have automatic access to resources from general funds, whilst being actively assisted to seek external support by their mentor.

Self Assessment and Monitoring

A School Research Committee is responsible for monitoring the external environment for research; identifying priority areas for research investment; monitoring and reporting progress of both individuals and groups and reviewing research strategy. The School Research Committee acts as a channel of communication between the School's researchers and the University Research Committee, which in turn oversees the research activities of all the Schools at UEA, monitors the general environment for research outside UEA, and formulates appropriate responses including selective investment.

In 1998, as part of its general research management practice, UEA ran a University wide external assessment of research. Advice from the Computer Science external assessor proved of considerable benefit in identifying our strengths and weaknesses. An analysis of this advice helped crystallise future directions for research. This led to a number of changes, most notably in the management of research students. An appraisal-based scheme was subsequently introduced to establish and record annually negotiated agreements between supervisor and postgraduate student; a taught course in research methods is now mandatory for all research students; every student registered for a higher degree by research must present his progress at an annual School research conference and finally the chair of research committee takes a direct monitoring role in the progress of research students. These processes, which are internal to the School, are backed up by monitoring processes within the Science Group, and ultimately by the University Director of Graduate Studies who carries out regular reviews of research student management on a University-wide basis.

Interdisciplinary Research

UEA has a strong tradition of Interdisciplinary Research that gives us many very welcome opportunities to work with other schools. This is increasingly recognised by external funders: ITC hosts its experimental Virtual Studio at UEA to take advantage of the mix of technical and artistic strengths at UEA; The HEFCE Wolfson laboratory (£150K) enabled us to undertake the EU funded Visicast project; the Royal Society Wolfson Foundation awarded £250K to Razaz to set up a Bioinformatics Laboratory; JIF funding for a joint Biology, Chemistry and Information Systems bid from UEA was announced in December 2000, and will enable us to considerably enhance facilities for Bioinformatics. The Norwich Research Park is the largest centre in Europe for Plant Biology. Bangham and others are working with Coen (John Innes Centre) studying computational models of the developmental processes in the snapdragon. Rayward-Smith is working with the John Innes Centre and the Institute of Food Research on their yeast databases. Razaz is developing imaging techniques with the same institutions. Cawley and Mandic are working with Environmental Sciences within a European project on Air Pollution Modelling. The new School of Medicine at UEA will provide considerable opportunities for image processing, data mining and epidemiology, and we hope to build on our experience in providing trusted and controllable assessment technology for complex human tasks by developing calm technology to support clinical governance.

University of Essex_25 4 [28.66B]

Overview: Since 1996, the Department of Computer Science has continued to produced high quality research in agent-based social simulation, constraint programming, optimisation, machine learning, theoretical computer science and formal methods. The Department has achieved considerable new successes in mobile robots, agents for intelligent buildings, and semi-structured data. RA2 shows a strong profile of publications across groups, for example in leading international journals in Constraint Programming & Optimisation (13 papers of 16) and in Theoretical Computer Science & Formal Methods (14 papers of 20). The Department's research student numbers have grown considerably, with the Robotics and Intelligent Machines group being particularly successful: 4 research students have graduated from this group since 1996, and 21 new students have joined during the same period. Between 1996 and 2000 the Department's staff were awarded research council grants of over £1.3 million, £0.4 million of industrial funding and £0.9 million from EC initiatives.

Research Support:
We manage research through a consensual research management plan. The plan is associated with a prioritised agenda, listing actions to support and encourage staff and student research. Plan and agenda are revised annually and the Deputy Head for Research ensures their day-to-day management. She is a member of the Department’s committees for Resource Management, PhD Management, and Research Students' Progress. She liases with the University Research Office and external bodies. Key regular activities include a monthly grants group for internal review and encouragement of grant applications, and three separate weekly research seminar series: one with industrial focus, one run internally to foster communication and our main series with external speakers. We organise an annual 2-day PhD conference with the Department of Electronics. The research plan provides for Departmental PhD awards (currently 10 awards from £2k to £8k pa), and procedures for ensuring strong and responsible PhD recruitment and management. The department sustains the usual "well founded“ environment. Departmental budgets support traditional research activities such as conference fees and travel for staff and students presenting papers. In addition, we operate a specific research development policy. The Department’s Research Endowment Fund provides resources for substantial start-up projects and initiatives (£15k per annum). Probationary junior staff benefit from mentoring and reduced workloads. All new staff hold start-up funds, have priority access to travel budgets, and are encouraged to take up their study leave entitlement within their first 3 years. The research development policy aims to protect academics' research time: a generous budget for Graduate Teaching Assistants (£50k per annum) reduces teaching loads; block time-tabling counters fragmentation; teaching loads are capped; and 5 Teaching Fellows contribute by carrying substantially higher teaching and administration loads than research active staff. This structure operates against the backdrop of the University’s Research Strategy, which entitles staff to 1 term in 7 sabbatical leave, a system of individual research accounts for grant holders, bridging funding for RAs and a University Research Promotion Fund (RPF) for pump-priming funding and special research projects. Since 1996, we have secured over £60k from the RPF. The University’s Research Office provides advice and administrative support for grant applicants.
Staffing: Since 1996 the Department has embarked on a successful programme of expansion. Eleven new academic staff have been appointed since 1998, 4 to senior positions. New staff have expertise which complements and develops existing strengths and are distributed as follows. Robotics and Intelligent Machines: 1 SL (1998) and 2 L (2000). Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition: 2 SL (2000) and 1 L (2000). Natural Language Engineering and Distributed Information Systems: 1 SL (2000) and 1 L (1998). All other groups appointed a lecturer each, Theoretical Computer Science and Formal Methods, and Agent-Based and Multi-Agent Systems in 1998, and Constraint Programming and Optimisation in 2000. Essex promotion criteria emphasise research output and since 1996, 3 lecturers have been promoted to senior lecturer, and one reader to a Chair.
Research Group Structure: We work in 6 research groups, each mixing new and established staff and researching a focused area. Our groups are flexible structures with overlapping interests and inter-group collaborations. The current teams evolved from the 4, broader groupings returned in 1996, reflecting international developments in the discipline, as well as staff changes and funding initiatives. The summary shows each group’s academic staff (FTE), RA posts, the number of research degrees awarded, current research students in December 2000 including those awaiting examination, and grants active between 1996 and 2000. For full details see
· Agent-Based and Multi-Agent Systems: Doran (Professor), Callaghan 0.75, Steel 0.75 (Senior Lecturers), Fasli (Lecturer), 1 RA. 4 PhDs awarded, 5 PhDs & 1 MSc current. Grants awarded by British Telecom (2) and Korea-DTI.
· Constraint Programming & Optimisation: Tsang (Professor), Ford (Senior Lecturer), Salhi, Zhang (Lecturers), 4 RAs. 5 PhDs & 3 Masters awarded, 4 PhDs & 1 Masters current. Grants awarded by EPSRC (3), British Telecom (studentship), Japan IRCF and Essex RPF.
· Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition: Lavington (Research Professor), Gan, Lucas, Reynolds, Scott (Senior Lecturers), Lakany (Lecturer), 9 RAs. 6 PhDs & 2 Masters awarded, 2 PhDs current. Grants awarded by EPSRC (4), BBSRC/EPSRC, Post Office UK, British Telecom, EKERNA (2), JISC and Essex RPF (3).
· Natural Language Engineering & Distributed Information Systems: De Roeck, Lowden, Poesio, Steel 0.25 (Senior Lecturers), Kruschwitz, Robinson (Lecturers), Musgrave (Deputy Director, Data Archive), 15.75 RAs. 2 PhDs & 1 Masters awarded, 8 current PhDs. Grants awarded by EPSRC, British Telecom, EC (5), JISC, ESRC and EPSRC Colloquium.
· Robotics & Intelligent Machines: Callaghan 0.25, Hu, Standeven (Senior Lecturers), Colley, Gu, Hagras, Spacek (Lecturers), 2 RAs. 3 PhDs & 1 MSc awarded. 12 PhDs and 9 Masters current. Grants awarded by EPSRC, Centre for Marine & Petroleum Technology, DERA, Royal Society, Guidance Control Systems (CASE studentship), and Essex RPF (4).
· Theoretical Computer Science & Formal Methods: Turner, Higgins (Professors), Cardell-Oliver, Henson (Senior Lecturers), Völker (Lecturer), 3 RAs. 6 PhDs & 1 MSc awarded, 6 PhDs current. Grants awarded by EPSRC (2), British Telecom (studentship), Royal Society (3), NZ FRST, EPSRC Workshop and Essex RPF (2).
Key Research Achievements 1996-2000
References [1] to [4] in this section refer to individuals' papers in RA2.
Agent-Based & Multi-Agent Systems
The interests of the group are broad, ranging from mathematical foundations through to applications, and covering both individual agents and multi-agent systems. The group’s long-standing reputation in multi-agent systems has continued to develop, now also covering multi-embedded-agent systems. Doran has played an internationally prominent role in the development of agent-based social simulation as a new method for social investigation [1]. His work has focused on applications in archaeology, anthropology and environmental management [2] and on the clarification and resolution of key methodological problems [3]. Doran attracted international attention when he introduced the key concept of collective misbelief in multi-agent societies [4]. With Hales (PhD 2000) he has developed computational models of meme dynamics and their social impact. Callaghan’s work on embedded agents and intelligent buildings [1,2,4] included a workable solution to the problem of non-intrusive learning and control that arises from non-deterministic multi-dimensional input vectors. He has developed methods for integrating interactive multicast virtual reality with the web (British Telecom with Electronics Dept). Fasli has developed an integrated logical foundation for developing theories of intelligent agents. She has studied the key notions of Truth, Knowledge, Belief, Desire and Intention both as modal [2] and as syntactic theories, and in the context of self-reference. Several new types of agents have been uncovered [3]. Notably, Fasli has shown that common knowledge plays a role, as important as self-reference, in her work on the Surprise Examination Paradox [1]. Steel has studied mentalistic predicates in connection with AI planning agents, provided agents with both operational and denotational semantics, and compared their suitability [4]. With Burgess (PhD 1998) he has explored how best to express quantification in partial-order causal link planning [2,3].

Constraint Programming & Optimisation
Tsang has made major contributions to constraint satisfication [Tsang 3,4, Ford 4]. He has developed a series of meta-heuristic search algorithms including GENET (a connectionist approach to constraint satisfaction), GLS (Guided Local Search, a meta-heuristic algorithm for constrained optimisation) [1,2], and GGA (Guided Genetic Algorithm, a genetic algorithm with GLS embedded). GENET and GLS have been adopted in research programmes worldwide and GLS has been used in the ILOG Dispatcher (commercial software for vehicle routing). In optimisation research, Ford’s invited ISCS'99 keynote address surveyed multi-step quasi-Newton methods. He has developed minimum curvature methods [3], alternating methods [2] and implicit methods. One of the implicit methods exhibits the best numerical performance of all multi-step methods studied so far, with typical gains of 35% to 40% over the "industry standard" (single-step) method. Salhi’s work on deterministic and stochastic global optimisation [1,2,4] has been applied to decision analysis, data mining, forecasting and optimal process design in chemical engineering (EPSRC 2000-3 with UCL & BP Amoco). Recently Salhi [3] designed and implemented the DOSAGE package which runs optimisation algorithms on heterogeneous distributed platforms. Zhang developed a systematic approach to implement genetic algorithms using orthogonal design and proposed a new population algorithm based on independent component analysis [1,4]. He proposed a unified model for principle and minor component analysis learning [2] and generalized the Oja algorithm to the complex case [3]. In the theory of genetic algorithms, Zhang has recently proved the global convergence of the population algorithm using estimation of distribution in some scenarios. Supported by the University’s Institute for Studies in Finance, Tsang, Salhi, Zhang and Markose (Economics Dept.) address the multi-disciplinary theme of computational finance. Genetic programming has been used for forecasting (Li PhD), modelling arbitrage (Er PhD) and volatility in the options market, thus challenging the efficient market hypothesis.

Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition
The Department has a long-standing strength in foundations and applications of machine learning. This group has developed and tested new learning and recognition methods on problems in data mining, speech, video, optical character and face recognition, sensor fusion and human gait analysis. In the SNOUT project and its successors, Scott [2,3] developed novel machine learning techniques for discovering clusters of attributes in large data sets by maximising association with all other attributes. He has developed methods for generating data sets with specified characteristics [1] and new metrics for characterising the "degree of difficulty" of a data set in order to identify the most suitable data mining procedures for that set. Lavington [1,2,3] and Freitas (PhD 1997) developed generic primitives and new strategies for executing established data mining algorithms efficiently on (parallel) client/server DBMS platforms in a scaleable manner. This research drew on Lavington’s previous work on the Intelligent File Store and made use of large IBM and ICL parallel platforms at Southampton and at Newcastle. Significant improvements in speech recognition techniques have been achieved by Reynolds [1], using modular neural networks (MNNs) which deliver the performance of context-dependent acoustic modelling, previously unattainable using monolithic networks. Furthermore, Reynolds [2,3,4] has shown that MNNs can combine the complementary information provided by different feature extraction techniques, keeping within a probability density estimation framework. Pattern recognition systems developed by Lucas include novel face recognition [1], robust word recognition in noisy text images [2] and handwriting [3]. His algorithms offer state of the art accuracy combined with high learning and recognition speeds. Lakany applies machine learning and pattern recognition methods [1,4] to characterise variations in human gait in pathological conditions such as cerebral palsy [2,3]. Her method extracts generic features that distinguish between normal and pathological cases and produce diagnostic features for specific pathologies. Gan has developed neuro-fuzzy systems for process modelling, system analysis, data fusion, state estimation and control, including linearization and state estimation for unknown discrete-time non-linear dynamic systems [1,2]. Gan's methods for statistically characterising model error make the linearisation models particularly suitable for intelligent state estimation and control [4]. He also proves a theorem on functional equivalence for two key multi-sensor data fusion methods, and developed novel NN architectures and learning algorithms for signal and image processing and for pattern recognition [3]. Lucas' Algoval system [4] performs automatic empirical evaluation of algorithms on data sets. This www system allows performance comparisons to be made between algorithms on data sets against a range of performance criteria. As competitions co-chair for the Congress on Evolutionary Computation, he uses Algoval to run competitions on draughts, pattern recognition and data mining.
Natural Language Engineering & Distributed Information Systems
This group focuses on enhancing the retrieval of data and information, through optimisation and intelligent, language-based interfaces. There is a strong emphasis on natural language as part of textual or semi-structured data, and on the novel but principled combination of established NLE and AI techniques to meet information needs. De Roeck’s work on computational semantics and pragmatics develops formal, inferential models of context-dependent phenomena such as presupposition [1], modals (Pechorro PhD 2000) and imperatives (PhD Perez Ramirez). Poesio uses formal tools whilst emphasising the crucial importance of empirical evidence on production and processes, derived from corpora and psychological experiments [1]. His formal model of common ground, implemented as part of the EU Trindi project, integrates ideas from discourse representation theory and work on dialogue acts, intentions, and obligations, motivated by issues in agent interaction and dialogue management [2]. His work on robust semantic interpretation has been used to improve speech recognition and led to the development of a leading algorithm for definite description interpretation. De Roeck’s expertise in natural language interfaces was used in the SNAP project [4] to interleave deep and shallow language processing techniques, so that both structured meta-information, and documents’ texts could be accessed and combined in a single natural language query. In the interface for the Yellow Pages Assistant (YPA) the group developed a strategy for robust query elicitation through dialogue where users are treated as an additional information source [Steel 1, DeRoeck 3]. The problem of configuring robust, practical interfaces aimed at broad user populations has been addressed by Musgrave [1,2,3] in a series of successful European initiatives to create open standards infrastructures for dissemination of social science data (NESSTAR 1996-7 and 1998-9). Musgrave has [4] also co-ordinated projects focusing on engineering interoperable query retrieval and analysis facilities for statistical information and meta-data, and on multi-lingual user interfaces for social science meta-data. De Roeck has conducted work on dynamic strategies for natural language generation (PhD Papagianopoulou). Poesio’s psychologically plausible models of anaphoric processing and NP realisation have been applied in various text generation systems, including GNOME (EPSRC Edinburgh), ILEX (Edinburgh) and ICONOCLAST (Brighton). The YPA project uses shallow and knowledge rich NLE techniques in an intelligent assistant for accessing semi-structured data. Kruschwitz extends YPA data extraction techniques [1,2,3] for other types of semi-structured data on the Web, demonstrating how intelligent search engines can be constructed from relatively simple building blocks [4]. De Roeck [2] extends standard information retrieval stemming techniques with morphological knowledge, improving performance on morphologically complex languages. Lowden and Robinson have developed methods for the semantic optimisation of database queries. Lowden has developed an inductive approach to formal rule set generation, analysis, and selection [1,2,4] as well as non-exponential transformation techniques for producing near optimum queries [3]. His results show that semantic optimisation for large scale retrieval is viable (Sayli PhD 1999). Robinson has addressed issues of rule analysis [3,4] and distribution of optimisation processes across networked environments [1,2]. Their experiments, using the Data Archive’s large data sets, have demonstrated significant performance improvements.

Robotics & Intelligent Machines
The group pursues basic and applied research in the areas of Mobile Robotics, Soft Computing, Computer Vision and Distributed Robotic Systems. Hu played an important role in developing co-operative robots for industry [1,2,3], the domestic and service sector, and education. He leads a team of 16 research students addressing key issues in multi-robot co-operation and co-operative robotics. The team analyse co-operative behaviours; team formation; sensor integration [Hu 4]; and communication, learning and co-evolution. Robot football is a test bed for the investigation. The group has been selected by Sony as 1 of 12 teams world-wide (the only UK group) to collaborate in the development of new generation of quadruped robots. The Essex team was ranked 3rd in the RoboCup 1999 Simulation League and 3rd in the European RoboCup 2000 competition. Hu’s work on agent-based scheduling for multiple autonomous vehicles in dockyard operations involves the design of a multi-agent system for a team of autonomous vehicles to load and unload containers in dockyard. The group's expertise in soft computing has been applied to autonomous navigation and guidance of mobile robots. Standeven [2,3,4], Colley [2,3] and Callaghan have developed a simulator for underwater robots and investigated the use of HLA simulation technology. Hagras [1,2], Callaghan [3], Colley [1,4] and Standeven [1] have investigated the application of hierarchical fuzzy logic control to autonomous vehicles. They develop a new algorithm using a modified version of the Fuzzy Classifier System, where the fuzzy rule set can be modified online using a Genetic Algorithm. A provisional patent for the Genetic-Fuzzy Real-Time Controller has been obtained. The algorithm uses a long-term memory and sensor data allowing the GA to start at the most appropriate point in the current search space. Gu and Hu have developed a novel navigation system for autonomous mobile robots in manufacturing. Their system includes robot localisation by an extended Kalman filter (EKF) fusing multiple sensory information, a polynomial path planner, and a motion controller by PID or Generalised Predictive Control (GPC) [Gu 2,3,4]. In [Gu 1], a neural network is employed to model the dynamics of mobile robots for GPC and wavelet analysis is used to optimise the algorithm. Hu and his students have adopted an evolutionary approach to the problems in the implementation of multi-agent co-operation and learning, which aims to exploit tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth to achieve robustness and real-time performance. Spacek has developed algorithms for computer vision in the areas of face recognition [3], motion detection [1,2] and visual robot navigation/guidance [4]. His methods can automatically transform facial images to standard size and orientation. Callaghan's work is concerned with visually guided navigation, motion detection, object recognition and tracking. Hu and his students have developed low-complexity, real-time visual tracking algorithms for recognising multiple moving objects in a dynamic environment.
Theoretical Computer Science & Formal Methods
The research interests of this group cover both applications of formal methods and their underlying mathematical foundations. These themes have been the focus for two major EPSRC awards: Constructive Z and Test and Verification for Real-Time Systems. The group has obtained international recognition for research on the logical foundations of typed set theory and typed specification languages and types in formal semantics. Turner has proved the equivalence of typed and untyped set theoretic specification languages [4], developed a constructive version of a set theoretic specification language [2] and established the equivalence of constructive type theories with and without separation types [3]. In the course of developing, with Reeves (Uni. Waikato, NZ), the first comprehensive logic for Z [2,3], Henson has shown that the previous (incomplete) work contained in the CD1.2 version of the Z standard was already inconsistent [1]. Further work led to a simpler logic for Z and a detailed comparison with CD1.2 and its later (consistent) revisions [4]. The group also contributed new logics for specification and program development. The Henson-Reeves Z logic formed the basis for a framework for specification and program development, first utilising a constructive Z logic, and then using classical logic without loss of expressivity. Higgins’ [1,2] work addressed fundamental aspects of algebraic automata and formal language theory, especially the relationship between automata and algebraic structures such as semigroups and monoids. This has led to new proofs of Simon’s Theorem [4] characterising piecewise testable languages and Schützenberger’s Theorem [3] that does likewise for star-free languages. Cardell-Oliver [1,2] and Völker [4] have developed several new formal methods for the analysis of real-time and reactive systems. A significant result is Cardell-Oliver's solution to the conformance test problem for real-time systems. Völker [1] has designed a highly dependable computer architecture for safety critical applications with Krämer (FernUniversität, Hagen) and applied has LOTOS to the formal specification of CORBA applications [3]. His PhD thesis on the modular verification of a function block based industrial control system was awarded the University prize. Cardell-Oliver [4] and students have investigated the behaviour of real-time traffic over IP networks (Gerdsmeier MSc 1999, Sun PhD ORS award). The group’s interest in proof assistants covers both theorem proving systems and model checking. Völker [2] has extended the HOL system with disjoint sums over type classes providing a sound basis for modelling schema types of Z, work continued by Wilkins (RA). Cardell-Oliver [3], Peleska and Buth (Uni. Bremen, Germany) have developed mixed theorem proving and model-checking support for developing reactive systems using CSP. Cardell-Oliver and Glover (RA) have developed a Java tool for generating test cases for real-time systems. Henson and Jarvis (RA) have developed an implementation, using JAPE, of both the Henson-Reeves Z logic and the programming development logic based upon it.

University of Exeter_25 4 [12.4B]

1. Structure and environment & staffing policy
All individuals pursue high-quality and innovative research, present results at major international meetings, and publish in leading journals. In addition, we maintain a research culture that effectively develops the research skills of postgraduate students and feeds directly into teaching at all levels. Since the 1996 RAE, the department has grown (from 10 to 14 fulltime academic staff posts – 2 yet to be advertised and filled) and increased its research strength considerably. Both national and particularly international linkages are stronger and more diverse. Publication activity (222 refereed publications) and research funding (from Research Councils and from industry) have also increased (more than £1 million in terms of expenditure and new grants awarded).
Research activity has been consolidated under just two of our previous groupings (as described below) each of which is more active and stronger than their earlier incarnations. In addition, the Department has been schooled with Engineering to give a School of Engineering and Computer Science and we are beginning to reap the benefits that can be provided by economies of scale (e.g. extra equipment money made available by the School), and larger budgetary units (e.g. two additional staff vacancies to Computer Science, with three further appointments to the School linking Computer Science and Engineering, in order to maintain a viable student:staff ratio as student intake grows). A successful HEFCE bid has provided £2.5 million to relocate Computer Science within the Engineering building.
An anticipated expansion into media computing and a long term interest in parallel systems research have both been curtailed as a consequence of staff changes at the senior level --- three of the four being departures from UK academia. Research in these areas is now managed as elements of the Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering research group as described in detail below.
We have gained Professor Peter Brown and a number of new lecturers have been appointed (Dr Singh, who has since been promoted to Senior Lecturer, Dr Jones who joined us in September 1996, Dr Everson who joined us in August 1999 and Drs Seville and Yang who both joined in the Autumn of 2000). These appointments constitute a considerable boost to research within the Department.
Support for research students and research environment
All research students are supported by a three-person committee throughout the course of their studies. Each committee consists of: research supervisor, a secondary supervisor and a chairperson. These committees meet 6-monthly to discuss with the student current progress and to agree on future goals and objectives. A progress report, written by each student, is circulated prior to each meeting, and the supervisor is required to write a report of the meeting detailing the agreed goals and objectives. This report is given to the student. Each student is actively associated with the research group to which his or her supervisor belongs (group details below). Regular seminars, with both external and internal speakers provide an atmosphere conducive to productive discussion. External speakers for the current year include: Professors Chris Bishop, Geoff Hinton and Igor Alexander. The Department endeavours to send research students to present their work at conferences and workshops whenever appropriate. Over the past two years, for example, the Department has provided the financial support for students to present papers at conferences in Toronto, Vienna, New York, Brussels, Berlin, Como, Barcelona and Stockholm as well as a number of venues within the UK.
All research activity is managed by one of two research groupings. Details of the staff and activities of each research grouping follow:
· Pattern Analysis and Neural Networks (PANN) - Dr S Singh, Director
· Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering (AIIE) - Dr A Galton, Director

Pattern Analysis and Neural Networks
The PANN group has a total of five academics, one visiting Professor, one research fellow, one research assistant and twelve PhD students. Over the assessment period, members of the group have published 120 refereed papers (47 in journals) and attracted more than £800K in grants, with 46 papers (21 in journals) and more than £500K grant income since 1999 --- virtually all from EPSRC research grant awards.

The application of neural network technology to pattern analysis is the core shared interest of the group. The patterns may be derived from images (medical images, scene analysis, OCR), from time series data (EEG, financial stocks), from sensors (ultrasound, radar, audio, visual, infrared), and from text (documents). Prof. Partridge, Dr Singh, Dr Everson, Dr Henderson and Dr Zhang share an interest in applying well-established inductive technologies to the analysis of patterns using probabilistic and multiple-classifier approaches. Traditional pattern analysis research on feature extraction and selection is also characteristic of the group’s research.

The research needs of the group are catered for by two well-founded laboratories --- one funded primarily by EPSRC/DTI research grants and the other by the award of a Royal Society, Wolfson grant. Full description of the research interests and activities of the research group can be found at: Funding comes from EPSRC, National Air Traffic Services (NATS), The Royal Society, DERA, BT, Siebe group and other private companies. Research activity within the PANN group can be divided into two main subareas, pattern recognition technologies and inductive technologies to support software engineering, one in each of the two laboratories. The following summary highlights of the group’s research activities will be presented in terms of individual projects within each of the two subareas.

1. Pattern Recognition Technologies

1.1. CAMEO (Computer Aided Mammography Environment)
The breast cancer analysis research focuses on the analysis of X-rays using digital images with computerised tools that are capable of diagnosing cancer. Our current collaboration on breast cancer analysis includes two major local hospitals: Derriford at Plymouth and Royal Devon and Exeter in Exeter. Our current research is aimed at extending our techniques into commercial products that can be used in clinical environments with high levels of accuracy. Dr. Chris Pinder, who is based with us as a Visiting Professor, is a consultant radiologist at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in the area of mammography. Over the last few years, robust digital mammogram analysis software has been developed as a part of this project. The original contribution of this research is the development of new quantitative measures of image enhancement, introduction of combined classifier systems in mammography, and extensive analysis of publicly available benchmarks for measuring accuracy in cancer screening. There are five refereed publications in this area since the last assessment exercise (excluding an extensive book contribution to be published by Springer in 2001). The project leader for this work is Dr. Singh. ( see RA2 Singh: 3).

1.2. MINERVA (Machine Intelligence for Natural Environment Recognition and Visual Analysis)
The scene analysis research, led by Dr Singh, is investigating modern tools for image interpretation. Our current work involves normal and infrared images. Our current work pioneers the ability in an adaptive classifier to identify new and unknown test objects. These objects can be identified reliably and even labelled using external data from image archives. The original contribution of this research is therefore a framework on the basis of which adaptive learners can be built in any given image analysis or pattern recognition application. The work is funded by DERA and NATS. In addition, work is active in the area of benchmarking image segmentation and texture analysis techniques. There are seven refereed publications in this area since the last assessment exercise. The group has its own international scene analysis benchmark as an image repository ( This work also extends to ultrasound-based object recognition, context analysis of natural scenes, and automated video classification.

1.3. PEARL (Prediction Engineering and Risk Limitation)
Our financial forecasting research addresses a range of issues related to financial prediction of stocks and portfolio management for risk minimisation. A range of novel techniques have been incorporated in our PEARL software including Pattern Modelling and Recognition System (PMRS) developed in our lab, fuzzy nearest neighbour predictors, and genetic algorithm assisted neural networks. A number of traditional statistical, econometric and neural network solutions are also available in our software system. Our current work is focussing on benchmarking, developing advanced solutions based on chaos theory and fractals, and developing fusion strategies on the outputs of multiple models. The original contribution of this research is the development of multiobjective neural-network training strategies, the use of long memory components in predictors, and the use of multiple predictors (as in combining their output) for accurate prediction. There are ten refereed publications in this area since the last assessment exercise --- see RA2 Singh: 1,2 and 4.

2. Inductive technologies to support software engineering

Since 1993 this area of research activity has benefited from continuous EPSRC funding (over 1 million pounds from 4 separate grant awards) together with various commercial and industrial contributors (approx. £250K). This research spans the full spectrum from practical application (such as the work on enhancing the performance of the Short Term Conflict Alert software system run by National Air Traffic Services), through further development of computational technologies (such as Bayesian nets and probabilistic decision trees) to philosophical considerations (such as the roles of specifications in software engineering). This research involves the refinement of inductive technologies to exploit the information extracted from operational data (e.g. through classical specification and implementation enhancement of operational software systems), and extensions to provide accurate probability estimates to associate with every computed output from an inductively generated module.

2.1. Inductive programming has been developed as the field of application of inductive technologies that extract information from samples of input-output data in order to enhance classical practices of software development --- (RA2 Partridge: 1). These new ventures should not be confused with the overly ambitious (and thus ultimately unworkable) early AI attempts to inductively derive programs from specifications. Bayesian nets (Dr Everson), probabilistic decision trees (Dr Yang), recurrent networks (Dr Henderson) and feedforward neural networks (Prof Partridge) are the major inductive technologies under investigation. Distributed neural computing is fundamentally different from classical computation and as such it offers us a new perspective on computation in general --- see Communications of the ACM paper (RA2 Partridge: 4). Use of these two computational paradigms enriches the possibilities for data mining to support classical software engineering.

2.2. Feature salience ranking techniques have been developed (see ``A comparative study of feature salience ranking techniques’’ to appear in the journal, Neural Computation) and applied to reduce the number of ``risk factors’’ that need to be collected in order to target resources on those with a high risk of developing osteoporosis (published in Journal Royal Society of Medicine, 92, 1999). A further result that should find application in a rheumatology unit is our finding that the ultrasound diagnostic system is not significantly inferior in performance to the more expensive DEXA machine. Another application (funded by DERA) is aimed at refining army recruitment and recruit-training practices as a result of identifying features (such as `smoker’) that make a significant contribution to likelihood of training injury. Results on survival prediction after serious injury have improved on current practice (paper submitted to Journal of Medical Decision Making) and consequently led to funded joint research with the Royal London Hospital.

2.3. Safe induction
A major extension of this research is through further development of several particular formal approaches to the production of accurate probability estimates associated with computations that are inductively based. Dr Everson’s work on data analysis (see, for example, ``Independent Component Analysis,’’ CUP, 2001, co-edited with S. Roberts) together with Dr Yang’s mixture models that encompass discrete variables (see ``A hybrid mixture model for training injury data analysis,’’ submitted to Multiple Classifier Systems, 2001) are expected to contribute to the long-term goals. Prof Partridge and Dr Everson (together with Prof Krzanowski, a statistician) have recently been awarded £370K under the EPSRC Critical Systems Programme to explore the use of inductive technologies for critical systems enhancement.

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering (AIIE)
The AIIE grouping comprises 10 academic staff, one research fellow, two honorary research fellows, and 12 research students. Members of the group have published 102 refereed papers over the assessment period and attracted £285k in grants, with 50 papers and £154k since 1999. The work of the group covers the areas of Language, Information, and Communication (including Media Computing), Knowledge Representation, Future Computing Paradigms, and Distributed Systems. Dr Antony Hyman, an honorary research fellow, maintains an active interest in Charles Babbage (see ``Reformer Militant,’’ in Telling Lives edited by A. Horne, Macmillan, 2000).
1. Language, Information, and Communication

1.1. Document representation and structure.
Software engineering is a discipline with thirty years’ experience, and we believe that much of this experience can be exploited in the production of web documents -- now a prime method of information communication. In spring 2000, we set up a collaboration involving three staff from Exeter (Prof P. Brown, Prof H. Brown, Dr Milne) and five from Professor Hall's group at Southampton. The collaboration brings together the expertise of two groups who have both won the BCS Technical Award for new ideas in hypermedia – and for turning these ideas into products. The combined group has already produced two papers, one published (having achieved joint highest score in the refereeing process; see RA2 P.Brown:1) and one to be submitted. In a separate collaboration, this one involving the DigitalDesk team at Cambridge University, a member of the group helped to pioneer the use of paper documents to access and display the additional information which is often available in corresponding electronic texts (see RA2 H.Brown: 2)

1.2. Context-aware information. Delivering information according to the user’s current context (e.g. location, time, companions) is a burgeoning area, as exemplified by p(osition)-commerce. At the start of 2000, following the appointment of Prof P Brown, we started research in this area, Our approach involves combining work in information retrieval by Dr. Jones with Prof Brown’s „stick-e note“ model (based on analogy with the Post-it note, see RA2 P.Brown:2,3) for context-aware applications; it also relates to database technologies – see 1.6. Our research is supported by the Leverhulme Trust and by the South West Tourist Board, who provide (a) a wealth of data (b) a knowledge of user needs and (c) an ultimate platform for exploitation (a joint paper by Prof P. Brown and Dr Jones has been accepted for Personal Technologies). Professor Brown's contract has recently been extended.

1.3. Natural Language Engineering The overall objective of our research in natural language engineering is the development of systems for language- and media-independent access to information from within language-based sources. This work builds on Dr Jones's post-doctoral research in spoken document retrieval at Cambridge University which received two ACM Best Paper Awards (RA2 Jones: 1, 2). During subsequent work as a Toshiba Fellow in Japan, Dr Jones carried out research into the application of probabilistic information retrieval for Japanese language retrieval (RA2 Jones:3,4) and the widest ranging study on the use of machine translation technologies for query-translation in English-Japanese cross-language information retrieval. The Japanese information retrieval system developed as part of this work has shown itself to be among the best submitted to a national evaluation exercise in Japan. Current work is focused on several projects: (1) An EPSRC funded-project `Information Retrieval for Mixed-Media Collections’ investigating retrieval from multiple-media document collections consisting of typed electronic text, automatically transcribed spoken data and OCR indexed scanned document images. This is the first project to carry out a comparative analysis of retrieval from these different media types and to investigate strategies for retrieval from mixed-media collections. (2) A project exploring the use of Text Summarisation methods for Relevance Feedback in Information Retrieval (MPhil student). This project builds on established research in relevance feedback in seeking methods to improve query expansion by summarising relevant document content. (3) Cross-Language Information Retrieval for Spoken Documents by combining existing research in text and speech retrieval. (4) Spoken Document Retrieval exploring the close integration of statistical output information from a speech-recognition system with the parameters of a probabilistic information-retrieval system. Dr Seville, a new member of staff, is expected to continue with her research in natural language processing (see paper in the International Workshop on Computational Semantics 4, January, 2001, Tilburg, Holland) in the new context of the similar research interests at Exeter.

1.4. Media Computing Our research in Media Computing is focussed in two areas.
Dr Jones is leading research exploring the development of media systems for virtual worlds in medical training. The main focus of this work at present is a PhD research project developing an interactive digital video simulator for training orthopedic surgeons and investigating the establishment of measurable criteria for assessment of surgical competence. This work is an example of the rapidly increasing interest in the use of computational methods in the medical domain. A number of invited presentations describing this work have been given in the U.K., Europe and the U.S.A. This research has received funding from the Royal College of Surgeons and K-Net Ltd.
Dr Narayanan has been engaged in work on language visualisation since the early 1990s. The current application under investigation is the use of graphical visualisation in presentation of legal testimony. The main focus of this work was an empirical investigation of the use of animations in court in a recently completed MPhil project. Results from this study have suggested a number of avenues for further work in this area which are currently being explored (paper in Information and Communications Technology Law).
1.5. Database systems. Dr Lings, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Skövde, Sweden, is investigating the development of tools and methods for the successful exploitation of database technology in complex information sharing domains. Recently, this has involved: (1) tools for supporting database design, including visualisation and automatic transformation of models (see RA2 Lings:4); (2) tools for interoperability, including co-operative information systems and data warehousing (see RA2 Lings:1,3); (3) qualitative techniques for the development of evaluation frameworks (see RA2 Lings:2). He is jointly responsible for a qualitative method, informed by grounded theory, for the development of frameworks for CASE tool evaluation. Reflecting on its application in Volvo IT, a senior manager in Volvo IT’s Method Group (Gothenburg) is quoted as saying: „This is the best I have seen so far, and I have seen a lot.“ Other recent research centred on the development of ACOOD, a prototype Active OODBMS built using a layered architecture on top of the commercial product ONTOS. In particular it explored events as first-class objects, with projects on dynamic event definition; event and rule inheritance; visualisation of rules; and composite event definition. ACOOD performed well under the BEAST benchmark (Zürich) for active object-oriented databases.

2. Knowledge Representation

Our work in this area is focussed on spatial and temporal representations, in particular on the problems of combining them to provide an integrated framework for reasoning about spatial change. The context of this work is an international research effort to establish a sound formal and theoretic basis for spatial reasoning in AI, GIS, and related areas (as represented by the biennial COSIT conferences, at which Dr Galton has given paper presentations in 1995, 1997, and 1999). The main achievements in this area over the review period have been (1) to develop a formal theory (dominance theory) which explains many of the relationships between qualitative and quantitative systems, to use this to clarify or correct a number of existing systems of qualitative descriptors (e.g., the RCC system and the Interval Calculus, see RA2 Galton:3) and also to construct new systems (e.g., RA2 Galton:2), (2) to establish a mathematical basis for dominance within a theory of discrete spaces founded on a pre-topological notion of closure, and to use this theory as a basis for characterising continuous change in discrete spaces (see RA2 Galton:4 and Galton:3, chapter 2), on which he was invited to speak at the Dagstuhl seminar 00231 (Topology in Computer Science) in June 2000, and (3) to determine the range of applicability of a variety of distance measures on spatial regions in order to characterise continuous change in extended bodies (material presented at COSIT’97 and elaborated in RA2 Galton:3, Chapter 7). Doctoral research, supervised by Dr Galton, is investigating formal schemes for the representation of shape, which has been recognised as one of the most problematic of spatial attributes; aspects of this work have already been presented at major international conferences (IJCAI’99 and ECAI2000, submission to IJCAI’01). The RA2 paper Galton:1 represents work mainly completed during the previous assessment period and now set to one side. Planned work for the future includes (1) further integration of dominance theory into work being pursued elsewhere on the application of generalised topologies to spatial representation systems, and (2) an application of Dr Galton’s earlier work on states and events (see RA2 Galton:3, chapter 5) to some current problems in temporal aspects of databases (in collaboration with Dr J.C.Augusto of the Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina, and linking with earlier research on active databases by Dr Lings of the AIIE group). Preliminary findings from this work have been submitted to IJCAI’01.

3. Future Computing Paradigms

Dr Narayanan is inspired in his research by the conviction that the future of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science crucially depends on taking account of leading scientific developments in the quest to understand how the mind works. This has led him to advocate quantum and biomolecular models of computation (Co-organiser of special session on quantum computing, IEE, 1997; invited talk at 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Atlantic City, NJ, 2000; Chair of special theme on quantum computing at the World Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC1999, Washington DC; invitation to present paper on quantum genetic algorithms at CEC2001, Seoul; paper on a DNA algorithm for computing shortest paths at Genetic Programming 1998 (RA2 Narayanan:2) Co-organiser of First Swedish Conference on Biocomputing and Emergent Computation 1997). One of his research students has presented her work on quantum algorithms for computing shortest paths at the House of Commons reception for young engineers in December 2000, and he has given research seminars on quantum computing at several institutions both in the UK and abroad. Current and future research plans include simulating model organisms in silico to advance our understanding of gene expression, especially those involved in cognitive traits (paper on modelling neurotransmitter release and uptake accepted at ANNIMAB 2000 in Gothenburg). His work is based on long-standing research interests in evolutionary computation (papers on extracting rules from trained neural networks through genetic algorithms accepted at CEC2000, at the International Conference on Tools with AI, Vancouver, 2000 (RA2 Narayanan:3), and for publication in the International Journal of Computers, Systems and Signals, 2001) and cognitive neuroscience (paper on quantum neural networks accepted in Information Sciences), having been or being a member of several international programme committees including ICANN98, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO99), and CEC2001. His multidisciplinary interests have led to successful applications to both HEFCE (£60k permanent annual uplift) and EPSRC (£480k approx) to help launch an MRes in Bioinformatics, a research training programme he designed and co-developed with the School of Biological Sciences. He also was a successful co-applicant to the Post Office (£60k grant in 1998) for a two-year project dealing with risk assessment using ANNs and GAs. He also helped raise almost £30k from Swedish pharmaceutical companies and from local regional authorities to help fund the Swedish Biocomputing conference, attended by, among others, David Fogel and Stuart Hameroff, both world leaders in the field.

4. Distributed Computing

4.1. Functional computing. Dr Wakeling has been promoting the use of functional programming languages to program embedded systems. In the review period his two major achievements have been the development of new techniques for running lazy functional programs (1) on conventional processors quickly, while using a small amount of code space (RA2 Wakeling: 1), and (2) on Java processors (RA2 Wakeling: 2, 3, 4). The work on Java processors has resulted in the most efficient compilation of the functional language Haskell for the Java Virtual Machine to date. He has given invited talks on this subject at the IFIP 2.8 meeting in St. Malo in September 1999 and at Dagstuhl Seminar 00451 (Effective Implementation of Object-oriented Programming Languages) in November 2000. Work on both techniques was funded by Canon Research Europe Limited (approx. £40K).

4.2. Parallel computing. Dr Juhász is working in parallel image processing (see RA2 Juhász:2), parallel discrete-event simulation, and parallel performance prediction (see RA2 Juhász:1). He has industrial collaboration with Continental Teves Gmbh, Germany, and external consultancies with Outsource Laboratories Inc. (USA) and Obvis Ltd (UK). He has academic collaborations with the University of Genoa (Italy), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), the University of Cardiff, and other departments within his home university of Vezprem (Hungary). Dr Juhász continues productive collaboration on performance-prediction techniques for parallel simulation with Prof Stephen Turner (formerly senior lecturer) who left the department in June 2000 to take up a chair at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Dr Juhász is a regular visitor to the Department and his contract will be renewed in future years.

University of Hull_25 3a [10.2C]

1. Research in the Department of Computer Science is organised into 3 research groups, Simulation and Visualization, Neural, Emergent and Agent Technologies and Distributed Systems Engineering.
2. Research Environment With ambitious research aims in view, Hull University has embarked upon a major investment programme, features of which are the creation of a number of interdisciplinary Research Institutes, refurbishment of the research infrastructure in selected areas, and enhanced provision of facilities and support for postgraduate research students.
3. The Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor has responsibility for the institution’s research strategy and he chairs the University Research Committee. The University’s Research and Enterprise Office provides services related to grants, contracts, collaborations, IPR, consultancy, spin-out companies, etc. The University's comprehensive staff development programme covers such issues as postgraduate supervision, proposal writing, etc.
4. In the Department the Director of Research (Phillips) has responsibility for strategy, policy, postgraduate affairs, monitoring research, etc. Each research group has a Co-ordinator and, together with the Director, they form the Department’s Research Committee.
5. The Department has well equipped research laboratories. Each research group has its own dedicated research laboratory suites where its postgraduate researchers and research assistants work. There are in all 4 open plan office / laboratory suites and 3 specially housed research facilities which occupy some 574 sq metres. Our base computing infrastructure for research is UNIX, SGI and NT platforms and computing facilities are supported by our Computer Services team of 6 staff. We also have available electronic and mechanical workshop facilities.
6. Every research postgraduate student has at least one supervisor and a Supervisory Panel (of 3 academics) that reviews progress and advises the student. Research training is provided by the University’s compulsory Postgraduate Training Certificate scheme. Each year the University publishes two excellent handbooks on postgraduate research and training. Support for supervision and training at the Departmental level is provided by a) a Postgraduate Training Officer (Kambhampati), b) a Postgraduate Tutor (Visvalingam), c) a comprehensive postgraduate handbook. Postgraduates give two seminars in the Department’s Seminar Series and are encouraged to attend conferences and publish papers. At the University level Visvalingam has been Faculty Director of Postgraduate Training, has established University-wide procedures for monitoring training and has had Supervisory Panels approved as a new supervisory mechanism.
7. The Postgraduate Tutor, Training Officer and Director of Research form the Postgraduate Research Committee that handles postgraduate affairs for the Department.
8. The Department has offered, since 1994, a successful taught specialist MSc in Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments that draws on our research expertise.
9. Departmental Research Mission, Objectives and Strategies: The Department’s research mission is to be an international centre of research excellence in a few niche areas, based in Computer Science but with multidisciplinary / interdisciplinary dimensions and addressing research challenges of international significance.
10. Our mission is being achieved through a clear sense of purpose, sound departmental planning and appropriate resourcing. By careful analysis of our internal and external research environment we have identified critical success factors and implemented strategies to achieve our objectives. Some key strategies are given below.
11. Research group size strategy. Our research groups are of sufficient size to benefit from the pooling of research expertise and to be resilient to staff changes. Over the period the groups have grown significantly by reducing the number of groups from 4 to 3 and by adding new academic posts.
12. Research staff support strategy. Good research staff support allows us to deploy state-of-the-art technology and to undertake investigative work prior to procuring external funding. Implementation of this strategy in the period has included University funding for a new permanent Research Support Officer post and 3 Research Fellow posts to support the appointments of Dr Kambhampati, Prof Jesshope and our new Visualization Laboratory facility.
13. Postgraduate recruitment strategies. The following strategies ensure we meet our postgraduate research school objectives in spite of competition from industry. Our scholarship strategy now provides over £80,000 annually to support postgraduate research students. Our proactive approach on external funding has led to 3 ORS, 1 NHS Trust, and 4 EPSRC funded postgraduates. Furthermore our exchange scheme with 3 of France’s premier engineering Grandes Ecoles has provided 14 highly capable MSc research students.
14. Increasing research time strategy. Fundamental to our time for research objective was a target student staff ratio (SSR) of below 17:1 for the period. Staff time for teaching has also been reduced through the creation of 2 new Computer Laboratory Officer posts (1998) responsible for setting up and managing teaching laboratories.

Keele University_25 3b [9.2C]

Department of Computer Science

Structure, environment and staffing policy

The Department of Computer Science underwent a period of rapid expansion in the early 1990’s, both through external recruitment and also from assimilation of staff from other units. Following the outcome of the 1996 RAE the department undertook an internal review (with external assessors), and recognised that this expansion had resulted in an excessive diversity of research effort, with a consequent need to focus our activities more closely. Over the period of this RAE therefore, the department has followed a policy of building up three main areas of research, with the aim of establishing international recognition for each of these. We believe that this policy has been successful, that it has led to an increase in the number of grants held by the Department; to an extended range of academic and industrial collaborators; and to an improved publication profile. Immediate plans are to employ any new appointments to increase the core sizes of all three groups, while also seeking opportunities to exploit more fully the potential for interdisciplinary research offered by the Keele context.

The three principal research groups (and leaders) are:
1. Data & Knowledge Engineering (Professor SM Deen)
2. Geoinformatics (Professor MF Worboys)
3. Software Engineering (Professor D Budgen)
The Geoinformatics and Software Engineering groups have already begun to operate in an interdisciplinary setting, with links to disciplines such as geography, earth sciences, statistics, psychology, health and management.

This represents an evolutionary change of structure since the 1996 RAE, where the first two of these groups were linked together. Also, the Machine Perception research group, which originally formed a research group that was operated jointly with the Department of Communications & Neuroscience was concentrated in that department in 1997, accompanied by the transfer of Dr Meyer.

The department is housed in two adjoining buildings (one purpose-built, the second being the former Computer Centre building) and runs its own computing systems, with the support of three technicians and 2.6 computing officers. It has therefore been able to create an environment that is well able to provide technical support for research as well as teaching. A third building (the Mackay Building) has recently been constructed adjoining our existing complex and it is expected that this will provide future space for expansion.

Research support has been provided through a mix of grants and contracts from EPSRC, the EU, DERA and industry, across a wide range of our activities. This has been further supported by the university’s internal incentive schemes, designed to reward the development of industrial collaborations through the return of overhead income to research groups to help ‘pump-prime’ further research. Staff have been encouraged to publish in an appropriate mix of widely-read and specialist journals and conferences. All three groups have also made use of ‘away-day’ sessions to provide the opportunity to periodically review and refocus their efforts.

Overall, much progress has been made since the 1996 RAE, with a much stronger focus for research activity in the department, accompanied by a higher level of activity within the research groups. The Geoinformatics group clearly has a significant international presence, as do most of the activities of both the Software Engineering and the Data & Knowledge Engineering groups. The division between research-active and non-research-active staff is now clearer in the department, with the latter supporting the former by increased teaching and administration loading.

In terms of the goals identified in our 1996 submission, we have continued to build up our main groups as centres of excellence, as well as continuing strong links with industry and extending the involvement of visiting professors and fellows. The only goal to be modified significantly was that of seeking an ‘over-arching’ research theme, as on further consideration we found it more practical to hold occasional shared away-day forums as the means of sharing knowledge between the groups.

Research strategy

The Department of Computer Science forms part of the Faculty of Science which is led by a Dean (Arme, Life Sciences) and a Research Dean (Budgen, Computer Science) who are members of the University Research Committee. Together they are responsible for overseeing the departmental research strategies within the context of the Faculty as a whole. The scope of the University Research Committee is to consider all matters concerning the management of, and support for, university research. It reports to Senate on policies, procedures and evaluation of research activity, on University structures for the conduct of research, and on research funding schemes. The Research Committee encourages co-ordination of research strategies within and between Faculties, including the development of interdisciplinary research.

The Departmental Research Committee co-ordinates research activities within the department and meets approximately six times a year. It is chaired by one of the group leaders and membership includes the leaders of the major research groups, a number of research-active members of academic staff and a representative of the research staff. The brief of the departmental research committee is to monitor group and individual progress, seek synergies and foster collaborative activities both within and without the department, monitor research grant applications, monitor overall research postgraduate activity, and assist the Head of Department in formulating departmental research strategy. The departmental research committee makes an input to the University Research Committee.

The Departmental Postgraduate Research Committee assists the research postgraduate tutor in making decisions about admissions and monitoring student progress. In recent years we have successfully encouraged promising undergraduates into research by providing intern posts for students to work on research projects during the summer preceding their final year. Funding for these posts has come from both external sources (Nuffield) and also from research grant overheads.

The department has a thriving research culture that includes an active seminar programme in which visiting researchers and researchers in the department can describe their work. This is supplemented by specific group-related activities, described in the following sections. The department has always sought to provide financial support for staff to attend research conferences, and in addition, in the period covered by the present RAE has hosted four EASE conferences, WOTUG 22 and BCTCS 15. There has also been a succession of researchers visiting the department for periods ranging from a few days up to a year.

Research Groups

Data & Knowledge Engineering

This research group has been established since 1987 and the two core members of the group are Professor S Misbah Deen and Dr Chris Johnson. As a group there are two active areas of research: database systems and co-operating knowledge-based systems.

Current research activity in the area of database systems is concerned with the topics of deductive databases and automated reasoning. For deductive databases, the key research topics are on the development of query processing techniques, including handling of negative data and view update problems. An additional topic of interest is that of interoperability in legacy systems, with a focus on partial global ontologies and query subsumption, based on an agent-based distributed architecture.

In the area of co-operating knowledge-based systems (CKBS), the basic approach taken is to view CKBS as an extension of the distributed database approach in agent technology, with the objective of developing a generic architecture and an operation model using an engineering approach to solve problems of real-world distributed applications. (See details of the IMS/HMS project below.)

Future plans include extending current agent-based activities to Factory and Supply Chain Management.

Highlights of research

The co-operation model developed as part of the CKBS research provides the theoretical foundation of the distributed controller architecture that has been adopted by Rockwell Automation (USA), DaimlerChrysler (Germany), Toshiba, Hitachi, Fanuc (Japan) and other major industries. The group’s model has also been used in the engine plant of DaimlerChrysler to study production throughput. Other agent-based techniques of the group have been applied to legacy systems, telecommunications traffic management and air traffic control. The recent work of the group will provide the core the new international IMS/HMS proposal on agent-based factory and supply chain management (to be co-ordinated by DaimlerChrysler (Germany) and Rockwell Automation (USA)).

Professor Deen is at present (1993-) a partner of the IMS/HMS project funded by the EU and addressing the role of agent-based manufacturing systems. The group is a member of an ESPRIT network of excellence, took part in the ESPRIT/MODELAGE project (1994-97) and the ESPRIT/Agent Link Project (1998 – present). It is funded by the Department of Trade & Industry to provide a focus on agent technology for academia and industry. The group has organised several conferences on CKBS, bringing database and AI researchers together to study multi-agent systems.

Dr Johnson has been working on theoretical aspects of database systems and automated reasoning since 1987, including the use of search space pruning methods in query processing of deductive databases. On the IMS/HMS project he has been responsible for the development of a theoretical model of co-operating knowledge-based systems (holonic systems).

During the period of the current RAE, the group has had one post-doctoral researcher (Dr Martyn Fletcher) and between three and six PhD students at any one time.

External collaborations

A major collaborator during this period has been Prof Makoto Takizawa from the Department of Information and Systems Engineering, Tokyo Denki University.


The two core members over this period have been Prof Michael Worboys and Dr John Stell. Other staff who have been involved in the activities of the group include Dr Chris Johnson, Dr Peter Fletcher (Depts of Computer Science & Mathematics) and Mr Keith Mason (School of Earth Sciences and Geography).

The group is concerned with computational issues in geographic information science. Underlying these concerns is the need for appropriate models and representations of geospatial data, with previous work focussing on object-oriented modelling. The current programme includes aspects of the integrated handling of spatial data. Spatial data often need to be processed at a variety of scales or levels of detail, and the group is working on theories of multiscale spatial data that address this topic. Another area of research is the study of vague and uncertain spatial information, and question of how practical measures of data quality can be provided during the processing of such data. A related topic that the group is working on is the use of non-monotonic reasoning in drawing conclusions from spatial data which, besides being vague or uncertain, may change over time. This relates to ongoing work on spatiotemporal information.

The group has a purpose-built research laboratory, housing six high-specification computers which deploy specialist GIS software and digital cartographic data. The laboratory also contains a high-quality colour laser printer, large scanner, journal collections and other research material and provides a focus for group activity.

A future direction of research that the group has begun to develop is that of handling spatial information in mobile environments.

Highlights of research

Both core members of the group have achieved international reputations in the field of geoinformatics, with research results being reported in the leading international journals and conferences. The group has also been successful in obtaining three major EPSRC research grants and two EU long-term research grants, with the benefit of adding three post-doctoral researchers to the group. During the period of the current RAE, the group has had many visitors from the USA, Canada, Europe and Asia. For example, in 1999/2000 the group hosted the visit of a researcher from the University of Oslo, for a year-long visit funded by a Norwegian government scholarship. The year 2000 awayday was attended by more than 20 staff, research students and industrial collaborators.

External collaborations

All of the funded research projects involve collaboration with other academic institutions (Prof N Paton, University of Manchester; Prof A Cohn, University of Leeds; Dr M Smyth, Imperial College) as well as with industrial partners (Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, Laser-Scan, Smallworld GIS). The EU-funded projects involve collaborations with the University of Provence, Technical University of Vienna, University of Leicester, ITC Netherlands, as well as several European industrial partners. Prof Worboys also has a close relationship with the US National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis and has sat on the steering committees for two of its research initiatives. The international reputation of the group has led to a series of visits to and from other countries (US, Sweden, Norway, France, Canada).

Software Engineering

The core members of this group are Professor David Budgen, Professor Barbara Kitchenham (part-time), Dr Pearl Brereton, Dr Barry Cook and Mr Steve Linkman. Other staff who have been involved in the activities of the group include Dr K P Lam, Prof Peter Jones (Department of Mathematics) and Mr Michael Rigby (Centre for Health Planning & Management). The recent appointment (February 2001) of Dr Stuart Thomason to a Lecturership, has subsequently added to the core size of the Software Engineering group.

Following the internal research review, the group rationalised and formalised its existing activities, which were grouped into four main themes: Component-Based Systems; Measurement and Evaluation; Hardware/Software Interface; and Project Management. A fifth theme of Software Engineering Education has subsequently been recognised as forming a thread linking several people and, as such, adds a fifth, more informal theme.

While we expect to continue active research in these areas over the next five years, we also envisage new developments in three closely-related areas. One is that of web engineering, where we have begun to investigate how the experiences of software development and maintenance can usefully be reused for web-based systems. We see this as exploiting a convergence of our two majority themes of Component Based Systems and Measurement & Evaluation. Another is that of interdisciplinarity in software engineering, which we are developing in collaboration with the University of Durham and UMIST. This draws upon the ideas explored for the the third area, which is also a joint theme with these two universities, and represents a much longer-term goal, which is based upon the concept of Software as a Service.

Highlights of research

The two ‘majority’ themes have provided the main sources of research development and interaction across the group. The group runs the annual EASE conferences (Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering) which began in 1997 and is now an internationally recognised forum for research in this area, through which we have attracted some prestigious keynote speakers to Keele. Papers from the first four conferences have been published as special issues of the journals Information & Software Technology, Journal of Systems & Software, and Empirical Software Engineering. The components theme, identified as a key research area by the influential PITAC report in the USA, has been explored using a regular series of meetings, through six research projects funded by industry (including two studentships), and through an EU project (CLARiFi). This has so far led to a number of publications, including a recent paper in IEEE Computer, with both further papers and further grant applications in active development or submitted. The theme of measurement and evaluation has been supported through two EU-funded projects (VALSE and SQUID) as well as two EPSRC-funded projects.

Our other two themes have also involved considerable research activity. The theme of Hardware/Software has generated industrial interest, providing direct funding for two projects and sponsorship of an EPSRC CASE award student (won competitively). Industrial collaboration has also resulted in the granting of a US patent, with other US and UK applications pending. A paper presented at the Communicating Process Architectures Conference (CPA2000) received the "Best Paper" award. The theme of Project Management has been supported through two EPSRC awards and has involved a valuable collaboration with a leading statistician to explore the problems of software datasets.

The group has attracted substantial research funding from BT for studying longer-term developments in software engineering, centred around a four-year collaborative project with the University of Durham (Prof K Bennett and Prof M Munro) and UMIST (Prof P Layzell and Prof L Macaulay). This collaboration, which led to the concept of Software as a Service, also formed the core of a short-listed bid for an EPSRC Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (with the added participation of the University of Southampton), which was rated very highly, but unfortunately failed to obtain funding. This theme has subsequently provided the basis for an EPSRC network (Interdisciplinary Software Engineering Network) and, as indicated above, forms the basis for some longer-term research plans. Interdisciplinarity is seen as an important factor in future developments, and other initiatives are being actively pursued, based both upon the recent IRC bid, and also national developments such as the E-Science programme, where we are co-operating with the Astrophysics research group.

During the period of the current RAE the group has employed postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers (Dr Paul Singleton, Dr Mustafa Marashi, Mr Mark Jarvis, Mr Russell Bedson, Mr Matthew Gumbley, Dr Stuart Thomason) and between two and four research students annually.

External collaborations

During this period, the group has hosted a number of visitors who have given seminars and /or taken part in our research activities and planning. These have included Prof Shari Pfleeger (USA), Prof Mildred Shaw (Canada), Mr Kurt Wallnau (Software Engineering Institute), Mr Tom Conrad (US Department of Defense) and Mr Michael Looney (Defence Research Agency). We are also in the process of appointing Mr David McVitie, formerly Chief Designer with ICL’s Kidsgrove Division, to be a Visiting Fellow, with the aim of providing input to our activities from his industrial experience.

In addition to our major research links with the groups at the University of Durham and UMIST, we have also collaborated with various groups at BT Laboratories, the University of Genoa and several European organisations. More recently we have been developing links with the psychology group at INRIA, in France.

Research in the department not linked to one of the principal groups

Dr KP Lam is working in the area of parallel image processing. New research begun in 1997/98 after his move into the Department from the former Department of Electronics, has been centred in the combined fields of parallel/concurrent computing and digital image processing. This has been focussed upon two closely allied themes: parallel and concurrent algorithms for computational vision, and digital visual information systems development. Dr Lam has also participated in some of the activities of the components theme of the Software Engineering group.

Management of resources

Keele University operates a range of research incentive schemes which have benefited the department, including the provision of one semester of leave (with purchase of replacement teaching and administration) for any staff member securing significant research grant income from research councils. During this period we have operated a programme which has enabled one member of staff to take sabbatical leave each semester.

The Research Development Office (RDO) supports the research community of the University, largely through providing assistance with applications for research grants and contracts, negotiating contracts, and pursuing, patenting and licensing activities for commercially valuable inventions. Working with industry, health authorities and other partners forms an important part of Keele’s research activity, and the office is responsible for regional and industrial liaison activities to promote this. Underpinning these activities, the RDO is responsible for developing research-related guidance and policies, maintaining the University’s research-related data, and managing the monitoring and evaluation processes including the periodic RAE.

Monitoring and evaluation of research on a routine basis is carried out in several ways. There is a system of annual staff appraisal in which research plans, funding and output are reviewed. Staff and research students are also expected to attend and present research findings at Departmental seminars, and at appropriate conferences.

Postgraduate students

Postgraduate students are fully integrated into the research culture of the Department and are provided with a thorough training in research methods. They are introduced to issues such as strategic science policy and generic research issues through the Faculty-based induction programme, and receive additional instruction in more specific skills including writing and presentation techniques through the later parts of this programme. Research student supervisors are approved by the Research Degree Sub-Committee on the basis of their research record, their fitness for the topic, and their supervision workload. They must observe a written code of practice and ensure that students understand their responsibilities. The postgraduate tutor (currently Prof D Budgen) is responsible for the student training programme and the progress of all students is reviewed internally by the Departmental postgraduate committee as well as twice-annually by the University Research Degree Sub-Committee.

Staffing policy

The appointment of all new academic staff is driven by research needs, with new members of staff being allocated a light teaching load for the first two years and encouraged to participate fully in the activities of the research groups. Keele University supports the Research Concordat and is actively involved in the Research Careers Initiative. The RCI co-ordinator is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and the RCI programme is managed from the Personnel Department which has produced a Career Development Statement which outlines opportunities for training and career development for contract researchers, including a variety of annual programmes on the development of research skills, the development of transferable skills, and opportunities to gain wider experience within and outwith the University. The annual appraisal system for fixed term researchers is well established and includes a discussion of career development planning as an integral part of the appraisal interview.

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The review period covered by this RAE has been a time of significant change for the Computing Laboratory. In 1999, the Computer Science Department was finally and formally split from the Computing Service, with the former retaining the title “Computing Laboratory” and the latter taking the title of “Computing Service”. Everything in this submission relates to the academic activity and not the service. These changes allowed the Laboratory to reorganise and focus its core research activities.

Research structure and environment

The aim of the Computing Laboratory is to undertake research and teaching of the highest international standards in Computer Science. We believe this is best done through a relatively small number of strong research groups, each with a distinct identity, which encourage collaborations between groups within, and external to, the Laboratory. Every member of staff belongs to at least one research group which organises its own series of seminars, and promotes intra-group and inter-group interactions, including joint research projects and publications.

A Research Executive (comprising the Director, Deputy Director, Head of Research and Heads of Research Groups) is responsible for overall strategic research planning, including providing support for young researchers, and promoting strategic collaborations outside the Laboratory. Heads of Research Groups give advice within their own groups, e.g. on research grant applications. Each member of academic staff receives an annual individual budget to support their activities – for example, to support conference attendance. In addition, the Research Executive (through the Head of Research) allocates additional funds to supplement the individual allocations (often in support of newer members of staff) and to support research students. The total amount of resource (excl. staff) allocated in this way in the current year is approx. £44k. The Laboratory provides the traditional “well-found laboratory” in the form of technical support (6 FTE staff support research full-time, including a full-time Research Support Administrator), dedicated computing equipment for each member of staff, and dedicated laboratories for research groups that need them (e.g. for the Networks and Distributed Systems Group). It also provides specialist equipment (e.g. within the Multimedia Laboratory supporting Roberts’ work in visualization).

The Laboratory has strong industrial collaborations, which have led, in 1998, to the Laboratory being designated a Sun Microsystems Authorised Academic Java Campus (the first in Europe) and, in 2000, becoming a Sun Target University (the first outside the USA). These collaborations cover the complete range of Laboratory activities, including research projects. We also have research collaborations with BT, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nortel Networks, Philips Research Laboratories, Rational and Trireme International.

Staffing policy

The Laboratory operates a policy of appointing only staff who can contribute to its aim of undertaking research of the highest international standards. Staff new to the academic role are required to attend the University’s Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (accredited by SEDA/ILT), which includes elements of research training; all such staff are required to have a mentor (who provides research support). Newly appointed members of staff either have EPSRC-supported research students under the CASE for New Academics (CNA) Scheme (Timmis) or have obtained industrial sponsors to allow this to happen (Johnson, de Lemos, Roberts). Staff are engaged in an annual appraisal process, which may result in staff development in research topics, and are encouraged to take periodic research leave: within the RAE period, 14 members of staff have done so.

General developments since 1996

The 1999/2000 academic year saw the retirement of several senior staff, many of whom have given outstanding service to the Laboratory. These include Professors H Brown, PJ Brown, Slater and Turner; Professor L Johnson has also left to take an appointment elsewhere. Several new staff have recently been appointed to take their places (de Lemos, Hatton, C G Johnson, Kent, Mander, Roberts, Timmis), and others (Bowman, Derrick, King, Thompson, Utting) promoted to senior positions. These changes have allowed the Laboratory to focus its research into six main areas – Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) and Networks & Distributed Systems (NDS); two areas that have been developed since 1996 – Systems & Software Engineering (SSE), and Applied & Interdisciplinary Informatics (AII); and two smaller, more focused areas – Concurrency (CC) and Computer Science Education (CSE). The Laboratory’s work in Software Tools & Electronic Publishing is now largely concluded, though some recent achievements are reported under the Applied & Interdisciplinary Informatics Research Group.

Research achievements since 1996

Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)
: (main interest) Boiten#, Bowman, Derrick, Hanna, Jones, Kahrs#, King, Rodgers#, Thompson, Watson#. Category B: Turner. # = new since 1996
Background/current activities: Since 1996 the group has pursued two broad research strategies: (a) to consolidate its traditional strength in aspects of functional programming & verification, applications & implementation issues of functional & logic programming, and (b) to broaden its interests to formal methods, novel languages, machine learning and memory management. Within these two directions, the main emphasis of our work has been on new paradigms for functional programming, semantic foundations of term rewriting, static analysis for logic and constraint programming languages, the application of model checking and temporal logic, formal reasoning and symbolic mathematics, memory management, particularly for distributed systems, refinement in an object-oriented setting, graph rewriting techniques. Through Boiten, Bowman and Derrick, there are particularly strong links with the NDS group.
Achievements since 1996:
Functional programming and verification: In collaboration with Shackell (Mathematics) Thompson has given a new paradigm – based on constructive type theory – for the integration of reasoning into computer algebra systems [Thompson 1]. Turner and Telford completed work on Elementary Strong Functional Programming, which was an objective of our 1996 submission. Hanna’s work on verification of digital systems has continued with a series of papers [Hanna 1,3,4] investigating circuits from an analogue perspective that allows more accurate modelling of properties at the level at which contemporary high-speed, low-power digital systems are designed. This has resulted in the development of computationally tractable algorithms for automatic formal verification. Kahrs showed [Kahrs 3] that the type system of ML and related languages excluded certain computable sound functions. It has long been known that this was true for certain function definitions, but Kahrs showed that it was not even possible to express something observationally equivalent. To make the statement in a meaningful way it was first necessary to devise a notion of completeness for type systems [Kahrs 4]. For much of the 1990s Kahrs has been heavily involved in the formal definition of the specification language Extended ML. [Kahrs 1 and 2] focused on problems with that approach (e.g. the interaction between the specification logic and polymorphism).
Applications and implementational issues of functional and logic programming: King has consolidated his work on static analysis, and in particular, developed a ground analysis that can be performed in linear (rather than exponential) time and space [King 1]. He also established the correctness of a widely used pair-sharing algorithm for rational-trees [King 2] (even the proof for the simpler finite-trees case had proved elusive). King collaborated with the parallelisation community and developed an automatic time-complexity analysis that can be performed by merely solving linear equations (rather than difference equations) [King 3,4]. EPSRC and/or EU supported all this work.
Formal methods: We have consolidated our work in the application of viewpoint consistency in ODP to distributed computing [Boiten 1, Bowman 1,3, Derrick 2] and this has lead to new insights in consistency checking in Z [Boiten 2]. Derrick and Boiten have investigated generalisations of traditional notions of refinement motivated by problems arising in distributed systems (changes of input/output, non-atomic and internal operations) [Boiten 3,4, Derrick 1,4] and developed a means to test specifications based on their abstract description [Derrick 3]. Bowman developed state of the art model checking techniques during his EU- and ERCIM-funded stay at CNR-CNUCE in Pisa and Grenoble, and applied these to the canonical problem of lip synch [Bowman 2]. His collaboration at Pisa also led to foundational studies of cognitive behaviour using formal methods [Bowman 4]. We have given a new technique for deciding satisfiability in interval temporal logics [Thompson 4] and have developed a constructive realisation of an interval temporal logic [Thompson 2] as a part of an investigation into the application of formal methods in description of multimedia systems (joint work with the University of Manitoba). This work has also applied functional programming techniques [Thompson 3].
Programming systems: [Jones 1], for the first time in book form, presents the state of the art of memory management as a single, coherent framework, resolving apparent contradictions reported by other authors. His research has demonstrated for the first time how complete (collects all garbage) yet scalable, distributed garbage collection may be achieved [Jones 2,4] and has constructed a specification language and compiler that facilitated the production and exchange of compact program traces [Jones 3]. Rodgers has developed graph-rewriting into a programming paradigm [Rodgers 1, 2] with applications in databases [Rodgers 3], as well as using techniques of visualization in NLP [Rodgers 4]. Watson has introduced the notion of corroboration into the machine learning paradigm [Watson 4] as well as examining real-time specification [Watson 1,2] and the recursion theory of degrees [Watson 3].

Networks and Distributed Systems (NDS)
: (main interest) Linington, Shrimpton#, Tripp, Utting, Waters; (secondary interest) Boiten, Bowman, Derrick (TCS group). # = new since 1996.
Background/current activities: The strategy of this group remains to focus on two main themes: assessment of NDS performance, and techniques for NDS design and construction. The two are unified by an interest in network and distribution architectures, particularly in the application and enterprise areas.
Achievements since 1996:
Assessment of NDS performance: With funding from EPSRC and BT, we have developed techniques and a prototype system for deriving performance prediction from outline distributed system designs (Permabase) [Waters 3]. The results of this work were taken up by BT in a patent for the model transformation process used in the derivation. We have constructed high performance networking monitoring tools for broadband ATM networks and developed techniques for extracting significant early indicators of congestion from correlation of readings taken at multiple measurement points [Tripp 1,4]. We have created and evaluated more efficient heuristics for delay-constrained multicast routing to support multimedia applications on high-speed networks [Waters 4]. These were all objectives of our 1996 submission. We have also continued and extended our interests in the caching and mirroring of major archives including (with Lancaster) the UK Mirror Service, and, since 1997, have also (with the SSE group) developed and implemented new monitoring systems for national networking services which have been taken up by the Joint Information Systems Committee [Linington 2].
NDS design and construction: We have created a novel style of object based simulation tool that uses hierarchically structured Petri-net models to capture and simplify the modelling of resource sharing in distributed systems [Linington]. We have developed an efficient video filestore based on novel stream-based cache management, and applied, in collaboration with industry, the resulting store in a tourist information system, while field trialing video-centric interaction paradigms in a public pilot. We have helped to form ISO’s thinking in the development of interactive media models applicable to digital TV [Shrimpton 1,2]. We have developed the requirements for policy-based enterprise specification and its incorporation, via participation in BSI and ISO, in the ODP Enterprise Language standards [Linington 1,3,4]. We created new architectures for policy-based negotiation, resource management and service evolution in distributed applications, particularly computer integrated telephony applications [Utting 2].

Systems and Software Engineering (SSE)
: Barnes, de Lemos#, Hatton#, Hopkins, Kent#, Mander#. Category B: Brown (P). # = new since 1996.
Background/current activities: This group was formed in 1999 around the interests of members of staff new to Kent in that year; two other staff with related interests also joined the group. The overall research goal of the group is to improve the quality of systems and software. Three main strands run through this work: model-driven development, metrication and testing, and work on dependable systems.
Achievements since 1996:
Model-driven development: Work in this area has focused on the development of new visual modelling notations, rearchitecting the definition of UML and the application of modelling techniques to industrial problems. We have developed a visual notation for expressing constraints, adapting mathematical notation for general users [Kent 1,3] and have applied this to object-oriented modelling [Kent 3,4]. For modelling dynamic behaviour, a 3D notation that combines multiple views has also been developed [Kent 2]. We have been actively engaged in the precise definition and rearchitecting of UML. With Evans (York) and Clark (King’s, London), and with industrial support, have been invited to join the consortium framing the main response to the request for proposals for the revision of UML to version 2.0. We have developed a precise subset of UML for modelling service level agreements and their mappings to underlying network structures. These models have been taken up by Nortel Networks allowing them to develop network configuration and monitoring tools [Kent, work under a non-disclosure agreement].
Metrication and testing: We have developed a framework for analysing project lifecycles in concurrent engineering environments, which allows easier identification of process variations, and facilitates the identification and evaluation of process improvements; we have applied this in Rolls Royce [Mander 2]. We have developed methods for the effective and efficient automated generation of test-data using optimisation techniques; the effort required to find such test data is significantly lower than that required by manual techniques or tool-supported proof attempts [Mander 3]. We conducted an early study of a large volume of data originating from the HENSA Unix Web proxy cache [Barnes 4], identifying pertinent factors in usage and growth of the Web likely to have a high impact on the configuration requirements and effectiveness of using a proxy Web cache to address problems of limited available network bandwidth. We have studied the quality of numerical software and the adequacy of its associated testing process [Barnes 1, Hopkins], showing that certain software metrics (particularly knot and path counts) are good indicators of the presence of defects in numerical software [Hopkins 3].
Dependable systems: We have shown that repetitive failure modes are dominant causes of systems failure [Hatton 2] and have explained the unusually high vulnerability of small components to defect [Hatton 1]. We have demonstrated the importance of diagnosis in the improvement of software-based systems [Hatton 4]. Hatton has developed fundamental principles constraining the use of intrinsically unsafe but widely-used programming languages such as C in high-integrity systems, laying the foundation for standards such as MISRA, the international standard which has been taken up by the car industry. We have developed a method based on diverse sources of qualitative evidence that combines model checking with deductive and inductive techniques, and increases confidence in the outcome of safety analysis [de Lemos 2]. We have defined a method and notations for incorporating exception handling within the software lifecycle [de Lemos 3]. We have defined architectural notations for dependable systems that are sufficiently flexible for supporting both run-time [de Lemos 1] and design-time evolution [de Lemos 4].

Applied and Interdisciplinary Informatics (AII)
: Cooley, Johnson#, Kemp, Kenny, Roberts#, Ryan, Timmis#. # = new since 1996.
Background/current activities: We formed this group as a focus for future growth and as an umbrella for our research activity in various applied fields. The group is united both by shared technical interests and by its interdisciplinary nature, taking advantage of the cross-departmental contacts facilitated by a collegiate university such as Kent. Group members are engaged in research with biologists, ecologists, economists, physicists, geographers, archaeologists, anthropologists and healthcare workers. Areas of interest include the exploitation of biological metaphors for computation, data analysis, visualization and exploration of scientific and environmental data and of historical environments, knowledge discovery and data mining, spatio-temporal databases, health informatics, mobile and context-aware computing.
Achievements since 1996:
Geographical and spatial domains: We have developed a hierarchical model to support knowledge representation and multi-scale analysis in shared geoscientific data repositories. The model resolves the representational, scale and format heterogeneities that exist and encompasses the syntactical, semantic and application domain-dependent metainformation in an integrated manner [Kemp 1]. We have extended database developments in on-line analytical processing, data warehousing and data mining to spatiotemporal data stores, and developed an efficient reasoning framework for exploratory data analysis. The model supports reasoning about phenomena in space and time at varying levels of semantic and geometric abstraction [Kemp 4]. We have applied genetic algorithms to spatial problems, and have developed a new method to discover optimal visual representations of spatially distributed variates [Cooley 1]; we have developed a novel technique of spatial classification, applied this to data about house prices, and evaluated the results to show that the technique performs as well as local property experts but without any subjective bias [Cooley 2].
Visualization: We have developed a novel visualization system (Waltz), providing intuitive exploration, manipulation and coupling of multiple visualization views. The system’s novel features include: the management of multiple realisations (including relating views to exploration hierarchy, and visualization creation) [Roberts 1,4]; development and integration of a new exploration method, allowing the user to hierarchically subset the data, view it, and further subset the data into more specialised sets; and automatic coupling of multiple views. We have investigated methods to classify visual representations and presented a new algebraic classification scheme [Roberts 2]. We have developed a four-part classification for publishing alternative interpretations of ancient building structures that allows the publisher to generate views, with the client manipulating and affecting specific objects in the world [Roberts, Ryan]. We have investigated surface representations at higher dimensions by generating a 4D piecewise linear surface generation algorithm based on the Marching Cubes Method [Roberts 3]. We have adapted techniques for the automatic analysis of satellite images to electron microscope images where there is no a priori knowledge, and achieved improvements in the ease with which these images can be understood by humans (for example, for quality inspection purposes) [Kenny 1,2,3,4].

Biological metaphors: Using the natural immune system as inspiration, we have developed a novel data analysis technique that allows the discovery of clusters and relationships in data [Timmis 1]. Compared with other techniques, ours is as effective at extracting clusters but gives better visualization (by drawing out subtle relationships) with fewer control parameters [Timmis 2]. We have invented a new system for incorporating robots into computer aided design systems, enabling easier programming of robotic systems in complex environments [Johnson 2,3,4]. We have developed novel systems inspired by biological evolution, and applied this to the creation of improved systems for the control of music technology [Johnson 1].
Mobile computing: We have developed the FieldNote and Stick-e Note context-aware systems for highly mobile outdoor activities. These have been successfully deployed in fieldwork projects by colleagues at a number of universities, including Groningen (Archaeology), Free University Amsterdam (Archaeology), Kent (Biology, Anthropology), Manchester Metropolitan (Biology) and Southampton (Archaeology), where they have been shown to provide significant efficiency gains in the collection and dissemination of field data [Ryan 1,2,3,4].

Concurrency (CC)
: Welch, Wood.
Background/current activities: This group focuses on concurrency as a core enabling technology for future computing, unifying the design of hardware and software systems both for general purpose and specialist application. A key research goal is to construct a secure model of components from the idea of communicating processes and to use that to achieve scalability in computer systems– where scaling means the ability to ramp up functionality (i.e. to stay in control as complexity increases) as well as physical metrics (e.g. performance). The research is particularly applicable to low-power, fast, small-footprint computing technology such as internet routers and smart-cards.
Achievements since 1996: We have developed a CSP model of the monitor primitives of Java, giving formal semantics (for the first time) for Java multithreading [Welch 1]. In collaboration with Jeremy Martin (Oxford), we have used this model to construct a formal proof of correctness of the channel classes provided by Welch's CSP library for Java (JCSP) [Welch 2,3], which has also been developed in this period. New secure synchronisation primitives that enable greater concurrency have been introduced, formally defined and implemented with ultra-low overheads [Welch, Wood 2]. Occam has also been made considerably more flexible, enabling it to be used way beyond its original target application area (embedded systems). Extensions include user-defined operators, native thread support, dynamic process loading, persistence and mobile processes - a key research issue being to achieve all this without compromising parallel security or efficiency [Wood 3]. A full open-source (Linux) occam system, supporting libraries and run-time kernel has been developed and released [Wood 1,2,4].

Computer Science Education (CSE)
: (main interest) Fincher#; (secondary interest) Barnes (SSE group), Cooley (AII group), Utting (NDS group). Category B: Slater. # = new since 1996.
Background/current activities: Since 1994 the Laboratory has led a number of major nationally-funded projects in the area of teaching and learning (Computer Science Discipline Network – CSDN, Effective Project work in COmputer Science – EPCOS) which gave the Laboratory a national profile in Computer Science Education. In 1997, we established the Computer Science Education Research Group through a maturing of these activities into a research area, in which the group now has an international profile. The group’s research strategy is to focus on the theoretical aspects of computing-specific education research and on well-founded empirical studies, often in collaboration with colleagues at other universities, e.g. Leeds, Open and Uppsala.
Achievements since 1996: In the theoretical area we have undertaken survey and synthesis studies in areas general to the nature of the discipline. We have applied the techniques of patterns and pattern languages (more commonly used in software engineering) to pedagogy, and shown their particular fitness for Computer Science [Fincher 1]. We have also compared pedagogic approaches in Computer Science with other disciplines [Fincher 4]. We have shown how practice in Computer Science project work can be enhanced by the application of Bruner and Wenger’s constructivist approaches in student-led learning [Fincher 3, Utting 1].
Empirical studies include a comparative analysis of technical questions asked by students in two public forums – an anonymous course web page, and a non-anonymous bulletin board – which provided strong evidence that the anonymous course web page was a more effective means of both addressing student queries and reducing the support load on teaching staff [Barnes 2]. [Barnes 3] introduces an anonymous question-asking forum that demonstrates that the application of key software-engineering skills, such as analysis and refinement, can thereby be encouraged and enhanced by facilitating a critical approach to assessment. We have developed computer-supported knowledge elicitation techniques to facilitate the construction of adaptive tests (i.e. tests of competence that adapt during delivery to students responses) [Cooley 3].

We have successfully negotiated the transitions of the late 1990s and feel we have retained and reinvigorated a vibrant research culture which is shared across the Laboratory as a whole and which has made us less dependent on a small number of researchers. Each research group has made significant achievements in its own right while also engaging in a number of inter-group activities in a mutually-supportive way. We have extended our links with international research collaborators and with industry, and are confident that we have a sound basis for sustaining these in the future.

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Since 1996, the Computing Department has accelerated its expansion and development which began in the mid-1980s. Over the past five years, the number of Category A staff has increased from 19 to 28, with 50% under the age of 35. The number of research associates and research assistants has increased from 20 in 1996 to 32 in 2000 and full-time PhD student numbers have grown from 18 in 1996 to 28 in 2000. Our external research income over a five-year period has increased from £3.1m reported in the 1996 RAE to £6.7m between 1996 and 2001. The amount of grants awarded at 31 March 2001 is £5.1m, including £1.9m funding for inter-disciplinary research collaborations (IRCs). The majority of our research funding is from the EPSRC (£3.3m), though we have significant input from the European Commission (£0.87m) and Industry (£0.95m).

Our research is at an international level of excellence in five areas that encompass all of the research in the department. These are multimedia networking, distributed multimedia systems technologies, mobile computing, software systems engineering, and cooperative, interactive systems. Our reputation for world-class research is reflected by 16 publications in international ACM/IEEE journals including work in all areas of activity (4 reported in 1996 RAE), 23 keynote presentations at international conferences (12 reported in 1996) and extensive participation in international review bodies and appointing committees.

Inter-disciplinary work is a particular strength and we are participating in two EPSRC-sponsored IRCs in dependability (DIRC) and in ubiquitous computing (EQUATOR). The department has consolidated its reputation as the world's leading collaboration between Computing and Sociology and has formed new links with the Departments of Psychology and Management Sciences.

Research structure

All academic staff and researchers work within two large encompassing groups: the Distributed Multimedia Research Group and the Cooperative Systems Engineering Group. The organisation into these two groups has proved highly successful and over many years a very strong group ethos has developed. This is reflected, not only in the increased number of students, research projects and income, but in research output both in terms of quality and quantity, with most publications being multi-authored. Each group has a management committee of senior staff and a full-time research administrator who is responsible for project administration, reporting, staffing and financial management. Important advantages of this large group structure are that it promotes interaction, facilitates staff development (particularly of younger staff) and allows new areas of related research to emerge within a supportive environment.

The Distributed Multimedia Research Group (DMRG)
The DMRG primarily focuses on the technological challenges of providing distributed multimedia systems using current and emerging fixed and mobile networks. With 4 professors (Shepherd, Hutchison, Blair, Davies), 4 senior lecturers, 6 lecturers and 34 research staff and students, the DMRG has expanded significantly since 1996 (3 professors, 6 lecturers and 24 RS/RAs). The research interests of the group have developed to encompass mobile and fixed IPv6, programmable networks, system security and understanding of multimedia content. The group is the leading UK centre for research in fixed and mobile IPv6 and, with industrial funding, has recently established a Mobile IPv6 testbed. In addition, the group is considered to be the foremost European site in the area of reflective middleware and programmable networks and is, perhaps, unique in that it works in multimedia content analysis as well as multimedia technologies. The group's work in wireless systems has led to close cooperation with the cooperative systems engineering group in the area of ubiquitous computing. The group's work is presented (RA5a.p2) under three research areas: multimedia networking; distributed multimedia technologies and mobile computing.

The Cooperative Systems Engineering Group (CSEG)
The CSEG is concerned with all aspects of research into socio-technical systems that are cooperative in nature, including the problems of engineering the software for these systems. With 3 professors (Sommerville, Dix, Gellersen), 3 senior lecturers, 6 lecturers and 27 research staff and students, the CSEG has also expanded since 1996 (1 professor, 2 senior lecturers, 4 lecturers and 20 RS/RAs). The CSEG has developed its interests in software engineering to include system dependability (safety and security), decision support for systems engineering and the abstraction of systems information from natural language documents. Work in CSCW, human computer interaction (strengthened by Dix’s appointment in 1999) and virtual environments has evolved to embrace ubiquitous computing and biometric interfaces. The group's work is presented (RA5a.p3) under two research areas: software engineering and cooperative interactive systems.

Note that in the following description, numbers after names refer to publications listed in RA2.

Multimedia networking (Hutchison, Shepherd, Scott, Mathy, Edwards, Finney)

The Department has been an international leader in multimedia networking since the early 1990s. Prominent research in Quality of Service (QoS) architecture and QoS assurance mechanisms for multimedia transport established our reputation. This has been underlined by subsequent work on multipeer/group communications (Hutchison 1; Mathy 1; Shepherd 1), on QoS filtering and adaptation (Hutchison 2; Mathy 3; Scott 3), on QoS support for multimedia applications (Edwards 1,4; Shepherd 2; Scott 1,2), on multimedia servers and video network caching (Shepherd 3,4), on Internet/IPv6 and ATM QoS (Mathy 2; Hutchison 3,4), on open network architectures (Edwards 2,3), and more recently on programmable networks (Finney 3,4; Mathy 4; Scott 4). We work with major Universities in the area including Columbia and Berkeley, the Universities of Paris, Karlsruhe, Napoli, EPFL and ETH, and industrial organisations including BT, HP, Agilent, Microsoft, Cisco, Orange, Ericsson and IBM.

Members of the group have helped to establish leading international conferences in multimedia networking: IWQoS, NOSSDAV, OPENARCH, IWAN, OPENSIG and QofIS. Group members have also served on the programme committee of international conferences such as IEEE Infocom and ACM Multimedia, and as technical experts for the EPSRC and the EC. Most recently, the group has received substantial funding from industry to establish a unique IPv6/mobile programmable network testbed at Lancaster. We currently hold 7 externally funded research grants in this area.

Distributed multimedia technologies (G. Blair, Coulson, Hutchison, Davies, L. Blair, Parkes, Paice)

The DMRG is known for its research on multimedia middleware, and for the incorporation of quality of service management functions into such platforms (G. Blair 2). The work has concentrated on the challenges of next generation middleware that utilises reflection (G. Blair 2,3) so that it is configurable for a variety of application domains and platforms. Important work has been carried out in associated areas including real-time synchronisation (G. Blair 1; Hutchison 4), platfroms and architectures (G. Blair 4; Coulson 2-4; Hutchison 3), techniques for adaptation (Coulson 1), the formal specification and verification of such systems (L. Blair 1-4) and middleware for mobile computing (Davies 3,4).

We have made significant contributions in multimedia content analysis where Parkes has developed ideas from film theory to provide a basis for content analysis (Parkes 1-4). Our work in this area has led to involvement in MPEG standardisation (see RA6). Paice’s work in information retrieval also focuses on content analysis where automatic abstracts are generated from text (Paice 1-4).

The DMRG created, along with the University of Illinois, the first international workshop on Reflective Middleware (RM2000) and has hosted international events including Middleware’98 and IDMS’01. Group members have acted as Programme or General Chairs for several other major conferences. Blair and Hutchison are members of the EPSRC College of Peers. We currently hold 8 externally funded research grants in this area.

Mobile computing (Davies, Scott, Shepherd, Finney, Friday, Cheverst)

Our initial contribution was the MOST system (Davies 1; Friday 2,3), an open systems based middleware platform for mobile devices which was widely regarded as the first adaptive mobile application designed to support collaboration (Davies 3; Friday 4). Inspired by the MOST system, we developed a new asynchronous platform based on the tuple-space paradigm (Davies 3; Friday 4). This makes use of IP multicast, is particularly suited to operation in wireless networks, operates over TETRA, the emerging European standard for digital PMR and has been adopted for industrial use by Simoco. Finally, the group is known for its work on novel applications for mobile computing. We have developed and deployed a unique, mobile context-aware tourist guide system (GUIDE) to Lancaster which entailed constructing a wireless test-bed throughout the city. This now serves as a basis for other mobile computing experiments (Cheverst 2-4). Our experience in this area has led to increasing involvement in ubiquitous, context-aware computing (Cheverst 1).

From a systems perspective the group has made significant contributions in mobility in IPv6 networks (Scott 1,3,4). We have developed a public domain implementation of mobile IPv6 which is in use at over 200 sites throughout the world (Finney 2). This work along with associated work in networking has led to support for the IPv6 testbed discussed above.

In addition to deploying software both in the public domain and commercially, the group has been extremely active in supporting the mobile computing research community. Members of the group have been involved in the organisation of the two major conferences in this field: ACM Mobicom and IEEE WMCSA (Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications). We currently hold 7 externally funded research grants in this area.

Software systems engineering (Sommerville, Sawyer, Kotonya, Warren, Rashid, Garside, Viller)

The group is known for its work in requirements engineering, software evolution, system dependability and component-based software engineering. In requirements engineering, we have developed the notion of requirements viewpoints (Kotonya 1,2; Sawyer 2,4), extending this to other software development activities (Sommerville 1,3) and integrating it with social analysis (Sommerville 2,4; Viller 2). Associated work has been the development of requirements process improvement strategies (Sawyer 1,3; Viller 4) which resulted in the publication of a widely used book by Sawyer and Sommerville (Requirements Engineering: A Good Practice Guide). Garside, with Sawyer, has extended his work in natural language analysis (Garside 3-4) to the processing of requirements documents (Garside 1-2).

We developed the Renaissance method of software evolution (Warren 2,3) and tools for requirements evolution (Kotonya 3). This work together with research on social analysis and process improvement feed directly into our work on system dependability (Kotonya 4; Viller 1,4) where we are involved with four other universities in the prestigious DIRC interdisciplinary research collaboration. Finally, in a new area of component-based software engineering [CBSE] (Rashid 1-4) we are a leading world group in the new area of aspect-oriented programming. Rashid, a recent appointment, has already established himself as a leader in this field and has organised several workshops on this topic. Two EU-funded projects in CBSE involving Sawyer, Kotonya and Sommerville have recently started and we see CBSE as a major new area of research.

