Enterprise web programming

Modules ENTWA (Level 6) and APSW (Level 7)

APSW 2012-2013 Coursework 1


Friday 7th December 2012. Meet in Lion Gate 0.7a at 0930 prompt for briefing. The specification will be available here from approximately 0900 onwards.

At 1630, each group must submit their group's work. Hand-in for this will be direct to the SWS tutor (Dr Briggs), not to the Admin Office.

Individual work (the deliverable from Task C) must be submitted via Moodle by Friday 14th December 2012. Normal coursework hand-in regulations and procedures apply.


The SWS will consist of a group development exercise involving Java EE technologies. Familiarity with developing these with NetBeans will be assumed. Some initial development work (Task A) needs to be undertaken to prepare for the SWS. This can be done either individually or as a group.

  1. Pre-SWS task
  2. Programming task
  3. Report task

SWS group submission cover sheet (.DOCX)

Marking scheme

Feedback on Task B


The SWS will be carried out in groups of 3. As per the class's vote, all groups were allocated randomly.

Groups formed

Revised 22 November 2012

Group Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
A Hongyu Chen Nkem Nzemeke Richard Errington
B Edgaras Mejeris Dean Chimezie Nestor Perez Ortega
C Jayasree Reddigari Omobolanle Adeyeye Liliane Pesquet
D Alberto Gugel Adam Bridge Lei Yang

People as yet unallocated to groups


Any problems, email me.

Extenuating circumstances

Under the University's Extenuating Circumstances policy:


Last updated by Prof Jim Briggs of the School of Computing at the University of Portsmouth

The enterprise web programming modules include some material that was formerly part of the WEB1P and WEB2P units.