Computing and Maths Programme Area

CAM Computing Committee

Notes from meeting 24th June 2003

Venue: BK0.09

Present: Jim Briggs (Chair), Robert Topp, Steve Broadbent, Ed Kopinski, Dean Ledger, Alison White, Cheryl Johnson, Mike McCabe

Trisha Kelly – taking the minutes

Apologies: Les Black, Gary Bown





Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the meeting on 14th March 2003 were approved.


Matters arising


Student login monitoring



Progress of requests

JSB has put the Excel spreadsheet recording requests and orders on the website.


Capital expenditure plans

It had been discovered that there was a further £70,000 available for software as well as the £200,000 for hardware.  JSB had spoken to ECAM who had brought the total available to £360,000 which meant that all of the equipment requested had been bought.



RT handed out the draft strategy document which had come from a working party of RT, GB and EK.  This was discussed point by point.  RT to produce amended draft and circulate as soon as possible for feedback, further amendment as necessary and approval at the next committee meeting.



Developmental Engagement

JSB reported that the report on the recent Computing Developmental Engagement was likely to comment on the computing facilities and the relationship between CAM and ISO.    

Progress on capital expenditure plans

EK reported that most hardware had been received and installation in labs was going well.  Two items received needed return and replacement.  The rooms look better now and the heat in rooms might be reduced.  Most software had also arrived.


Pending purchasing decisions

Items previously marked as ‘hold’ on the equipment request list have now been ordered.  JB to contact Mel Richardson re prospective joint purchase of DVD duplicator.  The equipment budget has now been spent and JB to liaise with CJ on actual figures.




Software moves

This item was from an email about a timetabling problem - to make sure the correct software is available in labs for the courses using them.



Summer plans

Lion Gate to have a complete lift renewal which may affect access but Lion Gate to remain open.  EK to advise JS re access.  Work at Anglesea is going ahead.



Any other business

No further business reported.


Date of next meeting

Operational sub-committee end July (tbc).  Full committee late October/early November (tbc)


Last updated by Dr Jim Briggs of the School of Computing at the University of Portsmouth.