Notable external involvements have been Sommerville's membership of the EPSRC College, research strategy development for the EU and EPSRC and keynote presentations. In recognition of our work in requirements engineering, Sawyer and Kotonya were invited as the only European members to write the requirements engineering section of the IEEE SWEBOK (software engineering body of knowledge) document. Members have also held various guest editorships and programme committee memberships. We currently hold 8 externally funded research grants in this area.

Cooperative interactive systems (Rodden, Gellersen, Dix, Mariani, Allanson, Smith, Viller, Rouncefield, Nichols)

Research in cooperative interactive systems is concerned with innovative approaches to interaction in systems designed for individuals and for groups and has evolved from our work in CSCW. The interests of the group include ethnographic approaches to understanding cooperation and awareness, virtual environments as a mechanism for user interaction, physiological interfaces and, most recently, ubiquitous computing. The Lancaster group is particularly well-known for its pioneering work in conjunction with social sciences (discussed below) to study real work settings and to use the result to influence systems design (Rouncefield 1,3). We have now extended this work to new domains such as the home (Rouncefield 2; Viller 3), finance (Rouncefield 4) and digital libraries (Nichols 2). As discussed above, this also influences our work in software systems engineering where we have integrated these techniques with object-oriented analysis (Sommerville 2,4; Viller 2).

Contributions have also been made in the area of cooperative information sharing (Mariani 1,2; Dix, 4) where we have exploited other contributions of the group which have developed techniques for supporting cooperation through the use of virtual environments (Smith 1,4; Mariani 4; Allanson 1,4). The work on virtual environments naturally considered the use of virtual environments on the web and this resulted in more general contributions in web-based CSCW (Rodden 1; Smith 3) and awareness where we developed the first formal model of awareness (Rodden 2; Dix 4). Allanson (2,3) is one of the few UK researchers working in the area of interaction through physiological parameters such as brainwave activity and muscle tension.

The interests of the group have been integrated with interests in mobile computing under the heading of ubiquitous computing where we have recently appointed Hans Gellersen from the University of Karlsruhe as a replacement for Rodden who has moved to Nottingham University. Gellersen is a leading European researcher in this area (Gellersen 1-4) and will integrate work on large-scale interaction by Dix (2,3), cooperative user interfaces, (Smith 2), and physiological interaction (Allanson 2,3) and, from the DMRG, work on mobility by Davies, Friday and Cheverst (Davies 3,4; Friday 1,4; Cheverst 1,2).

Notable external involvements have been Rodden’s and Dix’s membership of the EPSRC College, strategy development with the EPSRC and EU, several keynote presentations by Dix, and journal editorships held by Rodden and Gellersen. Lancaster organised and hosted the ECSCW’97 conference and Gellersen was a founder of the Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing conference series. We currently hold 9 externally funded research grants in this area.

Inter-disciplinary collaboration

Inter-disciplinarity has become a fashionable word but at Lancaster this has been the reality for many years. Current collaborations are with the departments of Sociology, Engineering, Psychology, Management Science and previous work with Linguistics and Educational Research. Our inter-disciplinary approach has been reflected in the award of an EPSRC MRes programme to Computing and Psychology. Computing and Communication Systems also collaborated in a HEFCE-funded restructuring initiative which supported new research and teaching laboratories and several academic staff appointments. We are perhaps unique in having close working relationships with the social and management sciences as well as engineering. Interdisciplinary highlights are:

¨ Sommerville and Rodden along with Prof. J. Hughes in Sociology have established a world-leading group concerned with social analysis and systems design. We have been involved in 8 joint research projects and have published widely in the requirements engineering and CSCW literature.

¨ Work with Engineering and Communication Systems has been concerned with safety and dependability of mobile robots (Sommerville and Dr D. Seward, Engineering) and in mobile computing (Davies and Hutchison with Prof. B. Honary, Communications Systems).

¨ New inter-disciplinary research with the Management Science Department has been funded by the EPSRC and through studentships. This work is concerned with decision support for system engineering (Sommerville and Prof. M. Pidd) and E-commerce (Hutchison and Prof. R. Fildes).

Research environment

The Department has an active and stimulating research environment, which includes both established and new researchers. This provides a strong basis on which to build and develop our research and within its lively, research culture participation of the highest standards of research is the norm:

¨ Senior members of staff (Sommerville, CSEG, G. Blair, DMRG) help newly appointed staff develop their research and with the preparation of research proposals.

¨ We funded overseas research studentships using internal funding resources. The first recipient of such an award (Dr M. A. Rashid) recently took up a lectureship in the Department.

¨ A proportion of the Departmental non-payroll budget (approximately 30%) is earmarked for research support and each group controls their own expenditure for equipment and travel.

¨ All academic staff have a contractual right to 1 year in 8 as paid research leave. Recently, this has led to visits to Xerox PARC and Sony Research Centre in California, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, EPFL, HP Labs and BT Labs, JRC in Italy and Columbia University, New York.

The department has two specialised research laboratories - a hardware lab that is used to support hardware projects in the DMRG and a large open-plan laboratory that is used to support projects in distributed systems, large-screen interaction, virtual reality and mobile systems. We have also established, in the City of Lancaster, a testbed in a real environment for mobile computing projects. Major enhancements to our research environment are now underway with delivery planned for late-2001. We are currently building a new research laboratory to support research into all types of interaction with computer-based systems ranging from fundamental HCI research through interaction via PDAs and mobile computers to biometric interaction. In addition, we have received industrial support to establish a mobile IPv6 testbed to support empirical networking research. Both of these are discussed further in RA5c.

Staffing policy
Our staffing policy is designed to support our goal of excellence in our selected research areas and all new staff are appointed to work in one or more of these areas to enhance and build on our existing team. Our policy is to appoint new staff at the beginning of their research careers and we have made 10 appointments to lectureships in the Department since 1997, all of whom have been under 35 at the time of the appointment. New lecturing staff must have a PhD and have demonstrated the potential to contribute to our research at a level of international excellence. Newly appointed staff are already starting to make an impact in their areas, with 100% of the applications for EPSRC Fast Stream grants a success. More recently appointed staff have applications pending or under development. We recognise that maintaining our current research strength relies on our providing incentives and recognition for staff who are carrying out excellent work. Consequently, we have continued our policy of accelerated promotions for staff with excellent research achievements and potential.

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The School of Computing has five research groups: (1) Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), (2) Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR), (3) Computer Vision and Language (CVL), (4) Scientific Computing and Visualization (SCV) and (5) Informatics (Inf). The first four groups have established international reputations. The fifth group (Inf) (formed in 1999) is now building a world-class multidisciplinary activity in Informatics. These groups have together achieved the three objectives set in the RAE96 return. In particular it will be shown that (i) basic computing research has been strengthened (TCS and KRR), (ii) application-driven research has solved a variety of demanding problems (CVL and SCV) and (iii) multidisciplinary research leadership is being provided by the new Informatics activity (Inf). Three new professors, one new reader and the appointment of nine new lecturers reflect the vitality of these activities as illustrated by a 60% increase in research spend, to £5.4M, over RAE96 and a 90% increase, to 64, in the number of Ph.D.s graduated since RAE96.

The following activities are noteworthy indicators of this progress:
TCS The path coupling technique of Bubley and Dyer is now a standard tool for research into Markov chain algorithms. This is illustrated by the Machtey Award at the 1999 IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science presented to Vigoda (Berkeley) for his paper on an application of this method.
KRR Work in Qualitative Spatial Reasoning (QSR) in developing the oft-cited Region Connection Calculus (RCC) and new QSR algebras for vagueness, orientation and location is at the forefront of international activity (e.g. researchers at Amsterdam, Freiburg, Newcastle (Australia), Ulster, Linkoping have all built on RCC, and SRI (Palo Alto) plans to use RCC in DARPA-funded work).
CVL The group has pioneered the novel use of stochastic process models for representing behaviour (e.g. the first use of variable-length Markov models in computer vision) and has developed new kinds of applications such as its widely-reported work on novelty detection for surveillance and monitoring.
SCV Berzins, Brodlie and Jimack’s work on unstructured mesh algorithms and visualization has led to the founding of the CPDE Unit and the Iris Explorer Centre of Excellence which have attracted industrial funding of £0.5M and collaborations with leading US groups in this area at Caltech (Poole), the University of Utah (Johnson) and the University of California at San Diego (Bank).
Inf Dew’s work on virtual environments (best paper prize, ASME 2000 IDETC-CIE) is one example of the work underpinning a major multidisciplinary informatics initiative which has been launched funded by £1.3M JREI and HEFCE capital bid grants, building on Dew’s grants of £1.2M since RAE96.

RA5.1 Research Structure and Environment
Research Management Since RAE96 the School’s Research Committee, led by its Directors, first Cohn and now Berzins, has invested £600K to ensure the continuing excellence of the research groups. £430K of this has ensured that staff have enhanced their research through international sabbaticals (10% of staff per year) at institutions such as MIT and Microsoft (Seattle). The investment of £112K on strategic staff pump-priming activities has further expanded research. The groups are led by Professors Dyer, Cohn, Hogg, Berzins and Dew, each of whom has an established reputation for research leadership and individual excellence. Their roles are to guide the growth of the research groups and to ensure the vitality of these activities through supervision, fundraising, external activities and seminars. For example, the KRR group co-hosts the Leeds-York Distinguished Lectures in KR with recent speakers such as McCarthy (Stanford) and Selman (Cornell). Other speakers include Lesk (NSF, USA), Informatics and Johnson (Utah), SCV. Each group leader is responsible for the development of the activities of individual staff and students in conjunction with the Staff Development and Promotions Committee. The overall welfare of, and policy relating to, PDRA staff on fixed term contracts is monitored in line with the University policy linked to the Concordat. University computing research is steered by the Research Director’s membership of the Faculty Research Board and by his promotion to Engineering Research Dean.
RA5.1.2 Graduate Research The Graduate Education Committee under Dew oversees the recruitment and monitoring of research students. Ph.D. student completions number 64 in this RAE period as opposed to 34 in the last period. New students are assigned to research active staff and are monitored and mentored throughout their Ph.D.s with an annual review and a formal monthly supervision check. A weekly „research corner“ and frequent seminars provide a natural framework for multidisciplinary insights, ideas and support to be generated. Funding is available to students to attend and present a paper at a minimum of one conference per year. Postgraduate numbers have held steady in the face of competition from a lucrative commercial sector. Studentship funding from EPSRC is supplemented by an internal studentships fund (£290k since RAE 96).
RA5.1.3 Research Infrastructure The School has consistently maintained a well-founded laboratory with 12 staff to support a common research and teaching infrastructure. In addition, each research group maintains its own dedicated laboratory with a small extra spend (£50K) ensuring that there is no mismatch between immediate equipment needs and funding awards. Two particularly significant developments are that: (i) a Leeds JREI-funded (HEFCE £390k) consortium led by Dew provided a 32-processor Origin 2000 and a 20-processor Beowulf parallel machine that, together with a 16-processor School Beowulf system, facilitate parallel processing work, and (ii) the Informatics group is already making a significant contribution to research by providing a multidisciplinary research laboratory established with a HEFCE capital project grant of £800k and a JREI grant of £427k for a state-of-the-art Virtual Environments (VE) Laboratory with a TAN Holodesk (to create a virtual 3D volume of space), cybergloves, haptic interface devices and an intelligent conference room. A 12-processor SGI Onyx3 system services these facilities. A recent Wolfson grant of £80k will link this activity to upgraded Bioinformatics laboratories as part of the developing Leeds informatics network.

RA5.2 Staffing Policy Academic leadership has been strengthened by the University’s promotion of Berzins, Brodlie and Cohn to personal chairs and Jimack to a Readership during the RAE period. Continuity in the five research groups is provided by the best one third of researchers submitted in RAE96. Since RAE96 six staff have been promoted in moves to other Universities, three have retired, two have moved to industry and three have had administrative university promotions related to teaching. The number of teaching assistants has increased from 2 to 8 to allow research active staff to be just that. The recruitment of nine outstanding young staff has enhanced existing strengths in the research groups and has reflected international and University priorities in a major new activity: multidisciplinary Informatics (Inf). All these recent appointees have exceptional research ability. The appointments are: TCS (Vuskovic, Müller), KRR (Stell, Zakharyashev), CVL (Bulpitt), SCV (Hubbard) and Inf (Bullock, Noble, Ruddle). Bullock and Noble have been appointed in open cross-University competition as a result of the University Research Fellowships scheme that allows them to concentrate on Informatics research for the first five years of their careers at Leeds.

RA5.3 Research Activities and Achievements.
In referencing papers [Abcd2] refers to RA2 publication 2 of the person whose name starts with Abcd.
RA5.3a Theoretical Computer Science Group (TCS) (Profs Dyer and Birtwistle, Drs Müller and Vuskovic, 3 Ph.D. students, 4 PDRA, £187k research spend, 68 papers) has two areas of activity:
Algorithms and complexity research, led by Dyer, remains internationally leading and has been centred on the design and analysis of randomized algorithms and associated complexity theory. A central concern has been Markov algorithms for random generation and approximate counting of combinatorial objects [Dyer3,4]. This work builds on Dyer's 1993 Fulkerson prize-winning research with Frieze (Carnegie Mellon University) and Kannan (Yale). In particular, the path coupling technique [Dyer1], developed by Bubley and Dyer at Leeds in 1997, has now become a standard tool for researchers in the field. Bubley received a 1999 CPHC/BCS Distinguished Dissertation Award for his Ph.D. thesis on this topic. Notable collaborative work in this area was completed by Dyer [Dyer3,4] with Greenhill (PDRA 1996-8 and Leverhulme Research Fellow 1998-2000), prior to her return to Australia in Jan. 2000. Work in this area is supported both by EPSRC funding (£127k) and by an EC-funded IST working group consisting of the Universities of Bonn, Edinburgh, Leeds, Lund, Oxford, Paris, and the Weizmann Institute. The EPSRC funding supports collaboration with Edinburgh (Jerrum) and Warwick (L. Goldberg). Collaboration with Frieze in the USA has been supported by an EPSRC visiting fellowship at Leeds (1999) and funding from NSF (2001) for Dyer to visit Frieze. The group has been strengthened by the addition of two new staff in 2000. Vuskovic has obtained deep results [Vusk1,2,3] with Conforti (Padova), Cornuejols and Kapoor (both Carnegie Mellon), that are particularly noteworthy. This work has led to the (surprising) positive solution to the problem of finding an even hole in a graph [Vusk4], and suggests an approach to the famous and long-standing Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture. Similarly, Müller’s strong background in combinatorial and approximation algorithms [Mull1,2] has links to both Dyer and Vuskovic and has resulted in progress on still-open complexity issues related to AT-free graphs [Mull3,4] as part of joint work with Kratsch (Metz) and Kloks (Hong Kong). TCS is part of the EU funded Discrete Optimisation network, DONET.

Formal Methods Birtwistle studies the specification and verification of industrial strength processors. His study of the operational semantics of process-oriented discrete event simulation languages [Birt1,2] allows simulation models to be rigorously checked for (absence of) deadlock, and pertinent safety and liveness properties. Research with Furber's AMULET Group (Manchester) involves the specification of processors and the discovery of unexpected and revealing theorems about the state spaces of control signals in asynchronous pipelines [Birt3,4]. Current EPSRC funded work (£103k) with Gordon's group (Cambridge) and ARM Holdings Ltd involves research on specifications at the various levels of abstraction, while Gordon’s group proves equivalence using High Order Logic.
RA5.3b Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group (KRR) (Prof. Cohn, Drs Hill, Smith, Stell and Zakharyashev, 8 Ph.D. students, 4 PDRAs, £820k research spend, 95 papers) searches for formalisms with particular computational and expressiveness properties in three areas:
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning (QSR) Leeds is recognised as a major international centre in both the AI and Geographical Information Systems communities for work on QSR dating back to seminal work on Region Connection Calculus (RCC) [Cohn1,3,4;Stel2] which involves collaboration with Davis (NYU) [Cohn2], Cristani (Verona), Varzi (Columbia) and Bittner (Northwestern, IL.) in the EU Project CHOROCHRONOS [Stel1]. Not only does QSR allow the representation of particular kinds of non-quantitative spatial knowledge (such as orientation information [Cohn4] or locational knowledge [Stel1]) for applications, but the group has also developed modal and intuitionistic propositional logics which enable decidable or even tractable reasoners to be built [Cohn1,4;Zakh1,2]. A more expressive language, Region Based Geometry, builds on earlier work by Tarski and has been proved complete in ECAI’00 and applied to robot path planning in AAAI’00. Zakharyashev made good use of his time at Leeds to combine the group’s QSR work with his expertise in modal logics, resulting in a prize winning paper in KR’00. A particular aspect of QSR is the requirement to work with vague knowledge and this has led to the development of formalisms to represent and reason about vagueness, especially in spatial information systems [Cohn1], in a joint project with Keele (EPSRC £250k).
Logic Programming The group’s joint work with King at Kent (EPSRC £264k) on determinacy analysis [Hill2] has led to practical techniques for obtaining accurate information about program dependencies for debugging and parallel processing [Hill1] (joint with Bagnara and Zaffanella (Parma)) and a much improved understanding of sharing and termination analysis. As a result of work with Fernandez (Malaga) [Hill4], Hill is developing a framework for constraint solving that both integrates and extends the existing technology. Hill's fundamental work on metaprogramming [Hill3] is influencing the design of new declarative languages such as Mercury and Oz.
Constraint Programming Smith has played a leading role in the investigation of phase transitions in NP-complete problems and the development of algorithms and heuristics for constraint satisfaction problems [Smit1]. The paper [Smit2] is often cited since it showed, for the first time, that constraint programming could outperform mathematical programming on some problems. Smith and Cohn have analysed theoretical properties of Constraint Satisfaction Problems [Smit1;Cohn2]. Smith is one of the four founder members of the APES (Algorithms, Problems and Empirical Studies) group, a cross-university research group with 12 academics at 7 sites including van Beek (Alberta). As part of this group, Smith has contributed to its successes in publishing cross-site papers in all the major AI and CP conferences [Smit3,4] since its inception in 1995, and helped set up the EPSRC-funded constraints network (ConsNet) in 1999.

RA5.3c Computer Vision and Language Group (CVL) (Prof. Hogg, Drs Bod, Boyle, and Bulpitt, 12 Ph.D. students, 6 PDRAs, £1,002k research spend, 71 papers) has three main interests:
Behaviour modeling research centres on the acquisition, representation and application of spatio-temporal models, with particular emphasis on the domains of human and animal behaviour. As a prerequisite to behaviour modelling, the group has developed a number of influential methods for shape modelling and tracking, extending the predictive accuracy of Baumberg’s contour tracker with learnt stochastic dynamics [Hogg1;Boyl4], developing a new method for dealing with discontinuous dynamics using a Markov process between multiple linear shape spaces [Hogg2] and proposing an entropy measure for parameter scaling within learning systems based on principal component analysis [Boyl2]. The group has pioneered the development and application of several kinds of stochastic process models for representing behaviour. In their prize-winning work, Hogg's students, Johnson and Galata (see RA6), and Bulpitt [Bulp4] have developed neural network architectures and variable-length Markov models to represent long-term spatio-temporal patterns of object behaviour; the first application of the latter within computer vision. Several novel applications of such models have been explored, notably for the prediction of animal behaviour [Bulp4;Boyl4], human-computer interaction, and surveillance [Hogg3]. Hogg has collaborated with the EU Joint Research Centre in prize-winning work on 3D reconstruction [Hogg4], undertaken in part to provide spatial backgrounds for graphical animation of behaviours. The work has been supported by EPSRC (£155k), an EU-HCM research network (£112k), and an EU-ACTS project (£340k), together involving the Universities of Reading, Edinburgh, Grenoble, IST-Portugal, Genoa and the EU Joint Research Centre at Ispra. An EU-IST project, COGVIS, (EU €590k) has recently been approved to study cognitive aspects of vision in collaboration with Cohn, and in partnership with the Universities of Genoa, KTH-Stockholm, ETH-Zurich, and the Max-Planck Institute in Tübingen. The results of research on 3D reconstruction [Hogg4], poultry tracking [Boyl3], and on the recognition of music scores [Boyl1] are being exploited via two companies and Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Foods (MAFF).
Medical Imaging and Bioinformatics Major achievements have been Bulpitt’s work on the development and application of a bifurcating mesh for extracting shape from Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography data [Bulp2]. This work is continuing under a recently awarded EPSRC grant (£145k) [Bulp3] and plays a primary role in the Centre for Medical Imaging Research (COMIR) along with Berry and Smith (Medical Physics) and Mardia (Statistics). Bulpitt is now working with Westhead (Biochemistry) on Bioinformatics research originating in work on rigid registration [Bulp1] and linking to the Informatics Research Institute (BBSRC/EPSRC Bioinformatics £134k).
Natural Language Processing Leeds has a distinguished record in statistical natural language processing. The Data-Oriented Parsing (DOP) model [Bod2] competes with the best existing work in natural language parsing (see [Bod4]). The model subsumes standard probabilistic models as special cases and has been tested using different grammars and application areas. This has been extended to the linguistic representations of Lexical-Functional Grammar theory in work with Kaplan [Bod3] and, practically, the model has been used in dialogue processing and spoken language understanding systems [Bod3]. Theoretical work on DOP has shown the existence of a stochastic analogue to the famous Chomsky hierarchy of (non-stochastic) formal languages [Bod2]. Bod’s Advanced Research Fellowship (EPSRC £229k 50% FTE averaged over a decade) is devoted to combining linguistic and statistical information to arrive at improved language models for speech. Cooperation with Xerox PARC (Kaplan’s NL group) has resulted in a linguistically motivated statistical parser which has been successfully tested on the Verbmobil and Homecentre corpora [Bod4].

RA5.3d Scientific Computation and Visualization Group (SCV) (Profs Berzins, Brodlie and Dew (25%), Drs Hubbard and Jimack, 18 Ph.D Students; 7 PDRAs, £1,221k research spend, 100 papers). This group has three main areas of research:
Unstructured Adaptive Mesh Algorithms The group's international reputation for work on unstructured mesh adaptation and mesh quality has resulted from theoretical and practical algorithmic contributions on a wide range of computational applications using serial and parallel computers. Particular areas of internationally recognized algorithmic expertise are: Berzins’ work on adaptive mesh algorithms, and on mesh quality [Berz1,3], and Jimack’s work on moving mesh methods [Jima1,2] and parallel adaptive finite element solvers [Jima3]. Berzins works with Johnson’s SCI Institute at the University of Utah and their ASCI project on adaptive mesh and mesh quality issues while Jimack collaborates with Bank at University of California San Diego on finite element methods. Hubbard has devised new unstructured mesh finite volume schemes [Hubb1,3] in his international collaborations with Roe (Ann Arbor, USA) [Hubb2] and Garcia–Navarro (Zaragoza, Spain) [Hubb4]. The Group’s focus for software development is the CPDE (Computational Partial Differential Equations) Unit. Research with Shell Global Solutions (Shell £346k) led to the SPRINT2D [Berz2] and SPRINT3D software packages. These codes have been used as the basis for many multidisciplinary projects. For example NERC funded atmospheric dispersion work with Tomlin (UoA 26), based on [Berz3], showed that many previously published results lack reliability. Other applications include combustion (with UoA 30), soil remediation, and river and harbour flows. Jimack is now extending his free surface flow algorithms [Jima4] to multidisciplinary modelling of ink-jet textile printing (EPSRC £780k) led by Engineering and Textiles, and spin-coating non-smooth surfaces (EPSRC £141k) with Engineering and Mathematics through the Leeds Centre for Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Parallel Computing The need for parallel computing in these applications has motivated the fundamental work of Dew on scalable parallel programming software architectures using Shared Abstract Data Types [Dew1], which has been applied to parallel adaptive unstructured mesh work with Berzins [Berz3] (EPSRC £120k). This work is also linked to the research on parallel adaptive PDE solvers and parallel dynamic load balancing of Berzins and Jimack [Jima3]. Dew is now working with Heriot Watt University to extend his work on parallel software architectures to take advantage of a novel high-bandwidth optoelectrical intelligent switch (EPSRC £146k).
Visualization research has focussed on two key innovations: collaborative visualization, where the work of Brodlie's Ph.D. student Wood has now been adopted by NAG Ltd in IRIS Explorer to give the world's first commercially available collaborative visualization system [Brod1]; and web-based visualization, where VRML is exploited to provide public service information visually [Brod2]. The visualization work is linked to the scientific computing research through shared interests in interactive simulation environments [Brod4] and scientific data modelling [Berz4]. Brodlie’s research in web-based simulation is leading to new cost-effective training methods for interventional radiology and neurosurgery in collaboration with Leeds Hospitals [Brod3]. Brodlie has close collaborations with NAG Ltd (who fund the IRIS Explorer Centre of Excellence (NAG £295k) which he directs) and the CalTech Centre for Advanced Computing Research. A recently funded ROPA project (EPSRC £101k) will link these activities with the research of Berzins into novel problem solving environments.

RA5.3e Informatics (Inf) (Profs Dew (75%) and Wren (30%), Drs Bullock, Noble and Ruddle; 22 Ph.D. students, 10 PDRAs, £2,128k research spend, 76 papers). Since its formation in 1999, the group has attracted £1.7M+ (see RA5.1.3) for multidisciplinary informatics research by developing new computational techniques to solve challenging problems from specific domains. Recent appointments (Bullock, 9/99; Noble, 9/00; Ruddle 01/01) bring domain-specific expertise to this activity as demonstrated by papers in leading biology [Bull1, Nobl1] and psychology [Rudd1] journals. Current research strengths are reported in three multidisciplinary areas:
Virtual Environments (VE) research aims to improve the realism and interactivity of virtual environments. Dew’s research on the assessment of cosmetic quality within a VE applied to the automobile industry in a joint project (EPSRC £214k) with Strathclyde, Rover, Managa and SGI has led to [Dew4] (best paper at ASME IDETC-CIE 2000) and to commercial exploitation. Ruddle’s VE [Rudd1,2] and HCI [Rudd3,4] expertise has made it possible to extend this work to virtual buildings and cluttered environments. Dew’s study of Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) [Dew2] in manufacturing was in collaboration with the Keyworth Institute for Manufacturing and Information Systems Engineering, a centre of excellence for the application of IT to manufacturing, which he co-founded with Prof. de Pennington (UoA 30). Dew's research with the School of Geography and the University Library (£2M funding) on CVEs for knowledge transfer has led to the Leeds Virtual Science Park, an Internet knowledge service provider, and has spun off a company (Symularity, formerly VWS Ltd). New research [Dew3] on collaborative interactive software architectures (initially with British Telecom and now with Symularity) with Bath’s HCI Group (EPSRC £175k) extends this work to study model-based software architectures for CVEs that take into account the social and contextual issues surrounding the way that people work in networked communities.
Biosystems Bullock and Noble pursue interdisciplinary research applying AI techniques to challenging biological problems [Bull3] and vice versa [Nobl1]. Noble and Bullock (EPSRC £66k) have pioneered the use of computer simulation to model biological adaptive systems, falsifying models of the evolution of symmetry [Bull1], initiating simulation research into the evolutionary dynamics of signalling systems [Bull2, Nobl2,3], explicating the links between mechanistic and functional explanations for parental investment [Bull4], and refuting a proposed role for aggressive displays in natural populations [Nobl4]. Ongoing collaboration with Dr. Cliff (Hewlett-Packard Labs £100k) exploits the dynamic behaviour of biological and biologically inspired systems in domains such as software agents for e-commerce. A recent joint grant with Biochemistry (Wolfson £81k) facilitates Bulpitt's development of new algorithms for analysing biological data derived from genome sequences (BBSRC/EPSRC £145k) in joint work with the CVL group.
Transport Scheduling Wren’s work is at the forefront of using and combining mathematical programming and metaheuristics [Wren1] (4 EPSRC grants and £297k industrial funding since RAE 96) to address the NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem of bus and train driver scheduling. Research (EPSRC £116k) completed in 1996 subsequently resulted in a system used commercially by many bus and train companies [Wren2,3] and recently adopted by the UK’s largest bus group against leading international competitors after extensive testing. The system now incorporates results from a current EPSRC grant (£142k) that solves very large real driver scheduling problems through column generation in an integer linear program (ILP). The development of a genetic algorithm [Wren4] that learns from the relaxed solution of an ILP enables more complex instances to be solved than by previous mixes of ILP and heuristics. Not only have better solutions been obtained to problems near the previous ILP limit, but new hybrid algorithms combining the relaxed ILP approach with constraint programming and tabu search (EPSRC £260k) will address future applications needs.

RA5.4 End User Visibility
In addition to the research described above it is worth noting the following activities.
Dyer has visited and collaborated with both Microsoft (Seattle) and IBM (San Jose) during this period. Birtwistle collaborates with ARM Holdings and with Dr. Tofts at Hewlett Packard Research Labs on the formalisation of simulation practice via a toolset and textbook. The KRR group works with Thames Water who have recently funded work on spatial analysis. Sky News, Breakfast TV, Daily Telegraph, New Scientist, Focus magazine, Financial Times and the Discovery Channel covered Hogg’s work on surveillance. Media coverage of Boyle’s animal tracking project appeared in The Guardian, New Scientist and other publications. Dr K. Ng’s work on the Music Via Motion package, originating from his post-doctoral studies with Hogg and Boyle, has appeared on Sky TV’s Technofile Extra and BBC’s Tomorrow’s World, and in the Financial Times. Over the review period Berzins and Jimack worked with Shell Global Solutions, Air Products (Pennsylvania) and Hydraulics Research Wallingford. Brodlie’s work on web-based simulation has featured in Nikkei Science (Japanese Scientific American). Dew has been heavily involved in building the University's Virtual Science Park that promotes knowledge transfer from the University to industry and which featured in the Millennium Dome Innovations Zone. For a large part of 1998 he was a member of a small team led by the Vice Chancellor to create Symularity (formerly VWS Ltd) as the first company from the Forward Group’s £20M investment in the University. Wren’s scheduling work has been successfully marketed in the public transport sector in collaboration with Grampian Computers, Omnibus Systems and VSL Comreco Rail, and has received extensive international media coverage including several American, Australian, Brazilian, German and UK newspapers and sixteen radio and TV interviews.

University of Leicester_25 4 [14B]

Brief History Prior to 1992, there was no department of Computer Science at Leicester. The first Professor of Computer Science (Iain Stewart) was appointed in March 1996; five staff were returned to RAE 1996 and Grade 3a was achieved. There have been exciting and substantial changes since 1996; in particular:
• 10 new Computer Science staff have been appointed;
• Rick Thomas has been awarded a Personal Chair and became the University’s first ever Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science;
• Rajeev Raman has been appointed to a new Chair in Computer Science.
Expansion in Computer Science at Leicester has been rapid and extremely successful. The emphasis in all appointments has been on research excellence, and there is now a vibrant, international and expanding research profile. This international team of researchers is young and dynamic. The average age of the research-active staff in Computer Science is only 36 and each member of the Group has an international research profile. During the period of RAE 2001, members of Computer Science:
• published 114 papers in leading academic journals and refereed conference proceedings and have 55 papers either accepted for publication or currently submitted;
• received over 35 personal invitations to address conferences, workshops and summer schools; and
• gave personal research presentations at over 60 international conferences.

Research Structure and Environment The research in Computer Science at Leicester is broadly theoretical, with each of the three groups researching in very different aspects of the subject. Each group is well aware of, and actively interested in, practical aspects and applications of its particular brand of theory. The three research groups are as follows:

Logic, Algorithms and Complexity
The research area covered is: the design, analysis and engineering of parallel and sequential algorithms; the complexity of computation; logical aspects of computation relating to algorithms and complexity; and computational aspects of group and semigroup theory. Much of the group’s research lies at the interface between Mathematics and Computer Science.

Distributed and Reactive Systems
This research group is concerned with the specification, verification, design and security of real-time, fault-tolerant and distributed systems. Whilst primarily concerned with theoretical aspects of distributed and reactive systems, its work has strong links with applications involving, for example, hybrid systems, computer security, applied formal methods and object-oriented systems.

The primary focus of this research group is the study of the more qualitative aspects of programming and programming languages. The techniques and methods used are mainly related to category theory, type theory, rewriting and operational semantics, but the group also has interests in applying its research to areas such as software reasoning and verification.

In addition, there are many interactions between the three groups, so that the overall research is coherent. As a consequence, general group activity is of interest to all and extremely well supported. This activity includes: a regular Computer Science Seminar to which a speaker from another university is invited; a regular Internal Seminar at which staff and postgraduate students speak; and numerous internal Reading Groups and Lecture Series addressing inter-group themes. Furthermore, Computer Science at Leicester is involved in the Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science, a joint venture between Computer Science departments in the Universities of Leicester, Birmingham and Nottingham. Each department provides a variety of lecture courses for the postgraduate students in all three departments. In addition, all Computer Science postgraduate students at Leicester undertake our Graduate Programme, designed to support postgraduate students in their research activities.

Research Group 1 Logic, Algorithms and Complexity

Staff Professor I.A. Stewart (Group Leader), Professor R. Raman, Professor R.M. Thomas,
Dr D. Kuske, Dr S. Yang.

Scientific Aims
• to explore the link between logical definability and solvability using resource-bounded models of computation;
• to examine the relative expressibilities of logics, also in comparison with the computational power of models of computation used in concurrency theory;
• to investigate computational aspects of groups and semigroups, in particular, classes of automatic groups and semigroups;
• to study, both mathematically and empirically, the practical performance of sequential and parallel algorithms;
• to develop new and improved sequential and parallel algorithms for fundamental problems in computing;
• to help develop the rapidly-emerging field of algorithm engineering which includes the exact (constant-factor) and empirical analysis of algorithms and heuristics and the implementation and fine-tuning of (non-numerical) algorithmic software libraries.

Current Research Descriptive Complexity Theory and Finite Model Theory. Capturing complexity classes using logics (IAS). Normal forms for logics and complexity-theoretic completeness (IAS). Positive Turing machines and logical monotonicity (IAS). Computational power of classes of program schemes (IAS,PhD). Definability in monadic second-order logic (IAS). Zero-one laws (IAS). Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games, locality and database theory (IAS,ResAss). Constraint satisfaction problems (IAS,PhD).
Logical Calculi and Concurrency
. Finite-state models of concurrent systems, in relation to order theory, topology and automorphism groups (DK). Expressive power of finite-state models in relation to monadic second-order logic, rational expressions and monoids (DK). Temporal logics (DK).
Formal Language and Automata Theory.
Sub-classes of context-sensitive languages (RMT,PhDs). Formal languages and word problems (RMT,PhDs). Rational and recognisable sets in monoids (RMT,DK). Generalised notions of automata (RMT,PhD). Syntactic monoids (RMT,PhD).
Computational Aspects of Groups and Semigroups. Automatic groups and semigroups (RMT,DK, ResAss,PhDs). Computational complexity of word problems in groups and semigroups (IAS,RMT, ResAss,PhDs). Rewriting in groups and semigroups (RMT,ResAss,PhDs).
Algorithm Engineering. Mobile ad hoc networks and dynamic graphs (IAS,PhD). Implementation and experimental evaluation of hybrid data structures (RR,ResAss). Data cache behaviour of both uniform and non-uniform distribution sorting algorithms (RR,PhD). General techniques for data cache and translation-lookaside buffer optimisation (RR,PhD). Hybrid adaptive neural network, constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network, heuristic and genetic algorithm approaches to problems in combinatorial optimisation (SY). Traditional and generalized maximum flows for network problems (SY).
Algorithm Design and Analysis. Algorithms for parallel heap construction (RR). Dynamic closest-pair problems (RR). Parallel and sequential integer sorting (RR). Routing on meshes with buses (RR). Single-source shortest paths problems (RR). Construction of perfect hash functions (RR). Inter-connection networks for (faulty) distributed-memory multiprocessors (IAS,PhD). Greedy algorithms in graphs (IAS,PhD).

Highlights of Achievements IAS is one of the world experts in descriptive complexity, particularly in the explicit links between complexity classes and (Lindström) logics and the ensuing logical translations. His work receives international recognition; for example, a particular logical normal form has been named Stewart Normal Form [see Georg Gottlob: Relativized logspace and generalized quantifiers over finite ordered structures, Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (1997) 545-574]. In publication [IAS2], a robust notion of positive polynomial-time was developed and an open problem posed by Michelangelo Grigni and Mike Sipser in 1992 was solved.
RR is a leading international researcher in the design and analysis of algorithms, and is one of the world’s experts in the rapidly emerging field of algorithm engineering; for example, he has twice been invited to contribute papers to special issues of the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithms (the leading journal in the field) devoted to selected papers from internationally leading conferences. In [RR1], he gave new algorithms for the permutation routing problem and the k-k routing problem in multi-dimensional meshes. This paper appeared in a special issue of the journal Algorithmica consisting of the best 8 papers from 140 submissions to the first European Symposium on Algorithms.
RMT is a researcher of world reknown in the theory of computation in algebraic structures. RMT and his co-workers have pioneered entirely new approaches to reason about, and compute in, semigroups and groups; for example, in [RMT2], a mixture of theoretical and computational techniques were used to completely answer a question of Donald Coxeter that had been an open problem since the 1930's.
DK is a world leader in the applications of finite automata to the theory of concurrency. He introduced the concept of a k-chain covering and used this technique, for example, to describe the expressive power of asynchrounous cellular automata in [DK2]. In [DK1], he answered an open question (in the negative), posed by Paolo Boldi, Felice Cardone and Nicoletta Sabadini in 1993, on the partial order of traces.
SY is a young researcher who received his PhD in 1999 and spent one year as a postdoc before winning a lecturership at Leicester in November 2000. He has made a very impressive start to his career primarily in the area of hybrid approaches to job-shop scheduling.

Research Group 2 Distributed and Reactive Systems

Staff Dr Z. Liu (Group Leader), Mr Y. Chen, Dr G. Lowe, Dr I. Ulidowski, Dr N. Yoshida.

Scientific Aims

• to develop uniform description formalisms for distributed and reactive systems that are capable of expressing both functional and temporal behaviour;

• to develop semantic models and type systems for such formalisms, including logics and operational and axiomatic semantics;
• to study the specification, design, verification and schedulability of real-time and fault-tolerant systems;
• to develop methods for system specification and refinement;
• to incorporate formal methods with object-oriented and component-based construction of software systems;
• to formally analyse security protocols with regard to specification and verification.

Current Research Process Calculi and their Semantics. Process calculi (GL,IU,NY). Pi-calculus and its combinators (NY). Ordered structural operational semantics (IU). Equational theory for concurrent processes (NY). Algorithms for generation of proof theories for process languages (IU). Term rewrite systems for process languages (IU). Game semantics (NY). Testing semantics (IU). Type systems for the pi and higher-order calculi (NY).
Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems. Development of a transformational framework for the specification, design and verification of real-time and fault-tolerant systems (ZL). Real-time scheduling as program refinement (ZL). Development of a unified framework for the specification and verification of functional correctness, fault-tolerance, real-time and scheduling (ZL). Duration calculus and linear temporal logic (ZL).
Specification and Refinement of Systems. Specification and refinement for bulk-synchronous programming (YC). Hierarchical observation-based semantics (YC). Healthiness conditions for concurrent models (YC). Unifying theories of programming (YC). A unified framework for the specification and verification of reactive systems (ZL). Formal methods in component-based and object-oriented system development (ZL,PhD).
Object-Oriented and Component-Based System development. Development of a formal semantics for the Unified Modelling Language (ZL). Formal use of UML in object-oriented software development processes (ZL). Formalization of use-case driven requirement analysis (ZL).
Formal Analysis of Security Protocols. Using CSP for the specification, analysis and verification of security protocols (GL,PhD). Model checking with CSP using FDR and Casper (GL). Safe simplifying transformations for security protocols (GL). Information Flow Analysis (NY).

Highlights of Achievements ZL has an international reputation as a researcher in formal techniques in real-time and fault-tolerant computer systems. In [ZL1] and [ZL4], in collaboration with Mathai Joseph, ZL has pioneered a transformational approach for the formal specification and verification of fault-tolerance, and this approach is being studied and used by many researchers. His work on the unification of techniques in: formal specification, verification and refinement; fault-tolerant computing; and real-time scheduling theory, has narrowed the gap between formal and practical methods for computer system development.
GL is a young researcher who, whilst at Leicester, made a tremendous impact on the formal analysis of security protocols. He pioneered the technique of modelling a security protocol and its users as CSP processes and then used the CSP model checker FDR, together with his tool Casper (for generating CSP descriptions of systems from more abstract descriptions: see [GL1]), to find attacks on the protocol. His approach has established previously unknown attacks on a number of protocols; see [GL2] for example.
IU is an expert in the application of structural operational semantics (SOS) in concurrency theory. He is interested in unifying and generalising theories for particular process languages (for example, CCS and CSP) into meta-theories for classes of process languages, where a class is determined by a format of Gordon Plotkin-style SOS rules in which its process operators are defined. In [IU1], [IU3] and [IU4], he developed the first formats of SOS rules for process preorders ranging from the testing preorder of Matthew Hennessy and Rocco De Nicola to eager and branching bisimulation preorders.
NY is a young researcher, with a rapidly growing international reputation, who is working on the theory of concurrency and functional computing. In [NY3] she solved an open problem, posed by Robin Milner in 1977, concerning the fully abstract model of call-by-value computation based on game semantics; this was selected as one of the best 16 papers (out of 197 submissions) from ICALP'97 for publication in Theoretical Computer Science. In [NY2] she studied expressiveness of concurrent name-passing computation; this paper was selected as one of the best 7 papers from CONCUR'98 (out of 104 submissions) for publication in Theoretical Computer Science.
YC is a young researcher who is just completing his PhD at Oxford University. He already has impressive research contributions on unifying theories of programming, hierarchical semantics and reactive processes with global synchronisations.

Research Group 3 Semantics

Staff Dr R.L. Crole (Group Leader), Dr N. Ghani, Dr V. Schmitt, Dr F.J. de Vries.

Scientific Aims
• to extend our understanding of the foundations of computation in general and programming languages and paradigms in particular;
• to develop category theory and type theory as a meta-language for the description of programming languages;
• to develop rewriting and operational semantics as actual models of computation;
• to apply this research to the creation of safe, secure and reliable programming languages in which programs are easily designed and clean code is readily produced, and for which user-friendly tools are provided for the automatic verification of properties of programs.

Current Research Category Theory and Categorical Type Theory. Theory and application of computational monads and fixpoint objects (RLC). Glueing constructions (RLC). Applications of algebra and coalgebra (RLC,NG,FJdV). Theories of explicit substitutions (NG). Categorical rewriting (NG,PhD). Enriched category theory (NG,VS).
Logic, Type Theory and Automation. Theory and application of higher order abstract syntax (RLC, ResAss). Automating proofs of program equivalence (RLC,ResAss). Connections between functional and object type theories (RLC). Transfinite reduction systems for lambda calculus (FJdV). Type assignment systems and term equivalence (FJdV). Decidability of
b-h equality in type theory (NG). Abstract reduction machines (NG).
Operational and Denotational Semantics, and Automation. Operational and denotational semantics for equational type theories (RLC). Implementation of operational semantics (RLC,FJdV). Bisimilarity and contextual equivalence (RLC,FJdV). Automation of equivalences via theorem provers (RLC, ResAss).
Rewriting. Confluence and termination (FJdV,NG). Axiomatics in rewriting (NG,FJdV). Representations of generalized Bohm tree equality (FJdV). Modular rewriting (NG,PhD).
Semantics for Concurrency. Flip-flop nets (VS). Concurrent and stable trace automata (VS).

Highlights of Achievements RLC has wide-ranging interests in the semantics of programming languages and is an acknowledged expert in categorical type theory (he is the author of the well-known monograph “Categories for Types”, published by CUP). In [RLC3] the first full tactical machine verification of the coincidence of bisimilarity and contextual equivalence for a functional language is presented. In [RLC2] a novel operational semantics for an ML style language with I/O effects is given, solving the problem of how to neatly model behaviour of higher order functions plus I/O.
NG is a young researcher who is leading the development of the research area of categorical rewriting where the aim is the synthesis of operational models of computation based upon rewriting using the denotational models of computation based on category theory. Using techniques first developed in his thesis, where he solved the open problem concerning the decidability of
b-h equality for coproducts, he has become one of the main pioneers of the use of h-expansions in type theory (see [NG1] and [NG3]). Categorical rewriting also showed how traditional notions of rewriting could be extended to cover explicit substitutions, [NG4], and modal lambda calculi, [NG2].
VS is a young researcher who received his PhD in 1997 and whose interests lie in the semantics of concurrency and, more recently, in category theory. In [VS3] he uses graph theory and Ramsey theory to relate domains associated with finite stable and finite full trace automata; and in [VS2] he extends a result of Manfred Droste from general event structures to CR-structures. After a shift in research emphasis to category theory he has a number of papers submitted for publication. Amongst these is a paper, accepted for publication in the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, co-authored with Max Kelly and Ross Street, two of the seminal figures in category theory.
FJdV is a world expert and, indeed, one of the developers of infinitary rewriting, that is, rewriting involving infinite terms, which has strong applications to lazy functional programming where datatypes typically contain infinite structures. [FJdV1] and [FJdV3], which contain the fundamental results of this topic, are fast becoming seminal works for researchers in this area, and [FJdV4] contains an application of infinitary rewriting to the lambda calculus.

Computer Science Staffing Policy It is the policy of Computer Science that all staff appointments are research-driven. It is also departmental policy that all staff are fully supported in their research, both financially and more generally. The majority of the travel undertaken by staff during the period of RAE 2001 was funded by research grants; the Head of Department makes every effort to support staff attendance at conferences and workshops from departmental funds if the member of staff does not have research money available for the purpose (during the period of RAE 2001, no such request was refused).

Our policy of providing general support is implemented through each member of staff meeting with the Head of Computer Science every six months where all aspects of that member of staff’s research are discussed and personal targets are agreed upon. For example, the Head of Computer Science endeavours to assist staff in fully accessing research funding opportunities and provides advice on various aspects of research (such as writing research grant proposals or postgraduate supervision), and, with the member of staff, agrees research performance targets for the following six months. This scheme has been very beneficial to the young staff who have joined the Department. Every new member of staff is also allocated a teaching mentor who helps support teaching activities and who assists the new member in finding their way in the new professional environment.
It is the policy that research performance plays a part in apportioning teaching and administrative duties. However, it is now the situation where almost all staff are research-active and consequently teaching and administrative loads are becoming increasingly uniform; although we still ensure that new members of staff have lighter loads in their first three years to enable them to establish themselves better as researchers. Study leave is available to research-active academic staff at the rate of one semester in seven.

University of Liverpool_25 5 [22B]

Following RAE 1996, the Department undertook a fundamental reorganisation of its research. It was decided to focus and expand activity around areas that showed the greatest potential for long-term growth and research impact. This reorganisation led to considerable investment in new staff, in particular the appointments of Professors Fisher, Gibbons, Rytter, and Wooldridge. These senior academics have brought with them or subsequently recruited internationally known researchers such that almost three quarters of current academic staff were appointed since 1996. Three main research groups were established:
§ The Complexity Theory and Algorithmics Group (CTAG), led by Gibbons and Rytter;
§ The Agent Applications, Research, and Technology Group (Agent ART), led by Wooldridge;
§ The Logic and Computation Group (LoCo), led by Fisher.
Each group has a critical mass of active researchers, and carries out research of the highest international standard. This is evidenced, for example, by the volume of publications produced by the Department in leading journals (e.g., Theoretical Computer Science – 16 papers during census period) and leading conferences (e.g., IJCAI – 6 papers during period). This reflects a complete transformation of the Department in terms of research quality and activity since RAE 1996.
The Complexity Theory and Algorithmics Group (CTAG)
Professor Gibbons (Warwick) and Professor Rytter (Warsaw), together with Gasieniec (Max Planck Institute), Zito and Amos, have, with long-standing staff, Leng, Dunne and Paton, formed an internationally strong group. Five areas of research have been established: Web Algorithmics, Communication Algorithmics, Combinatorial Algorithmics, Phase Transitions in Combinatorics and BioInformatics. Work in the first three of these is intimately related and shares several grants and overseas collaborators: Pelc (University of Quebec, EPSRC Visiting Research Fellow, Grant GR/M37561), Chlebus (Warsaw University, EPSRC Visiting Research Fellow, Grant GR/N75105), Chrobak (University of California, Riverside, EPSRC Visiting Research Fellow, Grant GR/N09077), Lingas, Jansson and Ostlin (University of Lund, Swedish funding) and Czumaj (New Jersey Institute of Technology and Paderborn University, visiting researcher). In addition the British Council has funded extended collaborations with the Universities of Warsaw (their coordinator is Kowalski), Ulm (Toran) and Bordeaux (Robson). The other two areas, BioInformatics and Phase Transitions fuse interests of new and existing staff, draw on topical funding of the research councils, and enjoy active international collaboration as the descriptions that follow explain. Within the first three descriptions, references to names or funds refer to those listed above.
Web Algorithmics (Rytter, Gibbons, Gasieniec, Leng, Dunne)
This, the most recently established research area of the group, has generated publications and research funding in the following:
§ Efficient web searching. Research here has progressed on two fronts: jointly with Professor Chrobak on the efficiency of search engines, and jointly with Professor Czumaj on improving search times through new algorithmics of scheduling problems using temporal factors of the web.
§ Searching/processing compressed information without explicit decompression using automata theory and formal languages and randomised computation (EPSRC Grant GR/N09855).
§ Parallel/distributed combinatorial computing using WWW technologies. This investigation centres on how Java-centric tools and PVM can be combined and used to efficiently implement parallel algorithms (EPSRC Grant GR/N09077).

Communication Algorithmics
(Gasieniec, Rytter, Gibbons, Leng)
The importance of communication networks (for example, radio networks and the WWW) has grown steadily in recent years. We have focussed on improvements to basic tasks such as broadcasting and gossiping. Specifically, our work has centred on the following areas, which are EPSRC-funded research collaborations with Professors Pelc, Robson, Chlebus, Chrobak amongst others:
§ Design of efficient broadcasting and gossiping algorithms in various communication models.
§ Study of trade-offs for communication efficiency, e.g., speed of the network versus cost.
§ Fault tolerant aspects of communication and computation in distributed systems.

Combinatorial Algorithmics (Dunne, Gibbons, Gasieniec, Leng, Rytter, Zito)

The group pursues a diversity of long-term interests, much of which is internationally collaborative (particularly with those groups in Lund, California, Warsaw, Bordeaux defined earlier) and is supported by the EPSRC and the British Council amongst others. This includes:
§ String Algorithmics (Rytter, Gasieniec). Papers describe efficient algorithms for filtering the vast quantities of information produced by modern society (e.g., the media, biology, business) based on recognition of patterns, similarities and other regularities.
§ Graph Algorithms (Dunne, Gibbons, Rytter, Zito). Work here includes: two research monographs (Hybrid Graph Theory and Network Analysis, Novak and Gibbons (CUP, 1999) and Fast Parallel Algorithms for Graph Matching Problems, Karpinski and Rytter (OUP, 1998); papers on randomised approximation matching algorithms (Zito); graph colouring and graph embedding (Dunne, Gibbons).
§ Other combinatorics research includes work on dynamic programming (Rytter), Boolean function theory (Dunne, Leng) and data mining (Leng, Coenen, commercially-funded by Royal Sun Alliance).

Phase Transitions in Combinatorial Problems
(Dunne, Gibbons, Zito)
This research is concerned with exploiting threshold effects in the development of efficient average case algorithms for hard combinatorial problems. Although the major interest of the group is algorithmic, threshold phenomena arise in many other studies. In this respect, a research monograph is near completion, which combines the work of leading international academics who took part in an EPSRC/MathFIT funded (Grant P003700) research workshop on Phase-Transition phenomena (Liverpool, 1999). Research activities (funded by EPSRC Grant GR/L77089) include:
§ Determination of threshold locations for specific decision problems. For example, for the classical combinatorial problems 3-SAT, 3-COL, and for classes of matching problems.
§ Study of necessary and sufficient criteria for existence of threshold phenomena, following on from work of the group establishing that monotonicity is not a necessary condition.
§ Development and engineering of uniform generation methods for various combinatorial structures in order to inform empirical studies.

BioInformatics (Paton, Gibbons, Dunne, Amos, Malcolm)
This area combines research strands of new staff (Gibbons, Amos, Malcolm) with that of existing work within the Department (Paton, Dunne). The group enjoys wide international collaboration and much of its work has been seminal.
§ Molecular Computing (Amos, Gibbons, Dunne) is an emerging field concerned with biomolecular complexes (e.g., strands of DNA, bacteria): one long-term prospect is for massively parallel and miniaturized computation using such complexes, another is that informatics will further the understanding of biomolecular processes and we work with biologists in Warwick University (Hodgson, Owenson) whose experiments are based on theory developed at Liverpool (BBSRC/EPSRC Joint Bioinformatics Programme Grants BIF06655 and 26/BIF10475). Amos has also been supported by a Leverhulme Trust Special Research Fellowship. Liverpool is at the centre of European activity: Amos is Deputy-Director of the European Molecular Computing Consortium, composed of 11 European groups. Its Director, Professor Rozenberg (Leiden), also collaborates with Liverpool on research in gene-expression in ciliates. We also have links with the major groups working in the USA and Japan.
§ Biological Computing (Paton, Malcolm) is concerned with modelling and exploitation of biological sources as parallel, distributed and emergent computation. In particular:
· Biological information processing at the quantum level. This has focussed on the problems of measurement and endophysics as well as some experimental biophysics (joint work with Professor Koichiro Matsuno, University of Nagaoka).
· Computing at the cell/tissue level. Paton runs the EPSRC-funded CytoCom network (EPSRC Grant GR/M56586) of more than 20 British academic and industrial site members who have research interests in this area. Local research covers protein signalling systems which is joint work with Liverpool biologists (Easterby, Fisher) and with Professor Holcombe (Sheffield).
· Adaptive processes in computational ecologies. Current work is concerned with enhancing evolutionary algorithms using source ideas from prokaryotic genetics (jointly with Professor Wu, Electrical Engineering, Liverpool and Professor Saunders, Biological Sciences, Liverpool (EPSRC grant GR/R16174101)).

The Agent Applications, Research, and Technology Group (Agent ART)
Following recognition by key researchers in the Department of the rapidly growing importance of agent systems, a strategic decision was taken to establish a major research group in this area. The group was formed in January 2000 from new staff, Professor Wooldridge and Dr Simon Parsons (both from QMW), Grasso and long-serving staff, Bench-Capon, Coenen, and Leng. The group has already established a strong international reputation. It is widely believed that autonomous agents and multi-agent systems will become a software paradigm of major importance. Within a few years, agents should be on a par with by-now well-established technologies such as object-oriented systems. The long-term mission of the group is to realise this vision. Work in the agents field is highly interdisciplinary, and the research of the group reflects this, with the following overlapping areas being the main foci of interest.

Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (Wooldridge, Bench-Capon, Coenen, Parsons)

Good techniques for reliably and efficiently engineering agent-based systems will be critical in the successful adoption of agent technology. Issues being addressed include:
§ Formal methods, including the use of epistemic temporal logics in the specification and verification of agent communication languages and protocols (Wooldridge, EPSRC Grant GR/K57282).
§ Methodologies for multi-agent systems design, in particular the Gaia methodology (Wooldridge); this is joint work with Professors Jennings (Southampton University), Sterling (Melbourne, Australia), and Ciancarini (Bologna, Italy).
§ The Stoves Project (Leng, Coenen), funded by the DTI (FLA 009), is developing agent-based methods for the Internet delivery of information to field service engineers in a flexible manufacturing context.
§ The use of multi-context systems for creating executable specifications of multi-agent systems (Parsons, supported by IST project 1999-10948).
§ Verification and validation of rule-based systems (Coenen and Bench-Capon).
A major force here has been Wooldridge's involvement in AgentLink (ESPRIT project 27.225) and AgentLink II (IST project 1999-29003). AgentLink is the European Network of Excellence for agent-based computing. Founded by Wooldridge in 1997, it was coordinated by him between 1997 and 2000; he has been associate coordinator since then. AgentLink received over Euro 1.2 million funding under Wooldridge’s direction. It has over 150 industrial and academic members.

Argumentation, Negotiation, and Dialogue (Bench-Capon, Grasso, Leng, Parsons, Wooldridge)
Work in this area is concerned with inter-agent dialogues, particularly with how self-interested autonomous agents can interact. Three main lines of research are being followed:
§ Argumentation theory (Bench-Capon, Grasso, Parsons) is used to describe formal processes by which one agent attempts to convince another of the truth or falsity of some state of affairs by generating (through inter-agent dialogue) a correct argument that the other cannot object to. Parsons pioneered the application of argumentation techniques in multi-agent systems (EC IST project 1999-10948) jointly with researchers in Edinburgh University (Robertson, Sanella, Anderson, Fourman) and the Spanish National AI Research Centre (Sierra, Agusti). Argument dialogues are also at the core of Bench-Capon's work on legal argument, which has been focussed on the modelling of argument and dialogue (including the design and implementation of a legal dialogue system) based on a previously developed argument schema deriving from the work of Toulmin. Current work in this area, in collaboration with Sartor (Bologna) and Prakken (Utrecht), extends the framework to incorporate teleologically-based arguments. Argumentation also plays an important role in Grasso's work on natural language interaction with agents.
§ Game theoretic techniques (Wooldridge, Parsons) used for negotiation, with particular application to electronic commerce. In joint work (EPSRC Grant GR/M07076) with the University of Southampton (Professor Jennings) and University College London (Professor Binmore), a number of intractability results for mechanism design problems using logic-based negotiation languages have been established.
§ Ontologies (Bench-Capon, Wooldridge) used as a basis for communication between heterogeneous information resources. This was joint work (EPSRC Grant GR/K82789) with the Universities of Aberdeen and Cardiff, and BT at Martlesham Heath. Here, heterogeneous information resources must harmonise their conceptualisation of the domain through a commitment to a shared ontology. At Liverpool potential mismatches between individual ontologies were analysed, and ways of minimising the information loss when using a common ontology were explored. Joint work with Visser and Van den Herik (Leiden) and Van Kralingen (Tilburg), has enhanced existing ontologies for legal systems, and explored their role in system development, reuse and system verification and validation. A major output of this research was an ontology based development methodology for legal information systems. Funded by Hewlett Packard, the group has recently begun work on the development of ontologies for services.

Agent Theory (Wooldridge, Parsons, Fisher, Dixon, Hustadt).
Work in the agent theory area has been carried out in collaboration between the Agent ART group (Wooldridge and Parsons) and the Logic and Computation group (Fisher, Dixon, Hustadt). A number of issues have been explored, with particular emphasis placed on the use of modal (epistemic, temporal) logics for the specification and verification of multi-agent systems, particularly in the specification of social processes (such as cooperative problem solving). In joint work with Professor Gabbay (Kings College London), proof methods for epistemic temporal logics have been developed (EPSRC Grant GR/K57282).

Rational Decision-Making (Parsons, Bench-Capon, Wooldridge)
Research is focussed around decision making under uncertainty, and optimal decision-making in resource-bounded autonomous agents and includes:
§ Qualitative approaches (Parsons, Bench-Capon) to decision-making, particularly the use of qualitative probabilistic techniques (EPSRC Grant GR/L84117). This is collaborative work with Utrecht University (Professor van der Gaag) and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund (Professor Fox).
§ Optimal decision making (Parsons, Wooldridge) in resource-bounded agents has focussed on the control of reasoning in belief-desire-intention architectures, including mobile robots. This is joint work with Saffiotti (Orebro University, Sweden). Other work has applied market-based approaches to real-time decision-making in agents controlling telecommunications networks (EC ACTS project AC333 – MARINER).

The Logic and Computation Group (LoCo)
In January 2001, a third group with strong links to both CTAG and Agent ART was formed in the Logic and Computation area. This was possible through the appointments of Professor Fisher and Degtyarev, Dixon, Ghidini, Hustadt, Malcolm, and Sazonov, who together with Woodward form this group. Members of the group are known for their work in the following areas: reasoning with equality and E-unification (Degtyarev); resolution in temporal and modal logics (Dixon); temporal reasoning and executable temporal specifications (Fisher); reasoning with, and applying, multi-context systems (Ghidini); proof in modal logics and decidable classes of first-order logic (Hustadt); algebraic specification (Malcolm); bounded hyperset theory and database semantics (Sazonov); and software testing and visualisation (Woodward). Work in the group is divided into three areas.

Theorem Proving (Degtyarev, Dixon, Fisher, Ghidini, Hustadt)
Work in this area concerns two main lines of research within theorem proving:
§ The development of core theorem proving techniques for a wide range of logics, including decidable fragments of first-order logics (Hustadt, Degtyarev), resolution methods for modal, temporal and fixpoint logics (Dixon, Fisher, Hustadt), knowledge representation and reasoning (Ghidini, Hustadt), and reasoning with equality (Degtyarev).
§ Work on complex systems has also shown the need for effective techniques for handling combinations of logics, and key results have also been attained in this area (Dixon, Fisher, Hustadt).
This work has been supported by EPSRC, via Grants GR/L87491 (Clausal Resolution for the Temporal Mu-Calculus), GR/M46631 (Mechanising First-Order Temporal Logic), and GR/N08117 (Visiting Fellowship for Prof. R. Pliuskevicius), and has involved collaboration with international leaders in the field including Professors Bundy (Edinburgh), Ganzinger (Saarbrücken), Gurevich (Microsoft Research), and Voronkov (Manchester).

Formal Methods (Dixon, Fisher, Hustadt, Malcolm, Woodward)
The group develops formal methods for dynamic, distributed, autonomous, and self-organising computational systems. Such formal methods include work on the following aspects:
§ Formal specification using algebraic (Malcolm) or temporal and modal (Dixon, Fisher) techniques.
§ Direct execution of logical specifications (Fisher).
§ Software analysis and testing (Woodward).
This work has been supported by EPSRC Grants GR/K57282 (Proof Methods for Temporal Logics of Knowledge and Belief) and GR/M44859 (Proof Methods for Temporal Logics of Knowledge with Interactions), the CAPES funding agency (Brazil), and the British Council (NWO JRP442, in collaboration with Utrecht University). It has involved collaboration with such international leaders as Professors Gabbay (Kings College), Goguen (California), Meyer (Utrecht), and Ohlbach (Munich).

Distributed Computation (Degtyarev, Fisher, Ghidini, Sazonov)
A particularly important area in which logical techniques are being applied is the use of software components for the management and organisation of distributed information and computation. The work of the group here includes the following topics:
§ Formalisation and implementation of `WWW-like' databases (Sazonov) and formalisation of deductive databases (Degtyarev).
§ Characterisation and analysis of distributed information systems (Ghidini) and formalisation and application of distributed proof techniques (Fisher).
§ High-level programming languages for multi-agent systems (Fisher, Ghidini).
This work has been supported by EPSRC, via Grants GR/J48979 (Parallel Temporal Theorem-Proving), GR/L75092 (Visiting Fellowship for Prof. R. Reiter) and GR/M33723 (Workshop of the UK Special Interest Group on Multi-Agent Systems) and has involved collaboration with internationally recognised leaders in the field including Professors Guinchiglia (Trento), Gurd (Manchester), Reiter (Toronto) and Treur (Amsterdam).

Other Research: The Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Group (PRImA)
Other significant research is carried out within the Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (PRImA) group of Antonacopoulos. Funded by Hewlett Packard and Flight Refuelling Ltd., the group has developed pattern recognition and image analysis techniques in the fields of document analysis and recognition, graphics recognition, segmentation and recognition of text embedded in images and has also investigated the performance evaluation of document analysis systems.

Staffing Policy

The Department has benefited from a major infusion of new academics since RAE 1996, with the goal of building complementary skills and interests in the three main research groups. The Department appoints only research active academic staff, and has pursued a rigorous policy of excellence in this regard, resulting in a number of outstanding appointments. New staff are given light teaching loads and protected time in which to develop their research skills and portfolio. Pump-priming money is provided to support travel, equipment, and research students. The University has an annual review process, in which academics provide profiles of their research activities, and receive peer-reviewed feedback and mentoring.

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The School of Computer Science and Information Systems has two major research groups in the areas of Database Technology and Computational Intelligence. Our research quality and output in these areas have been significantly strengthened since the time of the last RAE by the appointment of several highly research-active new members of staff: Prof Mark Levene, Prof Alexandra Poulovassilis and Dr Peter Wood in Database Technology, and Prof Boris Mirkin, Dr Chris Christodoulou and Dr Szabolcs Mikulas in Computational Intelligence. We believe that our submission demonstrates that both these groups have consistently produced research of international excellence and have achieved substantial international recognition during this RAE period. This is evidenced by forms RA2 and RA6a. There is also a smaller, nascent research activity in Software Engineering, which is also producing work of international quality.
Our Database Technology and Computational Intelligence groups have a considerable synergy between them. Indeed, several members of staff are active in both areas, although each person has a dominant primary group affiliation. A significant development during this RAE period has been the establishment of a major new area of interdisciplinary research in Bioinformatics. Several members of the Database Technology and Computational Intelligence groups are engaged in collaborative research with biologists and bioinformaticians at Birkbeck’s School of Crystallography, at the Birkbeck/UCL Joint School of Biomolecular Sciences, at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Cambridge, and at several medical institutions. Members of the School were principal or co-investigators on 3 grants awarded under the second BBSRC/EPSRC Bioinformatics call and 2 grants awarded under the third call.
One of our key aims during the past five years has been to significantly improve the School’s research culture and international visibility. We have been highly successful in doing so. We have organised several international conferences and workshops, details of which may be found in form RA6a. We have initiated new research collaborations with industrial partners such as BT, EDS, Honeywell, IBM and Microsoft. We host a broad-ranging series of research seminars throughout the year, delivered by distinguished external speakers from both academia and industry, as well as by internal speakers from within the School and College.
In parallel with this significant increase in our research activity, we have initiated two new advanced taught programmes: a Postgraduate Diploma in E-Commerce (first cohort 1999) and an MSc in E-Commerce (first cohort 2000), both in collaboration with Birkbeck’s School of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. These programmes have built upon our research expertise and have enhanced it. For example, we now do a significant amount of research into issues related to e-commerce, such as push technology and decision support systems. These new programmes have also enabled us to forge links with financial institutions in the City, where many of our students work, and further links with the computing industry by means of a series of guest lecturers from companies such as IBM, Microsoft, SPSS and Cisco.

1. The Database Technology Group

The School is a long-established centre of expertise in database technology. The Database Technology Group has been considerably enhanced in this RAE period by the appointment of Prof Poulovassilis, Dr Bailey and Dr Wood from King’s College London and Prof Levene from UCL. Dr Small left in 1997 and is now a technical consultant in the finance sector. Dr Bailey recently returned to Australia but he remains highly research-active within the group as a Visiting Fellow, and Birkbeck continues to be the main focus of his research activity.
Our research during this RAE period has followed the three directions planned at the time of the last RAE: Database Theory, Data Models and Languages and Database Architectures. We have achieved significant results in all three areas and there is substantial evidence of the high esteem in which our work is held internationally (see RA6a). We have also initiated a new direction of interdisciplinary database research in Bioinformatics.
In Database Theory, Levene has worked in collaboration with Prof Vincent (South Australia) on justification of normal forms which take into account both key and foreign key dependencies [ML1]. They have also derived sufficient and necessary conditions for the restructuring of partitioned normal form relations without information loss [ML2]. Levene and Prof Loizou have collaborated on incomplete information in relational databases. An open problem dating from the 1970s has been solved for a significant subclass of integrity constraints: when a set of integrity constraints satisfies the intersection property then it satisfies the split-freeness property if and only if every decomposition of the database schema which possesses the lossless join property is also dependency-preserving [GL2]. Integrity constraints in the presence of incomplete information have been axiomatised and their computational problems analysed [GL3, GL4]. Levene and Loizou wrote a book on relational databases based on their research in this area over the past decade, "A Guided Tour of Relational Databases and Beyond" (625 pp), which was published by Springer-Verlag, 1999.
Levene and Loizou have also worked on hypertext and its use as a model of the WWW. They have analysed the hypertext navigation problem, and have defined and analysed a hypertext query language based on a subset of propositional linear temporal logic [GL1]. They have developed a stochastic model of the WWW based on probabilistic automata, which has resulted in algorithms for improved user navigation and for data mining of user navigation patterns. Loizou obtained a 2-year Marie Curie Fellowship for Dr Daniel Stamate (formerly at Paris-Sud) to undertake research into techniques for handling information overload on the WWW. Levene founded a company, NavigationZone, in 1999 funded by the University Challenge Seed fund, for the commercial exploitation of his recent research into WWW search and navigation. This work has resulted in two patent applications.
Bailey has studied the complexity of the termination property of active database rules. This was the first theoretical study of the problem and it resulted in a precise delineation of the boundary between decidability and undecidability for classes of active rule languages [JB4]. Closely related to this work has been the construction of a new decidable variety of first-order logic particularly appropriate for database queries [JB3].
Fenner has investigated the expressiveness of the relational algebra over domains that support a partial ordering, in collaboration with Levene. New results have been obtained regarding the classes of queries expressible in this richer setting and the three-way correspondence between computable queries, partially ordered relational algebras and partially ordered domains [TF1].
In Data Models and Languages, a major strand of research has been in dynamic aspects of databases. In work funded by an EPSRC grant, Poulovassilis, Reddi and Small extended their PFL functional DBMS with active rules, specifying the rule execution semantics using PFL itself as the meta-language and thus making rule execution amenable to a wealth of formal analysis and optimisation techniques [AP1]. In a follow-on 3-year EPSRC grant, Poulovassilis and Bailey have investigated new analysis and optimisation techniques for active rules. They have developed a framework for analysing the termination behaviour of active rules which is founded on the novel approach of abstract interpretation and is applicable to both static and dynamic analysis [JB1]. In static analysis, their approach can detect classes of terminating rule sets for which other methods are inconclusive [AP4]. In dynamic analysis, knowledge about past rule executions can be used to infer an upper limit on the number of rule firings that can occur from the present database state; the algorithms employed are cheap and easily deployable in commercial database systems [JB2].
A second strand of research has been in heterogeneous database integration, where Poulovassilis has developed a new formal framework for database schema transformation and integration, in collaboration with Dr Peter McBrien (Imperial College) [AP2, AP3]. Two key contributions of this approach are (i) a new definition of schema equivalence which encompasses more transformations than previous approaches, and (ii) the reversibility of schema transformations, enabling automatic translation of data and queries between schemas. They have been awarded a 2-year EPSRC grant under the third Distributed Information Management call to continue this work. Poulovassilis also obtained a grant from BT Adastral Park to fund a PhD studentship, which resulted in new techniques for optimising heterogeneous distributed systems using evolving rule-based agents. Martin has also worked on heterogeneous databases, developing techniques for automatic extraction of object structures from relational database schema-level and instance-level data [NM4]. At the schema level constraint information is exploited while at the instance level data mining techniques are used to identify data distributions likely to represent object structures [NM2]. These techniques are currently being applied to the analysis of biomolecular data.
A third strand of research has been in graph-based formalisms for data and queries, where Wood has developed an ODMG-compliant visual query language for object-oriented databases [PW2]. He has also worked on the optimisation of queries over edge-labelled graphs, finding a polynomial-time algorithm for one class of such queries [PW1]. Documents on the WWW can be viewed as edge-labelled graphs, and Wood’s recent work has been in optimisation of WWW queries by the removal of redundant sub-queries. This work was published in the proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management, 1999 (ACM Press) and in the proceedings of DOOD’2000 (Springer-Verlag LNCS).

Johnson has continued to work on temporal data models, using in particular a nested relational approach, where he and Georgia Garani have derived the first definition of a completely generalised nested relational join operation [RJ1].
In Database Architectures, Emeritus Professor King has worked on new paradigms for post-relational database management systems within his TriStarp project, supported by three grants from the EPSRC and two CASE studentships from IBM UK. He has continued to investigate DBMSs that are based on a functional data model, and several novel physical storage structures, languages and end-user interfaces have been developed [PK1-4]. An 18-month project funded by the Home Office used the TriStarp software to develop techniques for discovering crime clusters in crime databases.
Martin and Johnson have continued their research in parallel database architectures with the development of new algorithms underpinning query processing [NM3]. These dynamically exploit data distribution information in order to balance workloads while avoiding the overhead of central co-ordination that arises in previous approaches. The performance benefit of this approach has been verified through cost model analysis and implementation.
In Bioinformatics, we have worked on the integration of biological data. Martin and Johnson obtained a grant under the second Bioinformatics call with Dr Orengo (UCL), Dr Mott (Oxford) and Dr Russell (Glaxo SmithKline) and developed new techniques for relating the data and metadata relationships inherent within genomic data. These techniques are being used to develop a database integrating the CATH database of protein structures with sequence and functional data derived from a variety of biological data sources at UCL. Poulovassilis and Martin recently obtained a grant under the third Bioinformatics call with Prof Thornton and Dr Orengo (UCL) and Dr Barton (EBI). This project will develop technology for the creation and incremental maintenance of a data warehouse integrating primary structural data from the new PDB data warehouse at EBI with derived structural and functional data from UCL.
In 2001 and beyond, we will continue our fundamental research in database theory, data models and languages, and database architectures, and our applied research in areas such as bioinformatics, crime investigation and telecommunications. We will also direct increasing focus on problems relating to information management and user interaction with the WWW. Specific areas of future research include:
· query language extensions to support interval data
· extending database technology to handle partially structured data
· improved algorithmic support for WWW search and navigation, including incorporation of WWW data mining techniques and statistical models of WWW evolution
· management of joint authorisation and delegation in distributed systems
· extending our work on active rules to a broader range of distributed settings
· continuing our research on database integration, with application in bioinformatics
· continuing our work on graph-based formalisms, and their application to the WWW.

2. The Computational Intelligence Group

The School is a long-established centre of expertise in artificial intelligence and, more generally, computational intelligence. The Computational Intelligence group has been strengthened during this RAE period by the appointment of Professor Mirkin from the German National Cancer Centre (DKFZ), Heidelberg, and of Drs Christodoulou and Mikulas as new lecturers. Dr Liu recently left for a Chair at Brunel University.
Our research has continued in its traditional area of Applied AI and, as planned at the time of the last RAE, has broadened into the two new areas of Intelligent Data Analysis and Bioinformatics, and also into Neuroinformatics and Advanced Logics. There is substantial evidence of the high esteem in which our work is held internationally (see RA6a).
Mirkin has introduced a novel class of greedily optimisable set functions [BM3] which are being used to reveal shelled cores in biomolecular structures, and a biologically meaningful model for comparing phylogenetic trees has been investigated [BM4]. He has taken a data-driven classification approach to cluster analysis, and has argued that revealing clusters in data and describing clusters are both at the core of data-driven classification whereas traditionally only the former has been considered as clustering [BM1, BM2]. This work was supported by a grant from the USA Office of Naval Research during 1996-1998. It has led to methods and algorithms that have proved successful in practical applications such as biomolecular analysis, industrial organisations, and large-scale surveys. His work on conjunctive describing classes of data was the subject of a collaborative project with Dr Ritter (Astra Zeneca, Boston) on interpreting structural classes of proteins in terms of amino acid features averaged along the protein sequence fragments. He wrote a monograph, "Mathematical Classification and Clustering" (428 pp), which was publishd by Kluwer, 1996.
Johnson and Liu have completed research on knowledge-based mass spectral data analysis which was initiated in the major LINK project with Kodak reported in the previous RAE [RJ4]. Johnson, Liu and Martin have also extended their research into Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) for Bioinformatics with 3 grants from the second and third Bioinformatics calls and a grant from the MRC, in collaboration with the Birkbeck/UCL Joint School of Biomolecular Sciences. These projects have investigated protocols for validating simulations of protein structures, bioinformatics to discover new animal and human pathogens, and data mining to reveal protein structure-function relationships [RJ2, RJ3].
Other significant IDA work was carried out by Liu, Loizou and Martin [XL1,XL2,NM1] in collaboration with several external organisations, including BP-Amoco, Central Middlesex Hospital, Henri Mondor Hospital (France), Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions, Honeywell Technology Center (USA), the Institute of Ophthalmology, and Moorfields Eye Hospital. This research has been funded by our partners as well as other funding bodies such as the EPSRC and North Thames Regional Health Authority. It has led to novel research results and to effective implementations of applications which have been successfully deployed in a variety of practical settings in the Health sector and in the oil and process industries.
Christodoulou has worked in computational neuroscience and neural network applications, in collaboration with Dr Bugmann (Plymouth), Prof John Taylor (KCL) and Prof Clarkson (KCL). Using leaky integrator type models, partial somatic reset has been identified as one of the mechanisms for producing irregular firing [CC3] and it has also been shown that, with 80% inhibition on concurrent excitation, firing is nearly consistent with a Poisson-type variability [CC1]. He has examined the computational role of inhibition in single neurons, where it was found that increasing inhibition leads to decreasing the slope of the neuron's transfer function [CC2]. He has also worked on speaker identification in collaboration with Clarkson and Taylor, Dr Gorse (UCL) and Domain Dynamics Ltd, and good classification results have been obtained using different probabilistic RAM (pRAM) architectures [CC4]. He was awarded a grant in this area by the Institute of Research Promotion, Cyprus, with Dr Lanitis (Cyprus College) and Prof Chris Taylor (Manchester). He has been involved in several projects deploying neural networks e.g. in gas demand forecasting (with British Gas), multivariate calibration for sensor arrays (with Chemputrix Ltd), face recognition, drum sound recognition, handwritten character recognition and stress concentration in offshore platforms.
Fenner has continued working on combinatorial algorithms, data structures and probabilistic algorithms. The last of these includes his work with Prof Bollobás (Memphis), Prof Frieze (Carnegie Mellon) and Dr Cooper (Goldsmiths) on random graphs and random graph algorithms, an important result being the establishment of necessary and sufficient conditions for sparse random graphs which have a lower bound on the minimum vertex degree to contain a Hamilton cycle [TF2]. Fenner has continued to work with Levene on the analysis of the minimax algorithm for game trees [TF4]. His study with Loizou and Reddi of an algorithm for motion recovery and geometry of the environment [TF3] resulted in the surprising result that the error associated with the true translational velocity v is less robust than the error associated with a perpendicular estimate of v.
Mikulas has worked on the theory of relations using algebraic and logical techniques, in collaboration with colleagues at Amsterdam, Budapest, UCL and Imperial College. He has extensively investigated multi-modal logics of relations [SM2, SM4] and decidable fragments of first-order logic [SM3] from the axiomatizability and complexity point of view, with the aim of understanding the behaviour of dynamic processes. Axiomatizability results for algebras of relations have been obtained [SM1] and applied to dependencies in relational databases. He has also worked on the design of theorem provers for modal, temporal and description logics.
Westerdale has collaborated with Prof Jones (Cardiff) on Markov chain theory, Boltzmann machine theory and Genetic Algorithms theory. Using algebraic automata theory, Markov chain theory, and Holland’s classifier systems [TW4], he has developed a new formal framework that provides a conceptual test-bed for the study of credit assignment in systems adapting to patterns of system-environment interaction [TW3]. An explicit credit assignment method, such as the bucket brigade, interacts with a Genetic Algorithm that takes credit assignment to whole classifiers and translates it into assignment to their parts, from which new classifiers are constructed. He has shown advantages of the bucket brigade over Q-learning [TW2] and over methods based on ‘accuracy’, and has shown that bucket brigade cash accumulates in a way needed if group selection is to be used to combat freeloaders [TW1].
In 2001 and beyond we will continue our present directions of research, will broaden our existing links with research partners in the Health sector and in industry, and will seek to establish new collaborations, particularly in the areas of biotechnology and e-commerce. Key research issues we will investigate include:
· using pRAM hardware neural networks for medical diagnosis e.g. for on-line automated detection of ultrasonic embolic signals of strokes
· basic principles of intelligent data analysis and classification
· methods for the analysis of biomolecular and neuroscience data, in particular gene expression data, protein structures, whole genomes, virus and brain-scanning data
· combinatorial clustering models and effective methods, especially for multiscale clustering and building inter-genome evolutionary trees
· analysis and development of learning and credit assignment mechanisms
· axiomatisability, complexity and expressiveness of multi-dimensional systems, and application of this research to spatial, temporal and dynamic reasoning, and to the area of advanced databases.

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1 Background to Computing at Goldsmiths College

Computing Research at Goldsmiths has, during this RAE period, attracted over £ 475K in funding through five EPSRC and Framework V grants. The nine members of staff submitted as research active have, between them, published 85 refereed papers during the period. The Computing Group is new and expanding, having grown over the last six years from one person to a group of nine. That growth is indicative of Goldsmiths College’s commitment to computing. As well as the expansion in staff numbers, a new computing teaching laboratory is being fitted, and the College is planning to spend 1.75 million pounds to build and equip a research centre in Cognition, Computation and Culture. The new centre will join Cognitive Science research done principally by the Psychology Department (currently Grade 4) and Computing’s Artificial Intelligence group, with Digital Media Research, with Computing taking the lead role in incorporating research from Visual Arts and Design (currently Grade 5*), Communication and Media (Currently Grade 4) and Cultural Studies (currently Grade 5).

2 Research Policy of the Department and the College

2.1 Research Infrastructure

The Department research is structured in research groups. There are two established groups: Artificial Intelligence, and Verification and Analysis, and one developing group on Combinatorial and Cryptographic Algorithms. The groups all have their own meetings, and all members (especially group leaders) provide encouragement for new researchers, advice on publication outlets, and help with grant applications.
Following a steep improvement in Goldsmiths’ quality ratings from the 1992 to the 1996 RAE, the College is deeply committed to consolidating its position by investing in the overall research culture. The Department benefits from this and will continue to do so in the future. For example, the College ensures that all QR money is invested in research and that 100% of research overheads devolve back to the academic departments that generate them. The College also runs a series of research-related staff development courses and members of the Department regularly attend these sessions. One of the three Pro-Wardens (PV-C) has research as his specific brief and runs a Research Office to support staff and postgraduate students. PGR students are a substantial and growing section of the College population. In addition to department specific ICT and repro facilities provided there are dedicated PGR facilities in our research precinct and the College is currently developing a further large property, Hatcham House, as a dedicated PGR Centre with a relocated Research Office, meeting rooms, common rooms and further ICT facilities (completion September 2001). This will provide both a practical and a symbolic focus for this important group within our community. The College ethos is such that the learning-teaching strategy is explicitly research-led.

2.2 Research Meetings

The Department runs a public seminar series that attracts speakers from many other British and foreign universities (including researchers from the US, France, China, and Japan). In addition, there are weekly Artificial Intelligence research meetings. These meetings take two distinct alternating forms: semi-public meetings that include most of the Department and researchers from allied departments at Goldsmiths, and meetings of small subgroups. The larger meetings function as focussed research seminars; the smaller groups' function is to actively encourage joint working. In the small groups researchers present fragments of work in progress, or jointly read and discuss other people’s work. In parallel, the verification and analysis group (which includes researchers from both computing and mathematics of Goldsmiths, as well as researchers from several other London universities) meets informally at Goldsmiths at least once a month in meetings akin to the smaller AI group meetings.

2.3 Research Conditions

The Department is research-led, and in common with other such departments, provides money for staff and PGR students to present papers at international conferences. Teaching terms are organised to ensure that every staff member has six months free from lecturing, and timetables arranged so that at least one day a week during teaching terms is free from teaching and administration and is devoted to research. Moreover, permanent staff members are entitled to one term’s paid study leave in every seven terms of service.

2.4 Research Encouragement and Monitoring

All staff members have an annual performance review meeting with the head of department. The purpose of the meeting is to encourage and facilitate research plans and productivity. In addition, probationary staff are mentored by more experienced members of the department who guide and monitor the new staff member’s progress. Postgraduates have regular meetings with their supervisors and second supervisors, produce annual reports and are required to give a seminar at least once a year.

3 Research Description by Group

The Department has kept its research directions intact in spite of a substantial recent turnover of staff. Although five members of staff have left (including one moving to a Chair at Bath, and others to lectureships at KCL and QMW), the Department has made five strong strategic appointments with the express aim of furthering the ongoing research. Moreover, most of those who have left continue to work closely with staff who remain. The department’s research mostly resides in two main computing research groups—Verification and Analysis of Programs and Systems, and Artificial Intelligence. There is an additional group—the Algorithms Group— that is now being formed.
The Algorithms group is exploring combinatorial algorithms, cryptographic algorithms and random structures. The Verification and Analysis group investigates theoretical aspects of static program analysis, and develops new techniques for system test and theorem proving with applications to safety systems. The Artificial Intelligence Group has two distinct subgroups: Natural Language Processing and Heuristic and Adaptive Algorithms The boundaries between the research groups are far from firm and various members of the Department—Harman, Stephens, Zimmer—contribute to more than one of them.

3.1 Artificial Intelligence Group

The members of the Artificial Intelligence Group have published 45 refereed papers in Artificial Intelligence during the RAE period; the group has been awarded £250K from one Framework V and one EPSRC grant.

Heuristic and Adaptive Algorithms (Harman, Nikolaev, Stephens, Zimmer)

Theory: Nikolaev and Zimmer are both performing theoretical investigations on evolutionary computation, genetic algorithms, inductive genetic programming, neural networks, machine learning and heuristic search [Nikolaev (3); Zimmer (1)]. In particular, they have both been exploring aspects of the relationship between representation and learning in adaptive settings. For example, Nikolaev has developed genetic algorithms that rely on explicit fitness landscape expansion and Zimmer has designed genetic algorithms that work on adapting representations. In addition, Nikolaev has developed a family of inductive Genetic Programming systems that evolve polynomial learning networks [Nikolaev (4)], an inductive genetic programming system evolving decision trees, and learning algorithms modelled on the immune system. [Nikolaev (3)] Zimmer has studied the interaction of abstraction and searching, leading to heuristic search algorithms such as an hierarchical version of A*. He is also been developing an algebraic theory of neural networks, and studying computing and philosophical issues involved in emergent computing.

Applications: The department has developed new heuristic [Zimmer (1)] and adaptive algorithms [Nikolaev (1,2,3)] and has used them to provide partial solutions to intractable problems in computing, engineering and mathematics.
Nikolaev is applying neural networks, genetic algorithms and genetic programming to problems in linear regression, combinatorial optimisation, pattern recognition, classification, system identification, time-series prediction, and financial market prediction. He is now involved with the University of Tokyo in a project on evolving genome networks.
Zimmer has developed a new data-path synthesis system that is based on genetic algorithms. This system forms the basis of a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) design system [Zimmer (2)]. Zimmer (with collaborators at the University of Texas and Motorola) is now in negotiations with venture capitalists in Texas about forming a company to produce a tool ( based on a combination of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing), to guide the choice of a testing strategy for a micro-electronic system. This system will be based on work originally done in an EC-funded project.
Stephens has produced several partial solutions to the frequency assignment problem using meta-heuristic search algorithms ( the frequency assignment problem is the combinatorial optimisation problem of minimising interference while allocating areas of the radio frequency spectrum). Stephens has applied a range of heuristic techniques to the problem: these techniques include tabu methods (an aggressive neighbourhood search method which reaches the whole search space but forbids certain moves, preventing cycling) [Stephens (1)], tabu methods with surrogate constraints (providing a more directed search) [Stephens (3)], tabu search with the technique of divide and conquer (providing a faster effective search technique), neural networks, and genetic algorithms [Stephens (2)].

Harman and Stephens secured EPSRC funding to set up the SEMINAL network, which is researching applications of meta-heuristic algorithms in software engineering, including testing and software cost estimation. The network has regular meetings, and is running an IEEE workshop later this year. The SEMINAL network includes researchers from the Universities of Bournemouth, Bristol, Brunel, Glamorgan, Reading, Strathclyde and York, and from British Aerospace, British Telecom, and Daimler-Chrysler.

AI Subgroup 2: Natural Language (Kibble, Lin, Fox)

Theory: Both Kibble and Fox have produced new notions of formal semantics for natural language. Kibble has extended Dynamic Logic and Update Semantics to handle discourse phenomena such as reference resolution and rhetorical structure [Kibble (1)]. His present work challenges the prevalent assumption that texts are structured through the use of a fixed set of “discourse relations”. Kibble has replaced that assumption with the hypothesis that the structuring of texts is informed by a model of the knowledge and beliefs of a typical reader. This approach is based on the framework of Update Semantics, with the process of text interpretation modelled as the successive elimination of sets of possible worlds.
Fox has been applying weak first-order Property Theory to the analysis of the semantics of natural language. This has involved formalising a new theory of anaphora and dependent types using ideas from constructive type theory, but within a non-constructive setting. It allows expressions to be interpreted as both types and propositions, providing a new treatment of natural language pronouns in a classical logic. This work forms part of a monograph on foundational issues in formal semantics that has been published by The Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University [Fox (1)].
Lin works has made advances in computational linguistics, common-sense reasoning in artificial intelligence, theoretical linguistics, and the philosophy of language. He has developed three models for reasoning about time, which take instants, intervals, and events as the basic elements of time respectively [Lin (4)]. He has also built a computational systemic grammar (which is an extremely large machine grammar) and a dialogue system (which has components such as a parser, a sentence generator, a belief system, a planner, and a systemic dialogue model). Lin has provided a detailed critique of Chomsky's syntactic theory and Davidson's semantic theory, and proposed a new theory of syntax and semantics that avoids the problems that he highlighted in the major accounts [Lin (1, 2, 3)]. Lin’s investigation in theoretical linguistics has motivated him to work on modelling grammar acquisition procedures. He is now investigating the innate procedures that make language acquisition effective.

Applications: Fox, Kibble and Lin have all been key parts of projects that produced natural language processing systems, and are all working towards implementing systems now. Lin contributed to a computational linguistics project in Cardiff, building an intelligent dialogue system. He is currently exploring the connection between the learning of grammar by computers using statistical techniques and the acquisition of grammar by humans using innate procedures.
Kibble has worked on language interpretation and language generation systems. With the linguistics group of the School of Oriental and African Studies, he implemented a deductive parsing system that is based on the formal model of Labelled Deduction reported in [Kibble(2)]. He also has used Centering Theory to develop of a new algorithm for generating anaphoric references in parallel with text planning [Kibble (3)]. Kibble discovered several formal inadequacies and inconsistencies in current empirical approaches to coreference resolution such as the Message Understanding Conferences scheme[ Kibble(4)]. He is currently working on the design of an agent-oriented system for text and discourse understanding based on a new theoretical model that he has recently developed. As a necessary step towards implementation of the agent system, Kibble is deriving a procedural interpretation of the possible-worlds framework.

The Natural Language group secured 300,000 Euro of funding on a 2.1 MEuro Framework V Business Process Re-engineering project called Inspire. The part of the research that was planned and started at Goldsmiths involves the implementation of an agent-based generic process description architecture and a Natural Language interface.

3.2 Verification and Analysis Group (Danicic, Fox, Harman, Zimmer)

The members of the Verification Group have published 25 refereed papers in Verification and analysis of systems during the RAE period; the group has been awarded £230K from three EPSRC grants, and Zimmer was principal investigator for an industrially funded £225K verification project during the period.

Danicic, Fox, Harman, Rob Hierons and John Howroyd (returned in UoA 22) have formed a group producing theoretical and applied results related to program slicing—the group is called VASTT (Verification and Analysis using Slicing, Testing and Transformation). Slicing techniques are program simplification methods [Harman (2)]. The VASTT group has developed algorithms for diverse forms of slicing including: Conventional Slicing, for which new algorithms have been developed and implemented, including a concurrent implementation of Weiser's algorithm in multi-threaded Java. [Danicic (2), Harman (1)]; Amorphous Slicing, in which all semantics preserving transformations are allowed. As well as having produced the first implementation of an amorphous program slicer based on the system dependence graph, the VASTT group has also developed a theoretical framework of program projection upon which amorphous slicing is based [Fox (1)]; Conditioned Slicing, which is a generalisation of static and dynamic slicing. The VASTT group have devised ways of using conditioned slicing to assist in several software engineering tasks including software metrics and program testing [Danicic (1)]. While mutation testing has proved to be an effective way of finding faults, currently it is only applied to relatively small programs. One of the main reasons for this is the large amount of human analysis required in detecting equivalent mutants. One of the applications of program slicing to software testing involves reducing the number of equivalent mutants produced [Danicic (3)]
The group has developed a conditioned slicing system, called ConSIT (which is the first fully automated implementation of conditioned slicing). ConSIT uses a theorem prover to reason about the values of program predicates in certain sets of states derived from the conditioned slicing algorithm. [Danicic (4)] This combination of symbolic program execution and theorem proving is now being extended to a software engineering tool. The tool will aid reasoning about symbolic states of imperative programs, where a symbolic state consists of sets of symbolic variable assignments and path conditions. This will act as an aid to program verification, program comprehension, testing, reverse engineering, re-engineering and code reuse. This work draws upon work Zimmer (and Michael Fourman) did to produce a micro-electronic design system, called LAMBDA that incorporates a theorem prover within it, so that circuits can be designed and verified as part of one process. Within the present RAE period, Zimmer has been applying LAMBDA and extensions of those original techniques to the design and verification of safety-critical systems. In particular, Zimmer was the principal investigator on a £225 K research contract with the Health and Safety Executive and the nuclear industry, investigating how the industry can, using a combination of formal design and verification principles and testing techniques, move safely from analogue to micro-electronic reactor protection systems. Zimmer was jointly responsible for producing the guidelines that the British nuclear industry use to ensure the safety of micro-electronic based systems, especially for critical components. The HSE also sponsored Zimmer to produce, as a consultant to Bristol University’s Safety research Centre, a strategy for on-line testing of safety systems.
As well as the theorem proving, the safety-critical design work includes the use of model checkers to provide proofs of safety and liveness for the dynamics of the circuits. To make the model checking easier to use, Zimmer developed a categorical theory of conjoining descriptions. Zimmer is now using these techniques in the verification of dynamic properties of telecommunications protocols, and (collaboratively with KCL) in the specification and verification contracts and electronic trade procedures.

Danicic, Harman and Fox have secured EPSRC funding for a project whose goal is to design and implement practical algorithms for amorphous slicing by incorporating program transformation ideas. The project, called GUSTT (or Guided Slicing and Targeted Transformation) is a collaborative project with Durham University. The VASTT group maintains regular contact with Durham on this project, and also with several other universities and companies, including Bristol University, BT Labs, British Aerospace, and AT&T. They have a particularly close relationship with Daimler-Chrysler, to whom they are provided support for using slicing to help with software verification.

3.3 Design and Analysis of Algorithms. (Cooper, Stephens)

This is a nascent group that now consists of three members : Cooper, who has recently joined the Department, Pu (a recent PhD not being returned as research active but beginning to make research contributions), and Stephens who is about to complete his term as Head of Department. Over the RAE period, these three have produced 20 papers in the subject.

Combinatorial Algorithms. Cooper designs and analyses algorithms to solve combinatorial problems. He has given the best known bounds of the average case complexity of shortest path problems in which negative edge weights (but no negative weighted cycles) can occur [Cooper (2)] . During the RAE period, he published five journal articles on sparse graph structures, proving existence of such properties as connectivity and Hamiltonicity, developing algorithms and computing complexity of these algorithms in a probabilistic context. For example, he (with Alan Frieze of Carnegie Mellon University) have produced a new algorithm for finding Hamiltonian cycles in very sparse random digraphs and are now studying Hamilton cycles and Chromatic numbers in random regular graphs of very high degree. Cooper also has solved problems in the complexity of probabilistic sampling and randomized approximation algorithms, with applications to computational problems in statistical physics of large systems near a phase transition. Cooper also studies random combinatorial structures, flow-graph enumeration, and the generation of sparse non-singular matrices by sampling [[Cooper (1)] and 2 other papers]. He and Frieze are now producing models of small world graphs such as the World Wide Web.

Cryptographic Algorithms. Both Stephens and Cooper analyse and design algorithms used in cryptography. Stephens is applying computational number theoretic algorithms to this study. In particular he has reset the discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves in terms of elliptic divisibility sequences. This work has exposed weaknesses of certain cryptosytems. Stephens continued his study of applications of elliptic divisibility sequences to computational number theory by using them to study integer points on elliptic curves [Stephens (4)]. Cooper works on algorithms and complexity issues arising from a long-outstanding problem in transformation ciphers. This work is done jointly with Kovalenko (an Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, now at the University of Trier in Germany).

4 Supporting Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Research

The department has always fostered collaborative work: some of the group works regularly with mathematics and statistics staff at Goldsmiths. In particular, VASTT includes John Howroyd who is extending the program slicing work to more theoretical models of computation; the heuristic algorithms group works with Lillian de Menezes (submitted in UoA 24), performing statistical analyses of the effectiveness of prediction and optimisation techniques, and the combinatorial algorithms group with Bill Jackson (submitted in UoA 22)on graph theory and combinatorial algorithms.
To encourage joint work with people outside the College, the Department supports staff to go on sabbaticals one term in seven. And the effects have been good. All members of staff collaborate with researchers in other universities. For example, the VASTT group includes people from KCL and Brunel and works with several other universities and companies in the UK< the US, and Europe. The Artificial Intelligence group works with people in Austin, Ottawa, Tokyo, Oxford, Bristol; the algorithms group has co-workers in Carnegie-Mellon, Leeds University, and Cardiff.
The shape of interdisciplinary work is beginning to change substantially. The advent of the research centre in Cognition, Computation, and Culture is already forming the focus for a radical interdisciplinary direction for the department. For example, a monthly symposium for museum computing in London has been set up by members of the Computing group at Goldsmiths. These symposia include leading figures from the main London museums, researchers from KCL, UCL, Leicester University, and designers from software houses. This kind of initiative will grow over the next several years, including joint initiatives in Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks, and in evaluating the use of computers and web-based systems in education and cognitive development. Preliminary work on this is now being planned collaboratively with both the Computer Science Department and the Institute for Educational Technology at the Open University.

5 Plans for Developing the Research of Younger Researchers

The younger members of the department all take part in the department’s seminars and are all members of research groups. Inexperienced members of staff are mentored by experienced members with whom they meet at least termly. Younger researchers also work closely with experienced researchers with whom they collaborate on research papers and grant applications. Ida Pu is a recent PhD who is working with Cooper and Stephens and will help build the algorithms group, and Marian Ursu, who has just submitted his PhD, is working closely with Zimmer and will play a large role in the development of the new research centre.

Imperial College of Science, Technology _25 5* [42.6B]

The formal research structure of the Department of Computing is organised under the following 5 themes: Distributed Software Engineering; High Performance Informatics; Interactive Media; Logic and Artificial Intelligence; Software Technology and Theory. IC-Parc is an independent College Centre which specialises in applications of constraint programming to network planning and optimisation problems. The work of IC-Parc is included in the Logic and Artificial Intelligence theme.

In the period 1996 – 2000 we have seen sustained growth in the Department. We have made 14 new academic appointments, both to strengthen and to broaden our fields of activity; 7 staff have left (3 retirements, 3 to senior appointments at other institutions and 1 out of academia). Of the new staff, 12 are in post and 2 new senior lecturers (Huth and McCann) arrive in July 2001. In addition, the Department was successful in a bid to the Research Councils for the creation of a new research group in Bioinformatics. We have appointed Muggleton to a Research Chair in Bioinformatics (starting in July 2001) and expect to appoint at least one supporting position in the near future. This will enhance existing activity and strengthen our links with the Life Sciences, the Imperial College School of Medicine and the new Institute of Genetics and Genomics at Imperial. During the assessment period we have also made appointments which strengthen our existing activities in Visual Information Processing and Custom Computing and created a new group in Data Mining; two of our recent appointments are experts in probabilistic computation and will enhance Quantum Computation activities with members of the Departments of Physics and Electrical and Electronic Engineering within the College.

In 1999 the College repeated the Governors' Lectureship scheme, successfully introduced in 1994. The purpose of the scheme was to encourage "new blood" appointments by providing central funding for an initial period to support the appointment of promising young researchers to lectureships. Departments competed for appointments under this scheme, and Computing was successful in making two appointments (Lupu and Toni) included in the numbers mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

Mentors are appointed for all new lecturers; these are more experienced academics who have the responsibility to advise the new lecturer in all academic matters. The mentor is involved in the probationary review process. The progress of new lecturers is formally reviewed annually. The College operates a sabbatical scheme for established staff. During the assessment period, 11 members of staff had sabbaticals.

The Department has a research committee, chaired by the Director of Research (Hankin) and including research group leaders, the Director of the Imperial College Parallel Centre, ICPC, (Darlington) and the Head of Department (Kramer). The Department has strong links with industry. We have been successful in attracting substantial donations that fund PhD bursaries, equipment and laboratories (including Arthur Andersen, Deutsche Bank, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Microsoft and Symbian). Our objective has been to foster long term links with industry that encourage the exchange of ideas and technology and that can influence research focus and direction. Professors Shigeru Sato (Fujitsu), Michael Jackson (M J Associates) and Ian Page (Celoxica) are Visiting Professors in the Department. Most of the groups have active seminar series which frequently feature international speakers; this is supplemented by a Departmental series which includes talks of more general interest from industrialists and leading international speakers.

Our research investigates and develops both theory and practice. This dual approach is intended to ensure that the techniques we develop are theoretically sound, directed at real needs, and suitable for integration with other established and emerging technologies. In our 1996 return, we identified 23 technical objectives. In all cases we achieved or surpassed our objectives (see achievements in the following section). The achievements listed are all backed by publication in peer-reviewed articles. Many of our achievements over the assessment period have direct application to, or have anticipated, the UK and international GRID initiatives and the new EU–initiatives in Global Computing. With new appointments in quantitative computing and Bioinformatics, we are ensuring that we stay at the forefront of Computer Science research.

Research achievements and plans

1. Distributed Software Engineering
This grouping involves researchers DSE 1 - 8. Their work is focussed on software architecture, design and analysis, distributed systems, and requirements engineering.

Major achievements within the period have included:
· A sound and practical approach for developing product families based on the Darwin architectural language, was developed through direct collaboration with Philips for their consumer electronics products (TV sets). This exploits the compositional properties offered in Darwin and provides the opportunity for static analysis using model checking. (Dulay, Kramer, Magee)
· The results of research into behavioural analysis of software architecture have been embodied into the Labelled Transition System Analyser (LTSA) tool which is used worldwide in both teaching and research concerned with modelling and analysis of concurrent systems. Recent work has extended the capabilities of this tool to permit domain specific visual animations of behavioural models. This has been successfully applied to diverse application domains - two examples being firewall deployment workflows and air traffic control conflict alert systems. (Kramer, Magee)
· A component interaction language (Midas) has been designed for mapping programmer-defined interactions to configurable protocol stacks. Interaction specifications can be augmented with a formal specification of the properties of an interaction protocol and the behaviour of the protocol mechanically checked. The interaction models compose naturally with architectural models of the systems behaviour and are used to generate run-time code that checks the compliance of protocol implementations. (Dulay, Magee, Sloman)
· A declarative object-oriented language called Ponder has been developed for specification of management and security policies for networks and distributed systems. Dynamic adaptation of management strategy can be achieved by modifying policies which define the choices in the behaviour of a system. The language can be used to define authorisation policies which are then translated into operating system security mechanisms, firewall rules etc. We have been working on tools to support analysis of policies to detect conflicts. The Ponder language is being used by a number of companies such as BT, Fujitsu, Sun and various university research groups. (Dulay, Lupu, Sloman)
· A Generic location service was developed for mobile computing. This used information from a number of different sources such as GPS receivers, active badges and potentially cellular base stations to determine current location for context aware mobile applications. It makes use of heuristics to predict future location based on current location and direction of motion. We have also been working on the management of quality of service by selecting variants of information streams, such as the most appropriate map information relating to the current context of a mobile user. (Dulay, Kramer, Magee, Sloman)
· A quasi-classical (QC) logic was developed that adapts classical logic to allow reasoning in the presence of inconsistency without trivialisation. The formal framework within which this logic is used also provides tools for analysing inconsistent specifications, in order to track the causes of inconsistencies and their impact. A further adaptation of QC logic was developed to allow abductive reasoning in the presence of inconsistency. This provides the ability to change inconsistent specifications. Practical experiments and research are being (or have been) conducted with applications in air traffic (NATS) and critical software (NASA). (Kramer, Nuseibeh, Russo)
· A general framework for the representation of distributed, heterogeneous database schemas, and transformation rules on those schema, has been developed in collaboration with Birkbeck College. The use of this framework to represent transformations within and between a number of data models, including ER, UML and Relational models has been investigated. Work on the use of the framework to translate and migrate data and queries between semantically heterogeneous, distributed databases has also been completed, and a basic prototype produced. (McBrien)

The main technical objectives for the coming period are:

1. To develop techniques for building context-aware mobile, adaptive computing systems and investigate the integration of mobile computing with existing multi-media information services. This will include an environment for building constraint-based, self-organising architectures for distributed component software. (Dulay, Kramer, Lupu, Magee, Sloman)

2. To develop a tool for the specification and analysis of database schema transformation rules, and investigate the use of those rules to automate the process of building mediators between heterogeneous distributed database systems. (McBrien)

3. To develop an approach for software requirements engineering which is robust to change. The approach will include architectural and behavioural models so as to facilitate property analysis and inconsistency checks, and will provide facilities for suggesting possible repair actions. (Kramer, Russo)

4. To develop an integrated tool set for specification, refinement, analysis and deployment of management and security policies for distributed systems based on the Ponder Policy specification language. We intend to investigate the use of policies in programmable networks to support adaptability within network-aware applications and how they interact with policy-based switching and routing elements. (Dulay, Lupu, Sloman)

5. To extend the behavioral analysis theory and tools for software architectures to cater for the analysis and visualization of hybrid models - models with an element of continuous behavior. In addition, we intend to pursue some promising initial work on the synthesis of behavioral models from message sequences charts (MSCs). (Kramer, Magee)

2. High Performance Informatics
This grouping involves researchers HPI 1 - 8. Their work is focussed on applications of high performance computing, data mining, parallel software, computational management, visualisation and performance modelling and engineering.

Major achievements within the period have included:
· A new algorithm for the solution of very large Markov chains has been developed. Using a parallel implementation of the conjugate gradient algorithm with distributed partitioning of the state transition matrix (generated from abstract specifications of a Markov chain, e.g. a Petri net), combined with a probabilistic hashing of state vectors, chains with over 100 million states can be solved for their steady state probabilites. (Harrison, Knottenbelt)
· A new Dual Phase-2 simplex algorithm has been invented. This makes a breakthrough in our capabilities in solving mixed integer programming, the main computational engine of decision support systems. (Maros, Rustem)
· A generic Co-ordination Language, SCL, with a range of co-ordination primitives and parallel abstract data types has been designed. A concrete parallel language, Structured Parallel Fortran, SPF, obtained by linking the generic SCL with Fortran, with demonstrated portability across several machines has been implemented and it has been experimentally verified that the SPF compiler produces code as efficient and scalable as the best hand-coded Fortran with MPI. A theory for the optimal composition of co-ordination structures has been developed and this theory has been formalised as an algebra of co-ordination forms with their associated performance models. (Darlington, Guo)
· The Kensington distributed data mining infrastructure is the backbone of the Terabyte Challenge project for Global Distributed Data Mining from 1998. One of the most significant achievements in data mining applications was to build the Kensington Discovery Edition for supporting scientific discovery work from large scale distributed scientific data on the internet. (Darlington, Guo)
· The Imperial College Parallel Computing Centre and the Parallel Software Group have developed links with many applied groups within Imperial College. Including: a scientific study of life in the oceans through computer models with the College’s T. H. Huxley School of the Environment, the development of efficient MHD modelling code for Coronal Mass Ejections and Radiation-driven Disk Winds in collaboration with Space and Atmospheric Physics, CFD modelling of Coupled Fluid Structural flow in Gas Turbines in collaboration with the Centre of Vibration Engineering and Rolls Royce, biomedical modelling of blood flow, underwater structural vibration analysis, biomedical ultrasonics and architectural and automotive acoustics in collaboration with the Department of Aeronautics and Large Eddy Simulation of Wind Blow Fires and Flames in collaboration with the Department of Mechanical Engineering. (Darlington, Field)
· New design studies for video search engines, information visualisation and image retrieval have been completed. (Rueger)

The main technical objectives for the coming period are:

1. Image reconstruction problems can be formulated as large-scale optimisation problems. As general purpose solution algorithms are inefficient, this area is open to research to find algorithms that can be used to create better quality images in reasonable time. Based on our experience in optimisation this research promises some important results. (Maros)

2. To study computationally hard problems in multi-period mean-variance portfolio optimisation for financial decisions under uncertainty. This is a generalisation of stochastic programming approaches to finance. (Rustem)

3. Minimax algorithms will be explored for applications to engineering design. Optimal decision making requires efficient optimisation algorithms with efficient search procedures. Advanced interior point and sequential quadratic programming algorithms will be investigated, tested and extended to large-scale problems for high performance computing. (Rustem)

4. To investigate optimisation of mobile telephone networks. Initial work is applying optimisation methods to systems modelled by networks of non-standard queues. For example we are investigating the minimisation of the loss rate for video traffic and the response time of data traffic subject to constraints on maximum video response time and maximum data loss rate. (Harrison, Knottenbelt, Rustem)

5. To research and develop the software and hardware techniques that will allow the integration of geographically distributed high performance physical and software resources (parallel machines, data archives, scientific instruments, data feeds, modelling techniques, visualisation capabilities, software components and packages) to provide an integrated and unified computational resource that can be accessed and used in a seamless and transparent manner. The importance of such developments has been highlighted by the recent Government Science White Paper that set out an ambitious programme for the realisation of e-science in many application areas. (Darlington, Field, Guo)

6. To develop further the internet-based data analysis technology adopted in the Kensington system to realise an infrastructure supporting full scale e-science activities. The research will devise new mechanisms of discovery driven information browsing, a tight integration of data mining with information retrieval for dynamic knowledge management, and a systematic way of managing intellectual properties. (Darlington, Guo)

7. To research, develop and implement a content-based multimedia information retrieval system integrating media such as videos, images, music, the web and text repositories. (Rueger)

3. Interactive Media
This grouping involves researchers IM 1 - 6. Their work is focussed on image processing and custom computing.

Major achievements within the period have included:
· A method was developed of accelerating the computation of a finite element model of the gall bladder during laparoscopic cholesysectomy by making use of St Vennant's principle. Patient specific model of the upper human airway has been constructed and verified with magnetic resonance imaging. It is the first of its kind and has applications not only to training, but also in pre-operative planning and prediction and the design of medical instruments. (Burger, Gillies)
· A new concept of locally focused magnetic resonance imaging has been developed. It has widespread applications in cardiac imaging where vessel motion imposes major difficulties. The method has been validated for 3D coronary imaging, real-time transient flow imaging, and rapid cardiac imaging. The technique is of important value to the future development of interactive/real-time imaging. (Yang)
· Using Bayesian methods in vision, a major new algorithm for determining the parameters of hidden variables in discrete data sets has been produced. This algorithm has been validated in application to computer vision problems, but is applicable generally. (Gillies)

· A novel framework for multi-modality image fusion and registration based on information theory has been developed. In particular, the developed algorithms have been successfully applied to 3D contrast-enhanced MR mammography for the detection of breast cancer. Other applications include the matching of 3D models to 2D video images. (Rueckert)
· A hardware library language, Pebble, has been developed, together with related compilation schemes, semantic frameworks, and design tools targeting VHDL87, VHDL93 and EDIF. Pebble has been used in many applications such as augmented reality and network security, and in developing hardware libraries for several vendors of programmable hardware. (Luk)
· A method has been developed for compiling hardware pipelines from an imperative language based on vectorisation and tiling techniques. Such compilers, together with novel optimisation schemes for common algorithmic kernels such as vector products, have resulted in many adaptable and efficient designs for graphics and imaging. A novel modular framework, based on process algebra techniques, has been developed for verifying the correctness of these compilers for producing clocked and asynchronous circuits. (Luk)

The main technical objectives for the coming period are:

1. To design and implement next generation interactive simulation and augmented reality environment for medicine, including surgical skills training and assessment, prediction of complications, and instrument design. (Gillies, Rueckert, Yang)

2. To develop novel ultra-fast interactive anatomical/functional imaging and reconstruction techniques for cardiovascular magnetic resonance. (Yang)

3. To explore psychophysical models of human visual search and to investigate the use of probabilistic inference and visual tracking for establishing a new framework for decision support systems in image understanding. (Gillies, Yang)

4. To explore and implement multi-modal image fusion techniques based on structural/functional modelling and registration, and to establish novel image based rendering techniques for visual augmentation in virtual environments. (Rueckert, Yang)

5. To understand the unifying principles and generic analysis and synthesis techniques for developing custom computers, and to apply such principles and techniques in producing effective custom computing tools and systems, particularly for applications involving media processing. (Luk, Mencer)

4. Logic and Artificial Intelligence
This grouping involves researchers LAI 1 - 11. Their work is focussed on computational logic, communicating agents and network planning and optimisation.

Major achievements within the period have included:
· A new game-based method representations in algebraic logic has been developed. It has been used together with a new combinatorical construction to derive equational axiomatisations, non-finite axiomatisability results, and results on complexity of axiomatisations. (Hodkinson)
· Using a combinatorial theorem of Herwig, a simple proof has been given that certain classes of algebras have the 'finite base property' and have decidable universal theories, and that any finite algebra in each class is representable on a finite set. (Hodkinson)
· A formal-logical theory of normative positions has been developed, a major component of a more comprehensive formal treatment of the concepts of duty and right, which significantly generalises and extends previous accounts. The theory includes methods for automation and software tools designed to enable application of the theory to practical problems in the design and analysis of rules, regulations, contracts, agreements, and policies. (Sergot)
· A unified logic-based agent architecture has been developed which combines reactivity and proactivity, and the architecture has been extended to deal with inter-agent communication. The reasoning component is an extension of logic programming with integrity constraints combining forward and backward reasoning. (Kowalski, Sadri, Toni)
· A study of the computational complexity of a general abstract framework for argumentation that includes most known formalisms for non-monotonic reasoning as special instances has been completed. The work includes computational counterpart of argumentation for reasoning and planning in temporal domains with incomplete information. (Kowalski, Toni)
· A GANESH system for automated annotation of genome data has been developed. It allows users to construct automatically updated databases of selected regions of a genome. For each such region, the system integrates the results of a wide range of genome analysis packages, keeps them updated, and provides visualisation tools for accessing the data over the web. The system is being used by several collaborating groups in Imperial College and elsewhere, and in the GIFT project, a large collaborative EU Framework V project on the genetic basis of type 2 diabetes. (Sergot)
· The theory of Labelled Deductive Systems (LDS) has been further developed and applied in several areas, including conditional logics and abduction. New algorithms for resource logics have been proposed and a compiled approach to implementation developed. (Broda)
· An abstract framework has been developed for modelling web-based portals for multi-agent institutions. Agent roles and plans are managed by an abstract portal engine underpinned by constraint logic programming. (Hogger)
· We have shown how a computationally tractable fragment of an interval tense logic can be used to represent the semantics of a core set of aspectual structures in English. (Cunningham)
· The APRIL and QUPROLOG systems for agent programming and reasoning have been enhanced by compatible interprocess communication (and object models) with international, industrial and university collaboration. (Clark)
· Requirements and prototypes for agent based electronic commerce have been developed in collaboration with the European telecommunication industry. (Clark, Cunningham)
· Supported by grants from EPSRC, the EU and commerce, IC-Parc has enhanced the Eclipse constraint programming environment to support tightly coupled hybrid algorithms which include linear programming, stochastic algorithms, interval and finite domain reasoning. (Richards, Wallace)

The main technical objectives for the coming period are:

1. To develop further work on logic-based multi-agent systems (MAS), including implementations of combined reactive and deliberative agents, dynamic knowledge assimilation, planning and plan repair techniques, argumentation-based negotiation, integration of learning, practical reasoning, and communication within MAS. (Kowalski, Sadri, Toni)

2. To complete recent work on multi-robot situations and to extend it to deal with hierarchical agent programs; to establish properties of the derived programs using statistical methods; to apply the method to a large case study based on real robots. (Broda, Hogger)

3. To extend knowledge of the mathematical foundations and computational aspects of modal and algebraic logics. To develop and study systematically the computational and logical properties of many-dimensional logical systems emerging from CS and AI applications. To design methods for controlling the interaction between dimensions by exploiting the pre-existing structure of the component application domains. (Hodkinson)

4. To conduct further investigations of logics associated with practical reasoning and communication, with particular attention to temporal, epistemic, deontic and action logics, including techniques for automation; to develop new semantical accounts based on computational processes and to study the relationships to standard semantical accounts. (Cunningham, Sergot)

5. To apply emerging results from the logic of norms and theories of argumentation and negotiation to problems in e-commerce and e-business, e-government, the provision of legal services, and the regulation and self-regulation of electronic societies. (Sergot)

6. To develop the use of deductive and temporal database techniques in the integration, curation and visualisation of data sources in bioinformatics; to adapt logic-based representation techniques to the representation and analysis of biological pathways. (Sergot)

7. To develop further software engineering tools, programming languages and methods for integrated agent based software. In particular, there is need for ways of reconciling the attractions of software agents using artificial intelligence technologies to reduce large scale complexity in design, with the need for execution architectures which are efficient as well as supportive, tuned for the internet age and looking beyond it. (Clark, Cunningham)

8. The research objectives of the Centre for Planning and Resource Control are focussed on the design of hybrid algorithms for large scale combinatorial optimisation problems, and enhancement of the Eclipse constraint programming environment to exploit them. (Richards, Wallace)

5. Software Technology and Theory
This grouping involves researchers STT 1 - 10. Their work is focussed on programming language theory, software process, exact computation and software performance optimisation.

Major achievements within the period have included:
· There have been fundamental breakthroughs in the use of domain theory to develop algorithms for solid modelling and computational geometry following on from the earlier work on exact real arithmetic. (Edalat)
· A provably correct complete C-library for computing elementary functions up to any precision has been developed and made available free on the web. A data type for solid modelling and computational geometry has been constructed which provides a realistic and sound model, in particular for CAD. Furthermore, domains for differentiable functions have been discovered which give rise to a domain-theoretic solution of differential equations. (Edalat)
· Contributions have been made to the emerging discipline of Digital Geometry, in particular: an axiomatic region-based geometry admitting realistic finite models; and a flexible theory of multifunctions over digital spaces, including fixed point theory. (Smyth)
· A long-standing problem in bounds checking of pointers and arrays in C programs has been solved, and patches have been released to the public domain gcc. Earlier approaches extend the pointer representation to carry checking information, we avoid this, with the benefit that checked code can be freely linked with unchecked code. (Kelly)
· In our software process studies we have, through the study of the evolution of several industry software systems, confirmed the laws of software evolution, identified possible feedback control mechanisms in the software process and laid foundations for the development of a formal theory of software evolution. (Lehman)
· A new semantics-based approach to program analysis based on games semantics has been developed. This has provided a modular framework for developing new analyses. The approach leads naturally to algorithms that have the same theoretical complexity as state-of-the-art algorithms but which are correct by construction. (Hankin, Malacaria)
· A proof of type soundness for a substantial subject of Java including exceptions has been constructed. A suitable, minimal model for class based, object oriented imperative languages has been developed. The concept of binary compatibility has been formalised and clarified. Models of dynamic linking, loading and verification have also been developed. (Drossopoulou, Eisenbach)
· A system was developed that enables the dynamic integration and coordination of components through observation of their behaviour. The prototype system was reimplemented into a CORBA middleware system by a London SME specialising in middleware software. (Eisenbach)

The main technical objectives for the coming period are:

1. To develop a formal theory of software evolution and to update and extend the study of software evolution to examine current trends in systems development by studying the component and COTS based architecture development and evolution process. (Lehman)

2. To extend current understanding of code motion optimisations and the underlying static analyses, in order to provide a principled basis for optimising distributed applications without compromising security or availability. (Kelly)

3. To build a theoretical framework for run-time optimisation of irregular scientific applications, which balances the potential advantage of having full knowledge of how future execution will develop, against the time and space needed to compute and maintain this information. (Kelly)

4. To develop a theory of static analysis which is applicable to a wide variety of novel problems. It is clear that static analysis techniques may be useful in verification of mission critical software and certification of code that must conform to certain security requirements. These new areas pose interesting semantic challenges for our existing techniques (including the correct analysis of quantitative aspects such as resource usage). (Hankin, van Bakel, Wiklicky)

5. To further develop and implement our domain-theoretic model for solids and geometry to provide a proper framework for CAD engineers. We will also construct and implement a domain-theoretic data-type for differential equations which can give solutions to those equations which are either ill-conditioned or are defined using partial functions. (Edalat)

6. To develop languages and models describing evolving object oriented software (eg objects changing class, classes dynamically loaded and checked, classes being extended on the fly) in a type-safe manner. (Drossopoulou, Eisenbach)

7. To develop a language for querying semi-structured data presented as graphs, a natural structure for describing data on the Web. The aim is to provide a smooth integration of the data model, the query logic and the query language, as found in relational databases. (Gardner)

King's College London_25 4 [20.75B]


The Department of Computer Science at King’s College, London has undergone major changes in staff and research orientation in the period since the last RAE. It has grown from 13 to 20 full time academic staff, with four new professors and 11 lecturers joining the Department in the past three years. We now have four active research groups, discussed below. A strong interest in applied logic, specifically in the role of logic in computation and software technology, connects these groups. It provides a shared focus of research activity distributed over the areas of application specific to each group. As our publications, grant income, and dramatic rise in PhD student numbers show, within a short period of time we have been transformed into a dynamic research driven Department, which is now one of the major UK centres for world class work in a variety of sub-disciplines of theoretical computer science and logic-based computation. We have made another senior appointment and are in the process of making am additional one as part of an expansion in domains that further reinforce our research focus.


During the early part of the assessment period, the Department concentrated on algorithm design, data and knowledge engineering, and computer vision. In the past three years the Department has moved to a focus on applied logic and applied combinatorics to support our work in software technology. We see the guiding principles of mathematics (logic, combinatorics and algebra) as imposing a necessary discipline both for theoretical investigation and for application in the engineering of real systems. We are extending this focus to our teaching at UG and PG levels. The department now has 4 research groups: (i) Algorithm Design, (ii) Natural Language Processing, (iii) Logic and Computation, and (iv) Software Engineering.

Current Research Profile

The Algorithm Design Group (ADG)

Members: Costas Iliopoulos* (* indicates membership in more than one research group) (Head), Ralf Klasing (August, 2000), Richard Overill*, and Tomasz Radzik. Alan Gibbons, Head of Computer Science at Liverpool, is joining this group in July, 2001.

The Algorithm Design Group (ADG) was formed in 1991 and it has an established international presence. Research has followed the directions laid out in the 1996 RAE. It has achieved strong results in string regularities and matching, parallel computing, word-level parallelism, image decomposition, data structures, computer-assisted music analysis and network optimisation. Research was extended to the area of dynamic graph algorithms with the appointment of Christoph Zaroliagis (March 1998 until July 1999) and to network communication with the appointment of Ralf Klasing (Sept., 2000). While continuing theoretical research on design and analysis of algorithms, the ADG has recently increased its profile substantially in algorithm engineering, which includes experimental work on practical performance and applicability of newly developed algorithmic techniques.

Tomasz Radzik derived new bounds on the time complexity of computing approximate solutions for the multicommodity flow problem and implemented new efficient algorithms for it, as well as the generalised flow problem and dynamic graph algorithms.

Costas Iliopoulos has designed methods for optimal prefix matching, string covering and dictionary matching in two dimensions, algorithms to discover all the squares and covers of a Fibonacci string in linear time, the design of algorithms for linear-time decomposition, and analysis of partially occluded images and their impact on wide ranging applications.

Richard Overill developed a model of heterogeneous parallel computing in which a single task represented by an explicit parallelism profile function is optimally partitioned between the components of a heterogeneous parallel processor consisting of a parallel vector computer (PVC) tightly coupled to a massively parallel processor (MPP).

Rajeev Raman has obtained the best deterministic bounds for the single-source shortest-paths problem on directed graphs with non-negative weights. He has developed optimal dynamic algorithms for the closest-pair problem. He also studied the effect of cache and TLB effects in distribution sorting algorithms.

Christoph Zaroliagis designed the optimal solution for the shortest path and max-flow/min-cut problems, and he developed a new parallel priority queue with multiple insertions and multiple decrease-key in constant time. He has also contributed in the experimental study of several dynamic algorithms.

Costas Iliopoulos, Dr Raman and Prof Winder designed efficient methods for finding repeated motifs in a music score, as well as computing evolutionary paths in monophonic and polyphonic pieces of music.

Ralf Klasing investigated different network types as candidates for parallel architectures or communication networks. He also developed approximation methods for the solution of hard (e.g., NP-hard) problems and in the proving of the non-existence of effective approximation algorithms.

Objectives of the ADG for the next assessment period include:

1. Design and analysis of algorithms on combinatorial string problems with applications to the analysis of partially occluded images, data compression, music analysis and melodic recognition, and molecular sequence analysis.

2. Deriving efficient approximation algorithms and heuristics for network communication tasks in general network topologies; investigating fault-tolerance and communications models in optical networks.

3. Investigating the trade-off between the approximation quality and the running time of computation.

4. Improving methods for handling constraints, such as the finite precision arithmetic, in design, analysis, and implementation of network optimisation algorithms.

5. Advanced study of theoretical issues in data structures, randomised algorithms and dynamic algorithms for problems in directed graphs.

The Natural Language Processing (NLP) Group

Members: Chris Fox* (August, 2000), Dov Gabbay* (April, 1998), Jonathan Ginzburg (Sept. 1999), Costas Iliopoulos* and Shalom Lappin (Head) (June, 1999).

The NLP is a new group in DCS. It started with the arrival of Jonathan Ginzburg and Shalom Lappin at KCL in 1999, and Chris Fox in 2000. The main areas of research of the group are formal and computational semantics, implemented constraint-based grammar formalisms, and computational modelling of dialogue. The group has three PhD students working on funded research projects in these areas.

Shalom Lappin implemented ellipsis and fragment resolution systems that run on top of a typed feature structure grammar-parser, constructed a framework for a hyperintensional semantics of natural language (joint work with Chris Fox), explored the formal and computational properties of alternative grammar formalisms, developed a semantics for vague generalized quantifiers in natural language, and explored the logical properties of the semantic types of natural language.

Jonathan Ginzburg has done work in the formal and computational representation of dialogue, and he has just published a joint monograph with Ivan Sag of Stanford University on the syntax and semantics of interrogatives. He works with Robin Cooper’s dialogue group at the University of Goethenburg.

Chris Fox has worked in the area of computational semantics, developing a semi-decidable theory of discourse using dependent types within a classical, first-order framework. He has written a book on foundational issues in formal semantics. He has also been working on an axiomatic analysis of questions and answers, and has done some preliminary work on an analysis of vernacular mathematics.

Costas IIliopolous is working on data compression with application to natural language strings with linguists from the University of Marne la Vallée.

Objectives of the NLP Group for the next assessment period include:

1. Developing and extending the existing dialogue management system. This work is intended to yield an implemented prototype that handles a wide range of dialogue interaction types found in the British National Corpus and other large dialogue corpora.

2. Constructing the formal foundations of a hyperintensional semantics for natural language within an algebraic and proof theoretic framework. Extending work on property theory as the basis for an intensional semantics of natural language.
3. Devoting considerable effort to developing our MSc programme and attracting additional PhD students, so as to obtain support for a major funded research effort in NLP.

The Logic and Computation Group (LCG)

Members: Aspassia Daskalopulu* (August, 2000), Chris Fox* (August, 2000), Dov Gabbay* (Head) (April, 1998), Agnes Kurucz (March, 2001), Tom Maibaum* (August, 1999), David Makinson (March, 2001), Odinaldo Rodrigues (April, 1999), and Michael Zakharyaschev (August, 2000).

The LCG was formed 2 years ago with the arrival of Dov Gabbay, and it now includes eminent international researchers such as Michael Zakharyaschev, and David Makinson. It is in the process of recruiting Andrew Jones from Oslo. Research in the group concentrates on the following topics: logical foundations, proof theory, labelled deductive systems, automated deduction and goal-directed theorem proving, artificial intelligence and knowledge representation, modal and description logics, temporal logic and actions, belief revision, deontic logic, foundations and extensions of logic programming, deductive databases, fibring and combining systems, practical reasoning and non-monotonic logic, legal reasoning, and computational linguistics.

Dov Gabbay is a leading international figure in logic and logic programming. He came to King’s from Imperial College, where he had established a strong group in computational logic. He developed logical systems and mechanisms that model human reasoning and actions. Such modelling has involved construction of new kinds of logical systems and mathematical operations associated with them, e.g., labelled deductive systems, fibring logics, temporal logics, goal directed proofs, as well as many dimensional logics and quantification in non-classical logics; analysing human deductive /common sense reasoning, including abduction, relevance, dialogue structures and neurocomputing; investigating applications in natural language processing, e.g., dynamic syntax; studying medieval logic and talmudic logic.

Agnes Kurucz completed her PhD in 1998 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and her dissertation was on decision problems in algebraic logic. She works on issues of complexity and completeness in logic, and on products in modal logic.

David Makinson works on deontic logic. He was head of publications at UNESCO before joining he Department as a Senior Research Fellow at the rank of Professor.

Odinaldo Rodrigues has been working on several aspects of non-monotonic theory change. More recently he has been working on the revision of non-classical logics and the comparison between the resulting operation and classical revision.

Michael Zakharyaschev worked in the general area of Multi-dimensional logical systems in CS and artificial intelligence. The main focus was to design and implement effective and expressive formalisms intended for knowledge representation and reasoning in dynamic application domains, such as spatio-temporal structures, multi-agent and distributed systems, networked knowledge bases, or dynamic knowledge bases .

Objectives of the LCG for the next assessment period include:

1. Continuing to develop many dimensional logics and their applications.
2. Modelling the mechanisms of practical reasoning: abduction, revision, relevance.
3. Developing the connection between logic and neural nets.
4. Developing the theory of quantification in non-classical logics.
5. Developing further the theory and applications of labelled deductive systems.
6. Continuing work on temporal logic.
7. Developing connections between logic and decision/probability theory.
The Software Engineering Group (SEG)

Members: David Clark (January, 2001), Tony Clark (August, 2000), Aspassia Daskalopulu* (August, 2000), Chris Fox* (August, 2000), Kevin Lano (August, 1999), Tom Maibaum* (Head) (August, 1999), Richard Overill*, Nahed Stokes and Russel Winder (January, 1997).

The SEG was formed recently from the DKEG, which existed at the beginning of the assessment period, with the appointment of Profs Russel Winder and Tom Maibaum, the departure of several staff in the area of Information Systems and the arrival of several new staff in the area of software engineering. It reached its present form in 1999 and has doubled in size in the last 2 years. The group has longstanding collaborating with other academic and research institutions as well as with industrial partners in the UK, Europe and the USA and has 5 Research Assistants and 6 PhD students in place during the current academic session. The groups interests include: object oriented notations and tools, operational semantics and meta-notations, the development of reactive systems in B, using temporal logic specifications, the semantics of statecharts; legal reasoning and applications of artificial intelligence techniques in e-commerce and the law, business process modelling (where we have a EU sponsored project), specification languages, such as VDM and B, co-ordinated systems, requirements analysis and the epistemological basis of software engineering. A subgroup continues to work on information systems and focuses on development and assessment of methods and the analysis and assessment of security related issues in IT systems, including internet based systems.

Tom Maibaum came to King’s from Imperial College, where he had served as Head of Department and was a major figure in the software design part of the program. He has further developed an abstract theory of specification, using a framework of general logics and category theory. Some of the ideas were applied to developing a framework (with José Fiadeiro) for specifying reactive, multi-component systems. These ideas were applied to develop a toy programming language for concurrent, multi-component computation, generalising the concepts of superposition. The worlds of specification and programming were related in a compositional framework using categorical approaches. The ideas were applied to foundations for software architecture. An approach to (software) engineering design was developed based on the ideas of logical empiricists (Carnap and his successors) and this is emerging as a potentially powerful organizing principle for software engineering.

Chris Fox has developed a fully automatic conditioned program slicer, which exploits symbolic execution, theorem proving, and semantic preserving program transformations.

Kevin Lano did work on VDM++ which resulted in a significant commercial product and a sophisticated semantic framework. He worked on OO semantics, and this resulted in several significant contributions to the semantics of various notations, development of a refinement notion based on patterns and the devlopment of ideas related to subsystems in OO. He did research on software engineering for process control systems that has had significant successes and resulted in several collaborations. An environment based on B, using principles from OO and temporal logic, is being developed at KCL in collaboration with several PhD students.

Russel Winder has worked on the development of a new computing machine architecture based on the Turing model rather than the von Neumann model of a computer, computational support in Musicology, and use of Web technologies in Medical Informatics. The work on computing architectures is a collaboration with OneEighty Software Ltd. The architecture, which is called ORIGIN and is capable of both hard- and soft- implementation, allows software systems that are very much smaller than equivalent systems using traditional architectures to be written. A clean-room Java execution platform ("JVM"), called GENEVA, has been implemented using only the ORIGIN architecture. This has generated a great deal of interest in the smacrtcard, embedded control and PDA markets. The work cannot yet be published (for commercial reasons), but it will lead, in the near future, to some significant publications.

David Clark finished his PhD during the assessment period, focusing on abstract interpretation and graph rewriting. He continued working on the topics, helping to solve a 13 year old problem, of formalising the Clean strictness analyser without artificially restricting the class of allowed term graphs, by taking a purely operational view of the rewriting. He started work on using techniques from abstract interpretation to analyse security properties of programs and on the analysis of safety related properties of statechart formalisms.

Tony Clark’s research has addressed the problem of rigorous system development using object-oriented notations and methods. Results have included a formal method for the composition and refinement of OO behaviours, precisely defining UML profiles that allow OO notations to be tailored to specific application domains.

Aspassia Daskalopulu finished her PhD during the period and joined KCL in 2000 after appointments at Brunel and the Open University. During the assessment period her research focused on formal analysis and representation of legal contracts for a variety of applications in the context of legal information systems, such as management, administration and drafting. Extensions to this work led to first-order logic formalisations of speech acts that establish contractual relations between parties, in the context of modelling formal aspects of e-commerce applications.

Richard Overill has collaborated extensively with the International Centre for Security Analysis (based in War Studies at KCL) on joint research, development and consultancy projects for government (DERA/MoD, Cabinet Office) and industry (BAe Systems), in collaboration with an industrial partner, AGSL (Anite Government Systems Ltd). He collaborated with ICSA, AGSL and the Post Office in winning funding for a DTI/EPSRC 3-year LINK project under the Management of Information (MI) programme on fraud detection in electronic systems

Nahed Stokes has worked on the development of information systems methods. In particular, she has attempted to address the need for leaner and fitter methods of development, easier to master and easier to adapt to particular project circumstances.

Objectives of the SEG for the next assessment period include:

1. Promoting increased use of formality in the UML by, inter alia, developing semantics-based methods and tools for the use of UML as a modelling language.
2. Developing a practical formal method for reactive systems, based on statecharts and B.
3. Promoting application of relevant formal methods in safety and security-critical systems.
4. Investigating the semantics of subsystems in OO languages.
5. Developing a logic for reasoning about reconfiguration and mobility in multi-component systems.
6. Developing semantics of software architecture concepts, their application in product line architectures for specific business domains, and their relationship to concepts of co-ordination.
7. Continuing work on the static analysis of imperative programs, in particular the theory of slicing.
8. Investigating models of reliability for electronic contract negotiation and e-commerce applications.
9. Investigating the development of formal languages for business process modelling and multi-agent systems.
10. Developing a technical basis for software engineering, based on ideas first put forward by the logical positivists (eg, Carnap) concerning the language and practice of science.
Research Grant Income
The aggregate value of grants held by current members of the Department, at any institution where they have worked during the assessment period, was £4-5M, from the following sources: EPSRC, EU, AHRB, ESRC, JISC, British Council, Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, Wellcome Trust, NATO, Hermes Publishers, OUP, First Foundation (Israel), and internal KCL research funds.

Support for Research

The Departmental Research Committee, chaired by Prof Shalom Lappin and consisting of the Heads of the Research Groups, has responsibility for organising research. In this it is assisted by an Industrial Advisory Board chaired by John Elmore, formerly Research Director of ICL. It makes policies for the development of the PhD programme, admission of research students and monitoring of their progress. The Committee allocates any competitive studentship. The Department is responsible to the School Research Committee, which sets and administers policies that are school wide (such as those governing progress from MPhil registration to PhD, maximum length of programmes, awarding of writing up status, etc). The College Research Committee develops policies and monitoring mechanisms for the whole institution and is the venue for College wide selection procedures (such as ORS awards). The College has also recently established a separate Postgraduate Research Student Sub-committee with a remit to oversee this area of the College’s work.

Staff are supported by a system of peer group appraisal which emphasises career planning and development. The Department is also strongly committed to promoting staff in accordance with their research productivity. Young staff members are given reduced teaching loads in the first year of their appointments to encourage their research activity.

The Department has increased the number of PhD students in the research program significantly in the past few years, going from 6 students in 1996 to 23 in 2001. This increase is primarily due to the expansion of our research active staff and the rise in our grant income, which has made it possible to support more students. We believe that as a Department of 25 academic staff (planned size of the Department by 2002) we should have a stable population of at least 50 PhD students and at least 25 Research Assistants. We are developing ways of funding and recruiting such students. Our quota studentships from EPSRC should grow alongside our portfolio of research grants. We are encouraging staff to apply for studentships associated with grants whenever possible. Some staff hold grants from ESRC and AHRB and we expect to secure further funding from these agencies. We are beginning to obtain industrial sponsorship (e.g., HP Labs) and expect this source to expand.

Support for grants and contracts, on the one hand, and development of Intellectual Property, on the other, are provided by KCL Enterprises, a wholly owned KCL company. Recently, the College appointed a Development Officer, sponsored by a HEROBC award, to support the development of industrial links in the southeast for several groups within the College, including the DCS. We are beginning to exploit this mechanism and have already made some useful contacts. The help of the Development Officer was crucial in organising the recent Faraday Partnership bid led by DCS/KCL.

Other mechanisms used for exploiting research include several important consultancies with key organisations in industry and government and participation in start-ups. An example of the latter is the leading role Prof Winder has played in the start-up OneEighty Software Ltd.

Interdisciplinary work

One of the joys of KCL is the wide range of disciplines in which it is engaged. There are large numbers of potential partners for interdisciplinary work and the department has exploited these possibilities and will expand on these in the upcoming planning period. Existing work includes collaborations with the Music Department on algorithms for music analysis; work with the Department of Philosophy on linguistics, work with the War Studies Department on security analysis and electronic terrorism and work with the Medical school and NHS Authorities on medical information systems. We will continue with these efforts and investigate new partnerships where the importance of software is growing. This is clearly the case for many areas of science and engineering, where software is being used to implement what has been implemented previously using physical components and, furthermore, enabling the implementation of new devices and mechanisms that were not possible to implement using only physical devices. A further area of interdisciplinary work is that of electronic services over distributed systems (e-commerce, e-science, telemedicine, etc), where we believe that we will have important impact, via work with War Studies, Management and Law, on the automation of legal, regulatory and security aspects. This strand of work has already led to a Faraday Partnership bid, with a wide range of external partners, including a number of major commercial, science and government organisations. We hope to build on this initiative.

Queen Mary, University of London_25 4 [24.09B]

Over the assessment period, the Computer Science department at Queen Mary has experienced radical change. This has been due to retirements and movements elsewhere and a consequential series of strategic appointments. One indication of the extent of the change is that fewer than half the current academic staff were in post at the last RAE. Throughout this, however, we have been most successful in our policy of attracting research staff of the highest calibre, recruited from Britain and abroad. This has allowed us to reinforce and extend the influence of our established research in logic and foundations and computer vision and, simultaneously, establish strong new activities in decision support and network computing and a rapidly emerging multidisciplinary group in the broad area of information, media and communication. On this basis we claim to be stronger than ever.

Research groupings and environment
Research is organized around five groups whose structure is informal. These are

· Logic and Foundations of Programming
· Computer Vision
· Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis
· Network Computing
· Information, Media and Communication

During the period under review we have moved into new accommodation which has been refurbished and partially rebuilt to our specifications. This now provides an excellent physical environment in which each group has its own research laboratories integrating academics, research staff and research students. All the groups benefit from an excellent departmental infrastructure, a high level of technical support and a full-time research administrator. Each major grouping runs a series of research seminars with external speakers. The department's Research Committee is responsible for overseeing and monitoring research consistent with strategy set by the College's Research Board.

Research income and research students

The size of the PhD and RA population has not grown in the way we planned at the last RAE. However, we refer to our opening comments concerning the vastly changed composition of the department during the period and especially since 1999. A more detailed breakdown of current research-active category A staff is as follows: 12 were in post throughout the assessment period; 6 were appointed at the very end of 1998 or in 1999; 8 were appointed since 2000.

There are some further observations to add. First, several staff with a relatively low level of research activity took early retirement unexpectedly and, as a result, our staffing level was considerably lower than normal from 1998 to 2000. Second, all our senior appointments (Fenton, Riis, Avresky, Turner, Bellin) have highly successful track records in attracting research funding while several junior appointees (Lalmas, Healey, Honda, McOwan, Neil) have recently initiated funded research projects despite their short periods in post. This claim can be supported by the evidence of a total value of £1.9 million for 16 projects that have either started or been approved since 2000. From this account a quite different picture emerges than that suggested by the normalized figures based on current FTE. Another relevant factor in comparing our record in the primary and secondary criteria of assessment is our research profile. This is heavily biased by our large group in logic and foundations (47% of staff FTE) where the character of the research gives rise to a publication and funding pattern similar to that of mathematics.

This group is among the strongest in the world in its area and is concerned in a broad range of activity including: the semantics and implementation of functional, imperative and logic programming; program correctness, theorem proving and proof-editing; knowledge representation and reasoning; process calculi and concurrency; proof theory, type theory, model theory and category theory.

The top priority of the group is scientific output. Virtually all its members have established international research reputations and many have been associated with bodies of work which are making a significant scientific impact. There is a small but stable population of high-quality PhD students and projects have been funded by EPSRC, EU, MathFIT and the British Council.

The achievements of the group are led by O'Hearn and Pym's work on the logic of bunched implications, BI [Pym 3]. One way to view this is as a proof system and term calculus, including the solution of the longstanding problem of giving a semantically clean 'linear' dependent type theory, for a form of relevant logic. From this aspect it has the good proof-theoretic properties demanded by modern logicians, together with a link to the kind of relevant logics that have traditionally lacked any kind of proof theory at all. Another view is as a logical analysis of a semantic model of the sharing and privacy of resources. This allows the modelling of various programming features, including the long-standing problem of local reasoning about mutable data structures (such as Hoare logic for pointers and garbage collection), and contrasts sharply with the restricted analysis supplied by linear logic. The work will be applicable outwith computer science.

This example illustrates the dual aspect of much of our foundational work described here. The results are of independent mathematical interest but are also aimed at impacting directly on the design and construction of computer systems through enhanced modelling and reasoning techniques and through functionally elegant design principles.

Pym is one of the world's leading experts on semantics of proof theory, the proof theory and semantics of logical frameworks, and the theory of proof-search. [Pym 1] solved the long-standing problem in type theory of how to define a linear dependent function space, thereby giving a basis for a logical framework for representing substructural and program logics. Other work involves type-theoretic and semantic accounts of proof-search and provides the first substantial step towards a model-theoretic semantics for reductive logic which adequately handles both denotational and operational concerns.

O'Hearn has been a major figure in moving theoretical work from functional to more realistic programming languages. With Reynolds he has provided a semantic account of the irreversible nature of state change in imperative languages [O'Hearn 4]. More recently, his work on bunched typing has opened up a promising new direction for formalisms that account for the locality of a program's resource access [O'Hearn 2]. This is the basis of his EPSRC project Local Reasoning about State (with Bornat and Pym).

Robinson is a leading category theorist, setting standards of conceptual clarity in semantics. His work (with Power) on premonoidal categories has been influential in opening up a range of uses in the semantics of non-functional languages [Robinson 3]. [Robinson 2,4] show the completeness of a variant of logical relations for reasoning about data abstraction in two different settings. His work on Dyads is aimed at the rapid generation of special-purpose compilers: this extends Moggi's notion of monads to give, for example, a natural handling of threaded state [Robinson 1].

Malacaria is, perhaps, best known for his collaboration with Abramsky and Jagadeesan in building the first syntax-independent, fully abstract model of PCF thereby giving a solution to the longest standing open problem in the semantics of languages. A preliminary version was published in 1994 and, although publication of the full version has been unfortunately delayed until 2001, it has been widely available and has acted as a springboard for a series of similar, previously intractable results. The operational insight the model provides has since led to a theory of program analysis with state of the art performance which is correct by construction. In turn, this has been used (with Hankin, IC) in compiler optimisers [Malacaria 2], in the definition of generalised flowcharts [Malacaria 1] and in the field of computer security where a cubic algorithm for detecting security leakage in higher-order languages has been developed [Malacaria 3].

Honda's work has been concerned with capturing representative programming language constructs, such as call-by-value, as typed process behaviour. He has made significant contributions both to the basic theory behind this [Honda 3,4] and in its applications, using results from games semantics, to capture particular classes of computation [Honda 1,2]. The aim of his current EPSRC project is to provide fundamental, descriptive primitives for distributed computing based on his earlier highly influential and extensively cited development of the asynchronous pi-calculus.

Riis' appointment marks an expansion of our activities into the field of complexity theory where he is particularly motivated by the most famous open problems in the area. [Riis 1,2] both present results surrounding his solution of a long-standing technical problem related to the status of different counting principles in models of bounded arithmetic. [Riis 4] was one of the first papers to apply algebraic methods to link these results to propositional proof systems and this technique now plays a central role in propositional proof complexity. In more speculative, ongoing work Riis is applying group representation theory to prove curious 'complexity gaps' in propositional proof systems, one by-product being a neat uniform method of generating difficult tautologies from the symmetric group.

Bellin has produced significant results for the study of non-commutative logical systems based on what was, perhaps, the first paper to explicitly study the topological properties of the rule of exchange in sequent calculus using non-elementary mathematical tools [Bellin 1]. His formulation of the term assignments for one version of full intuitionistic linear logic displays important connections between notations used by different communities in proof-theory, categorical logic and theoretical computer science [Bellin 2]. In work stimulated by Hyland, he has shown a clear connection between the geometry of proof nets and a form of the categorical construction of Chu spaces. This constitutes a long-term research project with many pending publications that promises an improved understanding of both the geometry of proof nets and the structure of linear logic itself.

Bornat's proof-calculator JAPE now represents the state-of-the-art in graphical interfaces to proof-assistants and theorem provers [Bornat 1-3]. The design of JAPE (with Sufrin, Oxford) was influenced by his earlier research in programming and logic education. In work related to his EPSRC Verified Bytecode project (with O'Hearn) he has developed methods for verifying practical programs which use pointers and aliasing [Bornat 4]. This was inspired by early work of Burstall in the 1970's.

The Dynamo project (Bell, White and Hodges of Mathematics) was concerned with the model-based implementation of pragmatic logics [White 3] and has led to current work on frameworks for abstract and perspicuous languages for qualitative reasoning about action and change.

Taylor's book [2] unifies categorical and type-theoretic methods in the foundations of computing and mathematics, and provides a novel categorical notion of recursion (well founded coalgebras) that has application to recursive programs. He is now working on a computational treatment of general topology having already [3] shown the relationship between (in) equality and the quantifiers with discrete, Hausdorff, compact and open spaces.

The group is delighted to enjoy the involvement of two eminent, part-time research professors, Peter Landin and David Turner. Landin's pioneering research of the 1960's may fairly be said to be the foundation for much of the last three decades' research in programming languages and he has now published some early work in a mature form [Landin 1,2]. Turner's latest research programme in Total Functional Programming is aimed at developing a system with both strong normalization and Church-Rosser properties. [Turner 2] presents a number of important results; e.g., that abstract interpretation can be used as an effective method for determining whether or not recursive functions terminate. Current work is broadening the class of algorithms to be admitted by a syntactic analysis.


The computer vision group led by Gong has acknowledged international standing in dynamic scene understanding and, in particular, modelling human identities and activities for real-time interpretation. Their track record since the last RAE (over 70 papers with Gong as co-author, most at top conferences such as ECCV, IEEE's ICCV and FG, BMVC, CVPR) indicates that, size-for-size, the group is among the most active in the world. Since 2000 Gong's activities have been augmented by two new high-quality academic staff to add further breadth and depth to our vision research.

The focus of Gong's research is predominantly on the visual interpretation of moving objects captured in image sequences. In his research monograph [Gong 3], he comprehensively examines the computational nature of human face recognition under constant dynamic scene change. This study provides, probably for the first time, a unified treatment of face recognition as a special case in dynamic vision. [Gong 1] is just one of a series of publications on his investigations into a computationally efficient approach to learning gestures from examples by modelling them probabilistically as sequences of events. Gong led his research group in introducing and developing the pioneering notion of modelling, through learning, temporal structures of facial identity and skin-tone colour changes under varying viewing and lighting conditions [Gong 2]. Among other recent achievements are original contributions to the problem of modelling non-linear face space across the view-sphere where their results show that orientation-selective Gabor filters enhance differences in pose and that different filter orientations are optimal at different poses. This work has been published in numerous journals and conferences (e.g. [Gong 4]).

McOwan is also concerned with motion detection but his interests stem from human cognitive architecture and, in particular, from the ways in which the visual cortex stores and processes information. His main work lies in the implementation of models to replicate this behaviour. In a collaborative project (with Dept of Psychology, UCL) a new biologically-plausible mathematical model of the human cortical pathway demonstrated for the first time that a single motion-processing system could be responsible for the perceived effects in luminance and contrast-modulated stimuli [McOwan 1]. This spatio-temporal gradient model has since been implemented in a real-time demonstrator [McOwan 4]. One objective of his current EPSRC project is to develop the first explicit neural model for active motion camouflage.

de Agapito is the most recent recruit to the department. During her post-doctoral work at Oxford she has been studying difficult problems in the automatic calibration of cameras in active computer vision systems and has developed a set of novel methods drawn from algebraic projective geometry that enable cameras to be calibrated directly from video sequences [de Agapito 1-4]. These can be used to recover the focal length and camera motion when the camera is panned and zoomed. This work has defined the state of the art in the field and is a major, scientific achievement with significant commercial potential.

Liddell's main interest has been in parallel applications but we have reported her under this group on the basis of the strong conceptual links that have existed between the areas within our department and her role as a senior academic in the early development of the vision group. Since taking early retirement she has continued these associations, being joint author with Gong of five international conference papers in 2000 alone (e.g. [Liddell 2]). Her earlier, leading involvement with LPAC is described in RA6a.

RADAR was formed as a new research group at Queen Mary in March 2000. It is based on the long-standing work of Fenton and Neil, formerly at the Centre for Software Reliability, City University. More recently Marsh (see RA6c) has been recruited from ERA Technology. The level of activity is high, Fenton being (co)-author of more than 30 refereed journal and conference papers since 1996.

The group has its foundations in Fenton and Neil's research in software metrics and software engineering standards based on empirical work with industry and using ideas from measurement theory [Fenton 1-3]. This has provided a rigorous framework for the field of software metrics area and has been widely adopted in industry (see RA6a). Their recognition that software metrics are primarily a tool for managing risk has now shifted their emphasis in this area toward software project risk assessment and reduction where recent work has produced improved methods for predicting and managing software resources.

The current focus of RADAR is now on their pioneering work on Bayesian Net (BN) applications to critical systems. The aim of this is to inject scientific rigour, using BNs and multi-criteria decision aids, to the whole process of decision making in high-stakes and safety-critical environments. The main idea is to explicitly represent and manipulate in Bayesian models both subjective probabilities elicited from experts as well as objective data gathered from system test and in-field use. These models are more easily understood by decision-makers and hence lead to improved processes, better decisions and, ultimately, reduced risks. Some recent work here has resulted in significant interest [Fenton 4].

RADAR's projects include SCULLY and SIMP, both of which started in 2000. SIMP (Systems Integration for Major Projects) is part of EPSRC's Systems Integration Initiative and is addressing the problem of risk and uncertainty management in large-scale systems engineering. In particular, it is applying BNs, coupling analysis and scenario analysis to support BAE Systems with risk, uncertainty and requirements conformance management. SCULLY (Scaling Up Bayesian Nets for Software Risk Assessment, with Philips and Hugin) is developing methods and tools to allow the methodical and rigorous construction of BN applications. The tools are designed to support the initial construction of the net topology, allow the net to be manipulated by experts and non-experts alike and provide a means for maintaining changes. A new project that has recently been announced is SCORE (in collaboration with Dept. of Psychology, Liverpool and worth £421K to Queen Mary over 3 years). The basis of the project is the recognition that many critical failures in complex socio-technical systems can be traced to cultural issues relating to risk. One element of the work is to build a risk accounting system using BNs that will monitor an organization's risk exposure over time taking account of changes to their risk culture.

Much of the technology resulting from RADAR's research is applicable outside computer science and software engineering due to its 'systems' approach to problems. We firmly believe that it is essential for the health of the discipline that it throws up research that is of more general relevance.

The department has had a strong presence in parallel and distributed systems for many years. Over time, the emphasis has changed and the appointment of Avresky in Sep 2000 marks a distinctive move into the core systems area of network computing.

Until joining us Avresky held a tenured position in the ECE Dept at Boston University where he was responsible for forming and leading a group whose main areas of research were performance analysis, network control, routing and fault tolerance in scalable high-speed networks. The focus of his interest is on the development and application of theoretical principles aimed at solving practical problems in real computing systems. The level of Avresky's research activity is high. Since 1996 he has been (co-)author of more than 40 journal and conference papers and principal (co-)investigator on research projects funded by the National Science Foundation, NASA and US industry with a total value to Avresky of $582,000.

Many of his most recent achievements stem from his two projects Analysis of TNet sponsored by Compaq/Tandem. Here Avresky participated in the modelling, performance evaluation and network control of the 72-node Compaq cluster interconnection network that was used for a world-record terabyte sort at Sandia National Laboratories. The modelling and simulation scheme he developed concentrates on providing a realistic measure of system performance while optimizing network topology and traffic patterns to provide future improvements [Avresky 2,4]. A further contribution to fault tolerance is his development of spanning tree algorithms to solve the problem of tolerating single and multiple node failures in a hypercube through dynamic software reconfiguration [Avresky 3].

In order to support the transfer of Avresky's activities to the UK the department has established a Network Computing Laboratory to provide the platform for the new group forming under him to pursue his continuing work in these areas.

Information, Media and Communication is a newly established multi-disciplinary group whose main areas of research are information retrieval, computer-mediated communication and multi-media information systems. Although these retain links with long standing concerns in the department, the series of appointments from 1999 of several energetic, young researchers with rapidly emerging international reputations has given this area a new momentum and fresh directions.

The activity in Information Retrieval encompasses a variety of formal, empirical and AI approaches. The central focus of Lalmas' wide-ranging research is the development and evaluation of effective formalisms for modelling information in the places and forms that it appears in an IR system. Her original work in applying the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence to capture the uncertainty inherent in the representation of content is becoming increasingly influential in the field of web-based search and retrieval [Lalmas 4]. She has subsequently developed her research in several new directions. One example is her development of a model that copes with the disparity between different types of components (multi-media, distributed and multi-lingual) in heterogeneous documents [Lalmas 3]. Another is a novel framework for combining document representations that both incorporates the semantics of the information and aggregates the uncertainties of the individual representations. This provides the significant benefit of a comprehensive retrieval language [Lalmas 1].

Roelleke's overlapping work on logical models adds further breadth, particularly through his concern for practical techniques which can effectively and efficiently be applied to large amounts of data. This has resulted in the design and implementation of the HySpirit system which provides a platform for knowledge representation with a focus on combined content, fact and structure retrieval [Roelleke 2]. He has developed a novel approach that introduces the concept of 'virtual contexts' for structured document retrieval and applies four-valued logic to meet the requirements of contradictory and incomplete knowledge sources [Roelleke 1]. He has also established the probabilistic relational algebra PRA as a generalization of the standard database model thereby enabling an optimal level of integration of databases with IR bringing with it all the advantages of DBMS [Roelleke 3].

Reid's research in user-centred evaluation of IR complements these activities nicely. During her PhD work she developed a promising new framework centred on the task, rather than the query, as the primary unit of evaluation [Reid 2]. This takes account of various deficiencies of previous evaluation paradigms by incorporating organizational and social factors. Her contributions also include a new, task-based notion of relevance, task relevance, and, to take account of the wider context beyond the task performer, she has extended this with a new evaluation criterion, information value [Reid 1].

Collaborative research projects in IR build on the complementary expertise of the various members of the group (including Healey). The aim of the EPSRC-funded FOCUS projects (with the University of Dortmund) is to develop and implement new models for structured document retrieval and to evaluate their effectiveness on a large collection of XML documents [Lalmas 3]. The EU project GRIS (with the HCI Lab at Ris/o National Labs, Denmark) is investigating the information seeking behaviours of users with the aim of predicting users' strategies and the development of models to support these.

Healey's research aims at applying theories of communicative practices developed in the social sciences to the analysis of remote, multi-modal communication where he is making an acknowledged impact in the field of graphical communication. He is PI on the ESRC/EPSRC PACCIT project MAGIC (with ATR and the universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh) where current research is focussed on generic mechanisms of co-ordination in interaction. A further EPSRC project (with King's College, London) is developing themes from Healey's PhD work to examine the problems posed by imperfect communication [Healey 1].

Healey's work was successfully applied to the final phase of the Mushroom project, the first stages under Coulouris being concerned with the design of general-purpose, distributed systems to support co-operative work. His analysis of the communicative practices of the various parties involved in diabetic health-care led to a novel framework for modelling asynchronous collaboration based on artefacts, information flow and the participants' level of grounding [Healey 2]. This has attracted the interest of the US company Avaya who are keen to exploit the results for the design and evaluation of multi-modal communication in the context of Wilbur's work on 'virtual clubs', developed during her series of projects with BT and Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies [Wilbur 1,2].

Paker's research concentrates on parallel architectures for advanced multimedia processing, based on his work on the EU Mona Lisa and AMPA projects which pioneered virtual studios [Paker 4]. PROMETHEUS, a LINK Broadcast Technology project led by the BBC, is the flagship of UK research effort in 3D television. Paker's role is to explore how parallelism can be used to meet the challenging requirements of 3D motion capture, modelling, transmission and display, in particular in compressed form [Paker 1]. The work is linked to the 3D scientific visualization research of the Computational Science Centre, Dept. of Chemistry, with the support of a JREI-99 grant for an SGI Onyx installation.

Paker's EU CustomTV project involving the use of digital TV for multimedia content broadcasting has been followed by the Framework 5 IST project SAMBITS aimed at integrating interactive broadcast media with the internet (with the Dept of Elec Eng and several major broadcasters). Lalmas and Healey are working alongside Paker as contributors to the project, in particular with the development of multimedia studio technology for off-line and real-time design of interactive services. Lalmas is directing work in the retrieval of diverse types of content, including video, and Healey is responsible for interface design and evaluation. The research team has published four international conference papers since Sep 2000.

Links with the foundational areas of the department are actively sustained through Rowson and White. The EPSRC-funded ARAMIS project was focused around the development of the first interactor model to have the crucial property of compositionality, thereby allowing interactors to be 'plugged together' without loss of generality [Rowson 1,2]. Rowson's experience in protocol verification was central to the novel definition of the key notion of task conformance [Rowson 4].

Since its formation the group has begun to build a new RA and PhD population and has established a popular, research-based, MSc in the area. The appointments of Bourguet and Alavi (see RA6c) are now expanding the scope of the genuine multi-disciplinary research undertaken within the group.

Royal Holloway, University of London_25 5 [13B]

The research strength of the Computer Science Department at Royal Holloway, University of London has always been the theoretical development of selected areas of computer science. Our goal, however, is that the theories we develop should allow us to design and build novel practical computing systems; naturally, their application in the real world is an essential element in validating the theories we develop. Our theoretical work therefore feeds into many applications through collaboration with industry and other institutions. The collaborative approach to research in our chosen fields is a notably successful aspect and has brought increasing international recognition.

Since 1996 the Department has been on a strong upward trend in terms of the quality and quantity of its publications, level of external funding, research student numbers and, particularly, the international impact of its research. This trend is accelerating, especially in the latter part of the review period.

Over the review period the Department has developed its research structure into two interrelated research groups: Computer Learning, and Theory of Computing.

1. Our activities in Computational Learning have strengthened further. In 1998 the College established The Computer Learning Research Centre (CLRC; Director Prof Alex Gammerman; 10 academic staff members, including 6 professors) which has become a focus for fundamental research in the field of machine learning, inductive inference and high-dimensional data analysis.

2. The Theory of Computing group (TOC; Director Prof John Shawe-Taylor; 6 members of academic staff, including 2 professors) provides for academic leadership and cohesion of research planning in constraint satisfaction; safety and security; and combinatorial algorithms and complexity. It evolved from smaller groups working in these areas, which shared a common theme of theory of computing, and has successfully led to a fruitful interchange of ideas and a focus for strategic development.

Naturally, though, the research themes cut across the group division, for instance, work on constraint satisfaction and learning theory is going on in both groups.

In addition we have established a network of our 8 Visiting Professors from Europe, USA and Australia who with other academic visitors are involved in collaborative "distributed“ research in the form of joint publications, seminars, grant-funded projects and additional supervision of PhD students. This arrangement also gives us flexibility to develop research in distinct areas such as bioinformatics and computational finance.

Since 1996 the Information Security Group (ISG) has moved fully into the Mathematics Department, consistent with its own developing research focus and in support of its MSc programme. The group is submitted under UoA 22. Collaborative research however continues between the ISG in Maths and TOC in Computer Science. The Signal Processing group completed and published the work planned in 1996, before several members departed or retired, and the remaining staff have joined CLRC since their interests are in pattern recognition and evolutionary algorithms.

One of our strategic goals is to create a new Bioinformatics Group to utilise the department's strength in machine learning for biological sequence analysis. This has been initiated by new appointments, with early recognition by the award of a BBSRC/EPSRC grant.

Research policy and environment
The Departmental Research Management Committee is the policy forum which initiates and co-ordinates research activities, and advises on strategic plans for research development. It reviews the Department’s research plan and administers the research budget. The Committee funds innovative small-scale projects and pilot studies not yet suitable for external funding. This stimulates originality and encourages development in new (unpredicted) research directions. It also considers applications for sabbatical leave, and monitors its outcome. Every academic has a research plan, which is discussed with the Head of Department at appraisal. The special needs of young staff are addressed both in this process, and via College training schemes. The Committee attempts to ensure that our research is consistent with national and regional priorities as identified by the Office of Science and Technology, the DTI, the Research Councils, and the local R&D community. It is a departmental policy to expand the postgraduate community and our Postgraduate Management Committee monitors the progress of research students (both PhD and MSc in Computer Science by Research), and assists their development through activities such as training sessions in conducting research, presentation skills and writing papers. Research students are encouraged to participate in conferences, workshops and seminars and to make research visits to other institutions in the UK and overseas, and the Department provides funds to meet all requests of merit.

Activities which promote a thriving research culture in the Department and an environment conducive to research (see with links to URLs mentioned below) include:

(1) weekly Departmental Seminars (see; (2) an active group of Visiting Professors and other visiting researchers of international stature, collaborating on research projects and co-authoring papers and books (an example was our joint special issue of The Computer Journal on Kolmogorov complexity, 42:4 (1999), including articles by R Solomonoff, J Rissanen, C S Wallace, L Levin, M Li and P Vitanyi, A P Dawid). (3) international Colloquia organised by the Department: Formal Methods Day, 1997; Constraints: the Key Questions, 1998; and Computational Intelligence: the Importance of being Learnable 1998, which attracted over 100 visitors from Europe, Israel, USA and Australia - see; (4) a series of lectures by distinguished researchers, including Maurice Wilkes, Frank Sumner and Donald Davies, reflecting strategic developments in computing during the past fifty years – see; (5) hosted workshops e.g. EPSRC/LMS MathFit Workshop "Complexity and Exact Computation over the Real Numbers", July 1999 (; NeuroCOLT Workshop on Reinforcement Learning, July 2000 (; RHUL/DERA Workshops on Secure Architectures and Information Flow, Dec.1999. - see; (6) the continuing joint appointment of Vapnik with AT&T has enabled a free flow of students, staff and ideas between one of the top research labs in the USA and the Department. A further joint appointment of Chervonenkis with the Institute of Control Sciences in Moscow has brought additional theoretical expertise into the CLRC and contacts with other researchers in the Institute.

Staffing policy
Since 1996 seven new members of academic staff have been recruited: 3 appointments in the CLRC, 2 in TOC and 2 new posts in Bioinformatics.
Our policy has been to enhance further our strengths in both main areas of activity, and also to develop the new Bioinformatics group. We have recruited well-established researchers: Watkins, an originator of reinforcement learning; Prof Chervonenkis, a co-author of statistical learning theory; and Prof Gutin, a leading expert in graph theory. As part of our commitment to setting up interdisciplinary work in Bioinformatics, we have appointed Hancock as reader in computational biology (in post only one year and on this occasion submitted with UoA 14, Biology). We have also appointed young and talented researchers: Craig Saunders and Helen Treharne, who have already published papers in major international conferences (including a prizewinning paper - see RA6); and Anna Fukshansky, whose work has resulted in two major papers in bioinformatics (submitted, but too late for this review). Her earlier publications are more appropriate to Mathematics, and so she is submitted under UoA 22.
Three staff departed to the Universities of Oxford and Glasgow, and to Microsoft in Cambridge. 1.5 FTE staff moved to the Department of Mathematics with the ISG.

Research achievements, activities and plans

CLRC: Computer Learning Research Centre

The main strategic objectives of the CLRC are to carry out innovative theoretical research in computer learning; to design and implement software based on the developed algorithms and theory; and to provide a springboard for high-quality interdisciplinary research in related areas such as bioinformatics, statistical inference and data analysis.

The Centre's very strong team of researchers comprises academic staff (Professors Chervonenkis, Davies, Gammerman, Shawe-Taylor, Vapnik and Vovk, and Drs Cohen, Flockton, Saunders and Watkins, with their research assistants and research students) and distinguished visiting professors: Glenn Shafer (Rutgers University), Chris Wallace (Monash University), Leonid Levin (Boston University), Ray Solomonoff (Oxbridge Research, Mass.), Jorma Rissanen (IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose).

Key achievements over the reported period are:
* development of the Algorithmic Randomness Theory [Gammerman and Vovk] – this is a new field of research: Kolmogorov’s theory of randomness defined universal measures of randomness deficiency, but the measures are only semi-computable. Our recent research has allowed us to develop practical (in particular, computable) approximations, and therefore open a way to use the randomness deficiency in applications.
* the Theory of Predictive Complexity [Vovk and Watkins] – this is a quantitative measure of "learnability“ as an inherent property of an object (such as a data set). It generalises Kolmogorov complexity to different loss functions, and indicates the limits of machine learning.
* Statistical Learning Theory [Vapnik and Chervonenkis] – the basic framework has been set up and effective and powerful pattern recognition and regression estimation algorithms have been developed.

* the Complexity Approximation Principle [Vovk and Gammerman] – this is a new inductive principle and a generalisation of Rissanen’s Minimum Description Length (MDL); the main area of application is in the model selection problem.

Some of the above such as Statistical Learning Theory were forecast in the 1996 submission; while Algorithmic Randomness, Predictive Complexity and Complexity Approximation Principle are completely new discoveries in this period.

All other 1996 plans have been fulfilled and published: 1) analysis of the structural risk minimization principle; 2) analysis of MDL and other inductive principles; 3) the Support Vector Machine algorithm; 4) study of causal models; 5) application of probability theory in finance; 6) neural network techniques for vision system design; 7) evolutionary algorithms for developing digital hardware. The links with AT&T have also been strengthened, and the NeuroCOLT collaboration has expanded (NeuroCOLT2).

Our current research activities can be broadly classified as Universal Learning, General Algorithms, and Specialized Algorithms, according to the universality of algorithms developed and architectures used (see

Universal learning. The methods studied here are universal and optimal, but they are computable only in a weak sense, and the task is to find various computable approximations. The main technical tool in universal learning is Kolmogorov complexity, which formalizes the optimal performance of the learner in the game of coding. The classical notion of Kolmogorov complexity has been generalized, by Gammerman, Vovk and Watkins, to a wide class of other popular games, resulting in the notion of predictive complexity [Watkins3]. This has made it possible to generalise Rissanen's Minimum Description Length (MDL) and Wallace's Minimum Message Length (MML) principles to what we call the Complexity Approximation Principle [Gammerman3]. Our current research here is concerned with the study of the structure of predictive complexities for different games; a recent result by our PhD student Kalnichkan is the characterization of the class of games of prediction for which predictive complexity exists (prize awarded - see RA6).

Another activity in this area is the development of the algorithmic theory of randomness. A new set of inductive and transductive algorithms for estimating confidence of prediction, based on Kolmogorov theory of randomness, has been found by Gammerman, Vapnik and Vovk [Gammerman1,2]. This is a general method of constructing and adapting machine learning algorithms to assign meaningful levels of confidence to their prediction [Gammerman2, Saunders2]; the basic ideas have been filed by Gammerman and Vovk for two patents (PCT/GB99/03737 and GB0017740.2).

Our future plans include the development of the algorithmic theory of randomness and predictive complexity in the direction of a new game-theoretic approach to the foundations of probability proposed by Vovk and Shafer. In their new book "Probability and Finance" (to be published by Wiley, New York, in 2001) they develop that approach and apply it to limit theorems of probability, statistics and computational finance.

General algorithms. These algorithms can be used to solve a wide class of learning problems without fixing any particular architecture. One of the main technical tools is the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension, which has its origin in computational (or statistical) learning theory, often regarded as the core area of machine learning.

The most recent development in computational learning theory has been the introduction of several new learning algorithms. Among these the Support Vector Machine (Vapnik) is based on the "generalized portrait“ learning algorithm developed earlier (Vapnik and Chervonenkis) with the addition of kernel techniques. Vapnik's recent book "Statistical learning theory“ [Vapnik1] is the most authoritative exposition of the field by its originator. Also in this area Chervonenkis has worked on new methods for dependency reconstruction [Chervonenkis4] and properties of non-finite VC-dimension sets; and Shawe-Taylor has published a rigorous justification for the beneficial effect of large margins on the generalisation performance of learning systems [Shawe-Taylor1,2]. Our work on Support Vector Machine (SVM) has spawned a significant sub-area in the artificial intelligence community resulting in novel algorithms (e.g. large margin perceptron decision trees, ridge regression in dual variables) and further analyses (e.g. of boosting). Future work will focus on kernel-based learning methods. One of the challenges here is to develop specialist kernels for biological data, text and other applications together with data-dependent kernels.

The first general algorithm in the area of prediction with expert advice has been proposed by Vovk. This theory explores models with no stochastic assumptions. Instead, it is assumed that the learner has access to the predictions made by a pool of experts, and his goal is to predict not much worse than the best expert. Surprisingly, this goal can be attained in many situations, even where the pool of experts is infinite, e.g. in regression problems, as shown in [Vovk1,2]. The theory of prediction with expert advice has already been successfully applied in computational learning theory (boosting, as developed in AT&T), reinforcement learning and the theory of Kolmogorov/predictive complexity. Versions of this for several predictive games motivated by financial theory have been introduced and studied by Vovk and Watkins; it has turned out that those modifications generalize the standard coding game [Vovk3]. Other fruitful applications can be expected in future.

Future research is also planned in reinforcement learning, based on Watkins’ earlier Q-learning algorithm that is model-free and provably convergent. A new hierarchical approach is being investigated which avoids dynamic programming and may scale up to larger problems.

Specialized algorithms and architectures. There are many specialized algorithms which either solve a narrow class of problems (e.g. speech or hand-written digit recognition) or solve problems when restricted to some kind of architecture such as neural networks, Bayesian belief networks, decision trees, genetic algorithms.

Chervonenkis, a co-inventor of the modern theory of machine learning, has published new methods of reconstruction of conditional distributions with applications to random fields estimation in environmental science and geostatistics [Chervonenkis1].

Gammerman applied Bayesian Belief Networks to forensic science problems in a joint project with the Home Office [Gammerman4] (best paper award - see RA6).

Davies has developed pattern recognition algorithms in machine vision. He has designed novel sampling procedures typically attaining 100-fold speed-up of inspection algorithms [Davies3] and new filtering techniques based on an underlying theory of 2D filtering [Davies1]. This has been successfully applied to the identification of contaminants in grain and published in a monograph "Image processing for the food industry" (World Scientific, 2000).

Evolutionary algorithms have been developed for several signal processing applications [Flockton2,3] including a robust adaptive method of extracting direction of arrival information from noisy data [Flockton4]. A novel use, foreshadowed in the 1996 RAE, has been for analogue circuit design directly evaluated in hardware [Flockton1]. Future work will concentrate on evolutionary algorithms, and their links with bioinformatics.

Main applications of research in CLRC
In addition to those mentioned above, applications involving collaboration with industry and government include: fault diagnosis of electronic equipment (IFR Ltd - formerly Marconi Instruments); development of machine learning software (AT&T); pattern recognition algorithms and support vector machine software (DERA); text categorisation (Reuters and Xerox); learning methods for imputation problems (Office for National Statistics); diagnosis of ovarian cancer (St.Bartholomew's Hospital, London); prediction of renal failure (Glasgow Royal Infirmary); prediction of pollution in Lake Geneva (Lausanne University).

TOC - Theory of Computing

The Theory of Computing group performs research on mathematical modelling and algorithmic development. The group's activities include constraint satisfaction, combinatorial algorithms and complexity, complexity of learning theory and formal methods of analysis for security protocols and safety critical systems.

Members of the group are Professors Gutin and Shawe-Taylor, and Drs Cohen, Schneider, Scott, Treharne, and a distinguished visiting professor Leonid Levin (Boston University) – one of the originators of the theory of NP-completeness (together with S A Cook and R Karp).

The key achievements of the TOC group during the review period are:
* Delineation of polynomial solvable classes of important combinatorial problems in constraint satisfaction and directed graphs. These results are not only major theoretical advances, but provide important tools for the design of exact algorithms for these problems (Gutin and Cohen);
* The development of a general theory of data-dependent structural risk minimisation and analysis of the effect of large margins on the generalisation of thresholded classifiers (Shawe-Taylor).
* The introduction of important new modelling techniques, with proof tool support, for analysing and formally verifying security protocols (Schneider).

Our other 1996 plans have been fulfilled and published: 1) applications of formal methods to a) security-critical protocols and b) the analysis of feature interaction in telephone networks; 2) application of constraint satisfaction theory to the study of frequency assignment in mobile telephone networks. All of this work received external funding.

Combinatorial algorithms and complexity. Cohen and Gutin have studied tractable subproblems of well-known intractable problem classes, while the study of structural risk minimisation by Shawe-Taylor and constraint satisfaction by Cohen feeds into both CLRC and TOC research.

In the area of constraint satisfaction our work has resulted in the determination of properties of constraint sets that render constraint satisfaction problems tractable [Cohen1,3]. Efficient algorithms have been developed to detect when a particular set of constraints is "easy“, by providing a test for determining tractability (see also RA6). Furthermore we have developed techniques for generating novel tractable classes from existing known tractable classes [Cohen2,4]. This has led to the application of higher order constraints to the problem of frequency assignment for mobile telephony. Future work will extend the analysis of tractability of different constraint satisfaction problem settings, for example combining effects of underlying structure and constraint relations.

In the area of graph theory, a similar strategy has been adopted for the famous hamiltonian cycle problem (HCP). In [Gutin2], a long standing problem on the complexity of the HCP restricted to well-studied semicomplete multipartite digraphs is settled. The polynomial algorithm described is non-trivial and is based on several recently proved properties of semicomplete multipartite digraphs. [Gutin1] introduces, for the first time, a series of necessary conditions for a directed graph to be hamiltonian. These conditions can be incorporated in software systems which investigate properties of directed and undirected graphs. Other important results by Gutin can be found in the recently published monograph on digraphs (see RA6). The HCP on digraphs has numerous applications to the travelling salesman and other optimisation problems and future work in this area is planned, supported by a new EPSRC grant.

In the area of complexity of learning, the applicability of the expected complexity of algorithms relies on the quality of probabilistic model used. In [Shawe-Taylor3] a full ergodic model appropriate for the interactions of DNA sequences is used to analyse the expected performance of a novel string matching algorithm. This more accurate model of the problem domain suggests better algorithmic solutions. By deriving a suitable abstract model [Shawe-Taylor4] showed that a very wide range of invariant pattern recognition techniques fit within a uniform mathematical framework provided by a combination of representation theory and feedforward neural network architectures. [Shawe-Taylor1] defined a generalised theory of Structural Risk Minimisation (SRM) principle, known as data-dependent SRM. Future work will focus on the analysis of other data dependent measures.

Safety and Security. One of the key toolkits available for mathematical analysis of computer systems are so-called formal methods. Schneider has pioneered the inclusion of timing analysis within CSP. His recent book "Concurrent and Real-time Systems: the CSP approach“ [Schneider3] gives the first definitive account of Timed CSP, both in its own right and in terms of its relationship to CSP through his work on ‘timewise refinement’ [Schneider1]. Work on order types of termination ordering has been done [Scott1]; Scott has also started new work on language analysis and reverse compilation [Scott2,3,4], and future plans assume further expansion of this research.

Work on safety critical software has enabled two modelling techniques to be used simultaneously without compromising consistency. The state-based B-method can thus be combined with the event-based CSP, enabling control executives to be developed and verified for B systems in a formal and in a well-founded way. In [Treharne1,3] techniques are shown for ensuring the consistency of the two views.

A major success of the group in its mathematical modelling work has been the pioneering application of formal methods to the verification of security protocols as presented in [Schneider4], a key component of secure electronic commerce and defence communications. The rank function approach [Schneider2] allows a whole spectrum of security properties to be expressed, and a wide variety of security protocols to be verified against them. It has proved effective in uncovering both known and unknown weaknesses in standard protocols. This work provides an important link with the Information Security Group (entered under Mathematics UoA 22). Future work will involve tool support and the inclusion of timing to handle real-time protocols.

Main applications of research in TOC
In addition to those mentioned above, applications involving collaboration with industry and government include: radio frequency assignment using constraint satisfaction modelling, and fraud detection (Vodafone); modelling and analysis of service interaction (Motorola Ltd); development of combinatorial optimization software (AT&T); verification of security protocols, and analysis of safety-critical systems (DERA); verification of authentication protocols (Hewlett-Packard).

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The department has expanded its research activities during the current period of assessment, both in terms of the number of projects being undertaken and in the breadth of its research activities. In particular, the department has formulated a policy of actively pursuing opportunities for interdisciplinary research, resulting in collaborative activities with at least 14 UCL departments. Recently, our success in interdisciplinary research has been underlined by the award of EPSRC-led funding for a new unit in Bioinformatics to be based in the department.
Levels of funding from sources such as OST, UK Central Government, and UK industry have increased, and total annual research income has risen from an average of £2.36M per annum in 1992-1995 to £2.45 M per annum (3.8% increase) over the current period of assessment (including funding for equipment and research studentships embedded in research awards). This increase has been achieved despite the fact that the cost of most equipment for computer science research has fallen dramatically over the period. The department has been successful in 2 out of 3 IRC bids in which it was involved, with a total direct value of £1.5 million. Our research infrastructure and equipment have also benefited from major awards from the EC and the Research Councils Joint Research Equipment Initiatives (JREI), e.g. the immersive virtual reality ReaCTor system and a 150-processor Beowulf machine. The department has continued to play an active role in EC funded research, with 26 funded projects worth over £5M. Our average success rate for research contracts and grants is 62%. In general, our research strategy continues to be successful, with 22 new projects approved in recent months.

Research Structure

The Department had 5 principal groups for its research interests and activities during the period of assessment. These are: A) Networks, Multimedia and Distributed Systems, B) Software Systems Engineering, C) Usability and Interaction Design, D) Intelligent and Adaptive Systems, E) Vision, Imaging, and Virtual Environments (VIVE). Four of these groups were reported in the previous RAE under slightly different names, recent changes reflecting advances in computer science research. For example, the term "adaptive" has been added to the Intelligent Systems group, because of the increasing importance of adaptive techniques in hybrid knowledge-based computing and our explicit steps to strengthen this area. Multimedia research is now integrated with networks research, while some members of the former Multimedia group now form the Usability and Interaction Design team. The names of our research groups emphasise the systems aspects of our work, the theory, architecture and technology for our research now being sufficiently mature to support the demands of practical applications.
Software Systems Engineering has been introduced as an explicit research group since the last RAE. Led by Professor Anthony Finkelstein since 1997, this group is already making a vigorous contribution to our research. Our decision to build up the area is in line with our policy to develop topics that interlink with others in our research profile.
The strategy of identifying and exploiting links is an essential part of our continuing successes in research. Planning for a new group, Bioinformatics, began in 2000, and this group will start in 2001. The choice of a new group in Bioinformatics recognizes the growing importance of this area of research in recent years, and its multidisciplinary nature. Bioinformatics is linked with many other strong research programmes in UCL and clearly illustrates the college's policy of exploiting connectivity. This has been acknowledged recently by the award of major EPSRC-led funding to establish a new unit in Bioinformatics at UCL (discussed in RA5c).
We continue to regard our research "environment" as extending beyond the Department. A substantial amount of our work has always taken place in collaborations, from links with other UCL Departments (including Medical Physics, Biochemistry, Biochemical Engineering, Bartlett School of Architecture, Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Psychology, UCL Centre for Systems Engineering, Centre for Advanced Instrumentation Systems Studies, and Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit) to national/international joint projects with universities and companies. We expand the collaborative nature of our work at every opportunity, e.g. as in the INTErSECT Faraday Partnership with National Physical Laboratory and Sira Ltd (Scientific Instrument Research Association), the Centre for 3D Electronic Commerce and the Digital VCE in Broadcast Multimedia (both within the Foresight LINK programme), the AIMedia project with French and German industrial partners, the DTI-funded Centre for Scientific Enterprise, and the UCL Centre for Systems Engineering supported by industry and the Government Office for London.
The Department has the benefit of high-performance networking and an excellent level of technical infrastructure supported by 14 technical staff. Close ties with sponsoring companies ensures that our research benefits from the most recent versions of workstations, networks, and storage devices. Specialised research components added since 1996 include a £1M immersive virtual reality system, ReaCTor, based on the principles of the CAVE; a Systems Engineering Studio; a Usability laboratory for experimental work; a 150-processor Beowulf machine.
An important component of the environment that facilitates the crossover between research and commercial applications, is the recent Centre for Scientific Enterprise. The Centre has been set up by UCL with the London Business School following a grant of £4.6 million for four years, and related activities supported from the London University's United College Seed Fund of about £4 million pounds, an initiative arising originally from the Department. These initiatives are intended specifically to enable academic research to be exploited in commercially practical applications. Currently six start-up companies are housed in the Department.

NETWORKS, MULTIMEDIA and DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (Group A): Jon Crowcroft, Saleem Bhatti, Hermann deMeer, Steve Hailes, Vicky Hardman, Peter Kirstein, Graham Knight, Dave Lewis, Steve Wilbur, plus other researchers and research students.

Orientation: Our record of achievement in networking, which has made the group an international leader since the early 1970s, has continued strongly during the period since the last RAE. . We regard proof-of-concept demonstrations by the development of working systems as an essential part of the research. The design and engineering of network facilities raises its own problems, for example how to ensure scalable behaviour. New research problems emerge when successful designs are put into regular service, generating new types of demands from users. The issues of greatest interest to the group are concerned with new possibilities for group teleworking, realtime Internet multimedia, e-commerce, and networked virtual reality. This is illustrated by involvement with the VIVE group in setting up Equator, the Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (IRC) concerned with long-term research into the relationship between the digital media and the physical world. This is a multi-university collaboration.
At the engineering level, our work is driven by issues of scalability and integration of diverse types of operating environments. These include low-bandwidth personal communications, telephony, high-bandwidth systems for images and multimedia, and satellite networks.
Recent research problems have focused on security and Quality of Service issues, especially automatic adaptation to dynamic changes in network traffic. We are leading research in Active Networks, with BT, EU and US funding. We are well placed to stay abreast of (and often lead) the predictable increase in emphasis on mobile use of network facilities, whether wireless Local Area Networks, or wide area. This is particularly true in the case of security issues. Network Pricing is also an area where we have recently added substantial work.
The group is collaborating with Electronic Engineering in the context of BT and other industrial consortia. Current collaborative projects involve the following: Learnet fibre net infrastructure for teaching and research, the URI collaboration involving six universities, several research projects funded by BT and the JISC on SuperJANET, and the Communications Engineering Doctorate (otherwise known as 'EngDoc' or 'EngD') and BT Martlesham MSc for postgraduate industrial training. Other interdisciplinary aspects of our work includes economics, computing, human factors and engineering aspects of networking.

Most Notable Achievements:

Development of sets of applications now in common use by over 3000 academic and commercial bodies, for the support and use of Internet multicast operations such as conferences and streaming media from major conferences and other events (Crowcroft Outputs 2-4, Kirstein Outputs 1-4);
A scheme of dynamic resource reservation and related use of multicast operations to achieve efficient use of Internet resources, by the BT-funded Multiservice Networks Project, run by Crowcroft;
Construction of a "QoS Engine" to use network data in indicating the degree of compatibility between a network's current quality of service and the capability of an application (Bhatti, Outputs 3 & 4);
Development of a Distributed Trust Model to support roaming communication where trust is a factor (Hailes, Output 4);
A framework for effective service management schemes for open environments (Lewis).

SOFTWARE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (Group B): Anthony Finkelstein, Wolfgang Emmerich, Mark Levene, Cecilia Mascolo, Graham Roberts, William Langdon, plus other researchers and research students.

Orientation: The group focuses on the following aspects of software engineering, both for their significance for research and for their connections to other research programmes in the Department and UCL: Requirements engineering, in particular the relationship between requirements and software architectures; Middleware, particularly that based on distributed objects, and software engineering approaches that take advantage of middleware; Distributed information management, particularly novel approaches to searching and linking in the Web; Software engineering for mobility, both logical and physical, particularly novel strategies for code mobility. These are treated as issues in systems engineering, not simply software engineering.

The orientation is towards engineering solutions that are lightweight, and carefully targeted towards "real" industrial problems. Our interest is in constructing solutions that exploit emerging standards and build on the work of others, our approach is driven by case studies combined with rigorous analysis and validated in practice through extensive collaboration and consultancy with industry. We are particularly aware of the need for software systems engineering techniques, methods and tools that scale and are simple enough to be adopted in practice.
We have established ourselves as leaders in applications of XML in software engineering, and as one of the leading groups working on linking technologies related to XML. We have also been instrumental in establishing work on engineering methods and techniques for applications of distributed object technology and drawing the associated issues to wider attention.
The group is recently established and our plan is to reinforce our successes to date and to build a larger mixed portfolio of long and medium-term research. There is a growing emphasis on mobility (linking with Group A). We have mapped out exciting new research directions related to context awareness, metadata, and reflection for which we have substantial funding.

Most Notable Achievements:

Software and associated patent for link generation and management of consistency of distributed Web resources leading to spin-off (Emmerich, Output 2);
Operation of International Requirements Engineering Network of Excellence (Finkelstein);
Identification of synergies between mark-up middleware and XML support for mobile computing, with application to incremental migration of code (Emmerich, Output 3);
Production of mathematical models with whose help navigational behaviours on links in hypertext-like environments can be better understood (Levene);
Definition of a framework for the engineering of distributed objects (Emmerich, Output 4);
Conception, assembly and contributions to "The Future of Software Engineering", a volume setting out the future of software engineering and its constituent sub-disciplines (Finkelstein).

USABILITY AND INTERACTION DESIGN (Group C): Angela Sasse, John Dowell, Janet McDonnell, Anna Bouch, Anna Watson, plus other researchers and research students.

Orientation: The aim of Interaction Design is to develop knowledge and methods for the design of effective and enjoyable interactions between people and technology. We aim to adapt theories and methods from the human sciences to inform our understanding of user requirements for their interactions with technologies, particularly new technologies. In particular, we have developed participatory approaches for designing technology and researched their application, together with exploitation of positive examples of computer use to improve organisational practice. We have also adapted and developed several qualitative methods from Social Psychology (e.g. Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis), and the use of psycho-physiological methods for detecting and assessing the impact of interactions on people.
Members of the Interaction Design group work in a symbiotic relationship with other research groups in the department who design and build innovative technology.  Our understanding of human characteristics and needs informs their design, and they build systems which allow us to test and help us improve our theories and methods. In addition to the long-standing collaboration with the Software Engineering Group on user requirements, we have joint research efforts with the Networks, Multimedia and Distributed Systems, VIVE and Intelligent Systems Group.  We have been extremely successful in introducing a user-centred perspective to research in these areas, especially communications, multimedia and safety-critical systems; this is reflected not only in our own systems, but also in publications in highly influential journals and conferences in these areas (Sasse, Outputs 1 & 3).

Most notable achievements:
A unified framework for user design problems and applying it to the design of decision support systems and training (Dowell, Outputs 3 & 4);
Techniques and tools for representing and analysing user requirements(Dowell,outputs 1 & 2);
A user-centred approach to network Quality of Service and charging (Sasse, Output 2);
A socio-technical approach to designing computer security (Sasse);
Subjective and psycho-physiological methods for evaluation of multimedia and virtual reality interactions (Sasse, Output 4);
Ways for successfully engaging staff at all levels in an organisation with the task of evolving an information strategy (McDonnell, Output 1);
Designed a novel way of analysing design processes which can be used to assess the effects of introducing changes to design methods or design support tools (McDonnell, Output 4).

INTELLIGENT and ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS (Group D): John Campbell, Peter Bentley, Bernard Buxton, Chris Clack, Denise Gorse, Mark Herbster, Robin Hirsch, Sean Holden, Anthony Hunter, William Langdon, Philip Treleaven, John Washbrook, plus research assistants and p/g students.

Orientation: The primary emphasis is on establishing the best ways of combining the different tools and techniques of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based computing to deal with applications significantly larger than those that figured in their original development. This provides the rationale for our emphasis on hybrid systems, combining symbolic-level methods with subsymbolic approaches, e.g. neural-net computation. We regard adaptive computing (e.g. genetic-algorithm approaches) as a significant subsymbolic factor.
The largest applications for which we have produced results are the modelling of the human body (validated particularly by applications in the textile and fashion industry, and linked to the generation of realistic animation of human avatars for use in our virtual reality group's work), intelligent data fusion for applications in biological and pharmaceutical industries, and diagnosis of skeletal defects in children. The body-modelling applications were in part a response to the Foresight goal of promoting advanced Information Technology in the service industries.
Our research also treats underlying issues in knowledge-based computing where advances are needed to improve the quality or capabilities of the applications. Machine learning is the most visible of these. Others include time-critical automated reasoning, reasoning with cases and examples, default reasoning, and (most recently) the structure and use of autonomous agents.
We plan to maintain this profile, which has produced positive results in the last four years and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future for intelligent knowledge-based computing.

Most Notable Achievements:

Construction and validation of robust methods to support time-critical reasoning with different representations of knowledge (Campbell, Output 4);
Significant advances in the state of the art of human body surface reconstruction and measurement, and body positioning from scanner and model data (Buxton, Output 3);
High-quality prediction of location and type of beta structures in protein molecules (Gorse, Output 4)
A logic-based means of dealing with inconsistent software specification (Hunter, Output 4)
Award of Certificate of Merit by the Radiological Society of N.America, for a radiological electronic Atlas of Malformation Syndromes (Washbrook, Output 4);
Provision of tractable algorithms for consistency-checking (Hirsch, Output 1);
A new framework for design that exploits evolutionary computing methods, and demonstration of its effectiveness (Bentley, Outputs 1 & 4).

VISION, IMAGING, AND VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS (VIVE) (Group E): Bernard Buxton, Danny Alexander, Simon Arridge, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Mel Slater, Anthony Steed, plus other researchers and research students.

Orientation: There are three nuclei of research within the computer vision, medical image processing, and computer graphics and virtual environments. Within the topic of vision, we are concerned with each of 2D, implicit 3D, and explicit 3D imaging and modeling (particularly of the human body, in collaboration with the Intelligent Systems group). For 2D, our main activity is in colour modeling and in the use of physical and statistical models for scene segmentation and vehicle navigation. The most novel of our implicit 3D projects involves image encoding to reduce bandwidth demands for real-time visual data in networks. The main explicit 3D vision activity is in scanning and modeling of the human body. Basic research that supports advances in textiles and the fashion industry is carried out, and will support future related projects in e-commerce.
The application area that drives the research in imaging is medical image processing; optical tomography in particular. Four years ago we had established an internationally leading position in that area, which has been maintained through new contributions to improvements in optical tomography, e.g. the first 3D reconstructions from measured data (in collaboration with the Dept. of Medical Physics).
We have expanded our Virtual Environments' activities since 1996, most recently illustrated by the installation of a "ReaCTor", a fully immersive virtual reality laboratory with JREI funding. The "ReaCTor" complements the Bartlett School of Architecture's VR Laboratory, and maintains our links with the School. The Equator IRC brings added focus to this research, with five new researchers joining the group, which carries out research on the developing field of Mixed Reality in conjunction with seven other universities.
The main Virtual Reality projects concern novel examples of real situations, including shared virtual environments with multiple human avatars, with realistic behaviour, collaborating remotely on distributed tasks. The need is for virtual characters (avatars) that produce an effective behavioural and psychological reaction in real people with applications including psychotherapy in social phobias, with UCL Psychology and the Institute of Psychiatry funded by Wellcome). The computer science aspect of this is concerned with requirements for virtual characters (avatars) to produce an effective behavioural and psychological reaction in real people. This has considerable industrial interest, e.g. a BT CASE, and a LINK project (Digital VCE) sponsored by the BBC. Other aspects of our work include virtual travel (EC COVEN project), and BBC-funded research on rehearsal for actors in virtual environments.

The group also has a strong track record in real-time computer graphics, as evidenced by Slater's EPSRC Senior Research Fellowship in the area of virtual light field rendering, and Chrysanthou's treatment of the representation of large crowds (for virtual cities).
Finally, a recent EPSRC award for a Virtual Environments, Imaging and Visualisation Engineering Doctorate Centre, in collaboration with the Bartlett School of Architecture, will provide resources to support 10 doctorate students annually for 5 years from 2001.
Each of the group's areas is stable for the future: the research problems being addressed are predicted to continue as focuses for international research, though details will change as progress in these areas generates new challenges (e.g. realistic animation of human motion).

Most Notable Achievements:

Development, implementation, demonstration and evaluation of a model-based tracking system for robot vehicle navigation and crop segmentation (Buxton, Output 2).
A stochastic model for the representation and measurement of presence in virtual environments (Slater, Output 1).
The virtual light field paradigm for realistic real-time computer graphics (Slater).
Advances in theory and practical implementation of efficient methods for non-linear image reconstruction (Arridge, Outputs 2 & 4).
Population of cityscapes, thousands of interacting virtual characters (Chrysanthou, output 1).


The focus of this research is a VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) architecture that can be used to implement machines that execute code of current RISC or CISC instruction set architectures in a VLIW fashion, with backward code compatibility. VLIW machines potentially provide the most direct way to exploit instruction-level parallelism. The effectiveness of a dynamically trace scheduled VLIW (DTSVLIW) instruction-scheduling algorithm has been evaluated using the SPECint95 benchmark suite (Rounce, Outputs 1-4).
Our main concern overall is to maintain the present distribution of age and experience among the academic staff, so that the research strengths and the subject-areas in which we work are not attenuated by retirement or by departure. We have been successful in this aim for several years, despite pressure caused by tempting offers from industry to staff members whose research is in the most commercially attractive fields. This has been achieved in part because of the strong attraction of the lively and innovative research culture here.
A further item of policy is to be active in identifying and recruiting young members of academic staff whose promise includes the strong possibility of development into internationally-recognised research leaders within a relatively short time. Even with the level of competition for recruitment of computer scientists into other universities and industry, this is continuing to succeed. In chronological order of appointment, the success is clearly evident internationally in the particular cases of Prof. Crowcroft, Dr. Sasse, Dr. Arridge, Dr. Levene and Dr. Emmerich.
In addition to their role as nuclei for research programmes, the Department's research groups are intended as a source of support for young members of staff. A "mentor" structure for young staff with limited academic experience provides help in career development, planning and writing of research papers and proposals, contacts with companies and research bodies, and general tribal knowledge of universities and academic computer science.
The Department has in place a systematic scheme of support and encouragement for research students, to promote the development of researchers capable of both independent initiatives and contributing positively to group projects.
The primary supervisor-student relationship is backed up by an active role for the second supervisor. Thesis projects are integrated into the work of the departmental research groups, as mentioned above, and the expectation is that students will attend short courses and training in basic research skills. These are made available regularly by the Graduate School, our own MRes programmes, and where appropriate, in collaboration with industrial partners. Students are familiarised with the Graduate School's Code of Practice for supervised research study, and of the special opportunities for relevant experience (e.g. courses and activities in e-commerce and enterprise) available in the Department. We have annual poster-based presentations of students' projects, with substantial prizes and involvement in judging from some of our commercial collaborators. Students are registered initially for an MPhil, and defend their work orally and in writing to the two supervisors and a third academic assessor after 12 and 24 months. They receive written reports on these, based on 7 criteria, with any recommendations needed for their future progress. The second of these reviews is also the qualifying test for transfer to PhD registration.
We have recently collaborated with other departments in UCL to add EngDoc strands to our postgraduate programme, as a further means of diversifying our research-based student activity and of linking research with commercial and industrial collaborations. A collaboration with the Department of Electronic Engineering (EE) resulted in joint funding for the Communications EngDoc Centre (based in Electronic Engineering) in 1999. Recently, a proposal to the EPSRC for a joint doctorate centre between ourselves and the Bartlett School of Architecture was also accepted, and will register its first doctorate students in 2001.
Because of our reputation and the nature of our commercial collaborations, the largest single source of funding for research students comes from commercially-provided studentships or stipends. This accounts for about 70% of the students who do not hold overseas scholarships or personal awards from outside the country. The support from research councils is mainly via CASE studentships, which follows from our profile of work. The predominantly commercial funding for research students encourages transfer of relevant results from research to practical use, and awareness of practical problems that may raise questions appropriate for research.


The 1996 RAE listed 10 points to our strategy, most of which have been followed through during the current period of assessment. Only small items do not figure among the information provided in the outputs listed in RA2 and the above text, and in this context it is worth providing further information on two items here. First, the use of virtual environments for medical applications, forecast in the last RAE, has been realized in the social phobia application mentioned in 5a; this work will be continued by therapeutic case studies to be carried out by proper NHS qualified psychologists. NHS funding for this is being sought. Another item mentioned in the previous RAE, the intended focus on intelligent autonomous agents, is part of our research but has not yet generated substantial published results in time for this assessment. However, we see this work as an important ingredient of the new Bioinformatics Units (see RA5c).
None of the research topics mentioned in the 1996 RAE has proved to be an incorrect or inappropriate forecast. Areas the department supported, such as networking, graphics, and adaptive systems, deemed unfashionable by some sectors of the computer science community five years ago, have now come to the fore as significant areas of research.

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Research Strategy
The Department’s strategic research direction is focussed on real-world problems through high quality academic scientific enquiry. Its aim is to generate new scientific knowledge through development of an enhanced understanding of complex issues of computer science. Where appropriate, an interdisciplinary approach is taken to ensure an integrated solution emerges. Collaboration with industrial partners ensures high practical relevance and knowledge transfer to encourage industrial wealth creation through exploitation of rigorous academic research. Particular emphasis is placed on a research group led culture.

Research Structure and Environment
The Department’s Research Committee facilitates and monitors research, identifying research initiatives, disseminating information and encouraging collaboration. It promotes quality in research output by lightening the non-research load of research productive staff. Staff mentoring is provided for new members of the Department with an emphasis on development of personal research objectives/programmes via collaboration within a team environment. Departmental funds are set aside to sponsor postgraduate studentships, travel and research infrastructure. The Department provides supervisors, and directors of research to train research students. The Faculty provides multi-disciplinary support for strategic research initiatives. The recently established University Research Support Office handles research-related enquiries and provides factual information to assist in making grant applications.
Staffing Policy
As a research led Department, staffing policy is geared towards strengthening research groups and to react to University strategy and Government policy. All new appointments are made strategically to support the research groups and their planned future direction. Significant appointments have been made in the RAE period and further new appointments have been approved (detailed later).
Research Groups, Current Research Activities and Achievements
Research in the Department is undertaken in 5 coherent research groups of international standing:

1. AML (Profs. RS Kalawsky, H Schröder, Drs. HE Bez, EA Edirisinghe, O Sykora and Ms J Edwards)
Advanced Media Laboratories (AML) comprises the Advanced Virtual Reality Research Centre (AVRRC) and Parallel Algorithms and Architectures Research Centre (PÅRC). AML’s research is concerned with high performance computing, virtual reality, wearable computing systems and parallel computing. Underpinning this research are fundamental investigations in advanced graphics, human-computer interaction and parallel computing algorithms. . Challenging research problems requiring expertise from AVRRC and PÅRC have been identified, for example, optimal mobile computing and efficient communication in mobile networks. Therefore, the establishment of the AML was a logical step to build on the established strengths of AVRRC and PÅRC.

The AVRRC led by Kalawsky researches high performance visual computing, Virtual Reality and wearable/mobile computing. The AVRRC was opened by HRH Duke of Edinburgh in 1996 and incorporated the first Reality Centre to be established in a UK University. Research contracts from EPSRC, HEFCE, MOD, Lotteries Board, the Arts Council and industrial support from international companies such as Silicon Graphics Inc., SEOS Displays, PTC, MultiGen-Paradigm Inc. and BT have resulted in over £2.8m investment. Funding from EPSRC and the JISC Technology Applications Programme established the human factors evaluation framework underpinning the detailed human performance evaluation studies which have resulted in new VR related human performance evaluation tools. These are now in use by research laboratories and industry across the world. Successful transfer of human factors research knowledge to industry has led to further substantial industrial support through the provision of a Vision Dome, three-pipe Onyx computer and Immersive Wall to facilitate future research in multi-modal interaction in immersive environments. Recent MoD funded work has also led to a major contribution to the field of augmented reality as a means of providing online embedded training through the understanding of cognitive performance. The resulting research involved hundreds of carefully designed cognitive performance evaluation trials over a two-year period. Support from MoD and industry has enabled the AVRRC to extend its research into wearable/mobile computing. Research collaborations in the wearable computing area are already underway with several organisations including Motorola and BT. One of the first international conferences on augmented reality and wearable computing in the UK was held at Loughborough.

Edwards researches the support of ISO 9000/14000 Quality Assurance processes in the automotive industry (Jaguar). This research led to the development of 'Synergy', a Computer Supported Co-operative Working system for industry and commerce. Further research with web based client-server applications has resulted in important developments for the management of human capital in the emergent knowledge economy. The results of this research are important for international collaboration between businesses in the form of Global Strategic Alliances.

PÅRC, led by Schröder, is focused on theoretical problems behind computationally challenging tasks of practical interest. The research activities are concentrated on four major areas: 1) vision and visualisation; 2) signal processing; 3) future architectures of parallel computers; and 4) fundamental theoretical research. Schröder has produced efficient parallel systolic algorithms, e.g. line detection algorithms based on Hough transform, 2D and 3D image construction in computer tomography, transformation and compression algorithms in signal processing. He has worked on approximation algorithms and contributed significantly to research in reconfigurable meshes for load balancing and in image compression.

Bez researches the analysis of curve and surface algorithms for computer graphics and geometric modelling. Recent results have shown that the use of group theoretic methods provide comprehensive answers to fundamental questions concerning the properties of curve and surface algorithms used in CAGD. He was also engaged in a drape simulation project using finite element methods, in a garment design project and in image processing.

Edirisinghe researches in monocular and stereo image compression, video coding, shape coding, object recognition and image/video coding standards.

Sykora’s research addresses low crossing planar, straight line, book and two-layer graph drawing. He also undertakes research on static and dynamic properties of interconnection and communication networks based on advanced WDM technology.

The 6 members of AML have attracted £2.9m in grants and gifts, produced 26 journal papers, 48.5 conference papers, 2 books, 1 chapters in books and 9 PhD completions.

2. C&CRS (Prof. EA Edmonds, Dr L Candy )
Creativity & Cognition Research Studios (C&CRS) provides an internationally recognised multi-disciplinary environment for research between computer scientists and artists. C&CRS concentrates on the advancement of understanding and practice in digital media and the arts. It provides computer scientists and artists with a space in which to collaborate, experiment and create, as equal partners, in practice-based research.

Edmonds’ multidisciplinary work in the area of support for creative thought and creative cognition led to the establishment of C&CRS. In 1998 Edmonds led a Mission sent by the DTI to look at Art and Technology Intersection in Japan as part of the Technology Foresight activity. C&CRS was formed as a direct result of its findings. C&CRS is a leading centre in creative and technological research.

Funding for the C&CRS is from 15 research grants awarded by EPSRC, HEFCE, industry and the Arts Council for England. A JREI award for a laboratory for the study of Art and Technology worth nearly £0.5M was unique in the UK. EPSRC funded an innovative feasibility study (COSTART), involving an artists-in-residence programme, and followed it up by funding a full study beginning in 2001. An EPSRC Visiting Fellowship enabled Prof. Hewett of Drexel University USA to add to the COSTART research by bringing a psychology of HCI perspective. C&CRS provides a base for activities such as the international conference series Creativity & Cognition, now sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and supported by leading figures such as Minsky, Shneiderman and Fischer. The work with Japanese partners on the Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation Workshops, held in Loughborough and then Iwate, is developing a new sub-discipline in that area. Digital artists have taken a prominent role in the research, and an award was made in 2000 to support five artists to work in C&CRS as part of the national Year of the Artist scheme.

Creativity in Design has formed a basis of much of the work and funded projects have been successfully completed with Lotus Engineering, British Aerospace, BIM, SAAB and many other companies. Much of this work has concentrated on two primary issues: support in early creative conceptual design and support for globally distributed design. HCI research is continuing through the System Engineering Data Representation and Exchange Standardisation (SEDRES) and SEDRES II European projects. These projects research interface standards to allow the complete set of tools in design of aircraft and spacecraft and their avionics systems to communicate, so that an integrated project support environment is available from commercial tools.

The 2 members of C&CRS have attracted £1.1m in grants and gifts, produced 16 journal papers, 21 conference papers 2 chapters in books and 5.5 PhD completions.

3. GRADIENTS (Prof PWH Chung, Drs. BS Acar, JH Connolly, CJ Hinde, SA McCoy)
Graphics Design and Intelligent Systems (GRADIENTS) is a multi-disciplinary group conducting research in scientific, engineering and clinical applications, using techniques associated with artificial intelligence and numerical modelling. The AI activity is characterised by work in neural networks, natural language analysis (NL), model-based reasoning, planning and scheduling and fuzzy reasoning techniques, applied to a range of applications. The numerical modelling stream is concerned with spine modelling (Acar), and inter-related biological systems (Hinde). The biological software has reached the stage where it is being actively used by biologists and also to explore the growth and sustainability of inter-modal transport hubs seeking to enhance quality of life and a clean environment. Research is also carried out in creating hybrid systems that combine qualitative and quantitative reasoning (Hinde). Funding from Nortel has enabled research in genetic algorithms (Hinde).

The NL research generated substantial new results in relation to Functional Grammar, Clinical NL Algorithms, and Computer Supported Co-operative Work (Connolly). Current research includes computer-based acquisition of natural language, primarily in business applications, and translating natural language descriptions of human faces into 3D images (Hinde).

The group is carrying out major projects in computer-aided safe plant design in collaboration with the Department of Chemical Engineering (McCoy & Chung). The work on operating procedure synthesis using AI planning techniques received a certificate of recognition from the Expert System 99 conference (Chung). Some of the ideas generated from the accident database project are incorporated into the accident database developed and marketed by the Institution of Chemical Engineers. An IT company has been set up to exploit the automated hazard identification system.

Chung transferred to Gradients from Chemical Engineering to consolidate AI research. He was funded by the British Council, the Education Committee of China and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to collaborate with Dortmund University, Zhejiang University and Okayama University, respectively.

The 5 members of the GRADIENTS group, including Chung (from 2000), have attracted £506k in grants and gifts, produced 28 journal papers, 52 conference papers, 3 books, 4 chapters in books, and 5 PhD completions.

4. IMPACT (Prof. JL Alty, Drs RP Knott, IW Phillips, SH Yang)
Interactive Mechanisms for Process Control and Communications Technology (IMPACT) undertakes research in computer human-interfaces, which are remote from the source of computation. The group concentrates on process control interfaces (for example remote process control), distance learning interfaces, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), design of digital radio receivers, development of compression mechanisms and related communication issues.

The interest was stimulated by the award of a large research grant of £400k from the EU (MEMO – Multimedia for Mobiles) to carry out research into Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB). The MEMO project produced GSM up-links to DAB systems and the work played a key role in defining European standards for DAB applications. The group is a founder member of the European DAB forum that guides the development of DAB.

In 1998, a research contract of £89k from the DTI was awarded to develop the world’s first commercial DAB portable radio receiver with Siemens and the UK radio manufacturer Roberts Radio. This was supported by a further grant of £46k in 1999. The research now centres on MP3 transmissions in DAB at very low bit rates. The success of IMPACT led to a JREI award (Alty and Knott) from EPSRC in 1999 of £180k (with matching funds from BT, BAE SYSTEMS and Nortel) to provide a DAB transmitter and a DAB laboratory. The laboratory, officially opened in January 2001, examines WAP, Bluetooth and DAB. There is substantial interest from the commercial DAB community in this facility enabling research in new applications.

Process Control research grew out of the PROMISE project. Alty won a research grant from the EU to develop an agent based adaptive interface for process control applications in Italy and Spain (£100k), with Alcatel (France), Softeco and Elsag (Italy) and Iberdrola (Spain). Yang won an EPSRC grant (£70k) to support research into remote process control.

IMPACT was chosen by the German Government to lead the interface design of a (DM40million) Chemical Distance Learning project with 15 German Universities including Berlin, Dresden, Tübingen and München (Alty). This work is funded for 4 years at £220k.

Phillips' research focus is on Network Performance Measurement, networking mobile devices in an ad-hoc manner; and improving internet use by whole communities. Network performance measurement includes techniques for measurement and display of current performance through collaboration with Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Loughborough. BT funds the research that measures BT's SMDS service).

The 5 members of IMPACT have attracted £944k in grants and gifts, produced 18 journal papers, 52 conference papers 0.5 book, 3 chapters in books, and 6 PhD completions.

5. ISE (Drs IA Newman, DJ Cooke, CW Dawson, Mr RJ Dawson, W Hussak)
Information Systems Engineering (ISE) researches tools and formal techniques for requirements engineering, system specification, system development and maintenance, and methods for predicting and measuring information system performance. Practical work has focused on empirical research based on industrial data, large scale distributed systems, the integration of web and database techniques for ensuring best practice and environmental/river modelling. All but one of the research students currently in the group are partially funded by industry (Rolls-Royce, ICL, The Danwood Group, BT, NSB) and work closely with their sponsors to ensure that the research is applicable. This has led to further collaboration with the companies (papers, industrial grants, EPSRC/European grant proposals).

RJ Dawson researches project management methods used in companies (Rolls-Royce Naval Marine, Rolls-Royce Aerospace, The Danwood Group, NSB Retail Systems, Gehe). He concentrates on empirical research with project management data associated with information systems and software development, particularly related to cost, examining the requirements gathering and software development processes and their relationship to e-commerce. This work has resulted in 3 industrial grants. The work on whole life costing (RJ Dawson) resulted in a prize for a paper and substantial savings for the organisations (Rolls-Royce and The Danwood Group).

Work on the management of change and the effective use of technology (RJ Dawson & Newman) has led to publications on educating engineers to design and produce effective software in "real world" environments. This work has attracted industrial sponsorship, including student prizes, and has resulted in Loughborough students winning prizes in industrially sponsored, national (IBM) and international (NASA) competitions.

The generation of integrated, robust, expandable systems (covering distribution and web based delivery) (Newman), built on the technical successes achieved in the GENIE and POINTERS distributed information management projects. Many of the ideas are incorporated in a book produced by the IFIP WG2.7 (Design Principles for Interactive Software). The development of tools to support the effective use of components has been supported by a BT allocated CASE award.

Application of AI methods to hydrological modelling of river flow (CW Dawson) has been supported by the Environment Agency for an ecological study of the Test and Itchen rivers in Hampshire, and by the University of Yichang (China) for collaborative work on the River Yangtze. CW Dawson is a co-founder of UK Hydroinformatics Group. Further environmental work includes development of Statistical Downscaling Modelling Software for the Canadian Climate Impacts Scenarios Group. CW Dawson is also researching risk management with Experian and has published papers on flexible methods in software project management with RJ Dawson.

Cooke & Hussak are primarily concerned with using accessible mathematical notations to define the requirements and specifications of systems. These can be used to reason about correctly implemented systems and/or used to derive necessarily correct system designs. Specific interests include logics for requirements engineering of concurrent systems (Hussak), the nature of refinement from requirements to a system specification, and the use of temporal logic and quantifications to produce abstract specifications which are devoid of implementation bias (Cooke).

The 5 members of ISE have attracted £156k in grants and gifts, produced 15 journal papers, 45 conference papers 3.5 books, 4 chapters in books and 4 PhD completions.

Evaluation of 1996 Research Plans
The Department planned to increase its space provision and to move all groups into a common area. It currently shares space with Computing Services. The inauguration of a £14m integrated engineering complex has freed space on the central campus making this goal achievable. The increase in industrial sponsorship for studentships has been achieved. An Industrial Advisory Committee that meets twice a year has been set up. Companies represented on the Committee (Rolls-Royce Power Engineering and N.S.B. Retail Systems) and others (The Danwood Group, BT & Nortel) sponsor research studentships.

Kalawsky transferred from the Department of Human Sciences as Computer Science more closely reflected his interests. AVRRC has continued to attract funding and considerably increased its research output. AVRRC exceeded its planned objectives and attracts a high levels international academic and industrial interest; eg. a Vision Dome and 3-pipe Onyx Super Computer were donated by BT. AVRRC human factors evaluation tools and methodologies are now being used by other organisations to develop VR and wearable computing systems. Several international workshops/conferences have been organised, including 2 Virtual Reality in Education and Training as well as one of the first international conferences on wearable computing in the UK.

The PÅRC group was restructured: 5 members of PÅRC have left and 3 new members joined. These developments changed the research direction and profile of PÅRC Consequently, different research activities evolved and new results have been achieved.

Closer collaboration with PÅRC came about through Bez joining PÅRC. The graphical work has continued in spinal modelling (Acar) and also in the research into graphical biological modelling systems (Hinde). NL processing (Hinde & Connolly) progressed as planned. The identified research work on multi-agent systems and collaboration protocols is being developed through an EPSRC funded project – Task Based Process Management (Chung).


The ISE group has become more focussed and has progressed. The appointment of CW Dawson, a long-term collaborator of RJ Dawson, has strengthened ISE.
The Loughborough University Telecommunications and Computer-Human Interface research centre (LUTCHI) has been very successful. Substantial funding has enabled two separate highly focussed research groups to emerge, C&CRS & IMPACT. The formation of the two groups is a natural development of the move by LUTCHI into Telecommunications research. C&CRS provides an environment for advancing understanding and practice in digital media and the arts. IMPACT carries out research into human-interfaces remote from the source of computation. C&CRS and IMPACT have more than met the general research and collaboration ambitions of 1996.

University of Manchester_25 5* [55.43B]

Introduction. Since 1996 our research activities have been significantly strengthened through redevelopment, rejuvenation and reinvigoration. This change is witnessed by: 26 new academic staff appointments and 7 inward internal transfers; 66% of our research outputs published in academic journals (34% in RAE'96), and the remainder appeared predominantly in major refereed conference proceedings; exploitation of our research leading to novel hardware and software products, Gnu licences and six spin-out companies with £4.5M external investment; 40 new international collaborations have been established and our staff have received 22 prizes and honours, as listed in form RA6.

Structure & Environment. The distinctive feature of Manchester computer science derives from its full range of activities from technology to theory within an integrated environment. The UoA return comprises 55.43 FTE academic staff, 54.8 FTE research staff and 93.16 FTE postgraduate research students in five research divisions: Technology, Foundations, Performance Engineering, Visual Computing and Information Systems. Each division comprises a small number of subgroups, 13 across the whole UoA. Most staff hold full appointments in the Department of Computer Science however 5.9 FTE staff hold appointments in the Division of Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering (ISBE) in the Medical School and Aczel & Freeman hold joint appointments in the Department of Mathematics. The ISBE staff form a research subgroup in Computer Science; Taylor, the subgroup leader, holds a joint appointment in Computer Science and the remaining staff hold honorary appointments - all are engaged in teaching and/or collaborative research across the faculty boundaries. Management of research is proactive. A Research Committee, led by Gurd and comprising two or more members of each division, fosters and coordinates research across the UoA. Each division is actively reviewed annually and performance indicators are published; success is rewarded materially through discretionary funding according to monitored achievements but special action occurs when performance targets are not achieved. New research subgroups, normally chosen to complement an existing strength, are fostered via the Research Committee. Three new subgroups have emerged since 1996 in information management, electronic information storage and mobile communications. Research students are full members of research subgroups, which provide local facilities and supervision support following best practice, and all receive core transferable skills training through departmental programmes and from the parent Graduate School in Science, Engineering and Medicine. Outstanding research resources are available for staff and students through (i) the John Rylands University Library, especially with its electronic holdings, (ii) leading-edge computing and communications infrastructure and support, (iii) close association with Manchester Computing for large-scale supercomputing resources and high-bandwidth networking, and (iv) links with major companies for access to industrial-strength fabrication facilities. In addition, research and exploitation support has been established with 3.8 FTE staff whose primary aim is to relieve academic staff of the administrative burden of undertaking and exploiting research. This support is integrated with the University’s technology transfer organisation, Manchester Innovation Holdings, and in particular with two of its wholly owned departmental subsidiaries, Manchester Informatics and Visual Automation.

Staffing Policy. New staff are appointed on the basis of their research track record as well as their fit with, and potential to contribute to, the appropriate divisional strategy. Career advancement is fostered evenly among the research areas. Since 1996, 26 new academic staff have been appointed; 9 staff have been promoted and 7 staff who were previously returned in other UoAs have now transferred into the Department of Computer Science and are well integrated into this UoA. This rejuvenation has been facilitated by a total of 16 staff departures (4 to chairs elsewhere, 3 to non-professorial posts in other universities, 5 to industry, 4 retirements), as well as strategic investment by the University. Each new member of staff is assigned to a line manager and is formally interviewed annually on the basis of a written self-appraisal of their achievements and personal development needs. Objectives are agreed for the coming year and progress against these targets forms the basis of the next self-appraisal. Line management is organised through the divisions and constituent research subgroups; research-oriented personal objectives are a natural consequence and, in particular, applications for research leave are strongly encouraged via this route. Research leave with pay is normally granted only when it entails a substantial visit to an internationally recognised overseas centre of excellence. As far as possible, contract research staff are accorded the same mentoring and career development opportunities as permanent staff.

Research Divisions. Acitivities, achievements and plans for the five divisions follow.

(A) Technology. This division aims to enhance the capabilities of the hardware and software infrastructure of modern computer systems, positioning its activities carefully relative to the mainstream of the global computer, tele-communications and semiconductor industries. Extensive collaboration with industry leaders, e.g. ARM, MITEL, Philips and GEC-Plessey, helps to maintain the balance between advanced research and industrial relevance. Since 1996 we have trebled the size of the division, complementing the Amulet asynchronous processor activity in 1999 with (i) a completely new activity in mobile systems, with particular strength in mobile radio communications, and (ii) the storage group from the Electrical Engineering division in the Manchester School of Engineering. Thus, our research now embraces the key themes of Processing, Communication and Storage of digital information and covers: architectural and implementation techniques; hardware / software interaction; design automation; and interfaces between the digital and physical world in the form of sensors and actuators.

Within our Processing theme (Brackenbury, Edwards, Furber, Garside, Woods), we have strengthened our position as a leading centre, world-wide, for asynchronous processing, established with the delivery in 1994 of the CMOS AMULET1 [Woods 1] and a bipolar variant [Brackenbury 4], with the delivery in 1996 of AMULET2e [Furber 2, Garside 1] and AMULET3H in 2000. AMULET3H is the world's first 32-bit asynchronous microprocessor designed for commercial use (at the time of writing volume production is held up pending resolution of commercial issues unrelated to the asynchronous technology). It is compatible with, and has performance and power-efficiency comparable to, the state-of-the-art ARM9TDMI [Edwards 2]. It has unique electromagnetic interference properties and a zero-power idle mode, both advantageous in reactive mobile systems that rely on radio communications. The development of its asynchronous system-on-chip subsystem [Edwards 4] represents a major technological advance, requiring significant progress in asynchronous processor architecture [Garside 2-4], the development of an asynchronous on-chip bus [Furber 3], the synthesis of a complex 32-channel DMA controller [Edwards 1] and a calibratable on-chip reference delay system for timing off-chip accesses to synchronous memories and peripherals [Furber 4]. AMULET3H cements the contribution of the division to the ultimate commercial success of this emergent technology after a decade of intensive research and industrial collaboration. Work on design methodologies has continued; early work on using occam to model asynchronous systems [Woods 2,3] and timing verification [Woods 4] has led to more sophisticated recent tools work. AMULET3H was modelled using our special purpose in-house design language 'LARD', with parts synthesised in 'Balsa' [Edwards 3]. The analysis of 'decoupling' in asynchronous pipeline control systems [Furber 1] has been much cited by the asynchronous design community. Other activities in low-power processing include the development of asynchronous signal processing systems [Brackenbury 2] in the context of the EPSRC-funded low-power cluster; a novel asynchronous Viterbi decoder design is one outcome of this work and is subject to patent application.

Within the Communications theme (Barton, Cheetham, Costen-Taga, Hamdi, Zhang), we have brought together a team to address all major aspects of mobile computing, communications and broadcasting with expertise embracing radio channel characterisation, through broadband transmission techniques, multiple access techniques, medium access control (MAC) and data security protocols to voice coding and compression of other types of signals. Ongoing projects include channel estimation for digital video broadcasting, frequency-hopping interference analysis, MAC protocols for wireless ad-hoc networks, data security protocols for e-commerce, and voice coding for interactive distance learning. Third Generation cellular systems will use two different multiple access techniques: W-CDMA and TD-CDMA. Under a DTI/EPSRC LINK project, the first working demonstrator of W-CDMA established the feasibility of high data rate services [Barton 2] and significant advances in channel estimation techniques for TD-CDMA were made [Barton 1]. Costen-Taga holds three patents in Direction-of-Arrival estimation algorithms [Costen-Taga 1-4], a pre-requisite for Smart Antennas. Under an ESPRIT project, the first working demonstrator of HIPERLAN showed the feasibility of high-speed wireless LAN [Barton 4]. A theoretical understanding of interference in Frequency-Hopping systems has been developed [Hamdi 1-4]. Advanced compression algorithms for voice signals [Cheetham 1,4] provide a basis for optimisation of the source coding for the mobile channel in wireless multimedia transmission. Our work on secure document (contract) exchange [Zhang 1,2] places us in an ideal position to address the issues of security for e-commerce over mobile networks where there is a gross imbalance between the processing powers available at opposite ends of the link.

Our Storage activity (Cunningham, Hill, Middleton, Miles, Nutter) embraces magnetic disc, magnetic tape and optical recording. Our high specification experimental recording facility for magnetic disk has enabled detailed theoretical understanding and advanced computer models of very high-density recording on new media [Middleton 1]. In collaboration with, and using equipment provided by, Philips and Hewlett-Packard, corresponding models, theoretical and practical studies on the latest experimental media for advanced tape systems were developed [Middleton 2,4]. New channel coding and equalisation schemes were also investigated [Middleton 3]. The development of micromagnetic models of materials [Miles 1] enabled fundamental studies of storage mechanisms and noise in hard disk systems. In optical systems experimental and theoretical work has concentrated on the behaviour of storage channels employing thermo-magneto-optical and phase change processes to develop a comprehensive view of the record and replay cycles. This has allowed complete channel characterisation [Nutter 1-4], which has formed the basis of the studies of optical systems, of novel media [Nutter 1], and of detection, imaging and optical equalisation techniques [Nutter 2]. In collaboration with GEC-Plessey and Philips, extensions of our fundamental studies to characterise complete magneto/optical storage systems have been undertaken. Thick and thin film piezoelectric devices have been constructed [Cunningham 3,4] and theoretical and experimental studies have explored the optimum size for actuation applications [Cunningham 1]. New systems for vibration cancellation in the finer components in disc drives and in force microscopes have resulted [Cunningham 2]. Our development of high coercivity thin films for magnetic sensors has produced the first self-biased GMR sensor [Hill 3] and a novel magnetic recording medium for experimental and simulation studies [Hill 2]. Our micromagnetic modelling enabled the first theoretical study of the interaction of magnetic force microscope sensing tips with low coercivity samples [Hill 1] and the work on noise in sensors, [Hill 4], revealed non-linear processes that could lead to a new breed of non-linear sensors, using stochastic resonance, of improved signal-to-noise ratios.

Plans: Power and security enhancements of the AMULET processor technology are under way for smartcard applications, and we are extending our synthesis capability to improve design productivity. A spin-out company is being formed to exploit this technology, and discussions are underway with ARM Limited regarding the processor IP needed. Other new lines of research include asynchronous DSP development and asynchronous hardware support for massively parallel neural systems (where we have filed patents and formed an exploitation company - Cogniscience Ltd). In the communications area plans include work on adaptive antennas for cellular base station forward-links, space-time coding for multi-antenna transmission, high dynamic range analogue to digital conversion for cellular base stations, MAC protocols for radio networks with adaptive power control and directional/adaptive antennas, voice coding for broadband radio packet networks, security protocols for partially connected radio networks, and software radio. In the storage area we plan to apply two-dimensional Viterbi equalisation to overlapping disk tracks to increase the recording density of magnetic storage media. Sensor research will include the development of biomedical sensors in collaboration with medical research groups, and contracts are already in place with the National Physical Laboratories and the calibration community.

(B) Foundations. A key characteristic of this division is its integration of theory with the development of world-class systems. It aims to develop logic-based systems, theoretical foundations for such systems, and the general mathematical and computational theory that is of practical significance to computing and its applications. The division has evolved significantly since 1996 through six new appointments adding world-leading competence in automated reasoning to its extant activities in formal methods and artificial intelligence. Its major themes are now Reasoning Systems, Learning Systems, Formal Development, and Computational Models, although breakthroughs outside these themes may occur, for example [Bree 1,4].

Reasoning Systems (Barringer, Bree, Dantsin, Dix, Pratt-Hartmann, Schmidt, Voronkov, Williams): here we develop the theory of automated reasoning systems for classical first-order and propositional logics, for modal, temporal and description logics; we develop theories for qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning; we develop and classify theories of non-monotonic reasoning, (disjunctive) deductive databases and multi-agent systems; and we aim to provide world-leading practical fully automated reasoning tools for these logics and systems. Our first-order theorem prover, Vampire, has been twice ‘world champion’ at CASC in 1999 and 2000. The best upper bounds for propositional satisfiability have been obtained in [Dantsin 1], receiving ‘best paper of the year' award in 2000 by the EATCS. Long-standing open problems in term rewriting and unification have been solved, in particular the decidability of Knuth-Bendix ordering constraints and the undecidability of simultaneous rigid E-unification [Voronkov 1,2]. In temporal logic model checking, space reduction remains a major challenge; a novel combination of on-the-fly model checking with OBDD encodings of visited states and a new safe compression of state-vector, resulted, practically, in good space reductions [Barringer 2]. Practical CTL* model checking, with lowest complexity for properties expressible in both CTL and LTL resulted from formulating the emptiness check on hesitant alternating automata over infinite trees as a two-player game [Barringer 1]. We have characterised models of mereotopological (spatial) logics and the expressive power of various first-order languages with primitives representing various topological and affine relations, which culminated in the first complete axiomatisation of plane mereotopology [Pratt-Hartmann 1-4]. A logic suitable for capturing the temporal information in Natural Language and how it can handle generalized quantifiers has been developed [Bree 3]. The long-held belief that non-standard translation methods for propositional modal logics have computational advantages over the standard method has been proved [Schmidt 1] and has been shown practically [Schmidt 4]. These results have led to the first non-trivial class decided using unrefined resolution and provide a first-order inference method for second-order modal logics [Schmidt 2]. The complexity and expressive power of query languages over trees and lists have been studied and the data and expression complexities of non-recursive query languages fully classified [Dantsin 4]. The classification of semantics for disjunctive logic programs has been extended to disjunctive deductive databases (DDDBs) where an important confluence property of systems of transformation rules has been shown to hold [Dix 1,4], which has application to efficient implementation of the semantics of DDDBs. The work also shows [Dix 4] how constraint logic programming can be used to implement first-order versions of the disjunctive well-founded semantics.

Learning Systems (Bree, Nehmzow, Rattray, Shapiro): here methods, mainly from statistics, are used to develop and apply learning systems, and gain understanding of the dynamics of machine learning algorithms. Our new formalism for accurately predicting the dynamics of genetic algorithms (GAs) with finite-sized populations has been widely accepted by the GA community and applied to the study of finite population models in genetics [Shapiro 1-4, Rattray 1]. Another new formalism, which determines the optimal parameters for on-line neural network training, has also been used to assess the performance of recently introduced "natural gradient" learning algorithms [Rattray 2-4]. A method was developed for setting the parameters of a system for learning to recognise repetitive sounds, such as whale songs, using only a limited amount of data [Bree 2] and has been incorporated into a sophisticated sonar apparatus by a UK company. Novel mechanisms for mobile robot navigation have been developed, demonstrating how highly accurate robot localisation can be achieved by model learning, and how abnormalities can be detected autonomously, with applications to sewer inspection [Nehmzow 1-4].

Formal Development (Banach, Barringer, Lau, Williams): applicability remains a hall-mark and is witnessed through our goals to liberalise the traditional refinement notion, to develop the formal foundations of component-based software development (CBD) and to embed formal methods in design environments that can gain purchase from application-specific knowledge. ‘Retrenchment’ [Banach 1], introduced in 1998, permits smooth formal development from an idealised, over-simplified, abstract model to one capturing the required low-level detail from which normal refinement can take over. ‘Steadfastness’ [Lau 1], a novel notion of correctness that is preserved through inheritance hierarchies, has been introduced for a priori program correctness in next-generation CBD. Based on steadfastness, the work [Lau 4] presents formal foundations for CBD in computational logic, which provide good component interface specifications and a good component assembly guide, both essential, but hitherto unfulfilled, prerequisites for CBD to succeed. Building on our work for the ELLA hardware design language [Williams 1], formal support for asynchronous micro-pipeline design methodology, guided by the less formal approaches used by the AMULET design group, has been a major goal. A comprehensive high-level design and modelling environment, Rainbow, has been implemented [Williams 2-4] that incorporates a family of interoperable languages, both static data flow and control flow style in visual and textual form, for multi-view design presentation, editing, simulation, formal verification [Barringer 3] and linkage to back-end design tools.

Computational Models (Aczel, Banach, Hilken, Schalk): here we develop formal models for the syntax and semantics of programming, specification languages and computation in general, drawing upon logic, category theory, type theory and term graph rewriting. Our goals are to: develop further the theory and understanding of dependent type theories; relate the type theories to appropriate set theories and notions from categorical logic; develop a clear presentation of the final semantics ideas and their general category theoretic foundations; continue investigating term graph rewriting with a view to applications; understand the fundamental structure of computation and reasoning about computation using notions from topology, mathematical logic and abstract algebra; simplify categories that occur in semantics to make them accessible to the non-specialist; and bring order into the wide variety of studied models in game semantics. An assessment of the logical strength of the type theories implemented in the proof development systems Lego and Coq is studied [Aczel 1], exploiting earlier work on the type theoretic interpretation of constructive set theory. An important aspect of these type theories is the possible Curry-Howard representation of logic. In practice, a variant of this representation is used and has been analysed as an impredicative reinterpretation of logic [Aczel 2] along lines suggested by some forgotten definitions of Bertrand Russell and more recently considered by Prawitz and others. Transitive semantics for term graph rewriting [Banach 4] has been applied to the low level MONSTR model and resulted in a confluence property that holds only modulo scheduling information and garbage [Banach 2]. A new duality result linking intuitionistic modal logics with simple semantic structures comprising relations with topology has been obtained [Hilken 3,4] and is viewed as a starting point for a general account of reasoning about computation. An algebraic account of computation in lambda calculus, introducing explicit computation steps into the structure of the calculus has been developed [Hilken 1]. A simple modular way of building models for linear logic has been proposed [Schalk 1], satisfying a given specification along the lines of the most accessible models. An abstract category of games has been found, which gives a clear account of the most basic categories of (concrete) games, used as semantic models [Schalk 2].

Plans: Our extant programmes in reasoning, learning systems, formal development and computational models will continue to be vigorously pursued with ever more emphasis given to applicability and usability of tools and techniques alike, building on the strong integration of theory with world-class systems and practice. Synergies with other divisions within the UoA and with other internationally-renowned research groups and industries, but most notably in the area of Information Systems, will be exploited, e.g. through collaboration in logic-based systems and reasoning, reasoning about multi-agent systems, inter-relationships between different reasoning methods, etc.

(C) Performance Engineering. This division (Freeman, Gurd, Mihajlovic, Rawsthorne, Riley, Sakellariou, Watson) studies methods for achieving high performance, primarily by means of parallel execution. Our research covers issues from design of high-performance processors and associated compilation techniques, through techniques and tools for software performance tuning, to the design and application of performance-critical software in both numerical simulation and non-numerical data processing. We have strong international links with academia and industry, nurtured by a long history of international collaborations, e.g. with Vienna, TU-Munich, Wisconsin, Illinois, with parallel computer vendors, such as SGI, Sun and Fujitsu, software providers, such as PALLAS, FEGS and NAG, and end-users, such as BAE Systems and the UK Meteorological Office. Close links are maintained with CSAR, the national high-end computing service at Manchester Computing. Projects to the value of £2.5M have been awarded since 1996, including two awards from the highly sought-after JREI competition. Our prior investment on single-address-space hardware architectures, such as KSR1 and O2000, has been vindicated by recent trends in the market; CSAR now operates large O2000 and O3000 systems.

Methodological work on feedback-guided parallelisation of serial codes, proposed in [Riley 1] and evaluated against automatic parallelising tools in [Gurd 1], has been applied to good effect on behalf of a number of client research groups and organisations [Freeman 4, Gurd 4, Riley 2]. The most notable of these is the UK Meteorological Office, whose production forecasting code performance has been improved substantially as a result of a collaborative project that has extended over more than 8 years. The main novelty here has been development and deployment of new load balancing techniques [Freeman 3, Sakellariou 1]. We are developing software tools to support the method, including the FINESSE system, which aims to support a mainly manual process [Gurd 2], and, more recently, tools for automated performance analysis, resulting from a 2-year, EC-funded, collaboration in the APART project. This project has made significant steps towards reconciling analysis of seemingly fundamentally different concurrent programming paradigms [Riley 3-4, Rawsthorne 4]. There has been other work on parallel algorithm design [Freeman 2, Mihajlovic 3-4], and a high-speed serial algorithm for testing DNA sequence data [Gurd 3]. Our architecture research has evolved from hardware and compiler support for Virtual Shared Memory [Watson 2-4] to studies of performance enhancement of both serial and parallel systems by the use of innovative dynamic translation [Rawsthorne 1] and dynamic compilation concentrating on the hardware / software interface for parallel support of new languages such as Java. The development of binary translation software has resulted in 3 patents [Rawsthorne 2,3], attracted serious industrial interest and led to the formation of Transitive Technologies Ltd., a transatlantic spin-out with $3M VC funding.

Plans: Achieving high-performance by parallelisation of serial software is difficult, and a future goal is to focus on high-level performance-oriented design [Sakellariou 2-4]. This work also aims to benefit from the notions of objects and components that now pervade the (non-numerical) information-processing sector. An initial project has investigated a novel object-based library for numerical linear algebra [Freeman 1] and has led to involvement in the JSR 083 international expert advisory group. Future projects will look at methodological issues and software tool support for parallel libraries and problem-solving environments in a variety of end-user disciplines. We also aim to contribute to the diminution of the current performance penalty associated with (parallel) object-oriented software. We anticipate the need to contend with increasing levels of heterogeneity (in hardware and software) and dynamic (run-time varying) behaviour at architecture-level. Such problems are inherent, for example, in computational and information-oriented Grids for support of e-Science and other large-scale Internet activities.

(D) Visual Computing. This division aims to underpin the development of systems that generate, manipulate and automatically interpret complex visual environments. Research spans the foundations of modelling and interpretation, the development of software architectures that implement key results, and applications of the resulting systems to challenging real-world problems. Applications produce important research results in their own right, but also motivate and inform our foundational work.

The Computer Vision subgroup (Astley, Cootes, Courtney, Graham, Leavers, Taylor, Thacker) aims to develop generic approaches to automated image interpretation, building on statistical and machine learning foundations. Key contributions have been the extension of our existing work on shape modelling and the development of new approaches to image interpretation based on more complete models of appearance. We have shown that compact and specific statistical models of the shapes and spatial relationships of variable but well-behaved structures (faces, industrial assemblies, etc.) can be constructed completely automatically from sets of annotated boundaries [Taylor 1,2] and have developed non-linear approaches to modelling shape distributions [Cootes 4]. We have demonstrated that statistical shape models can be used with Active Shape Model search (reported at last RAE) to achieve robust interpretation of complex and variable images across a range of important applications including medical image analysis and face recognition [Cootes 2; Courtney 4, Graham 2,3; Taylor 3,4; Thacker 2]. We have also developed a new approach to describing less predictable shapes and demonstrated its application in characterising particle shape in engineering applications [Leavers 1,3,4]. We have explored several approaches to modelling full image appearance rather than shape alone [Astley 1,3; Cootes 1,3; Graham 1]. Most notably, Active Appearance Models combine a statistical model of shape and grey-level appearance, learnt from annotated training images, with an extremely efficient method of matching to new images [Cootes 1]. This leads to a practical and generic implementation of analysis by synthesis that has been applied successfully to face recognition and medical image analysis, and was recognised by the award of the ECCV 98 Science Prize. Our work on the more challenging problem of modelling the appearance of abnormalities in mammograms also shows promise [Astley 1,3]. Other significant contributions have been made to tracking [Courtney 3, Leavers 2], stereo reconstruction [Graham 4, Thacker 1] and machine learning [Courtney 2, Thacker 3]. Work on model-based interpretation has been widely cited and adopted as the basis for new research at several leading vision labs around the world. It has also been exploited extensively, with two venture capital funded spin-offs (Kestra: pcb inspection – sold for $11m, i-Morphics: image analysis for drug discovery), licence agreements and incorporation by third parties into commercial products.

The Advanced Interfaces subgroup (Gibson, Hubbold, Pettifer) focuses on fundamental issues in creating large-scale, complex virtual environments (VEs), and on the design, implementation and evaluation of software architectures required to support these, covering a broad range of challenging real-world applications. The MAVERIK system, reported in RAE’96 plans, has now been distributed worldwide under the GNU GPL, adopted as the official GNU Project VR system, and has been downloaded by thousands of sites worldwide. With leading industrial collaborators, MAVERIK has been applied to some of the most complex engineering models ever attempted, allowing real-time interaction with e.g. a detailed model of a whole offshore gas platform [Hubbold 1-4]. With local and national support from the police and criminal investigation agencies, the REVEAL project is exploring the use of VEs for scene of crime analysis; global illumination solutions, which provide faithful illumination of high quality realistic models of scenes, are fundamentally important and new techniques have been devised using parallelism and perceptual metrics [Gibson 1-4]. Shared, collaborative VEs have formed another important focus. The group's Deva software [Pettifer 1-4], designed to work with MAVERIK, formed the major software platform for the European eSCAPE project, which demonstrated interactive artworks featuring large-scale shared virtual environments and was featured at the launch of the EC Fifth Framework Programme in Essen. The group's research was a key element in the success of two large collaborative JREI bids totalling ~£2.5M.

Plans: The two subgroups will interwork more closely, enabling us, for example, to explore the application of computer vision to unencumbered interaction with projection-based displays, and to develop subtly reactive avatars. Key challenges in the application of model-based image interpretation in 3-D medical imaging, behavioural monitoring, natural man-machine interfaces and surveillance will be addressed. Significant advances will be required to extend existing model-based methods to deal effectively with spatio-temporal behaviour and to reduce the degree of human intervention required in the process of building models – particularly in 3-D. Medical image interpretation work will develop apace both through the IRC in „Images and Signals to Clinical Information“, jointly with Oxford, KCL and UCL, and through a strategic alliance with AstraZeneca. This work will also benefit from close collaboration with Medical Informatics work in the Information Systems division. The derivation of VE software systems, and their testing with real-world applications remain key foci. Global illumination will focus on correct lighting in mixed (or augmented) reality applications in collaboration with FhG in Germany, INRIA/LORIA in France and the University of Bristol. A major development is planned with UNC Chapel Hill on novel 3D telecollaborative systems, for interaction with shared models in areas such as medical diagnosis and treatment planning, scientific visualisation and engineering product design.

(E) Information Systems.
This division aims to improve the support provided by software systems to applications with demanding information modelling, storage, coordination and dissemination requirements. Research includes foundational work on models and languages, the development of software architectures that implement key results from the foundational activities, and the application of the resulting comprehensive software systems in challenging domains, particularly in medical and bio-informatics, and more recently the semantic web. These applications, whilst of great importance in their own right, help to direct, inform and validate our other activities. We present our work under technology themes - Databases, Coordination and Dissemination and Ontologies - and application areas - Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics.

Databases (Fernandes, Goble, Paton): We investigate and develop extensions to the modeling and processing capabilities of database systems to reflect the needs of advanced applications in science and engineering domains. We focus on declarative database languages and develop substantive demonstrator systems. In deductive object-oriented databases, research has developed enhanced query optimisation [Fernandes 4], spatial data handling [Fernandes 2] and active rule [Paton 1] facilities for the ROCK & ROLL system. Work on object query languages includes the design and implementation of DOQL, the first deductive extension to the ODMG industry standard for object databases [Paton 3], and the implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive flow-based visual language for use with ODMG databases [Goble 4]. Our work in active databases [Paton 2] has continued with the specification [Fernandes 1], analysis and optimisation [Paton 1] of active rules.

Coordination and Dissemination (Warboys, Embury, Kahn): The evolution of software systems to reflect business changes and the maintenance of data integrity in complex environments are major challenges. Research on coordinating such evolution [Warboys 2] is investigating architectural models that support dynamic software evolution [Warboys 3] and has led to the development of a "second generation" process-modelling environment [Warboys 4] in which a system can evolve within a coherent framework [Warboys 1]. Managing the coordination of distinct components is greatly eased if the integrity of the data in the cooperating systems can be guaranteed [Embury 1], for example by extending declarative integrity checking mechanisms from centralised databases for use in distributed settings [Embury 2]. High-level information models with constraints to support the sharing and coordination of design and manufacturing activities have been developed [Kahn 4]. The division leads in the continuing development of the Electronic Design Interchange Format, EDIF [Kahn 1] (an EIA, ANSI and IEC standard), and hosts The EDIF Technical Centre. Our activity has provided facilities that support the transfer of designs between environments, and the effective communication of designs for use in manufacturing [Kahn 3].

Ontologies (Franconi, Goble, Horrocks, Rector) are prerequisites for intelligent information discovery, filtering and brokering for distributed web-based applications and form the backbone of the next generation of the web, i.e. the semantic web. Description Logics (DLs) provide good expressive and reasoning capabilities necessary for effective ontologies. Foundational work on DL reasoning has been developed [Franconi 2, Horrocks 2,4] and the FaCT (Fast Classification of Terminologies) system [Horrocks 1] has revolutionised automation of DLs through the use of highly optimised tableaux algorithms [Horrocks 3]. Temporal extensions of DLs have also been investigated [Franconi 1] and applied to reasoning about actions and plans [Franconi 4]. Pioneering applications of DLs, in bioinformatics [Goble 3], medical informatics [Rector 2] and hypermedia [Goble 2], have been vigorously pursued.

In Medical Informatics (Heathfield, Rector) clinical terminology [Rector 1,3] is seen worldwide as the key to systems integration in healthcare. We have focused on the use of ontologies for constructing precise descriptions of medical concepts and procedures [Rector 2], and on the development of techniques for making technology accessible [Heathfield 1] and relevant to domain experts - doctors, nurses and experts in clinical terminology [Rector 4]. As the coordinating partner in the EC-funded GALEN-IN-USE project, Manchester played an important role in the development of an open source repository of clinical ontologies (; the UK Department of Health and the French government have adopted these results.

Bioinformatics (Goble, Paton) activity thrives in collaboration with the School of Biological Sciences, with joint grant income of £5.7M since 1996. Research has focused principally on information integration, annotation and analysis. The TAMBIS (Transparent Access to Multiple Biological Information Sources) project [Goble 3] developed an ontology-centred mediator that provided mechanisms to allow users to query data from highly heterogeneous distributed sources as if it was stored using a uniform format at a single site. For genome level information analysis, the GIMS (Genome Information Management System) project [Paton 4] developed a data warehouse of genome sequence and functional data that supports efficient analyses over diverse genomic data sets that would be laborious to conduct using other systems.

Plans: Our database research, including spatio-temporal systems, is expected to expand to investigate optimisation and evaluation issues for high performance Grid-based querying, mining and analysis tasks. The challenges of detection, diagnosis and correction of data quality problems in industrial and scientific applications will be tackled. Our future ontological work will focus more on the „semantic web“, the next generation of the web, for which we have developed the Ontology Interface Layer (OIL), the language for representing and exchanging knowledge on the web, adopted by DARPA, and the only standard for W3C standardisation. We will explore reasoning facilities to underpin the semantic web and investigate associated hypermedia tools, the latter building on our award-winning activities for interacting with information on the web [Goble 1]. Bioinformatics research has recently received a major investment through a £500K EPSRC award to support a Chair in Post Genomic Bioinformatics, and our infrastructure is being substantially upgraded with a £200K grant from the Royal Society/Wolfson for a new Biomedical Informatics lab enabling us to explore the area between bioinformatics and medical informatics, in particular the relationship between genotype and phenotype. We are also involved in the Centre for Integrated and Applied Genomic Medical Research in the North West, which received a £3M award from the North West Science Review. A growing activity on drug ontologies within medical informatics also provides important opportunities for collaborative activities involving the interface of bioinformatics and medical informatics.

University of Newcastle_25 5 [22.85B]

Research in the Department of Computing Science is organised into five interlocking research groups. Each achieves international impact and at least two are among the world leaders in their areas. One indication of the esteem in which the Department is held is its role in coordinating three major European-funded projects and one Network of Excellence (NoE), and its leadership of a six-year Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration; the total research budget being managed on these five collaborative projects alone is over £11M.

The research groups are Dependability, Distributed Systems, Parallelism, Theory, and VLSI Design; there is strong co-operation and synergy between the five groups. The department’s researchers are active across the spectrum from theory to implementation. The groups share a common commitment to research that will affect the creation of computer systems (a few examples on which we are actively involved include distributed transaction systems, the putative Electronic Health Record that depends crucially on acceptance by society, and VLSI systems built with asynchronous logic).

The overlaps between the areas provide a crucial advantage: some researchers contribute to two or three groups and the stimulus of testing new ideas on challenges posed by applications is strong. For example, formal methods research is pursued in the Theory Group and problems are often derived from –and solutions or techniques evaluated in– Dependability Group activities to mutual benefit. Petri-nets, object-oriented methods and transaction models are among other key topics that impinge on multiple groups.

The systems view results in an emphasis on applicable research; applicability is obvious in the case of the Distributed Systems research that has created widely-used software for distributed transaction systems and given rise to a spin-off company: Arjuna Solutions Ltd. The VLSI Group provides tools for asynchronous system design to groups in other universities and industry. The Theory Group firmly subscribes to "Theory in the service of systems development" and –alongside its role in international research– collaborates with all of the other research groups in the Department.

In addition to standard seminars (at both department and group level) and a flourishing Technical Report series, the renowned Newcastle International Seminar is in its 34th year and attracts leading academic and industrial researchers from many countries as both speakers and participants.

Resource distribution in the department actively supports research, and the allocation of academic staff time maximises everyone’s potential by recognising that different staff should divide their time in unequal ways. Financial resources derived from overhead income and industrial donations are allocated to a Research Initiatives Fund (RIF) which is managed by the Department’s Research Committee the chairman of which is the Research Director (Professor Jones is taking over this role from Professor Randell). Each research group leader is a member, as are some of our up and coming researchers. The RIF is used to support new members of staff and to nurture areas prior to making research grant applications, as well as to provide targeted postgraduate studentships and bridging funds to retain key researchers. Research students are given strong intellectual and equipment support. The high level of departmental research income from both EPSRC and European grants, and from industry (including a recent donation of almost £100K from Bluestone Arjuna Laboratories), results in considerable flexibility; in particular, several specialist administrative staff are deployed to maximise the contribution from academic staff.

Staffing policy

The Department’s staffing policy is obviously to appoint staff who will develop a strong research career. The current period has been one of significant development and has put the Department in an extremely strong position on the research front. The agreement of the University to allow a proleptic replacement two years before Professor Randell’s retirement made it possible to attract Professor Jones back from a period in industry (prior to which he had held a chair at Manchester University for 15 years). Randell intends to continue active involvement in the Department’s research following his nominal retirement.

Key research promotions have been personal professorships for Yakovlev and Koutny, and readerships for Stroud and Watson. Further appointments include Drs Steggles, Morgan and Riddle.

University of Nottingham_25 5 [25B]

Nottingham has invested heavily in the development of Computer Science over the past five years. Research activities have grown significantly throughout the current census in both volume and quality. We are returning 25 staff at this RAE, compared to 17 in 1996. This growth includes the strategic appointment of senior staff to enhance the international research profile of the School. Two new Professors, Backhouse and Rodden, have been recruited from outside the school. Two new Professors Benford and Burke, have been promoted from within the School. In September 1999, a major investment in our future saw our relocation to a purpose-built centre on the University’s £50 million Jubilee Campus. The investment in our research environment was further enhanced by a 1998 JREI grant with a value of over £1 million to equip new research laboratories.
Growth in research income and outputs – The investment in the School is reflected in the significant growth of our research income and outputs. Expenditure has increased during the census period from under £2 million reported at the 1996 RAE to approximately £4 million. More than £6 million of new grants are currently active suggesting that research activities will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. Research outputs have mirrored this trend with publications doubling during the census period to about 250, while 37 PhDs have graduated in this period of assessment, more than trebling the number reported in 1996. One of these, Greenhalgh, won a 1998 CPHC/BCS Distinguished Dissertation award, and has since taken up an academic post at Nottingham. This growth in volume has been matched by a dedication to quality. Our publications have appeared in leading international journals and conferences. For example, 25% of our total publications have been in leading US ACM or IEEE journals (20 papers) and conferences (42 papers), traditionally difficult targets for UK based computing research.
Shaping new research communities – Members of the school have played a leading role in establishing new research communities, especially in the emerging areas of mixed reality and multi-disciplinary automated scheduling and planning. Nottingham is the lead partner in Equator, a £10 million six-year long EPSRC funded IRC investigating the interweaving of physical and digital interaction that began in October 2000. We are also coordinating an EPSRC funded scheduling network (which arose from a second IRC proposal that made the shortlist of 12 from over 100) that brings together 14 scheduling research groups from across the UK. Members of the School have been involved in establishing new research initiatives for the EPSRC and the EU including the development of the I3 initiative where members of the school were involved in 3 projects (coordinating two separate projects). We have also been funded in 3 out of the 12 projects in the joint EPSRC/ESRC People at the Centre of Computing and IT (PACCIT) programme and in 3 out of 12 projects under the EU’s Disappearing Computer initiative in Framework V Long Term Research.
Interdisciplinary research – The school is strongly committed to interdisciplinary research. The Mixed Reality Laboratory (MRL) has been established as a home for research into new technologies that interweave the physical and digital worlds. The laboratory brings together teams from the School of Psychology (led by Claire O’Malley) and the School of Mechanical, Materials, Manufacturing Engineering and Management (led by John Wilson). The MRL is housed in a large and easily re-configurable studio space that is equipped with an extensive range of projection, tracking and wireless technologies. The MRL has been at the forefront of exploring the role of professional artists in the design of interactive systems. Members of the MRL have collaborated on digital media performances that have toured professionally to artistic acclaim and been published in leading scientific sources, including a full technical paper at ACM SIGGRAPH. As a recognised world authority on ethnography in co-operative systems design, Rodden’s arrival further strengthens this interdisciplinary mix.
Research culture and infrastructure – The School’s Research Committee normally allocates an annual budget of £50,000 for the promotion of research. In addition, the School passes 50% of grant overheads directly back to the research groups involved, to be used for their research infrastructure. The remaining 50% is used to pump-prime new lecturers’ research and to establish new initiatives within the School. Benford is a member of the University Research Committee which co-ordinates cross-School research initiatives and allocates various university-wide research funds including the New Lecturer’s Fund, Research Strategy Fund and Quick Response Fund. Biennial appraisal of all academic staff and research assistants provides an opportunity for planning individual research. Formal training for new lecturers includes a research component and each new lecturer is assigned a more senior academic mentor to guide his or her research career. Postgraduate students receive training in research management, techniques and exploitation through modules run by the University’s Graduate School and our postgraduate quality procedures include regular documented meetings with supervisors, formal end of year reports and viva voce examinations.
Research structure – Our research is structured around four groups: Automated Scheduling, Optimisation and Planning led by Burke; Image Processing and Interpretation led by Elliman; Interactive Media led by Benford, Brailsford and Rodden; and Foundations of Programming led by Backhouse. The following sections summarise the achievements of these groups in the period of assessment and their plans for the future.

Automated Scheduling, optimisAtion and Planning (ASAP)

Burke, Cowling, Kendall, Petrovic
ASAP is focused on novel models and heuristics for automatically producing high quality solutions to a variety of real-world scheduling and optimisation problems. Its research is organised around the following themes.
Hybridisation of Heuristics and Meta-heuristics ASAP has been a leader in providing evidence for generic principles of good heuristic design, investigating novel combinations of heuristics from artificial intelligence and operational research. Burke has led research into the impact of initialisation strategies when hybridising evolutionary and graph colouring approaches in timetabling as described in a paper in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (1998). A subsequent investigation of decomposition techniques for large timetabling problems was also reported in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (1999). Burke’s hybridisation techniques led to a state-of-the-art approach for thermal generator maintenance scheduling problems as reported in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2000). Recent work has led to significant improvements on previously published results for scheduling the maintenance of transmission networks and this was presented in the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (1999). Burke and Cowling’s work on hybrid approaches to nurse scheduling led to improvements on previous results and will appear in Applied Intelligence in 2001.
Heuristics and Metaheuristics – ASAP have designed and investigated new heuristics and metaheuristics to handle the complexity of real world scheduling and optimisation problems. Cowling’s investigation into detailed models and novel metaheuristics for steel production scheduling was published in the Journal of Scheduling (2000) and a recent extension of this work will appear in Computers and Industrial Engineering in 2001. Kendall and Burke have developed novel meta-heuristic approaches for geometrically complex stock cutting problems, also published in Computers and Industrial Engineering (1999).
Knowledge-Based Systems – The group has extended case-based reasoning techniques to make them effective for decision support in solving difficult optimisation problems. Petrovic and Burke carried out groundbreaking investigations into the use of case based reasoning for timetabling; these were reported in Knowledge Based Systems (2000). Petrovic has also established a new case based reasoning approach to multi-criteria decision analysis problems, described in a paper in the Journal of Decision Systems (1998).
Foundations of Scheduling and Optimisation – ASAP is exploring the theoretical underpinnings of scheduling and optimisation techniques. Cowling’s work on graphical scheduling models has led to key publications in Discrete Mathematics (1997) and the Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing (2000). Cowling has also investigated the effective use of advances in communications technology within a scheduling decision support system, which will appear in the European Journal of Operational Research in 2001. Petrovic has developed insight into the foundations of the multi-objective nature of real world decision support, with results appearing in International Transactions in Operational Research (1997).
The ASAP group has been at the forefront of the emergence of an international interdisciplinary scheduling and timetabling research community. Burke was instrumental in establishing the Journal of Scheduling (published by Wiley) in 1998 and is editor-in-chief. The journal has had nearly 300 paper submissions since it was launched. Burke also chairs the steering committee of the international series of conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT). Since 1996, the group has been supported by EPSRC, ESRC, BBSRC, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the HEFCE, the DTI and industrial sources.
Future strategy – ASAP’s future strategy is concerned with raising the level of generality, and thus application, of heuristic optimisation techniques. The award of seven OST research council grants over the past 18 months will enable this strategy to be realised. Two of these grants fund innovative research to tackle the meta-level problem of determining the right approach in a given situation rather than directly solving the problem itself. Two further current EPSRC grants allow ASAP to develop and apply its novel heuristic techniques to real personnel and production scheduling problems. Other new projects include an award under the ESRC/EPSRC PACCIT programme, with Psychology, to investigate representations of schedules that maximise cognitive effectiveness and a BBSRC/EPSRC funded bio-informatics project with Chemistry to investigate novel meta-heuristic approaches to protein folding.

Image Processing and Interpretation (IPI)

Elliman, Qiu, Pridmore, Logan, Bai, Ghali
IPI is exploring new techniques and applications in image processing, analysis and machine vision. Its research is organised around the following themes.
Image Representation and Processing The group is investigating the effective and efficient representation and enhancement of digital images. Qiu’s novel view of median filtering theory has led to an improved filtering scheme based on an adaptive processing method for the enhancement of block coded images, and a novel multi-resolution method for the enhancement of image spatial resolution. He has also developed a pyramidal image data structure for progressive image transmission and efficient coding. Ghali has developed novel stochastic image representations that are a function of image spatial information. These representations have been used to support pattern recognition and the assessment of image dissimilarity. This work has been reported in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (1999), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2000), the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (2000) and Pattern Recognition Letters (1998). Initial results from Qiu’s unified approach to colour image representation for coding/compression, indexing and content-based retrieval appeared at the 8th Color Imaging Conference in Arizona, 2000.
Document Image Interpretation – IPI is exploring the automatic and interactive interpretation of images of documents. Elliman has developed a system architecture that exploits temporal information during on-line interpretation of engineering drawings, reported at GREC (1997) and ICDAR (1997). Elliman has also developed a highly effective and efficient vectorisation method, again reported at GREC (1999). As part of an ongoing Royal Society funded collaboration with Prof. Sergey Ablameyko, one of the leading international figures in this area, Pridmore has extended the notion of the distance transform for line patterns, leading to a joint publication in Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition (1996). Pridmore and Ablameyko also produced the first book dedicated to research in line drawing interpretation, published by Springer-Verlag in July 2000.
Machine Vision – This theme focuses on the recovery of descriptions of the viewed world from naturally acquired images. Funded under the EPSRC IT in Engineering (ITE) programme, Pridmore developed and evaluated methods for on-line camera calibration, feature detection and the recovery of 3D shape from images captured inside small bore urban sewers. ITE projects aim to cross-fertilise IT and engineering research and aspects of this work were reported in both vision (Machine Vision and Applications, 1998) and engineering (Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 1998) journals.
Agent Architectures and AI Tools – The IPI group is investigating underlying AI-based tools to support image processing and interpretation. Elliman has developed a position independent network capable of multiple pattern recognition. Bai and Elliman have developed neural network methods of fuzzy classification and rule induction and genetic algorithms for pattern and object recognition. Logan’s recruitment has further enhanced expertise in AI techniques. He has investigated architectures for intelligent autonomous agents, focussing on the integration of reactive and deliberative behaviours, as described in a paper in Communications of the ACM (1999). His work on agent route planning has resulted in the development of several novel search algorithms, leading to a key paper in AAAI (1998). He has also explored a new approach to data distribution and load balancing in distributed simulations of large-scale agent systems due to appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE.
Future strategy – GCHQ are now funding Elliman to investigate document image interpretation that will lead to advances in anti-counterfeiting and the detection of fraudulent bonds, certificates and cheques. Qiu will continue his work on unified approaches to image representation to achieve the multiple goals of image coding/compression, indexing and content-based retrieval and has won a new EU IST grant in this area. Bai has begun development of the orthoface method of face recognition that is showing considerable promise and is due to be funded by EPSRC. Members of IPI are also exploring links with other groups. Pridmore and Ghali are investigating the role of computer vision in the design of interactive interfaces. Initial work on tracking group gestures made by children using a collaborative storytelling tool will appear as a full paper in CHI 2001. Logan’s new work on agent architectures has resulted in significant funding from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

Interactive Media Group (IMG)
Benford, Brailsford, Rodden, Greenhalgh, Ashman, Reynard, Treglown, Fraser, Cobb, Burnett, Stanton
The IMG conducts research into new methods for interacting with and communicating through digital media. Its research is organised around the following themes.
Platforms for collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) – This theme focuses on software techniques for distributed multi-user virtual worlds. Benford, Greenhalgh and Rodden have extended the spatial model of interaction for awareness management in CVEs. Greenhalgh won a CPHC/BCS Distinguished Dissertation award for his contribution (1998) and key papers appeared at ACM CHI 97 and in the MIT press journal Presence (1999), the premier journal for virtual reality research. Rodden proposed a generic version of the spatial model that can be applied to a wide variety of multi-user applications, reported at ACM CSCW 96. Reynard and Greenhalgh have explored the role of the spatial model in quality of service management for CVEs, leading to papers in Distributed Systems Engineering (1998) and at CHI 98 and ACM Multimedia 99. Greenhalgh and Benford have published papers at Multimedia 2000 and CHI 2001 describing a novel technique for replaying recordings of 3D virtual environments within live virtual environments. Finally, Rodden, Greenhalgh and Benford discuss design issues for CVEs in a forthcoming paper in Communications of the ACM (2001).
Evaluation of virtual environmentsFraser has collaborated with Prof. Christian Heath's team at King’s College London to employ ethnographic techniques in the design of CVE interfaces, leading to papers at CSCW 98 and UIST 99 and a recent paper in the December 2000 volume of ACM Transactions on CHI. Cobb has evaluated aspects of health and safety for virtual environments, reported in Presence (1997, 1999). She has also evaluated the effectiveness of virtual environments for special-needs education, reported in Presence (1999) and in Education and Information Technologies (2000). Stanton has considered the use of virtual reality for rehabilitation, collaborating with psychologists to evaluate the processing of spatial information and the transfer of skills from virtual worlds to the real world, leading to papers in Communications of the ACM (1997) and Disability and Rehabilitation (1997). Greenhalgh has used statistical analysis of event log files to uncover patterns of activity and movement in CVEs and to relate these to network traffic, reported at ACM VRST 99 and in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems (1998).
Mixed Reality – The IMG has established new techniques for interweaving physical and virtual worlds. In their CSCW 96 paper, Benford, Greenhalgh and Reynard demonstrated a novel approach to joining physical and virtual spaces called mixed reality boundaries. A subsequent paper in ACM Transactions on CHI (1998) discussed the generic properties of such boundaries and a deeper exploration of one such property, solidity, led to the idea of physically traversable interfaces, reported at CHI 2000. Stanton and Benford have established design guidelines for collaborative interfaces for children’s storytelling technologies (CHI 2000) and with Cobb, have extended these to mixed reality interfaces (forthcoming at CHI 2001). Rodden has recently extended his generic version of the spatial model towards a design framework for systems that bridge the physical and the digital, published in ACM Transactions on CHI (2000).
Digital documents – The IMG is exploring hypertext and digital document structure and layout. Ashman has addressed linking and navigation in hypertext and the World Wide Web, establishing a mathematical model of sets of hypertext links, and addressing the problem of link integrity. Resulting papers have appeared at ACM Hypertext 99 and in The International Journal of Human Computer-Studies (1997), The Computer Journal (2000) and ACM Computing Surveys (2000). Brailsford has focused on digital document structures, establishing new techniques for dynamic link inclusion and on-the-fly page structure recognition for PDF formatted documents, leading to papers at Electronic Publishing (EP 96 and EP 98) and in the ACM Computing Surveys Electronic Symposium on Hypertext (1999). Rodden, Benford and Brailsford have explored shared 3D visualisations of information stores and the Web as reported in The Computer Journal (1996), Computer Networks and ISDN Systems (1997) and in the Computing Surveys Electronic Symposium.
Ethnography and cooperative systems design – Members of the IMG have been at the forefront of exploring ethnography in cooperative systems design. Rodden has collaborated closely with ethnographers at Lancaster, Sussex, Surrey and Xerox in a variety of workplace and home studies that have informed the design of new cooperative technologies. This has led to publications at CSCW (1996,1998), ACM Design of Interactive Systems (DIS 1997), ACM Group (1997,1999) and ECSCW (1997,1999, 2001) and in the Software Engineering Journal(1997), ACM Interactions (1996) and two key papers in ACM Transactions on CHI (1999, 2000).
Novel applications – The IMG aims to directly engage the public in its research, especially in the area of the creative and performing arts. Experiments in broadcasting television shows from CVEs were reported in a full technical paper at ACM SIGGRAPH 99, the world's leading conference on computer graphics, and in papers in the December 2000 volume of ACM Transactions on CHI and in a forthcoming paper at CHI 2001. An experimental performance called Desert Rain based on the use of traversable interfaces toured Europe, was nominated for a BAFTA and led to a third full technical paper at CHI 2001.

The impact of this research internationally is reflected in the IMG having one of the highest profiles among UK universities in leading ACM journals and conferences in their fields. In this period, three papers have appeared in ACM Transactions on CHI (30% of all UK papers), with a further two papers recently appearing in the December 2000 volume; four at CHI (16%), with a further three to appear at CHI2001, one in SIGGRAPH (50%), one in UIST (100%) and nine in CSCW (32%).
Future strategy – The IMG will investigate the spread of computers into increasingly diverse environments. We have recently appointed Burnett, to help develop this thread. His research at HUSAT focussed on in-car navigation systems and led to papers in The Journal of Navigation (1996, 2000). Another young lecturer in his first academic post, Treglown, has been appointed to deepen our focus on user modelling and interface metaphors, building on work reported at HCI 2000 and in a chapter in Paton and Nielsen’s book on Visual Representations and Interpretations. Ashman and Brailsford are opening up the topic of cryptography for digital documents, supported by a recent EPSRC grant and by a six year funding agreement with Adobe. Reynard, Stanton and Cobb have recently begun work in the area of virtual reality for special needs, supported by a new grant from the Shirley Foundation. Finally, the IMG will extend its exploration of mixed reality over the next six years, enhanced by the arrival of Rodden and by the funding of Equator, our three new Disappearing Computer projects, awards under the EPSC/ESRC PACCIT initiative and direct support from Industry.

Foundations of programming (FoP)

Backhouse, Alechina, Altenkirch, Hutton
FoP is exploring fundamental support for programming in the areas of the algebra of programming, the logic of programming and functional programming. Its research is organised around the following themes:
Algebra of Programming – This theme focuses on enhancing the genericity of computer software. Backhouse has played a leading role in the emergence of a novel notion of datatype genericity in programming. His published papers in this area in Category Theory and Computer Science (1996) and Theoretical Informatics and Applications (2000) pioneer fundamental studies of what it means for a program to be generic in datatypes. Hutton showed how inductive reasoning about functional programs can be replaced by simple equational reasoning by exploiting algebraic properties (Journal of Functional Programming 1999). Research in this theme has been supported by the development of the MathSpad system, a practical tool for performing and documenting mathematical calculations, reported in Software – Concepts and Tools (1997). A prototype for interfacing this system with the PVS theorem proving system was presented at Formal Methods 1999.
Functional Programming – This theme is concerned with the theory and practice of functional languages such as Haskell. Hutton has shown how the relational derivation of arithmetic circuits can be recast in the simpler setting of a functional language and has extended his previous work on functional parsers by exploiting the categorical notion of a monad. These results were reported in the Journal of Functional programming, the premier journal in its field, in 1996 and 1998. Hutton has also given a new perspective on denotational and operational semantics by relating them to the fold and unfold operators from functional programming, leading to a paper in the International Conference On Functional Programming in 1998. Altenkirch has shown how logical relations can be used to reason about datatypes in functional languages and has subsequently worked on the practical application of nested datatypes, as described in papers in Computer Science Logic in 1998 and 1999.
Logic in Computer Science – The group is exploring fundamental logical techniques and their application in Computer Science. Alechina has introduced a decidable fragment of first order logic, which led to a paper in the Journal of Symbolic Logic. Altenkirch continued to work on a categorical account of efficient normalisation functions, which was presented at the IEEE Symposium on Logics in Computer Science, in 1996. His solution to a long-standing open problem in Type Theory: the integration of extensional equality in an intensional theory, was published in the same conference the following year.
Members of the group have supervised nine PhDs to successful completion in the period of the assessment; four at Nottingham, one of whom has been nominated for the BCS Distinguished Dissertation award by the external examiner, Professor Richard Bird of the University of Oxford, and five by Backhouse and Altenkirch while in their posts at Eindhoven and Berlin respectively.
Future strategy – FoP will play a prominent role in the further development of the Haskell language, in particular by working closely with Utrecht, Bonn and Chalmers Universities on the development of Generic Haskell. This will include the use of type theory in program design, exploring novel program parametrisation techniques, and building and using automated tools for program verification. New research will focus on the foundations and applications of datatype-generic programming, continuing a long-standing collaboration with the University of Oxford. Furthering the line of research on logic in computer science, efficient languages for model checking will be developed, based upon earlier work on descriptive complexity that was reported in Logic Journal of the IGPL 2000.

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The Oxford University Computing Laboratory (OUCL) has continued to expand in the past five years and now has 41 category A/A* staff in post, including 26 established posts and 6 fixed-term lectureships. There are 46 DPhil students and an average annual intake of about 70 full-time and 140 part-time MSc students on the five MSc courses offered. Its overall research aim is to maintain a mathematically rigorous approach to computing in which, in Strachey’s words, “the separation between theory and practice cannot happen”. During 1996-2000 members of the Lab published over 570 papers, with 60 more in the pipeline, and 112 technical reports. They have written 13 books and have been responsible for, or leading participants in, five spinout companies (Celoxica, Sychron, Dash, PharmaDM, and Total research income was £8 million. Six staff have been awarded the title of Professor in Oxford’s rigorous and externally refereed recognition of distinction exercises, and six more have gained the title of Reader. Tony Hoare, FRS, was awarded a knighthood in the Millennium Honours List for services to Computer Science, and in November 2000 he received the Kyoto prize worth $477,000. As well as supplying industry with computer scientists, managers and researchers, the Lab continues to stock the computing departments of other universities with lecturers and to attract the world’s most distinguished visitors. In the last five years six Turing Award winners have accepted invitations to visit the Lab. The Lab has close contacts with industry and is advised by a panel comprising senior managers from NATS, Clifford Chance, BT, DERA, Rolls-Royce, Marconi, Praxis, Alcatel, and Microsoft Research, among others. The panel appraises all the work of the Lab, and gives insight and advice on research strategy and future plans.

Research Structure and Environment

OUCL comprises two major research groups, the PRG (Programming Research Group), and the NA Group (Numerical Analysis Group), each being further divided into a number of thematic research groups. As a department it is a member of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division, one of five academic divisions created by the reorganisation of the University in October 2000. Over-arching responsibility for reviewing and approving research strategies in the divisions is vested in the University’s Planning and Resource Allocation Committee, chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and reporting directly to the University Council. Central financial support for research is provided in part by the University Research Development Fund, created from proceeds of sales of University shares in successful spinout companies. In the two years of its existence the RDF has provided £1M in funds and £250K for start up grants to professors, including grants totalling £71K to three Lab members.

Collaboration between the two groups is ensured by a common location in the Wolfson Building, which includes a 120-seat state-of-the-art lecture room, seminar and meeting rooms. A well-stocked library is dedicated to research and graduate studies (over 4,800 books, 85 journals and electronic access via the Bodleian Library to many more, and an annual budget of £20,000). There are regular joint meetings to discuss curriculum development and common research interests (simulation, high performance computing), as well as weekly departmental seminars. All academic staff participate in annual away-days to discuss research policy and strategy.

Much of our teaching and some of our research is collaborative with other groups in the university, including Information Engineering (computer vision, robotics, neural computing), BioInformatics, Statistics and Mathematics (industrial applications, combinatorics, computational complexity and logic). Four members of the PRG (Woodcock, Davies, Gibbons, A. Martin) are employed jointly with the University's Department for Continuing Education and are responsible for delivering an industrial teaching programme, which provides for technology transfer and advanced education. 183 professional software engineers, working for companies such as IBM, Nokia, Ericsson, Nortel and Marconi, are currently studying for postgraduate qualifications, and the programme promotes the research activities of the Lab within these computing and telecommunications industries.

In RAE96 we highlighted, among other things, the work of Oxford Parallel (OP). Although the development of the Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) model for parallel programming continues to be a central theme of OP, the intensive period was in the years 1995-1998 when BSP-Tools, a 6 person-year project within the EPSRC Portable Software Tools for Parallel Architectures initiative, produced a portable tool set. There were over 800 downloads of this set and 116 organisations registered for support. In addition, the project produced novel insights into the efficient and effective management of communications in parallel systems, developed and supported a methodology for performance tuning and debugging, and established an international association, which now has 267 members, for people interested in BSP. A commercial company, Sychron Inc, was established to develop communications and server software based in part on BSP principles. Funding for the DTI/EPSRC Parallel Applications Programme ended in 1997 but project activities supported by other EPSRC initiatives and EU funding continued in OP into 1999, including an EU grant worth £206K to create parallel versions of simulation tools that automatically improve the design of electromagnetic systems for domestic and industrial devices. A successful JREI bid for £1.3m from 18 research groups in Oxford ranging from physiology and biophysics through earth sciences and chemistry to physics, engineering and computing enabled the Oxford Supercomputing Centre, whose operation is based in the Lab, to be inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor in June 1998. The centre began with a 72-processor 18Gbyte SGI/Cray Origin 2000 known as OSCAR. Heavily used since launch on a wide variety of simulation and research projects, OSCAR has now grown to 86 processors and 22Gbytes of RAM, and has recently been joined by TOSCA, a 16-processor 8Gbyte cluster of IBM Netfinity 5100 nodes linked by switched Myrinet gigabit communications. Three special-interest groups, the Bioinformatics SIG, the Cluster SIG and the Visualisation SIG, have fostered collaborations between the Lab and other Oxford departments, including joint supervision of graduate projects.

The key research achievements during the assessment period are described in the following reports on the Lab’s research groups, divided into those of the PRG and NA Group and listed in alphabetical order within that division. References to publications in RA2 take the form name.n.

Algebra of Programming (a) (Bird, Gibbons, Jones, de Moor) The group studies mathematical methods in the design and derivation of functional programs (Bird.1,2, de Moor.2,3, Jones.3, Gibbons.1). Recent highlights include a first proof that sometimes a lazy functional program for a specific problem can be asymptotically faster than any eager program for the same problem (Jones.2). Bird has conducted a thorough exploration of the descriptive power of nested data types and their uses (Bird.3,4), and further refined the thinning technique for solving problems in combinatorial optimisation. The group collaborates with the University of Tokyo in annual program transformation and fusion workshops, and has provided programme committee members and invited speakers for the International Conferences on the Mathematics of Program Construction and Functional Programming. Bird edits the Functional Pearls column of the Journal of Functional Programming and has written a third of the contributions. Together with other UK departments the group organised the Oxford Mathfit Spring School on Algebraic and Coalgebraic methods in the Mathematics of Program Construction. Future plans include further development of the classification of optimisation problems and general algebraic techniques for solving them, developing a theory of point-wise relational programming, and continued study of mathematical techniques for calculating programs. Currently the group has five research students, and its meetings are regularly attended by researchers from Oxford Brookes and Nottingham as well as by frequent visitors from overseas.

Algorithms and Complexity (b) (Brent, Jeavons, McColl) Recent highlights include new algorithms for integer factorisation and discrete logarithms developed in collaboration with Microsoft, CWI, INRIA, Sydney and Utrecht (Brent.3). Brent has improved on current algorithms for determining the primitivity of certain polynomials and used these algorithms to find new primitive trinomials of high degree (Brent.2). Jeavons has developed a novel algebraic approach to complexity in constraint satisfaction problems, which has resulted in the characterisation of several tractable constraint classes (Jeavons.2,4). This work has been used by both BT and Xerox in the development of efficient scheduling software. Jeavons received EPSRC funding for four separate projects, including the use of constraints in the radio frequency assignment problem, developing links with descriptive complexity theory, and setting up a national network of constraint researchers. He is currently collaborating with mathematicians from Ural State University on the development of an algebraic theory of complexity, and with biochemists from the Institute of Molecular Medicine on new algorithms for DNA sequence analysis. The BSP group is working on developing a unified framework for the design, analysis and implementation of scalable parallel algorithms using concise machine signatures provided by the BSP model (McColl.2,3,4). A number of important new algorithmic results have been obtained for matrix multiplication, linear algebra, list ranking and computing shortest paths (McColl.1). McColl was also involved in the founding of a new company, Sychron Inc, which is developing a software architecture for the automation of massive internet-scale data centres. Future plans: Brent will focus on scaleable algorithms for the solution of large, sparse systems of linear equations over finite fields, and their application to integer factorisation and discrete logarithm problems. McColl’s group will focus on theoretical and practical issues associated with the development of scaleable internet services requiring guaranteed predictable performance.

Concurrency (c) Goldsmith, Lazic, Lowe, Nowak, Reed, Roscoe, Stoy, Walker) Historically, the work on concurrency at Oxford has centred on CSP, one of the original process algebras. CSP now has a rich mathematical theory and has been used in a wide range of applications (Roscoe.3). The machine-readable version CSPM uses a declarative paradigm for incorporating data and features support for communication. CSPM has proved to be the main vehicle for CSP tool development, both for large scale applications, and theoretical study such as Lazic's work on data independence (Lazic.2), which is a technique for overcoming the state explosion problem that limits the effectiveness of model-checking tools such as FDR. Recent highlights in this area include a generic semantic theory of data independence (Nowak.1) and the combination of data independence and induction (Roscoe.2). Computer security now represents a significant proportion of our efforts, recent highlights having been the publication of a book on our approach to protocol verification (Goldsmith.1), the development of complete proofs of protocols using model checking for verification (Roscoe.4), and extended theories of noninterference (Roscoe.1). Reed has continued work on Timed CSP (Reed.1,4) and with K Martin has found exciting links between concurrency theory, domain theory, and general topology. In association with Arvind of MIT, Stoy has been working on the semantics of parallel Haskell (Stoy.1), implemented TLA in PVS (Stoy.2) and used the result to carry out the proof of a cache-coherence protocol (Stoy.4). New members of the group study concurrency through other theories, specifically the pi-calculus (Walker.1) and related theories of mobile processes. Tools arising from the group's work include FDR, a model-checking tool marketed by Formal Systems (Europe) Ltd, ProBE, an animation tool for facilitating the exploration of CSP processes, and Casper (Lowe.2), a compiler for translating security protocols into CSP for running under FDR. Future plans include further work on the foundations of concurrency and computer security, as well as on the theoretical and practical aspects of model checking and other methods of automated analysis. In particular, we hope to see the ideas of data independence extended and their application automated, the efficient verification of Timed CSP via mapping into untimed CSP with prioritised semantics, and a deeper understanding of models of concurrency through more refined fixed point theories relating to divergence and measurements on domains. In security, we hope to generalise further our techniques for protocol proof, to widen their applications and user community, to make further progress in noninterference, and to investigate further issues such as security of mobile code and intrusion detection.

Formal Methods (d) (Hoare, McIver, Sanders) During 1996-1999 the group focused on probabilistic specification and refinement, with applications to randomised routing, probabilistic self-stabilisation and communication protocols (Sanders.1,2). This work was the subject of two EPSRC grants totalling £429K; the one which has already been assessed was rated 5 alpha. Recent work has focused on semantic issues with the aims of unifying theories of programming and providing realistic programming practices for the future. Recent topics include semantics and a refinement calculus for quantum computation (Sanders.3), a calculus of signals for time-dependent circuit behaviour (Sanders.4), refinement calculi for PRAM and BSP computation, a theory of fairness in action systems, and a study of duality and the foundations of system development (funded by EPSRC, Oppenheimer and the South African government). McIver, who left in 2001, has concentrated on the study of systems that can fail; the major contributions have been the development of practical methods for analysing probabilistic programs, in particular the extension of the now well-known logic-based methods used in standard program analysis. More complex programs and specifications of temporal properties are also susceptible to this treatment; and a number of spin-off applications have led to insights in standard logics and in those with specification-specific operators. Future plans: One aim is to extend the successful techniques of the refinement calculus to reactive, parallel programs; another is to provide a uniform, general approach to moving between levels of abstraction in program semantics. Both are aimed to extend the use and popularity of formal methods in the programming community.

Foundations of Computation (e) (Abramsky, Cirstea, Nickau, Ong) Main topics include the foundations of interactive computation, and in particular game semantics, to which members of the group have been primary contributors (Abramsky.1, Ong.2, Nickau.2). Abramsky has developed the first fully abstract models for higher-order imperative languages, with applications to verification and decision procedures for some important fragments of these languages (Abramsky.2). Ong has produced full completeness results for increasingly rich sub-systems of Linear Logic, representing significant progress towards the goals of semantic characterization of the space of constructive proofs, and also, via the “Light” systems of Linear Logic, of polynomial-time computation (Ong.1). Cirstea has concentrated on combining algebraic and coalgebraic methods in the foundation of object-oriented system specification (Cirstea.1 to 4). The group is a leading participant in the European TMR Network on Linear Logic and its Applications, hosting the recent annual workshop, and also participates in the European Working Groups APPSEM and CONFER. It is also developing links with a wider community of logicians, computer scientists and economists studying the interplay between logic, game theory, and information dynamics. Future plans include the development of the algorithmic aspects of game semantics, leading to an extension of the highly successful methods of model-checking to the richer setting of higher-order, typed programming languages; and applications of implicit complexity, in particular the development of semantic tools for reasoning about resource-bounded computation.

Hardware Compilation (f) (McEwan, Page, Saul) During this period the group has been working on mapping technologies for FPGAs (Saul.2,3). Page resigned from the Lab in 1999 to work with his spinout company ESL (now called Celoxica) on the exploitation of his Handel-C compiler for hardware/software codesign using FPGA-based systems. Remaining members of the group have focused on the Dash technology (Saul.1), a codesign system for compiling programs into a mix of hardware and software, again using FPGA-based systems. Target architectures include PCs with FPGA-based boards, single chips containing fixed processors and FPGAs, and FPGAs containing processors. Building processors on FPGAs allows the processor to be customised for the application. Dash contains designs for a number of processors together with software compilers for them. The Dash software architecture is designed so that users can easily add refinements, their own parametrizations, or even completely new processors. A patent protecting the intellectual property of Dash was filed in December, 1998. In June, 1999, the spinout company Dash was formed to exploit the work, and Saul became a full-time director. The company continued to expand and develop Dash, and was sold via a trade sale in March, 2000. Recent work has concentrated on applications, in particular the development, refinement and verification of reconfigurable hardware systems (McEwan.2,4).

Machine Learning (g) (Srinivasan) Research is mainly devoted to Inductive Logic Programming (ILP), a form of machine learning in which a program constructs general rules from specific examples, together with extra background knowledge. A unifying theory of ILP is being built up around lattice-based concepts such as refinement, least general generalisation, inverse resolution and most specific corrections. Srinivasan has recently implemented many of these ideas in the ILP program Aleph. He has also been involved in applying Aleph and other ILP systems to diverse problems in Biology and Chemistry (protein structure prediction, drug structure-activity prediction, embryo selection for in-vitro fertilisation etc.). Some of these applications have become benchmarks in the field (Srinivasan.3,4). Recent activities of the group have focused on incorporating well-established statistical methods into ILP to deal with very large datasets (Srinivasan.1,2). These activities are expected to play an important role in the application of ILP to bioinformatic datasets that are increasingly becoming available. Future plans include application of ILP to bio- and chemo-informatic data (functional genomics, 3-D structure activity prediction, and development of toxicity models), efficient and usable implementations of ILP, and automatic discovery of partial differential equation models from example behaviour. Collaborations include; Oxford (DRL, Biophysics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, QEH, Robotics), UK (Wales, Aberystwyth, York), Europe (Freiburg, Ljubjana, Leuven, Porto) and others (Wisconsin, NIEHS, New South Wales, Australia).

Programming Tools (h) (de Moor, Spivey, Sufrin, van Wyk) This group researches programming languages and environments. Recent achievements include: novel pattern matching algorithms for program transformation (de Moor.1); an accurate method of profiling object-oriented programs (now the subject of a patent application); the design and implementation of ECSP, a higher order concurrent programming language for smart telephone services; new structuring methods for attribute grammars (van Wyk.3); an elegant embedding of logic features into a functional programming language (Spivey.2,4); and the application of model checking to program analysis (van Wyk.4). As well as normal publications the group disseminates its results through software artefacts, such as the Oberon compiler obc, the ECSP compiler, the proof assistant Jape (Sufrin.1-4), the type checker for Z specifications FuZZ (Spivey.1,3), and the program transformation system MAG (de Moor.1) The work is funded primarily through contracts with industry, in particular Microsoft and Marconi. The group collaborates with colleagues at the universities of Augsburg, Copenhagen (DIKU), Glasgow, Iowa, London (QMW, Birkbeck), Nottingham, Tokyo, Utrecht, the Open University and Kestrel Institute. It has run several successful seminar series with speakers from the UK and abroad. Members of the group gave invited lectures at AFP '98, Calculemus '98, WAGA '00, AMAST '00, and ZB '00. Future plans include language support for active libraries in numerical applications, modal logic programming as a means of prototyping program transformations, incremental rewriting to replay transformation sequences, and efficient execution of functional logic programs based on the embedding referred to above.

Software Engineering and Requirements (i) (Davies, Jirotka, A. Martin, Woodcock) The research activity of the group, which has close links with IBM Hursley Labs, Smiths Industries, and DERA, focuses on the industrial application of formal methods and techniques. Significant projects currently underway include the EU-funded AGEDIS project on tools and techniques for automated software testing, the EPSRC-funded Unifying Theories project on linking theories for programming and specification (Davies.3, Martin.2), and a DERA-funded project on formal semantics for the Unified Modeling Language (UML) (Davies.4). The group has three full-time research officers, five full-time and six part-time doctoral students, one employed by Ericsson, and one by DERA, building on existing research contacts with these two organisations. All group members teach at the Software Engineering Centre, recognised as a national centre of excellence for software engineering education, sharing the results of their research with 200 part-time Masters' students, all of whom are practising software engineers. The group is also involved with the Centre for Requirements and Foundations (CRF), which develops novel, empirically-sound methods for requirements elicitation and analysis. Industrial funding has been obtained for exploratory research, leading to new techniques for studying the workplace (Jirotka.2) and communicating with designers (Jirotka.1). Other areas of research achievement include: the development of formal semantics for modelling languages (Davies.1, Martin.4), logical calculi and proof techniques (Martin.1,3, Woodcock.1,3,4), protocol analysis (Davies.2), and the verification of secure systems (Woodcock.3). In recent years, research funding for the Group has totalled £1.25M. A piece of research that exemplifies the Group's collaborative approach is the application of mathematics to the design and development of a smartcard product. Working with Logica, the Group constructed mathematical theories and proofs that enabled the Mondex and Multos designs to achieve the highest European-wide security certification level, ITSEC level E6. This was a significant achievement: Mondex and Multos were the first products to reach this level of security; Mondex is now being used in a variety of applications; Multos is recognised as the most secure Smartcard operating system available. Other developers are now working towards ITSEC (and Common Criteria) certification levels. The Group has academic links to institutions all around the world, and has organised two international conferences in formal methods and their applications (FME96 and FM99). Future plans include the development (jointly with IBM) of model-checking techniques for establishing liveness properties of Java bytecode, further work (with Southampton, Edinburgh and DERA) on the formal semantics of UML, and a three-year project involving the use of formal techniques for requirements analysis.

Spatial Reasoning (j) (Cameron, Pitt-Francis, Voiculescu) The group studies problems whose solution is highly dependent on the exact shape of objects. Examples of such problems include: collision detection (Pitt-Francis.1); path planning (working out how to move objects whilst avoiding collisions) (Cameron.1,3); wire-loom design; and putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Cameron has helped to build a “robot sheepdog” that has successfully herded (live) ducks (Cameron.4) and produced a software package (EGJK) for quickly computing the distances between simulated objects (Cameron.2); this code is finding use in many research laboratories world-wide. Pitt-Francis was involved with a collaborative project with BAe to look at ways of programming robots for the construction of aircraft wings (Pitt-Francis.4). New results in the use of interval arithmetic and affine geometry are reported in (Voiculescu.1 to 4). The group works with members of the Engineering Science Department, and as a member of the Geometric Modelling Society it has helped author the proposed Djinn for geometric modelling interfaces. Future plans will focus on a mixture of pure geometric computation (with significant application in simulation and entertainment), and application to robotic devices.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (k) (Giles, Meseguer, Moinier, Müller, Sobey, Trefethen, Wathen) The department has a very strong CFD activity, led by Giles, with annual funding averaging about £250K. Giles' research is primarily through the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in CFD of which he is Director. The main emphasis of his group's work has been the development of improved numerical algorithms for compressible, viscous flow for turbomachinery and aeronautical applications, including preconditioned multigrid for computational efficiency (Giles.2, Müller.1, Moinier.3) and the numerical analysis of algorithms using unstructured grids (Giles.1,3, Moinier.1,4, Müller.2). The SLiQ and HYDRA codes which have been developed are used daily at Rolls-Royce plc (especially for the prediction of flutter and forced response) and also at collaborating universities (Cambridge, Imperial, Loughborough, Surrey, Sussex, KTH, ETH); the earlier ISES and UNSFLO codes are also still used in industry. More recently, the research focus has shifted to the development of adjoint methods for efficient design optimisation, and the reduction of undesirable flutter and forced response vibration. Ongoing research by Giles and Rudgyard on high-performance computing and parallel scientific software libraries led to a leadership role within the university in establishing the Oxford Supercomputing Centre with JREI funding. During the same period, Sobey completed a monograph on the mathematics of boundary layers (Sobey.2). Wathen and his collaborators have supplied numerical solvers for incompressible flows to British Energy and the UK Met Office. Trefethen and Meseguer, in collaboration with colleagues at Cornell and in Delft, Manchester, and Stockholm, have contributed to problems of instability and transition to turbulence in the ionosphere and in channels and pipes and other flows (Trefethen.2). Giles is also co-organiser of the biennial ICFD Conference, a series established in 1983 at Oxford and now one of the major international conferences in the field. Future plans: The group plans continued work with Rolls-Royce on design optimisation and the prediction/avoidance of flutter and vibration. A new research initiative is computational aero-acoustics motivated by the desire to reduce aero-engine noise. This will involve work on higher order methods, iterative solvers and design methods. Another new activity expected to grow will be the “technology transfer” of CFD algorithms to the field of computational finance, in collaboration with the Oxford Center for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and various commercial IT and financial firms. This is also likely to lead to new research in Monte-Carlo methods.

Numerical Linear Algebra (l) (Embree, Trefethen, Wathen) Oxford became a UK leader in numerical linear algebra with the arrival of Wathen (1995) and Trefethen (1997). Trefethen's Numerical Linear Algebra (SIAM 1997) is a principal textbook in the field and a SIAM best-seller. One area of research is Krylov space iterative solvers and preconditioners for very large matrices (e.g., dimensions in the millions) (Embree.3, Wathen.1,2). Collaborations have included applications to weather forecasting (UK Met Office) (Wathen.3), incomplete factorisation (Rutherford Appleton Lab) and nuclear reactor safety (British Energy, which now uses our software). A major survey of the theory of convergence of iterations was published in SIAM Review (Trefethen.3). Breakthroughs have been achieved in preconditioning for the linearised incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (Wathen.4); these involve collaborations with UMIST, ETH Zurich, Stanford, and Maryland. A second area of research is non-hermitian eigenvalue problems. The theory of pseudospectra and functions of nonsymmetric matrices has been advanced and applications to various mathematical and physical problems have been investigated. An EPSRC-funded Web site known as the Pseudospectra Gateway has been inaugurated, and new algorithms have been developed that compute pseudospectra for matrices of dimensions approaching one million (Trefethen.1,4, Embree.4). A third area of research is the linear algebra of stochastic problems including card shuffling, random Fibonacci sequences, random matrices, Lyapunov exponents, and (pseudo-) eigenvalue localisation in random materials (Embree.2); this work has appeared in Proc. Roy. Soc. and elsewhere and has been widely publicised in the popular press. Wathen is co-organiser of the next triennial Householder Symposium of Numerical Algebra. Future plans: Major research monographs will be completed and published in the next RAE cycle on large-scale matrix problems in fluid mechanics (Wathen, Elman, Silvester) and non-normal operators and pseudospectra (Embree, Trefethen). DPhil students will be active in advancing associated theory, algorithms, and applications in both areas in collaboration with NAG, MathWorks, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and Schlumberger. A “blue sky” ambition of our numerical linear algebra group is to devise algorithms to handle larger matrix problems by blending the two big technologies in this field: iterative methods, and sparse direct methods.

Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (m) (Giles, Harriman, Sobey, Süli, Trefethen, Wathen) Süli has made major advances related to finite volume (Süli.1) and finite element methods in a posteriori error analysis (Süli.2,3), hp-finite elements, bubble stabilised methods (Süli.4), postprocessing, convection-diffusion equations, and stochastic differential equations. Collaborators include leading numerical analysts Schwab (ETH Zurich), Brezzi (Pavia), Hughes (Stanford), Rannacher (Heidelberg), Cockburn (Minneapolis), Stuart (Warwick), Monk (Delaware), and Sonar (Braunschweig). A second area of research led by Giles and Süli has been duality-based adjoint methods for error estimation and enhancement of accuracy of functionals; Giles' post-doc Niles Pierce won the Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis for this work, which was published in SIAM Review (Giles.4). In the area of spectral methods for PDE, Trefethen's “Spectral Methods in MATLAB” (SIAM 2000) has been well received. New developments in applications of numerical conformal mapping have been published as an invited lecture for the 1998 International Congress of Mathematicians, and a book on Schwarz-Christoffel Mapping by Trefethen and Driscoll has been written (CUP 2001) (see also Embree.1). The ongoing “PDE Coffee Table Book” project has attracted dozens of national and international collaborators. Finally, a major activity led by Gavaghan and his associates concerns applications of computational PDE in biology and medicine, including morphology of butterfly wings, design of electrochemical sensors, angiogenesis, propagation of neural impulses, and other applications. Future plans: Numerical solution of PDEs is such a long-standing activity of this department that in a short space we can only mention some general trends: increasing attention to applications in biology and medicine; theoretical and applied work on high-order methods, both finite elements and spectral; further extensions and applications of adjoint techniques. The next RAE cycle will also see the completion of the PDE Coffee Table Book project, which we hope will have major international impact. This work will contain the broadest compendium of carefully computed numerical PDE solutions in existence. Improving the algorithms associated with generating this collection is already serving as a focal point of research for several of our DPhil students.

Staffing policy

In RAE96 we reported that three of the six new posts allocated to the Honour School in Computation had been filled. The remaining three have now also been filled. In general the staffing policy has been to hire the best person available as evidenced by publications and research grant awards, as well as teaching ability and experience. Within these parameters we hire staff whose research interests extend and complement those of existing staff. In the last five years we have been able to attract some excellent new lecturers: David Walker (1998; theories of mobile computation); Peter Jeavons (1999; constraint satisfaction and computational complexity); Jeremy Gibbons (1999; program transformation); Andrew Martin (1999; critical systems engineering); Gavin Lowe (2000; concurrency and computer security); Ashwin Srinivasan (2001; machine learning and inductive logic programming); Raphael Hauser (2001; numerical optimisation). In the same period three distinguished professors have been appointed: Nick Trefethen (1997), Richard Brent (1998) and Samson Abramsky (2000). The Lab also funds fixed-term lectureships for young researchers and four have been appointed in the past two years: Hanno Nickau (1999; game semantics); Joe Pitt-Francis and Irina Voiculescu (1999; 3D-modelling and spatial reasoning); and Kathryn Harriman (2000; finite element simulation methods).

Newly appointed academic staff are assessed during their five-year probationary period and given mentors to assist their confirmation to retirement age. New staff are given light teaching as far as possible in the first two years and are protected from administration and examination duties. The University’s Institute for the Advancement of University Learning runs a variety of courses to enhance teaching skills and research effectiveness and new or young researchers are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities. The Head of Department sees all assessors’ reports, and recommendations to the Division are made by the Departmental Appointments Committee.

Annual appraisal of all staff is now part of University policy. In addition to this system, Oxford has introduced regular recognition of distinction exercises. The title of professor is given to those whose record, judged by outside referees and committees, is deemed to be of international status and comparable to that of holders of established chairs in Oxford and other leading research universities. The exercise is extremely rigorous. Candidates nominate three referees, and the faculty board adds two more external referees, often from outside the UK. The final decision is taken by a small committee with outside representation and chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, which jealously guards the University’s standards. Six members of staff have become titular Professors by this route and three titular Readers, a very high number in proportion to the total number of staff.

The University operates two schemes to support the careers of key contract research staff – a bridging support scheme and a career support scheme – which together have an annual budget of over £200K. The aim is to retain certain contract research staff who are between fixed-term contracts. It is also a founder member of, a wholly-owned subsidiary company that provides an internet shop window for the resumes of research staff for subscribing HEIs. The Lab was closely involved in forming this company and provides both a director and consultancy services. Contract staff are also allocated mentors, and receive careers advice 6 months before the end of their contract.

All academic and research staff are provided with at least a Sun Ultra 5 or Pentium III workstation. Computers are upgraded on a rolling three-year programme, and support staff are available to install software. Those who need it have access to high-performance computers, OSCAR and TOSCA. Most established staff are tutorial fellows of colleges, and colleges provided generous allowances for books, computers, software, and travel to conferences. The Lab also provides funds for personal equipment and supporting travel. University entitlement to regular sabbatical leave (one term for every six terms worked) plays an essential role in all aspects of conducting research, facilitating close collaboration with other distinguished researchers all over the world. In the past five years, 18 members of staff have benefited from sabbatical leave, ranging from a full year to one term. There is also a University scheme for enabling lecturers not on sabbatical to be dispensed from part of their teaching in order to focus on research.

Research students are provided with personal advisors from among established staff, as well as supervisors. Students are supplied with workstations and individual desks in dedicated offices and also with travel funds both through the Lab and their colleges. Colleges also provide Senior Scholarship schemes involving up to £1K in financial support and free meals. During their first year research students are required to attend four advanced level courses, or follow programmes of directed reading, as well as initiating their research. After the first year they complete a qualifying examination conducted by two academic staff, who make a recommendation as to whether the student may be permitted to transfer to full DPhil status. Students organise and give weekly seminars on their work to fellow students as well as academic staff.

During the past five years there were four retirements (Hoare, Morton, Mayers, Handscomb), though Hoare continues to collaborate with the Formal Methods and Software Engineering Groups and Morton and Mayers are regular visitors. There were also three resignations: Page left to join his spin-out company Celoxica, Wallen to join MathEngine, and Morgan to take up a professorship in Australia.

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Since the last RAE a new School of Computer Science, Cybernetics, and Electronic Engineering has been created, consisting of the former departments of Computer Science, Cybernetics, and the Electronic Engineers from the department of Engineering. The total staff complement of the School is 35 academics with 6 professors, 2 readers, and 4 senior lecturers. Research is organised at the School level with three intra-school departments providing undergraduate degrees. In UOA25 19 staff are being returned (including 3 Professors, 1 Reader).

A School Research Committee (SRC) comprising research group heads advises the Head of School on research matters. The groups identified in UOA25 and UOA29 in 1996 have been substantially restructured into six internationally recognised research groups. Three groups are returned to UOA25 and three to UOA29. Groups operate with a high degree of autonomy and organise regular meetings of staff, contract researchers and postgraduates. A School (external speaker) seminar series cuts across traditional UOA boundaries together with informal groups fostering School wide research themes (e.g. robotics, signal processing, artificial intelligence, parallelism, and emerging software technologies). We also run an annual internal research conference. UOA25 groups concentrate on algorithmically and related software/hardware development and UOA29 groups on the dynamic aspects of cybernetics and control. The School operates a five-year rolling equipment renewal programme and each research group has well equipped state-of-the-art laboratories. The school wide infrastructure was boosted recently via two JREI grants. In 1997, Megson established the High Performance Computing Centre (HPCC), a £1.2m facility available to the School and 12 other University departments. In 2000 Megson, Roberts and Sharkey won a second award to expand the HPCC to provide a £935k High Performance Interactive Visualisation Centre with cross Departmental, Faculty and University support.

The SRC co-ordinates research activity, assessing the strengths of the existing research themes and their likely futures nationally (e.g. Foresight, Research councils), internationally (EU/Frameworks, and USA) and formulates the research strategy monitored externally by Faculty and University committees via a five year research plan and an annual research report with targets for the next session. The SRC has implemented the University policies with respect to the Concordat on contract research staff, and postgraduate supervision including appraisal/review schemes. Progress of PhD students is reviewed annually, via reports, talks (internally, and at external conferences for which funding is made available), supervisor meetings, and formal interviews (with independent assessors). Funds are also provided at School level to support research students, for example, through matched contributions from competitive Faculty and University funds (Research Endowment Trust Fund), and pump priming for larger external competitions such as JREI, JIF, and HEFCE. The School is further informed by an Industrial Advisory Committee that includes representatives from a variety of relevant industries. The SRC is also involved in reviewing new staff applications in conjunction with Heads of Departments and a representative sits on all academic appointment panels. New members of staff are allocated a research mentor and given lighter teaching and administrative loads during the probationary (3 year) period. Pump-priming resource is available as is advice and review of grant applications. New members are strongly encouraged to submit fast track proposals where appropriate. A more pro-active policy on sabbaticals has enabled more staff to take research leave in key international research groups overseas and in industry. All staff are subject to an annual review to identify research goals and any requirements for additional training through the university staff development programmes or externally.

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Progress Since 1996: The Department ( has enhanced its research profile substantially since the 1996 assessment. We draw attention to some key statistics in comparison to our 1996 submission:

Review Period
Research Active Staff
# of RAs
Value of Grants
# of Ph.D students
Awarded Ph.D.s
# of papers

The department is currently organised into six research groups: Verification and Testing (VT), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Speech and Hearing (SpandH), Machine Learning (ML), Neural Computing and Robotics (NRG) and Computer Graphics (Graphics). Changes since the 1996 assessment are:
· The Correct Systems group of 1996 has been split in two following the departure of Professor Colin Smythe (category B): the VT group and the Centre for Mobile Communications Research, the latter of which has been allocated to the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department.
· The Artificial Intelligence group of 1996 has been split into its constituent parts: NLP, NRG and Graphics, as a consequence of increased research activity.
· Machine Learning, founded in January 1999 with the appointment to a chair of Mahesan Niranjan, already includes three members of staff and holds three externally funded research grants.

In the 1996 submission we anticipated growth in the area of Healthcare Informatics. This has been implemented via externally-funded projects: NHS funding for Robotics in Pharmaceuticals (N. Sharkey), Glaxo Wellcome funding for Medical Information Extraction (Gaizauskas and Wilks), EPSRC funding for Pattern Processing Tools in Medicine (Niranjan) and NHS funding for using speech technology in speech training provision for dysarthric speakers (Green).

Achievements and Plans of Research Groups
Verification & Testing (VT) (Bogdanov, Fairtlough, Gheorghe, Holcombe, Luettgen, Mendler & Simons)
Current Funding: 536K (EPSRC), 55K (Industry); No. of RAs: 3; No. of Ph.D. students: 13
Grant Expenditure: 252K ; Refereed Papers: 107

Achievements: The VT group, headed by Professor Mike Holcombe, carries out theoretical and applied research with strong industrial relevance in computer science and software engineering. Funding has increased steadily with grants from EPSRC, HEFCE and leading international companies, including DaimlerChrysler. New members of the group are: Mendler from the University of Passau, Luettgen from NASA (Langley), Gheorghe from the University of Bucharest and Bogdanov from this University (originally Moscow).

The group’s research can be broadly classified into two related themes: modelling and design of complex systems; and verification and testing. An achievement linking the two has been Holcombe’s development of the theory of X-Machines as a basis for novel software and hardware testing methods that can be proved to find all system faults, provided that some very practical and natural design-for-test conditions hold [Holcombe, 1-3]. This approach has been applied successfully to the analysis of STATECHART based industrial design tools, such as STATEMATE and STATEFLOW, for which Holcombe and Bogdanov have developed powerful test generation algorithms [Holcombe, 1 & 2]. Successful industrial applications involving the design and testing of systems with many millions of states have been demonstrated in collaboration with DaimlerChrysler [Bogdanov, 1 & 3]. Simons and Holcombe have subsequently gained funding from EPSRC to adapt this approach to object oriented systems. Luettgen and Mendler have developed the first fully-abstract semantics for the STATECHARTS design notation to support compositional code generation [Mendler, 3].

Theoretical work includes new logics and type systems. Mendler developed the Mosel system, an efficient implementation of mondaic second-order logic on linear chains [Mendler, 4]. Fairtlough and Mendler gained funding for the EPSRC Lax Logic project which has produced a first order lax logic (QLL), its formal semantics and complete proof systems. QLL provides a sound foundation for the constraint logic programming (CLP) paradigm, extending this to full first order logic [Fairtlough, 1]. Mendler has developed a propositional lax logic to solve the notoriously difficult exactness problem for timing analysis algorithms [Mendler, 2], by abstracting over timing constraints whose composition is solved precisely. Fairtlough and Mendler have extended this approach to a general method of abstraction and refinement in higher-order logic [Fairtlough, 3].

Similar approaches have been applied to distributed systems. Holcombe and Gheorghe have developed a model of communicating X-machines that is provably equivalent to a simple X-machine [Gheorghe, 2]. Gheorghe has developed the concept of grammar systems controlled by X-machines, which can generate complex languages from simple grammars [Gheorghe, 1]. Luettgen and Mendler have developed CSA, an extension to Milners CCS by clocks and maximal progress, a special case of a priority scheme [Luettgen, 1]. CSA models globally asynchronous, locally synchronous, systems. The success of this work, and the Lax Logic project above, has led to further funding for the EPSRC RealType project to develop a type system for component based real-time programming systems. In Software Engineering, Simons has contributed to the rigorous analysis of UML notations and object-oriented design techniques [Simons, 2]. Simons has also introduced the Discovery method for developing object-oriented systems which deploys a number of novel design transformations to generate subsystem architectures [Simons, 3]. Holcombe has developed a novel hybrid machine language and logic for modelling complex biological systems [Holcombe, 4].

Plans: New areas of research will include the application of our total testing methodology, based on X-machines, to more complex and problematical areas such as communicating systems or intelligent agents, and to new approaches to software development such as eXtreme programming. A Software Observatory is being established which will be based on the commercial software development activities of the Department (Genesys and Sheffield Software Hut). This will provide us with facilities for carrying out experiments examining software development processes in the context of real projects with real clients. We shall continue work on model checking, verification and testing of models based around STATECHARTS, X-machines and lax logics. New investigations into the computational modelling of social insects (ants and bees), in collaboration with Animal and Plant Sciences and BT, will be continued (Holcombe). There will be further work on object-oriented semantics and the design of experimental object-oriented languages, methodologies and testing techniques (Simons, Holcombe & Bogdanov).

We expect further work on lax logic to suggest novel verification strategies and proof search heuristics in higher-order logic. This will be implemented as an extension of Higher-order Type Theory, and may well extend to the imposition of a rigourous framework on the informal abstraction techniques developed in AI and planning. Work on timing analysis will be extended by Mendler and Fairtlough to more general sequential timing analyses so as to develop a theory of timing analysis heuristics. Mendler and Luettgen expect to turn STATECHARTS into a full-fledged programming language, and to take the so-called 'coarse-grain' and 'hybrid' approaches to formal methods and apply them in the area of component-based real-time signal processing. DaimlerChrysler has made the group a special academic partner which provides long term research funding.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) (Cunningham, Guthrie, Gaizauskas, Hepple & Wilks)
Current Funding: 1.8M (EPSRC), 775K (EC), 142K (BBSRC), 202K (other UK Govt.), 151K (Industry);
No. of RAs: 17; No. of Ph.D. students: 12
Grant Expenditure: 2.26M; Refereed papers: 132

Achievements: The NLP group, headed by Professor Yorick Wilks, has made a number of significant contributions to coherence-based models of language and knowledge, basic research that has led to two substantial application areas: information access (LaSIE, embodied in the GATE architecture) and multi-agent belief structures.

In information access, our work derives from both symbolic, rule-based approaches and from data-driven methods and machine learning. We have continued to develop internationally testable applications, particularly the further development of the EPSRC LaSIE Information Extraction (IE) system which was the best performing non-US entry overall in the DARPA MUC evaluations. Our co-reference system was the winner in that category in MUC-7. Guthrie spent much of this period as the leader of the Lockheed Martin IE team in the US which was placed first in several DARPA MUC competition categories between 1996 and 1998. Gaizauskas and Wilks are working with Sheffield's Journalism Department and the Press Association on the EPSRC MeTeR project to develop a theoretical measure of when one text can be determined to be a rewrite of another (a notion related to plagiarism, with very wide potential application). Wilks, Cunningham and Gaizauskas are also concerned with IE in multimedia domains (including visual and audio sources) through the EPSRC SOCIS project (with the University of Surrey) and the EC projects CLARITY and MUMIS. This work has been underpinned by the GATE software architecture for NLP systems developed by Cunningham [4]. GATE has been installed at over 500 sites worldwide, and was used by DARPA in 1998 to demonstrate its major speech and language project in Washington D.C. (

Wilks and Cunningham have continued to develop the search for IE systems capable of adapting to new domains (in collaboration with Unilever) and textual styles, as well as with automatically extensible lexicons (in the EPSRC MALT project). In a separate but related development, Wilks [1] developed a large-scale word-sense disambiguation program, optimised by machine learning, that produces the best published figures world-wide in this area. Gaizauskas [3], Hepple [4] and Wilks worked (as part of an EPSRC ROPA award) to extract a very large grammar (c. 20K rules) from the Penn Tree Bank, and then to show that it could be compacted without loss of linguistic coverage to a grammar of 2K rules, which was embedded within the LaSIE system. Wilks worked within the EC projects EUROWORDNET, PAROLE and SIMPLE to develop methods for extending linguistic resources cooperatively with other centres, and Gaizauskas has begun EPSRC-supported cooperative work with Lancaster to develop them for Asian languages. Hepple has continued to develop widely published contributions to the theory of second order logics for grammar description, as well as speed-up mechanisms for NL training regimes [1].

Within computational pragmatics, the NLP group has pursued a program of developing the ViewGen model of computing individual agents' beliefs as a necessary part of a language understanding system, particularly in connection with language generation. We also pursued a unique line on developing empirical conversational analysis, arguing that high-level conversational models like ViewGen could not be tested without a realistic parser and dialogue model for English conversation. Wilks and colleagues created the CONVERSE system (in cooperation with Intelligent Systems of London) that embodied original computer conversation model features including machine learning and substantial lexical resources. It won the Loebner competition in New York in 1997, and the general methodology has been embodied in the EC/DARPA AMITIES project (starting 2001), one of the two new transatlantic projects Sheffield will co-ordinate. The principles involved were sufficiently successful to create the EC-funded Bellagio series of International Workshops on Human Computer Conversation (1997, 1998, 2000) which brought together a 50-50 mix of industrialists and academics working on the theory and practice of computer conversation.

Plans: Our research will continue to be driven by the integration and adaptive maintenance of high level symbolic structures (such as lexicons and knowledge representations) with data-derived models. We expect deployment of the GATE-2 architecture in 2001 and will adapt our advancing use of IE technology to full question-answering against a web base of greater power than anything commercially available. In collaboration with colleagues in the Graphics group, the planned demonstrator will feature a speech and visual head interface. We expect our conversation technology to move to a new industrial incarnation as part of large-scale call centre automation with General Electric (US) (in AMITIES). This will develop the first full dialogue grammar based on ML and integrate ViewGen-like agent models for the first time. We will continue collaborations in medical informatics linking IE directly to adaptive medical knowledge structures (with the Manchester Medical Informatics group - Goebel and Rector) and a knowledge-driven counselling system with a molecular genetics team at Sheffield. As part of the EPSRC IRC in Applied Knowledge Technologies (AKT, with Southampton, Aberdeen, Edinburgh and the OU) we plan to use machine learning techniques to adapt IE technologies to populate corporate knowledge structures, thus making IE a fully adaptive and portable technology. Guthrie's statistical expertise will give us additional strength in the relationship of IE to Machine Learning and strengthen links with other departmental groups using the ML paradigm.

Speech and Hearing (SpandH) (Brown, Cooke, Green, Gotoh & Renals)
Current Funding: 563K (EU), 143K (NHS), 303K (EPSRC), 93K (Industry);
No. of RAs: 4; No. of Ph.D. students: 11
Grant Expenditure: 1.23M Refereed papers: 73

Speech and Hearing research has traditionally been conducted within several disciplines with different cultures: phonetics, linguistics, acoustics, electrical engineering & statistics. The Sheffield group, headed by Professor Phil Green, seeks to bridge the gaps between these communities to mutual benefit through the common theme of computational modelling. The group has an established international presence in Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA), Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR), Robust Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Information Access from Speech.

Achievements: In CASA, Brown (together with DeLiang Wang of Ohio State University) has developed neural oscillator techniques which perform well in speech segregation tasks. Neural oscillators are suitable for implementation in hardware and, therefore, viable for real-time applications such as front-end processing for automatic speech recognition [Brown 1, 2]. Recent research has investigated the combination of pitch and spatial location cues within neural oscillator architectures, and recognition experiments are in progress that combine oscillator-based CASA processing with the missing data ASR work to be described next.

The Sheffield approach to the vital problem of robustness in speech recognition is motivated by our interests in hearing: ASR should be based on, and interact with, CASA. However, sound-source separation will never be perfect because intruding sources will dominate some spectral-temporal regions. Cooke and Green have, therefore, introduced a new theory of speech perception based on missing and masked data which is being applied to robust ASR with competitive results [Cooke 1, 2; Green 1 - 4]. This work has been funded by EPSRC and in two European Consortia, SPHEAR and RESPITE, which Green coordinates.

In LVCSR, Renals and Gotoh have successfully studied the problem of information access from broadcast speech, including the development and implementation of a broadcast speech retrieval system [Renals 4] and techniques for information extraction [Gotoh, 2]. These have been validated as state-of-the art in international evaluation programmes. Further development of core speech recognition models and algorithms has introduced new approaches to language modelling based on statistical characterizations of semantics [Gotoh, 1], acoustic confidence measures [Renals, 3] and efficient search algorithms [Renals, 1]. New statistical algorithms for speech processing are being investigated including latent variable models [Renals, 2] and kernel-based methods.
Plans: Future CASA work will focus on conflict resolution in neural oscillator architecture and the role of attention in source separation. We have investigated the comparative performance of CASA and blind source separation approaches to sound segregration; so far, our findings suggest that there is some merit in combining the two approaches and we intend to pursue this idea. We are also investigating the application of CASA techniques to the interpretation of sonar signals, in work sponsored by DERA. We will also work on applications of CASA in the music technology domain via the EC MOSART project. The missing data work will be informed by continuation of perceptual experiments with distorted speech. Specifically, a ROPA award will support further exploration of the intriguing inter-formant recognition dip for narrowband speech which may indicate a significant division in perceptual processing of spectral information. A key advance in robust ASR, following from the missing data work, is the development of a recognition decoder for multiple sources, paving the way for recognition of speech in noise with minimal constraints on noise type. We have already published a proof-of-concept experiment for multisource decoding. LVCSR work will focus on development of techniques for information access from speech, including summarization and the direct use of acoustic information (prosody), underpinned by the development of statistical models of speech production. A further ROPA award will support the work on prosody.

In addition to development of the above four themes, we will also work on integrating them for applications such as taking minutes of a meeting or accessing internet information by informal speech from a mobile phone. Such a system would require a decoder for multiple sources working with incomplete data (Cooke & Green). If multiple sources are present, it would need a way of focusing on particular sources from all those that have been decoded (such as the voice of a single speaker), and this could be achieved by a model of attentional processing using neural oscillators (Brown). It would require core LVCSR technology and prosodic features for LVCSR (Renals) derived from auditory models of pitch analysis and speech rhythm (Brown). The Sheffield group is uniquely placed in the UK to achieve this synergy.

Within the last year, NHS funding has been secured for a project using speech technology in speech training provision for dysarthric speakers (Green). This work uses neural net techniques to provide real-time visual feedback, at the same time collecting data for a speaker-dependent recogniser. European funding for a large-scale project with the same theme has recently been approved.

Machine Learning (ML) (Niranjan, Winkler & Wu);
Current Funding: 450K (EPSRC), 15K (EPSRC & London Mathematical Society), 100K (EC);
No. of RAs: 3; No. of Ph.D. students: 3
Grant Expenditure: 222K; Refereed papers: 72

This group, led by Professor Mahesan Niranjan, has established itself rapidly, winning two grants from EPSRC and one from the EC. Funding has also been secured for a workshop from the EPSRC/LMS MathFit initiative. The objective of the group is the development of high performance machine learning algorithms for signal processing and pattern recognition, and their critical evaluation on a range of real world problems. The range of applications the group is actively pursuing include strong collaborations with the European Bioinformatics Institute on Computational Biology (Niranjan), the department of Mechanical Engineering on Inverse Problems involving photoelasticity (Winkler), and the Anglia University Geography Department on modelling air pollution (Niranjan). The MathFit workshop on Geometric Computation focuses and brings together the topics in which the three members of the group are experts: Geometry of Surfaces and Curves (Winkler), Geometric methods in pattern recognition (Niranjan) and the Geometry of Information (Wu).

Achievements: Pioneering work on sequential learning and with non-linear models (Niranjan) has looked at Bayesian Inference in algorithms in environments where there is a need to update model parameters and apply the updated models in real time. Niranjan has pursued the dynamical systems approach with non-linear function approximators such as neural networks, and has advanced the use of Bayesian ideas in this framework to achieve regularisation [Niranjan, 3]. His EPSRC funded project on monitoring liver transplant patients has led to a decision support system that is being taken into clinical trials at the Addenbrooks Hospital in Cambridge. A project on quantifying risk in pregnancy has demonstrated the use of feature selection techniques via the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Curve.

Wu has worked on Information Geometry, Support Vector Machines and the notion of faithfulness in population codes (probabilistic distributed representation of information in neural circuits) [Wu, 1]. He has applied sophisticated statistical concepts to understanding the consequences of adopting decoding strategies for such codes. He has also enhanced Support Vector Machine designs for high performance pattern classification by the use of Information Geometric ideas in the adaptation of the non-linear kernel functions [Wu, 2 & 3]. Winkler has shown the existence of practical limitations of widely-used theoretical measures of numerical stability of curves and surfaces in CAD systems [Winkler, 1-4].

Plans: We will continue work on principled approaches to machine learning algorithms with strong mathematical foundation. Sequential learning for non-linear and non-stationary signal processing (Niranjan), numerical issues in geometric computations and wavelets (Winkler), and kernel based algorithms with a basis in Information Geometry (Wu), will continue to be our strong theoretical/algorithmic strands. We will work closely on novel applications, and Computational Biology will be a major focus of our applied research. Dr Neil Lawrence will join the group from Microsoft, Cambridge, in July 2001. He brings expertise in probabilistic graphical models, a technique with which we aim to model gene interaction networks.

Neural Computing and Robotics (NRG) (A. Sharkey & N.Sharkey)
Current Funding: 252K (Industry); No. of RAs: 1; No. of Ph.D. students: 7
Grant Expenditure: 186K; Refereed papers: 41

Achievements: NRG, headed by Professor Noel Sharkey, has further developed its international reputation in the theory and practice of artificial adaptation using biologically-inspired methods [N Sharkey, 2] in the areas of adaptive robotics and intelligent fault diagnosis. Particular progress has been made in the combination of evolutionary and neural computing methodologies. Noel Sharkey has run a series of international workshops on different aspects of robotics and provided broad reviews of the field by editing three international journal special issues.

The three major goals stated in the last RAE submission have been been achieved. First, funding for on-line condition monitoring has been obtained from EPSRC. Secondly, neural network research on a robotics platform has been further developed and the "glass box" approach finalised. Thirdly, the company B-Braun (in collaboration with the Northern General Hospital Pharmacy) has funded the development of a robotic drug mixing system. A major new avenue of research in NRG has been initiated with the development of multi-net systems for improving the performance of neural net systems. Amanda Sharkey has worked on combining diverse neural nets and applied them to practical problems [A Sharkey 1 - 4].

Plans: We plan the further development of the theory of combining neural network learning and evolutionary methods in both robotics and multi-net systems, and the extension of the multiple classifier work into sensor fusion and robot navigation. NRG will set up a Creative Robotics Unit at MAGNA (an interactive science, engineering and technology centre devoted to the public understanding of science) to conduct research on collective robotics (flying and ground-based).

Computer Graphics (Graphics) (Watt)
Current Funding: 750K (Industry); No. of Ph.D. students: 4
Achievements: This group is headed by Dr Alan Watt. During this assessment period a new edition of his book 3D Computer Graphics (which has been called 'one of the greatest computer books of all time' by the Association for Computing Machinery) has been published. The group has strong research links with leading edge local companies. The dissertation project scheme that we run with Infogrames (the largest computer games company in Europe) is particularly popular and is proving useful to the company in that they can get answers to research problems that they have not the resources to undertake themselves. The group is collaborating with LightWork Design on a research project on non-photorealistic rendering, and the company has donated equipment and sponsored a research student. The group has other strong industrial research links with: Kazoo 3D plc (3D Compression Techniques); Infogrames plc (Motion capture and bio-mechanics); Facial Animation; Thornhill Gaskets (Modelling and reverse engineering of damaged heat exchangers) and the Forensic Pathology Department (Motion capture and crime reconstruction).
Plans: Our links with Infogrames have resulted in this company coordinating the donation of $1M from a group of large companies (Microsoft, Alias, Nvidia and AMD) that supply hardware and software for the games industry to found a Centre for Advanced Games Technology which will be (in 2001) the first of its kind in Europe. This centre will undertake research, offer MSc courses, organise conferences and workshops and establish a journal (again the first) in games technology.

Inter-group Activity and Research Management
The department also encourages activities which cross research group boundaries, for instance:
· A special interest group in Computational Biology encompasses: modelling computation in cells and tissues (Holcombe), Hidden Markov Models of biological sequences (Renals, Gotoh), Information Extraction from biological text corpora (Wilks, Gaizauskas, Guthrie) and Statistical Pattern Processing (Wu). The appointment of Gotoh has released Niranjan to an 18 month Research Professorship to work on Machine Learning problems in Biology.
· SpandH and NLP collaborate in voice-driven information retrieval systems. The Institute for Language, Speech and Research (ILASH, Director, Wilks) involves other University Departments such as Information Studies, Human Communication Sciences and Psychology and focuses interdisciplinary research in the area. External research income to principal investigators involved in ILASH exceeds £4.0M over this assessment period.
· ML and SpandH groups interact closely in statistical pattern processing algorithms for robust speech recognition including Support Vector Machines and feature selection in classifiers (Niranjan, Wu, Renals & Gotoh).
The Department has a proactive system for monitoring the progress of each PGR student, with a personal panel consisting of the supervisor, an additional advisor and a chair from a different group. The introduction of this system contributes to high completion rates. The Graduate Division of the University administers a research training program, mandatory for every PRG student.
The Department has a regular seminar program, where staff are encouraged to present their work, as well as external speakers. The Department maintains web and paper-based versions of a monthly brochure of research highlights, a list of all publications from members of the Department and a 6-monthly updated Research Brochure. Each research group has its own laboratory and most run their own seminars and study groups. The Department provides secretarial, technical and administrative services to the groups but some fund their own staff, thus freeing up resources for the other groups. Some groups produce their own industrially-orientated research publicity and groups are encouraged to have an area of their website devoted to visiting browsers from industry seeking applicable technology. Conferences and workshops are normally organised by the groups rather than the Department. The Department's International Industrial Liaison Committee provides valuable feedback on research strategy.

5(b) Staffing Policy

Research quality and potential are the highest priorities in the recruitment of staff. The Department has a policy of supporting new members of staff to establish their research careers in the form of reduced teaching and administration in the first year, a supportive mentor system and active guidance in applying for external research grants. Much of the Departmental website, including FAQs, has been designed with new staff in mind. There is a sabbatical leave system, and staff present their research case for this to the Department's Staffing Committee.

Quality of research output is given top priority in University Promotions procedures. The conferment of the title of Reader and Personal Chair is determined solely by the quality of research of individuals as evidenced by external international referees, who are not the nominees of the candidate. In this assessment period a Personal Chair was awarded to Green and Readerships to Gaizauskas, Renals, Hepple and Watt. Senior Lectureship promotions were won by Brown and Renals.

5(d) Additional Observations

Self Assessment: The Department's research has a high international reputation. Research output from the large majority of its members is in journals and international conferences with very high standards of peer review. Our recent external funding during the assessment period (at £400K per staff member) has come primarily from strongly competitive sources, and we are amongst the largest per capita receivers of funds from EPSRC, by comparison with other Computer Science departments. Further, we have an outstanding reputation for research leadership: in the assessment period we have co-ordinated five EC research consortia. We have a high quality training program for graduate students. We have also attracted very high calibre researchers into faculty positions (including senior positions) at a time when most CS departments in the country are facing severe recruitment difficulties. This, too, is evidence of the international reputation our research carries.

University of Southampton_25 5* [26.15B]

1 Introduction

At Southampton, the Department of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) comprises the three disciplines of Computer Science (CS), Electronics and Electrical Engineering. This broad span of disciplines within ECS is a unique strength of the Department and reflects the increasing integration of electronics, communications and software engineering. However, for the RAE, it has the administrative disadvantage of requiring submissions to two UoAs – 25 and 29. Two of our internationally known research groups – the Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems (ISIS) Group and the Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) Group – could be submitted to either unit of assessment and work that could be regarded as CS, such as genetic algorithms, neural networks and image and speech processing, is returned in UoA 29 (for more information see

Three research groups are returned under UoA25:

(i) Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia (IAM)
(ii) Declarative Systems and Software Engineering (DSSE)
(iii) Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC)

In the period 1996-2001, ECS research income was in excess of £40 million, of which more than £9 million was for CS. On all the metrics collected for RAE purposes, Southampton exceeds the average for Departments graded 5* in 1996: in RA’s per research active staff (RAS) (Soton: 1.5, 5*: 0.7), PGR per RAS (Soton: 2.4, 5*: 1.9), external studentships per RAS (Soton: 0.5 p.a., 5*: 0.4), EPSRC studentships per RAS (Soton: 0.4 p.a., 5*: 0.3), PhDs awarded per RAS (Soton: 0.3 p.a., 5*: 0.3) and research income per RAS (Soton: £69,800 p.a., 5*: £43,480). On the vital issue of research output as measured by internationally refereed CS journal papers, Southampton has the second highest average per RAS of any of the 1996 5/5* departments over the period 1996-2000 (source: ISI).

2 Management Mechanisms and Research Organisation

2.1 University and Faculty. The University operates a devolved budgetary system to Faculties and Departments with research activity coordinated and monitored by the University Research Committee. This Committee awards university research grants; the allocation of funding for research studentships, typically 17 per year, is devolved to Faculty Research Committee. This Committee also manages cross-Faculty research initiatives, such as the Computational Engineering and Design Centre (CEDC), which is part of the BAE Systems/Rolls Royce University Technology Partnership (UTP) in Engineering Design. The Faculty Graduate School organises formal training in research methods, management and communication skills for all Faculty research students in excess of the Dearing recommendations, and is responsible for monitoring student progression.

2.2 Department. ECS has a proactive research management policy and implements several mechanisms for monitoring research. There are web-accessible databases for publications, for research student status and for research contracts. All staff (academic, academic-related, and research, as well as technical and secretarial) are annually appraised and set goals aligned with the Department’s overall strategic goals. Determination of long-term strategy is the prime responsibility of the Professorial and Heads of Research Groups Committee, but the Department holds annual research ‘Awaydays’ to debate future directions and opportunities with all academic staff. ECS operates a devolved management structure with executive committees for Research, Academic Policy, Finance and Public Relations. The Research Committee has overall responsibility for recruiting typically 65 PhD students per year (including 25 EPSRC studentships) as well as monitoring the performance of the 180 PhD students in the Graduate School. It also allocates the Department’s £150K annual investment in PG studentships, and organises Department research events such as the Distinguished Researchers’ Colloquia and the Alumni Research Colloquia. A more proactive policy for postgraduate recruitment has been developed and applications have increased by approximately 40% over the last year. Overseas postgraduate student scholarships, typically 15 per annum, are offered by the Department to attract outstanding students from developing countries. All research students have a supervisor and second advisor, plus an independent internal examiner for their Year 1 and MPhil to PhD transfer vivas. The Industrial Advisory Panel meets on a regular basis and members have helped to structure the research strategy and business plans. The Department operates an open and equitable staff loading formula, which recognises teaching, research, external activities and administration. New staff are allocated low teaching loads for the first three years and there is a proactive mentoring scheme to support the rapid research development of young academic staff. Research in the Department is organised according to groups. All research staff and students are members of one group but may be associated with more than one group as they become involved in multi-disciplinary research projects. The Head of Group is responsible to the Head of Department for ensuring the implementation of Departmental strategic and management policies within their research group including the allocation of Departmental research and travel funds. All groups organise their own staff and student mentoring system, and run specialist research seminars and activities. The CS research groups are described below.

2.3 Technology Transfer. Members of staff in CS work closely with the IT Innovation Centre (formerly the Parallel Applications Centre), based at the nearby Chilworth Science Park, which facilitates technology transfer of research across the whole range of CS activities at Southampton in collaborative projects with industry and commerce. Members of CS staff are also associated with several start-up companies (see RA6).

3 Staffing Policy

Strategic professorial appointments in CS have been made in Agent-Based Computing (Jennings), Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (Shadbolt and Harnad) and Formal Methods (Butler). New lectureship appointments have been used to support these posts as well as to strengthen existing teams (Moreau, Carr, Martinez, Luck, Cox, Elliot, Leuschel, Ultes-Nitsche). The increasing quality of CS research staff is also demonstrated by the number of staff promotions to Senior Lecturer (Reeve, Davis), Reader (Moreau, Leuschel, Nunn) and Personal Chair (De Roure), all of which were externally assessed by internationally renowned referees.

4 Infrastructure and Special Facilities

The IAM and PDC groups were jointly awarded a major JREI grant for equipment to support the development of "Agent-based Multimedia Databases". This equipment is also used to enable multimedia and digital library research, particularly the development of interactive tools for streaming media such as audio and video. The pioneering work of the PDC group on low-cost computational clusters led directly to the University’s decision to invest in a 300-processor computational cluster as its next major HPC facility. The Department occupied a new £4.5 million 4000m2 building (new Zepler) in 1998. This provided co-location, for the first time, of all the CS Research Groups together with associated teaching and learning laboratories. However, the CS Research Groups have already outgrown this new space. With the University, we are now planning a 4110m2 "Digital Futures" building under the SRIF initiative aimed at accommodating four research groups – IAM, ISIS, Communications and part of the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) – in a multi-disciplinary project to create a building to undertake research into computer systems that support the interaction of people and computers in a ubiquitous computing environment. The new building will join the existing Mountbatten and Zepler complex and enable the co-location of all the research groups in the Department. It is expected to be completed in 2003.

5 Limitations and Opportunities

Two major problems facing Computer Science departments in the UK are the retention of staff and recruitment of able research students. This is a serious problem for the future of computer science research in the UK generally. To counter this, ECS has a very proactive staff development programme that has ensured the continued retention and recruitment of world-class staff and the Department has seen continual growth in its research staffing, postgraduate numbers and infrastructure. The new Zepler and Mountbatten complex has contributed greatly to the increase in inter- and multi-disciplinary research within ECS and the planned "Digital Futures" building will finally bring constituent groups into a single location further encouraging joint research opportunities. ECS has an excellent track record in technology transfer, particularly through the IT Innovation Centre, and its spin-off companies (see RA6). We will continue to build on these strengths as the role of universities in technology and knowledge transfer becomes increasingly important. We have a number of long-term collaborations with industry that we have proactively developed to support our research. Whilst we encourage our bright young stars to pursue individual lines of research, we have sought to develop a critical mass of researchers in particular areas so that our research teams can contribute significantly to international research in computer science in collaboration with colleagues at other universities and with industry.

University of Sussex_25 5 [28.71A]

The Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAI) Subject Group at Sussex is part of the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences - a home for computer scientists, cognitive scientists, AI researchers, linguists, philosophers and psychologists. This grouping supports the Group’s interdisciplinary approach to the study of computer science and artificial intelligence.

The Subject Group is organized through five research groups, though there is considerable cross group interaction, especially between the Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems group and the Neural Computation, Computer Vision and Medical Imaging group. These two research groups also have very strong links with Biological Sciences (as evidenced by the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics, supported with money and space centrally by the University). Also in keeping with the interdisciplinary policy, the Human Centred Computing Technology group has strong links (via shared research grants) with Psychology, and the Natural Language Processing group has strong research links with the Information Technology Research Institute (ITRI) at the University of Brighton.

Each research group is led by one or more Professors and Readers. Since the last RAE these groups have become fewer in number, and more focused. They have been strengthened by new appointments and promotions, and by selective allocation of research student bursaries and laboratory space. More emphasis has been placed on links with users and wealth creation, see underlined parts of RA5 & 6. Each of the research groups runs a regular seminar series (with both internal and external speakers) as well as contributing to two School-wide series. Each member of CSAI belongs to at least one research group. Their research is monitored within the Subject Group and also by the enclosing School. Staff appraisal is conducted on an 24-monthly cycle, and research plans are scrutinized at these meetings in order to promote research effectiveness and productivity. Teaching and administration loads are distributed fairly to ensure that all have time to be research-active. A portion of overhead income is allocated directly to Investigators on research grants and contracts, and this may be used to assist with teaching buyout or research expenditure. The school maintains budgets for research travel, new research startup expenses, and for staff development.

A thriving research culture among research students is promoted by ensuring that they are fully members of at least one research group, by supporting a residential annual conference off campus for them and by careful monitoring of progress. The Human Centred Computing Technology group additionally runs an annual conference aimed specifically at PhD students from around the UK and mainland Europe (supported by funds from EPSRC and ESRC).

1. Foundations of Computation: Hennessy, Fiore, Jeffrey, McCusker, Rathke, Reus, Sassone

This group has a strong active research interest in foundational aspects of Computer Science, focusing particularly on the semantics of computation.

In a series of EPSRC funded projects Hennessy has developed behavioural theories for a range of process languages, including features such as higher-order abstractions and distributed resources, and studied their integration with theories of the lazy l-calculus. Related work by Rathke and Jeffrey concerns the development of feasible operational reasoning techniques for establishing equivalences between program fragments in distributed, concurrent programs, e.g. Concurrent ML.

Abstract models of concurrency, in particular their classification with respect to categorical properties, have been one focus of Sassone’s research. More concretely he has also developed denotational semantics for Petri nets; this semantics views nets as a natural, intuitive model of concurrency and distribution with asynchronous communication.

Both Fiore and Reus have made significant contributions to Axiomatic and Synthetic Domain Theory (SDT). For example, Fiore has shown how, from a single basic axiom, one can derive the usual properties of fixed-point operators and thereby set up a representation theory for categories of domains, while Reus has formalised a variant of SDT inside type theory and proved its consistency using a realisability model; the underlying logic has been mechanized using the well-known LEGO proof checker. Related work includes the new denotational model of Reus (with Streicher) for the call-by-name l-calculus, which closely resembles Krivine's abstract machine.

McCusker has developed the theory of game-based semantics to incorporate computational features such as recursive types, non-determinism and probabilistic computation (in conjunction with Research Fellow Russell Harmer), call-by-value, continuations and exceptions (with the Research Fellow James Laird), and mutable store. This includes the construction of the first known fully abstract model of a language with general higher-type references.

Current and future work will focus on object-based languages and mobile computation. McCusker intends to exploit insight gained from game-theoretic models to analyse object behaviour, one major goal being a semantics-based approach to the control of aliasing in object systems. Extending recent work on a multi-threaded sublanguage of Java, Reus is working on axiomatic semantics for an object-oriented language, which should lead to verification techniques for UML, while Rathke is investigating operational techniques for the understanding of concurrent objects. Hennessy, with Rathke and Sassone, will investigate observational equivalences and proof techniques for mobile processes, where resource-based type systems, already well-developed at Sussex, will play an important role. More generally these three researchers, Hennessy, Rathke, Sassone, will seek to develop novel calculi for distributed systems where properties such as security, locality, failure, reliability can be isolated and studied.

2. Natural Language Processing: Gazdar, Sampson, Carroll, Keller, Lutz, McCarthy, Weir

The Sussex University Natural Language Processing group may now be the largest grouping in the UK of researchers focusing centrally (though by no means exclusively) on statistical and corpus-based approaches to NLP.

Weir and Carroll are developing a new, wide-coverage lexicalized tree grammar system and adapting parsing-oriented grammar pre-compilation techniques to the problem of natural language generation. Weir is investigating statistical approaches to structural disambiguation. Carroll is building his EU- and EPSRC-funded research into techniques for robust analysis of naturally-occurring English texts, working with McCarthy both on NLP component tasks (word-sense disambiguation, parser evaluation, acquisition of lexical information from large corpora), and on application tasks (automatic text simplification). He is also collaborating with colleagues in the USA and Germany on engineering efficient parsers and generators for large constraint-based grammars.

Keller and Lutz are working on automatic acquisition of grammatical knowledge from corpus data, with application to practical natural language parsing. Building on earlier work, they are exploiting the integration of expectation maximization and a minimum description length principle to induce compact and robust stochastic language models.

Gazdar is working with Evans (University of Brighton) on a generalization of the DATR lexical knowledge representation language that permits the incorporation of probabilities, and with Cahill (University of Brighton) on phonological and morphological applications of the language. He is also elaborating his ideas about how to estimate lexical probabilities from ranks.

Sampson has been extending his ESRC-sponsored work on standards of structural annotation for written and spoken English corpora to cover the problems of recording structure in the output of unskilled writing by children. He has begun to extract analytic data from these annotated corpora bearing on topics such as the process of literacy-acquisition in modern Britain and the development of spoken linguistic competence throughout adult life.

The group intend in the coming research assessment period to build further on their involvement with wide-coverage, probabilistic processing techniques and work based on large samples of naturally-occurring data. Sampson is making links with researchers providing input to the National Literacy Strategy, since his current analytic work is expected to lead to implications relevant for that, as well as for natural language processing techniques and linguistic theory. Carroll and Weir will apply their techniques in statistical and efficient parsing to the problem of wide-coverage generation.

3. Human-Centred Computing Technology: du Boulay, Cox, Rogers, Luckin, Wakeman, Wood

This group develops frameworks for understanding how people interact with and communicate through computing technology, and applies this understanding to innovative system design, particularly in educational and medical settings.

du Boulay and colleagues at Birmingham, De Montfort and London, supported by grants from ESRC, EPSRC and Department of Health, have developed and evaluated a training system (MEDIATE) with a novel visual interface to a medical image database, and with Eraut (Sussex Institute of Education) has mapped out the development of medical competence and judgment. His team has developed intelligent learning environments that model the motivational state of learners, provide training in the metacognitive skill of learning from texts, model learners' plausible misreasoning, provide the student with a computer-based peer to teach, and has investigated the mental models of Prolog programmers.

Rogers has extended the theory and methodology of Distributed Cognition to HCI and investigated the design and cognitive benefits of interactivity, multimedia and Virtual Reality in learning and commerce. She has developed a theoretical framework of ‘external cognition' which accounts for how new media can represent information in novel ways. She and Scaife (Psychology) have founded the multidisciplinary Interact Lab, supported by grants from the EPSRC, ESRC, EU and BT (including an IRC). Their group has undertaken collaborative work with Apple Computer Inc, BT, BBC, Ericsson, IBM, The Guardian, Philips and Marks & Spencer.

Cox, supported by EPSRC, ESRC, Nuffield Foundation and The James S. McDonnell Foundation, has investigated the integration of social and representational aspects of problem solving across the high school curriculum, the ''match-mismatch'' conjecture and learning to use data-flow visual programming languages. He and his team have developed 'PATSy' --- a multimedia database of clinical cases for use by researchers and educators in the fields of speech and language therapy, dyslexia, neuropsychology and rehabilitation medicine. Using data from PATSy, Cox has studied the acquisition of clinical reasoning skills by students. He has also examined the training implications for companies of innovations such as Statistical Process Control (SPC), and studied individual differences in syllogism interpretation and inference.

Luckin gained her D.Phil. (with an ESRC studentship) for operationalizing Vygotsky's notion of the Zone of Proximal Development and won an ESF Junior Scientist award in the area of Learning in Humans and Machines. Supported by EPSRC she has explored the nature of metacognitive software scaffolding via the JAMeS system, and supported by EPSRC/ESRC (PACCIT), is exploring children's interactions with Digital Toys. She was a member of the evaluation team for the DfEE Digital Broadcasting Competition and, supported by the EU, is developing the GUI for a radiologist's decision support tool for MR spectroscopy jointly with Watson and Tate from the Vision, Neural Networks and Medical Imaging research group.

Technological and artificial intelligence underpinning have also been investigated. For instance, Wakeman has focused on engineering networks so that networked applications can be user-centred. Supported by EPSRC and BT, in collaboration with the Foundations of Computation group at Sussex and groups at Lancaster, UCL, Imperial and UTS (Australia) he has developed a programming language, SafetyNet, that enables applications to use third party computation platforms safely. In collaboration with UCL, he has examined models of how users perceive networked applications, resulting in models of interaction with networked applications, and design methodologies for capturing and using users' language in the interface.

In addition, Wood has investigated the relationship between informational needs of planning agents and the guidance of selective perception. Her work has developed a computational model which links the active guidance of attentional processes to a computational agent's state of awareness and understanding of the context for its actions. Her team has discovered a link between an understanding of the information requirements of other agents and the onset of safe roadside behaviour in 5-8 year olds, and has developed road safety materials which actively promote this onset.

The group hosts an annual international training workshop for research students in the HCT area (supported by ESRC and EPSRC).

In the next five years du Boulay and Cox, with EPSRC support, will investigate the issue of coordination of multiple external representations in learning Java programming. Cox will also extend his studies of clinical reasoning using PATSy, as will du Boulay using MEDIATE. Rogers will investigate the relationship between physical and virtual representations in learning and a new model of interaction. Luckin will develop her theory of scaffolding and interactivity, for instance in the area of interactive broadband TV. Wakeman will continue to investigate how we can engineer the network and computing substrate to provide a pervasive computing environment offering safe, usable services, and with Luckin will be looking at the models of interactivity and consumer behaviour required to produce effective support for E-commerce. Wood will investigate the contextual basis for understanding intentional behaviour in other agents.

4. Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems: Husbands, Harvey, Thompson, Di Paolo, Spier

This group is concerned with highly interdisciplinary work at the interfaces between the biological and computational sciences. Research focuses on the development and application of stochastic search algorithms, adaptive robotics, evolutionary electronics and computational neuroscience. Close collaborations with neuroscience and evolutionary theory colleagues in the School of Biological Sciences led to the formation in 1997 of the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics (CCNR) - a cross-school endeavour initially pump-primed by a £250,000 grant from the University. The centre houses 20 researchers from a range of disciplines, attracting funding from many sources, and is the venue for much of the research undertaken by this group.

Husbands has continued his research in using evolutionary search algorithms to develop control systems and sensor morphologies for autonomous robots. By incorporating abstractions of diffusing neuromodulators, he has developed new forms of artificial neural network controllers in collaboration with Neuroscience colleagues. Future work will explore various extensions of this idea. He has expanded into multi-robot group behaviour research, as well as robot modelling of ant behavioural strategies. Along with O'Shea (BIOLS, co-director of CCNR with Husbands) he is working on computational models of diffusing neurotransmitters in real brains. Funding is provided by: British National Space Centre, EU, Human Frontiers of Science Program, BT, EPSRC, BBSRC. Husbands' work on stochastic search algorithms for combinatorial optimisation continues through various industrial collaborations. A French IT company (Mathematiques Appliquées) have set up a branch on the Sussex campus to commercialise this work as well as to interact with the CCNR. Husbands has an EPSRC funded teaching company scheme with them to develop robust algorithms for large vehicle routing problems.

Harvey has developed new theoretical research into evolutionary search algorithms, particularly in relation to incorporating the notion of neutrality into the analysis of open-ended evolutionary algorithms. He is also working on applications of his SAGA algorithms to problems in molecule discovery in association with Smith Kline Beecham, Glaxo and Merlin Ventures. With funding from the Wellcome Trust Sci-Art initiative he is developing a 6-legged man-carrying robot based on novel design principles intended to provide an illustration of the way that the natural dynamics of limbs in motion can be exploited for walking. This project involves collaboration with Nottingham Trent University and the Australian performance artist Stelarc. Harvey's on-going work in ecological and evolutionary dynamics has resulted in him gaining EPSRC funding for a systems theory network on "The nature of feedback control systems: Daisyworld and beyond".

Thompson's main interest is in soft computing techniques in engineering design and optimisation, principally evolutionary computing in electronics design. The core of this has been to understand the qualitative differences between conventional design methods and the evolutionary process, and how this might be used to best effect. Research funded by EPSRC, BT, HP and Xilinx explored the unconstrained exploitation of semiconductor physics, and the impact of population dynamics on fault-tolerance. Ongoing projects include the investigation of nano-electronics applications, how evolutionary design can obtain leverage from existing CAD tools for high-volume VLSI, and a broadening of scope into areas such as mechanical engineering and art.

Di Paolo has worked on evolutionary models of animal communication and other forms of social coordination and rhythmic behaviour. He has combined ideas from neuroscience and evolutionary robotics in the development of novel neural network architectures with which he has successfully studied adaptation to radical sensorimotor disruptions in robots such as the inversion of the visual field. Current and future work concentrates on combining homeostatic mechanisms with other forms of plasticity in neural networks for generating adaptive behaviour in robots, and in extending his work on coordination to more complex situations such as those involving conflicts of interest.

Drawing from an ethological conception of motivation, Spier has developed a mathematical framework that can be used to design control architectures to govern artificial animals. Computer simulations and real-world robotic implementations stemming from this framework have shown that a reactive motivational algorithm performs better than alternatives that use simplistic models of the world, in multiple resource foraging tasks including complex sequences of behaviour. This work is being extended to encompass more advanced sensorimotor behaviours and to further explore the position that automata, and animals, need not use reasoning to perform intelligent behaviour.

In summary, future work will focus on various aspects of adaptive robotics, computational modelling of biological processes, and the application of stochastic search to problems in engineering. Husbands and Di Paolo will investigate novel forms of plasticity in neural networks for robot control.
Harvey will study new mechanisms for walking robots and Spier will extend his framework for developing sequential behaviours in robots. Thompson will work on the application of evolutionary and other stochastic search processes in nano-electronics, Husbands will work on robust search algorithms for practical scheduling problems, Harvey will continue his research on evolutionary search for drug design and on theoretical issues in artificial evolution. Husbands will further develop his work in modelling diffusing neuromodulators in real brains. The group will continue to expand its collaborations with artists.

5. Neural computation, computer vision and medical imaging: Buxton, Feng, Watson, Williams, Thornton, Young

This group uses a wide variety of methods and approaches from computer science, cognitive and biological sciences. It has strong links with the Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems group.

Buxton has continued work on dynamic aspects of visual perception in a series of EU and EPSRC funded grants. She has developed (with Howarth) a Bayesian approach to attentional control and to generating conceptual descriptions from image sequences. More recently she has established (with Howell) a framework for visually mediated interaction and developed a connectionist system to control camera views and attention from gesture. Also in conjunction with the HCT group, work has started on avatar control using gesture in a virtual puppet theatre. Future work with Feng will continue to develop learning rules for spiking neural nets using the infomax principle for visual tasks.

Feng has developed novel variants of spiking neuron models, and analysed their properties at both biophysical and abstract levels. He has EU collaboration with biologists at Cambridge, Edinburgh and Montpellier and physicist in Rome to build biologically plausible neural networks. He is currently investigating sub-cellular and cellular models of these neurons. He has applied extremal value theory in statistics to machine learning with Williams and is continuing to work in these areas.

Thornton has continued research on data mining and machine learning using algorithmic, evolutionary and neural-network approaches. He has developed a framework relating learning, representation and creativity presented as a major book publication with MIT Press.

Watson's work on the processing and analysis of clinical magnetic resonance spectroscopy data has continued refining software tools for the identification of tumour types. More general approaches for tissue classification have been developed. Support for this work has been offered from our existing hospital and clinical research collaborators (including St George's Hospital, the Institute of Neurology, Universitat Autonóma de Barcelona and Siemens Medical Engineering Group) together with EU funding for a consortium investigating non-invasive diagnosis of brain tumours.

Williams has continued to develop neural network and gaussian process models for the analysis of large multivariate datasets. Particular application areas include remote sensing, e.g. mineral identification from reflectance spectra, and geostatistical feature extraction from three-dimensional geochemical datasets.

Young has developed an ecological approach to low-level vision in humans, which can be applied to machine vision systems. His work has centred on motion information and has three main strands: the measurement of optic flow, the use of optic flow information in controlling action, and the use of alternative image representations such as log-polar sampling.

Current and future work planned by Neural Computation, Computer Vision and Medical Imaging groups involves collaboration with the new Vision Group recently started in Psychology in COGS, as well as with the Biological Sciences in genome-based bioinformatics. In particular, Williams and Feng will address statistical issues in bioinformatics, e.g. differences in gene expression levels between RNA populations, gene expression data from DNA microarrays. Buxton will work with Troscianko from Psychology on Bayesian and Neural Network modelling of human perception in surveillance tasks and will continue collaboration with INRIA (Sophia Antipolis) on the EU Advisor project, learning visual behaviour models from surveillance videos. She is also planning research on medical image interpretation with Watson using Information Theoretic Neural Networks. Thornton will investigate the relationship between representation and computation based on chimpanzee learning strategies. Young has a new project on content-based image recognition applied to a database of funeral moments and plans for collaborative work with psychophysicists Khurana and Nijhawan. More generally, the researchers in this group will continue to advance an interdisciplinary approach to develop new frameworks for vision and machine learning and their application to current research problems.

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The past five years have been a period of continued achievement for the Department resulting in a substantial widening of our international research activities, more than doubling the number of published journal papers, and increasing the FTE postgraduate research numbers by 56%. We have been particularly successful in developing research collaborations with leading international research organisations and our work has been sponsored by, among others, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the National Aerospace and Aeronautics Agency (NASA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the US Department of Defense (DOD), as well as the EU Information Technology Programmes such as ESPRIT, and, of course, EPSRC. The external support for our research has increased from £2.8 million during 1996 to £4.3 million in this period - including a large international grant from IBM. Members of staff have organised or chaired 35 international conferences (an increase of more than 100% from the 1996 period). We have also considerably strengthened our technology-transfer programme by initiating a number of research collaborations with leading technology firms (including Oxford GlycoSciences and Improvision in the UK, and Mental Images GmbH in Berlin), major European industrial organisations (including British Aerospace, Rolls Royce, Thomson ASM, and BT) as well as the principal research laboratories of international corporations (including Microsoft and IBM Yorktown Heights, NY).
One of the outstanding developments during the period has been the establishment of a joint IBM/Warwick Research Centre within the newly opened £5 million Computer Science building. This has been coupled with the launch of a five-year joint research collaboration between the High Performance Systems Group and Dr Dillenberger's GRID research group at IBM's Thomas Watson Research Laboratories, NY. This activity has been enhanced by the award, won against strong international competition, of a grant exceeding two and half million pounds from the IBM University Programs Office in Armonk, NY.
In parallel with these major international achievements we have continued to extend our activities within the basic research themes described in our 1996 submission. This growth has resulted in the restructuring of our research grouping into four areas: (I) Algorithms; (II) Human Factors; (III) Theory and Practice of Software (TAPS); (IV) High Performance Systems. These groups broadly correspond to the Theory, Systems and Applications, and Software Groups of our previous submission and reflect two important developments. The first is the introduction of Professor Mike Cowlishaw (one of only two UK IBM Fellows and Chair of the International JavaScript Standard, ECMAScript) to a leading advisory role within the newly formed TAPS Group. The second is the considerable growth in our high performance systems research (formerly within the Systems and Applications Group) including sponsorship from: DARPA, the US DOD, NASA and IBM Yorktown that has led to the identification of this area as a separate group (HPSG).
The Department is strongly research-focused with each research group having a Professor (Paterson, Wilson, Cowlishaw and Nudd) available for the guidance and mentoring of staff and students within the group. In addition, all research students and contract research staff have both a Research Supervisor and Research Advisor who have the first-line responsibility for guidance and day-to-day supervision. This is complemented by the Department's Postgraduate Progress Committee, which has the overall responsibility for monitoring and evaluating research progress for all research students within the Department. There is an active series of departmental research reports and a series of well-attended weekly seminars.
A recent development is the announcement by the University of the new multi-disciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing (CSC). This represents an investment of £1.4 million by the University over the next five years, and will be closely associated with the Department. The CSC offers the potential for new international and national collaborations for all research groups in the Department, but for the TAPS group in particular.

Notes. In cases where a publication is jointly authored by two or more of our staff, we have opted to select this for only one of these authors in order to represent the scope of our research as fully as possible. We use, e.g., [ABC3] to denote the third selected publication of ABC. Research student numbers refer to the total number of PhD students in the first four years of their studies.

(I) Algorithms

The membership of the Algorithms Group is five academics (Mike Paterson, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Paul Goldberg, Cenk Sahinalp, and Alex Tiskin), two research assistants (Petra Berenbrink and Tom Friedetzky), and four PhD students. The interests of this Group are broad and varied but common themes are randomised algorithms, parallel computing, graph algorithms, computational learning, computational biology, contention resolution, and routing and communication in networks.
Warwick is the sole UK member in a long-running sequence of EU-funded projects, the ALCOMs, standing for "ALgorithms and COMplexity". After the ESPRIT projects ALCOM, ALCOM II and ALCOM-IT, the latest, Fifth Framework project IST-1999-14186, is ALCOM-FT (for Future Technologies). The other partners are Aarhus, Barcelona, Cologne, INRIA (Paris), Paderborn, Patras, Rome, Saarbruecken, and Utrecht. ALCOM-FT is the most prominent EU-funded project in the algorithms area. The total budget for ALCOM-FT is 2,450,000 euros, the Warwick share being 200,000 euros.
Paterson and L. Goldberg's continuing work on contention resolution has resulted in several papers. The aim is to design and analyse randomised communication protocols for the effective use of multiple access channels, such as Ethernet. In a JACM paper with MacKenzie and Srinivasan (both at Lucent Technologies, NJ) [MSP1], they give the first such protocol which guarantees an expected message delay which is constant, independently of the number of users. This continues research begun in a FOCS'97 paper with MacKenzie. A STACS'00 paper with Al-Ammal (Warwick PhD student) and MacKenzie improves a long-standing lower bound on arrival rates for the stability of the (much-used) binary exponential backoff protocol. Progress has also been made on understanding the poor performance of general backoff protocols and acknowledgement-based protocols in certain settings. An ICALP'2000 paper with Jerrum (Edinburgh) and Kannan (U. Pennsylvania) gives absolute bounds on the capacity of such protocols, proving for the first time that they have lower capacity than full-sensing protocols. The JCSS paper [LAG1] provides the first known stable protocol for multiple-access channels with multiple servers, such as optical networks. This protocol provides a mechanism for dynamic routing in optical networks. The fastest known protocol for static routing in such networks is given in [LAG2], while [LAG3] gives a lower bound showing that this result is nearly best-possible. Much of this work was funded by Goldberg's EPSRC grant "Design and Analysis of Contention-Resolution Protocols" (GR/L60982). Related work by L. Goldberg and Paterson, on communication network routing, appears in [MSP2], in a 1999 SIAM J. Computing paper with Matias (AT&T) and Rao (NEC, Princeton), and in a SIROCCO'98 paper with Schroeder (Loughborough), Sykora and Vrto (both at Bratislava).
L. Goldberg's research also covers random sampling and approximate counting of combinatorial structures. Often the structures are unlabelled, so the goal is to sample (or count) isomorphism classes efficiently. [LAG4] gives an efficient algorithm for sampling unlabelled multigraphs, given a degree sequence. The algorithm can be used, for example, to sample structural isomers, given a molecular formula. It is unknown whether it is possible to sample or count isomorphism classes efficiently in the general setting of Polya theory, but progress has been made in a RANDOM'98 paper with Jerrum which shows that a natural MCMC algorithm for this problem is not rapidly mixing. Goldberg's survey on this kind of sampling will be published this year by Cambridge University Press in connection with her plenary talk at the British Combinatorial Conference. Further work on Markov-chain based sampling algorithms appears in a SODA'2000 paper with Dyer (Leeds), Greenhill (Melbourne), Jerrum and Mitzenmacher (Harvard). This paper shows how the path-coupling technique can be combined with stopping times to prove rapid-mixing results for Markov-chain based sampling algorithms. Other papers in this area include an APPROX'2000 paper with Dyer, Greenhill and Jerrum which studies the relative difficulty of approximate counting problems and a 2000 LMS J. Computation and Mathematics paper with Jerrum which studies the difficulty of counting isomorphism classes of trees. Much of this work has been partly funded by her EPSRC grant (with Dyer and Jerrum) "Sharper analysis of randomised algorithms: a computational approach" (GR/M96940).
Sahinalp and Paterson had two publications concerned with the geometric layout of networks, in each case improving the minimum known area: of Batcher sorters (ACM SPAA'98 with Even (Technion, Haifa) and Muthukrishnan (AT&T)), and of more general multi-level networks, with Muthukrishnan and Suel (Brooklyn Polytechnic) [SCS1]. (Muthukrishnan was a lecturer at Warwick until 1996.) In addition, Paterson had papers with Fischer (Yale) on the optimal layout of trees in the plane [MSP3], with Ravindran and Gibbons (Liverpool) on embedding trees in interconnection networks [MSP4], and with Khanna (Bell Labs) and Muthukrishnan on tiling and packing rectangles (ACM-SIAM SODA'98). Paterson also continued his collaboration with Frances Yao (Xerox PARC) and David Eppstein (Univ. California, Irvine) with a paper exploring combinatorial properties of nearest neighbour graphs for planar sets of points (Discrete & Computational Geometry, 1997), and with Zwick (Tel Aviv, Israel) in a paper on a graph optimisation problem (Theoretical Computer Science, 1996). Another principal research area for Sahinalp is in text-processing, particularly parallel algorithms and document comparison and exchange. He collaborates often with Vishkin (U. Maryland), Matias and Muthukrishnan. His FOCS'96 paper with Vishkin [SCS2] provided a breakthrough for the important problem of finding approximate matches in text. His ESA'98 paper with Ziv (Technion, Israel), Muthukrishnan and Matias generalises the well-known suffix trees to "suffix DAGs" (directed acyclic graphs) to yield efficient data structures for information retrieval and data compression. Recent further papers on compression are with Rajpoot and Matias (WAE'98), with Matias (ACM-SIAM SODA'99), and Matias and Rajpoot (IEEE Data Compression Conference '99). Rajpoot is a Warwick PhD student. Sahinalp's papers [SCS3], with Graham Cormode (a Warwick PhD student), Paterson and Vishkin, and [SCS4] illustrate his work on remote document comparison and exchange, motivated by problems of version management of web documents. The papers on a dynamic lookup scheme with Jon Sharp (Warwick), and others in IEEE INFOCOM'01 and ALENEX'01 illustrate continual successful publications involving our PhD students.

P. Goldberg is best known for his work in computational learning theory, including learning via query protocols in [PWG1] and learning from random data, in a paper with Goldman (Washington U., St. Louis) and Scott (U. Nebraska) on PAC learning in Machine Learning, 1996. These papers develop novel techniques for learning geometric patterns. Other recent work has been on the learning-theoretic aspects of data with missing attribute values. A related research topic is neural computation in which he has a paper with Williams and Bishop (both Edinburgh) in NIPS'97.
P. Goldberg and other members of the group have been active in computational biology, particularly combinatorial optimisation involving evolutionary tree construction. The paper [PWG2], with Mary Cryan (Warwick PhD student) and L. Goldberg, is concerned with the learning of "Markov evolutionary trees", a generative model for classes of related species. The papers [PWG3,4] address further phylogeny optimisation problems. A related topic appears in a SIAM J. Computing paper (1998) on numerical taxonomy by Paterson (with Agarwala, Bafna, Farach, all at Rutgers University, and Thorup U. of Copenhagen). Other computational biology papers involve protein folding (Paterson and Przytycka (Johns Hopkins U.), Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1996), and gene sequencing (LAG, PWG, MSP, Pevzner (U. S. California), SCS and Sweedyk, ACM-SIAM SODA'99).
Tiskin works on many aspects of Bulk-Synchronous Parallel (BSP) computation. His paper [AT1] formulates a new computational model, the BSPRAM. This model reconciles the shared memory of the PRAM with the data locality of the BSP model, and provides simple, efficient mechanisms for automatic memory management. Efficient BSP algorithms are developed in [AT2] for matrix multiplication, in a Euro-Par'97 paper for list and tree contraction, and in a paper to appear in the Journal of Mathematical Sciences for several versions of Gaussian elimination. A WoTUG'99 paper with Martin considers the BSP model in the context of other models of parallelism, comparing their effectiveness in designing hierarchical supercomputer algorithms. BSP complexity of Boolean matrix multiplication is studied in [AT3], and current research on a related combinatorial problem, packing "tripods", is described in [AT4].

(II) Human Factors

The membership of the Human Factors Group is six academic staff (Roland Wilson, Tim Atherton, Meurig Beynon, Abhir Bhalerao, Martin Campbell-Kelly, and Graham Martin) with 20 research students and one research assistant. Its research covers a broad range of topics, from medical image processing to the economic analysis of the international IT industry. Since the last RAE, 10 PhDs have been awarded to students in the Group and its work has resulted in over 80 refereed papers, 1 book and 2 book chapters. Members of the Group have been awarded a total of over £700,000 in research grants.
Much of the Group's work is multidisciplinary, involving collaborations: with Harvard Medical School and King's College Hospital/UMDS, on the automatic interpretation of Magnetic Resonance images; with Oxford GlycoSciences Ltd, on image analysis for Proteomics; with the BBC, for decision tools for broadcasting; with Improvision Ltd on image processing for microscopy; and with the National Health Service Information Authority, on the MPEG-7 standard. In addition to UK Industry and the National Health Service, members of the Group have collaborated with academic colleagues in the UK, USA, Japan, Hong Kong, Russia, Brazil, Taiwan and Malaysia, as detailed below.
The history of computing has continued to be an active research area over the period of assessment. Campbell-Kelly completed a Sloan Foundation-funded project with Dr W. Aspray of the IEEE History Center to produce a volume for the Sloan Technology Series. The book, "Computer: A History of the Information Machine", appeared in 1996 [MCK1], with a paperback edition and two translations subsequently published. With ESRC support, Campbell-Kelly completed a study of UK IT policy, in collaboration with the Business History Unit at LSE. A second ESRC project was a study of the international software industry, which is the subject of his new book to be published by MIT Press. One workshop and two international conferences were organised in connection with these projects.
The application of ideas from cognitive science to programming is a fertile ground for research, and has led to a new paradigm for programming, Empirical Modelling (EM), developed by Beynon [WMB1,2,3,4]. EM is based on identifying patterns of agency and dependency through observation and experiment, and embodying these patterns in artefacts constructed in an incremental fashion using purpose-built software tools. This work has been supported by EPSRC under grant GR/M02675, and has led to significant international collaborations, on applications including: geometric modelling, both with Matra Datavision and subsequently with the University of Aizu, Japan, sponsored by the Royal Society; concurrent systems modelling, with the Moscow Engineering-Physics Institute, Russia; engineering design, with the University of Sao Paolo, Brazil; teletext design for broadcasting, with the BBC; and financial modelling, sponsored by the Islamic Development Bank. Other significant applications of this work include information systems development [WMB3] and collaborative working across computer networks.
Another important theme of the Group's work over the assessment period has been the processing and visualisation of multidimensional data for medical or biomedical applications. Much of this work is based on multiresolution and wavelet techniques [RGW1,2,3,4, AHB1, TJA1]. Bhalerao and Wilson are working on multiresolution feature-extraction methods for Magnetic Resonance angiograms. This work, supported by EPSRC (grants GR/M82899 and GR/M75785), involves collaboration with Professor Wilfrid Kendall of the Department of Statistics at Warwick, and the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at Kings College Hospital. Bhalerao is also working with the MRI Analysis Centre, University of Liverpool, on the analysis of multidimensional diffusion tensor images and with the Department of Orthopaedics at St Thomas' Hospital, London, on the quantitation of bone fractures. His work on analysing Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography images for surgical planning, conducted with Harvard Medical School and Mitsubishi Research Labs, has led to a number of publications, e.g. [AHB1]. This research is partly funded by Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital and by Sun Microsystems. Atherton, working in collaboration with Improvision Ltd, and part funded by EPSRC, has developed novel rendering algorithms for volume data from microscopes. One of these, for visualising 3-dimensional data, is now part of a commercial PC product. A further development with Improvision has led to a fast technique for rendering sequences of volume data, reported in [TJA2], currently the subject of US patent application number 09/540262. Atherton has also developed deconvolution methods using wavelet transforms for microscopy [TJA1], again in collaboration with Improvision Ltd. Wilson has been collaborating with Oxford GlycoSciences Ltd on the analysis and modelling of electrophoretic gel images for Proteomics, via a Royal Society Industry Fellowship. A multiresolution registration algorithm he has developed with OGS, now being used by the company, has enhanced their ability to analyse proteins on an industrial scale. OGS are funding a continuation of this work.
Multi-media signal coding represents the other main strand in the Group's research. Work over many years on the use of multiresolution methods in single-frame image compression has been extended in a number of ways. One is the use of wavelet packet techniques for coding and analysis, in collaboration with Yale University and, via a British Council project (CICHE No. 328), the University of Malaya. The use of multiresolution analysis for video compression is another important development, carried out by Martin and Wilson, through EPSRC grants GR/L54868, GR/K09953 and GR/L89143. These have involved collaboration with Bristol University and have led to a new approach to dynamic scene analysis, based on Gaussian mixture models, to improved techniques for combined shape and motion coding using temporal quad-trees, which are aimed at the MPEG-4 coding standard [GRM1,2,3,4], and to the use of spatio-temporal wavelet representations. Work has also continued on the multiresolution representation and segmentation of image and audio signals, leading to the invited paper, [RGW1]. This has led to new classes of neural network and stochastic signal models, in which symmetry plays a central role [RGW2,3].

(III) Theory and Practice of Software, (TAPS)

During this reporting period the TAPS group has consisted of eight members of academic staff (Mike Cowlishaw, Gavin Bierman, Stephen Jarvis, Mike Joy, Ranko Lazic, Mike Luck, Rajagopal Nagarajan and Jane Sinclair) and eight PhD students. Four PhDs have been awarded and 39 papers have been published. Work within the group has been funded through eight EPSRC grants as identified below.
Three principal areas of foundational research have been addressed, broadly classified as Software and Applications, Functional Programming, and Security and Verification. Current academic research collaborations include work with Imperial College, and the Universities of Birmingham, Glasgow, Oxford, Adelaide (Australia) and Tampere (Finland). In addition joint research has been undertaken with industrial partners including DERA, Intel (Oregon), Microsoft Research, IBM (Hursley) and Xerox PARC (California).
This newly structured group represents a substantial enhancement of the former Software Group and reflects three important developments: the appointment of a number of young, research active members of staff (recruited from Oxford, Cambridge, and Imperial College); the introduction of Professor Cowlishaw, an experienced and successful software engineer; and the establishment of a new £1.4 multi-disciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing (CSC). This latter represents the University's highest priority research initiative and is aimed at drawing together software and applications expertise across the campus, with the best theory and programming practice.

The CSC is a major boost to Software and Applications research within the group, including for example the work of Joy and Luck on "The Development of Intelligent Software Agents for Genome Analysis and Protein Structure Prediction" (BBSRC 88/BIFO8732). It allows key aspects of our basic research in areas such as Functional and Concurrent Programming, Security and Verification to be explored in the context of state-of-the-art scientific computation. For example, Lazic's work on verification of parameterised systems has direct application to the validation of concurrent memory systems for high performance computing. Concrete instances include shared-memory models for languages such as Java, cache-coherence protocols in shared-memory multiprocessors, aggressive execution techniques in CPUs, and split I/O transactions in I/O buses.
Other examples of TAPS research with particular relevance to the CSC include Jarvis' work on support tools for a Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) programming library [SAJ1]. This work, undertaken in collaboration with Oxford Parallel and Sychron Ltd, has provided the research necessary for architecture-independent parallel performance tuning [SAJ2]. Also key in this context is Bierman's work on the application of programming language theory to databases, which has resulted in the design of a parallel database engine, which automatically optimises queries according to the physical interconnections between processors. This work has been implemented on a 128-processor machine where the optimisations were proved to be formally correct. Our work on the AMORE project undertaken with the Warwick Manufacturing Group, Sun Microsystems, and BAe Systems with funding from EPSRC (GR/MO2675), has allowed us to explore methods for bringing IT into the Business Process in the context of SMEs.
Luck's work on agent-based systems has focussed on establishing rigorous foundations in the field by the linking of theoretical frameworks to practical systems, as in his reformalisation of the AgentSpeak(L) system, published in the Journal of Logic and Computation [ML1]. His related work concerning the development of theoretical frameworks for the formal analysis of inter-agent relationships and cooperations has been published in the proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'97, Nagoya, Japan) [ML2].
Functional programming research has continued with Nagarajan's work [RN1], undertaken jointly with Abramsky of Oxford, which has introduced the new paradigm of Interaction Categories to the semantics of functional and concurrent computation. This has allowed traditional process calculus to be reconstituted in functorial form, and integrated with type theory and functional programming. Bierman's research on formal techniques has also resulted in procedures which allow programmers to perform reasoning about their code [GMB1]. Properties of intuitionistic linear logic have been developed which can provide a type system for an especially expressive semantic metalanguage [GMB2]. Jarvis' work on the profiling of large-scale lazy functional programs, undertaken with Peyton-Jones of Microsoft Research, has resulted in a public release of innovative support tools for Haskell programmers [SAJ2,3]. Joy's work, aimed at increasing the parallelism within functional programming in terms of new primitives and new data types, has continued in collaboration with the University of Birmingham [MSJ1,2,3].
Verification and Security research during the period has included Lazic's work to develop algorithms for efficient verification of classes of parameterised systems [RSL1]. This is known to be an undecidable problem in general. His work in this area has formed the basis of a collaborative project with DERA (Malvern) and Formal Systems Europe Ltd (Oxford), which resulted in major enhancements of the commercial Failures/Divergences Refinement Checker (FDR) (one of the leading model checkers world-wide). His collaboration with the University of Adelaide (Australia), which has been supported by Motorola (Australia), has resulted in similar developments of the ARC Refinement Checker. The techniques implemented in both these examples have resulted from his more theoretical work on system properties related to data independence based on polymorphism, definability and symbolic semantics [RSL2]. Lazic's work in this area is supported by EPSRC (GR/M32900) and is continuing in collaboration with the Concurrency Group at Oxford, ENS Cachan in France and Tampere University of Technology in Finland. More recent work is being undertaken with Intel Strategic CAD Laboratories in Hillsboro, Oregon. Nagarajan's research on Specification Structures has resulted in techniques to combine Propositions-as-Types with Verification paradigms [RN2]. Resulting from this he has developed type systems for both synchronous [RN3] and asynchronous [RN4] concurrent processes, sufficient to guarantee deadlock-freedom. This work has been applied to control-flow analysis using game semantics for the analysis of security issues, specifically in analysing programs for the existence of probabilistic covert channels, in Nagarajan's paper at the IFIP Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS'00, Geneva, Switzerland). Sinclair's work on formal specification of security properties, combining both state-based and event-based perspectives [JES1], has been supported by EPSRC grant GR/N 01132 "Combining Formal Approaches for the Analysis and Verification for Network Protocols". This has been extended by her work with Reed on formal methods to combine off-the-shelf components in a secure manner, which has been presented by invitation at the First Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology, and at the Workshop on Modelling and Verification of Large and Unbounded Systems [JES2]. Other work in the development of methodologies for verification has been supported by EPSRC grants GR/K 52447 "Validation of Object Code", and GR/L 90538 "A Sub-structural Logic for Formal Verification".

(IV) High Performance Systems Group

The High Performance Systems Group (HPSG) consists of four academics (Graham Nudd, Hristo Djidjev, Darren Kerbyson, and Mike Rudgyard), and seven PhD students. During this period, five PhD's have been awarded and the work has resulted in over 30 refereed papers. The principal interest of the group is the development of infrastructure for parallel and distributed systems for scientific computation.
The group has continued to develop its presence as an international centre specialising in tool development for large-scale distributed applications and the real-time management of complex and distributed systems [DJK1]. Since the last RAE its international standing has been recognised by the award of a number of competitive contracts from: the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA Order No. F329 for $341,000); the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (R&D 8911-EE-01 for $450,000); the US Navy Systems Center (Contract No: N66001-97-C-8530 for $238,000); and ESPRIT Projects. ESPRIT supported the PEPS project (award No. 6942 for a total value in excess six million pounds, of which £1,027,982 was awarded to Warwick) and the DESIRE II project (award No. 22765 with a total value in excess of three million euros of which 110,000 euros was awarded to Warwick).
The Group has been the only non-US participant in the US Performance Technology initiative, which was responsible for developing much of the scientific underpinning for the new US GRID computing paradigm. This project was initiated by Dr Darema of the US National Science Foundation and funded by the Information Processing Techniques Office at DARPA (under BAA97-12). The collaborative programme involved five centres of expertise at the Universities of Maryland, Texas, Illinois, California at San Diego, and Warwick. Results of this work have led to sponsorship from NASA and the US Army Research Office, as part of their continuing research in support of the NASA/DOE Information Power GRID (IPG). This has enabled us to develop some of the most sophisticated real-time management tools currently available for distributed systems [GRN1], and has resulted in a number of invited talks at venues such as the DARPA Systems Science Conference at Annapolis, MD, in May 1999, the NASA Information Processing GRID Forum in San Jose, CA, in October 1999, and SuperComputer 99 in Orlando.
Performance investigation into the US-based Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) codes is being undertaken in collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. In this context, our performance modelling techniques have been used to optimise a large scientific application code running on a 10,000-processor machine resulting in a 40% performance improvement, reducing execution time from 6 months to 4 months.
In addition to the above, and as a result of a competitive proposal to the US-based Shared University Research Program administered by IBM in Armonk NY, the HPSG has been awarded a research grant (with a value in excess of £2,500,000) for major computing resources to undertake a joint Research Programme with Dillenberger's group at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY. This work is aimed at extending our agent-based ‘resource discovery system’ to automatically locate and match distributed and dynamically changing computing resources to the varying computation loads within systems such as the GRID. This work will be presented by Cao, Kerbyson and Nudd at the IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, in Brisbane, Australia, in May 2001.
The principal accomplishments in systems management since the last RAE include: the development of novel techniques for real-time analytical modelling of hierarchical cache structures (published in IEEE Trans on Computers, October 1999) [DJK2]; development of predictive trace analysis for HPC systems (published in High Performance Computing and Networking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1823, Springer-Verlag, May 2000); and development of efficient modelling techniques for complex communication networks undertaken in collaboration with Microsoft Research [DJK3].

Other examples of our international work include the delivery of a prototype agent-based management system for resource discovery to the Naval Ocean System Center in San Diego, CA, in May 2000, and an invitation by DARPA IPTO to undertake a detailed performance-oriented analysis of one of the major US Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) high performance codes (SWEEP-3D). This work was undertaken in collaboration with Rice University in Texas and UC San Diego, and reported in Proc. IEEE International Performance, Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC-2000) in Phoenix. As part of another collaboration, this time with MIT, we have developed novel techniques for run-time performance optimisation using software steering [DJK4]. The results of this work have enabled MIT's Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW) to be dynamically optimized with respect to dynamically changing systems resources (published in High Performance Computing and Networking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1401, Springer-Verlag, April 1998, and to appear in extended form in Future Generation Computing Systems, Elsevier, 2001).
In the European context, our work on the Performance Evaluation of Parallel Systems, PEPS (ESPRIT 6942), undertaken in collaboration with Simulog (France), Thomson ASM (France), Intecs Sistemi (Italy), and the National Physical Laboratory, continued during the period. The work resulted in techniques for the real-time prediction of performance parameters such as execution time and resource use [GRN2], and scalability of computationally challenging applications running on parallel systems. The approach used was entirely novel, employing a mixture of analytic and measurement-based models to provide estimations of the above parameters to an accuracy of within a few percent. These techniques were subsequently demonstrated on a number of application codes, including finite element calculations [GRN3] and computational chemistry [TJA4], and a range of image- and radar-processing applications, as well as an MOD decision support system. The approach has been independently validated by DERA on a real-time application of their choice, and found to be superior to both performance-monitoring and queuing-theory based techniques in terms of both accuracy and response time.
Our work on the DESIRE II project (ESPRIT 22765), undertaken in collaboration with Dassault (France), BUF (France), and Mental Images GmbH (Germany), has resulted in the development of real-time management techniques for a trans-national distributed computation system combining computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with photo-realistic styling through high-speed rendering for automobile design. The principal sponsors for this research were Mercedes-Benz (Stuttgart) and BMW (Munich). The results of this work were subsequently investigated for computer-generated animation at Company b (Babelsberg, Germany), working with ILM in California.
Our work in the UK context has explored the use of distributed systems for "Risk Management of Contingent Claims with Advanced Computational Systems" [GRN4]. This has been undertaken as part of an EPSRC award (GR/L13925), jointly with the Financial Option Research Centre, and in collaboration with a number of international financial institutions including UBS, Mitsubishi Finance (Japan), Swiss Bank Corp (Switzerland) and Morgan Grenfell (USA). This research was aimed at the development of high-speed computation techniques for the evaluation of financial derivatives on dynamically varying arrays of heterogeneous processors. The underlying mathematics involved the solution of the Black-Scholes equations implemented by both partial differential equations and Monte Carlo methods. The aim of this research is to develop techniques to enable virtual networks of distributed desktop processors to be automatically configured (on the basis of real-time predicted resource requirement) for large computational tasks (such as evaluating a bank's world-wide portfolio risk), simultaneously with undertaking single-operator tasks such as stock browsing and execution. A prototype management system that could enable a bank's desktop machines world-wide to be seamlessly networked and released, according to aggregate customer demand, was made available to our collaborators. Subsequently, one of our post-doctoral students Perry has continued this work at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.
The above applications research has been supported with a programme of foundational research, including for example Djidjev's work on new algorithms for graph partitioning, with applications to load balancing in parallel computing [HD1,2], supported by EPSRC (GR/M60750). This has resulted in the development of a tool for graph partitioning and load balancing that has a theoretically guaranteed efficiency. Related research in mesh generation has led to the development of a method for mesh smoothing that can be used to improve the quality of a given triangular or tetrahedral isotropic mesh [HD3,4]. The method has guaranteed convergence properties and works well in practice. Work in mesh generation for parallel computation was published with Aleksandrov in CCCG'98, and related research in shortest paths computations has resulted in a 1999 Algorithmica paper, a 1999 paper with Aleksandrov and Sack in the International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, and a contribution with Maheshwari and Sack to the Handbook on Computational Geometry (Elsevier).
Our research on parallel applications has included the development of libraries for large-scale parallel simulation, as well as novel algorithms for CFD and Computational Electromagnetics (CEM). In particular, Rudgyard has led the development of COUPL+, a parallel library for large-scale simulation using unstructured and hybrid meshes. This work has been funded by the JULIUS project (ESPRIT 25050), a project involving NAG Ltd and BAe in the UK, as well as: Dassault Aviation and ESI S.A. in France; the Swiss Centre for Scientific Computing and SMR Corp in Switzerland; and DASA AG., GENIAS GmbH and FHG-IPK in Germany. It has also been supported by the Smith Institute, Centre de Recherche et de la Formation Avancee en Calculs Scientifiques (CERFACS France), and industrial partners including AWE, BAe (Sowerby), Dassault Aviation (France), DERA (Farnborough) and Rolls Royce (Derby). The library includes: a parallel I/O model, capabilities for distributed geometric and hierarchical graph partitioning, cache-optimisation techniques, mesh-manipulation tools, and real-time visualisation [MR1]. Current research in this area includes the use of dynamic multi-set partitioning for run-time optimisation, and the development of parallel tools for multi-grids (part-funded by CERFACS). The library forms the basis of two distinct CFD codes that are used by Rolls Royce, CERFACS [MR2], Aerospatiale (France), the Ecole Francais du Petrole (France), Peugeot (France), and Siemens (Germany).
Other applications research includes work on: the numerical approximation and implementation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations [MR3] (CASE award 96500141 with BAe Sowerby); Maxwell's equations (funded by Vector Fields Ltd); two-phase flow (CASE award 97004288 with Schlumberger Research); LES for compressible flow (in collaboration with CERFACS and Aerospatiale Missiles) [MR4]; and multidimensional upwind techniques for systems of hyperbolic PDEs (CASE award 97500037 with DERA Farnborough).
The Group has also been successful in spinning off developments into the commercial world. One example of this is the Sawmill graphical user interface, using the Linux Gnome Development Kit, now implemented as part of the next release of Solaris and Linux at the Eazel Corporation in Palo Alto.

University of York_25 5* [39B]

Advanced Computer Architectures (ACA), High Integrity Systems Engineering (HISE), Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Programming Languages and Systems (PLS) and Real Time Systems (RTS) have continued through the assessment period. A new group, Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning (AIML), retains Frisch from the former Intelligent Systems group, and focuses primarily on machine learning. Each group has a distinctive identity, with frequent research meetings, visitors and collaborative enterprise including funded links between universities and with industry. The groups flourish through inter-group and inter-department research. For example, HISE, HCI and RTS work jointly within the BAE SYSTEMS funded Dependable Computing Systems Centre (DCSC); HCI, RTS and Psychology within the Dependability IRC (DIRC); HISE and PLS on problems of software security. ACA and AIML work together with Biology and Chemistry in analytical sciences and bio-informatics; the former collaboration has recently produced funding for a chair in Chemistry.

In 1996 Stephen Muggleton, a pioneer in inductive logic programming, was appointed to a chair in Machine Learning. Three lecturers (Cussens, Kazakov and Kudenko) have been appointed to build a group around this research. Frisch’s work on reasoning within the new group has been strengthened by the appointment of Walsh (EPSRC advanced fellow). Olivier provides further links between reasoning and HCI. Further appointments reinforce our research strengths: Hancock's work in computer vision by Bors and Wilson (EPSRC advanced fellow); Austin's in Neural Networks by O'Keefe; RTS's in scheduling and worst case execution analysis by Bernat; McDermid's safety analysis by Kelly. Pears’ work on vision in robotics provides interesting links between ACA and AIML. Evans’ research providing precise semantics for UML moves RTS activity in a new direction. Plump brings further expertise in graph reduction to PLS.

Environment and Funding Initiatives

The department has been active in initiatives such as Foresight. HISE and RTS have responded by founding a Defence and Aerospace Research Partnership (DARP) in High Integrity Real Time Systems with BAE SYSTEMS, Rolls-Royce and DERA. JREI has funded an SGI Origin supercomputer. EPSRC have funded DIRC, an Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration in Dependability with Newcastle, City, Edinburgh and Lancaster. This provides opportunity to link research in RTS and HCI, to extend existing work with psychology at York, and to link sociologists in Edinburgh and Lancaster, and psychologists and statisticians at City University. York is also a Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Systems and Software Engineering and a BAE SYSTEMS national centre of excellence. The department is housed in one new purpose-built building and as a result inter-group research (for example the funded collaborations mentioned above between RTS and HCI, and AIML and ACA) has been facilitated. The building also houses specialist laboratories (a sound laboratory for Edwards, a dark room for Hancock’s vision work and a real time laboratory).

Management and Monitoring of Research

Resources, including technicians, equipment grant, travel funding and space, are allocated by the HoD advised by a committee of research group leaders. For example a number of staff have spent periods at other international research groups with some financial support from the committee. Research groups retain half of research contract overhead income accruing to the department and have discretion to use these funds for equipment, travel and research studentships. Burns, Hancock, Harrison, McDermid, Wellings and Wright have funded either partial or complete replacement of teaching and administration with the encouragement of research committee. Research student training is supported by a series of skills seminars. Research student travel support, including a donated annual bursary (the Gibbs-Plessey prize), is used for extended visits to overseas laboratories (sites have included Brown, MicroSoft Research, NASA, New York University, HIT Laboratory Seattle, Yale). Students are encouraged and funded to present papers at international conferences. They are assessed throughout by means of upgrade reports and seminar presentations and are completely integrated within the research group environment.

Achievements against the 1996 strategy

Capital letters link achievements to 1996 objectives. Group leaders are emphasised by bold font. Advanced Computer Architectures

Researchers: Austin, Bors, Hancock, O'Keefe, Pears, Wilson. Income 1996-2001: £1,880,678. Funding Sources: BAE SYSTEMS, DERA, EPSRC, EU, Glaxo, GCHQ, Nuffield, PORTA, Post Office. Collaborators: DERA, Eurecom, France; Thesalonika, Greece; La Sapienza, Rome, Venice Italy; Praxis, Valencia, Spain; UK Statistics Office, Middle East Technical University Turkey.

Background: The group's work is organised into two themes: Neural Networks and Computer Vision. Achievements: Neural Networks: (A) AURA-based neural networks have been targeted at large text matching problems in collaboration with The Post Office and for document analysis with GCHQ [O'Keefe 1,2] and have now been patented and licensed to a spin off university company. A new neural based relaxation framework has been developed which is insensitive to initial conditions [Austin 1,4] and has been applied to large molecule databases with Glaxo-Wellcome [Austin 4]. The AURA methods have been applied to symbolic reasoning, combining neural networks with traditional symbolic methods [Austin 1]. A scalable parallel neural architecture for pattern recognition has been created [Austin 3]. 100 million documents can be searched on a 5 processor machine in 3.36 seconds (given 30 key terms) based on custom-built hardware.

Computer Vision: (B) A new Bayesian framework for inexact graph matching has been developed [Wilson 1] and used to restore noise-corrupted graphs using edit operations [Hancock 3]. The method has been cast into an energy minimisation setting using mean-field annealing [Wilson 2] and has been rendered computationally efficient using string edit-distance [Wilson 4]. The framework has led to the development of new algorithms for surface meshing [Wilson 3] and shape-retrieval from large image data-bases [Hancock 2]. Beyond the 1996 proposals it has been shown how relational constraints can be embedded in the EM algorithm and used for shape-matching [Hancock 4]. A new method for shape-from-shading has been developed using a geometric technique to guarantee compliance with the image irradiance equation and using robust statistics to impose curvature consistency [Hancock 1]. It has been proved theoretically that robust statistics provide better parameter estimation than classical training for radial basis function neural networks (RBFs) [Bors 1]. These results have been verified experimentally by employing median RBFs for motion segmentation and estimation [Bors 2] and person authentication by fusing speech and face features [Bors 4]. Alpha trimmed mean RBFs have been used to model 3-D objects [Bors 3]. Methods have been developed for modelling optical range sensors and range feature extraction for 3D optical sensor data [Pears 1-4].

Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning

Researchers: Cussens, Frisch, Kazakov, Kudenko, Manandhar, Muggleton, Olivier, Walsh. Income 1996-2001: £669,699. Funding Sources: BBSRC, EPSRC, ICRF, Rubus, SmithKline Beecham. Collaborators: Leeds; New Jersey Institute of Technology; Oxford; ICRF; London; Stanford.

Background: The group conducts research in the areas of Machine Learning (with an emphasis on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) and applications to Bioinformatics), Computational Linguistics, Reasoning and AI applied to computer graphics.

Achievements: Machine Learning: (C) We have shown how refinement operators for automatically inducing logic programs can exploit a background taxonomic theory [Frisch 3]. A theory of U-learnability has been produced with a general algorithm to allow "learning from positive examples" and a Bayesian analysis of the relevance of background knowledge within ILP [Muggleton 2]. It has been shown that Stochastic Logic Programs (SLP) are also a generalisation of Bayesian networks. Connections have been established between SLPs and the following: Probabilistic Constraint Logic Programming, Knowledge-Based Model Construction, Stochastic Functional Programs and Context-Sensitive Bayesian Networks [Cussens 1,3]. Logical back-propagation has been implemented to allow learning of "theoretical" predicates in background knowledge when examples are available only in terms of a distinct set of "observational" predicates [Muggleton 2]. ILP techniques have been applied to tasks in bioinformatics including toxicity prediction [Muggleton 4], pharmacore discovery [Muggleton 1] and motif discovery for neuropeptides [Muggleton 2]. Computational Linguistics: A decision learning system (CLOG) has been employed for a range of tasks in the learning of language morphology [Manandhar 4]. The Minimal Description Length (MDL) principle has been applied to the unsupervised learning of word morphology. A genetic algorithm has been used to generate a theory of word morphology automatically that is optimal with respect to the MDL principle [Kazakov 3]. It has been demonstrated on French and Slovene corpora that the hybrid GA & ILP method for unsupervised segmentation of words produces affixes which are characteristic for the given language [Kazakov 3 and Manandhar]. A learning algorithm for parsing induction (LAPIS) has been used for the automatic generation of grammars used in standard IBM speech recognition tools [Kazakov 2]. FGEN feature generation has been applied to diverse sequence categorization domains such as DNA function and structure prediction, email filtering, and user identification [Kudenko 1]. Reasoning: (A) see HCI report. (B) Inference rules have been developed to eliminate all backtracking from the search space of a class of constraint satisfaction problems [Frisch 1]. We have shown that techniques that are successful in Boolean satisfaction problems can be generalised to non-Boolean satisfaction problems (Frisch). An expressive representation formalism has been developed for sequences in Description Logics [Kudenko 2]. A theory of the constrainedness of search problems, that predicts the location of so called "phase transition" behaviour, has been developed. It is sufficiently expressive to show peaks in algorithm complexity [Walsh 2,3]. AI applied to Computer Graphics: Hierarchical models, such as quadtree and multi-level molecular models, of kinematic reasoning have been applied to mechanisms of analysis and synthesis, and a correspondence has been demonstrated with cognitive theories of imagistic reasoning [Olivier 2].

High Integrity Systems Engineering

Researchers: Clark, Galloway, Kelly, King, McDermid, Moffett, Paige, Toyn, Wand. Income 1996-2001: £3,397,953. Funding Sources: BAE SYSTEMS, Daimler Chrysler, DERA, EPSRC, EU, MOD, NATS, Rolls-Royce. Collaborators: Hosei, Imperial, Jaguar, Logica, Nantes, Newcastle, Praxis, Queensland, RAF, Shanghai, Sheffield, Vienna, Volvo.
Background: The group’s work is in: safety, industrial strength methods, and security. The main focus is on safety and security of critical systems. The aim is to produce tools and methods that are both theoretically sound and practical, for the development and assessment of high integrity systems. Achievements: Safety (A) A notation and method have been developed to support the evolutionary development of safety cases including initial argument development [Kelly 3], argument maintenance, impact analysis [Kelly 2], and reuse [Kelly 1]. This has been adopted by Rolls-Royce, BAE SYSTEMS, DERA and Alstom. (C) Further techniques have been developed to support safety assessment including: allocating safety integrity requirements to systems [McDermid 4]; automatically synthesising fault trees [McDermid 1]; functional hazard analysis of hybrid mechanical and embedded closed loop control systems, and analysing software / hardware memory partitioning (used by BAE SYSTEMS, Daimler Chrysler, Rolls-Royce and Volvo). In particular the partitioning work was used in the flight clearance of Eurofighter. An approach to modelling and evaluating dependability based on multi-criteria decision theory has been developed and applied in an industrial context (Rolls-Royce) [Wand 4]. Causal logic has been used to animate and validate behavioural requirements as safety properties [Moffett 1,4]. Industrial-strength methods (B) CADiZ has been developed into a theorem prover for ISO Standard Z [Toyn 1]. It is available on the web (downloaded by over 150 different machines in the 10 weeks before Christmas 2000). Users include Logica and Praxis Critical Systems [King 1]. (E) Z semantics and CADiZ have been used to check StateMate statecharts (by BAE SYSTEMS). Concurrent formalisms have been combined with model-based notations such as Z and B in industrial embedded control systems (adopted by Rolls-Royce) [Galloway 1-4]. (G) The feasibility of mechanically verifying a realistic-scale compiler has been demonstrated [Wand 3] and methods have been produced for analysing code generated from a non-verified compiler. A method for the analysis of a family of complex embedded control systems which enables their re-engineering and cost-effective solution has been developed (used in the Rolls-Royce Trent 600/900 development) [McDermid 3]. A meta-method for the integration of two or more formal methods has been produced [Paige 1,2,4] where at least one of the methods can provide support for formal specification. An industrial-strength object-oriented formal method has been produced, founded on BON and Eiffel, that allows object-oriented models to be transformed into provably correct and immediately executable programs [Paige 3]. (D) A code-level test data generation framework using simulated annealing and genetic algorithms has been produced which can generate counter-examples to correctness assertions [Clark 2,3] and data to satisfy structural coverage criteria. A specification level approach complements the code-level approach and makes it possible to assess determinism and completeness properties and to generate test data from the specification [Clark 4]. Security (F) A heuristic search-based framework for automated refinement of protocol security specifications has been developed with proofs of correctness [Clark 1]. Organisational control principles have been used to derive access control policies for distributed systems [Moffett 3].

Human-Computer Interaction

Researchers : Benest, Duke*, Edwards, Harrison, Wright. Income 1996-2001: £1,439,715. Funding Sources: BAE SYSTEMS, British Council, DERA, EPSRC, EU. Collaborators: MRC Brain Sciences Unit, CNUCE Pisa, Cork, CWI Amsterdam, Sheffield, Siena.

Background: This group focuses on specifying and modelling interactive behaviour particularly in dependable systems and multi-modal and multi-media interactions.
Achievements (A) A number of case studies have demonstrated the use of interactors in combination [Harrison 4]. A generic model of interactive case-based reasoning [Harrison 3] has provided input to work on Knowledge Mediation within Northern Electric. (B) A framework for syndetic modelling and a formal description of a cognitive model (Integrated Cognitive Subsystems) has been produced and provides a basis for proving properties of interactive systems [Duke 1,2]. Model checking techniques have proved properties of interactive systems using both interactors and StateCharts (Harrison). (C) An analysis of accountability issues in interactive systems has provided trade-offs between properties of work and accountability [Wright, 1]. A framework for specifying information resources required to support action has been developed as a precursor to a richer model of context [Wright 2]. (D) The THEA method is currently undergoing thorough evaluation within BAE SYSTEMS and has also been used in NATS for human error assessment (Harrison, Wright). A method of function allocation has been developed that provides a more contextual view of automation issues [Harrison 1; Wright 3]. (F) A methodology for the design of non-visual interactive systems has been produced [Edwards 1]. This method has been informed by the development of an auditory system to support exploration of diagrams and mathematical expressions [Edwards 2,3]. In addition a system to support dyslexic users has been produced [Edwards 4]. (G) A federated page/animation-based hypermedia viewing and navigating system has been implemented to support a life-time's collection and organisation of personal information exploiting hyper-linking, cutting, reminding, and audit trailing in support of searching [Benest 2-4].
Programming Languages and Systems

Researchers: Jacob, Plump, Polack, Runciman, Wood. Income 1996-2001: £403,514. Funding Sources: BAE SYSTEMS, Canon, DERA, EPSRC. Collaborators: Amsterdam, Berlin, Gothenburg, Oldenburg, Paris, Yale, Datacard, Logica, MicroSoft, Praxis.

Background: This group brings together work on concurrency, functional programming, applying graph transformation to programming, semantics of programming languages, reasoning about programs and language-based methods for specification and design.
Achievements: (A) A new approach to refinement in Z-based systems development [Polack 1] has been formulated. The SAZ integrated development method has been further evaluated [Polack 2,3]. (B) Solutions to the principal memory-management problems posed by open distributed tuple-space systems have been developed [Wood 2]. (C) A treatment of asynchronous communication devices has been formalised in a distributed programming system [Jacob 4]. An enhanced multi-criteria search approach for cryptographically secure Boolean functions has been produced [Jacob 2]. Methods of attacking authentication protocols have been examined [Jacob 1] and a means of synthesising provably correct protocols has been produced [Clark 1 and Jacob]. (D) Solutions to several problems in functional programming have been developed: post-mortem and two-pass heap profiling [Runciman 1], redex trails for tracing faults in lazy higher-order computations [Runciman 2] and techniques for integrating lazy evaluation with heap compression and binary I/O [Runciman 3]. (E) The theory of term graph rewriting [Plump 2,4] has been extended through a new approach for efficiently solving equations modulo an equational theory [Plump 1]. We have been closely involved in the design of Haskell 98, and the development of the unique boot-strapping compiler for this language, nhc 98 which is maintained and distributed by the group.
Real Time Systems

Researchers: Audsley, Bernat, Burns, Evans, Wellings. Income 1996-2001: £1,990,675. Funding Sources: BAE SYSTEMS, DERA, DTI, EPSRC, EU, Rolls Royce. Collaborators: Balearics Spain, Colorado, Lausanne, Malaga, Massachusetts, Munich, Porto, LAAS Toulouse, Vienna, Virginia.

Background : The group’s goal is to facilitate the design, construction, analysis and maintenance of potentially complex systems that have real-time constraints.
Achievements: (A) York’s fixed priority scheduling analysis significantly underpins scheduling research internationally. Analysis techniques have been further developed: through the notion of value-based scheduling [Burns 1]; to cope with weakly hard real-time systems [Bernat 4]; to allow for more expressive task sets [Audsley 1,3, Bernat 3]; to allow replication [Burns 4, Wellings 2] and other aspects of fault tolerance [Burns 2]. The approach has been applied to the industrial avionics domain [Audsley 2,4]. (B) A prototype Generic Upgradeable Architecture for Real-time Dependable Systems (GUARDS) has been developed as part of a European consortium. RTS has contributed real-time support facilities and timing analysis [Wellings 2]. End users and technology providers (Intecs Systemi, Italy; Matra Marconi Space, France; Technicatome, France) are exploiting the prototype. (C) York’s HRT-HOOD design method (now part of HOOD 4) is incorporated into the European Space Agency software development process standard. HRT-HOOD has been integrated with RTL to allow state transition diagrams to be formally specified and model checked using UPPAAL [Burns 3]. A precise UML semantics has been specified (in collaboration with IBM). It supports a family of related UML profiles [Evans 1-4] including real-time profiles and is influencing the development of UML 2.0. (D) A method for the formal development of real-time kernels using PVS and RTL [Wellings 4] is being applied to the development of a hardware-implemented kernel for BAE Systems (the Butler Chip).
York continues to contribute to the development and use of the Ada programming language for high-integrity real-time systems. A safe multi-tasking subset of Ada (Ravenscar) has been produced (led by York) and Ada proposals provide better integration of concurrency and object-orientation features [Wellings 3]. We have also shown how the primitive features of Ada can be used to construct high-level software fault tolerant programming techniques [Wellings 1]. Peter Puschner (Marie-Curie fellow from Vienna University of Technology) spent 2000 in York working with us on portable worst-case execution time analysis (WCET) [Bernat 1,2].

Other: Kimble was appointed to support our business management teaching and has strong links with the newly formed Centre for Management. He is also an active researcher in information systems and publishes with members of AIML and HCI but is not a member of a group.

UMIST_25A 4 [8A]

Historical Perspective

In the 1996 Research Assessment Exercise, the then Dept of Language and Linguistics made a submission to the Computing Panel, since a large part of the research in the department was concerned with computational treatments of language and with more general issues in Artificial Intelligence, and it seemed that the Computing Panel was the most appropriate place for such a submission. In that submission we divided our activities into the following three headings, as follows:

[1] Computation-oriented CL: modelling of human process and communication, CL-oriented algorithms, computational frameworks for CL (such as connectionism, parallel processing, etc), statistics for CL, architectural design for NLP.

[2] Linguistics-oriented CL: formal linguistics, grammar formalisms, formal semantics and pragmatics, formal theory of discourse.

[3] Language Engineering and Individual Languages: detailed knowledge and/or intuition of several languages, application of linguistic theories to description and teaching of individual languages, theory of translation, contrastive study of languages, lexicography.

These headings represented the way that our activities, after nearly 25 years work in the area of computational linguistics, had both theoretical consequences (in linguistics and in computational linguistics) and practical applications.

Since that time, the work on translation theory has become firmly established, with the promotion of Mona Baker to Professor of Translation Studies and the appointment of Peter Fawcett as a senior lecturer in the area, and a separate submission covering this work has been made to UoA 48 (European Studies). Our work on providing computational treatments of language has continued, and now also includes work on managing and extracting information from large linguistic data sets (Black[1,2,4], McNaught[2,4], Somers[4]) and on mechanisms for carrying out inference, both for general linguistic purposes and for reasoning about learners’ understanding of what has been said to them (Ramsay[2,3],Schulze[1]). This work is largely aimed at language-oriented tasks, but most of the emphasis is on the implementation of process models as programs and on using such programs for practical tasks.

Current Research Directions

Theoretical CL

The work on ‘Linguistics-oriented CL’ has continued. This work aims to extend the theoretical basis of computational approaches to language processing. The goal is to provide computational representations of linguistic facts and rules, and to develop algorithms for manipulating these representations. Many of the problems to be tackled involve either tasks with a high degree of complexity (parsing algorithms for natural languages are often exponential, and the logics required for interpreting natural language utterances in detail are semi-decidable or worse) or very large datasets (extraction of syntactic and semantic regularities from corpora often involves iterative algorithms applied to datasets of 100M words or more). The development of appropriate representations and algorithms for these tasks constitutes the field of theoretical CL.

Within the department we work within a number of very different underlying paradigms, from global questions as to whether structural or statistical approaches are more appropriate to more technical choices between say differing syntactic frameworks (we have active proponents of HPSG, categorial grammar, and dependency grammar) or differing views of the nature of lexical semantics (semantic primitives?, meaning postulates? (Ramsay[4]), lexical clusters? (McNaught[2,3,4], Nkwenti-Azeh[2,3])). The applied work described below depends critically on making the right choice at this point. These are questions, then, which we need to have solved. They are also questions which our work is helping to solve, and the research outlined below is aimed at doing just this.

Work within the department on theoretical CL comes in two strands.

(1) There is a body of work aimed at extending and refining ‘traditional’ linguistic analyses within a computational setting. This work covers all levels of linguistic description, as follows:

· morphology: Schulze and Ramsay have developed a treatment of German morphology in terms of Steedman's extended set of categorial rules, accepted for publication in 2001, and similar work is being carried out by Black and Ramsay on Arabic morphology with a view to the development of Arabic text-to-speech systems.
· syntax and parsing: Bennett[1,2] has developed accounts of a number of syntactic phenomena in English, French and German within the general framework of unification grammar, and has developed a meta-notation for describing phrase structure rules within this framework[4]. Ramsay[1] has developed an algorithm for parsing free word order languages in polynomial (in the length of the sentence) time.
· semantics: Ramsay[2,4] has shown how automated theorem proving techniques can be used to elaborate the consequences of utterances in the context in which they are produced. This is a topic of increasing significance in computational semantics, as shown by the recent establishment of an ACL-supported conference series on Inference in Computational Semantics and of the ACL special interest group in the area.
· pragmatics: Ramsay has developed an approach to discourse structure which encapsulates a range of discourse phenomena as part of the logical form. Black, with Harry Bunt of Tilburg University, has edited a book entitled Computational Pragmatics: Abduction, Beliefs and Context (2000) which brings together a number of recent developments in computational pragmatics. Ramsay held an EPSRC-funded research project (Parasite) on using automated theorem proving techniques to span the semantics:pragmatics borderline during the review period, and a new EU-funded project involving Black and Ramsay has recently been announced (Dumas).

(2) In addition to this work on the computational properties of orthodox linguistic theories, however, there has been a substantial body of work on essentially non-linguistic approaches to language. This work covers a range of statistical and corpus-based approaches, looking at properties of large bodies of text in order to extract structural and information-bearing regularities. It is hard to describe this work using traditional linguistic terms such as morphology/syntax/semantics, since these levels of description do not always emerge very clearly from it:

· Somers[2,4] has extended standard algorithms for text alignment to cover phonetic transcriptions as well standard textual forms.
· Black[1,2,3] and McNaught[1,2,3,4] have shown how to link information theoretic approaches to information extraction with traditional linguistic descriptions to obtain a more complete understanding of what is going on in real language. This work has been applied to substantial collections of naturally occurring text, with the results reported at the 7th Message Understanding Conference.

This work clearly has practical implications, but the theoretical underpinnings are still being constructed, and the success of the series of conferences on New Methods in Language Processing which was co-founded by Somers shows that there are still many open questions to be addressed.

Applied CL

The work in ‘Computation-oriented CL' has also continued. This work has expanded to include a considerable body of work applying NLP techniques to information filtering. Implemented tools have addressed the tasks of summarisation, conceptual and multilingual information retrieval, text categorisation, name finding and information extraction (Black[1,2,3], McNaught[1,2,3,4]). Black’s EU-funded project Cristal in this area was concluded at the start of the assessment period. This work was followed by two further EU-funded projects (Facile and Concerto) in the area, with McNaught also involved in Concerto. These projects provide a hybrid approach to information management, combining information theoretic approaches with linguistically motivated analyses to outperform systems based entirely on one paradigm. We anticipate that the development of closer links with the Department of Computation will facilitate further growth in this area, particularly in collaboration with the planned Data and Decision Engineering group in that department.

It is also very clear that there is growing convergence between the continuing body of research on computer-aided language learning (CALL), Somers' work on the use of CL techniques in speech therapy (Somers[2]) and the work on rehabilitation engineering in the Dept of Computation. We anticipate that there will be significant developments in the area of applying knowledge rich techniques to rehabilitation engineering tasks over the next few years as the technology for implementing such techniques becomes more mature and reliable. Ramsay and Paul Blenkhorn of the Dept of Computation are currently planning a joint submission to EPSRC in this area.

The work on CALL has become a unifying feature of much of the department's work. RA2 includes papers by Hamel[1,2,3,4], Schulze[1,2,3,4] and Nkwenti-Azeh[1,4] published in the two main journals in this area; Hamel and Schulze co-edited a special issue of ReCall on the use of NLP techniques in CALL; Black and Ramsay have published papers in the area which are not included in RA2; and Somers'[2] work on using various kinds of computational tools in support of speech therapy deals with CALL issues. Hamel is currently the project co-ordinator for a substantial EU-funded project in the area (FreeText, 1.3MECU, with 400KECU coming to UMIST), and Ramsay also has an EU funded project (LarfLast) for work in CALL.

Work in this area in the department has benefited from the fact that we have expertise and interests both in CL and language teaching, so that we can contribute to the underlying technology without losing sight of the needs of users (both learners and teachers). The department’s role as a place where technological advances in language processing and an appreciation of the user’s learning experience are given equal weight is highlighted by the workshop on NLP techniques in CALL hosted by Hamel and Schulze.The FreeText project shows how to integrate NLP tools (‘soft’ parsers and morphological analysers) within an environment that provides a range of pedagogically motivated activities for the learner. The LarfLast project includes innovative tools for investigating whether the learner’s input encoded the intended meaning, rather than just paying attention to structural (morphological and syntactic) aspects of what they produce. We expect to extend this work to cover pronounciation errors by second language learners, and by people with speech disabilities, in collaboration with the work on rehabilitation engineering group in the Department of Computation.

The centre also continues a tradition of over 25 years research in Machine Translation, with an emphasis as always on the contribution of linguistics (Bennett[1,2,3,4]), terminology (Nkwenti-Azeh[2,3]) and HCI aspects (Somers[1,3]). Somers has held a number of EU-funded projects aimed at providing reliable multilingual support for constrained tasks (TREE, for generating multilingual employment adverts (in collaboration with Black), and AREF and IDOL, both aimed at providing computational tools to support translation between Arabic and either French or English). A major theme that has started to be explored is the development of resources for 'minority' languages (as spoken by immigrants) for translation and other purposes, with Somers involved as a collaborator on the Mille (Minority Language Engineering) project. Work in this area continues to flourish, despite the departure of Prof. Tsujii towards the end of the RAE period to a full-time position at the University of Tokyo (Prof Tsujii was on a part-time contract during the early part of the period, and we have not included his publications in RA2 because although he continued to employ research staff and supervise research students at UMIST during this time he was working largely at the University of Tokyo and publishing in Japan).

Research Management

The department of Language Engineering is a fairly small department, and as such, we do not need an elaborate research infrastructure. The department runs two seminar series -- one for outside speakers and for the presentation of major research results by people in the department, and one `work-in-progress' seminar for people to present ideas that are not yet ready for a more formal setting. The work-in-progress seminars provide both a forum for exchanging and testing ideas at an early stage and a means for monitoring individual research activity. There is in any case a substantial degree of interaction between researchers by virtue of the fact that most of our research grants involve several members of the department -- Black, Somers and McNaught have been involved in joint research projects during the relevant period (Tree, Concerto), Ramsay and Hamel have a shared research project (FreeText), Black and Ramsay have recently been awarded an EU-grant (Dumas), and so on.

The discussion above shows that most people in the department have made contributions across a range of research areas, and that there is a considerable degree of collaboration within the department. Although the activities can usefully be described by dividing them into Theoretical CL and Applied CL, the people working on them do not fit neatly into two categories. Most people contribute to both kinds of work, and even where a particular person’s publications seem to fall more clearly into one branch than another their work will be closely connected with other activities. Imposing a structure of ‘research groups’ on a small group of people whose work is closely interwoven in this way would only tend to hinder the active collaborations that currently take place within the department, and we have not allocated individuals to separate groups in RA1 and RA2.

UMIST_25 4 [19.1C]

Our long-term strategy continues to be the creation of an internationally recognised centre of research excellence in user-facing Systems Engineering at both fundamental and applied level. The application space is informed by the government strategy of research relevant to the needs of industry, commerce, and the citizen. The research aim is advancement of both theory and methodology for design, development and management of industrial-scale complex systems. The distinctive feature of the research is the level of end-user engagement in the articulation, process and evaluation of the associated challenge thus ensuring that the tangible benefits of that research are delivered to the appropriate community. The outlined application areas challenge the research base in terms of understanding, usability, scale, complexity, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as in development and integration of component technologies. The Department is uniquely placed to address such challenges along both data and process dimensions that act as the means of organising its two research groups: (i) Decision Technologies and (ii) System Design
RAE96, the groups have been consolidated from 5 to 2 with Prof Morris' death and Prof Richards' retirement, both of whom made major contributions to UK computing. Chair appointments were planned in: (i) Cooperative Distributed Information Systems: Prof Sutcliffe was appointed to this chair with an interactive flavour, and Prof Macaulay was promoted in a cognate area; (ii) Healthcare Systems: work has shifted to more individual concerns with the emergence of a coherent activity in Rehabilitation Engineering, and an intention to promote to an associated chair in the near future.
The department has submitted 20 staff (plus 3 Category B) based on its own assessment of international quality research: (i) 10 of those submitted (50%) have been
EPSRC or charity-funded project investigators in the period; (ii) 14 of those submitted (70%) have had papers published or accepted in the period by IEEE and ACM Trans (recognized as the leading journals in the discipline); the remaining 6 had at least 2 papers published in journals with a citation half-life of at least 3.9 years.

Achievements relate to publications, research uptake, research students, and external funding.
2.1 Publications in high quality media
i. 26% of submitted papers are in IEEE and ACM Transactions;
ii. 32% are in internationally leading specialist journals with a citation half-life of 3.9 years or above (Science Citation Index, 1999), such as: Computer
J; Comms ACM; Information Systems; Machine Learning; J. Op. Research Society; Fuzzy Sets & Systems; Neural Networks; Image & Vision Computing; IEE-P Computers & Digital Techs; J. Object-Oriented Prog; IEEE Software; Data & Knowledge Eng; Information & SW Tech; Concurrency P&E; Int. J. of Human-Computer Studies.
iii. 19% are in recently established, international specialist journals: Requirements Eng
J; Annals of SW Eng; J. Decision Systems; Microprocessors & Microsystems; Human-Computer Interaction; J. Systems Architecture; Simulation P&T; Automated SW Eng; J. Network & Computer Applications.
iv. The remaining 23% are in leading specialist international/national confs, e.g.
IEEE Confs SMC, Fuzzy Systems, CVPR, ICSM; Int Confs CAiSE, Verilog HDL, Neural Networks; EURO-DAC; BMVC.
2.2 Research uptake by beneficiaries, with impact on wealth creation and quality of life
i. Fundamental research advances (Section 4.1) have led to usable and effective intelligent tactical decision support technologies and to KSS, a departmental spin-off company and world leader in such technologies. KSS was publicly floated in 2000 with a market capitalisation of over £350M and over 150 employees (31/12/2000), compared to 10 in RAE96. KSS’ CEO is Prof Singh; its CTO is Dr Bennavail, a research-active lecturer in RAE96 and beyond, and Computation PhD graduate; its Head of Research is Dr Zeng, Computation PhD graduate and now a part-time lecturer, and Ms Cassaigne, a new lecturer, has been closely involved in product design. In recognition of the department's incubation, UMIST has received £11M from KSS shares, with a remaining share value of £5.5M: an outstanding example of technology transfer and return on research investment.
ii. Research projects have contributed to a number of developments: (a) assisting the Greek Public Power Corporation (in the world’s top 20% of companies for generation capacity) to restructure its distribution function; (b) development of a new product for the National Bank of Greece (in the world’s 200 largest financial institutions); (c) rehabilitation engineering research to improve quality of life has led to over 25 products, e.g., Narrator, commissioned by Microsoft and developed by Mr Blenkhorn, gives access to Windows 2000 for visually impaired users.
2.3 Increase both in the number of research graduates and of the postgraduate research school
i. Graduations: total department research degree graduations have almost doubled to 124 in this period (an average of 25 per year), compared to 63 in RAE96 (an average of 16 per year).
ii. Registrations: recruitment is very buoyant with 70 new registrations in 2000. Computation has over 100 current research students, double the
RAE96 period average of 52 students per year.

2,4 External support levels
i. External support expenditure in the period was £144K per submitted FTE, i.e. £29K per FTE/year.
ii. In the last half of 2000 (from 01-06-00) 11 projects have begun or been announced totaling £1.5M.

The Research Committee oversees research environment, strategy and culture. Seminars are held regularly with invited external as well as internal speakers. Meetings are held on managing research, grant proposal advice and on basic themes (e.g. HCI) and cross-disciplinary areas (e.g. e-commerce).
The unit of resource allocation, line management and mentoring is the research group. New staff are initially assigned to the most cognate group, with both a senior advisor (usually a professor) and mentor, and given start-up funding. Individual reviews take place twice yearly to discuss achievements and to set goals for the following six months. Average teaching load is 2 modules, with probationary staff given 1. On average 2 staff are on study leave at any time.
UMIST passes 80% of overheads to the department, which passes 50% (i.e. 40% of total overhead) to the investigator, who mostly uses them to support studentships and conference attendance. It is noteworthy that Cassaigne and Keane, whilst probationary lecturers in the period, obtained EU-funded projects of value greater than £300K.
Support for academics is provided by 7 administrators, and 9 computer support staff. Department investment in research infrastructure and activity in the period has been approximately £1.5M. Several teaching assistants were appointed for 1999-00 and 2000-01 (with a budget of £60K) to free academic time, and to increase research student activity whilst providing academic training. Specialised labs have been established with significant industrial support and investment by both the Department and UMIST e.g. an IBM SP2 parallel system was installed with a major discount (commercial value £450K).
The Research Tutor has responsibility (under direction of the Research Committee) for research students. The Department devised progress monitoring procedures that have been adopted by
UMIST as good practice: each PG has both a mentor and supervisor, with a report and oral examination after 4 months and then annually. UMIST Graduate School provides a module on research that all students are encouraged to attend. PGs are located in large open plan labs to engender mutual support and discussion. Of note is the number of quality journal outputs with supervisees as co-authors, e.g. IEEE SMC, ACM TOSEM, Computer Journal, Information Systems, Machine Learning etc. With user-facing research, a further high quality output is our graduates who are consistently most highly rated as the employer’s favourite in Computing in both the 2000 and 2001 Gti/PiP Annual Surveys of 250 UK IT Recruiters Assessment of 89 UK universities, with the highest rates of post-graduation employment.
Recent developments include the establishment of: (i) 2 "business managers" with department and
UMIST investment, to more focus technology transfer; (ii) the International Research Advisory Group (IRAB) made up of renowned academics and industrialists who have collaborated during RAE01 and are now Visiting Professors: Beis (PPC and Olympics 2004, Athens), Brinkkemper (BAAN, Holland), Bubenko (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Coplien (Bell Labs, Chicago), Rolland (Sorbonne, Paris), Vernon (ICL, Manchester). IRAB should engender both short- and medium-term research activity and inform long-term strategy via planned yearly 2-day "vision" workshops.

Activity is not confined within the groups, rather there is much healthy overlap and cross-activity, e.g. Keane and Loucopoulos were investigators on the ESPRIT HYPERBANK project. Inter-disciplinary activity is represented by Macaulay's EPSRC Human Factors project collaboration with the UMIST School of Management, and a BBSRC project joint with UMIST's Biomolecular Sciences.

4.1 DECISION TECHNOLOGIES - 1 Professor; 1 Reader; 1 SL; 5 Ls
The group aim is to enhance enterprise competitiveness by using data to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of tactical decision-making by deriving higher-order knowledge from low-level large, complex data streams. Over a 20-year period this group, led by Singh, has helped to establish the discipline of decision technologies within systems engineering, to support business processes where high value-added decisions are made, such as pricing of products or services, resource allocation etc. In the period Singh was appointed Research Prof, Keane was promoted to Reader, and Walter to SL. Research expenditure was £900K during the period. Group activity involves integrating and developing heterogeneous reasoning strategies, novel inference and search strategies for multi-modal, complex datasets, and innovative (parallel) algorithms to achieve business-critical performance requirements.

Advanced techniques in software engineering and marketing science have been synthesised to design systems that have enhanced the effectiveness of pricing decision making in different industries. Model-based management systems have been developed and integrated with heterogeneous reasoning machines for intelligent decision support. Major advances have been made in the theory and practice of fuzzy logic [Mikhailov 1; Singh 1-3; Zeng 1-4], optimisation [Singh 4], and their integration with genetic algorithms [Mikhailov 3] and learning techniques. Work has advanced knowledge-based decision support, and bid pricing methodologies [Cassaigne 1-4, Mikhailov 3]. [Mikhailov 2] presents a new theory for deriving priorities from interval inconsistent pair-wise comparison matrices in multiple criteria decision-making. Research in algorithms and cryptographic HW and smart cards has driven development of efficient and secure HW and SW for the RSA crypto-system - many RSA smart cards use techniques developed by Walter. Performance-related research has advanced the design of CPUs and ASICs in modular multiplication circuits. Study of logarithmic number systems [Arnold 1,3,4; Walter 1-4] has markedly improved efficiency and power consumption in embedded audio and video systems. Neural network theory has been advanced: (1) the adaptive critic theory shows how to use two nets in parallel - a critic net advising a sigma-pi net; [Neville 1]; (2) the associative string processor shows how semi-linear and sigma-pi units could be mapped onto a parallel machine [Neville 2]. Logarithmic arithmetic has been used cost-effectively for back propagation training on parallel (SIMD) processors [Arnold 2]. Parallel systems' utility in financial applications is shown in [Keane 2, 3]. A programmer-oriented (rather than machine-oriented) formalisation of parallel systems' memory model behaviour has facilitated less complex verification [Keane 1]. A novel "static copy" mechanism improves efficiency of access to local copies of code [Keane 4]. PTTP (EPSRC co-funded by DERA) focused on novel parallel search mechanisms for a graph representing complex temporal logic formulae. Other advances have been made in data mining.
Recent work has advanced theory for competitive consumer market pricing (Cassaigne & Singh, in
IEEE Trans SMC, February 2001), and for location analysis (Keane, to appear IEEE Trans SMC).
Category B staff include Hindi
(now Prof of Systems Engineering, Brunel), working in optimisation with 3 J. Op. Research Soc. papers; Koubarakis (now at Technical Univ., Crete), working in temporal constraints with two J. AI and 2 Theoretical Comp. Sci. (TCS) papers and forthcoming papers in JACM and TCS; and O’Boyle (now an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow, Edinburgh), working in parallelism with an Int J. of Parallel Programming, and 2 Int Conf on Supercomputing (ICS) papers in the period.
Group contributions have been: (i) integrated reasoning models for intelligent decision-making; (ii) advances in knowledge-based decision support, fuzzy systems and neural networks theory; (iii) novel inference and search strategies; (iv) improved formal descriptions and algorithms for parallel data manipulation; and (v) cryptographic models for efficient and secure
HW and SW components.

4.2 SYSTEM DESIGN - 4 Professors; 3 SLs; 5 Ls
The group aim is to advance the design process for complex software systems for both enterprise and individual use. The group has complementary activity in requirements & software engineering and interactive system design. Both have been strengthened in the period with Prof Sutcliffe's appointment and Prof Macaulay's promotion; and Blenkhorn and Evans being promoted to SL. Research expenditure in the period was £1.85M. Group activity includes collaborative design and integration of HW, SW and people in socio-technical domains; design theories and domain ontologies to improve techniques and tools to effectively capture, represent and manage user requirements; cognitive engineering of software processes; and to develop and apply HCI theories to the design process.
For over 15 years Computation has been a leading department in Requirements & Software Engineering
(RE & SE) attracting significant EU, EPSRC and industry support. Sutcliffe's appointment alongside Layzell, Loucopoulos and Macaulay has established a critical mass of expertise. Research focuses on integrating business analysis with IT requirements definition, motivated by the need to deal with rapid changes brought about by the push towards rapid delivery of customer-centric applications. Novel techniques have been developed for enterprise modeling and evolution, as well as techniques and tools for systematic capture and management of requirements. Current requirements capture and analysis is surveyed in [Macaulay 1]. Advances have been made in co-operative requirements capture in adopting a process-oriented business re-engineering approach [Loucopoulos 1,3,4] and a unified model for design rationale based on an intention-based philosophy [Loucopoulos 2]. CREWS (EU LTR) researched a theory of domain knowledge representation and developed methods for scenario-based RE tools for scenario generation and techniques for safety critical systems [Sutcliffe 1]. A collaborative user-centred requirements capture method based on multidisciplinary product teams has been developed [Macaulay 4], and been adopted by ICL in their ‘Marketing to Design’ programme and widely applied elsewhere, e.g. the ‘Control Room 2000’ project funded by EA technology. A theory of generic knowledge for RE has been created [Sutcliffe 2], and the specification of scenario-based RE methods is described in [Sutcliffe 3]. Computational properties of temporal description logics have led to a formal language for representing and reasoning with time-dependent information [Artale 2,4], while conceptual descriptions of database objects have been formalised [Artale 1,3]. The BT-funded Centre of Excellence in SE enabled a long-term, strategic initiative with a 10-year horizon on the future of software, and continues via the ISEN (EPSRC) network. A resulting innovative paradigm-shift perspective of software as a service rather than a product has been articulated [Layzell 3]. A novel rule-based approach to software prediction models is given in [Macaulay 3]. Organisational considerations for software re-use are discussed in [Layzell 2]. Empirical observation has enhanced understanding of group-based software development [Layzell 1,4; Macaulay 2]. Enhanced design theories and pattern language design (the PLOTS project) enabled capture and formalisation of domain knowledge as design patterns [Zhao 1,2,4]. Symmetry formalisms have been developed and relevance to software and language design has been shown [Zhao 3, with Coplien, Bell Labs]. HW/SW co-design activity concentrates on design processes that require concurrent engineering of hardware, application, and software. The MOOSE method [Evans 3-4, the late Morris, Green] encompasses system specification, behavioural validation, co-design, performance modeling, and implementation synthesis. Work on software acceleration [Edwards 1-4] enhances performance by identifying critical code regions that are then implemented in reconfigurable HW components.
Interactive Systems Design is concerned with developing theories of interaction, theoretically motivated design methodology and usability engineering of assistive devices. The design work synthesises cognitive and social theory for complex, collaborative systems. Novel models and knowledge representations have been developed to apply cognitive science to the design of interactive systems, in particular, multimedia and virtual reality. This has been applied in industry (Phillips Plc), and has made a substantial contribution to guidelines in the
ISO 14915 standard. Research on Task-Artifact theory has resulted in the first method for generalisation and re-use of HCI knowledge [Sutcliffe 4, with Carroll, Virginia Tech]. Other modeling research developed cognitive task models for design of adaptable information retrieval user interfaces. SIMP (EPSRC SI) is developing RE methods and tools for very large socio-technical systems with new theories of HCI with intelligent agents. Empirical studies of video-based communication have advanced understanding of the tension between supporting interpersonal awareness and safeguarding privacy [Watts 1-4]. This continues with Macaulay, to examine privacy in systems design for the Office of the Information Commissioner by providing theoretically motivated design innovations. Human factors (EPSRC) integrates usability and user acceptance research with consumer behaviour, and has developed a technology acceptance model linking usability criteria with purchase intention. Rehabilitation engineering covers technology and low-incidence disabilities, and specialised HCI techniques focusing on blindness, physical disability, and children and adults with profound and multiple disabilities [Blenkhorn 1-3; Evans 1]. Commercially available systems include the Narrator and LookOut screen readers, and the Head- Operated Joystick [Blenkhorn 4; Evans 2]. Work on multi-modal input has improved model-based scene recognition, image segmentation and analysis, and adaptive UIs [Morris 1-4; Worthington 1-4].
Recent work has advanced derivation of shape-from-shadings (Worthington, to appear
IEEE T. PAM, J. Pattern Recognition) braille production from documents (Blenkhorn, Evans, IEEE T. Rehab Eng (March 2001)), and has surveyed temporal description logics (Artale, to appear Annals of Maths & AI).
Group contributions have been: (i) integrating business analysis with IT requirements for evolving environments; (ii) formalised ontologies and patterns of knowledge; (iii) a design paradigm of software as a service; (iv) synthesis of cognitive and sociological theory into design guidance and a method for multimedia (the ISO 14915 standard); and (v) engineering of assistive technology.

The Department is expanding with many new appointments anticipated in the next 12 months. The policy is to renew, by supporting existing high-quality activity, and to refresh, by investing in emerging areas. Half (10) of the staff submitted here were appointed in the period, with a further 4 (under 35 years old) appointments made in Jan 2001 – 5 posts received 50 applications. One has joined already and is submitted (Worthington). In terms of strategic directions, and recognising emerging strength in both areas, there will be investment in 2 chairs: (i) Data Engineering; and (ii) Rehabilitation Engineering (an internal promotion is expected). Further posts will be targeted towards the themes identified in the Research Strategy (RA5c). Finally, it is pleasing to note promotion of outgoing A* staff: Drs Adam and Ritchings to Reader (Salford), and Dr Karakostas to Senior Lecturer (City).
The Department believes its research is substantially stronger than in 1996, evidenced by publication medium, transfer of benefits to the user community, increase in graduates and registrations, and employer recognition. The challenge is to consolidate and sustain this momentum.
The short-term indicators are encouraging: (i) Publications: recently published/accepted papers are in high quality journals: IEEE T. SMC, Rehab Eng & PAMI; Pattern Recognition;Annals of Maths and AI; (ii) Research students: Computation currently has over 100 registered students; (iii) External support: 11 new projects were begun or announced in the second half of 2000 totaling over £1.5M: 5 EPSRC totaling £575K; 3 DTI/TCS awards £335K; 2 EU £470K; and 1 BBSRC award £187K. In addition, a “Guide Dogs for the Blind” and six EPSRC projects continue into 2001.

University of Edinburgh_25 5* [87.1A]

The Division of Informatics was formed in 1998 from the Departments of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and the Centre for Cognitive Science, together with associated research and technology transfer units. The goal was to promote a view of Computer Science spanning the entire range of natural and artificial information processing systems. The central idea is to develop an adequate, comprehensive and effective understanding of information and its transformation through computation and communication.
In natural and artificial systems, information is carried at many levels, ranging from biological molecules and electronic devices through nervous systems and computers and on to societies and large-scale distributed systems. Informatics aims to develop and apply theoretical and mathematical foundations for the features that are common to all such systems. It also provides a new paradigm for the study of organisation and process in biological and cognitive systems. Progress requires firm links with the existing disciplines devoted to specific aspects of these questions. Understanding informational phenomena enables technological advances. In turn, technological and engineering progress prompts scientific enquiry. This interplay is essential to maximize the benefit to society and industry.
The formation of the Division and the abolition of departmental boundaries has made it possible to rationalise the organisation of research and teaching, strengthening existing groups and increasing the scope for boundary-crossing research. Research is carried out within Research Institutes which are administratively light-weight and are expected to evolve over time. Periodic internal reviews involving a board of external advisors check that institutes are achieving their full potential and provide an opportunity to consider alternatives. The Division is committed to the principle that research and teaching are inseparable and mutually reinforcing.
Institutes provide a community for fruitful exchange between researchers in closely-related areas. Most contain several research groups, each focusing on a coherent research theme. The institute's contribution includes: organisation of seminars, workshops and other means of fostering communication between researchers; administrative support for grantholders and for the grant application process; and the provision of modest "seed-corn" funding. PhD students are attached to institutes, some of which provide specialist graduate education. Contract researchers are attached to institutes as well, which operate schemes for mentoring, appraisal and career development in line with the Concordat. Institute directors have responsibility for fostering research and overall research strategy.
The research institutes have overlapping scopes, set out in the next section, and overlapping memberships. This reflects the cohesion of the subject, and provides crucial opportunities for synergy and collaboration. Certain important research areas are studied by several institutes from different points of view. For some of these themes, Research Programmes have been organised: these are informal cross-institute groupings which provide a focus for work in that area. Current programmes include:
Software Engineering: Applies a wide range of methodologies and techniques to SE problems, including empirical studies, AI methods, computer science, formal methods and cognitive science.
Bioinformatics: Applies Computer Science and IT to all aspects of biological sciences and medicine, in cooperation with colleagues in biomedical sciences at Edinburgh.
System Level Integration: Brings expertise within Informatics to bear on problems raised by the design, analysis and implementation of systems that integrate transduction, computation and communication on a single chip, in cooperation with ISLI in Livingston (Sect. 2.5).
Some of these may in time grow to the point where the formation of a fully-fledged research institute is appropriate. The ability to bring a wide range of relevant expertise to bear on research problems is an important benefit of our breadth of coverage of the subject.
Economies of scale are achieved by providing infrastructure at Division level for computing, industrial liaison, organisation of teaching, graduate admissions, publicity, and resource management. This has included a major computing infrastructure development project, and recent collaboration with the EU DataGrid project has led to this technology being adopted for the prototype Grid configuration system. Academic staff appointments and promotions are considered at Division level, with a bias towards building and maintaining critical mass in areas of excellence. Certain senior contract researchers are appointed as Informatics Fellows with long-term rolling contracts.
Other cross-division activities include: the Informatics Colloquium, a forum for prestigious talks with broad appeal across Informatics; an annual Informatics Jamboree, which aims to foster cross-institute links and to celebrate the diversity and fecundity of Informatics; and inter-institute specialist workshops.
The Division is very sensitive to staffing issues, particularly as staff volatility is very high in Informatics: we try actively to provide a good working environment, not overloading staff with teaching or administration; we also maintain a flexible policy on temporary leave and part-time appointments to facilitate technology transfer. Academic staff are appraised biennially and roughly 10% are planned to be on sabbatical leave at any one time. New academic staff receive a reduced teaching and administration load, and a mentoring scheme helps them find their feet. The University of Edinburgh has recognised the importance of Informatics by providing 8 new academic posts including 4 new established chairs.

1 Research Institutes and their component Research Groups

1.1 Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation (Director: Willshaw) studies adaptive processes in both artificial and biological systems, taking an interdisciplinary approach involving biology (particularly neuroscience), cognitive science, computer science, mathematics and statistics. Combining computational and biological approaches yields insights that are not available from either area in isolation. The Institute has strong links with the neuroscientific and biological departments outwith the Division and it is playing a leading role in the development of the cross-Division Research Programme in Bioinformatics.

Adaptive Computation (Bishop, Storkey, Williams, Willshaw): This group studies artificial learning systems from a probabilistic perspective, including theoretical foundations, the development of new models and algorithms, and applications. Achievements include: development of novel graphical frameworks that provide a revolutionary new way of understanding stochastic models of information processing; development of Gaussian process models for prediction which are computationally simpler than the standard Bayesian neural networks and, in combination with support vector machines underpin kernel-based predictors, now the method of choice for many machine learning tasks; development of the Generalised Topographic Mapping, a new probabilistic method for modelling data which improves substantially on the widely used and influential self-organising map by providing a principled statistical basis for this algorithm.

Neuroinformatics (Armstrong, Eglen, Gillies, Goddard, Graham, Simonotto, Willshaw): The two constituent themes of this work are the analysis and modelling of neural processes at psychological, cellular and sub-cellular levels, to reveal the neural foundations of perception, cognition and action and their underlying developmental processes; and the development and application of computational tools for analysis, visualisation and simulation of neural processes. Achievements include: novel computational theories of the functioning of the basal ganglia which are changing the way in which we understand and treat motor disorders; the first formalisation of the concept of neurotrophism into a theory of the development of nerve connections which links neuroanatomy with underlying biochemical processes; multi-level analysis of behaviour and underlying neural circuitry in the fruit-fly Drosophila, being one of the first studies to combine experimental and informatics-based approaches to the study of a whole organism at subcellular, cellular and supracellular levels; leading an international team in developing the NEOSIM simulation framework for neural processes, planned as the basis for the next generation of the internationally recognised simulators NEURON and GENESIS; investigation and application of advanced computational techniques for analysis and visualisation of fMRI datasets.

1.2 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute (Director: Tate) and Institute for Representation and Reasoning (Director: Webber) focus on making the best use of knowledge represented symbolically, developing ideas and techniques in approximate and qualitative reasoning, mathematical reasoning, and knowledge engineering (domain, task and user modelling), and applying them to solving problems of software system design and verification, fault diagnosis, forecasting, planning, decision support and explanation. There is also strong interest in modelling aspects of human reasoning (mathematical, logical and diagrammatic reasoning, as well as the range of reasoning used in language understanding) and applying such models to improve tutoring and information presentation and support. AIAI specialises in applied research and applications of medium-term relevance to leading companies and organisations, with extensive industrial links through joint projects and consultancy work. This complements IRR's attention to basic and strategic research in representation and reasoning. The two institutes are co-located.

Knowledge Systems and Planning (Aitken, Fourman, Howe, Kingston, Levine, Rae, D Robertson, Ross, Shen, Stader, Tate, Webber): This group carries out research in knowledge engineering, planning and activity management. This includes methods of knowledge representation and the exploitation of representations in analysis tasks (fault diagnosis and explanation generation, novel methods for causal inference, constraint satisfaction, knowledge compression and reuse) and synthesis tasks (planning and activity management, structural synthesis of logic and functional programs and web-based and agent-based applications, using formal ontologies in logic program specification). Adaptive systems methods studied include the use of genetic algorithms and genetic programming techniques for plan synthesis and plan optimisation; and adaptive methods for explanation, prediction and planning that require explicit knowledge modelling and inference. Achievements include: development of automated fuzzy rule induction tools which have been adopted by the financial service sector for consumer modelling; pioneering highly targeted, human-oriented applications of computational logic to the early design of systems, attracting the interest of the formal methods and requirements engineering communities; and leadership in the approach to process and plan representation in the emerging NIST Process Specification Language standard. Some highlights from the long list of deployed systems produced by AIAI or with its assistance include: RAF Logistics Expert Provisioner, which prevents over-ordering of spare parts saving £30m/annum; EASE for Windows, a knowledge-based system for assessing workplace risks arising from potentially hazardous new substances, with hundreds of copies in European regulatory authorities and chemical companies; widely deployed systems for the World Health Organisation for tutoring in anaemia/malaria risks, and health quality assurance advice for China; and Formation, a knowledge-based "layout design language" that is currently used to lay out all new Yellow Pages volumes for British Telecom. This group is a partner in the "Advanced Knowledge Technologies" IRC (Sect. 2.10) which is stimulating both theoretical and applied development.

Mathematical Reasoning (Bundy, Colton, Dennis, Fleuriot, Smaill): This group conducts research on the automation of all aspects of mathematical reasoning. It is best known for its invention of proof planning and rippling, its ground-breaking work on automatic theory formation and the implementation of non-standard analysis in the Isabelle theorem prover. Proof planning captures common patterns of proof and uses these to guide search in automatic theorem proving and to repair initially failed proof attempts. It has strongly influenced approaches to automating reasoning, e.g. at Saarbrücken and Birmingham. Rippling is a particularly powerful proof plan based on difference reduction, which has a surprisingly wide range of applications. It has been adopted and further developed at Saarbrücken and Cornell. The HR theory formation program has invented original mathematical concepts and conjectures leading to publication in the mathematics literature, generating significant interest in both the AI and mathematics communities. The implementation of non-standard analysis has rapidly extended the state of the art in the automation of analysis and calculus, and has been in considerable demand from Isabelle users. There are close links with other groups in the Division working on reasoning and theorem proving.

1.3 Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems (Director: Steedman) pursues basic and applied research into the nature of communication among humans and between humans and machines. While there is an emphasis on linguistic communication, the Institute is also concerned with other modalities, especially graphical representations. A key concern is how theoretical advances in the understanding of human communication, learning, knowledge representation, and reasoning can inform the design of interactive information systems, with particular emphasis on dialogue design, requirements for computer systems in collaborative work settings, and design processes. Within ICCS, the Language Technology Group is an applications-oriented research and development group working on natural language engineering across all research groups within the institute.
The Institute has long-standing collaborative links with a number of units at Edinburgh outwith Informatics: especially the Departments of Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology, and Education, with which it interacts via the cross-faculty Human Communications Research Centre (Sect. 2.2); and the Research Centre for Social Sciences. The LTG has strong collaborative links with the Centre for Speech Technology Research in the Department of Linguistics (Sect. 2.1).

Natural Language Processing (Cooper, Grover, Klein, McKelvie, Markert, Mellish, Mikheev, Moens, Osborne, Poesio, Ritchie, Schweizer, Steedman, Webber): The work of this group ranges from theoretically-oriented computational linguistics through to language engineering. The main sub-themes of research consist of natural language understanding and generation; data-intensive linguistics; and spoken dialogue systems. The group has played a leading role in the development of theories of computational syntax and semantics and theories of incremental semantic processing, in stochastic and opportunistic approaches to text generation, and to methodologies for evaluating a range of NLP systems. The group has an established track-record of building tools which are firmly based in theory and which have been widely adopted throughout the world. Achievements include: the first theory of grammar to integrate syntax, information structure, and compositional semantics, constituting the most successful contemporary account of coordination and intonation structure, with applications to wide coverage parsing and applications in spoken language technology (CCG) and the first NL-based tool to support model-checking hardware verification using temporal logic (PROSPER). The LTG language engineering software tools (which have been licenced to around 8,000 users world-wide in industry and academia) include the LT-TTT tools for processing large bodies of text, which formed the basis for a Named Entity recognition system that came first among all commercial and research competitors in the 1998 international DARPA-sponsored MUC competition. Work with CSTR has developed concept-to-speech generation techniques, linking work on discourse generation with CSTR's widely-used Festival speech synthesis system, via an XML-compliant interface language. Recently Ritchie has been awarded a Leverhulme Fellowship to study linguistic theories of humorous texts.

Human Communication in Practice (Carletta, Gurr, McKendree, Matheson, Moore, Oberlander, Pain, Procter, Ramscar, Thompson, Tobin, Wiemer-Hastings): This group studies natural language communication and dialogue, human computer interaction, and the role of external representations (e.g. maps, diagrams, notations, visualisations, video) and artefacts (e.g. tools for communicating, recording and processing information) in mediating human communication and action. Ground-breaking work contrasting the semantics of diagrammatic and linguistic notations predicted the outcome of studies that found significant interactions between students' cognitive styles and the graphical or verbal external representations they used. The same multi-modal semantics has been used to model the impact of diagrams and algebras on shared practice in software engineering for dependable systems. Research in support of the design of computer-based detection tools for breast screening has revealed how annotation practices have evolved to make the judgements of individual radiologists accountable and how this helps maintain individual and team decision-making performance. Other work on the dynamics of small group communication successfully predicted impaired discussion when group members share access points to a desktop conferencing system. Vector-based representations of word collocations have been used to model analogical reasoning, and previous applications to the automatic understanding of student contributions in intelligent tutoring systems have been shown to be improved by integrating functional information derived from sentence structure. Data derived from predictive user modelling of physically disabled users' typing is being used by IBM in developing accessibility tools. An opportunistic text generation system for personalised information delivery (ILEX) was one of the first such systems to be made accessible over the Web. Other achievements include the XML processing component of the EU consortium-based MATE Workbench for standoff annotation of structured linguistic data, including continuous speech; the design of a simplified form of SGML (nSGML) which was a significant input into the design of W3C international standard XML; and the first schema validator for XML, now being used by the NHS. Thompson holds a W3C Fellowship to further his work on the design of XML and XSL.

1.4 Institute for Computing Systems Architecture (Director: Brebner) studies the architecture and engineering of future computing systems, ranging in scale from systems on chip to globally-distributed systems. The fundamental aims are to develop novel architectures, to extend the understanding of existing systems and to improve them through innovation, and to develop new engineering methods for creating and maintaining computer systems. The research is informed both by the demands of applications and users, and by apt technological and theoretical underpinning. Central application areas are smart information appliances, e-science, and high-speed and mobile communication.

Architecture in the Small (Anderson, Arvind, Brebner, Cintra, Fourman, O'Boyle, Rangaswami, Topham): This group has strengths in many aspects of the production of architectures particularly targeted at system-on-chip embedded systems. There is activity in basic architecture (asynchrony, reconfigurability and processor-memory interaction), design methodology (hardware software co-design), and specification, verification and validation. This work involves close interaction with industry, active collaborators including: ARM, Cadence/Tality, Hitachi, Lucent, Philips, Sharp, TRW Lucas Aerospace, Xilinx and Siroyan. Research is coordinated with three other Scottish universities via the Institute for System Level Integration (Sect. 2.5). Achievements include: first demonstration of operating system managed virtual hardware; invention of the circlet, the applet represented by a circuit; invention of the micronet architecture for scalable asynchronous system design; and a novel clustered VLIW architecture based on queue register files. The last three are being exploited in collaborations with Xilinx, Sharp and Hitachi, and Siroyan respectively. O'Boyle holds an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship to further his work on optimising compilation for embedded systems.

Architecture in the Large (Bull, Cole, Goddard, Ibbett, Kempster, O'Boyle, Pooley, Rangaswami, Thanisch, Westhead): This group studies the structure and performance of high-performance architectures and networks for parallel and distributed computing systems, targeting information grids for applications including multimedia communication, medical imaging and neural simulation. As well as architecture design, there is a strong focus on novel modelling and simulation techniques, and the formal description and analysis of high-level distributed systems architectures. There is significant interaction with the work of the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (Sect. 2.7). Achievements include: a novel large-scale Internet simulator exploiting HPC, in collaboration with Cisco; an innovative tool combining simulation and visualisation of parallel computer architectures, which has been downloaded to over 1000 sites and forms the basis of a distributed version developed by Mitre; development of a provably best synchronisation scheme for compiler-parallelised programs; pioneering unification of loop and data transformations within a new framework; development of an exact analysis for memory coherence, eliminating the need for hardware support; and the novel application of notions from process algebras to a tool for analysis of distributed commit protocols.

1.5 Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour (Director: Fisher; B Hallam, J Hallam, Hayes, Malcolm, McKenzie, Middleton, C Robertson, Westhead, Wright) studies how to link computational perception, representation, transformation and generation processes to the external world, be this the "real" world or a virtual reality computational world. This includes: computer-based visual and sonar perception; dynamic control and planning of the interaction of robotic systems with their environment, each other, and with humans; and computer-based generation of images and actions. Much of the vision, motion analysis and virtual environment work is carried out in collaboration with EdVEC (Sect. 2.6) and the National 3D Data Capture Centre. Achievements include: the first guaranteed ellipse finding algorithm; design and construction of the first hand-held range sensor and the cheapest consumer-oriented range sensor; the first demonstration of a biomimetic robot interacting with its conspecific animal; biomimetic robotic models of crickets and horseshoe bats, and a novel model of active and passive movement imitation mechanisms, all leading to testable neurobiological predictions; generalised Push-Stability Diagrams of Brost to include objects of arbitrary curved outlines; a force controlled compliant robot for performing assembly-like operations with generality of location, orientation, and dimension; and efficient metrics for perceived level of detail in graphics display. Fisher holds a Marie Curie Senior Fellowship to study fusion of computer vision and graphics.

1.6 Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science (Director: Stirling) develops mathematical theories for modelling and reasoning about computational systems and concepts of all kinds. These theories guide the creation of algorithms, methods and notations to support the design and analysis of real-world systems. LFCS covers the full range of R&D activity from fundamental work to the creation of prototype software tools and their application.

Complexity and Analysis of Algorithms (Grohe, Jerrum, Khardon, Vigoda): This group has made ground-breaking contributions to randomised algorithms, with applications in statistical physics and combinatorial enumeration, and major contributions in finite model theory with applications to the design of database query languages. Achievements in randomised algorithms include: the first polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the permanent within arbitrarily small relative error, resolving a long-standing open problem; and a rigorous demonstration that the phase transition in the mean-field Potts model obstructs rapid mixing of the "Swendsen-Wang dynamics", a result that has been extended to more physically realistic systems at Microsoft Research. The former result relies on foundational work on the mixing rates of Markov chains for which Jerrum was awarded the Gödel prize in 1996. Achievements in finite model theory include: the proof that there is an arity hierarchy for first-order logic with fixed points, which resolves a long-standing open problem; and the surprising result that the smallest model for a given complete first-order theory may be larger than any given recursive function of the size of the theory.
Concurrency and Distributed Systems (Bradfield, Esparza, Gilmore, Hillston, Stevens, Stirling): This group works by making foundational innovations, applying them to real-world problems, sometimes in collaboration with industry, and disseminating the techniques in software tools that have large international user communities. The disseminated techniques have strongly influenced the direction of research in this area internationally. Foundational achievements include: solutions to decision problems in classical automata theory (DPDA equivalence) and in infinite state systems; resolution of long-standing expressiveness questions in logics for concurrency (proof of the strict alternation depth hierarchy for modal mu-calculus); the introduction of tableaux techniques for decision problems in concurrency; the use of automata for deciding model checking problems over infinite state systems, and net unfolding techniques to avoid state explosion in the verification of Petri nets; the use of games in the theory of concurrency; and the development of stochastic process algebras providing a compositional approach to performance modelling. Application areas include: safety-critical systems; performance in active networks; protocols for distributed systems. Tools include: PEP (a Petri net tool); the Model Checking Kit; the Edinburgh Concurrency Workbench; and the PEPA Workbench. Bradfield holds an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship to study modal mu-calculi, causality, and true concurrency.

Semantics and Type Theory (Abramsky, Anderson, Aspinall, Burstall, Fourman, Hofmann, Jackson, Longley, Plotkin, Power, Sannella, Simpson, Stark, Turi): This group works on foundational connections between mathematics, logic and computation, including work on category theory, logic and type theory. It has consistently provided international leadership in establishing the agenda for research in this area. Current topics include: categorical and logical foundations of higher-order abstract syntax; categorical frameworks for programming language semantics; axiomatic domain theory; realizability models of computation; modelling computational features such as control, state and mobility; variations on logical relations; game semantics; and linear logic. This work is now mature enough to provide accurate and concise semantic models of many features of full-scale programming languages. In the medium to long term this will have a significant impact on reasoning tools and implementations for such languages. Achievements include seminal work in axiomatic domain theory, foundations of higher-order abstract syntax, the theory of logical relations, game semantics and full completeness results in linear logic. Work on highly expressive type theories has formed the basis for an influential range of proof assistants including Lego and Proof General (a generic interface for proof assistants). These systems are in wide use and have been applied to verification tasks in real systems e.g. distributed garbage collection and verification of reactive systems. Recently Simpson has been awarded an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship to study axiomatic accounts of the semantics of computation.

Specifications, Programming Languages and Software Engineering (Anderson, Gilmore, Hofmann, Sannella, Stark, Stevens): This group is concerned with the specification, implementation and engineering of software systems. Internationally recognised work on Extended ML continues together with development of the CASL specification language in a large international collaborative project led by Edinburgh. There is expanding activity to study code mobility and "global computation", covering aspects of construction of such systems as well as their specification and analysis. The software engineering activity has grown out of an interest in assuring system dependability and in object-oriented modelling and development, with current work centering on product-line architecture and the role of domain-specific representations. This group contributes to the cross-Division Research Programme in Software Engineering and the "Dependability of Computer-Based Systems" IRC (Sect. 2.11). Achievements include: type systems for resource-bounded computation, whereby programs are certified by virtue of their typing as satisfying certain space/time bounds, which have been applied by researchers in Stanford and UPenn to the analysis of cryptographic protocols; the novel concept of architectural specifications, for specifying the modular structure of systems under development; and an account of behavioural equivalence in the context of higher-order logic yielding new proof methods for behavioural specifications. Stevens holds an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship on the use of formal approaches to advance tool support for mainstream object-oriented design using UML.

2 Interdisciplinary Research Units

Informatics has strong links to, and interactions with, a wide variety of other disciplines. The Division contributes to a number of interdisciplinary research units.
2.1 Centre for Speech Technology Research (with Linguistics): conducts application-oriented and basic speech research, concentrating mainly on speech synthesis and speech recognition.
2.2 Human Communication Research Centre (with Psychology at Glasgow, Edinburgh and Durham, and Linguistics): established originally as an ESRC IRC, pursues research into cognitive and computational aspects of communication.

2.3 Centre for Neuroscience (with many biomedical departments and research units): an "institute without walls" with research spanning all branches of basic and clinical Neuroscience.
2.4 Centre for Functional Imaging Studies (with Psychology, Psychiatry, Medical Physics, Clinical Neurosciences): grew out of a SHEFC Research Development Grant and pursues research into advanced computational methods for acquisition, analysis and visualisation of functional imaging data.
2.5 Institute for System Level Integration in Livingston (with E&EE, and the corresponding departments at Heriot Watt, Glasgow and Strathclyde): undertakes research, teaching and technology transfer in systems design, system level integration and "system-on-chip".
2.6 Edinburgh Virtual Environment Centre (with the Computing Service): pursues research into and exploits the development and application of virtual reality and virtual environments from real world data in academia and industry. Houses the National 3D Data Capture Centre, a joint project with IPAB.
2.7 Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (with Physics): a centre for high performance computing, concentrating on exploitation of parallel computing systems in academia, industry and commerce.
2.8 Centre for the Study of Electronic Business (with Business Studies, Law, Research Centre in Social Sciences): a new venture which aims to advance Edinburgh's existing research strengths and collaborations in electronic business.
2.9 Centre for Forensic Statistics and Legal Reasoning (with Maths&Stats, Law at Edinburgh and Glasgow Caledonian): supported by a SHEFC Research Development Grant and studies correct evaluation, presentation and interpretation of forensic evidence.
2.10 EPSRC Advanced Knowledge Technologies IRC (with Aberdeen, Sheffield, Southampton, Open University): provides integrated methods and services for knowledge acquisition, modelling, reuse, retrieval, publishing and maintenance.
2.11 EPSRC Dependability of Computer-Based Systems IRC (with Sociology, Lancaster, Newcastle, York, City University): devises improved techniques for designing and deploying complex systems with assured dependability, regarding systems not in isolation but in their human and organisational context.

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Executive Summary
The Department of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow has 33 academic staff, with 68 research students and 34 research assistants currently present in the Department. Since the last RAE we have significantly expanded research activity and collaboration in the areas of 3D and creative media technology, hardware verification, algorithms, high performance computing, mobile computing, virtual environments and telecomms software. There is new research collaboration with industry, such as the Faraday partnership 3D-matic, the PJama project and the EU PROSPER project, and new interdisciplinary research such as the Equator IRC.

We have doubled our numbers of research students and research assistants. Members of the Department produced 336 papers in international conferences, 142 journal articles, and 42 chapters in books, chaired 17 international conferences and were members of 105 international programme committees; 10 are (elected) members of the EPSRC Peer Review College.

We attracted 105 funded research grants from a wide range of bodies, including, British Council, DERA, EPSRC, ESRC, EU, Eurocontrol, Library Information Commission, Lottery Fund, Nuffield, MAFF, MRC, ONCE, and SHEFC, as well as over 30 companies. Total grant funding during the period is £6M from EPSRC, £1.2M from EU, and £1M from industry and DTI.

Our capacity for research has been enhanced by several major developments, including:
* 3D-MATIC Faraday Partnership (3D vision based capture), with 11 funded research projects
* lead institution for EU funded projects PROSPER (mechanised formal analysis), MIRA (multimedia) and training network MAC (intelligent hybrid systems)
* partners for 9 EU funded projects, 4 training fellowships and 4 networks
* co-founder of the IRC Equator (mobile, wireless computing, virtual environments) and 4 SHEFC funded research and development grants: Michaelangelo (whole body imaging), IDEAS (medical and environmental sensing), Revelation (advanced uses of digital communication), Centre for Mathematical and Computational Science in Medicine
* The Institute for System Level Integration (ISLI), a research centre involving the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Heriot-Watt and Strathclyde, Scottish Enterprise and around 20 companies.

The Department has expanded from 28 to 33, with 9 new appointments. 4 members have been promoted to personal chairs, 2 to Reader, and 3 to Senior Lecturer. The Department received the Queen’s Award for Excellence in 1998, in recognition of outreach applications of our research to the benefit of society.

Research Culture and Context

The Department has a very strong research ethos and our culture, recruitment policies, advanced level teaching and industrial links are all strongly influenced by our commitment to research excellence.

Interdisciplinary collaboration is encouraged. Within the University, we have developed collaboration with a wide range of partners including Anaesthesia, the Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Psychology, Statistics, and the Veterinary School. Further afield, we have research results from collaborations with the Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge, Grenoble, Tuebingen, Technical University Vienna, MIT, Oslo, Purdue, and Technical University of Denmark, to name a few.

The Departmental Research Committee cares for the research environment, developing strategy, supporting grant application processes, publicising research results and opportunities, and pump-priming research (approx. £24K pa.). The University Research and Enterprise office and the Departmental administrator provide information and help with the preparation of EPSRC/EU grant applications and industrial contracts.

Research students are highly valued. Each student has a supervisory team: a first and second supervisor, and professorial overseer. Students submit a substantial annual report, examined by the supervisory team in a viva. Research Corner is a weekly research meeting, devoted solely to research students; staff may not attend! This year we instigated a research student weekend away. The Faculty Graduate School oversees admissions and training; the Departmental Research Student Committee funds conference attendance, academic visits, and makes generous equipment provision. Research students play an active role in research groups, participating in weekly meetings of at least one research group and presenting their research to that group annually. The FTE numbers of research students and research assistants have nearly doubled from 27 to 52 and from 15 to 29 respectively.

The computing infrastructure within the Department is supported by a team of 8 system (graduate) support staff and 6 technicians. System staff organise local workshops and attend conferences regularly.

Research Groups

Research is organised into six evolving groups: Algorithms, Formal Design and Analysis, Human Computer Interaction (known as GIST Glasgow Interactive Systems), Information Retrieval, Large and Long-lived Systems, and 3D Perception. Each is an autonomous research community, running its own budget and a weekly programme of research seminars, with internal and external speakers.

Most researchers participate in other groups’ seminars and collaboration between the groups is extensive and productive. For example, there is new collaboration between GIST, Information Retrieval and Large and Long-lived Systems on visualising information systems and bioinformatics, between Large and Long-lived Systems, Algorithms and 3D Perception on algorithms for searching genomic data and persistent image compression, and between GIST and Formal Design and Analysis on user interfaces for interactive theorem provers.

In the following, each member of staff is assigned to one group, though many staff are active in several groups. Staff new to the Department are indicated with an *; RS and RA refer to the numbers of research students and research assistants, respectively, who have contributed to research over the RAE period.

Irving, Manlove*, Prosser*
5 RS, 7 RA.
This group conducts research in graph and matching algorithms, string problems arising in computational biology, constraint satisfaction, and phase transition phenomena in combinatorial problems. Manlove was previously a postdoctoral researcher in the group.

Irving’s research on stable marriage led to his design and implementation of the national (SPA) matching scheme for the Scottish Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education [Irv3], in operation from 1999. With EPSRC funding, Manlove and Irving investigate a range of variants of stable matching problems [Man2]; they formulated a new algorithm [Man4] with surprisingly strong complexity results [Man3], and practical implications for the medical matching context (and related applications). Manlove also obtained new results for a class of combinatorial optimisation problems, based on maximum-minimal/minimum-maximal criteria [Man1,4]. Irving develops algorithms and complexity results for sequences [Irv1,2] and combinatorial algorithms that address certain genome rearrangement problems (in collaboration with the Large and Long-lived Systems Group). Prosser, a founding member of the UK-based APES (Algorithms, Problems, and Empirical Studies) research group, studies phase transition phenomenon in combinatorial problems, resulting in a theory of constrainedness [Pro1-3]. His results have been applied to, amongst other things, vehicle routing problems (within the EU funded GreenTrip project) [Pro4]. Prosser is a founding member of three research networks: EU-funded PLANET (planning and scheduling), EPSRC-funded ConsNet (constraints), and a national network (ScotNet).

Formal Design and Analysis
Boulton*, Calder (née Thomas), Gay*, Jamieson, Melham, O’Donnell
11 RS, 11 RA.
This group aims to bring the clarity and insight of formal theories to hard application problems of practical significance. Significant results are in several application areas, in foundations, and in tool support.

Melham's hardware applications of formal reasoning tools range from practical work combining model checking and theorem proving [Mel2,3] to more speculative research on dynamically-generated hardware and system-level integration [Mel4]. Calder has used formal reasoning to make significant progress on feature interaction problems arising in telecommunications services both at design-time and run-time [Cal1,3,4]. These theoretical results are being used for novel on-line feature managers in HFIG, an EPSRC-funded collaborative project with Strathclyde University and the companies CITEL and Mitel. Gay develops and applies type theory to hard problems in concurrency [Gay1]; examples include type systems for client-server programming [Gay4], verification of asynchronous systems [Gay2], and deadlock-freedom of synchronous systems using interaction categories [Gay3]. O’Donnell applies algorithm analysis transformations to develop parallel programs for problems with a dynamic or irregular structure, for example the hierarchical radiosity algorithm [Odo3]. Jamieson develops computational techniques that complement theoretical investigations in atomic physics. Current activities concentrate on the behaviour of cold trapped atoms, supported by EPSRC, [Jam1,2,4] and modelling processes in oxygen [Jam3]. The former is of particular importance to the emerging science of quantum computing.

Foundational results include Melham’s formalised theories to underpin theorem proving systems, e.g. new algebraic treatments of name-carrying syntax [Mel1], Boulton’s methods for automating deduction and combinator optimisation [Bou4], O’Donnell’s Abstract Parallel Machines [Odo1,2,4], and Calder’s improvements to process algebra [Cal2]. The latter is in collaboration with Stirling University (EPSRC-funded).

The group is a leader in interactive and automated theorem proving tools. Boulton has devised an interface between HOL and CLAM [Bou2] and new tools for reasoning about the syntax of programming languages [Bou1]. In collaboration with Gray from the GIST group, Melham and Calder initiated new links between research areas by applying methods of Human Computer Interaction to theorem proving [Gra2]; this EPSRC project generated a regular series of workshops in the UK and on the continent.

Melham initiated and now coordinates the EU-funded PROSPER project, developing an extensible, open architecture for incorporating formal reasoning tools (theorem provers, model checkers, decision procedures) into other applications. Partners are the Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, Karlsruhe, and Tuebingen, the companies IFAD and Prover Technology. Melham regularly visits Intel’s Strategic CAD Labs in the USA for collaborative research on formal hardware verification, Jamieson regularly visits the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics for collaborative research. Calder is a founding member of the EPSRC Engineering Network FORCES and has funding from Microsoft Research; she also supervises a Daphne Jackson Fellow (Dr. A. Miller).

Human Computer Interaction (GIST)
Brewster, Chalmers*, Draper, Gray, Johnson, Murray-Smith*
21 RS, 14 RA.
This group focuses on mobility, multimodal interaction, visualisation and modelling.

A new strength is context aware computing. Chalmers is a founding member of the EPSRC-funded Equator IRC, a main focusof which is presenting heterogeneous data on mobile, wireless devices. Gray and Brewster have built a dynamically re-configurable, resource-sensitive toolkit of sonically-enhanced widgets for mobiles [Gra4] (EPSRC funded). Gray and Johnson’s ParaGlide project (EPSRC) with Anaesthesia is investigating the clinical application of wireless, mobile, context-aware devices. The group organises a series of international workshops on HCI and mobile devices (chaired by Johnson, 1998 and co-chaired by Brewster, 1999).

Brewster’s multimodal work focuses on sound and haptics, e.g. using earcons for navigation on devices such as mobile phones [Bre2] (funded by EPSRC, Nokia) and in desktop interactions [Bre1,3] (EPSRC). Brewster collaborates with Psychology at Glasgow on the MultiVis project (funded by EPSRC, ONCE) investigating haptic and audio techniques for visually-impaired people, Murray-Smith collaborates with Statistics and Mechanical Engineering investigating disability and rehabilitation engineering (EPSRC funding) and Brewster and Gray develop haptic interaction techniques [Bre4]. Brewster and Murray-Smith co-chaired the first international workshop on haptic HCI in 2001. As the computer games industry grows, it is important to revise more usual notions of HCI in terms of "work"; Draper investigates notions of "fun" in HCI [Dra4]. Draper also works on the design and evaluation of CAL systems [Dra1,3] and on the documentation technique of minimal manuals [Dra2].

Visualisation results include Chalmers’ results on utility, high-dimensional scientific and financial data display [Cha1,2], retrieval and visualisation of heterogeneous data [Cha3,4], and Gray and Draper’s constraint-based visualisation system [Gra1]. Murray-Smith works with DaimlerChrysler and Mechanical Engineering on visualising truck roll-over. Johnson focuses on the interaction between failures in the operation, systems engineering, management and regulation of safety-critical applications [Joh1], working with NASA Langley [Joh2,4]. Johnson has identified common causes of incidents for the new National Rail Incident Reporting System [Joh3] and drafted the European guidelines for incident reporting in Air Traffic Control. Murray-Smith combines statistical inference techniques and intelligent systems theory [Mur1,3,4], with applications such as pilot control behaviour [Mur2], and co-ordinates the Multi-Agent Control EU Research Training Network. Gray has developed an interaction model for analysis of theorem proving interfaces [Gra2] and a task modelling notation, XUAN [Gra3], incorporated into the Teallach system (EPSRC) in collaboration with Large and Long-Lived Systems.

Information Retrieval
Jose*, Ounis*, van Rijsbergen
14 RS, 1 RA.
This group is concerned with the process of information retrieval as a whole, from modelling of IR systems through large-scale experimentation and novel paradigms of accessing information, to user-centred evaluation. It hosted a Royal Society exchange Fellow from China and the Journal of Information Retrieval dedicated one of its first special issues to the work of Glasgow IR group (vol. 2, issue 1, 2000).

van Rijsbergen has continued interests in the scientific investigation of the process of retrieval [vRi1,2,4]; current investigations include the use of quantum logic and abductive inference (funded by Library and Information Commission). Earlier work on logical modelling has been taken up by the international community and resulted in a book [vRi3]. Ounis has further developed these ideas using the conceptual graph formalism [Oun4], resulting in the development of an image retrieval system [Oun1-3]. Jose has developed an integrated approach to multimedia retrieval [Jos2,3] and a novel image retrieval system [Jos1,4].

The group is the lead site of the EU working group MIRA (a working group investigating the evaluation of multimedia retrieval) and was a partner in the EU project FERMI (modelling multimedia information retrieval systems); Jose participates in the NIST TREC programme. The group attracts a wide range of visiting international researchers from USA (UMAS, Amherst), Denmark (Royal School of Librarianship, University 2), Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands, to name a few.

Large and Long-Lived Systems
Atkinson, Cooper, Cutts, Dickman, Mackenzie, Ould-Khoua*, Printezis*, Welland
13 RS, 20 RA.
This group seeks, through a blend of experiment and simulation founded on theory, to advance understanding and engineering of large and long-lived systems. Scale introduces concurrency, heterogeneity, distribution, autonomy and localised failure modes. Longevity demands a focus on availability, maintenance and evolution. The group investigates the interplay of these issues within system constraints such as reliability, performance, response, cost and resource limits. Results include studies of operational systems, prototypes and simulations that advance technology, methods and tools. Evaluation requires extensive multi-disciplinary collaborations, frequently with industry [Atk4].

The results of a six-year EU collaborative research into Fully Integrated Data Environments are reported by Atkinson and Welland [Wel4]. This provided the foundation for a six-year collaboration with Sun investigating an industrial strength orthogonally persistent platform for Java (the PJama project) [Atk1,2,4,Pri2,4]. The EPSRC component of the project was rated alpha 5, 200 sites have licensed the software, and more than 40 papers have been produced by the international team. Spin-offs from this continue, e.g. evolution research and Cutts and Printezis’s work below, and research into isolation, evolution of running systems and rapid object-cache recovery at Sun (published in Sunlabs technical reports).

The SHEFC-funded RDG Revelation (£666K), led by Atkinson and van Rijsbergen, combines the group’s interests with IR and 3D Perception to investigate advanced uses of digital communications. Biomedical informatics research providing a context for large-scale experiments, is one outcome. Irving’s suffix-tree algorithms are combined with Chalmers' visualisation and persistence to provide advanced tools for geneticists (two MRC studentships). Revelation also sparked collaboration with R. Thomas (UWA), and Draper and Gray to pioneer remote-user observation (EPSRC project, £275K, started Jan. 2001). Revelation supports web-site engineering, heritage computing (Welland) and distance learning (Cutts).

Cutts’ work on abstract machines [Cut4] led to optimisations for PJama [Cut1-3] and thriving collaboration with Hosking and Vitek at Purdue. Printezis achieved new partitioned disk garbage collection techniques [Pri1]. Partially funded by Sunlabs, he researches large-scale, concurrent, main-memory collectors required for enterprise applications [Pri3]. Dickman develops distributed garbage collection mechanisms [Dic1,4] and leads the Glasgow CS portion of the £1.3M SHEFC RDG IDEAS in collaboration with engineers at Glasgow, Strathclyde and ISLI. This research on embedded and mobile diagnostic devices combines low-level software engineering with distributed, adaptive, location-aware and ubiquitous computing, linking to the work of Gray and Brewster. It stimulates research with Xilinx on integrating conventional CPUs with FPGAs, and on operating distributed systems with scarce resources.

Work on evolution has studied change in systems, proposed methods for handling change and built experimental technology and tools. Evolution requires adequately described structure [Wel1,Coo3,4], introduced during design [Wel3] and construction [Wel2]. It requires tools and frameworks such as those developed in the EPSRC Teallach project [Coo1,2]. The EPSRC ZEST project, Welland and Atkinson, pioneered a large-scale, zoned architecture, which specified interfaces that absorb changes [Atk3]. The EPSRC DRASTIC project, Dickman, prototyped an implementation of this model for continuously operating distributed systems [Dic2,3]. Based on evolution technology for PJama, Atkinson’s student, Dmitriev, implemented dynamic code evolution for the next release of Java, as an intern at Sun.

Mackenzie and Ould-Khaoua, recently returned to the Department, have a thriving research programme, with links to NASA. They use simulation and analytical modelling to design highly connected networks, especially the hypermesh [Mac1,3,Oul2] and adaptive routing [Mac2,Oul1]. Their regular network performance models correctly simulate realistic traffic patterns, e.g. parallel matrix computations [Mac4].

3D Perception
Cockshott*, Patterson, Siebert*, Werghi*
14 RS, 15 RA.
This is the main research group associated with the Glasgow University arm of the 3D-MATIC Faraday Partnership and leads research into vision-based 3D capture including multi-camera whole-body capture of human figures and real-time capture of people and objects. This is complemented by work led by Patterson in continuous-space image modelling and manipulation and cartoon animation technology [Pat1-4] and by research led by Cockshott in real-time capture and image compression [Coc1-3]. The latter has resulted in a patent [Coc4]. The work on 3D capture and interpretation, which includes medical and forensic imaging and virtual humans from 3D scans (in collaboration with Edinburgh University, AI department), is led by Siebert [Sie1-4], and Werghi, a newly appointed lecturer in digital media [Weg1-4].

The group's current whole-body capture work is funded by SHEFC (Michelangelo project) in collaboration with the Edinburgh Virtual Environment Centre. The group is involved in some 10 other substantial funded research programmes from various sources, including EPSRC, CLAPA and The Office of the Chief Scientist and several companies (see RA6). The group has developed a unique real-time 3D whole body imager that will capture 3D whole body "movies" with photorealistic appearance and also real-time thermal maps, underpinning new medical, veterinary, creative media and e-commerce research. The group is a partner in the EU-funded TMR Network PAVR and the ESPRIT working group CIRCUS. The continuous-space imaging work involves collaborations with the Universities of Bath, Sussex, and Bourgogne, the National Film and Television School and several companies.

Staffing Policy

Our strategy is to appoint the best qualified applicant for any academic post and we seek research excellence, subject to teaching constraints. On two occasions in the last five years we have advertised specific posts to strengthen particular research areas: Information Retrieval (Jose, Ounis) and Systems (Ould-Khaoua). The Department encourages its members to develop their research careers. Substantial credit is given to research activity, such as supervising research students or managing a research project, when allocating teaching and administrative duties. The University probation scheme is used to set initial objectives and monitor progress for new staff; all staff are included in the appraisal process. New lecturers have reduced teaching and administrative loads, and are encouraged to apply for pump-priming research funds. Sabbatical leave is granted, even without external funding. During the RAE period 12 staff went on sabbatical leave; destinations included Sun Laboratories, University of Grenoble, CREATEC, and Harvard.

The University has recognised the research contributions of Calder, Johnson, Melham and Welland with personal chairs; Brewster was promoted to Reader, and Dickman, Gray and Mackenzie to Senior Lecturer. We have recruited many new members of staff and there have been several departures. We consider the latter a natural and healthy sign of the regard in which our colleagues are held externally, by both academic institutions and industry, and an important part of career progression.

University of Strathclyde_25 3a [13.33D]

The Computer Science research base at Strathclyde is developing strongly following strategic investment by the University. We present an overall picture of a department that has seen significant staff turnover during the period, but which in the past 18 months has been revitalised by a combination of strategic appointments and University-level initiatives. Our activities and aspirations have moved on considerably from the position in 1996 and we do not therefore correlate our current state with aspirations stated then.

The University acted to re-establish research direction and momentum through the creation of two new senior posts in early 1999. Six new staff have been appointed since then: Connor and Nixon (Chairs), Crestani (Reader), Dunlop (Senior Lecturer), Terzis, and Ferguson (Lecturers). All these staff either perform high-quality research in the international domain, or are new researchers who have the potential to do so. We are in the process of advertising three further vacancies. Critically for the future, the mean age of staff appointed since 1999 is 34, in contrast with 49 for those in the previous submission.

These appointments are transforming the Department’s research. An early signal is that research income has dramatically increased, and extra activities associated with this will have a very significant effect on the Department’s profile within the next year. Funds allocated to seven new projects, started since March 2000, are over £1.25M. Even in the absence of further awards our Departmental research spend in 2001 will be £550k.

Research Management

Research activities are co-ordinated by a research committee, which includes representation from research assistants and research students. This has a carefully defined remit to promote, rather than direct, research. The formal duties of the committee are deliberately few; its main function is to act as a think-tank to generate ideas that may increase the quality of the department’s research environment. Research students are closely and formally monitored in line with University and QAA codes of practice, and all staff and students are given the opportunity of at least an annual review, through which any research or supervision problems may be reported within a confidential yet formally binding framework.

The committee has at its disposal a seed fund, running at around £15k, used to promote any activity that may result in a successful research funding application. Small amounts of funding are allocated instantly by the committee chair, the fund being maintained by a levy from overhead income of successful applications. Larger seed funds are available from a University Research Development Fund.

We avoid a hard imposition of group management. In a department of our size this can create artificial boundaries while adding little to the potential for internal collaboration. Instead we put substantial effort into the maintenance of an atmosphere which is conducive to the sharing of research ideas, and into the recruitment of individuals who are well placed to adjust the overall profile. The given classification represents categories of interest, rather than management structures, and there is significant interaction among the groups.

The Research Environment

Building and maintaining an effective research environment is a kingpin of our revitalisation effort, and we have taken a number of steps to improve the interaction environments within the department. Ad hoc communication environments, such as a well-attended coffee room in which people exchange ideas, are the seed beds of important research; however, these are among the first interactions to disappear in the face of increasing pressures. A number of steps to promote such an environment are funded by the Department, including a subsidised coffee room, afternoon and awayday meetings, and whiteboard and reading areas near the coffee room. Research communications also take place in email lists, a news group and a web site. These channels are restricted to internal use only to encourage free dissemination of ideas about nascent research grant proposals and other relatively confidential information.

Researchers are well supported by a team of four graduate scientific officers, a technician, and an information officer, who spend around half of their time supporting the needs of research activity.

Staffing policy

The difficulties of making good appointments and retaining research active staff in computer science do not need to be stressed. However, we maintain a policy of appointing only proven internationally excellent researchers, or those who can rapidly achieve that status. We have a three-pronged policy, with which we have so far achieved success, as follows:

· Seek out active and enthusiastic researchers, and seek to appoint them at as high a level as the academic framework allows;

· Actively maintain an environment which is as pleasant and stress-free as possible, maximising the lifestyle advantages that an academic career can have over a commercial one, and

· Seek means whereby incomes can be enhanced by applying research to commercial opportunity.

The University of Strathclyde is supportive of this strategy, and allows sufficient flexibility for us to implement this policy within the Department. Research-related consultancy (up to 25 days per year) is encouraged. Further support is available to new first-time appointments, including a Faculty starter grant award which contributes £15K towards the development of a research trajectory, and a carefully ramped integration into the teaching role; staff are expected to make a full contribution only by their third year in post. The Department operates a load-balancing system whereby research active individuals are expected to make less contribution to teaching.

Continuing professional development issues are supported by the Centre for Academic Practice, which is also responsible for ensuring quality of employment through nationally agreed terms for appraisal, review, and equal opportunities for all academic and academic-related staff. The University is a signatory of the Contract Research Concordat, and the Department is highly aware of its importance.

University of Aberdeen_25 4 [12C]


The Department of Computing Science obtained "4" ratings in both the 1992 and 1996 RAEs. Excellence in research has continued to be the major criterion used when appointing new staff; from 1992 to 1996, we made five appointments, all of whom are still in post, and making substantial contributions in their sub-areas. A further four staff have been appointed since 1996. We strongly believe that all twelve individuals returned in this exercise are performing at the national level and a substantial number at the international level.

The Department’s current research activities are organised as three overlapping themes: Knowledge Based Systems (KBS), Databases and Distributed Information Management (DDIM), and Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics (BMI); each is reviewed separately below.

Since 1996, we have established new activity in the area of Digital Libraries with the appointment of Freeston (from UCSB). We have substantially enhanced our research in other areas: Medical Informatics, by the appointment of Lucas (formerly Utrecht) who is trained both as a Medical Doctor and Computer Scientist; in Bioinformatics where we have recently appointed Ritchie, one of our outstanding recent PhD students; and in Agents with the appointment of Norman (from QMWC).

A recent significant development for the Department has been the funding of the IRC (Inter-disciplinary Research Centre) in Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) by the EPSRC from October 2000 for six years. The Aberdeen activities draw strongly on the research done earlier in both the KBS and DDIM themes. In particular, it uses Sleeman's work in Co-operative Knowledge Acquisition and Refinement systems and the work of Gray and Preece in Knowledge Fusion, undertaken as part of the KRAFT project. The Consortium consists of five of the strongest UK Universities in this area: Southampton, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, the OU and Sheffield. The total budget will be ~£7.5 million with ~£1.3 million going to Aberdeen. The IRC’s Director is Prof. Nigel Shadbolt (Southampton); Sleeman, Preece and Gray are PIs at Aberdeen. Compatangelo, a specialist in Description Logics will join the department in April 2001 as a Lecturer/RF on this project. Additionally, the University has set up, for three years in the first instance, a University Research Centre in Knowledge Technologies, to explore with industry, both local and national, techniques developed in the IRC. The AKT team in Computing Science and the University’s Industrial Psychology group are the principal participants; it is planned to develop further “demonstrators” for industry that we expect to generate new challenges for basic research.

Most recently, Freeston and Gray have received encouraging support for the Digital Library initiative in the form of a major JREI/SHEFC grant in the latest (2000) round. The award, together with generous matching support from SUN Microsystems, has a total value of £1.046M. It will provide a substantial foundation in hardware (including over 3 Terabytes of storage) and systems support for a co-ordinated group of existing and planned projects within the theme of "The Development of a Global Geo-referenced Knowledge Infrastructure". Partners in these projects will include our Geography department, our University Library and the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute.

It is also relevant to note that we have been awarded £940K by EPSRC to run a Masters Training Package in Electronic Commerce Technology.


Includes: Co-operative Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Refinement, Machine Learning and Discovery, Model-Based Reasoning, Natural Language Processing, and Constraints. Leader: Derek Sleeman. Individuals: Ken Brown, Pete Edwards, Jim Hunter, Peter Lucas, Alun Preece, Ehud Reiter.

· Total number of publication for the KBS group in the period 1996 – 2000: 66

· Research Degrees Awarded by the KBS group in the period 1996-2000: 11 PhDs & 2 MSc.

Cooperative Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Refinement Systems (Sleeman, Preece)

The three major activities of Sleeman’s group have been: (1) to enhance the efficiency of an earlier basic rule refinement system resulting in the STALKER system [Sleeman #2 - this refers to the second paper by Sleeman listed in RA2 - a similar notation will be used throughout]; (2) to apply refinement techniques to a wider range of representation schema: cases (REFINER++ system), constraints (CRIMSON), qualitative models (TIGON) and Taxonomies (ReTAX); (3) to produce a semi-formal framework (MUSKRAT) in which problem solving, knowledge acquisition and refinement techniques could be represented [Sleeman #3]. This framework allows questions such as the following to be asked: Given a specific problem solver and KB, is it likely that task T can be solved? A number of industrial collaborations (BAe and Intelligent Applications) and academic departments have collaborated with the group. In the DISCOVER project, Preece developed a method and a software tool for verifying the compatibility of a knowledge source (knowledge base or database) with a pre-existing ontology, in order to support knowledge sharing and reuse. The COVERAGE project developed a tool for verifying the integrity of a multi-agent team; COVERAGE can detect problems within a single agent, and among a group of agents [Preece #1, #2, #3].

Machine Learning and Discovery (Sleeman, Edwards)

The Department is a main node of the EU Network of Excellence in Machine Learning (MLnet-II). Edwards has been developing new/enhanced machine learning techniques, in the context of agent-based information access. Text data provides machine learning with many challenges, including: high data volume, high dimensionality, noise, multiple overlapping classes. Areas of activity include: methods for text categorisation - rule induction, nearest-neighbour learning, Bayesian learning; clustering - pruning/simplification methods, user-specific similarity metrics; learning in multi-agent systems - communication of inductive inferences, knowledge repair and refinement [Edwards #1]. The principal activity in Machine Discovery (Sleeman) has been to develop the FILTER system which helps the domain expert retain or discard the many associations produced by data mining algorithms (Corruble - EU TMR programme - 60 Kecu). Ground breaking work has also been done by Roverso on analogy using techniques from abstraction. Sleeman co-edited a Special Issue of the Artificial Intelligence with Herb Simon and Raul Valdez-Perez (CMU) on Scientific Discovery; this issue contained a paper by Sleeman and Alberdi which described their Taxonomy Refinement System (ReTAX) [Sleeman #1]; this work has also been described from a different perspective in a paper in Cognitive Science.

Model Based Reasoning (Lucas, Hunter)

Lucas has developed a theory of diagnosis, which unifies previous work in consistency-based and abductive diagnosis and clearly indicates that there exists a whole range of different notions of diagnosis underlying diagnostic systems [Lucas #1, #3]. Also an analysis of the notion of causal independence has shown that there are strong similarities between Bayesian networks with causal independences and Shortliffe and Buchanan's certainty-factor model. Hunter works on the intelligent analysis of time series data. The WEAVER project, with the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, provides a software environment for modelling complex ecosystems in which ecologists can investigate the relations between different modelling assumptions and the evolution of important system variables (e.g. population) over time. (See also the BMI theme and the SumTime project described below).

Natural Language Generation (Reiter)

Reiter's STOP (Smoking Termination through Computerised Personalisation) project (£142K of SOHHD funding) generates personalised smoking-cessation leaflets. This project, carried out in conjunction with the Aberdeen Medical School, focused on knowledge acquisition techniques (which also received £52K of EPSRC funding); it has led to a number of computing publications [Reiter #1, #2, #4]. A further project (SumTime - jointly with Hunter) on generating summaries of time-series data started in 2000 (EPSRC funding of £215K). Collaborators in this project include two companies (Oceanroutes and Intelligent Applications) and Shahar of Stanford University. Also with Dale of Macquarie Univ., he has published the first book on applied natural-language generation [Reiter #3].

Constraints (Brown)

Constraints research takes place in all three themes. Within the KBS theme, Brown's work (£41K of EPSRC funding) is concerned with the use of constraints and optimisation methods for resource allocation and design problems in industry and has been applied to the oil and gas industry, mechanical design, scheduling and configuration [Brown #1, #2, #3, #4]. The department forms one of the nodes in the EPSRC-funded network of UK Constraints researchers, and has been active in the UK and regional meetings.


Includes: Agents, Databases, and Digital Libraries. Leader: Peter Gray. Individuals: Pete Edwards, Mike Freeston, Graham Kemp, Tim Norman, Alun Preece.

· Total number of publication for the DDIM group in the period 1996 – 2000: 26

· Research Degrees Awarded by the DDIM group in the period 1996-2000: 3 PhDs & 2 MSc

Agents (Edwards, Gray, Preece, Norman)

The most significant activity has been the joint KRAFT project (headed by Gray and Preece) with the Universities of Cardiff and Liverpool; Aberdeen' share of the EPSRC/BT funding was £235K. This project investigated issues surrounding knowledge re-use and fusion/transformation in the context of complex design problems. Its goal was to reuse constraint knowledge stored at different sites in different ontologies and to transform it to a common ontology so that it could be combined to form a specification of a constraint problem. The constraint knowledge was expressed as quantified formulae in a functional language (Colan), developed previously at Aberdeen for the semantic data model (P/FDM object database). This made it declarative, and hence much easier to transform and then generate programs for use with remote DBMS and constraint solvers (e.g., Eclipse CLP) [Gray #3, Preece #4]. Norman (who joined us in 1999) works on normative systems specification (modelling rights, privileges and obligations of agents) [Norman #1] and inter-agent negotiation (argumentation, agent communication languages) [Norman #2, #3, #4]. There is a substantial overlap between some of our work on Agents and activities described in the KBS theme: Edwards is working on the role of learning/adaptation in the context of multi-agent systems and intelligent information agents [Edwards #2, #3, #4]; Preece is concerned with the verification of multi-agent knowledge bases and mediators for access to distributed databases. The department is one of the nodes in the EU-funded AgentLink II Network of Excellence.

Databases (Gary, Kemp)

P/FDM is a sizeable working system developed by Gray and Kemp that uses object database technology to store large amounts of real world knowledge, so that it can be combined with intentional and semantic knowledge, expressed in Prolog. It also makes use of AI search techniques combined with database indexing, all within the discipline of a typed data model. They concentrated on integrity constraints with quantifiers as declarative semantic knowledge, which can be transformed and reused in novel ways in (distributed) systems [Gray #1]. A mediator based on this technology is being developed to integrate access to databases in molecular biology (support of £118K from BBSRC/EPSRC) [Kemp #1]. P/FDM was also tested in joint work with Prof. Tore Risch (Uppsala) in a project to compile triggers to enforce constraints across data stored in our heterogeneous database systems (AMOS in Sweden and P/FDM here) [Gray #2] and in the KRAFT project.

Digital Libraries (Freeston)

This is a new research field at Aberdeen, following the appointment of Freeston who has been closely involved with the development of a geo-referenced digital library within the Alexandria Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara [Freeston #4]. Aberdeen is particularly well placed to contribute to the development of digital libraries because the required support techniques intersect with many of the existing areas of research within the department. The primary focus on geo-referenced information also fits well with the strength of Aberdeen in disciplines with a strong geo-spatial element, ranging from geophysical and environmental sciences to forestry and offshore oil exploration.


Includes: Bioinformatics, Medical Decision Support Systems, and Intelligent Signal Processing. Leader: Jim Hunter. Individuals: Peter Gray, Graham Kemp, Peter Lucas, Ehud Reiter, Dave Ritchie, Derek Sleeman.

· Total number of publication for the BMI group in the period 1996 – 2000: 23

· Research Degrees Awarded by the BMI group in the period 1996-2000: 4 PhDs & 1 MSc

Bioinformatics (Gray, Kemp, Ritchie)

Kemp and Ritchie are using advanced computing technology, particularly object-based and distributed database management systems, in collaborative work to relate data on 3D protein structure to biological function. In particular, they have used spherical polar Fourier correlation techniques to develop an improved computational method of modelling the interactions between pairs of globular proteins (BBSRC funding of £96K) and believe that the software developed in this project ("Hex") is faster and more accurate then all other techniques in this field [Ritchie #1, #2, #3, #4]. They have carried out computer modelling studies of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. MHC-peptide binding predictions made by our peptide threading software are being used to guide experimental research into uveitis in the Department of Ophthalmology, Goodpasture's syndrome and auto-immune haemolytic anaemia in the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and carcinoembryonic antigen (a tumour antigen) in the Department of Surgery. This work has also attracted strong interest from Biovation Ltd., a local protein engineering company. In collaboration with the Department of Zoology they are comparing model cytokine and receptor structures from different vertebrate classes to gain a better understanding of the molecular evolution of immune systems. Constraint logic programming techniques are being used in building model 3D protein structures to help scientists design novel therapeutic proteins, supported by an Industrial CASE award with Eclagen Ltd.

Medical Informatics (Hunter, Lucas, Reiter, Sleeman)

Our research in Medical Informatics has focussed on a number of health-care related issues, mostly assisting doctors’ decision-making, and draws upon/develops techniques from the KBS Theme - e.g. [Hunter #1]. One area of interest is the Intensive Care Unit where clinicians are increasingly confronted with large quantities of real-time patient data, which must be interpreted to support patient management. Firstly, in the COGNATE project (£160K of ESRC funding) Hunter investigated the use of complex data displays in the neonatal ICU (Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh) to understand why simply displaying data does not lead to better patient care. It was established that those who spend most time on the unit in direct contact with babies are not well equipped to interpret the data and that some form of additional decision support is required [Hunter #4]. Secondly, Sleeman has applied Machine Learning techniques to data from severe head injury patients in the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh in an attempt to predict patient outcome [Sleeman #4]. In the ICEA project, which is carried out jointly with Utrecht University, Lucas has investigated the ability of Bayesian-networks to model causal and temporal aspects of medical knowledge [Lucas #2] (partly funded by the Dutch Science Foundation). In collaboration with Vitatron, a major European producer of medical equipment, Lucas has also applied theoretical work on model-based diagnosis (logical abduction) to the problem of programming a cardiac pacemaker [Lucas #4]. Reiter has investigated electronic prescriptions (£52K from the SPGC charitable research trust). The STOP project (described already under the KBS theme) will lead to a number of medical publications (including one already accepted for the BMJ).


Exploitation of Research: See RA6.

Progress towards Aims: 1996 – 2000

In our last RAE submission, we indicated that work on agents and distributed information management would feature more extensively, and that links with BT would be strengthened. Both of these objectives have been achieved through the multi-site KRAFT project supported by EPSRC (Overall PI: Gray) as well as through other activities of the DDIM theme. Additionally, under the BMI theme, internal research links with Aberdeen's Institute of Medical Sciences have been strengthened through several projects both in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics and external links have been developed with both Edinburgh's Royal Infirmary (Hunter), Edinburgh’s Western General Hospital (Sleeman) and the Utrecht Academic Medical Centre (Lucas).

Relevance to the Technology Foresight Programme

Research in the Department contributes to a number of the issues articulated for the current Foresight review, (The Tomorrow Project). BMI contributes to both Healthcare and Ageing Populations; DDIM to Information, Communications and Media; and KBS (including AKT) to e-Commerce.

Promoting Research

A senior member of staff acts as the departmental Research Co-ordinator who actively ensures that research funding opportunities are closely monitored and relevant members of staff informed; help with proposal writing is available - particularly to new members of staff. In making academic appointments the University’s policy is to place the greatest importance on research achievement and potential; all the staff appointed since 1985 have contributed four publications to the RA2 return. Since the mid 80s, the Department has had a policy of allocating higher teaching and administrative loads to those who are not research active, thus releasing research time for those who can use it to best effect.

Staff members, research staff and research students regularly present their work at Department seminars. To transfer their registration from an MPhil to a PhD students need, in addition to giving a Departmental seminar, to produce a thesis proposal; this proposal is reviewed by one internal and one external expert. We also hold regular research retreats. Much of the informal contact which is vital to a lively research culture occurs in the three research themes which arrange a number of open meetings where ideas of different maturity are discussed (from “run throughs” for major conference presentations to requests for help on a current research problem). We now have formalised links with some of the best-known groups in the areas in which we operate: in Bioinformatics with the European Bioinformatics Institute; in Medical Informatics with the Medical Informatics group at Stanford (this link is also relevant to the AKT project); in Databases with Prof. Tore Risch (Uppsalla); and in Digital Libraries with the UCSB’s Alexandria Digital Library project.

Heriot-Watt University_25 4 [19A]

1. Research Objectives, Priorities and Context
The Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering encompasses research in two main RAE subject disciplines, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. Two strong research groups lie in the Computer Science UoA, viz. Databases, Information and Knowledge-Based Systems (DIKBS) and Foundations and Formally Motivated Systems (FFMS)), led by four professors. By comparison with 1996, Vision and Image Processing has been included in UoA 29 (rather than this UoA) while some research in Intelligent Systems (UoA 29 in 1996) is now presented coherently in this UoA within Databases, Information and Knowledge-Based Systems.
Our objective is to build on the outcome of the 1996 RAE, maintaining and building upon international excellence in these two areas. To meet this objective and ensure freshness of approach, we have invested significantly in research infrastructure with the appointment of 8 new academic staff (4 senior) with proven research records in this UoA. This improvement in the staff complement has been reinforced by the procurement of advanced equipment, funded by special equipment initiatives, specific research council grants, and direct industrial donation and funding.
A major part of the research is collaborative and most staff are actively involved in projects with groups in other universities and industry in the UK and elsewhere. There are close links between the two groups with various shared research initiatives, strengthened by the appointment of a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor, Prof Broughton, of ICL whose interests span the two.
To summarise key statistics for this UoA: we have been funded by 16 EPSRC, 10 EU and a number of other awards with a total expenditure of over £2.6 million in the RAE period. The 19 staff have published 334 research papers of which 84 are journal papers and 203 are papers in refereed conferences. 16 students have been awarded doctorates, and 3 research masters.
2. Research Groups
Database, Information and Knowledge Based Systems Group
(Prof Williams, Prof Leitch, Dr Nutt, Dr Zalzala, Dr Burger, Dr Cawsey, Dr MacKinnon, Mr Marwick and Dr Taylor, 6.5 RAs and 10 Research Students).
Heriot-Watt has been active in database research for over 20 years and in knowledge based systems for almost as long, and has an established international reputation in these areas, under the leadership of Prof. Williams. Likewise, the Intelligent Systems Laboratory (ISL), established in 1984 by Prof. Leitch to pursue the synthesis of AI and Control Engineering approaches to the design and implementation of industrial control systems, has established international standing.
In rationalising our research resources since the last RAE, the overlapping interests of these two groups have been brought together to create an even stronger group. The group has been further strengthened by the appointment of two senior lecturers - Dr Zalzala to strengthen the knowledge based systems research and Dr Nutt our theoretical database research.
Led by Prof Williams, the group has a broad portfolio of activity covering a wide range of aspects of databases, information systems and knowledge based systems. During the period 1996-2000 this has been supported by 8 EPSRC grants (totalling £912K during the period), 10 EU grants (our contribution = £882K during the period) and 4 other grants (£172K) overlapping the period. Almost all of these have involved collaboration with other groups, including 26 industrial/commercial organizations (14 UK, 12 overseas - e.g. ICL, BP, Unilever, ING Bank, Motorola, etc.), 28 universities (7 UK) and 11 healthcare organizations (4 UK). The research has resulted in 173 publications during the period, including 44 journal articles, 116 papers in proceedings of refereed international/national conferences and 2 books. It has led to the award of 11 PhD and 2 MPhil degrees during the period.
Current activities and research achievements in the group include the following:
(a) Parallel databases - work has continued on performance prediction for parallel database systems and the development of tools for estimating their performance. Achievements include:
· Method for estimating transaction response time analytically that provides significantly better estimates than previous models [Burger - 3].
· Approach to enable process algebra to be applied to large-scale problems such as parallel databases for the first time [Marwick - 1].
· These led to analytical tools for estimating performance of 3 parallel DBMSs (Oracle, Informix and Ingres) on a shared nothing parallel architecture, available on the Web [Taylor - 3, King - 4].
(b) Distributed databases - continued work on distributed heterogeneous databases has produced:
· First semantic knowledge-based model for query decomposition and answer construction in heterogeneous distributed databases [MacKinnon - 1].
· New classification of heterogeneity and framework for assessing and comparing different approaches to resolving heterogeneity in distributed databases [MacKinnon - 2].
· First prototype distributed architecture for cross-species anatomy databases (bioinformatics), including a basic rule-based system for homology mappings between anatomy databases [Burger -].
(c) Database functionality - work on deductive object-oriented, active & spatial databases has led to:
· First implementation of the ROSE algebra spatial library and its integration to produce the first spatial DOOD [Williams - 4].
· First techniques for active rule analysis and optimisation in a DOOD [Williams - 2] based on a theoretical model combining active and deductive databases in a single model [Williams - 1].
(d) Database theory - Research on database theory relating to incomplete information and to aggregate queries has produced the following achievements:
· Logical foundation for knowledge bases in which queries and rules with incomplete information are given a clear semantics using a description logic with an epistemic operator [Nutt - 2].
· First systematic approach to devise algorithms that find rewritings for aggregate queries using aggregate or non-aggregate views.
· First set of necessary and sufficient conditions for the equivalence of SQL-aggregate queries without nesting [Nutt - PODS'98 214-223]. This led to a characterization of when and which rewritings exist for an aggregate query, given a set of views [Nutt - PODS'99 155-166].
· First semantics and algorithms for queries over semi-structured data that allow answers to be incomplete. [Nutt - PODS'99 227-236].
(e) Medical information systems - research in healthcare information networks has resulted in:
· SHOW (Scottish Health On the Web), developed by the DIKBS group has been taken over by the NHS in Scotland who have adopted it as part of their IT strategy for Scotland. In terms of accesses it ranks with the top 10 government sites with over 5 million hits/month [Marwick - 4].
(f) Personalised information systems - research has focused on personalised information presentation and natural language explanation of medical record data. Results include:
· Development of a successful explanation system for assisting patients in understanding their medical records. [Cawsey - 1,2]
(g) Intelligent Systems - research has focused on pioneering the development of a design methodology and approaches to modelling that integrate qualitative and quantitative simulation techniques for model based systems for industrial fault diagnosis, control and training. Results include
· Unique systems modelling methodology based on an explicit set of model properties, including precision, accuracy, resolution and uncertainty. [Leitch - 4].
· Pioneering of a methodological approach to systems specification for model based systems, including the above model properties. [Leitch - 1].
· First reported use of qualitative simulations as the model inside model reference adaptive control systems. [Leitch - 3].
· Design of automated handling system for hospital disinfecting machines (Pat. pending - Zalzala).
· Development of a more efficient signal identification algorithm using evolutionary neural nets for muscle task recognition [Zalzala].
(h) Multimedia/Web applications - research on intelligent training/learning systems has led to:
· Principled approach to developing model based intelligent training systems for industrial operators based on multiple models of the physical process.
· Framework to create learning environments to support interactive learning.
(i) Distributed Interactive Simulation - research has focused on Advanced Distributed Simulations (ADS) based on HLA (High Level Architecture). Achievements include:
· New data distribution algorithm for dynamic synthetic natural environments that reduces network bottlenecks for new real-time HLA developments [Burger - to appear].
· Abstract framework for Advanced Distributed Simulations, which reduces development effort required for ADS by studying traffic patterns. [Burger - 2].
(j) Information Systems Strategy - achievements include:
· The first information systems strategic model to support specification, design and implementation of enterprise level information systems [MacKinnon - 3].

Foundations and Formally Motivated Systems (Prof Kamareddine, Prof Pooley, Dr Butz, Dr Davis, Dr Ireland, Dr King, Dr Michaelson, Dr Trinder, Dr Richardson, Dr Wells, 2 RAs and 5 Research Students)
The Foundations and Formally Motivated Systems group (FFMS) was established in 1998/9, based on existing activities and the appointments of Profs. Kamareddine and Pooley, to investigate the construction of robust, efficient and predictable systems. Since six of the ten academics joined the Department between 1998 and 2000, this group is still very new. Nevertheless it contains internationally and nationally leading researchers in foundations, technologies and applications, united by a belief in the importance of rigorous design, implementation and verification techniques. The group conducts research on two principal research themes: Dependable Systems and Useful Logics, Types, Rewriting and Applications (ULTRA).

The group is led by Profs. Kamareddine and Pooley and has a growing portfolio of activity. Despite the short time it has been operational, the group has obtained funding for 9 EPSRC and 2 British Council research projects, with an expenditure of £667K in the period. In addition Prof. Kamareddine holds grants on an individual basis from the Dutch research council NWO, the Royal Society, the British Council and NATO. Most of this research has involved collaboration with other groups, including 9 industrial/commercial organizations (5 UK, 4 overseas - such as ICL, BT, Scottsh Widows, etc.) and 26 universities (3 UK). Members of the group have published 161 publications during the period, including 40 journal articles, 87 papers in proceedings of refereed international/national conferences and 3 books. The research has led to the award of 5 PhD degrees and 1 MPhil degree. In addition, the group has attracted 6 short-term visiting fellows from different countries funded by EPSRC and the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre TRACS scheme and a visiting fellow funded by the Austrian Academy of Science.
In addition to the grants held at Heriot-Watt, staff are also named co-investigators on a number of research grants held by other universities. In particular, close links are maintained with Edinburgh University. Both Dr Ireland and Dr Richardson are named co-investigators on Prof Bundy's EPSRC rolling grant (£914K) while Prof Pooley is a named co-investigator on two EPSRC and one ESRC (PACCIT) grants there. Dr Wells has continued his association with the Church Project (primarily in the USA) and in particular with Boston where he is co-directing 2 National Science Foundation grants totalling $1.2M and a Sun Microsystems equipment grant for $68K. Prof. Kamareddine obtained EU Synergos funding for the EEF of which £32K has come to Heriot-Watt to run 2 international schools.
During the period Prof Kamareddine initiated and led the UK Institute of Informatics (UKII), which includes leading UK universities. The UKII is partner with BRICS (Denmark), IPA (Netherlands), IPII (Italy), TUCS (Finland), Germany and France as members of the European Educational Forum (EEF).
Current activities and research achievements during the period include:
(a) Logics : Current research is focused on the correspondence between proofs and logic on one side and the lambda calculus and type theory on the other side. This correspondence is known variously under the names Proofs-as-Terms, Propositions-as-Types, and the de Bruijn-Curry-Howard isomorphism. Achievements include:
· Revival and modernization of the _orders_ of Russell, system RTT of Russell, Whitehead's Principia Mathematica, and Kripke's hierarchy of truth. Development of a formalism that, unlike modern type theory, can fully represent notions of abstractions and functions of Frege and Russell [Kamareddine - IGPL '96].
· General method for obtaining a calculus with computational meaning from any system of logical deduction and its proof of cut elimination without altering the system. [Wells - to appear MSCS].
· The surprising result that all cohomology theories arising in geometric practice can be represented as sheaf cohomology of topological spaces has been proved. This includes etale cohomology and cyclic cohomology. [Butz - 1]
· Working on the relationship between topology and logic, it has been shown that topological completeness can be achieved for higher-order theories with remarkably simple proofs. [Butz - 3]
(b) Type theory: Achievements include:
· Development of an experimental compiler for standard ML using Wells' lambda-CIL calculus and type/flow-directed program transformations designed by Wells. This is a new approach to program transformation that supports program optimizations not possible before. [Wells -4].
· Topological completeness for various higher-order type theories using generalized Henkin models [Butz - 3].
· Development of novel technology of expansion variables to find principal typings and obtain type inference algorithms for systems of intersection types [Wells - 3].
· Proof of undecidability of type checking and typability in the implicitly typed version of system F of Girard and Reynolds ("second order lambda calculus’’) and related systems such as F extended with subtyping. This settled a question that was open for over 23 years (called an "embarrassing open problem" by Milner and others). [Wells - 1]
· Development of new syntax for lambda calculus which enables detection of new notions of reduction, resulting in a simplification of type theory without loss of important properties such as termination and safety. This leads to many useful extensions of type theory, which can elegantly describe languages of programming and theorem proving. In addition rewriting of type theory can accommodate useful computation constructs such as definitions, let expressions, parameters, preserving correctness and other important properties of computation [Kamareddine - 2].
(c) Rewriting: Particularly noteworthy are the following achievements:
· Development of m-calculus which aids in reasoning about modules and linking in prog. languages and supports more flexible and powerful ways of building programs[Wells - ESOP '00 pp 412-428]
· Development of new methods for automating proofs of termination of recursive functions (compared with previous methods which have been semi-automated). [Kamareddine - PPDP '99].
· New lambda-se style of explicit substitution that competes with and complements the French lambda-sigma style, reducing higher-order unification to first-order, automatically proving termination of functions, and many useful extensions of pure type systems with rewriting that represent computation correctly and more elegantly [Kamareddine - 3].
(d) Functional Programming: Research on environments, tools and methodologies for parallel and distributed programming using both strict and non-strict languages has resulted in:
· Implementation of the Glasgow parallel Haskell system (GpH), one of the few robust, multi-platform and publicly-available parallel functional languages. This work was started at Glasgow University and continued at Heriot-Watt [Trinder - 1].
· Development of new parallel functional programming constructs and associated profiling tools for dynamic and extensible parallel co-ordination [Trinder - 2].
· Implementation of a high-level and dynamic distributed functional language, Glasgow distributed Haskell (GdH), that builds on GpH.
· Parallelising compiler for SML that exploits for the first time automatic synthesis of sites of potential parallelism and the arbitrary nesting of static parallel constructs [Michaelson - 3].
· Type explanation system that mimics the behaviour of human experts and innovative approaches to presenting polymorphic types include a dynamic 2D graphical visualisation [Michaelson - 2]
(e) Automated reasoning and formal verification: Current research is on the application of proof planning to the verification and synthesis of software and hardware. Achievements include:
· Significant advances in automating proof discovery steps within inductive reasoning, including techniques for automating conjecture generalization [Ireland - 3,4] and lemma discovery [Ireland - 1]. Interactive versions of these techniques have been implemented and evaluated [Ireland - 2].
· Demonstration of the value of proof planning for strategy development, especially invariant discovery and strategy reuse [Ireland - AnnMathAI 29, 65-97].
· A significant advance in combining proof planning with conventional AI non-linear planning in the area of imperative program synthesis [Ireland - IEEE ASE '99, 44-51].
· New techniques that achieved first formal synthesis of LambdaProlog programs [Richardson - 3].
· A new higher-order fold/unfold technique for logic program transformation [Richardson - 4].
· New adversarial planning technique developed and applied to playing the game Go[Richardson-1]
Performance modelling: work in future communications networks and optoelectronic network based computing, and in integration of performance modelling with software design methods has led to:
· Establishment of feasibility of direct generation of performance models from object oriented. This has been taken up by several groups world wide. [Pooley - 3,4].
· Parallelisation of MVA algorithm leading to significant speed-up in evaluation of BCMP networks [King - 1].
3. Environment
The department is housed in a new building, purpose-built in 1992, and is well equipped with more than 160 workstations and 160 PCs, a Beowulf parallel architecture, and a range of specialist equipment connected in a distributed environment. The Department has substantial technical support and expertise to support the wide range of software and hardware systems involved.
Research activity is fostered and overseen by the departmental research committee, and includes representation from each research group. A structured PhD programme is in place with clearly defined annual milestones. The committee has responsibility for monitoring admissions of research students, allocation of research studentships, and formal assessment of their progress at regular intervals. It is also responsible for the allocation of pump-priming funds and travel expenditure not covered by external funding. Another major responsibility is information dissemination - both external (production of research brochure and other printed material for external use, web presentations, etc.) and internal (information about research opportunities, seminars for new staff on research grant acquisition, etc.). Departmental research seminars (principally by outside speakers) are organised weekly on topics of broad interest, whereas more specific seminars are organised by each group.
Members of the research committee provide input to the departmental strategy through the departmental and academic planning committees, including advice on current and future directions of research activity, and priorities for recruitment of new staff to complement existing strengths or develop new ones. The research progress of probationary staff is monitored through the university staff mentor scheme, where a senior academic is responsible for the academic development of the mentee.
Members of staff are encouraged to work with the existing groups although the directions of the groups are constantly adapting as new research opportunities arise and initiatives are generated from personal interests and from the intra- and inter-group dynamics.

4. Staffing Policy
Whereas one staff member left in the assessment period, Computer Science has been strengthened by the appointment of 8 new academic staff - 3 lecturers, 2 senior lecturers, 2 professors and a research fellow, all with proven research records.

5. Self Assessment

We have focussed our effort on building up two strong research groups and achieving a clearly established reputation for quality research. Compared to the 1996 RAE we have had a significant increase in the set of key achievements in this period. This is reflected in an increase in both the quality and quantity of our publications (nearly double the number of journal papers and treble the conference papers). We have also been considerably more active in a range of external activities as can be seen in RA6. Our research income has increased from £1.6M to £2.6M although most of the 8 new appointments are only just starting to apply for research funding and the fruits of this are just beginning to appear (RA5c). We would expect a large rise in annual research income in the next two years. Similarly, the number of PhD students has risen although the effects of new staff appointments should produce further increases. In keeping with University and Research Council policy we have been actively engaged in collaborative research as evidenced in the large number of current international collaborations.

University of Dundee_25 4 [15A]

The 1996 RAE was submitted by the Computer Studies Division of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. This became the Department of Applied Computing in 1997, which improved the resources and management of the group, and contributed to the increased quality and activity of the research, and the implementation of the plans outlined in the 1996 exercise. The Department contains one of the largest and most influential academic groups in the world researching computer and communication systems for people with disabilities, and has strong international and national reputations in other aspects of human computer interaction research {Gregor 1}. There has been substantial expansion of our Healthcare Computing research in collaboration with the Medical and Dental schools, and newly appointed junior staff have provided an extra breadth to our work without compromising the general focus of our activities. Parkes was appointed in 1995 to broaden our research base, and enhance our expertise in software engineering, which has resulted in a very active research group in Space Systems. Newell’s suggestion that the next Foresight exercise should bring together the concerns about ageing in the Health sector with the potentials in the IT and other engineering sectors bore fruit when the Ageing Thematic Panel was announced and Newell appointed a member. This, and other platforms, enabled Newell to help set an agenda for the UK in the area of technological support for older people and people with disabilities. Dundee University responded to these trends with plans to substantially expand the Department’s research by the creation of the Queen Mother Centenary Research Centre for Information Technology to support older people (QMCRC).

The Department has an engineering focus and is staffed by a unique blend of disciplines including theoretically and practically based computer scientists, electronic engineers, psychologists, speech and language therapists, a special education teacher, a nurse, and staff who have had interdisciplinary career structures. The Department is committed to the principles of Usability Engineering, concentrating on developing academic and practical insights, and producing software that can be commercialised. The inter-disciplinary nature of the research, and the significant focus on disability and medical issues, means that much of our output could be appropriately assessed by the Professions Allied to Medicine panel.

There are six major research groups in the Department, and new staff are initially allocated to one of these research groups. Details of the six groups are:

Interactive Communication Systems for Disabled People

This, the largest research group in the Department, collaborates closely with the Healthcare Computing, and Telecommunications groups. A major focus is the use of computer technology and speech synthesisers to provide communication systems for non-speaking people, a significant clinical, and very challenging technical, problem.

Newell, Arnott and Alm’s research in the 1980’s set a vision for research in this field, which has been implemented with significant success in Dundee, and is bridging the gap between natural language theories and this application area {Newell 3}. This includes Alm’s {3,2} ground breaking research into conversation level prediction, and Waller’s {1,2,3,4} work on story telling for non-speaking children and older adults with aphasia, both of which involved software development and evaluation of efficacy via longitudinal studies.See also Peiris {4}. Waller is developing specialised word processing and translation packages for Blissymbolics, (a graphics language for non-speaking people), and Alm {1} is investigating the use of virtual reality systems for people with disabilities. Murray {1,2,3} and Arnott were the first researchers to investigate the addition of emotion in speech synthesis and Murray is expanding this research into affective computing including kansei computing, and the more general aspects of computational emotion. Glasbey {1,2,3,4}, who has published in the areas of theoretical linguistics and natural language processing, has brought her expertise into this group, particularly the applications of discourse structure, narrative structure and text summarisation. This follows from the work of Hickey into the application of natural language techniques into this field. Glasbey will also be investigating the links between this research and second language teaching and learning for adults. She plans to develop a theoretical model of augmentative and alternative communication, based on Halliday's systemic functional linguistics. An EPSRC Fast Stream grant was awarded for this work. She will also continue her work on the semantics of tense and aspect and their contribution to the temporal structure of narrative discourse, and on the semantics of bare plurals in English and German.

Research from this group has led to a number of commercially available products, including: Talk:About (Don Johnston Inc USA) Waller {1}, and Talk Boards (Mayer Johnson Inc USA) Alm {2}, and ScripTalker (Kompagne BV (Netherlands) IGEL GmbH (Germany)) Murray {4}. Alm’s {4} research initiative with Japanese researchers is leading to the commercialisation of a Japanese/English communication system, with Access International of Japan. A further example of "technology transfer" was the award to Newell and Gregor {4} from JISC of £390K to provide an advisory service to the HE community for advice in using technology to support staff and students with disabilities, which has included the development of a novel method for auditing the accessibility of web sites.

Ricketts and Gregor are responsible for the group's successful research into the development of predictive word processors and their use with children and adults with writing dysfunctions and dyslexia. They have developed Predictability, a Markov-model based language independent system marketed by Inclusive Technology, UK. Gregor {2} has investigated how visual aspects of text can be optimised for dyslexic people. He has made available a package (SeeWord) which allows easy customisation of the visual output characteristics of word processors, and has shown the value of such techniques.

Reed {1,2,3,4} was recruited to strengthen the Department’s research expertise in Artificial Intelligence. His focus concerns computational applications of argumentation theory, particularly in extending non-classical logics for structuring inter-agent interaction and in developing hierarchical non-linear planning techniques for generating persuasive text. He is examining the use of these techniques on the logical structures of visual information within data retrieval, and multi-agent interaction.This research provides a valuable theoretic underpinning to the applied research in the Department concerning communication systems for people with disabilities, and computer based interviewing.

Computer Based Interviewing and Knowledge Elicitation

Alm and Gregor formed one of the first interdisciplinary groups in the world to examine generic issues arising from computer-based interviewing, and have used models of the structures of human interviews to develop general purpose software to conduct computer-based and computer-facilitated interviews. This has been evaluated widely, including for clinical use in a secure mental hospital. A commercial product based on this generic research (ChatterBox – Intelligent Interaction) is now widely used in schools and an interview package for substance abuse, Lisa, was developed under Alm’s direction, and has been commercialised by Appleby Solutions. Peiris {1,2} joined the group and has collaborated with a range of practitioners in the local area, researching into more flexible models of computer interviewing within the application domains of bullying and sexual abuse, and alcohol counselling. This research is also leading to new insights concerning human computer interaction, computer-mediated communication and gender issues in interface design Peiris {3}. The group have also worked closely with General Practitioners producing software to support the prescribing and management of drugs.

Future research will examine other applications of these techniques including requirements gathering for software systems, and will be developing new algorithms and interfaces to enhance the capabilities of this technology. Peiris, Gregor and Alm have secured EPSRC funding to progress this research.

Telecommunications and Computer Based Learning

Arnott {4} and his research team have a key role in European research into how needs of older people and people with disabilities can be met by telecommunications networks and services, including broadband and mobile communication. The group have developed special services relating to inter-personal communication, remote education and independent living, and have demonstrated the advantages of novel graphical forms of communication as an enhancement to live video. This activity has been supported by research in multimedia services and HCI, and is linked with our more recent research into the use of video and other support services for students with and without disabilities. Arnott {1,2} works closely with the interactive communications systems group, and with Alm has been researching into the use of discourse and dialogue models within communication aids. Their research into script-based systems has been commercialised as ScriptTalker (Kompagne BV - the Netherlands, and IGEL GmbH – Germany). Arnott’s research on text prediction and character disambiguation in the early 90’s provided some of the under-pinning research for current predictive keyboard entry software used in mobile telephones. Arnott and Alm’s {1} research into how information visualisation can be applied in human interfaces to create new metaphors for people with disabilities will provide a further focus for expansion.

Rowe {1,2,3} continues his productive research into computer-based learning, particularly in the area of the teaching and assessment of computer programming. He has developed packages allowing the visualisation of program function, and is currently extending work on the automated assessment of students’ programming work. His three textbooks, which have been adopted as course texts by universities around the world, are based on his research in the area of programming, and expound his belief that programming should be taught as a hands-on subject. In collaboration with the newly developed University Bioinformatics Unit and the Scottish Crop Research Institute, Rowe {4} is researching into the analysis of genetic data using visualisation techniques to aid in the discovery of features of genetic sequences, and the analysis of cell growth.

Space Systems Research Group

Following Parkes appointment in 1995, Dundee is now recognised as one of the foremost European academic institutions researching electronic processing systems for satellites. With a long track record of satellite electronic research in both academia and the space industry, Parkes {2,3}, is now leading the international work on the SpaceWire ECSS and IEEE standard {Parkes 1}. SpaceWire is a high-speed, data-handling network connecting together sensors, processors, and data storage systems on-board a satellite. Both ESA and NASA are using SpaceWire for several future space missions, including the international space station. Hardware and software developed for SpaceWire was commercialised in 2000 by 4Links (UK). It is being used by several major international research groups including RAL, ESA, NASA, JPL and CERN, and royalties already exceed £25k. Another major research activity of the group is planet surface simulation in support of the ESA Bepi-Colombo mission to Mercury due for launch in 2009. A vision-guided lander is being studied for this mission. The planet surface simulation research will be used to help develop and validate various vision guidance techniques. Other research activities include: on-board processing - the evaluation of advanced processor architectures for space applications; and data compression - high-speed block adaptive quantisation for compression of raw synthetic aperture radar data {Parkes 4}. Parkes' group includes three RAs/PhDs and one FTE PhD, plus a vacant lectureship which has been allocated to this group. In addition, a recent proof of concept funding from Scottish Enterprise "Advanced concepts for systems on chip" aimed at commercialisation of research on novel chip architectures will increase the group by a teaching assistant (to enable Parkes to concentrate on this important new area of research) and two further RAs. Parkes is also Director of the Dundee Satellite Receiving Station. Funded by NERC this station collects and archives data from the Meteosat, NOAA, SeaStar and Terra satellites providing a valuable research service to UK environmental scientists. The 1998-2003 contract for the station, with a value of £1.38 Million, has been submitted under the General Engineering RAE category.

Multi-Modal and Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary HCI

Underlying much of our research is the belief that the human computer interaction techniques developed for older people and people with disabilities are more widely applicable and will result in systems which will ultimately be better for everybody. Newell {1} developed the philosophy of "ordinary and extra-ordinary human-machine interaction", which was based on the parallels between an "ordinary" person (i.e. without disabilities) performing an extra-ordinary task and an "extra-ordinary" person (i.e. with disabilities) performing an ordinary task, and, together with Ricketts and industrial collaborators, provided instantiations to prove these ideas. Ricketts, with industrial partners, developed sign language recognition and printing systems. McKenna {3,4}, with a significant reputation in machine vision used for tracking and recognition of faces and human actions, joined the group and recently published the successful research book "Dynamic Vision: from Images to Face Recognition". He and Ricketts {2} are building on this work and their expertise in computer vision to develop a head-up virtual dashboard, with controls operated by finger pointing, in a Foresight Vehicle EPSRC/Link collaboration with Daewoo, Vision Dynamics and the University of Derby.

McKenna {1,2} and Ricketts are investigating gestural based interfaces for disabled people, and the use of vision systems in the monitoring and support of older people, including the very important area of detection and analysis of people falling, as well as other surveillance applications. Newell, Ricketts and Gregor are collaborating with NCR to improve the accessiblity of their autotellers for older people and people with disabilities. This collaboration will expand substantially as part of the QMCRC. Newell {2} and Gregor {3} have been researching into new approaches to HCI and usability engineering, and will be developing further their novel concept of User Sensitive Inclusive Design. This methodology investigates the "design for all" paradigm, but takes into account the particular problems associated with users' groups which include people with disabilities, and thus have a much wider range of functionality than is normally considered within the user centred design paradigm. This research will have significant commercial implications because of demographic trends leading to an ageing population and recent legislation on the rights of disabled people.

Healthcare Computing

Ricketts has been working with medical colleagues, both within and outwith Dundee, for over 15 years developing a range of clinical support systems for doctors and dentists, together with advisory systems for their patients. Ricketts {1,4} leads a research group who are advancing the frontiers in a range of clinical decision support systems, including the treatment of asthma in general medical practice, and the extraction of molars in general dental practice, the application of 3D ultrasound to the detection of breast tumours and the reduction of needle phobia in young dental patients.

The team has also applied computer vision to bone age assessment and to the automated inspection of mammograms. They have taken part in major studies of child growth, the clinical management of cystic fibrosis, and the linkage between asthma and poor growth. Ricketts and McKenna have identified novel approaches to automating the visual inspection of cervical smears and are currently investigating the use of 3D ultrasound to detect tumours in breast tissue and applying image processing to reliably detect the early onset of osteoporosis. In collaboration with the Interactive Communication Systems Group, and colleagues in Intensive Care and Speech and Language Therapy, Ricketts {3}, Alm and Waller are developing the first computer-based communication device specifically designed for use by intubated patients within intensive care units.

Graph Theory

has produced a number of new results on harmonious colourings and achromatic number of graphs, using combinatorial and probabilistic methods. Edwards {1,2,3,4} has proved a long-standing conjecture that achromatic number is NP-complete for trees, thus resolving a 15-year-old problem; an asymptotically tight determination of the harmonious chromatic number and the achromatic number for bounded degree graphs; and a new upper bound for the harmonious chromatic number for general graphs; a disproof of a 10-year-old conjecture. Edwards (with a colleague from Monash University) has introduced a new concept of the fragmentability of a graph, a measure of how easy it is to break it up into small pieces, and obtained a number of significant results. Edwards’ research into various colouring problems in graphs, bounded tree width and fragmentability will continue, in collaboration with external researchers. He will also continue to provide advice and assistance on theoretical concepts to other research groups in the Department.

University of St Andrews_25 5 [13A]

The School of Computer Science at St Andrews comprises two research groups of clear international repute:
• Software Architecture, led by Ron Morrison and Al Dearle
• Symbolic Computation, led by Ursula Martin
Since 1996 our research has grown in breadth, quality and impact, with major achievements in both areas and significant involvement in international and industrial collaboration. Our 9 academic staff have grown to 12, all research active, and retirals and resignations have allowed us to evolve our 1996 research groupings and plans, and focus on two key research areas of long term significance, with the appointment of 4 new staff, Dearle, Duncan, Gent and Kirby. Our announced research grant income over the period is about £2.7 million, including research grants from EC, EPSRC, SHEFC and industry: our research software is distributed to over 1000 user sites. We have employed 24 externally funded research staff in total and graduated 15 PhDs. By contrast in the 1996 RAE period announced grant income was £1.4 million, and we awarded 8 PhDs.

We maintain our strategic direction through targeting of new appointments, and through combining continuing development of our core research strengths with the freedom to go after novel areas as they emerge. Each group includes a mix of skills which come together as appropriate on specific projects, and both groups leverage their strengths with formal long term funded collaborations with UK and international sites. Our group leaders collaborate on setting and reviewing of each other's research objectives, and the two groups have collaborated, for example on distributed systems research funded by EPSRC JREI. Both groups generate a lively atmosphere through seminars and programs of exchange visits with our national and international academic and industry partners. We maintain active involvement in high level strategic matters within EC and EPSRC, and are supported by a University policy of engagement with Foresight, OST and Scottish Enterprise.

All academic staff benefit from an internal research leave programme, internal travel funds and internal allocation of externally funded studentships to meet strategic objectives. New academic staff join one of our research groups, and are supported with a reduced teaching load, internal starter grants for travel and equipment, and mentoring by a senior colleague with guidance in matters such as grant writing. We recognise the vital role of research students in creating new advances: they are inducted into one or other research group, closely overseen throughout their academic careers and undergo School and University training programmes. They enjoy excellent facilities, including annual travel grants to present papers at international meetings, and the small size of the School enables a high degree of informal interaction with staff and collaborators. In the past 8 years no EPSRC student has incurred a time penalty. Both research groups involve undergraduates in research through seminars and summer placements, and several research students have been recruited this way.

Achievements of research groups: Software Architecture Group
This group consists of 2 professors (Dearle, Morrison), 1 senior lecturer (Allison), and 4 lecturers (Duncan, Hammond, Kirby & Livesey). Over the RAE period it was supported by around £1.7 million in announced grant income from EPSRC, EC, SHEFC, UKERNA, industry and other sources. This sum includes 4 competitive research grants totalling £470,123 awarded by SHEFC, who confirm they are not reportable in RA4. We employed 15 Research Assistants and saw 5 PhDs awarded, with a further 8 in process, and maintained substantial international and industrial links. Allison, Dearle, Kirby and Duncan have all been appointed to the academic staff since 1996 to build on our international reputation in the practical and theoretical aspects of persistent and distributed systems, and programming languages and operating systems. Over the time period we have initiated and developed substantial research activities in:
• compliant software architectures
• distributed information management
• reflective and language technologies
Compliant software architectures Dearle, Duncan, Kirby & Morrison continued their internationally renowned research into understanding the nature of systems that are potentially long-lived, concurrently accessed and comprise large bodies of data and programs.
· Since 1996 our focus has turned to designing software architectures that are tailored to meet the needs of the applications that use them. With conventional architectures this is done by predicting the average needs of the majority of the applications they support. In contrast, we have defined a compliant software architecture as one that will adapt to the observed needs of applications. As the application evolves, its requirements change and the supporting software components, if compliant, change accordingly to meet them. The degree of compliance can be measured by the goodness of fit of the supporting architecture to the evolved system. The key scientific advance is the separation of mechanism and policy in all components of the software architecture.
· Using this approach, Dearle has developed a persistent operating system, Grasshopper [Dearle-1], and from that a policy-free exo-kernel, Charm [Dearle-4]. Kirby & Morrison have concentrated on the structuring and binding of compliant systems, and invented a compose/decompose operation over active computational elements under a set of well defined rules [Morrison-4]. Kirby & Morrison, with Warboys (Manchester), proposed a generic architecture for compliance and in an instantiation [Morrison-3] showed how the architecture operates in a manner compliant to a target application. They demonstrated that compliant architectures reduce complexity, with corresponding gains in flexibility, portability and understandability. Dearle & Morrison [Dearle-2] have developed persistent object stores in conjunction with an analytical modelling technique to predict performance, and Duncan has been hired for her expertise in run-time analysis of complex systems, especially test case development [Duncan-1] and fault analysis [Duncan-2] to provide measurement evaluation techniques for compliant systems.
Distributed information management Allison, Livesey and Morrison have focused on the core synchronisation problems encountered in all distributed systems, and have developed and deployed a series of increasingly sophisticated collaborative multi-user application environments to exercise their technology. Research on distributed learning environments (DLEs) has concentrated on the complex technical aspects of providing scalability and resilience. The underlying systems architecture addresses a wide range of issues including QoS, resource management, secure interoperability, generic models for DLEs and the use of Replicated Resource Architectures (RRA) for high performance network service.
· Allison and Livesey constructed and deployed collaborative distributed multimedia learning spaces in a diverse set of contexts throughout the Scottish higher education sector [Allison-1]. This has provided an invaluable source of systems performance information that has informed the development of an holistic model of QoS that includes the end-users of end-systems as well as more conventional networking issues [Allison-4]. Recent work with Huseman (IBM Research, Zurich), has included the design and implementation of a framework for the use of smart cards and Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) to support secure and customisable filtering of Internet content to mobile personal information appliances. [Allison-2] describes real time distributed groupware with functionality that has not yet been matched in any other project, commercial or otherwise.
· The collaboration of Morrison with Hudson (Intel), Moss (Massachusetts) and Munro (Adelaide), has resulted in the definition of a family of new garbage collection techniques [Morrison-1] generically called PMOS (Persistent Mature Object Space) collectors, and DMOS (Distributed Mature Object Space). PMOS provides incrementality in a persistent context, while limiting I/O overhead. DMOS builds upon PMOS to obtain a unique combination of desirable properties for a distributed collector that avoids global tracing; specifically, DMOS is safe, complete, non-disruptive, incremental, local, independent, decentralised, and asynchronous and thus has the prerequisites for scalability.
Reflective and language technologies Dearle, Kirby & Morrison have pioneered the programming technique of structural (linguistic) reflection in both applications and languages. Our motivation for structural reflection comes from the need for two advanced programming capabilities. The first is the ability to implement highly abstract (generic) specifications, using a meta-level description of types, within a strongly typed programming language. The second is the ability to accommodate some of the continual changes (evolution) in data-intensive applications without resorting to highly interpretative approaches or ad hoc restructuring methods.
· Our major advances in structural reflection have been in developing techniques for the evolution of commercial applications [Kirby-1], the provision of variadic genericity in statically typed systems [Kirby-3] and a landmark paper on a methodology for implementing structural reflection in Java using the Java core reflection facilities, class loaders and a callable compiler [Kirby-2]. Industrially Kirby and Morrison developed a reflective browser in Java as part of research supported by a grant from Sun Microsystems. They are currently developing techniques for porting large scale applications to distributed multi-computers using structural reflection in conjunction with Data Connection Ltd who have funded a CASE studentship (Sage) and contributed towards the cost of our 64-node Beowulf system.

· Building on our leading research on integrated persistent environments and structural reflection Dearle, Kirby and Morrison developed a new programming paradigm whereby source programs may include direct links to values that already exist in the persistent environment. By analogy with hyper-text, we have called this technique hyper-programming [Morrison-2]. A number of hyper-programming systems have been developed by ourselves and our collaborators who include Farkas (Vision Systems, Australia Ltd), McGettrick (Agilent) and Connor (Strathclyde). Kirby, Morrison and Zirintsis developed hyper-code [Kirby-4] which presents the user with one representation of a program throughout its life cycle: it reintroduces the simplicity of symbolic interpretation of programs while retaining the efficiency of compiled statically typed systems. Hyper-code is used in our work on compliance.
· Hammond has had a key role in the international Haskell language effort: his fundamental personal contribution is methods of accurate cost measurement and analysis for parallel and distributed functionally-based systems, using new constructs called evaluation strategies [Hammond-2], which allow the clean separation of parallel behaviour from algorithm specification. This has been applied to several very large parallel Haskell programs for distributed memory machines in collaboration with Peyton Jones (Microsoft), King (Motorola) and Morgan (3F Ltd) and others [Hammond-3]. It makes essential use of Haskell's highly novel type class mechanism for structured introduction of ad-hoc polymorphism [Hammond-1], and is being extended to provide language features which take account of performance [Hammond-4].

Achievements of research groups: Symbolic Computation Group
This group consists of 1 professor (Martin), 1 senior lecturer (Linton), and 3 lecturers (Dyckhoff, Gent, Weir). Over the RAE period we were supported by around £1 million in announced grant income from EPSRC, EPSRC ROPA, EC, industry and other sources. We employed 9 Research Assistants, and saw 10 PhDs awarded, with a further 7 in process, and maintained substantial international and industrial links. Gent and Escardo (1999-2000) were appointed in 1999 to broaden our base in symbolic and numeric computation respectively: Dunstan, an employee of NAG Ltd, is an honorary lecturer based in the School. During the time period we built on our international reputation in the practical and theoretical aspects of computational logic and symbolic computation to develop substantial new research activities in
• computational logic, formal methods and symbolic computation
• empirical methods in constraints and search
• theory and foundations.
Computational logic, formal methods and symbolic computation: Martin, Linton & Dunstan The unique and novel thrust of St Andrews' work since 1996 has been the application of formal methods and computational logic to scientific and mathematical computation. This has been exploited in widely used commercial systems such as Maple (WMI, Canada, 1 million users) and the NAG library (NAG Ltd, Oxford, 0.5million users). Our own open source research system GAP (1000 user sites) provides a unique testbed for research and experiment.
· Currently Martin, Linton & Dunstan are focussing on math challenges in high assurance applications with collaborators at SRI International, WMI and NAG Ltd, who funded 2 person years of this work. Our key advance is providing formal methods support to increase the dependability and scope of computational mathematics. We assessed the needs of practitioners and identified abstractions for embedding computational logic in COTS environments, shielding the user from its complexities with automated search and specialist libraries. Examples include a novel verifiable symbolic look-up [Martin-3] and assertions to support mathematical modelling [Martin-2]. Our prototype Maple-PVS system augments Maple with calls to the computational logic engine PVS.
· Martin, Linton & Dunstan introduced light formal methods to extend Aldor, a NAG internal development language, with "smart comments" that serve as interface specifications for trusted components [Martin-2], and are used, for example, for method selection and compiler optimisation. Key to making this work in future applications is understanding of how to do infinite precision arithmetic reliably: this is the focus of work by Escardo [Escardo-1,2] whose groundbreaking PhD devised novel topological principles and methods. Martin & Linton (EPSRC ROPA grant) are now developing a novel hybrid implementation, using symbolic pre-processing to avoid time and space blow-ups.
· Our GAP system is the standard open source platform for research in computational discrete mathematics, like cryptography, graph theory, group theory and algebra, cited in over 200 research papers and used in around 1000 sites in 100 countries. As an indication of its scope it contains a complex database of all 50 billion groups of size up to 2000. Linton has headed the international GAP project since 1997, with interdisciplinary support from Robertson and others in St Andrews mathematics, extensive EPSRC, EC and other funding at St Andrews, and further funding from a variety of sources at international partner sites. Our key scientific contribution lies in an architecture and type system [Linton-4] for the next release which can be flexibly configured for the very large computations occurring in mathematical research.
· The power of GAP supports the effective implementation of a variety of sophisticated algorithms, for example Linton's [Linton-2] long-sought realisation of John Conway's ideas for constructing the "Monster group", whose size is a 54 digit number. It is an important test-bed for novel symbolic techniques, for example Martin & Linton [Linton-1] showed that computational logic methods provided greater expressive power and control of search, enabling new problems to be solved, and still came within an order of magnitude of the special purpose algorithms previously used. A recently awarded EPSRC MathFit grant (Gent, Linton & Martin) applies GAP to search and constraints.
Empirical methods in constraints and search: Gent, Linton and Weir. Since the last RAE we have been joined by Gent, and are extending our work in symbolic computation to the problems of constraints and search. Gent, and the extremely active 5-site UK APES group (algorithms, programs and empirical studies) he leads, are leading international pioneers of empirical AI, the increasingly important new methodology of using computer experimentation to obtain theoretical insights.
· Gent's major scientific contribution was identifying phase transitions – unexpectedly sharp transitions between one behaviour and another – in numerous computational problems such as satisfiability, constraint satisfaction, the travelling salesman problem, and number partitioning [Gent-1, 2]. This has improved our understanding of physical systems, and led to uniform methods for discovering heuristics for search, based on a formal definition of instance constrainedness [Gent-4]. Weir devised and exploited automatically generated subgoals, which restrict the search space in neural nets, and showed that goal direction greatly enhanced smooth optimisation and training [Weir-4]. Gent, Linton & Martin (with Smith, Leeds) have identified a key new link between symmetry, search and satisfiability.
Theory and foundations: Martin, Dyckhoff, Gent and Linton The theoretical work underlying search and symbolic computation explains the underlying structures, and helps develop effective computational techniques.
· Martin, Linton and Dyckhoff investigated orderings, the fundamental combinatorial structures underlying termination of programs and proofs. Over the past 30 years or so a wide variety of orderings has been constructed by ad hoc means. Martin's key scientific advance was to show [Martin-4] that all appropriate such orderings could be classified in a simple universal framework, and to establish [Martin-1] new links with the logical notion of order-type. These ideas are key to effective implementations of term-rewriting (eg in GAP and in Meseguer's Maude system at SRI (USA)): Linton [Linton-3] applied them to develop novel computational techniques for semigroups, now incorporated in GAP.
· Dyckhoff and Gent study proof search, which finds application in understanding the foundations of logic and functional programming. Dyckhoff's seminal 1992 contribution, which has received over 100 citations, was to discover new ways of expressing the rules of intuitionistic logic which were much easier to use in finding proofs automatically: he recently discovered [Dyckhoff-4] the fundamental cut-elimination result which explained why they work. With his student Pinto he has made similar advances in the construction of permutation-free proofs [Dyckhoff-1,2]. Gent used the NuPrl computational logic system to provide the first formal verification of a typed search algorithm [Gent-3].

University of Stirling_25 3b [9C]

Research Structure

The Department focuses on three key areas: Applied Formal Methods, Neural Computing and Telecommunications Service Engineering. It pursues research of relevance to industry, commerce and general quality of life. Cooperation with external organisations stimulates research by providing real problems, and allows research results to be validated on realistic applications.
Departmental research is under the overall direction of a Research Coordinator (Turner), supported by senior staff in a Research Subcommittee that promotes, oversees and supports research. The Research Coordinator has particular responsibility for helping newly appointed lecturers to develop their research potential, and for advising research students. Routine activities include internally reviewing and monitoring research publications and grant applications.
Each research group is led by a Professor. Most staff work in just one research group, but inter-group research is encouraged. Some staff contribute to more than one group in the Department, and there is interdisciplinary collaboration with other Departments. Individual research groups hold their own meetings and, in some cases, their own seminar series. Departmental seminars feature both external and internal speakers.

Research Management

Since the last RAE, the Department has actively worked to improve its research base. A new chair has been created, and five new lecturers have been appointed. Some of the new appointments have been possible due to Department growth, and others due to staff movement and retirement of research inactive staff. The profile of research has been re-focused, including the separation of telecommunications activities into a new group. The Department has sustained high quality research throughout these changes, but the new appointments and refocusing of research are now coming to fruition. The level of publications has risen compared to the last RAE.
The importance of research is reflected in staffing policy. Strategic senior appointments have been made to develop an area (Magill), while younger lecturers have been appointed to strengthen research groups (Graham, Hussain, Maharaj, Shankland and Kolberg (from Oct 2001)). A good track record in research is an essential requirement for all appointments. Research activity is an element of staff appraisal and evaluation for promotion. The Department applies the University's rules for sabbatical leave, which allows research-active staff to have six months research leave after every three years.
The Department receives industrial advice on research planning from an Industrial Advisory Board with external members representing a variety of IT organisations. The Board advises on opportunities for industrially-relevant research, and gives feedback on the industrial relevance of Department research. Further links with industry have been fostered through a Software Engineering Club run for Scottish Enterprise (Forth Valley), and through industrial collaborations.
The Research Coordinator maintains a register of funding opportunities: UK and European, academic and industrial. Staff obtain regular advice on matching their activities to research opportunities from the Research Coordinator and from the University's Research Office. Internal feedback is provided during drafting of research proposals. Faculty research funding is used to pump-prime new initiatives, particularly to help the development of young researchers. The Department underpins research through equipment and travel funding. Staff are financed to set up external collaborations and to present papers at conferences. The Department improves research productivity by buying in teaching assistance.
The Department supports some PhD students through its own funding. In addition to the Department's research training, research students have access to the University's Graduate Research School. This offers research training on matters such as IPR, patents, technology transfer, information retrieval and communication skills.
The Department's technical staff provide support for research, including development and maintenance of the computing infrastructure. Research is underpinned by effective computing and networking facilities.

Applied Formal Methods Research Group
° UK's largest focus for work on the internationally standardised LOTOS formal language
° significant international collaborations, from Austria to Korea
° significant national collaborations, with major Companies and Universities
° support of international standards in distributed systems and formal methods
° funding for work on hardware description won in competition with 60 UK Universities
° funding for work on testing radiotherapy equipment won in competition with 40 UK Universities

The Applied Formal Methods research group (Clark, Maharaj, Rattray, Shankland, Turner, research fellows Bryans (and formally Sinnott), research students Booth and Qian, (current) and (previous) Ji, and Reed) concentrates on the application of formal methods to systems engineering and the systems development process. This group was named Application of Formal Methods to Software Engineering in the 1996 RAE submission. The change of name reflects the wider spread of applications that the group has developed and the emphasis on practical techniques and tools. The group has many inter-related themes: communications and distributed systems, complex system design, LOTOS-based design and verification, protocol-inspired techniques for hardware description and verification, rigorous object-oriented analysis and design, software process modelling, and verification techniques. Within this broad topic area, sub-groups tackle particular themes although there are intentional overlaps and cross-fertilisation of ideas.
The research group runs its own seminars as well as participating in the main Department seminars. Long and short term research visitors have come from the Technical University of Budapest (Hungary), Henri Poincaré University (Nancy, France), New University of Lisbon (Portugal), Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), and Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain).
Communications (Clark, Shankland, Turner, Maharaj, Kosmas, Reed) continues to be an active research topic. Standardised formal methods, LOTOS (Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification, ISO 8807) and SDL (Specification and Description Language, ITU-T Z.100) are mainly used as they are of most interest to industry and have good tool support. Through collaboration with British Telecom in the SEMINAR project (Service Engineering Methods for Intelligent Network Architecture), research has been undertaken on methods of structuring communications services. Supporting tools generate the formal representation of services in an architecturally sound manner. Bus Protocols (in particular IEEE1394 (FireWire)), have been specified and analysed using E-LOTOS (Enhanced LOTOS),
mCRL and pGCL. The EXPRESS project involved collaboration with CWI (The Dutch National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science) on using mCRL to prove correctness of a FireWire bus protocol.
Distributed Systems (Turner, Sinnott) was the focus of a collaboration with British Telecom in the EPSRC-funded FORMOSA project (Formalisation of Open Systems Architecture). This work took place in the context of ODP (Open Distributed Processing, ISO 10026). Contributions were made to ISO on the systematisation and formalisation of the ODP architecture. In fact the Department provided the editor and major input for the ODP Architectural Semantics standard (ISO 10026-4, 10026-4.1). In another collaboration with British Telecom (Turner, Reed), the SQUIDS Project (Specification of Quality of Service in Distributed Systems) undertook the development of mechanisms for specifying and monitoring Quality of Service in a platform-independent manner. The research on network Quality of Service is an increasingly important issue for industry and for the end-user.
LOTOS has continued to provide inspiration for a variety of new applications. The LOTOS sub-group (Clark, Maharaj, Shankland, Turner, Bryans, Sinnott; Ji, Qian and Reed) is probably the largest working in the UK on this internationally recognised language. Contributions have been made to developing the new ISO standard for E-LOTOS. Collaborations with the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) and INRIA Rhîne-Alpes (Grenoble, France) have helped to develop E-LOTOS through a range of case studies. The European EASEL project (Evaluating And Standardising Enhanced LOTOS) has provided an international framework for assessing the technical capabilities of E-LOTOS, and for feeding improvements into the ISO standardisation process. The CONFORMED project (Conformance of Radiological/Medical Devices) was funded by the National Computing Centre for collaboration with the Western General Hospital (Edinburgh). LOTOS will be used on this project to specify and analyse the safety and testing of radiotherapy equipment (where high levels of integrity are essential). The LOTOS sub-group has also been developing applications in a number of new areas including bus protocols, hardware description, object-oriented analysis and design, Quality of Service, and telecommunications services. The Department maintains the LOTOS world-wide web pages called WELL (World-wide Environment for Learning LOTOS) for the international community.
New research was initiated on Hardware Description and Verification (Turner, Ji, contributions from Maharaj and Shankland). This novel departure reflects the practical bent of the group and its interest in systems rather than just software. The group has shown convincingly that languages and techniques developed for protocols can be successfully extended and exploited for hardware. Again the two main methods used in communications, LOTOS and SDL, have been applied. In the DILL project (Digital Logic in LOTOS), LOTOS and its variants have been used to analyse and solve a variety of design problems in constructing hardware. Most notable are the new component libraries, techniques and tools for rigorously deriving hardware tests (based on protocol conformance testing) and for analysing asynchronous circuits. As a relative newcomer to the hardware description field, LOTOS has shown its ability to make a distinctive contribution. The group's application of SDL to hardware description is also relatively unusual, and has given risen to novel techniques and tools. This work has been undertaken in a NATO-funded collaboration with the Technical University of Budapest (Hungary) on the ANISEED project (Analysis In SDL Enhancing Electronic Design).

Research on Rigorous Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (Clark, contributions from Turner) reflects the importance of OO methods, and the interest in sound, properly structured designs. Standardised formal methods (LOTOS and SDL) have been used. A comprehensive method called ROOA (Rigorous Object-Oriented Analysis) has been developed in conjunction with the New University of Lisbon. The method is relatively independent of the underlying formalism. To prove this, LOTOS-oriented and SDL-oriented versions of ROOA have been created. The research at Stirling sparked international interest from SERI (Software Engineering Research Institute, Taejon, Korea). Stirling was invited to deliver LOTOS training to SERI, and was awarded a research contract to develop mappings and tool support for translating UML to LOTOS. This supports SERI's software development activities, giving the benefits of a widely used OO method (UML) and an internationally standardised formal method (LOTOS).
The Verification sub-group (Maharaj, Shankland, Bryans) has applied verification, validation and proof techniques to a variety of application areas. Bus protocols, communications protocols and hardware description have already been mentioned. Research on proving program correctness has led to a new EPSRC project, collaborative with the University of Edinburgh, on Test Case Extraction from Correctness Proofs. The EPSRC-funded DIET project (Developing Implementation and Extending Theory - A Symbolic Approach to Reasoning about LOTOS) tackles the problem of model checking infinite state spaces by using a symbolic approach to data. The DIET project is collaborative with the University of Glasgow. Properties of models are expressed using the theory developed in the Nuffield-funded project Temporal Logic for Full LOTOS. The theory continues to be refined, and three prototype model checking implementations have been developed in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia). Case studies are used to validate these developments and inform new improvements. In separate work, the difficulty of manual and computer-supported proofs has been addressed. A new technique has been developed that provides a natural graphical formalism for creating and understanding certain classes of proof. Work is in hand to provide machine support for this.
Complex Systems (Rattray) need a firm theoretical base on which to develop practical approaches. New ways of thinking about design and the design process are being developed based on category theory, the theory of shape, and the notion of approximation. The results from this research have applications in software development, system engineering, architecture and mathematics. The broad nature of the work involves collaboration with the Catholic University of Brescia (Italy), the Institute of System Engineering (Linz, Austria) and the University of Picardie (Amiens, France).

Neural Computing Research Group
° Major European Centre on neuromorphic systems
° leading the UK EPSRC research network on Silicon and Neurobiology
° strong international links developed with the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland
° creating a spin-off company in hearing technology

The Neural Computing research group (Graham, Hussain, Smith, former research fellows Breslin and Sterratt, research students Mtetwa, Eriksson, (current) and McGeever (graduated) has grown and extended its interests since the 1996 RAE. The aim is to improve understanding of neural systems by modelling them both in software and in hardware, and by applying them to real-world problems. The group capitalises on the insights gained by applying new techniques (particularly in signal processing) to appropriate problems.
The group has a strong interdisciplinary collaboration with Psychology at Stirling. The CCCN (Centre for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience) is an interdisciplinary group run jointly with the Psychology Department where it involves a further two professors and three lecturers. The CCCN was critical in attracting Hussain from Dundee University and Graham from his research fellowship at Edinburgh. Both have published extensively prior to coming to Stirling. The CCCN is the focus for research at the forefront of neural computation, vision and auditory processing.
External links have been formed nationally with Biomedical Sciences, Electrical Engineering and IANC (Informatics) at the University of Edinburgh. Strong links have also been formed with Cell Physiology (Leicester), the Centre for Cell Engineering (Glasgow), Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Strathclyde), and the Institute for Hearing Research (Glasgow Royal Infirmary). International links have been made with groups in Bochum (Germany), INI (Z
ürich, Switzerland), Ancona (Italy), Kosice (Slovakia) and Amsterdam (Netherlands). The group has been highly active internationally and nationally. It has organised a series of international workshops (EWNS1 and EWNS2 - European Workshops on Neuromorphic Systems). The group has also played a major role in other meetings: ICANN (International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks) and NEURAP (Neural Networks and their Applications). Stirling (Smith) coordinates the EPSRC emergent computing network on Silicon and Neurobiology, which has run many successful workshops on the boundary between electronics and neurobiology.
The Early Auditory Processing group (Hussain, Smith, Sterratt) deals with electronic re-implementation of animal hearing capabilities. One aspect of this work is implementation (currently in software) of biologically-inspired algorithms for separating the different sources of sound (Smith, Sterratt). Subject-based qualitative assessment is a major research aspect of this area. The techniques build on spike-based processing algorithms that appear to be used by neurons of the auditory brain-stem. This has led to one granted UK patent, and one published World patent. A spin-off company, Stirling Hearing Systems, has been set up to develop an interactive hearing aid based on the techniques developed here. This has attracted venture capital. Hussain has developed novel binaural non-linear sub-band processing schemes for enhancing speech in real time-varying environments. Assessment is being conducted in collaboration with the Institute for Hearing Research. Hussain is also developing signal processing algorithms for improving signal to noise ratio in communications using neural techniques (in conjunction with Electronic Engineering at Strathclyde).
Neuron Modelling (Graham, Smith, Breslin, Eriksson, Mtetwa) considers realistic neurons and networks of simplified neurons, allowing investigation of their development and processing capabilities. Work in conjunction with Electronic Engineering in Edinburgh has led to direct VLSI implementations of integrate-and-fire neurons. Designed jointly by Stirling and Edinburgh, these are tested at Stirling (Smith, Eriksson). A detailed model of synaptic transmission has been created (Graham). Improved algorithms are being developed, based partly on neurobiology for the design of neural networks that process time-varying signals. Graham has been developing biologically-based object-oriented simulations of the growth and development of neurons (in conjunction with NIH Amsterdam). Networks of integrate-and-fire units acting as bandpass filters have been simulated (Smith, Mtetwa). The group is also working towards techniques for synaptic delay adaptation in neural networks.
The concept of the Silicon Neuron (Smith, Breslin) is being extended in new research. This work, funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, is oriented towards the emulation of neurons at the level of ionic channels. These appear to underlie much of the processing that takes place at the dendrite, in the generation of spikes and in spike transport on the axon. Analogue VLSI chip designs have been developed and fabricated.
Other work has concerned the nature of functionalism and the relationship of this to the mind/brain problem (McGeever).
Telecommunications Service Engineering Research Group
° strong international and national collaborations with telecommunications companies
° leading the UK research network on Creation and Engineering of Telecommunications Services
° substantial industrial support from Marconi Communications and Mitel Corporation
° best papers at key telecommunications conferences

The Telecommunications Service Engineering research group (Hussain, Magill, Shankland, Turner, research fellows Kolberg and Thayananthan, research students Rodgers (current) and Kosmos (previous) is new since the 1996 RAE. It was founded in recognition of the Department's long-term success in research on communications and telecommunications software and services. It will be strengthened by the appointment of Kolberg to a lectureship as from October 2001.
A major motivation is the increasing importance of service engineering in the telecommunications industry. This sector is in rapid transition, driven by technological and world-wide regulatory changes. There is an urgent need for research effort, as reflected in the importance of (tele)communications within the Technology Foresight programme and the new EPSRC Programmable Networks initiative. Factors in the success of the group have included strong links with industry and the synergy with other research groups in the Department. Collaboration with the Applied Formal Methods research group has exploited the use of formal methods in the design of complex telecommunications systems. The Telecommunications Service Engineering group has focused on novel approaches to the creation and interworking of services. Service interoperability is critical, requiring the study of feature interaction.
Service Architecture, with the associated supporting theory, techniques, and tools, has been of strong interest (Magill, Turner, Kosmas). The feature interaction problem stems from an uncontrolled and ad hoc growth in telecommunications services. This insidious problem continues to plague the telecommunications industry. The growth in the number of services is expected to accelerate under the influence of deregulation, internationalisation, distributed service provision, and new multimedia services. Soundly-based, practical techniques and tools for engineering services have thus become vital. The group has made an important contribution to service architecture, that is to techniques for constructing services in a well-founded manner. In collaboration with British Telecom, the SEMINAR project elaborated an architectural basis for constructing a wide variety of services. The techniques and tools have been proven using a range of typical services from the IN (Intelligent Network).

Run-Time Techniques for discovering and resolving feature interactions have been developed to complement architectural techniques (Magill, Kolberg, Rodgers). Practical, automated techniques are of considerable industrial interest. They must be reliable, fast and able to work with limited knowledge of service internals. Work by group members has included modelling and implementing techniques that learn about service behaviour. Other work has extended transaction based approaches to operate within a telecommunications environment. This has proved very effective for legacy systems, which represent huge investments for the telecommunications industry. The supporting research has focused on the Intelligent Network as a realistic example of interaction problems in general. The work has been funded by EPSRC, The Royal Commission of 1851, and GPT (now Marconi Communications). However networks are changing. Marconi Communications has allocated funding for a project on Detecting and Resolving Feature Interactions in IP-based Communications Networks to investigate the problems of distributed service provision. The aim is to address the new service models introduced by Next Generation Networks in general, and industry initiatives in particular like H.323, SIP, Parlay and JAIN (Java API for Integrated Networks).
Hybrid Approaches to feature interaction combine off-line techniques using formal methods and run-time techniques (Magill, Kolberg, Thayananthan). In collaboration with the University of Glasgow, research on hybrid approaches is being undertaken at Stirling with funding from Citel, EPSRC and Mitel. Run-time approaches are useful in detecting feature interactions, but have previously been weak in resolving the interactions. Research is therefore focusing on formal models to give run-time approaches an increased resolution ability.
Multimedia Services and other new kinds of services are now enriching traditional telecommunications services. The Feature Interactions in Multimedia Systems project was funded by EPSRC in collaboration with British Telecom (Magill, Kolberg). The group was the first to study and classify the new kinds of feature interactions that can arise in such services. This led to the ACTS project TOSCA (TINA Open Services Creation Architecture) with a variety of telecommunications organisations across Europe. A new service creation architecture was developed that is particularly suitable for designing multimedia services in the framework of TINA (Telecommunications Intelligent Network Architecture, managed by the international TINA consortium). In addition to addressing the creation of validated services, the group tackled feature interaction between newly created multimedia services. Mechanisms were developed to ensure interworking between services employed in TINA, resulting in a submission to the TINA Technical Committee recommending changes to the service architecture. New non-linear speech processing techniques are being investigated for improving telecommunications voice services (Hussain, in collaboration with European collaborators).
The group has achieved international and national recognition. The premier international forum for feature interaction is the FIW series of events (Feature Interaction in Telecommunications and Software Systems). The group has made significant contributions to these events, both in terms of papers and organisation. Two recent papers by group members were judged as being in the best paper category. The group co-chaired the May 2000 running of this series. In recognition of the key role of telecommunications service engineering, Stirling was funded by EPSRC to run the UK engineering network called FORCES (Forum for Creation and Engineering of Telecommunications Services). This collaboration with major telecommunications players in the UK is co-ordinated by Stirling (Turner). The consortium includes the main industrial concerns such as British Telecom, Ericsson UK and Marconi Communications.

University of Wales, Aberystwyth_25 4 [14A]

In line with Technology Foresight our aim is to pursue high quality computer science research that is inspired by important application areas in science and engineering. Much of our research involves interdisciplinary collaboration. The work presented here is appropriately assessed under UoA 25; other research in the Department, in Software Engineering and Telematics, is returned under UoA 29, being more suited to the criteria of that panel.

Since 1996, our Computer Science research has been restructured around three groups that represent our strongest areas: Computational Biology, Intelligent Robotics, and Model Based Systems. There is fruitful interaction between these groups, which provide identity and focus. In our relatively small department, this ‘open’ structure is essential in permitting effective sharing of expertise, infrastructure and support staff. Our primary sources of research grants are EPSRC and BBSRC, with significant industrial income. We have won various ‘Research Infrastructure’ grants through competitive EPSRC and HEFCW initiatives, including a major JREI grant, and another through the Royal Society Wolfson Laboratory Refurbishment Scheme. We have won EC funding for projects and as co-ordinators of a European Network of Excellence. Recently, as the Centre for Advanced Software and Intelligent Systems, we have won substantial funding from the Welsh Development Agency as a Centre of Excellence for Technology and Industrial Collaboration (CETIC) (in collaboration with colleagues in Cardiff).

The University Research Committee is responsible for research policy and monitors and advises departments. A departmental Research Committee meets regularly to consider strategy and actively to monitor and promote research. It is chaired by the Director of Research and includes the heads of the groups, the previous Director of Research, the Research Student Tutor and the Head of Department. The Director of Research is responsible for fostering research activity by formulating strategy and facilitating pursuance of strategy, by identifying funding opportunities, and by providing active help and guidance to researchers on the preparation of publications and funding proposals. Informal day-to day discussions with staff are also an important part of the Director’s activity. Our weekly staff meetings are frequently devoted to research issues and such meetings are chaired by the Director of Research. Day-to day co-ordination of the groups is the responsibility of the group heads and their deputies; groups meet regularly and frequently to present and discuss their own work and the latest developments in the relevant fields, and to agree future strategy.

Staffing Policy: The structures and mechanisms that we have set in place during this RAE period have led to a focus on research that is far stronger and more effective than was previously the case:
· Academic staff recruitment: Policy is to seek strong researchers and, although recruitment in this subject area is not easy, our reputation is such that we have been able to recruit excellent staff.
· Focusing research within a revised group structure: All research active staff are required to contribute to the work of at least one research group. New staff are selected with this in mind.
· Balancing research students against teaching load: The number of research students supervised is offset against undergraduate teaching load.
· Balancing funded research projects against teaching load: Running research projects demands continual effort, and these are also balanced against teaching load.
· Buying in help with teaching and administration: With increasing undergraduate numbers, staff research time becomes more difficult to allocate. We have countered this by increasing the number of full-time administrators and paying for more part-time demonstrating and tutoring.
· Research leave, involving release from all teaching and administration, is awarded by the Dept Research Committee. Policy is that one member of staff should be on research leave during each teaching semester plus the adjacent summer (for a total of nine months of leave).
· Lecture schedules: Where possible each individual’s annual lecturing is compressed into one semester, leaving more uninterrupted research time in the other.
· Mentoring and probation: A three-way agreement is established between a new staff member, the Head of Department, and the University Probation Committee. It sets out expectations for the Probationer in terms of research, teaching and administration for a three-year period. Progress is reviewed annually and the post is confirmed subject to successful fulfilment of the agreement. New lecturers are assigned a senior staff member as mentor, and are given reduced teaching and administration to enable them to develop their research. Until 1999 new lecturers were appointed on five-year contracts but lectureship contracts are now open-ended subject to probation.

Funds for Conferences, Exploratory Research, etc.: There is a university-wide competitive ‘pump-priming’ fund of around £190,000 annually. Attendance at conferences and other meetings that cannot be funded from research grants is supported by competitive central funds or from the department at the discretion of the HoD, who also makes available small ‘pump-priming’ awards.

Library and Online Facilities: We are well provided with online search and full-text journal access. Important journals are available in a specialist science library adjacent to the department, with further titles available in the nearby National Library of Wales. Other items are normally accessible via Inter Library Loan, whose costs are covered by the department without restriction.

Administrative Support for Research: A departmental administrative officer supports the research committee and has assisted with this submission; a secretary handles research student administration. We have Welsh Development Agency funding for a part-time ‘Commercial Manager’ to promote our research within industry. The ‘MONET’ European Network of Excellence, co-ordinated by our Model Based Systems Group, is able to support its own manager and administrator. The institution’s central administration handles the finances of research grants, liaison with HEFCW, and postgraduate admissions.

PhD Training: A senior member of the department is ‘Research Student Tutor’ and oversees recruitment, training, and monitoring of our research students. In addition to institution-wide induction programmes, and conventional supervision, the department runs weekly sessions for these students on research skills. Research student progress is formally monitored via reports submitted by the students mid-year and end-of-year; the latter is the basis of a viva voce examination conducted by a small departmental panel. In addition to Research Council studentships, the department spends about £70,000 p.a. on research student support and there are 48 centrally funded studentships for which bids may be made.

Facilities and Infrastructure: Research is supported by a department research network of six Sun servers, including a 20 processor Sun 6500 Enterprise Server funded by a JREI grant of £320,000 to the Model Based Systems and Computational Biology Groups, with the remaining £280,000 covered via collaboration with Sun. All staff and research students have individual workstations, and groups have additional facilities. We also benefit from the central facilities provided by Information Services.

Technical Support for Research: Three departmental Computer Officers and one Technician provide computer system support and networking, along with mechanical and electronic work associated with robotics. Well-equipped electronics facilities are available to researchers.

Computer Science Research Groups

Computational Biology Group
· The theme is research into machine learning to aid scientific knowledge discovery. The process of solving real biological problems highlights limitations in existing computer science techniques and leads us to develop new methods embodying machine learning and model based reasoning. There are two aspects to our work. One is the development of innovative methods for analysis of raw multivariate data from analytical instruments. The other is the development of knowledge discovery and data modelling techniques to discover higher level scientific knowledge. The group is particularly strong in Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) and multivariate analysis (known in this context as chemometrics), along with genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks. Coghill provides a link with the Model Based Systems Group.
· The group originated in collaboration between Rowland and Kell’s group in the Biology Department here, consolidated by the appointment in 1996 of King, already by then known internationally in machine learning for bioinformatics. Over this RAE period members authored over 60 peer-reviewed papers and won grants totalling over £3M, many held jointly with leading workers in the life sciences here and elsewhere; grant expenditure shown in RA4 is after apportionment between collaborating departments. Group accommodation has been remodelled under the Royal Society Wolfson Laboratory Refurbishment Scheme to become the Wolfson Bioinformatics Unit. Its computing infrastructure, also enhanced under the Wolfson grant, consists of Sun, SGI, or PC workstations for each worker, along with a Beowulf coarse-grain parallel-processing cluster of 60 nodes, and the Sun 6500 that is shared with the Model Based Systems Group.

Specific achievements:
· Important contributions have been made in machine learning techniques, especially in Inductive Logic Programming (ILP). Influential results have been achieved in predicting protein secondary structure (King[3], cited over 70 times to date), prediction of toxicity (which won the KDD 1998 international award for the best applied data mining research, in KDD ’98, not listed in RA2), carcinogenicity (King[4]), and drug design via machine-learning-based prediction of potential therapeutic properties of specific molecules (King[2]). Recent work (King[1]) has developed a new composite data mining approach and demonstrated its success by showing, for the first time, that it is possible to discover general rules for predicting the functional classes of proteins directly from sequence, in the absence of detectable sequence homology.
· Innovative methods based on wavelets (Alsberg[1,2]), Discriminant PLS (Alsberg[3]) and genetic algorithms (Rowland[2]) have been developed for feature extraction in high dimensional spectral data sets, along with supporting techniques such as an intuitive notation for visualisation and manipulation of N-mode array equations (Alsberg[4]). These methods are now accepted within the life sciences community.
· Development of specialised instrumentation incorporating supervised learning (Rowland[3]) enabled initial exploitation of the new technique of non-linear dielectric spectroscopy for monitoring microbial activity (Rowland[4]). In addition, we demonstrated the potential of supervised learning in monitoring industrial fermentations via light scattering measurements (Rowland[1]). Rowland co-authored a recent paper in the prestigious journal ‘Nature Biotechnology’ (not listed in RA2) that reports a successful new method of determining gene function and which attracted a very favourable independent comment in the subsequent issue. Rowland’s contribution related to aspects of the data analysis technique that facilitated the work; other authors include leading life-science workers in the UK and the Netherlands.
· A new unsupervised learning technique developed here (Neal[2]), based on an analogy with the human immune system, has aroused considerable interest in the machine learning community, with a best paper award and invited participation in an international workshop. Neal also demonstrated the potential of techniques based on artificial neural networks for supervised and unsupervised interpretation of mass spectra (Neal[3,4]) and devised a novel design for an artificial neural network chip (Neal[1]), demonstrated via SPICE simulations.

Current directions:
We have ongoing funded projects to develop techniques for predicting gene function in newly sequenced organisms (King, Rowland). Alsberg and King developed a new numerical representation of internal molecular structure based on quantum mechanics (recently published in Chemometrics and Intelligent Lab. Systems, not listed in RA2) and are pursuing the many resultant possibilities for new machine learning approaches for predicting the functionality of molecules and genes. In a current project (King, Rowland) a machine learning system is interfaced to a laboratory robot to form an entirely automated closed-loop system which forms, tests and refines hypotheses via real experiments specified by the system and undertaken by the robot; our prototype shows great promise for automated discovery of new scientific knowledge in functional genomics. Other ongoing (funded) projects include systems based approaches to modelling genes (King, Coghill), machine learning for drug design (King, Alsberg) and distortion correction in proteome gels (Rowland, Alsberg). There is great promise in the new immune system analogue for learning (Neal). Rowland is co-investigator on a recently awarded BBSRC grant to exploit for the first time the methods of genetic algorithms to direct the evolution of real organisms in the laboratory. Our grant portfolio is listed at:

Intelligent Robotics Group
The major theme is ‘directed autonomy’ in which innovative software techniques assist robots in the achievement of human-specified tasks through accommodating inevitable but unpredictable variations in environment or product. The group is notable for its work on intelligent food robotics, mobile robotics including legged and aerial devices, and work on kinematics and dynamics. There is also important work on biomechanics. The group has been joined by three new members of staff, two of whom were already well known internationally (Barnes and Featherstone). A newly enlarged laboratory houses four industrial robots, one donated by Unilever Research, and an area for mobile robot and aerial robot work. It is equipped with a ‘Vicon’ real-time 3-dimensional multi-camera motion capture system funded by a HEFCW competitive grants of £125k and by collaboration with Oxford Metrics. It is the only UK robotics laboratory to have such a facility, invaluable in evaluating control regimes for mobile robots, in robot calibration, and in our biomechanics work.

Specific achievements:
· Barnes has led developments in autonomous behaviour to permit pairs of mobile robots to co-operate in achieving useful tasks (Barnes [4,2,3]). His work on autonomous gait generation for hexapodal robots in negotiating rough terrain (Barnes[1]) has resulted in collaboration with the MoD and UK Robotics Ltd.
· Featherstone, devised a new technique for analysing constrained rigid-body systems and thus, in collaboration with Fijany (NASA JPL), reformulated Fijany’s Constraint Force Algorithm to eliminate a major limitation (Featherstone[3]). He devised an efficient divide-and-conquer algorithm for calculating the forward dynamics of a robot, reported in two papers: the first considers the most commonly applicable case, the second presents the general case (Featherstone[1,2]). With Khatib (Stanford U.) he has demonstrated a simplification of motion equations for co-operating multi-arm systems handling a common load (Featherstone[4]) that considerably eases their implementation.
· Lee[1,4] undertook an in-depth study of tactile sensing that highlighted new opportunities in the light of current and emerging robot technologies and applications, and recent developments in transduction. He has also made important contributions in the Model Based Systems Group (Lee [2,3]).
· Rowland and Lee (both also active in other groups) won a BBSRC (Agri-Food Directorate) grant for work in automated food assembly in which the robot is taught by showing to a sensing system examples of the products to be assembled. This successful work has been reported at the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation and has excited considerable interest within the industry. It builds on their previous widely cited work on autonomous grasping of food products undertaken in collaboration with Unilever Research.
· Wilson [4] has developed a technique to reduce the complexity of assembly planning by dealing autonomously with uncertainty and variation. In work on mobile robots (Wilson[1,3]) she has used a genetic algorithm to select a combination of primitive control behaviours that synthesise complex robot tasks via a combination of simulation and real-world tests. Other recent work (Wilson[2]) takes a quantitative approach to evaluating tradeoffs between system complexity and the required level of human control in successful achievement of human-guided mobile robot tasks.
· Holstein specialises in numerical methods for kinematics and force modelling. He has applied this to modelling the human skeleton for medical diagnosis. Important results include prediction of the knee’s response to muscle contractions (Holstein[3], for which an IMechE prize was awarded and Holstein[1]). He has also undertaken computational modelling in geophysics and has produced a formal scheme for comparison of analysis methods (Holstein[2]), and a data analysis method that obviates coordinate transformation and is insensitive to observation point location (Holstein[4]).
· Hardy[2,3] developed an abstraction framework for design and organisation of robot sensing architectures and evaluated the applicability to manipulator force control of Brooks’s reactive approach (Hardy[1,4]).
· Labrosse, appointed in late 2000 to his first lectureship, specialises in graphics, imaging, and animation (Labrosse [2,3,4]) and will contribute to visualisation and motion capture aspects of our robotics work. Recent work has resulted in a vector representation that provides greatly increased flexibility in image manipulation as compared with pixel-based approaches (Labrosse[1]).

Current directions:
The successful BBSRC project on automated food assembly is in its final phase; further funding and exploitation are under discussion (Rowland, Lee). The recent new area of autonomous operation of airborne (balloon-based) autonomous robots for planetary exploration will be pursued in co-operation with the European Space Agency (Barnes). Other mobile robot work is continuing, including hexapod gait generation and control (Barnes, Featherstone), the relationship between teleoperation and autonomy (Wilson), and biomechanical modelling (Holstein). There is continuing development of novel approaches to robot dynamics (Featherstone) and fundamental research into learning paradigms for robotics (Lee).

Model Based Systems Group
· The group has a well established international reputation in research that covers both the theory and application of novel reasoning techniques within model-based systems and qualitative reasoning. Theoretical advances have been made in model definition and simulation. These continue to be developed into working prototypes for a range of sectors, with the emphasis on generic tasks such as diagnosis, design analysis, explanation, system identification, and control and monitoring. The group’s most notable successes are in diagnostic and failure analysis techniques for circuit design in the automotive industry. This work forms a complete progression in which fundamental research has been taken through to commercial production, exploited via a spin-off company, and is now used by a growing number of leading automotive manufacturers. Other research on model based reasoning includes investigations into design analysis of mechanical systems (in which an EPSRC-funded preliminary study produced novel results, created well-received prototype software, and initiated ongoing collaboration with Polish experts through a CRIT-2 grant) (Price; Lee). We are also applying our model switching and diagnostic approaches to early diagnosis of malfunctions in hazardous environments; an initial feasibility study for CORUS UK is leading to ongoing collaborative research (Coghill).
· Since the last RAE, the group has won funding of over £2.5 million, around a third of it in cash from industry, with the remainder from EPSRC and the EC. Several EPSRC JREI equipment grants have provided a powerful research infrastructure, including the recently installed 20-processor Sun 6500 (£601k) shared with the Computational Biology Group.
· The group's leading position is illustrated by the 44 industrial and academic sites across Europe who supported the group’s successful bid to instigate and lead MONET, the European Network of Excellence in Model-Based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning. Such networks are groupings of industrial and academic research teams funded under the ESPRIT Long Term Research Programme. MONET now consists of 85 research laboratories and industrial companies from twelve countries in Europe, with associated members in the USA and Japan.
· Model-based Systems provide methodologies and techniques for a range of application tasks across different industrial sectors and across the lifecycle itself. For this reason it is having a growing influence on the Artificial Intelligence and Engineering communities, and on the other research in the department. For example Lee and Rowland are using Model-based Systems in robotics for food manufacturing; Coghill and King are applying the techniques to Bioinformatic System Identification.

Specific achievements:
· Lee established the theory and a supporting modelling method for a new approach to reasoning about failures in electrical systems (Lee [2]). This qualitative technique forms the basis of design analysis tools now in use worldwide in the automotive industry, marketed via a spin-off company. Lee has continued this work, developing a many-valued version (3 recent publications), and characterising the modelling framework for better understanding of design options and modelling implications (Lee [3]).
· This work has been extended to cover sneak circuit analysis (Price [4]) and to incorporate qualitative electrical simulation (Snooke [1,4]), complemented by functional modelling (Price [2,3], Snooke [3]). This facilitated the particularly powerful features of the design analysis tools (Snooke [2]). In Aquavit, a recently completed EPSRC project we extended the representation to model complex components such as electronic control units; EPSRC final review rated the work alpha 5 (the highest). The group was a partner, with major European automotive manufacturers, in the FPIV project on Vehicle Model-Based Diagnosis, which received excellent reviews. The monograph by Price[1], an authoritative practitioner guide, encapsulated the state-of-the-art in software based diagnostic techniques.
· Coghill has developed a number of tools for qualitative simulation including a fuzzy qualitative reasoning toolbox (Coghill [3]) that has been used as the simulation engine in other successful research projects on model-based diagnosis and qualitative control. Innovative work on model definition (Coghill [1]) and model switching for diagnosis (Coghill [4]), together with a methodology for the design of model-based diagnostic systems (Coghill [3]) has led to a comprehensive set of tools and methods for model-based reasoning.

Current directions:
A current project, on whole vehicle simulation, has attracted £246K under the EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Initiative and £219K from Ford (Snooke, Price). They have also been awarded £150K from EPSRC for a project on automated software FMEA in automotive systems. Other ongoing EPSRC and BBSRC funded projects include system identification for learning explanatory models of molecular biological systems (with the Computational Biology group) where the biological information is either qualitative or of insufficient precision to permit the use of numerical techniques (Coghill, King). The work on model switching and diagnosis in hazardous environments, with collaborators CORUS UK, is growing and further funding is being sought. This, and the continuation of our successful preliminary work on analysis of mechanical systems, have great potential for new advances. The group’s grant portfolio is at:

Self Assessment
The plans in the 1996 submission represented too diverse a research portfolio for a department of this size. Since then we have, with success, concentrated on the strongest areas listed at that time and our research has developed systematically and effectively. Several talented researchers have joined us and there has been a marked increase in the vitality of the research culture and in the quality and quantity of the work. Over 160 refereed publications have been produced in the period. The work of each of the three groups is known and respected internationally.

Cardiff University_25 5 [19.8A]

Our research progress, since the last RAE, has continued to accelerate. We have successfully built on the "strong, dynamic research culture" established by 1996, and have strategically managed the resulting growth during the current period while further improving the quality of our output. We now have 20 category A/A* staff, including 3 research fellows, plus 10 research associates and 29 registered postgraduate research students. Measures of our research performance continue to improve, as shown by comparing figures for the 1992-96 and 1996-00 RAE periods, for instance:

· number of category A/A* research active staff (up from 13 to 20);
· average annual value of new research grants announced (up from £333K to £653K p.a.);
· number of major peer reviewed research grants (up from 10 to 21);
· average annual research income per returned FTE staff member (up from £16.6K to £28K p.a.).

Over the current period, the quality of our research has improved - peer reviewed grants awarded have doubled; annual number of fully refereed papers per FTE staff member, in international and national publications has grown by 20%; completed EPSRC grants all assessed as Alpha 3 or 4.

The increasing impact of our research output in this period has meant staff are ever more able to take advantage of opportunities to collaborate with leading research workers (internationally and nationally) in their fields and to exploit the industrial applications of their work. In the current RAE period we had:

· donations by industry of equipment and software for research worth more than £1m;
· 9 grants fully funded by industry, plus 5 CASE studentships;
· 10 grants for collaborative research with UK Universities and non-commercial Institutions;
· 8 projects involving international collaborations.

Our progress has been impressive within the period as shown by annual statistics for the calendar years 1996 and 2000, and by our staff recruitment and promotion profile:

· annual research income value of OST peer reviewed grants (up from £105k to £324k);
· category A/A* staff in post (up from 12 to 20) – averaging 14 per annum over the period;
· senior staff (Senior Lecturer or above) in post (up from 6 to 11);
· recruitment of new academic staff – Professor (JonesCB), Senior Lecturer (Rosin), Lecturers (Abdelmoty, Embury, Rana, Valenzuela, Whitaker);
· external recruitment of 3 independent research fellows (Allen, Chuzhanova, Zunic);
· promotions – Professor (Fiddian, Martin), Reader (Hurley), Senior Lecturer (Marshall).

Our reputation meant that in a very competitive market we were able to attract high quality applicants. This allowed us to recruit a mix of senior and junior staff to maintain a strategic balance of experience and youth and to strengthen, complement and selectively widen and deepen our research expertise.

Staff are organised into three research groups based on their main research interests:

Object & Knowledge based
Systems (OKS)
Parallel & Scientific
Computation (PSC)
Vision & Geometry
Prof WA Gray
Prof NJ Fiddian
*Prof CB Jones
Dr AC Jones
Dr J Shao
*Dr SM Embury
*Dr AI Abdelmoty
Prof DW Walker
Prof AJ Jones
Mr S Hurley
*Dr OF Rana
*Dr CL Valenzuela
*Dr RM Whitaker
*Dr NA Chuzhanova
*Dr SM Allen
Prof BG Batchelor
Prof RR Martin
*Dr PL Rosin
Dr AD Marshall
*Dr J Zunic

Prof KG Jeffery (Hon Prof)
*Prof CS Jensen (Hon Prof)
*Prof KH Craig (Hon Prof)
*Prof AD Pollington (Hon Prof)
*Prof IC Braid (Hon Prof)
*new staff in this RAE period

Our Honorary Professors actively participate in our research. For instance, Jeffery has collaborated with us for a number of years in projects e.g. ITSE and KRAFT, and by contributing to research student training, jointly supervising research students and giving research seminars. Craig works with Hurley in mobile communications projects, and Jensen is collaborating with Gray and JonesCB through common interest in spatio-temporal databases and information grids.

When recruiting, we sought to appoint staff who complemented existing research interests or who provided new strategic interests within a group. The OKS group continues to focus on distributed information systems. It now encompasses Geographical Information Systems (GIS) - through the recruitment of JonesCB and Abdelmoty; and Constraints - through the recruitment of Embury, which reinforced the interests of Shao, JonesAC and Gray in this area. The PSC group has foci developed around each of its three senior members of staff. These have been enhanced by strategic recruitment – Rana to support Walker’s work on Problem Solving Environments; Valenzuela to support JonesAJ in evolutionary computing; Whitaker and Allen to work with Hurley in mobile telecommunications. In the VG group, Rosin and Zunic have been recruited because their research into the reliable extraction of data from images complements the work of Martin and Marshall in reverse engineering and image analysis, thereby strengthening and widening the group’s impact. Chuzhanova was appointed as a senior research fellow in bioinformatics, an important research area across all our groups.

University of Wales, Swansea_25 5 [12B]

Our research in Theoretical and Applied Computer Science is concentrated in three areas:
Area 1: Algebraic and Logical Methods for the Design of Software and Hardware
Area 2: Computer Graphics and Visualisation
Area 3: Scientific Computation: Algorithms and Programming Technologies
for Non Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
which are led by Professors J V Tucker, M Chen, and M F Webster respectively, of the Department of Computer Science. Area 3 should be commented on by the Applied Mathematics Panel. Our five research areas of RAE96 have been re-organised as follows: 1996-Area 2 (Descriptive Complexity Theory) has been combined with 1996-Area 1 to produce the new Area 1 above; and 1996-Area 5 (Control and CAE) has been discontinued.

Overall Research Strategy 1996-2001 Our Research Ethos encourages staff: (1) to seek originality and depth in research; (2) to work on problems with industrial impact in the long term; (3) to enjoy a stimulating research culture, with an international perspective.
We emphasise mathematically well-founded research, encourage the integration of foundational with experimental and applied research, seek multidisciplinary work (e.g., via scientific computation), and maintain a flow of scientific talent through the Department. Our research culture is lively and collaborative. It informs all of our activities and is the basis of our significant achievements in undergraduate education (Excellent in the TQA), and our major industrial support programme IT Network Wales (sponsored by the National Assembly of Wales and Welsh Development Agency). In February 2000, we moved to specially designed accommodation at the centre of the campus where we enjoy superb working conditions and facilities for research.
Our Overall Research Strategy has six objectives: (1) to concentrate current resources selectively in our existing research fields in order to establish top quality research standards across the Department; (2) to develop the research potential and careers of our staff; (3) to appoint only academic staff who are excellent researchers with interesting personal research programmes and proven research stamina; (4) to continue to attract promising young computer scientists to Swansea; (5) to seek collaborations with industrial researchers and practitioners on real world problems; (6) to extend the scale of computer science research at Swansea.
This strategy was followed strictly throughout 1996-2001 and now enables us to make a much stronger return in this RAE. For objective (1), we have concentrated on the Areas 1-3 above and ensured that all our research is highly regarded internationally. For objective (2), M F Webster earned promotion to Professor, and M Chen earned promotion to Senior Lecturer and then Professor (for other career developments, see also Staff Movements below). For objective (3), new staff have strengthened the Department: W J Fokkink (from the CWI, Amsterdam), M Otto (from Aachen), U Berger (from Munich), A G Setzer (Uppsala), and O Kullman (Toronto) won permanent lectureships, and Prof. F G Moller (Uppsala) was appointed to our new Chair. Attracting to Swansea such high calibre people demonstrates vividly the international standing of the Department. For objective (4), we have appointed 5 recent PhDs to the temporary staff: M J Poole, K Stephenson, A J Wilder (Swansea), J E Blanck (Uppsala), and P Hancock (Edinburgh). J E Blanck remains with us on a two year Research Fellowship funded by STINT (Sweden). For objective (5), research in Areas 2 and 3 is addressing complex state of the art problems for several companies. For objective (6), the Department grew to 13 permanent staff and increased its research capacity.

Management The Department is run by a Management Committee, which is chaired by the Head of Department (Prof. Tucker) and meets weekly. Research influences all its thinking. Research is managed by the four professors, three as Area Leaders and one as Post Graduate Tutor. They focus on the development of the subject, monitor international trends in research, respond to funding opportunities, sit on all appointing committees, appraise individual staff, etc. Our research environment has excellent support for staff to organise colloquia, take leave of absences (e.g., 4 in 2000/01), attend meetings, seek funding etc. Each Area has its own weekly meetings and there is a weekly Departmental seminar. New staff are carefully mentored and appraised.

PhD Students In the Department, research students belong to research Areas. In addition to their supervisors, the Post-Graduate Tutor (Prof. Moller) monitors their progress and provides pastoral support. He also liaises with the Swansea Graduate School which monitors the quality of research training and assessment, and helps students develop their careers. Students attend summer schools, conferences, and make private research visits. External examiners for PhDs are often from abroad. In the period 1996-01, some 21 PhDs and 5 MPhils were awarded or passed at viva. Currently, there are 14 research students: 10 full-time or writing up, and 1 part-time, PhD students, and 2 full-time and 1 part-time, MPhil. These are funded by EPSRC (Quota, Grant and Case); competitive UWS studentships; and industrial sponsorship (e.g., BT, MOD). We also established and awarded 5 Robert Recorde Research Bursaries for promising young computer scientists.

Staff Movements Since 1996, K Meinke moved to the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and A Dawar moved to a permanent lectureship at the Computer Laboratory, Cambridge University. W J Fokkink replaced Meinke and M Otto replaced Dawar. U Berger’s and O Kullman’s posts are new. The temporary posts of K Stephenson (now DERA) and A J Wilder (now Siemens’ Roke Manor Research) were replaced by a permanent professor, F G Moller, and a lecturer, A G Setzer. W J Fokkink is on leave at the CWI, Amsterdam, and is replaced by M J Poole.
We now survey the three research areas. Staff and their evidence from RA2 are referred to using initials in an obvious way, e.g. UB = U Berger and UB4 is UB’s research output number 4.

Area 1: Algebraic and Logical Methods for the Design of Software and Hardware

Staff J V Tucker, F G Moller, W J Fokkink, M Otto, U Berger, N A Harman, A G Setzer, O Kullman, M J Poole and J R Hindley (Maths). Visiting and Sabbatical appointments: J A Bergstra (Amsterdam), V Stoltenberg-Hansen and J E Blanck (Uppsala), J I Zucker (McMaster, EPSRC Visiting Fellow 1998-99), M Haveraaen (Bergen).
Scientific Aims To establish the theoretical foundations of computing. To study the algebraic and logical bases of data types, verification and computational complexity. To model, specify and reason about computing systems using new algebraic and logical methods.
Research Achievements Swansea theoreticians constitute one of the largest and strongest such groups in the UK with every researcher involved in international collaborations.

Computation on Topological Data Types Topological algebras model continuous data types like the real numbers, waveforms and signals, function spaces etc. A theoretical aim is to investigate the computability of the physical world. A practical aim is efficient and useful exact computation with real numbers. Several contributions have been made to both the concrete and abstract theories of these data types. Concrete computability models based on domain representations of topological algebras were first developed by JVT and Stoltenberg-Hansen (in 1985) and later developed and applied by A Edelat (in 1995). The proof of equivalences between 5 disparate concrete models of computation in JVT1 first demonstrated that computation on topological algebras is invariant under representation techniques and hence has a stable theory. Domain representation methods for metric spaces were first given in JEB1. Domain representation methods of regular spaces and compact sets were given in JEB3&4. New results in JEB2 on representing algebras have enabled us to develop the first unified theory of continuous time and discrete time streams, their transduction and conversion. A major study of abstract computability was begun (JVT2&4) using approximations by while programs on metric algebras. Concrete computability and approximate abstract computability for functions on the real numbers were shown to be equivalent. This is the first bridge to be built between the theories of concrete and abstract models (e.g., linking all concrete models with Blum-Shub-Smale theory). Finally, in collaboration with Prof. A V Holden (Biomedical Sciences, Leeds), the hierarchical structure of numerical algorithms were investigated to solve problems in cardiac simulation, and all countable computable dynamical systems were shown to be algebraically specifiable (JVT3).

Higher Order Methods for Semantics and Program Synthesis Higher type semantic models and proof theory have been used for analysing functional languages, and for automatically synthesising provably correct programs. Semantically, the theory of totality in Scott-domains has been extended from finite to transfinite types and universes (UB3&4). UB's work on totality has been used by groups in Oslo, Edinburgh, and CMU. Proof theoretically, the interactive theorem prover MINLOG was developed, and the method of program synthesis from proofs (via realisability interpretations) has been integrated and extended to certain nonconstructive logics (UB2). A fast and very useful program synthesised from a proof is a new higher order term rewriting algorithm called normalisation by evaluation (UB1). A workshop in Gothenburg (May 1999) revealed that nbe is related to partial evaluation, a technique for speeding up functional programs.

Type Theory and Applications AGS has worked on extensions of Martin-Löf type theory (M-LTT), their proof theoretic analysis, and applications to programming with dependent types. One theoretical aim is to determine the limit of formal reasoning (Hilbert’s Second Problem). In AGS2 he has determined the strength of M-LTT plus W type and one universe and shown it to be the strongest formal theory currently available in constructive logic. AGS4 contains the first substantial extension beyond the standard (i.e., inductive-recursive) M-LTT type theory and uses the Mahlo universe which reflects all closure operators and has a nonpositive constructor. AGS3 analyses transfinitely iterated fixed point theories. AGS has introduced concepts for representing interactive programs directly into dependent types without extending type theory. AGS and P Hancock have found new principles for while loops and a redirection construct that allow programs that manipulate interactive programs (AGS1).

Microprocessor Structure NAH’s aim is to create a unified algebraic theory for computers from low-level hardware to high-level programs, using equational methods and tools for the specification, simulation, and verification of realistic implementations. Algebraic methods in NAH1&4, for modelling microprocessors at instruction set architecture (ISA) and microarchitecture levels of abstraction, and for proving their equivalence, have been extended to pipelined and superscalar processors in NAH2. The new modelling techniques have been applied in automated equational proofs of the correctness of pipelined and superscalar processors, using the Maude rewriting system (SRI International) in NAH3. They are also in use in HOL verifications at Cambridge.

Implementation Methods for Rewriting Systems In WJF1 a new compilation technique for left-linear term-rewriting systems is presented in which rewrite rules are transformed into so called minimal rewrite rules, using the Hoffmann-O'Donnell pattern-match automaton. These minimal rules have such a simple form that they can be viewed as instructions for an abstract rewriting machine (ARM). The equational programming language Epic has been implemented using ARM. The paper WJF2 introduces a novel notion of lazy rewriting. By annotating argument positions as lazy, redundant rewrite steps are avoided, and the termination behaviour of a term-rewriting system can be improved. Some transformations of rewrite rules give an implementation using the same primitives as an implementation of eager rewriting.
Complexity and Algorithmic Model Theory Dawar and MO have made many contributions to the exciting development of the subject and its many applications to core areas of computer science. For Dawar's research (1996-98), see RA2 Cambridge. MO has provided a thorough analysis of counting constructs and cardinality over finite structures, in the context of logical foundations for databases (MO1). His work on capturing complexity classes in the generic setting of intrinsically unordered structures or database instances is among the leading contributions to Descriptive Complexity Theory. MO2&4 deal with the outstanding open problem of finding a Logic for Ptime, in a framework of semantically restricted queries, providing the first and only positive generic capturing results of this kind. The results of MO4 give effective syntax for precisely the feasibly computable bisimulation invariant queries, which play an essential role in process algebra and verification. MO's domain-specific approach to algorithmic model theory, based on games (Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse techniques), has provided a deeper understanding of the relationships between modal logics (used as process logics, logics for verification and in AI), logics with few variables (prominent in finite model theory), and guarded logics (extensions of modal logics with much wider applicability). A number of contributions show the potential of this approach. In particular, the survey MO3 by Graedel and MO, on modal and two-variable logics emphasising satisfiability and model checking complexity, has attracted considerable interest. In addition, FGM3, by FGM and Rabinovich, on bisimulation invariance and monadic second-order logic on trees, gives new understanding of the expressive power of temporal logics used in verification.

Concurrent Systems FGM and WJF have worked on the verification and semantics of concurrent processes. For infinite state systems a major goal is to develop structural techniques for verification which avoid the famous problem of state explosion. New techniques in FGM1&2 define notions of system decomposition for different process algebras and show that state explosion can be avoided. Recognising regularity in a system is also an important goal, allowing verification to be carried out effectively if detected. FGM4 is an exhaustive study of regularity problems for Petri nets. FGM used game theory on both problems: winning strategies give novel ways of understanding verification problems. Games were used to characterise equivalences and property satisfaction, and to characterise logics, as in FGM2. Congruence formats are templates that guarantee that transition system specifications have operational semantics that are congruences, i.e. operators preserve process equivalence. Formats are a tool that brings order into the Tower of Babel of process description languages. WJF3 presents a congruence format, in structural operational semantics, for rooted branching bisimulation equivalence. The format imposes additional requirements on Groote's ntyft format. It extends an earlier format by Bloom with recursion, iteration, predicates and negative premises. WJF4 proposes additional syntactic requirements on the Groote and Vaandrager tyft format for strong bisimulation equivalence, extended with predicates, to obtain a precongruence format for language preorder.

Satisfiability Problem The satisfiability problems are at the heart of many practical verification techniques. They are also a key to the P=NP Problem. OK has developed general methods for upper bounds on satisfiability problems requiring exponential time, leading to new tools for satisfiability (e.g., specializations and extensions of resolution) (OK1&3). The theory of autarkies has been initiated to detect redundancies in propositional formulae (OK4). A new application of Linear Programming to the satisfiability problem has been found, unifying and strengthening results on several important classes of propositional formulas with polynomial time satisfiability decision (OK2). OK has the fastest algorithms for satisfaction, some of which have been coded in the OK solver and are now public.

Current Plans The discovery by JVT and JIZ that nondeterminism is essential in computing with topological data types will lead to new semantic models for (i) scientific computation and (ii) Constructive Volume Geometry (Area 2). The theory of topological data types will be developed to analyse the computability of physical systems (JVT, JIZ, VS-H). UB will apply higher order program extraction verification methods to exact real number computations and microprocessor verifications with JVT, JEB and NAH. AGS will continue to build and analyse the most powerful type theories and also develop his work on functional programming with dependent types. NAH will address the operating system kernel, where multiple virtual ISA machines are implemented on a single physical ISA machine, and hence close the gap between microprocessors and programming languages (with Stephenson, DERA). MO is investigating the model theory of guarded logics aiming at fundamental insights and extensions of methods for modal logics to much wider scenarios. FGM will also exploit Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games to compare temporal logics and to devise novel algorithms for model checking (e.g., approximation algorithms for solving parity games which encode the model checking problem). He will apply tiling to decision problems for Petri nets and other infinite-state concurrency models. WJF will continue his theoretical research in process algebra and structural operational semantics. He will apply process algebra to (i) the analysis of the Java memory model, and (ii) the verification of interlocking systems for railways. OK will develop a theory of generalized satisfiability problems based on autarkies and the OKsolver will be extended and applied to real world problems.
Notes The work is supported by EPSRC, Nuffield, HEFCW and UWS, by foreign agencies ESPRIT, TFR and STINT (Sweden), DFG (Germany), and by companies (e.g., BT and Since 1996, 8 PhDs have been awarded or passed at viva: 4 of these continued their research through posts at Swansea, Newcastle, DERA and Cambridge, and 3 joined and 1 started software companies.

Area 2: Computer Graphics and Visualisation

Staff M Chen, M W Jones, P W Grant + 2 RAs + 6 PhD students
Scientific Aims To develop new algorithms and methods and to create advanced software tools for graphics, visualisation and multimedia communication.

Research Achievements The group is in a leading position internationally in volume graphics and is developing international quality research on multimedia communications.

Volume Graphics The group has enabled volume graphics to match, and, in some aspects supersede, surface graphics. New methods were developed for modelling, rendering and manipulating graphics models in a true 3D manner. (1) An algebraic framework for Constructive Volume Geometry (CVG) was first developed by MC and JVT (MC4). CVG facilitates real-domain combinational operations on solid and amorphous objects, and is a generalisation of Constructive Solid Geometry. Software methods were developed for modelling and rendering complex multi-volume scenes (MC2&4), together with several rendering algorithms and their parallel implementation. (2) Built upon an earlier important development of distance fields for medical reconstruction in MWJ’s PhD in 1995, new fast algorithms for calculating distance volumes were developed (MWJ4). A new distance field approach to the voxelisation of surface-based objects (MWJ1) was formulated, which significantly enhanced the earlier discrete approach by Kaufman. This new approach was first applied to hypertexture mapping for non-geometrical objects (MWJ3). (3) New algorithms for volume distortion and morphing were developed (MC1), and were applied to facial reconstruction in forensic science. (4) A new acceleration algorithm for high quality rendering of regular volume datasets was developed and compared against the existing volume visualisation techniques (MWJ2). A similar strategy was applied to accelerate the rendering of irregular volume datasets. (5) Non-photorealistic (NPR) rendering was first applied to volume visualisation using both pen-and-ink textures and 2+D volume rendering (MC3). A first NPR volume graphics pipeline was created which incorporated a wide range of artistic effects.

Multimedia Communication (1) A Java-based script language JACIE was designed and developed for facilitating the rapid implementation of software systems involving remote collaboration and multimedia communication (PWG3). JACIE introduced a collection of new language constructs (such as interaction protocols, groups, multimedia channels) and includes many language features for achieving programming efficiency. The first version of the JACIE compiler was recently completed, together with three typical applications. (2) A special purpose system TRIUMF was developed for remote interviews following a study of human factors in recruitment interviews via video-conferencing, in collaboration with UWS psychologists and an industrial partner. TRIUMF made a significant technical breakthrough by providing a range of new multimedia features (e.g. multi-camera views, video case studies) to create an environment comparable with face-to-face interviews. With JACIE and TRIUMF, a multi-protocol simulation environment M5 was developed for modelling and analysing multimedia conferencing traffic in heterogeneous networks.

Current Plans The main focus will be to advance general-purpose volume graphics. Under two recently awarded EPSRC grants, algebraic properties of CVG will be investigated and applied to efficient CVG implementation through term rewriting (with Area 1). Algorithms and methods are being developed for rendering and manipulating complex scalar fields and distance fields, with various graphics features. Our public domain software, called vlib, will be released formally in New York in June 2001; it is the first volume graphics API supporting both modelling and rendering. Built upon vlib, a new graphical modelling language will be created to extend the impact of CVG. Volume graphics techniques will be applied to forensic science and CFD. With Area 3, a new web-based data warehouse and visualisation server will be developed to support large-scale scientific visualisation in CFD. New methods will be developed for registering, and comparing experimental and computational data. Volume graphics will be advanced to support GRID-level scientific visualisation. Our multimedia tools will be developed further, and commercial exploitation sought.
Notes Since 1996, the group has been supported by 4 EPSRC grants and funding from TCD and industry. EPSRC grants are also held jointly with Area 3. 6 PhDs have been awarded; 1 became a lecturer at Swansea, 4 work in industry (including SUN Microsystems, Cambridge Animation and other graphics companies), and 1 set up a graphics and multimedia company (with 7 employees).

Area 3: Scientific Computation: Algorithms and Programming Technologies for Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

Staff M F Webster, P Townsend, P W Grant + 6 RAs + 3 PhDs + 2MPhils
Scientific Aims To develop fundamental algorithms for predicting flows of rheologically complex materials. To investigate new programming technologies, distributed processing, visualisation and multimedia for computational rheology. To solve advanced problems in the processing industry.
Research Achievements MFW and PT are prominent scientists in the computational modelling of non-Newtonian flows, and the group is in a leading position in the field.

Finite Element Schemes for Viscoelastic Flows Research was carried out to attain ever more efficient and robust finite element (FE) solvers, and to construct software for realistic constitutive models (PT1). A number of algorithmic variations were developed to achieve this, including upwinding, discontinuity capturing, embedded recovery of gradients and residual-based stabilisation. A unifying theme is to permit the efficient, accurate and stable use of multiple relaxation times and consideration of three-dimensional or complex flows in viscoelastic modelling (PT2). Recent work addressed various recovery and stress splitting schemes for viscoelastic flows (MFW2). Recovery-based schemes were found to be stability enhancing in relation to higher elasticity number attenuation. The recovery aspect, rather than the stress-splitting, was found to be responsible for this improvement, capturing improved stability through enhanced accuracy.

Hybrid Finite Element/Volume Schemes for Viscoelastic Flows Fundamental research was conducted to develop hybrid schemes for standard benchmarks and complex non-Newtonian flows, with a variety of differential constitutive models. Significantly improved efficiency and accuracy of viscoelastic flow solvers was attained (MFW3). A new accurate cell-vertex finite volume/finite element (FE/FV) hybrid scheme was established, using an FV approach for the hyperbolic stress equations and a FE method for the mass/momentum balance equations. The FV implementation incorporates recent advances on fluctuation distribution schemes for advection equations, and handles source terms consistently, rendering second-order accuracy, comparable with FE. The work demonstrated that a cell-vertex FV method with flux distribution, based on subcells of the parent FE triangular mesh, can accommodate various types of flow specifications and source terms.

Distributed Parallel Processing Parallel software technology was developed for simulating complex non-Newtonian flows on heterogeneous networks of processors, to address the need to perform highly compute-intensive simulations on an industrial scale. Via a comparative analysis of parallelisation paradigms, the most efficient implementations of target codes were investigated over heterogeneous computing clusters using message passing protocols (PWG1). Parallelised FE and FV codes were developed for industrial problems, including 3D, multi-mode, transient and free-surface flows. In an EU/LTR (SAGA) project (with Area 1 and EU partners), algebraic methods were used to specify parallel CFD codes. A competing swarm based algorithm was developed for a k-way partitioning of 2D meshes that improved on the performance of RSB used for domain splitting (PWG2).

Adaptive Finite Element Solvers Adaptive procedures for viscoelastic flows were implemented using a semi-implicit FE Taylor-Galerkin/pressure correction scheme for Oldroyd-B and Phan-Thien-Tanner models. Adaptive meshing techniques were developed following h-refinement by grid remeshing based on a Delaunay procedure. Error estimates based on velocity gradients were used to predict corresponding element sizes in order to generate meshes with more accurate solutions. Experiments on flows past a rigid sphere in a cylindrical tube and tube-tooling wire-coating flow showed the considerable optimisation attainable with adaptivity (MFW1). Novel evolutionary techniques were developed for a self-organising FE mesh generator as an alternative to Delaunay algorithms (PWG4).

Simulation of Free-surface Flows Research was conducted to analyse free-surface flows covers extrusion and moving-boundary problems, arising in die swell, stick-slip and drag flows. Benchmark problems were studied by incorporating free-surface algorithms into a transient fractional-staged FE formulation (MFW4). A comprehensive analysis was conducted through increasingly complex flows for both viscous and viscoelastic fluids. The results are relevant to industrial processes (see below).

Industrial Applications The group’s research was applied to a number of industrial problems, including simulation for coating flows and multi-layered injection moulding. In collaboration with BICC Cables, optimisation studies were conducted on wire-coating processes with polymeric materials, embracing extensional inelastic modelling, single-mode viscoelastic analyses in PT4, and the multi-mode viscoelastic simulations. In collaboration with DSM Research, studies were conducted on polymer coatings of continuous glass rovings, and with Alcoa, on reverse-roller coating of aluminium foil with solvent resin. In collaboration with TU Eindhoven, modelling of injection moulding with advancing fronts was extended to truly complex mould shapes and two-material filling sequences (PT3).

Analysis of Dough Kneading An innovative research collaboration on mixing and kneading of foods (dough) began with five industrial partners: Mono Equipment and SASIB Bakeries (dough mixing equipment suppliers) and Pillsbury Co., United Biscuits and RHM Technology (dough product manufacturers). Numerical methods and codes were developed for transient 3D flows in partly-filled vessels with complex shapes and challenging wetting-and-peeling boundary conditions. Our multidisciplinary research with Aberystwyth and Area 2 – including rheometry, numerical simulation, visualisation and multimedia – aimed at new ideas for optimal and novel designs for dough mixers, and at understanding the relationship between rheological properties and processing conditions.

Current Plans Our robust FE and FV algorithms will be extended to handle the severest of scenarios: large-scale (3D), highly extensional, highly elastic and multi-mode viscoelastic modelling. The biologically inspired algorithms will be extended to 3D parallel mesh generation and partitioning. Problems encountered in modern processing environments will be studied. A large cluster architecture is being built (reaching 100 nodes by the end of 2001) to meet high performance needs in Areas 2 and 3. A consortium is being established to tackle a grand-challenge problem, i.e., to gain a fully-comprehensive understanding of fluids by conducting large-scale, multi-modal, multi-level data collection, computation, registration, comparison and visualisation using GRID technologies.
Notes In the period, Area 3 produced 32 publications and with partners attracted over £3m in research funding from 42 separate sources (e.g., from EPSRC: two ROPA grants, a multiproject, a PPU grant and two responsive mode grants, and from BBSRC: two grants with industrial support).

Self Assessment A majority of Swansea computer scientists are high calibre researchers, with many collaborations, producing significant results on exciting problems. We enjoy a lively research culture. Area 1 is our largest group and its research output is extremely strong in international terms, making Swansea a prominent European centre of research expertise in theory. The work of Area 2 on volume graphics is important and internationally leading: it will have a significant impact, thanks to increasing interest in the volume paradigm. The work of Area 3 combines international excellence in both academic and industrial scientific computation and a keen interest in new computing technologies. Our plans for improvement are in RAE5c.

The Queen's University of Belfast_25 4 [29A]

Research Strategy, Structure and Environment
Excellence in research is central to Queens University’s mission. Following a major strategic review of all its activities during 1997 and 1998, the University invested some £25M in a radical new academic plan based on supporting and enhancing existing research excellence, transforming key areas with research potential, and eliminating weakness. The plan involved significant restructuring, with research inactive staff being replaced by some 100 new staff with a record of, or potential for, research excellence.
Computer Science has been a major beneficiary of this radical plan. The recruitment of twelve new researchers, some at senior level with international reputations, has been complemented by new accommodation with new laboratories. These steps have produced a vibrant and robust research environment where the emphasis is on operating in an international context. The School’s research objectives have focused on strengthening and expanding research of international standing, and on establishing the School as a significant player on the international scene.
The School operates a focused research strategy, concentrating its efforts in a selected number of areas of strength, though allowing for growth and responsiveness. The four research groups identified in RAE 1996 have grown to five: HPC Architectures for Image Processing has been expanded to become a group (IVS) in its own right, reflecting Government policy initiatives. The five groupings are: High Performance Computing (HPC), Image and Vision Systems (IVS), Natural Language and Speech Processing (NLSP), Software Engineering (SE), and Engineering and Scientific Applications (ESA). There are of course synergies and overlaps between the various groups, and some staff share an interest in two groups. This cross-fertilisation is beneficial.
To complement our research portfolio, the School actively participates in technology transfer, through a number of Teaching Company Programmes. The school also encourages innovation, and members of staff have been involved in three new spin-out ventures in the period: Acheck, Real Time Solutions and StreamOn. In addition, all the companies which were established through the School’s research (reported in RA5 1996) have continued to grow and flourish, and are now major employers.

Research Students: The School aims to produce researchers who can operate at international level, through a PhD programme which focuses on quality. Studentships have been created to enable top quality overseas students to be selected. In the last two years, all our new full time PhD students have first class honours degrees or equivalent. Students benefit from training in research methods and personal development, and their progress is monitored at School and Faculty level. One of the School’s measures of excellence is the number of its PhD students presenting their research at conferences of recognised international standing (e.g. IEEE). Of the nine PhD students who graduated in 2000, eight had papers presented at major international conferences, seven of which were presented by the students themselves. The School provides generous funding to encourage this.

Staffing policy: The appointment of eight new young staff since 1996 has been backed up with a mentoring programme (by a small group of senior academic staff) and with pump priming funds to enable them to develop their own research interests. Newly-appointed young staff receive central funding automatically for a period of three years to attend conferences and to travel to major research centres, to help develop their research profile. All research active staff have access to funding to attend international conferences. The University also has a well-established Staff Development programme offering a wide range of courses.

Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research: It is the School’s policy to engage, in a balanced way, in high quality interdisciplinary research involving the application of Computer Science in a range of strategically important application areas in science and engineering. An effective strategy has been to be a partner in University interdisciplinary centres of excellence. Centres involving Computer Science include the QUESTOR Centre for environmental technology research, and the Engineering Design Centre. The School’s contribution is typically research in software design, computer modelling, new algorithms, and new HPC techniques. Funding for two new multidisciplinary centres has recently been announced, after international peer review, under the SPUR (Special Programme for University Research) initiative: the Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC: £5M, with the schools of Civil, Mechanical, Aeronautical and Electrical Engineering); and the Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC: £5M, with Music and Electrical Engineering).

Research Achievements by Area

1. High Performance Computing (Research Group B)
This group (four academics plus research students), makes a major contribution to national, European and international committees and initiatives, including EPSRC strategic planning in HPC and an ISO standards body. Recent research in HPC has concentrated on three areas:
Parallel Algorithms: A number of Krylov-space based algorithms for the computation of partial eigensolutions have been developed and evaluated [Clint]. On some machines the algorithms are competitive with the widely used corresponding routines from the ARPACK library. In another result, the importance of using hybrid algorithms in linear algebra operations (e.g. QR factorisation) has been established. Work on re-engineering mathematical software for distributed memory machines has shown how, with a small set of programming concepts, efficient application software can be constructed by non-HPC experts. An algorithm for parallel pseudo-random number generation is being patented [Tan, 1].
Models of Computation: Research has concentrated on developing a model of parallel, non-reactive systems with a simple underlying semantic theory. Axiomatic and algebraic formulations of a model of BSP have been constructed, involving a novel form of substitution called predicate substitution [HA Stewart, 4]. Predicate substitution is used to describe the effect of the delivery of a bundle of messages at a synchronisation point, and provides a unified theory of substitution. Through work on the semantics of Fortran, the School is represented on the ISO Fortran Standardisation sub-group WG5.
Languages and Compilers: Research has concentrated on the compiler-related problems of data distribution and data alignment. A system which automatically handles (re-)distribution of data between different phases of a program has been successfully developed, and has demonstrated that, by focusing on a range of regular codes, automatic data distribution resulting in very efficient executions with load balancing can be achieved [Perrott, 1]. The system compares favourably with other systems which address the same problem, and proposes new algorithms and techniques.
Centre for Supercomputing in Ireland: Based on the School's research into parallel computing, funding was awarded by EPSRC and DTI to the University to establish the Centre for Supercomputing in Ireland jointly between Queen's University and Trinity College, Dublin, to provide HPC services to universities. A 48-node IBM SP-2 is hosted at Queen’s, and was at the time the largest university supercomputing facility in the UK. A collaboration agreement with the University of Calgary in Parallel and Scientific Computing has been established.

2. Image and Vision Systems (Research Group A)
Early in the RAE period, image processing was a sub-topic within the HPC grouping. However, a strategic decision was made to expand this area into a group in its own right, covering architectures and applications. Five researchers were recruited, including a senior professor. The group now has 7 academics plus 5 RAs and 13 PhD students, and is equipped with the fundamental areas of expertise necessary for tackling particularly those applications in image and video systems which demand high performance processing.
Architectures: We have pioneered the development of high level image processing environments which can generate efficient implementations on parallel computers and on programmable hardware (FPGAs). The EPSRC-funded EPIC project resulted in novel techniques for the dynamic self-optimisation of parallel image processing programs [Crookes, 1]. Our objective in 1996 to build a high level FPGA-based image coprocessor has been exceeded, by developing a real time video processor. A leading US video processing company (VisiCom) has supported the development of a prototype real time video processing environment (demonstrated at CeBIT, March 2001). For bit serial arithmetic, our generated architectures have been shown to match solutions which are carefully hand-crafted. We have developed the novel concept of hardware skeletons as a way of bridging the gap between high level system design and rapid, very efficient hardware implementation. VisiCom are funding research to develop software tools based on hardware skeletons for their new video processing computer.
The group has developed a number of novel (hardware) algorithms, including: the most general architecture so far in the literature for generic bit serial median filtering (IMVIP 99); the first architecture for Connected Component Labelling for full size images [Benkrid, 4]; the first digit parallel multiplier which can be pipelined to the bit level [Bouridane, 1]. Highly parameterised hardware configurations for the Wavelet and Orthogonal transform (forward and inverse) have been developed for the Virtex-E FPGA [Bouridane, 3]: the type of wavelet/transform, number of stages, resolution, precision, etc. are user-selectable.
Applications: The group specialises in advanced statistical data analysis applications, particularly using redundant Wavelet Transforms and multi-resolution techniques, and is now a leading authority on the à trous wavelet transform and its applications [Murtagh, 1]. Wavelet and multi-resolution image processing software developed by the group (the MR/1 package) is used at the Smithsonian Institute, Caltech, the US Department of Agriculture, the French atomic energy authorities and elsewhere. These techniques are the basis of our novel wavelet-based compression algorithms. For large images in astronomy and medicine, typical compression ratios of 100:1 or more are obtained with no loss of visual quality, and with near real-time decompression of regions of interest.

Collaborative projects with industry and with international partners have led to successful systems for a number of applications: cleaning up video data using subpixel shifted images (for the Ministry of Justice in the Netherlands); textile inspection, in which we achieved the ideal of high reliability of fault detection coupled with extremely low false alarm rate, in an adaptive system [Campbell, 2]; and real time lossless colour video compression for desktop-to-desktop communication (funded by C-C-C Technology). The group has also delivered the first formal analysis of reduced resolution matched filter design using multi-resolution wavelet analysis, and the first quantitative evaluation of an optical correlator-based automatic target recognition system by measurement of the receiver operating characteristic curve for high clutter test imagery [Miller]. Funding for further development of this work has recently been received from DERA and Octec Ltd. An EPSRC grant (£169k) for machine vision for concrete aggregate grading has recently been obtained. Our signal and data processing expertise will be a vital component in the new multi-disciplinary Sonic Arts Research Centre.
An offshoot of the multi-resolution statistical data analysis research has been the development of novel clustering techniques with application to visual user interfaces to bibliographic data. We have also pioneered the use of wavelet-based decomposition of time-varying data for financial data analysis and prediction, and environmental modelling. A number of new research grants to continue this work have recently been awarded, e.g. from EU Fifth Framework for water surveillance and for economic time series analysis, from Kelman Ltd for signal analysis of oil in transformers, and from Eircom.

3. Natural Language and Speech Processing (Research Group D)
The NLSP group consists of 5 academics, 2 RAs and 3 PhD students, complemented by a group studying speech signal processing in Electrical Engineering. By concentrating on research in the narrow, but difficult, area of the basic algorithms used in the statistical modelling of language and speech, the group has been able to obtain results of international importance and, recently, to obtain at least one result of major importance. These advances have often been obtained by interchanging ideas between language and speech modelling, a capability found only in a few research groups.
Speech: In speech modelling, an inter-frame dependent Hidden Markov Model (IFD-HMM) has been developed as a means of weakening the frame-independence assumption made in conventional HMMs. This model, along with several variants [Hanna, 2, 3; Ming, 1], has shown significant improvement over the standard HMMs in both isolated word and continuous speech recognition. One method has obtained the highest recognition rate (95%) yet published for a well known test on the e-set of letters by BT. In the modelling of context-dependent phones for continuous speech recognition, the group has developed a new Bayesian triphone model with wider applications [Ming, 2, 3]. Experiments based on this model using the difficult international TIMIT test database have shown a phone recognition accuracy of 75.6%, the highest so far in the literature and near human performance.
More recent speech research includes the use of syllables rather than phonemes as the basic sub-word unit [DW Stewart, 1] and the correction of phonemes in a distorted phoneme string by an automatic lexicon formation technique [DW Stewart, 2] which can recover acoustic errors within a bottom-up decoder using a language model. A study of a new transform, the Discrete Chebyshev Transform, on speech found that it was similar to the widely used Mel variation of the Discrete Cosine Transform, based on the human perception of frequency, explaining for the first time why this succeeds so well and offering a possible improvement.
Language: Three advanced models of language have shown potential: (1) a novel automatic top-down classification of the syntactic and semantic content of words based on mutual information has not been surpassed; [Smith, 1]; (2) a hierarchy of several levels of domains and super-domains has obtained improvements of over 20% compared with a basic trigram model (using a well established metric called perplexity); these results match the best in the world literature, but are behind human performance; (3) so, after exploring several alternatives a new dynamic domain model has been developed, by first compiling a separate corpus of text excerpts for each content word, and from this deriving a mini word language model, defining the domain of an utterance more precisely and quickly than other methods in the literature. This might be an important breakthrough.
Major Advance: The most exciting new development is the use of the logical concept of a disjunction of conjunctions, not previously used in signal modelling. This has resulted in a completely new method for robust speech recognition which has obtained substantially improved recognition, consistently in a wide range of experiments, for speech corrupted either by unexpected narrow band or by impulsive noise; e.g. 77% correct rather than 41% in a typical experiment with SNR=0dB [Ming, 4]. The model has applications outside speech, i.e. to signal processing and pattern recognition; we have already applied it successfully to language modelling. A patent is pending.

4. Software Engineering (Research Group C)
The group comprises 7 academics, 3 RAs and 4 PhD students, and focuses on 3 research sub-areas.
Formal Methods in Software Engineering: The overall goal is to develop customised formal methods which make an impact on practical software development in industry. Earlier in the RAE period, in response to interest from industry, a strategic decision was taken to target the area of telecoms software, and to establish a telecoms-specific formal methods research capability. This venture has been most successful, with funding of some £400,000 awarded by BT and Nortel Networks. An achievement of the BT work was the novel use of UML for formally modelling new consumer products, and a new data modelling structure [Spence, 2]. Work on investigating the applicability to Nortel of product line software development has led to recent changes in Nortel’s internal software processes on selected projects. More recently, with funding from Nortel, the research has been extended to span the complete spectrum from the hardware/software interface and embedded software to reuse techniques for large real time telecoms systems. Links have been established with the University of Ottawa, and further collaborative research with Hiroshima City University on an O-O environment for formal software development [Sun, 1] has received funding from the Japanese Education Ministry.
Transformational Techniques for Parallel Systems: Research has continued on the EPSRC-sponsored development of a provably correct transformation system for the generation of reliable software, particularly for parallel machines, from functional specifications [Kilpatrick, 1]. Solutions generated using these techniques have been shown in some cases to be significantly more efficient than those created by an experienced programmer.
A novel approach to autoparallelisation is the use of AI techniques for selecting transformations and data distribution strategies. The group has constructed the first published Neural Network-based tool for automatically recommending transformations and data distributions [Corr, 2]. An integrated environment combining Neural Networks and Expert Systems has been shown sometimes to outperform other published AI approaches of leading groups elsewhere.
In conjunction with the IVS Architectures group, these techniques were the starting point for developing novel FPGA architectures for matrix-matrix and matrix-vector computations. Parameterised architectures have been produced for matrix operations (e.g. multiplication), matrix decomposition (LU, SVD, QR Factorisation) and matrix transformation (DHT). Comparison of several of these architectures with known published work elsewhere has shown that our implementations outperform these others, including Stanford’s PAMBlox project, in terms of speed-area ratio.
Software quality: Pioneering research to apply Japanese manufacturing techniques to software development has proved successful, and has resulted in a contract with Springer-Verlag New York Inc. to publish a research book entitled ‘Lean Software Development’ (in 2001). Another project has been a definitive analysis of the UK Government’s SSADM methodology for software development [Middleton, 1], based on substantial empirical data from the Civil Service and the private sector, through two Teaching Company programmes.

5. Engineering and Scientific Applications of Computer Science (Research Group E)
Research is concentrated on applying computer science methods and techniques, and developing new algorithms, for interdisciplinary research projects in Engineering and Science. Five research staff, 9 RAs and 8 PhD students from Computer Science work in this area, with industrial and international collaboration, and total shared funding of over £3M. There are three sub-areas.
Environmental Modelling: Our contribution to the QUESTOR (Queen’s University Environmental Science and Technology Research) Centre has flourished and industrial funding of £760K has been obtained for projects on modelling the transport of groundwater contaminants (co-operating with British Nuclear Fuels), on odour modelling (part-funded by ICI), and the development of a portable ‘electronic nose’ (with support from CyranoSciences Inc. of California). On-going research on air pollution modelling has been extended with research on a new model for concentration prediction and pollutants released inside large industrial buildings. ERDF funding (£295K) was obtained for a collaborative project with the internationally recognised Proudman Laboratory at Birkenhead, to develop a new high-resolution model of flows in the Irish Sea. A new research theme on environmental Life Cycle Assessment, LCA, has been initiated with the aims of developing this powerful tool for environmental management and the environmental design of products. A research link has been formed with the Danish Technical University, an internationally known centre for LCA.

Engineering Design: We have collaborated with Aeronautical, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Queens in the transfer of software, modelling and AI technology to Engineering design in projects obtaining joint funding well over £1 million. Much of the collaboration was through an EPSRC funded Engineering Design Centre where we introduced O-O technology to design, enabling generic software objects and classes to be interchanged between different design projects. We also built a novel AI tool [Smith, 3] which can find the correct sequence of formulae and data from a knowledge base to solve automatically simple numeric design problems such as the optimal size or material of a pin in an engine or a test for failure in an aeronautical structure (supported by Shorts Bros. PLC). In a separate area of AI, as an associate member of the world leading Automated Scheduling and Planning Group at University of Nottingham, the novel concepts of hyper-heuristics and memetic algorithms have been developed [McCollum, 2], and a joint EPSRC grant has recently been awarded.
In another collaborative project on Finite Element Modelling, we obtained grants from EPSRC and FEGS (Cambridge), European Gas Turbines (Leicester) and British Aerospace to apply computational geometry to engineering design applications including automatic dimensional reduction and detail suppression in stress analysis models and to the automatic generation of multiblock topologies for aircraft configurations. We developed the first successful hexahedral mesh generator, the main ideas of which are incorporated in FEGS’ CADfix product [Price, 1]. One EPSRC project was the first to receive a top rating for technical excellence from the ACME Directorate. These collaborations are a significant component of the new £5M Virtual Engineering Centre.
Scientific Computation: Research has focused on the enhancement of the world leading high performance atomic physics R-matrix software developed at QUB over the last 30 years. Achievements include: the design and implementation of state-of-the-art HPC algorithms for the propagation of R-matrices; the development of several novel interactive graphical tools; the identification of shortcomings of the Fortran 90 standard in its support for the implementation of ADTs; as part of a consortium, the award of computing resources valued at £1.1M. A second international collaboration with the Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics has been a vehicle for developing the use of VDM-SL in the definition of a complex quantum chemistry domain. This domain description is now being used in the construction of intelligent systems to aid the development of software for quantum chemistry simulations.

University of Ulster_25 4 [29.5E]

1. Executive Summary
Since 1996, the Unit has implemented a group structure, building upon strengths in Software Engineering (SE) and Information Engineering (IE), with Artificial Intelligence (AI) having emerged from the IE area as a strong group in its own right, and Internet Technology (IT) being created very recently. The Unit now enjoys an international reputation in Data Mining, Requirements Engineering, Reasoning Under Uncertainty, Machine Learning, Intelligent Agents and Web Mining. It has a further emergent strength in Medical Informatics (MI), particularly in areas such as Decision Support and Knowledge Engineering. The Unit is made up of 31 staff, who have achieved the following performance indicators during the RAE period:
· Total income to the Unit to date is £5,534,061 compared with £4,906,166 reported in the last RAE, an increase of 12.8%, resulting in an average research income of £35,704 per person per year.
· Income from peer reviewed Research Council grants amounts to £ 551,083, representing nearly a four-fold increase on that reported in the last RAE (£138,844). An additional £204,004 was obtained from JREI in the current period.
· Income from the EU has increased from just over £2 million to just under £2.9 million.
· A total of 44 doctoral students and 23 research masters students have graduated within the assessment period. This compares very favourably with a total of 28 doctoral students and 2.5 research masters graduations reported in the 1996 RAE.
· Percentage of nominated papers which are A/B (books), C (book chapters), D (journal papers), and E (conference papers) respectively are 1%, 2%, 68% and 29% as compared with 2%, 9%, 41% and 48% in the last RAE. This reflects a significant improvement in research quality during the period.
· Those journal papers that have been included are of a much higher quality than last time. This is evidenced by the fact that 70 of the 83 journal papers (84%) are published by the following mainstream Computer Science publishers: Elsevier (34), IEEE (8), Wiley (8), Kluwer (6), Springer (4), ACM (3), Academic Press (3), Addison-Wesley (1), Chapman & Hall (1), OUP (1), and Blackwell (1).
· Those conference papers that have been included are also of a much higher quality than last time. Of the 35 conference papers included in this submission, 29 (83%) were as follows: 4 in IJCAI, 2 in AAAI, 3 in KDD, 8 IEEE conferences, 1 in an ACM conference, and 11 published in Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI.
Much of the work of the Unit is interdisciplinary, combining expertise from mathematics, computing and engineering. The relatively large size of the Unit has also created a synergy between different areas of Computing. These factors have lead to a high degree of cross-fertilisation between the research groups. The Unit also has developed a clear strategy for the exploitation of research. Within the assessment period we have seen 2 joint ventures and 4 spin-out companies formed. Our practices have been highlighted as a model of good practice in the Government white paper on Excellence and Opportunity: A Science and Innovation Policy for the 21st Century, for the Knowledge Based Systems for Industrial and Medical Applications (KBSIMA) project.
The University has designated the Unit as 'very high priority' within its strategic support. The Unit has benefited from this support in a number of ways, including the establishment of professorial positions in Medical Informatics, Intelligent Systems, Multimedia, Bioinformatics and Telemedicine, the appointment of Contract Research Staff (CRS) and the funding of research students during the assessment period. Within the last year the University has adopted a policy of returning 50% of overheads accrued from research projects directly back to the appropriate Unit of Assessment, to be used exclusively for research.

2. UoA Strategy and Structure
The Unit's two-fold strategic objective is: 'to produce high quality research output commensurate with RAE standards and, where possible, to align the research output to the benefit of the region, by stimulating and supporting knowledge and technology transfer' and is derived from the following key drivers:
· The University’s declared mission statement to be ‘an outstanding regional university with a national and international reputation for quality’
· Central Government policy for the exploitation of IPR generated from research, as exemplified in the Government's Science and Innovation Strategy, and through initiatives such as Technology Foresight
· Northern Ireland (NI) Government policy to stimulate economic growth from Research and Development generated by the universities. A substantial proportion of research in NI comes from its two universities.
To facilitate the strategy we have developed a two-strand approach to our research, consisting of:
· core research that reflects staff interests in fundamental work in IE, AI, SE and IT and that may contribute to social and economic benefits
· exploitation through applied research and knowledge and technology transfer.

3. The Unit
The 31 members of the Unit are affiliated to core research groups as indicated in Table 1.

Information Engineering Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering Internet Technology
Dr SS Anand
Prof ND Black
Prof JG Hughes
Prof SI McClean *
Dr DMG McSherry
Dr C Nugent
Dr BW Scotney
Ms CM Shapcott
Dr D Sprevak

Prof DA Bell *
Dr W Dubitzky
Prof I Duntsch
Prof K Farahmand (UoA22)
Dr DH Glass (UoA19)
Dr J Guan
Mr RJ Hickey
Dr J Hong
Dr W Liu
Prof P McKevitt
Dr PC Ojha
Dr H Wang
Prof DW Bustard *
Dr T Harmer
Prof MEC Hull
Dr PJ Morrow
Dr M Szularz
Dr JSC Weston
Dr FG Wilkie
Mr K Curran
Mr MD Mulvenna
Prof G Parr*
Table 1 Core Staff Affiliations across the Unit (*Indicates Group Co-ordinator)

Two members of staff are included in Unit 25, whose work should be assessed by other Panels, as indicated in Table 1. Farahmand is a Pure Mathematician who is contributing to the vitality of the unit in general and the area of theoretical Computer Science in particular. Glass is a new lecturer with a background in Physics and considerable experience in Computation Science, who is now working in AI and Quantum Computing. (Note that the University will not otherwise be submitting under Units 19-Physics or 22-Pure Mathematics).

4. Core Research Activities
The 4 core groups represent the development of the Unit since the 1996 submission; the AI Group having emerged from IE, with an emphasis on formal generic research rather than systems and methodologies. SE remains a major group within the Unit. The IT Group broadens the Unit's research and exploits interests in communications and networking technologies. Below we describe in more detail the activities of each Group.

4.1 Information Engineering
Research within the IE Group focuses on Data Mining, Knowledge Engineering and Database Technology and is undertaken in two sub-groups: Data Mining and Statistical and Distributed Databases. The Group’s research covers the development of methodologies and systems for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, the integration of heterogeneous distributed data sources, Knowledge Discovery from imprecise and uncertain information, automated case knowledge discovery, intelligent diagnostic and prognostic systems, clinical data mining and decision support systems. The work of the Group partly focuses on the interface of Computer Science and Statistics/Operational Research, including publications in the period in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (McClean) and the Journal of the Operational Research Society (McClean). Theoretical work by the Group is mainly exploited through applications developed in the Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (NIKEL) and the Unit's interdisciplinary applied research group in Medical Informatics. In the current assessment period members of the IE Group have:
· produced 257 publications: 74 in journals; 164 in conference proceedings; 17 book chapters; one edited book; and one authored book. Journal publications include: IEEE Transactions (4: Black(2), Sprevak(2)); the International Journal of Intelligent Systems (4: McClean(2), Scotney, Shapcott); Data and Knowledge Engineering (3: Anand, McClean, Scotney); AI in Medicine (6: Anand, Black, McSherry(2), Nugent(2)); ACM Computing Surveys (Black); Information and Software Technology (Scotney); and Knowledge Based Systems (McSherry). In addition, the Group has publications in leading international conferences: principally 2 papers in ACM SIGKDD (McClean, Scotney); a paper in AAAI-98 (Hughes); and papers in IJCAI-97 (Hughes) and IJCAI-99 (McSherry). Early successes in the new RAE period have been the acceptance of a full paper in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (McClean, Scotney, and Shapcott) and the acceptance of a paper for IJCAI 2001 (McSherry).
· been responsible for projects funded as follows: just over £500,000 from a sequence of three major EU grants in support of work on Statistical and Distributed Databases: £186,832 (IDARESA) and £176,000 (ADDSIA) in the Framework IV Esprit programme and £137,602 (MISSION) in the Framework V IST programme; £469,959 for the establishment of a Biomedical and Environmental Sensor Technology Centre; £527,000 for Equipment in support of Bioinformatics from the Department of Higher and Further Education, Training and Employment (DHFETE); £341,031 from the Multiple Sclerosis Society; £527,038 from the JREI Programme in support of a Telematics Architecture for Medical Informatics. Members of the Group work on the JIGSAW project, in collaboration with Nortel Networks (NI), focusing on AI techniques in automated testing and fault management in telecommunication systems, with funding of £435,650. In addition, members of the Group have attracted grants of £31,442 (EQUAL) from EPSRC, £91,579 from the MRC for Evaluation of Intelligent Systems in Healthcare and £56,689 (DERAL) from the EU Telematics for Libraries programme.
· supervised 19 PhD students to successful completion and are currently supervising 24 PhD students.
Knowledge Engineering within the Group is based in NIKEL, which is an integral part of the UoA. Members of the Group are involved in projects within NIKEL, for which the Laboratory attracts substantial funding; in the assessment period this includes £1,950,616 from the EU for the development of knowledge based systems for industrial and medical applications. Members of the IE Group are Directors of the spin-out companies MINEit Software Ltd (Anand, Hughes) and PathCom (Black) and the joint venture Synergy (Hughes).

4.2 Artificial Intelligence
The challenges taken up by the AI Group are concerned with two key themes: Reasoning Under Uncertainty (RUU) and Machine Learning (ML) (in its broadest sense), and deal with a number of specific subjects, e.g. Classification, Causal Modelling and Decision Making. Several other themes, such as Algebraic Logic, Planning, Agent Technologies, Case Based Reasoning (CBR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), can also be found in the Group’s work and output. In each of the two primary themes, the Group has produced formal theories, algorithms, research prototypes and studies of performance. All of these techniques have also been applied to other computer science sub-disciplines, notably Database Systems, e.g. Intelligent Agents within the MISSION project, ML and RUU for Database Optimisation in previous EPSRC projects, and also in Data Mining. They have also contributed to the interface of Computer Science with Mathematics and Physics, including, in the period, 31 journal papers in mainstream Mathematics journals, e.g. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, and 7 papers in mainstream Physics journals, e.g. Journal of Physics B. In the current assessment period members of the AI Group have:
· produced 184 publications: 80 in journals, 86 in conference proceedings, 15 book chapters, and three authored books. These papers include: Artificial Intelligence (4: Düntsch, Hickey, Guan, Greer - a student of Bell and Ojha); Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on AI (IJCAI) (2: Dubitzky, Wang); IEEE Transactions (2: Ojha, Wang); Machine Learning Journal (Bell); International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (3: Düntsch, Liu, Wang) and Proceedings of AAAI 2000 (Hong).
· been responsible for projects funded by EPSRC of £151,584 (NETEXTRACT), Royal Society funding of £16,950 for a long-standing collaboration with academician Professor Lu Ruqian of the Chinese Academy of Science, and British Council funding of £3,690 to support on-going work on Rough Set Data Analysis with Z. Pawlak, E. Orowska, and A. Skowron at the Institute of Telecommunications and Warsaw University.

· supervised 15 PhD students to successful completion and are currently supervising 23 PhD s.
The practical exploitation of this work supplements and stimulates the Group's research activities.
For example, members of the Group have been successful in applying the techniques of Reasoning Under Uncertainty to various Medical Informatics systems, building on experience spanning 2 decades, e.g. projects funded by EU MAP and Esprit, and collaborations with local and international health providers. Other collaborative research has been concerned with telecommunication, engineering systems and e-Commerce. The Machine Learning techniques have been applied, for example, to Stock Market and Nuclear Safety systems as well as Data Mining in general. An example of the exploitation of the technologies is the production of M2, a commercial CBR system. The Group is a member of 3 EU networks of excellence: MLNET for ML, ERUDIT (now EUNITE) for RUU, and ELSNET for NLP.

4.3 Software Engineering
SE research covers all aspects of software development, the organisational context in which it is used, software tools and the detailed development of algorithms for specific domains, including numerical analysis and image processing. In the current assessment period members of the SE Group have:
· produced 68 publications: 18 in journals, 46 in conference proceedings, 3 book chapters and one edited book (from the SMBPI: Systems Modelling for Business Process Improvement Conference in 1999, funded by EPSRC). Journal publications include: The Computer Journal (Harmer); Information and Software Technology (2: Hull); Journal of Automated Software Engineering (Harmer); Concurrency Practice and Experience (2: Hull, Morrow); Parallel Computing (Szularz); Software Practice and Experience (Wilkie); and the Journal of Systems and Software (Wilkie).
· been responsible for 9 externally funded projects, including 4 EPSRC projects: £76,061 (RIPPLE) for requirements engineering; £89,716 (EPIC) for image processing; £76,307 (PANAM) and £52,303 (Lanczos), both concerned with parallel numerical algorithms; a NERC project: £123,159 for modelling fluid movement in complex media; and an EU Framework IV project: £195,919 (SUCSEDE: Successful User Centred Systems Engineering Development Environment). Funding of £180,294 and £93,900 has also been awarded by the Industrial Research and Technology Unit (IRTU) for two collaborative research projects with local industry. RIPPLE built on work from a Teaching Company project: £78,800 with AVX (also in the period), concerned with developing a Quality Management System for their software production and maintenance.

· supervised 8 PhD students to completion and are currently supervising 10 PhD students.
Research is undertaken in four sub-groups and a recently formed Centre for Software Process Technology (CSPT), in association with Carnegie Mellon University. The sub-groups and their co-ordinators are Requirements Engineering (Bustard); Software Systems Engineering (Hull); Parallel Numerical Algorithms (Weston); and Computer Vision and Image Processing (Morrow). CSPT is engaged in a broad range of research studies covering, for example, software reuse, system re-engineering and software process improvement. Work in this last area is building on the Carnegie-Mellon Capability Maturity Model Integration Framework (CMMI).

4.4 Internet Technology
This is an emergent research area within the UoA and currently consists of three core staff. Areas of expertise include ATM Switch Fabric Analysis, SDH Multiplexer Design, Neural Network Management Protocols and Intelligent Mobile Agents. In the current assessment period members of the IT Group have:
· produced 49 publications: 12 in journals, 32 in conference proceedings, and 5 book chapters, including CACM (Curran) , LNCS Spinger-Verlag, (2: Parr, Mulvenna), Software Concepts and Tools (Parr), Information and Software Technology (Curran), and IEEE conferences (2: Curran, Parr).
· been responsible for a variety of externally funded projects, including EPSRC: £50,443 (NETMODEL), EU: £107,450 (MIMIC) and £351,684 (CERENA). Funding of £95,040 has also been secured from the European Commission’s Marie Curie Research Fund to enable the group to host a European Centre of Excellence in Web Mining (PERSONET). The multidisciplinary work on web-protocols for Geographical Information Systems and Telemedicine has also seen considerable expansion, including funding from a number of European grants: £533,441 (BORDER), £30,769 (CATCH), £197,345 (IRDSS), and £100,410 (CATCH II).
· supervised 1 PhD student to completion and are currently supervising 2 PhD students.
Staff of the IT Group are Directors of three campus-based spin-out companies: Causeway Data Communications Ltd (Parr), MINEit Software Ltd (Mulvenna) and Binary Meetings Ltd (Curran). The Group will contribute to the newly formed Northern Ireland Centre for e.Business (NICe.B).

5. Applied Research Activities
The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (NIKEL) and the centre for Medical Informatics provide outlets for the application of core research and for development and exploitation of ideas through knowledge and technology transfer. In the following we briefly describe the major applied research activities.

5.1 Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (NIKEL)
NIKEL was founded in 1992 as a joint venture between the Unit and International Computers Limited (ICL), to enable companies throughout Northern Ireland to exploit Knowledge Engineering research in collaboration with the University. Work has included the publication of high quality papers in international journals and conferences, as evidenced by the papers of the four members of NIKEL (Anand, Dubitzky, Hughes, Mulvenna) included in this submission. Core funding has been obtained from the EU: £1,950,616 (KBSIMA - Knowledge Based Systems for Industrial & Medical Applications, 1995 - 2002, as reported under IE). This project focuses on areas of strategic importance, Data Mining and Electronic Commerce, and collaborates closely with MI in the application of Knowledge Engineering to medical research. During the RAE period NIKEL has obtained additional funding from (1) EPSRC: £50,443 (Netmodel - Representing Mined Sequences, as reported under IT), (2) MRC: £91,579 (Evaluation of Intelligent Systems in Healthcare, as reported under IE), (3) EU: £351,684 (CERENA - Developing Intelligent Personal Service Environments, as reported under IT), £107,450 (MIMIC - Mining the internet for marketing intelligence, as reported under IT), and (4) from UK central government: £57,289 (Short-Term Unit Commitment and Contract Compliance for Power Generators); and £87,103 (Rapid Response and Scheduling System). In addition, NIKEL has been designated as an EU Marie Curie Training Site for research training in personalising e-commerce using web mining: £95,040 (PERSONET, as reported under IT).

5.2 Medical Informatics
The centre for Medical Informatics was set up in 1998, with the appointment of a Chair in Medical Informatics (Black), to accommodate staff interests in emerging MI research and in response to Technology Foresight recommendations coming from the Health & Life Sciences Panel, regarding the need to co-ordinate activity in this area. The Centre also provides a synergy between MI research and the University's 5* Biomedical Sciences Research Group.
MI comprises 10 core research staff in 4 sub-groups: Knowledge Acquisition & Dissemination (Anand, Bell, Dubitzky, McSherry) is concerned with Decision Support Systems, particularly in cardiology, Electronic Patient Records and Knowledge Management; Telemedicine (Black, Parr) is concerned with the development of patient support systems, communication of information and its fidelity; Medical Imaging (Morrow, Scotney) is interested in data compression of medical data, problems associated with large volume medical data sets and 3D visualisation of biological data, particularly protein structures; and Bioinformatics (Black, McClean, Nugent) is interested in the applications of data mining techniques to biological data, visualisation of protein structures and the application of genetic algorithms to the problem of sequence analysis. Core staff within the Telemedicine sub-group have attracted major grants (JREI projects reported under IE) totalling £527,038. In collaboration with a local Health Trust, they have secured funding for a Chair in Telemedicine.Similarly, the Bioinformatics staff, in collaboration with the University's Biomedical Sciences research group, have received £527,000 infrastructural funding from DHFETE (reported under IE). Already in the new period, under the Support Programme for University Funding (SPUR) initiative, £14.5m has been obtained for the establishment of a Molecular Biosciences facility; SPUR funding for the Unit provides for a Chair in Bioinformatics, two further academic staff appointments and a computer officer, along with purpose built laboratory space and facilities. A recent award of approximately £420,000 from the EU (MEDICATE), for automatic drug dispensing, will involve a number of the sub-groups; the Unit will be lead site for this grant, which is over £2 million in total. Staff from MI are actively engaged in the Northern Ireland Centre for Health Informatics (NICHI), a regional centre of the UK's Institute of Health Informatics (UKIHI).

6. Exploitation of Research
The Unit has been actively engaged in knowledge and technology transfer over the period, resulting in the formation of 4 spin-out companies and 2 joint ventures, based on core research, as follows.
8over8 is an Internet-based solutions provider to large corporate and government procurement teams. The company emerged from a Teaching Company Scheme (TCS) programme with Vocean Ltd which was the recipient of a national TCS award for excellence. The company currently employs 40 people and has recently had an investment of £4 million from HOPA, a major Italian holding concern with controlling shares in Telecom Italia and Olivetti. 8over8 derives its software product from research developed within the IE Group and continues to exploit new research emerging from that Group.
Binary Meetings Ltd is an Internet based software provider located in the University of Ulster's software incubator centre. The company has received start-up funding from the University Challenge Fund (NI) Ltd and external investment totalling £500,000. Currently the company employs 3 staff, including Mr Curran, who is a Director.
Causeway Data Communications Ltd (CDC Ltd.) was set up in 1997 in collaboration with the Faculty of Science. Prof Parr is a Director of the company, which develops telecommunications products for Call Centre ACD Protocol Compliance Testing and ACD Message Configuration. CDC Ltd. produces innovative Internet-based Spatial Query tools, which are developed as part of R&D projects within the University. Clients include Rockwell Electronic Commerce Inc. and QC Data Inc.
MINEit Software Ltd (MINEit) is a web-based company that was created using data mining software developed in the IE Group and implemented in NIKEL. Prof Hughes, Dr Anand and Mr Mulvenna are the key staff associated with the company. MINEit was awarded the European Information Society Technologies Grand Prize in November 2000, based on the criteria of technical excellence, innovative content, potential market value and capacity to generate new jobs. MINEit currently employs 31 staff and has had a recent investment of 1.1 M Euros from ACT Venture Capital. The Unit and MINEit are currently partners in a major EU grant (CERENA).
PathCom is the most recent spin-out company to be started from the Unit’s research activity. It has been established on the basis of patentable technology for ECG data transmission, using GSM technology emerging from the MI Telemedicine sub-group. Prof Black is Research Director of PathCom. The company employs six additional staff, with two seconded from the MI CRS. PathCom's business model is built around the Unit's research activity and continues to depend upon the Groups' research output. PathCom partners the Unit in a recently funded EU project (MEDICATE).
Synergy Centres Ltd is a 50/50 joint venture between the University and ICL/Fujitsu, specialising in the exploitation of new and emerging information technologies; Prof Hughes is a co-founder and Director. Synergy primarily focuses on the delivery of leading edge multimedia products for global markets. Work in progress currently amounts to over £600,000 and the company employs over 20 developers. The associated Synergy e-Business Incubator (SeBI) nurtures innovation within the University by providing a comprehensive range of support systems required to fully exploit the ideas of entrepreneurial staff and students.

7. Research Students
Research students within the Unit are managed through the Research Graduate School (RGS), in association with the University's Research Office. Students' progress is monitored through annual assessment procedures, consisting of oral interviews and written reports. At all stages, students are strongly encouraged to publish and use peer review feedback and input from their supervisors to help achieve the appropriate postgraduate standards. As part of the research experience, funding is earmarked for students to attend conferences, where they can gain and develop their scientific presentation skills. The buoyant and competitive IT market makes it difficult to attract research students of sufficient quality; however in the assessment period the Unit has seen 44 doctoral degrees and 23 Research Masters degrees awarded. Students are funded from a variety of sources, including industry (Nortel Networks Ltd (2) and Fujitsu (1)), but are primarily institutional self-funded with a third of FTE candidates supported in this way during the assessment period. The Faculty support to the Unit in funding for research students is typically in excess of £80,000 per annum. The University operates the Vice-Chancellor and Millennial award schemes, designed to attract high calibre students, offering a higher stipend than normal DHFETE grants. The Unit has been the recipient of a number of these awards.

8. Staffing Policy
The Unit's activities are co-ordinated by a senior member of staff, Professor SI McClean, appointed by the University. The Co-ordinator, in consultation with the Dean and core research group co-ordinators, is responsible for the overall strategy and administration of the Unit. The Co-ordinator manages an annual research strategy budget of approximately £60k with further financial support, typically matching the research strategy budget, from Faculty resources. The Unit has a dedicated research office with additional administrative support operating within the Faculty.
Core research group co-ordinators are appointed from within the Unit and are responsible for managing the activities of the research groups and reporting on research output to Faculty Board. Where possible, research active staff are supported with reduced teaching and administrative loads, sabbatical leave and travel to scientific conferences and other professional meetings. Staff are encouraged to pursue personal professional developments and a number hold fellowship status in professional societies, including the British Computer Society, Royal Society of Medicine, and the Royal Statistical Society. A regular series of additional professional development initiatives operates within the Unit and includes a programme of research workshops (typically 3 per year), technical seminar programmes (weekly on each campus during semesters) and a visiting speakers programme. An extensive visiting scholars programme operates throughout the year and in the assessment period the Unit has had over 20 international speakers. Staff are kept up to date with funding opportunities through a variety of mechanisms, including specific staff development programmes and through the circulation of relevant material.
The Unit currently has 5 research assistants, 14 research officers and 1 research fellow and these CRS are managed in accordance with the Concordat on Research Staff. Currently the University has a number of tailored courses, including career workshops and induction programmes, for CRS and also training for supervisors. The provision includes appraisal and review mechanisms similar to those operated for established staff. The Unit has a policy of making new appointments on the basis of research potential. Each new member of staff must show evidence, through peer review activity, of being eligible for inclusion in the current or subsequent RAE, depending upon the date of appointment. A staff development programme operated by the University is compulsory for new staff, where they learn about the University's Research Office and procedures, research within the University, its organisation and structure, funding support and good practice for research supervision.

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